Scripting Language Lab 2

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Scripting Language Lab

Experiment 2
Debdatta Praharaj

AIM: To learn the filter commands

in the Linux operating system.

• Grep : The grep filter searches a

file for a particular pattern of
characters, and displays all lines
that contain that pattern

• Cat > test2.txt add contents

• cat > test3.txt add contents

• comm: compare two sorted files line by line and

write to standard output

• Diff : diff test2.txt test3.txt

a - Add the lines., c - Change the lines., d - Delete the
• Find . -name test2.txt : it searches test2.txt in scripts
• Find . name *.txt It will give all files which have ‘.txt’
at the end.
• Find . -size +1000c ##searches and displays files with size
greater than 1000bytes.
• Find . -atime -l : searches and displays all files which were
accessed in less than a day.
• Find . -mtime +1 : searches and displays all the files which
were modified 1 day ago.

• Sort : sort command sorts the contents of a file, in

numeric or alphabetic order, and prints the results to
standard output.
• Tail text3.txt
• Tail -3 text3.txt : displays the last three lines
• Tail +2 text3.txt : moves tail part up by 2

• head test2.txt
• head test2.txt : displays 10 lines from head part of the file
• head -3 test2.txt : displays first 5 lines from head part of
• Cut -c2-2 test2.txt : cuts the characters before 2 nd
position and after 5 th position of content of file

• Paste –d: uses a single delimiter to separate contents of

different files.
• Paste -s : displays contents of each file in each column
separated by a space.

• Uniq: searches the data and filters the data by eliminating

duplicate content present in file.
• Tr : used to transform the data in the specified file

• Sed: stream editor. Used to edit (searching, find and
replace, insertion, deletion) the data.

• Tee : Takes the content from one file and writes output to
multiple files.
• Tac test2.txt | tee test9.txt : displays the content in
reverse order by creating a new file test9.txt

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