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Lecturer’s Signature& full name

Program: IB, AC, BDA
Course Code: INS2019
Course Title: Business Organization and
……………………………………………………. Bùi Mỹ Trinh
Time allowed:
Date: 22/05/2021
Due Date:
………………………………………………… Department’s Signature & full name


Date: ………………………………

Instructions to students:

Opened-book Scenario Plan Assignment

This exam paper contains 6 pages, including the cover page.

Final Exam Assignment: Scenario Plan
Aim: This assignment aims to assess chapter 3,5,7,8,9,10,15, and 19 for the unit of
Nature of assessment: Group task (4-6 members)
Word limit: 4,000 words (+/- 10%)
Marks allocated: 60%
Due date: Please check with the Academic Affair (It is estimated to submit on Jun 17,
Name of submission file: Please check the guideline provided by the Academic Affair
Submission: Submission of soft-copy, pdf, doubled-space pages is compulsory. Report
should be in Times New Roman (12 point), excluding tables and appendices, with 2.5
cm border on all sides.
Late penalty: 10% of final mark for every 24 hours of late submission (includes
Extension: Any request for an extension must be provided to the unit convenor
well before the assignment due date and accompanied by medical certification or other
relevant documentation.
The Brief
Scenario planning is a structured way to consider and anticipate the future. In broad
terms, scenario planning involves determining and visualising probable future conditions
or events, their likely consequences or effects, and how to respond to, or benefit from
them. Therefore, scenario planning about what ‘might’ happen in the future, rather than
what will happen - essentially, a road map from the present to the future. There are
several important benefits of scenario planning, including thinking creatively and
forward-looking, as well as questioning assumptions about the future and the drivers
and forces that influence a specific sector of activity.
The aim of this assignment is to assess your ability to apply the scenario planning
framework to an emerging trend.
What you need to do:
Step 1: Group Allocation
Spend some time networking with fellow students during and outside workshops, with
the goal to form a group for this Assignment (nb: 4- 6 group members is
recommended). You will need to form a team and self-assign into one team.
It is recommended that an initial meeting be held to assign a Team Leader, set some
basic rules/expectations (grade aspirations, contributions, etc.), and discuss the
assignment brief in detail before allocating tasks among members. Each team member
should take notes during meetings.
Step 2: Trend selection
Select and conduct research into one of the following trends.

 The current cultural environment of a country has shaped the way that a
company is looking at their own corporate cultural standards.
 Challenges a firm may face in pursuing environmental goals
 Some managerial decisions that might be good for a firm’s profitability in the
short-term, but bad for the firm in the long-term.
 Employee diversity give a company a competitive advantage.
 Leadership plays the role in the ethically organizations and its members act and
 Environmental factors are contributing to the popularity of ride-sharing/electronic-
car services.
 Control by empowering employees, establish new information technology
 Flatter and decentralized orgnization to design adaptive organization

Step 3: Scenario Planning

Apply the scenario planning framework to the selected trend using the below nine
stages (see the recommended text for detailed scenario planning stage descriptions):

1. Determining the question

2. Contextualisation
3. External drivers
4. Ranking and ranging
5. Naming and framing
6. Logic and narrative
7. Distillation and dialogue
8. Validation and refinement
9. Interpretation and implementation

For example, the first stage is 'Determining the Question', the framing of which is critical
to the integrity and accuracy of the scenario. Here, you should follow a ‘what if’
approach to keep your scenario plan focused and reflective of the core question being
asked. Examples from the recommended text include: ‘What if the temperature of the
planet were to rise by one degree per century?’ ‘What if one of our competitors were to
create an engine that ran on electricity rather than petrol?’ ‘What if consumers only
bought products that were proven to be sustainable?’
As you develop your scenarios, keep in mind that a good set will contain two to five
different possible future conditions or events. More than five scenarios tend to get
confused with one another, and three scenarios run the danger of deciding on the most
moderate or most apparently plausible. Four scenarios is a good number — neither too
many, nor too few.* Each scenario should contain enough detail to assess the likelihood
of success or failure of the different strategic options.
Recommended Structure:
Your assignment should be presented in report format and include numbered sections
and headings, such as those below. The report must also be presented in a
professional manner in terms of the font size, spacing, margins, design, and
Executive summary

 Summarise key points from your assignment

 Contains 200-250 words
 Is NOT an overview of the conclusion of your report

Table of contents

 Structure and scope of report

 Scenario planning definition and framework, including the benefits of scenario
 Trend description

Main Body Headings

 Use the nine stages of the scenario planning framework as a guide.


 Summarise your report, including any implications from your scenarios (e.g.
what does it mean for the future of business and/ or marketing?).

Nb: You should not present any new information in this section of your report.
References (nb: excl. from the word count)

 Harvard system of referencing (guide available within the Unit Overview

 At least 5 academic journal articles (recommended 8 to 10) with high
 Other information (websites, newspaper articles, etc.).

Individual contribution:

 Please specifically elaborate on each member's contribution to the assignment,

including which sections each member contributed to and the timeliness of your
group work.

Declaration and Statement of Authorship

All students must agree to the following declaration when submitting assessment items

1. I/we have not impersonated, or allowed myself/ourselves to be impersonated

by any person for the purposes of this assessment.
2. This assessment is my/our original work and no part of it has been copied
from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made.
3. No part of this assessment has been written for me/us by any other person
except where such collaboration has been authorised by the lecturer/teacher
4. I/we have not previously submitted this work for a previous attempt of the
unit, another unit or other studies at another institution.
5. I/we give permission for my/our assessment response to be reproduced,
communicated, compared and archived for plagiarism detection,
benchmarking or educational purposes.

I/we understand that:

 Plagiarism is the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person

as though it is your own. It is a form of cheating and is a very serious
academic offence that may lead to exclusion from the University.
 Plagiarised material may be drawn from published and unpublished written
documents, interpretations, computer software, designs, music, sounds,
images, photographs, and ideas or ideological frameworks gained through
working with another person or in a group.
 Plagiarised material can be drawn from, and presented in, written, graphic
and visual form, including electronic data and oral presentations. Plagiarism
occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited.

I/we agree and acknowledge that:

1. I/we have read and understood the Declaration and Statement of Authorship
2. I/we accept that use of my university account to electronically submit this
assessment constitutes my agreement to the Declaration and Statement of
3. If I/we do not agree to the Declaration and Statement of Authorship in this
context, the assessment outcome may not be valid for assessment purposes
and may not be included in my/our aggregate score for this unit.


Criteria Details Ratings

Introduction and Comprehensive and enlightening review of the 20%
Trend Summary trend. Review highlights key insights, which clarify
the trend.
Scenario Addresses all stages of the scenario planning 20%
Planning framework clearly and professionally.
Structure and Detailed attention to formatting, and stylistic 20%
visualisation choices. Creative, visually engaging and logically
structured report
Quality of writing Uses sophisticated, expressive and appropriate 20%
business language with no grammatical errors.
Sources and High quality and credible sources with more than 20%
evidence 10 relevant sources. Correct use of the Harvard
style of referencing throughout the report

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