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1. Page Numbering
 Title Page – none
 Approval Sheet – none
 Introductory
 Abstract
 Acknowledgement
 Dedication
 Table of Contents Roman Numerals (small)

 List of Figures
 Beginning of every chapter – no numbering
 Succeeding pages – top, right
(Running head – with chapter name)
 Chapter number must be Arabic (1, 2, 3…)
 Chapter name – bold, all caps
 Font – Time New Roman, 12
 Spacing - double
 Margins :
Top & Left = 1.5
Bottom & Right = 1

2. Arrangement
a. Title Page
b. Approval Sheet
c. Abstract
d. Acknowledgement
e. Dedication
f. Table of Contents
g. List of Tables
h. List of Figures
i. Chapter 1
j. Chapter 2
k. Chapter 3
l. Chapter 4
m. Chapter 5
n. References
o. Appendices
p. Curriculum Vitae
q. CD – containing full document/manuscript, abstract, system/apps,

3. Spacing and alignment

a. Title Page
- Title of the Study – single space, inverted triangle, bold, all caps
- Presented to… - single space, inverted triangle
- In partial fulfilment – single space, inverted triangle
- Name of Researchers – single space, alphabetically arranged, all caps
- Date (Month and Year of final defense) – center
b. Abstract – single spacing
c. Acknowledgement, Dedication, Table of contents, list of figures – double space
d. Chapter Number and Chapter Title – single space, center, bold
e. Subtitles – left align, bold, capitalize each word (except short minor words such as “a”, “an”, “of”,
“the”, etc.)
f. Body – double space, justified
g. Figure Label – bottom, center
h. Table Label – top, center

4. Parts
Chapter 1 – Project Overview
- Background of the Study
- Statement of the Problem
- Statement of the Objectives
- Scope & Delimitations
- Significance of the Study
- Definition of Terms

Chapter 2 – Review of Related Literatures & Studies

- Related Literatures
a. Local
b. Foreign
- Related Studies
a. Local
b. Foreign

Chapter 3 – Methodology
- Software Development Methodology (ex. RAD, Scrum, etc.)
- Software Evaluation Methodology
a. Statistical Treatment
b. Data Gathering Procedures(techniques) optional
c. Data Gathering Instruments (tools)

Chapter 4 – Discussion of Findings

 Answer to your SOP / SOO
 Systems Requirements Specification (table format)

Chapter 5 – Summary of Findings, Conclusions &

a. Summary (SOP)
b. Summary of Findings
c. Conclusions
d. Recommendations


A – Gantt Chart
B - Data Flow Diagram
C – Entity Relationship Diagram
D – Data Dictionary
E – Screen Shots
F – User’s Manual
G – Source Code
H – Sample accomplished survey questionnaire
I – Communication Letters (conduct of interview, site visit/observation, system testing, system
implementation, etc.)
J – Picture evidences
K – (other needed docs to be included)

 All pictures should have their corresponding caption

 Abstract SHOULD be in narrative format (paragraph form) maximum of 250 words.

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