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Windows 2000 Migrate User (W2KMigUser) Script

Guidance for Using the W2KMigUser Script to Migrate Users' Files from Windows 2000 to Windows 7

Published April 2010


The Windows® User State Migration Tool (USMT) version 4.0

does not support migrating user state from Windows 2000 to
Windows 7—a challenge for organizations wanting to refresh
many computers running Windows 2000 while moving users’
files. This white paper and its companion scripts help overcome
this challenge by providing a solution that preserves users’ files
during deployment.
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Introduction ............................................................................................. 3

Preparing W2KMigUser .......................................................................... 4

Copying W2KMigUser to the Deployment Share 5

Creating a Backup Store for W2KMigUser 5

Customizing W2KMigUser by Editing W2KMigUser.xml 6

Preparing a Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010 Task Sequence 6

Deploying Windows 7 ............................................................................. 9

Installing the Prerequisites 9

Backing Up Users’ Files 9

Deploying Windows 7 to the Computer 10

Using W2KMigUser with Removable Media ....................................... 11

Conclusion ............................................................................................. 12

Microsoft Windows 2000 Migrate User Script (W2KMigUser) 2

The Microsoft® Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2010 and the Windows® User State Migration Tool (USMT)
version 4.0 do not support migration from the Windows 2000 operating system to Windows 7. The scripts that
accompany this white paper—named Windows 2000 Migrate User (W2KMigUser)—provide a simple solution
for migrating users’ files from Windows 2000 to Windows 7. They are samples that you can use as-is or
extend as necessary. Microsoft designed these scripts to work during the State Restore Phase of a
MDT 2010 task sequence.
W2KMigUser backs up users’ group memberships and files from their Windows 2000 profile folders. In
Windows 7, W2KMigUser can restore users’ group memberships, re-create their profile folders, and restore
their files. Additionally, the script can capture and re-create any local accounts that have profile folders. Of
course, you can control the accounts, groups, profile folders, and files that you want to back up and restore.
W2KMigUser can use a network share or removable media as a backup store, but the script does not secure
that store.

Note W2KMigUser does not back up redirected folders. Additionally, it does not back up folders that were
moved by editing the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell
Folders registry subkey. W2KMigUser only backs up folders that reside in the user’s local user profile.

Using W2KMigUser to back up and restore users’ files is a two-step process:

1. On each computer running Windows 2000, run W2KMigUser to back up users’ files to a network
share or removable media. Because MDT 2010 does not support Windows 2000, you must run
W2KMigUser manually or by some other method, ensuring that the script runs only once on each
computer. Preferably, you will run this script in Windows 2000 just prior to beginning an offline Lite
Touch Installation (LTI) process by starting the computer with the MDT 2010 boot media.

2. Restore users’ files from the network share or removable media after installing Windows 7. Although
you can run W2KMigUser manually or by another method to restore users’ files, Microsoft designed
this script to restore users’ files automatically during the State Restore Phase of a MDT 2010 task
sequence. W2KMigUser even creates users’ profile folders and restores their group memberships.

The remainder of this white paper describes how to prepare and use W2KMigUser. It describes the
prerequisites you must install on computers running Windows 2000, how to configure the scripts by
customizing W2KMigUser.xml, and how to plug W2KMigUser into a MDT 2010 task sequence.

For more information about support for Windows 2000, see the Windows 2000 End-of-Support Solution
Center. Additionally, you can learn more about Windows 7 deployment at the Microsoft Deployment

Microsoft Windows 2000 Migrate User Script (W2KMigUser) 3

Preparing W2KMigUser
The script files accompanying this white paper are:

 W2KMigUser.wsf This file is the main script. It provides command-line options for backing up and
restoring users’ files during a Windows 2000–to–Windows 7 migration. The script file
W2KMigUser.wsf contains two jobs that you specify by using the cscript.exe command-line option
//Job:Name. The Backup job backs up users’ files, and the Restore job restores users’ files.

 W2KMigUser.xml This Extensible Markup Language (XML) file contains settings that control
W2KMigUser.wsf. For example, you can define the file types to include and exclude during migration.

 W2kUtility.vbs This script file includes code that W2KMigUser.wsf uses.

 CompileCSharpLib.ps1, UserProfiles.ps1, and UserProfilesCSharpLib.ps1. These Windows

PowerShell™ files provide code that W2KMigUser.wsf uses to create and manage user profiles when
restoring users’ files after installing Windows 7.

When you download files such as scripts from the Internet, Microsoft Office Outlook® and Windows Internet
Explorer® block them to prevent you from accidentally running malicious content. After downloading this white
paper and the companion scripts, make sure the scripts are not blocked. For each script file, complete the
following steps:

1. Right-click the script file, and then click Properties.

2. On the General tab of the file’s Properties dialog box (see Figure 1), click Unblock, and then click
OK. If you do not see the Unblock button, the script file is not blocked.

Microsoft Windows 2000 Migrate User Script (W2KMigUser) 4

Figure 1. Unblocking the scripts

Before using W2KMigUser, you must prepare an environment in which the scripts can run. This includes
making the scripts accessible over the network, creating a backup store, and customizing its settings. The
following sections describe these steps in more detail.

Copying W2KMigUser to the Deployment Share

To use W2KMigUser during deployment, you must store the files in an accessible location. If you are using
W2KMigUser with MDT 2010 to deploy Windows 7, this white paper recommends that you store the script
files in the deployment share’s Scripts folder. By doing so, you can access the scripts from a MDT 2010 task
sequence by using the %SCRIPTROOT% environment variable.

You can also store the W2KMigUser script files on removable media, and then run the scripts manually to
back up and restore users’ files before and after installing Windows 7. In this scenario, you avoid creating a
backup store on the network by creating it locally.

Creating a Backup Store for W2KMigUser

The backup store is where W2KMigUser stores users’ files when it backs them up. After you install
Windows 7, W2KMigUser restores users’ files from the backup store. You must create a backup store in a
location that is accessible to W2KMigUser from each computer running Windows 2000. To do so, complete
the following steps:

1. Determine which accounts or groups should have access to the backup store:

Microsoft Windows 2000 Migrate User Script (W2KMigUser) 5

 If you want to use a unique account to access the backup store, create that account.

 If you want to use the same user account or groups to access the backup store that
MDT 2010 uses to access the deployment share, you do not have to create a new account.
Instead, use W2KMigUser to back up users’ files by specifying this account on its command
line or by using the credentials of the currently logged on user.
2. Create and share a folder for the backup store. Give the accounts or groups containing the accounts
that require access to the backup store Write permission to the root folder. Then, give CREATOR
OWNER full control of subfolders and files.

Warning W2KMigUser does not secure or encrypt the backup store. The backup store is only secured by the
file permissions that you configure for it. Remove data from the backup store after using it to prevent unauthorized
access to users’ files.

You can also use removable media for the backup store. In this scenario, you run W2KMigUser manually
before installing Windows 7 to back up users’ files to the removable media. After installing Windows 7, you
run W2KMigUser again in order to restore users’ files from the removable media. In both cases, you must
specify the path of the removable media on the command line, because the drive letter assigned to the
removable media might change from computer to computer.

Customizing W2KMigUser by Editing W2KMigUser.xml

The file W2KMigUser.xml controls the operation of W2KMigUser. This file contains many settings that
determine which files and file types to include, which files and file types to exclude, and so on. The file
W2KMigUser.xml includes thorough documentation for each setting.
Before running W2KMigUser, you must configure the file W2KMigUser.xml. In particular, you should at least
configure the <backup_store> setting, which specifies the path of the backup store. Although you should
specify a path in this setting, you can override the path on the command line as necessary.

Note The primary purpose of W2KMigUser is to back up and restore users’ files during a migration from
Windows 2000 to Windows 7. However, W2KMigUser provides a very limited ability to back up and restore
individual registry settings. For more information, see W2KMigUser.xml.

Preparing a MDT 2010 Task Sequence

Although you can manually run W2KMigUser to restore users’ files after deploying Windows 7, Microsoft
designed this script to run from a MDT 2010 task sequence. By adding W2KMigUser to a task sequence, you
can automate the process of restoring users’ files during the State Restore Phase of deployment. To prepare
a MDT 2010 task sequence, complete the following steps:

1. If necessary, create a task sequence specifically for deploying Windows 7 to computers running
Windows 2000 and using W2KMigUser. You can copy an existing task sequence or create a new
one. Do not use the same task sequence that you use for other scenarios, because you will make
changes to the task sequence that are specific to Windows 2000.

2. Configure the task sequence (or properties) so that computers join the domain automatically by
configuring the JoinDomain property.

Microsoft Windows 2000 Migrate User Script (W2KMigUser) 6

 Disable or remove the Capture User State and Capture Groups tasks in the State Capture
Phase of the task sequence.
 Disable or remove the Restore User State and Restore Groups tasks in the State Restore
Phase of the task sequence.

3. Add a task to the end of the task sequence that runs W2KMigUser (see Figure 2). For example:
 To restore users’ files and settings using the same credentials that the task sequence is
using to access network resources, use cscript.exe %SCRIPTROOT%\W2KMigUser.wsf
 To restore users’ files and settings using a dedicated account, use cscript.exe
%SCRIPTROOT%\W2KMigUser.wsf //Job:Restore /User:DOMAIN\User
/Password:Password, where DOMAIN\User and Password are the credentials of the
account you want to use to connect to the backup store.

Note When you start the Windows Deployment Wizard, you must provide credentials that can
access the deployment share. If you provide the same credentials to the wizard that you use to back
up users’ files with W2KMigUser, you do not have to specify credentials when you run W2KMigUser
in the task sequence. Otherwise, you must provide credentials to W2KMigUser in the task sequence
by using the /User and /Password command-line options.

Figure 2. Adding a task to run W2KMigUser

W2KMigUser supports a number of command-line options. For example, you can specify a path to the backup
store on the command line. The file W2KMigUser.wsf documents these command-line options. Additionally,
you can type the following commands to display help:

Microsoft Windows 2000 Migrate User Script (W2KMigUser) 7

 cscript.exe %SCRIPTROOT%\W2KMigUser.wsf //Job:Backup /?

 cscript.exe %SCRIPTROOT%\W2KMigUser.wsf //Job:Restore /?

Microsoft Windows 2000 Migrate User Script (W2KMigUser) 8

Deploying Windows 7
Prior to beginning deployment, prepare users for file migration. W2KMigUser only backs up files from users’
profile folders. Therefore, instruct users to copy any file they want to preserve to their user profile folders (My
Documents, My Pictures, My Videos, and so on).
With W2KMigUser and the MDT 2010 task sequence prepared, deployment proceeds like any other
Windows 7 installation. However, you must perform the additional step of manually backing up users’ files
before starting the MDT 2010 task sequence. The following sections describe how to use W2KMigUser in the
context of a Windows 7 deployment with MDT 2010.

Installing the Prerequisites

Before running W2KMigUser on a computer running Windows 2000, the computer must meet the minimum
requirements. Table 1 describes these requirements and the silent installation command for each.

Table 1. Prerequisites for running W2KMigUser

Requirement URL Silent installation


Windows 2000 with W2KSP4_EN.EXE

Service Pack 4 (SP4) =en&FamilyID=1001aaf1-749f-49f4-8010-297bd6ca33a0 /q

Microsoft XML Core msiexec.exe /qn

Services 494391-052b-42ff-9674-f752bdca9582&displaylang=en /I msxml3.msi
(MSXML) 3.0 with

Windows Script 5.6 WindowsXP-

for Windows XP and =en&FamilyID=c717d943-7e4b-4622-86eb-95a22b832caa Windows2000-
Windows 2000 Script56-
enu /q

Backing Up Users’ Files

MDT 2010 cannot run on Windows 2000. You must start the computer by using MDT 2010 boot media or
Windows Deployment Services to start the Windows Deployment Wizard. Because the wizard cannot run in
Windows 2000, you must run W2KMigUser manually in Windows 2000 prior to starting the wizard.

Before running W2KMigUser, log on to the computer by using credentials that have access to all of the user
profile folders on the computer. That is, you must log on to the computer as a local Administrator.
To back up users’ files, run the Restore job in W2KMigUser.wsf. For example:

 To back up users’ files using the currently logged on user’s credentials, run cscript.exe
W2KMigUser.wsf //Job:Backup.

Microsoft Windows 2000 Migrate User Script (W2KMigUser) 9

 To back up users’ files using specific credentials, run cscript.exe W2KMigUser.wsf //Job:Backup
/User:DOMAIN\User /Password:Password, where DOMAIN\User and Password are the credentials
of the account you want to use to create the computer’s backup store.

W2KMigUser creates in the backup store a folder for the computer. For example, if the backup store is \\DC-
01\Miguser and the computer’s name is PC-01, W2KMigUser creates the folder \\DC-01\Miguser\PC-01.
Within that folder, W2KMigUser creates a log file and an XML file that describes the data it captured and
creates a folder for each user profile folder it backed up from the computer.

Note You must install Windows 7 on the computer using the same computer name. W2KMigUser uses the
computer name as the key. If you want to change the computer’s name in Windows 7, rename the computer’s
folder in the migration folder to match the new computer name. For example, if the computer’s name was PC-01
when it was running Windows 2000 but you want to rename the computer IMA-PC-01 in Window 7, rename the
folder from \\DC-01\Miguser\PC-01 to \\DC-01\Miguser\IMA-PC-01.

Deploying Windows 7 to the Computer

After backing up users’ files, restart the computer by using the MDT 2010 boot media or Windows
Deployment Services and run the Windows Deployment Wizard normally. Because you added W2KMigUser
to the task sequence, it automatically runs as part of the MDT 2010 task sequence.

When you start the Windows Deployment Wizard, provide credentials that can access the deployment share.
If you provide the same credentials to the wizard that you used to back up users’ files with W2KMigUser, you
do not have to specify credentials when you run W2KMigUser in the task sequence. Otherwise, you must
provide credentials to W2KMigUser in the task sequence by using the /User and /Password command-line

When W2KMigUser runs, it creates any local accounts and restores group memberships that are in the
backup store; it then creates user profile folders and restores users’ files from the backup store. For domain-
joined computers and domain accounts, the process is seamless. For local user accounts, however, you must
reset each local user account’s password, because W2KMigUser assigns each local user account a random
password. You can reset users’ accounts by using Local Users and Groups or another password-reset tool.

Microsoft Windows 2000 Migrate User Script (W2KMigUser) 10

Using W2KMigUser with Removable Media
If you are not using MDT 2010 to deploy Windows 7, you do not want to create a backup store on the
network, or you do not want to create task sequence specifically for W2KMigUser, you can run W2KMigUser
locally. In this scenario, you use removable media for the backup store. To do so, complete the following

1. Copy the files that W2KMigUser requires to the removable media.

2. On the computer running Windows 2000, run the W2KMigUser Backup job. Use the /Store
command-line option to specify the path of the removable media as the backup store.

3. Install Windows 7.

4. When Windows 7 installation is complete, manually run the W2KMigUser Restore job. Use the /Store
command-line option to specify the path of the removable media as the backup store.

Microsoft Windows 2000 Migrate User Script (W2KMigUser) 11

W2KMigUser can help you easily migrate users’ files from their Windows 2000 profile folders to Windows 7.
For more information about support for Windows 2000, go to the Windows 2000 End-of-Support Solution
Center. Additionally, you can learn more about Windows 7 deployment by visiting the Microsoft Deployment

Microsoft Windows 2000 Migrate User Script (W2KMigUser) 12

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