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Submitted to:
Mr. Virgilio Aquino

Submitted by:
Domingo Bustamante Jr.


Background of the Study . . . . . . 1

State of the Problem . . . . . . . 2

Objectives of the Study . . . . . . 3

Scope and Delimitations . . . . . . 4

Significance of the Study . . . . . . 5

Definitions of Terms . . . . . . 6


Related Literature . . . . . . . 7

Related Studies . . . . . . . 8

Synthesis . . . . . . . . 9


Software Development Methodology . . . . . 10

Data Gathering Procedures/Techniques . . . . 11

Data Gathering Instruments/Tools . . . . . 12

Source of Data

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . iii
Background of the Study

In many institutions and organizations particularly schools, monitoring of students

is a very important factor specially in identifying every individual coming in and out of

the school every day. School is considered as a second home. Students, teachers spent

most of the time in school. Crimes increase everyday as the school is one of the places

where most of the crimes occurred. This happens because schools do employing and

putting security. Most schools feel that they are secured by just employing and putting

security guard in the main entrance. Security is at risk because in many cases outsiders

who were not students or enrolled in the school bypasses guards and personnel assigned,

and managers to make way of going inside the school. In other cases, even other students

don’t follow regulations and policies like wearing id or sometimes if they forget to bring

their own I.D. card, they try to borrow other student’s identification card. We will create

a system using biometrics to record the attendance of the students. We, the proponents

noticed that the existing manual gives an accurate result of attendance. To avoid this

problem, the proponents come up with the solution of creating a system that uses

fingerprints that will serve as a unique identification for the faculty and students. The

system should also provide the daily report of the records.

Statement of the Problem

How would it help to lessen the room and scheduling conflicts?

How accurate does the proposed system in terms of monitoring the schedule of each


How efficient the existing the attendance monitoring system?

How reliable the proposed system in terms of security?

Objective of the Study

To develop a system that will help to check and monitor the attendance of

students to their designated rooms.

To create a system that can avoid conflicts in terms of checking the attendance of

each students. With the help of this system it becomes easier for the teachers to check and

monitor if the students are on time or not.

To lessen the use of paper because in this system it will going to use a biometric device

that can produce a summarize report.

Scope and Delimitations

In this system it will focus in monitoring and also the attendance of each student

and faculty member. The system will have a security account for the MIS (admin) who is

in charge of monitoring it. It also provide the real time of log in and of the faculty

members. It also assured that the faculty is present and will avoid proxy in terms of

logging in because of biometric which only accept the thumb print of the specific

member in particular classroom. The system have a daily report, Update if ever the admin

want to delete add. It also has three accounts for students, faculty member and for MIS


This System have limitations. It cannot calculate the wage of each faculty

member. It cannot access to a network.

Significance of the Study

The faculty members it will be easy access to the system and to lessen effort and

time in checking the attendance of student. Fast preparation for attendance reports. To the

school that can provide a more organized, accurate and effective attendance report. The

Researchers they can develop and increase their knowledge and skill as a future

programmer and system analyst. Enhance their potential about the preparation and the

validation of the work system.

This system will beneficial in terms of monitoring rooms and for the attendance

checking of each student and faculty members. This system will also help the by the use

of biometrics which let the faculty member have their attendance by means of their

thumbprint. First is for the faculty member which may benefit in terms of having specific

rooms. In this system each rooms having a biometric which has a data determining whose

faculty member can only access designated room. Second is for the MIS which is going

to be the admin of this system. It will easy for them to create a summary report of

attendance which is accurate, organize and secured data.

Definition of Terms

In order to facilitate an understanding and clarify terminologies used in this

research, the following have been defined:

Attendance – is the act of fact attending, act of belong present.

Attendance Report – list of person on the time of working in the office.

Biometrics – a device that enables to scan a I.D. or fingerprint for verification.

Code – set of instruction/programs that have been converted from sources code that only

computer can understand.

Data – factual information stored on a magnetic media that can be used generated

calculations and make decisions.

Database – factual group of integrated data that can be retrieve and manipulate to

produce information.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature

Aquilan (2004) made a comparable thesis on he automation of time attendance

that records the time in and the time out of every faculty members and students using

biometric system. It tends to eliminate the manual recording system of time and

attendance. Ramon Faloran (2005) wrote in the article “The Computer Edge of the New

Employment and Opportunities” in the Philippine Daily Inquirer. He stated that the

computer gives you a different feeling about what is happening in the company. Business

will be highly competitive and innovative because the computer provides instant

information. Study by Cantoma (2004) in her thesis entitled “Computer Library System

for St. James Academy” stated that, in manual system in retrieving, maintaining security

and pilling records take place because of the years gone by.

Related Studies

According tonasir Uddin (September 10,2011), for the developing economies like

Bangladesh capital market is like an engine growth. It acts as an intermediary between

surplus units and deficits units. Whereas, transparent and


investigators friendly business atmosphere is essential I capital market for building

confidence of general investors. Since 2003 the monitoring cell is doing its operation by a

fearless team. Over the years, the department has earned its trust and confidence and

support through its enthusiasm. The findings of the study revealed that the present market

is not limited with the high income people the society; the small income investors are

also spontaneously invest their savings.

This document aims to provide schools guidance on attendance monitoring and absence

reporting for all students. Monitoring of attendance is recognized as an important element

in supporting both student retention and performance and has been a University

requirement for many years. And security is a degree of protection against danger,

damage, loss and criminal activity. Securities as a form of protection are structures and

processes that provide or improvement security as a condition. It is indeed a great

demand and can somehow be a great loss if it’s prevented. Security with human

responsibility and interference are now a risk of loss because of the technology that

certain machines do. The proponents aim to come up with the solution for a secured,

fast, and accurate system that will answer the parents, faculty concerns for the faculties.

Chapter III


Software Development Methodology

Every framework acts as a basis for applying specific approaches to develop and

maintain software. Several software development approaches have been used since origin

of information technology. These are:

Waterfall a linear framework. Project is divided into sequential phases, with some

overlap and splash back acceptable between phases. Emphasis is on planning, time,

schedules, target dates, budgets and implementation of an entire system at on time.

Software prototyping, is the development approach of activities during software

development, the creation of prototypes. Not a standalone, complete development

methodology, but rather than approach to handling selected parts of a larger, more

traditional development methodology incremental, spiral, or rapid application

development (RAD). Attempts to reduce inherent project risk by breaking into smaller

segments and providing more ease-of-change during the development process.

Data Gathering Procedures

This chapter deals with the method of study that covers population,

selection of the samples, development and validation of the tools, their administration and

statistical techniques used for data analysis. We use System Development Life Cycle:

Planning Phase . In the problem planning phase, the existing system will be studied by

collecting factual information from the system users concerning the business and the

perceived problems, causes and effects. From all this information, better understanding of

the existing system’s problems will be gained.

Analyzing Phase. After collecting all the needed requirements from the organization and

the hard time for planning what the system would be. The proponents will spends time

for brainstorming session to get idea on how to start, to create the proposed system.

Designing Phase. Here the proponents will categorized the components of the system,

both major and minor components together with its corresponding modules. It will also

contain interface details, the database table its entire element, the dependency issues and

the complete input and output for module.

Testing and Refinement Phase. There are three strategies the first is the Unit Testing the

proponents will examine on how the system work and they will also observe if there will

be also some possible errors. The second is System testing is the performance of the

system will be tested based on its objectives and functionalities will distribute as a system

usability. The third is Accepting testing is the proponents will distribute a system

usability survey from the client as well as possible users from them to test the system’s


Implementation Phase. The development of he system will be clarified out where in the

user will exercise the system. Installation of the system to its actual working

environment will be done in this phase.

Support Phase. In this phase, it is discovering defects that may push the system back into

the previous phase. It is also necessary to eliminate errors in the system during

application of the user.

Data Gathering Instruments

Interview is an oral type of questionnaire in which the researcher gets the needed

information from the subject on the interview through verbal and personal contact. The

researchers conducted series of interviews among the concerned employees to find out

now the manual system use being processed.

The proponents gather more information about attendance monitoring system.

Internet is one of the instruments used by the proponents to learn easily the proposed


Reading Case Study book related to the proposed system is also helping the

proponents to collect information to study the proposed system.

Source of Data (Internet/Books)

Some information can be found through the books, the information that can get

from the internet much more large and spacious. The various information about the

current techniques are can be found from the internet.


Christopher James Jenkins. The weakly identifying system for doorway monitoring .Ph.
D thesis, Duke University, Usa,2007
D. Maltoni D. Maio, A. K. Jain S. Prabheker, ”HANDBOOK OF FINGERPRINT
RECOGNITION” Springer, New York, 2003.
J. Ortega-Garcia, J. Bigun, D. Reynolds and J. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, “Authentication gets
personal with biometrics” Signal Processing Magazine , IEEE Transaction on Volume
14, Issue 1, Jan 2004 Page(s): 4-20

School is considered as a second home. Students, teachers spent most of the time

in school. Crimes increase everyday as the school is one of the places where most of the

crimes occurred. This happens because schools do employing and putting security. Most

schools feel that they are secured by just employing and putting security guard in the

main entrance. Security is at risk because in many cases outsiders who were not students

or enrolled in the school bypasses guards and personnel assigned, and managers to make

way of going inside the school. We will create a system using biometrics to record the

attendance of the students. We, the proponents noticed that the existing manual gives an

accurate result of attendance. To avoid this problem, the proponents come up with the

solution of creating a system that uses fingerprints that will serve as a unique

identification for the faculty and students. The system should also provide the daily

report of the records. To create a system that can avoid conflicts in terms of checking the

attendance of each students. With the help of this system it becomes easier for the

teachers to check and monitor if the students are on time or not. To lessen the use of

paper because in this system it will going to use a biometric device that can produce a

summarize report.

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