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ae AX esarassia 1 | Magistrate ’ 9. 1 06670 | Kalahandi 5 | avPe | | ) Bhawanipatan Nuapada” "| Mrs. Swadha Dev Singhs TAS | Collector and | dine | Phone : 06678 District mapada@nicin | 22546, | Magistrate 88959856 AUPosDis 9439770004 | Nuapada Fax 06678 } Pin vod | 225465 266 105(Odish | | | a), | Malkangiti ~ | Shri Vishal Singhs AS Collector & ahr | Phone: Ga86 | Distr angiri@@nic.i | 230232 Magistrate | | Fax No. | AvPo!Dist | 23 Matha | 01 | Nabarangapur | Dr Ajit Kumar Mishra, OAS (SAG). | Colleator and Pan District awearanigpur@ni Magistrate, — | cin Collecorate, | | Nabarangpur, | | ro Nabarangpur, | Pin code punemune = > Questionnaire for District Administration National Institute of Labour Keonomics Research and Development (An Autonomous Institute under MTT AAYOG, Government of India) Sector A-7 Institutional Area, Narela, Delhi ~ 110040 Learning Lessons from Implementation of Welfare Initiatives for Migrant Workers Welfare Sch nes for In-migrant Labourers in the State ame of the Sta! Ph.No. annanysstens GH \, Busic informationof the district (for the year: April 2020 to March 2021) 1. Total population (in Lakhs) Male Female 2. Per capita income (Rs) _ 3. Total number of HH: (Rural Urban 4. BPL.HIs (%}: : ‘Rural Urban 3. District GDP (Rs crore __ AGH. Hndustry 1 Services 6. Work Force participation rate (%) / Main worker / Marginal worker 7. Distribution of workers(%): Agricultwal__/ Industry Services 8. ployment rate (2%) - 41: Basie Information of Out-Migrants 9, Number of Out nits (in lakhs} ___ Male _ ‘Female 10, Out-m Hnter-State! - 11, Out-migrants(%): Sea J long-term migrants Services ts (Yo): Agricultur for Out-Migeations (%): for work easons \.2; Basic Information for In-Migrants! 14, Number of In-migrants (in lakhs): Male tt migration (4): for work / far other reasons, 15 & above 15. Reasons for i 16. Age group in-migrants: © t0 6 _ F101 17, How many of migrants having AADHAR Card number? 18, Distribution of in-migrants (%): Agricultural Industry 19, Vocational training for in-anigeants (in mumber) Male Female uy) labourers registered under ISMW Ac Male 0 local population migrates 10 other districts wihin state or 10 other states for Jobs & other cal populations who move to other districts within state Riofursaeilincel! nomultioit A efor to local populations whe nove to other state Refers to people who come from ontside state for work or vilier f 1 Questionnaire for District Administration a Jabourers cepistered under BOCW Act J Male ‘Female 2. Miprans applied for domicile certificate Actual received - 23. Do you hiave sny registration facilities of migrants? Yes/ NO EVES. (1) Mode of registration (Tick ¥) (a)On-line oyOoMine (c) Both (45) At which fevel registration fas been done? (a) Panchayat () Block/Thesil (¢) District {ii)Please provide Name and Contact detail of the Nodal officer for B, Welfare Schemes for In-Migrants 24. Health Schemes (central and state) availed by In-Migramts (till 31° March 2021) [ Name of the Scheme Name oF Number of | Actual Number | Averaze | Jnplementingagency | Migrants | of beneficiaries | amount of applied for Benefit | benefits received hy a Migrant Worker verof — [Aciwal | Ave children Number of expenditore apptied for | children got. per hild Name of differen Heads of expenditure for children’s educa 26, Housing for migrants(till 31° March 2021) Types Single 17 | Permanen of the | Number | Actual Average jshetiers | Family 2) 1 ingagency | of workers | Number of | expenditure | facitities FVemporary applied — | workers per worker 2 | for availed the | [housing | faites Questionnaire for District Admini: tration 27. Food Seeurity(till 31° Mareh 2021) ijt Name arin” Name are Nanter ot ERE aN seat inant Banetictarigs__| ev benefitary With Raion I etd _ | | - Without a | | Fein send | | aides i | ee 28, Special measures during Covid-19 Typeat | Name ofthe | Number ot] Total Expenaitare (in| For how tang Gm days) Buses / other rransport Cooked stributed visrbuted Nutter af Covi est seduced | Shelter arranged | Kutchen | Any othe neusures 29, Innovative projects during the Pai PES 4) | Las the administration undertaken any innovative project for welfare of reverse migra No) 29.2 IEVES, Please provide the details? (Use separate she far each project | Viste of the projes Name of implementi Contact Dura Sources of fisnd | B avencies, ails of Nod: | | Foti expenditure Harget group of beneficiaries Description © he project Questionnaire for District Administratior [Outcomes of the project Role of evvil society 30. Do you think that the existing wellare measure for the migrant workers are. sufficient? YesNo res you would like to sug I£No, What are the new me the schemes in your districts? 31, What are allenges you faced in implementin; eo! N (os Learning, Lesson (An Autonomous Institute under NITE AAYOG, Government of India) Sector A al Institute of Labour Economies Res ‘Questinnnaire for Labour Department d Development pstitutional Arca, Narela, Delhi - 110040 from Implementation of Welfare Initiatives for Migrant Workers Welfare Schemes for Ln- Name of the State ict Details of Respondents... 1. Total population Male 2. Per capita income (Rs): _ 3. Total number of 111s 4. BPL 111s ( Rural 5. State GDP (Rs crorey: AGL 6. Work For te (% icipation of workers(%): Agricultural c (a) AL: Basie Information of Out-Migrants 9. Number ants (in lakhs): _ 10, Out-mig oy: Inira-state 11, Ourmiprants(%): Seasonal inigrants 12, Outinigrams (2%): Agri 13. Reasons for Out-Migr jcultural A-2: Basie In mation for In-Migrants! 14, Number of In 15 sit lakhs): (%): for work Nigra Reasons for in-mig 16, Age group in-migrants: 0 10 6 Refers to ty Refers te local populations who mi ers to local populations who move Refers top outside sta! E-mail jon of the district (for the year: tions (%): for work population migrates to other distriets witht abourers in the Sta April 2020 to Ma F Rural 1 _/ Urban / Industey Services (Main worker Marginal worker J Industry Services Male Inter State __/Jong-term snigrants Industry Services - for other reasons Male male J for other reasons W710 4 115 & above state or 10 other states for Jobs & other to other districts within state other states Questionnaire for Labour Department 17. How many of migrants having AADHAR Card naniher? % 18. Distribution of in ats (Pe): Agricultural / Services 19, Vocational training for in-migrants (in number): Male/Female 20, Migrant labourers repistered under ISMW Act Male Female 21, Migrant labourers registered under BOCW Act __ Male Female Actual received 22, Migrants applied for domicile certificat 23. Do you hive any repistration facilities of migrants? Yes! NO YE () Mode of registration (Tick V. (a)On-line byOffine tc) Bot Gi) At whieh level registration has been done? (a) Panchay (b) Block/Phesit (c) District Gid)Please provide Name and Contact detail of the St registration B, Assessment of Welfare Schemes for In-Migrants 24, Health Schemes (central and state) avail by In-Migrants (till 31° Mareh 2021) Name of the Scheme Name of the implementing | Number of Actual Number | Average 1 Migrants | atbeveficlaries. | amount af applied tor | Benet benefits | reteled bya | Migrant ee Worker (Note. Please provide some photos vhs if available) 25. Education for Children (till 31" March 2021) Name of tfereat | Name ofthe [Name ofthe beret | Actual | Average Meads of | Sctreme | implementing childve Nimberan | etpensiar sradiuctie | ageeY mppiied for children got | per etl arent | maiaission ndmissian eaves | lable) ide some photographs i 26. Housing for migrants(till 31" March 2021) Types of | Single 1/ | Permanent | Name of the | Number of | Actual | Average shai | Family 2 1a implementing agency | workers | Number of | expenditure workers | perworker availed the Questionnaire abour Department ¢ provide some photographs i availa 27. Food Security(till 31° Mareh 2021) Types [Nameafthe | Nameof ve implementing | Number af eapendicure scheme agency : | beneficiaries With Rati Ps | polders Without | Ration card Note: Please provide some photographs if available) 28. Special measures du ing Covid-19 Type of Name of the Number of Total Expenditure (in [For how long. (in days) meas implementing Beneliciaries Rs) ansport arcanged Cooked food distributed disteibuted Sumber of | i | Covid 194 Autche Any other | Note: Pease provide Some plioiographs IPavallable) 29, Innovative projects during the Pandemic O.1 Has the administration undiet any innovative project for welfare of reverse migrants? (YES! 29. ILYES, Please provide the suparate sheet f Title of the project Name of Implementing agencies Contaet details of Nodal Officers Questionnaire ae | nber of beneficiaries measure for the migrant v ifticient? Yes/No, IENo. What are the nese measures you like to suggest? What are tf challenges you faced fementing the schemes for the rants in the stat ations in the states are working for the wellare of westionnaire for Labour Departmen fo National Institute of Labour Economies Research and. Development Welfare Measures for Reverse Migrants! (Mleave provide all information with reference to the time periad between Aprit 2020 ta March 2 of the State Contact Details of Respondey PhNO.. -mai A. Basic Information about Reverse Migrants Number of re rants returned home afier lockdown? 2, How many of them are children (5-14 years)? 3. Number of migrants returned to their workplaces’? wer of migrants stayed back ai home state? many of the reverse migrants registered under ISMW! Ac ) How many of the reverse migrants registered under BOCW" Act Distribution of reverse migrant workers by their destination states (in numbers) interstate Intrastate - Internation: 8. Occupational profile of the reverse migrants (in number: (@) Seiemployme: (b) Agriculture (©) Industy (2) Servic (©) Construction —_ (1) Others Educational profile of the reverse migrants (in numbers) Miterate b) Upto Primary (©) Secondary (ul) Higher Secondary (¢) Graduation and Above (1) Technical Degree/Diplema 0 Skill profile of the reverse migrants’? 2} Skilled (formal (b) Skilled (informal/non-formal) (c) Unsk B. Transport and Communication 11. Transport facilities arranged for reverse migrants | Number of beneficiaries vat diture (Rs) Suse 7 Building anid Other Construction Workers Questionnaire for Labour Department Other me Total 12.1 Whether any helpline number was arr YES/NO 12.2. ILYES, please provide the following information? ‘ype oF grievances? issiees Number of complaints Number of complaints resolved jedical Tyeatme! Non Payment of Salary | - anes - Job loss / Retrenchment | Others, I 3.1 Was there any support centre’ serviee centre for reverse migrant workers established within the State? YES/ NO 3.2. EYES, At what lev State? District’ Block/ Gram Panchay: 3.3, Please answer the following questions about the types of serviees offered and the number o beneficiaries? Type of serviee Scheme under which ot applicants | Number of beneficisries oer | = © af service includes Transpor', Shelter, Food, Jobs, Loa Business, Ediveation et ¥y support centie established in other States for migrant labourers? YES/ ‘ase answer the following questions about location of support centres? proache Number of persons helped Questionnaire for Labour Department 14.3. 1F YES, please answer the following questions about types of issues dealt by the suppor sues Number of persons approachee jumber of persons he C: Rett d Rehabili tion Measure of Migr 15.1 Were the reverse nigrants provide support for building their own how S/NO 3.21F YES he following information: Name of the scheme | Implementing agency | Type of house) Number of Number .pplicants peneliciaries t Note: Please provi some photographs iF availabley Edueation, (6 Haw many migrant workers’ e Gt ws} were readmitted to schools? Lw re migrant workers’ children (5-14 years) given any digital learning device? YES/NO 17.2 INVES, ple jease provide the Following, answers? Schem Lnoplemeritiny lype of device | Number of applicants | Number of beneficiaries (Note: Please provide some Health provide following details on health services offered 10 reverse migrants? | Services Covid related measures Questionnaire for Labour Departmen Other health related interventions (Note: Please provide some photographs if available Food security 9. Food security measures taken for the reverse migra ype Scheme Cooked food 1 (Note: Please provide some photographs ifavailable) Employment and Livelihood ‘J, Was any cash benefit paid to the reverse migrants as part of COVID 19 relief? YES! NO 0.1 TEYES, the amount per person per month Rs & No. of Months 20.2 Total Number of beneficiaries: a of COVID-19 reliet? YES/NO 1, Whether any job portal was creat EYES, number of reverse migrants repisiered! 22. Was any skill mapping exercise was conducted? YES! NC pigrants whose skill was mapped 2.1 IRYES, Number of rev 5. IILYES, Please provide detail Name ofthe Jjamenting | Duravon [Number o bert certified | i Netenvieme prow ae Toa Pha aiean TaaTOe nied pe Questionnat ployment was provided under any other public works programme? Yes! No plementing | Number Number [A | Average aueney | applicants wage (Rs, | days of | employment +~ { i = (6.1 Whether the migrants received any support 10 start new enterprises? Yes/ No "6.2 IEYES, please provide the details Name of | implementing Number of Average Average | Rate of ager applicam sumaunt ¢ ubsid: terest . loan per head | i | | sulvanced I _ | per hea | _ | Whether SIGs were formed as part of relief package? Yes? No 2 IVES pleese provide detail: Scheme | tinplementing agency Number of Stic Number of beneficiaries vee 8.1 Whether any reverse migeant received regular wage! salaries ment? Yes! No 82 IF VES, Please provide detail Scheie Inyplementing ageney | Number uf applicar er Average sal | or er month (Rs.) i | received P hee Questionnaire for Labour Departm C: Innovative projects: innovative project for welfare of reverse migrants? (YES 29.) Has the admninistration undenaken any (Note: Please provide sorie photographs iavallabley Questionnaire for District Administrator ( a4 National Institute of Labour Economics Research and Development we, AN Autonomous Tnstitute under NIFLAAYOG, Goveranet oF faa ional Area, Narela, Delhi ~ 110040 Sector A-7 Instit Welfare Measures for Reverse Migrants! Name of the District : soso Name of the State Contact Details of Respondents 3 Ph.No... mail A. Basie Inform about Reverse Migrants Number of reverse migrants returned home after lockdown? oy many of them are children (5-14 years Number of miprants returned to their workp Number of mi at home sta nis registered under ISMW" Act? s registered under BOCW? Act grants stayed bac! S$. How many of the reverse mig many of the re Distribution of reverse migrant workers by their destination states (in numbers) Interstate Intrastate International 8. Cecupational profile of the reverse migrants (in mumbers) a) Seiemployment__(b) Agriculture (e) Industr d) Service (e) Construction (Om Educational profile of the reverse migrants (in numbers; a) Miterate () Upto Primary (6) Secondary (e) Graduation and Above (a) Skilled ormal) (bo) Skilled (informal/non-formal!) (c) Unskilled B. Transport and Commu ation sport facilities arranged for reverse migrants? Mode of transport Number of beneficiaries | Total expenditure (RS) Buses Other means Total | Whether any helpline number was arranged for the migrants? YES! NO 12 IF YES, please provide the following infornate {Reverse migrants refers 10 local people who works in other distriets/statesicountries and retuned home ducing the Covid-19 Pandemic Inver State Migrants Workers Building and Other Consteuction Workers Refers to local populations who move to other states Relers te local populations who move to other districts within state i —sess—is_ Questionnaire for District Administration its received | Number of complaints Type of grievances/ issues. | Number of compl faced in workplaces | redressed Shelter al Treaiment | Non Payment of Salary & i nt workers established within the State? YES/ NC any Support centre’ service centre for reverse mi 13.2.1 YES. At what level State! District’ Block/ Gram Panchayat 13.3, Please answer the following questions about the types of services offered and the number of beneficiaries? Type of service Scheme under which | Number of applicants | Number of offered benefic | : | — Note: Type of service includes Transport, Shelter, Food, Jobs, Loan/ Business, Education ete 14.1, Was there any support centre established in other States for migrant labourers? YES? NO 14.2. IFYES, please answer the following questions about location of support centres? te) Number of persons Number of persons helped approached Location (8 14.3. IF YES, please answer the following questions s of issues deal! by the suppor Types of issues Number of persons Number of persons helped approached ©: Relief and Rehabilitation Mea © of Migrant Workers ET Questionnaire for District Administration 51M Vere the reverse migran port for building their own house? YES! NO. JE YES, please provide the following, information Name ofthe | Implementing Typeot | Namberot | Number of Sieme | ageney hse applicants __| beneficiaries (Nate: Pease provide some photograph W available ‘ ifdaetion 6 How many migrant workers’ children ( 4 years) were readmitted to schools? 1. Wer grant workers’ children (5-14 years) given any digital learning device? YES/ NO FYES, please provide the following answers? Stheme | Hraplementing "| Typeof Number of Namen agency device applicants beneficiaries (Note: Please provide some photipraphs ifavailabi 8 Please provide following details on health services offered to reverse migrants Services Implementing ageney Number of beneficiaries Hospitalisation _ Sanitisers Mask Hondas! (Note: Please provide some photographs iFava Food sceurity { Type Scheme Implementing ageney _ | No, of benef | Food gra [@oaked fou (Note: Please provide some photusrapis Wavailabte) Ww nployment and Livelihood: fas any ensh benefit paid to the reverse migrants as part of COVID 19 relic!” YES! NO I YES. the amount per person per month Rs & No. of Mont ).2'Foul Number of beneticiaries a Questionnaire for District Administration 21, Whether any job portal was created as part of COVH 21.1 IF YES, aumber of roverse migrants registered? 2. Was any skill mapping, exeveise was wondueted? YES! NC 22.1 IE YES, Number of reverse migrants whose skill was mapped? 23.) Whether any skill development programme was organized for reverse migrants? YES! NO 23.2 IE YES, Please provide detail Name of the [Implementing | Duration | Number of | Number of Number of applicants | beneficiaries | Migrants certified Employment guarantee scheme | Whether any benefit was given to reverse migrants unde 2 If Ves, Please provide details: Number of | Number of — | Numb: Nomber Average | new job applied for wetwalty numberof | daily wage with no job cardsissued | work under received person-tays | perworker | cards MGNREG | work generated per | | worker | Whether daily employmient was provided under any other public works programme? Yes! No 2 IF Yes, please provide det | Scheme nberof — | Number of Average — | Average Implenienting Is beneficiaries wage (Rs,)_ | days of employment I = | eu agency applicants t | nether the migrants received any support to siart new enterprises? Yes! No ails 6.2 IFYes, please prov rot Average Average | Rate of jerest me of | Implem Number of | Ni the gency applicants | b wficiaries amount of | subsid loan per head | advanced | ieee | EES SSSSO District Administration Questionnaire for age? Yes! Ni 16 part of relief ps 27.1 Whether SHGs were formec 2D Yes, please provide details: Scheme Implementing Number of SHGs | Number of beneficiaries formed Wage employment 8.| Whether any reverse migrant received regular wage! salaried employment? Yes! No 8.2 ILVes, Please provide details Average salary Number received p ployment Number of applicants month (Rs.) Scheme Implementing C: Innovative projects tas the administration undertaken any innovative project for wellare of reverse mira £ YES, Please provide the details? (Use separate sheet for each project, Title of the project mple Sources of fund Total expenditur pe of the project nk that the welfare measures ea IENo, What a 1. Do you th jent? Yes / No What are the challenges you faced in implementi

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