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Resume Guest Lecturer Dr.

Kamaran Qader Yaqub

The Guest Lecturer Series from Dr. Kamaran Qader Yaqub because the lecturer from
Sulaimani Polytehnic University Technical school of Administration Departement of
Accounting Technique. He brings a subject regarding the chosen conflicts from
geographical area and their economic impact on some geographical area countries. in
order that meeting we tend to planning to analysis regarding the economic impact that
designated war episodes within the geographical area World Health Organization had on
conflict and neighboring countries. The Lebanese war lasted from April a hundred
seventy five to Oct 1990, followed by the Gulf War—Invasion Kuwait's by Asian nation
from August 1990 to February 1991, and Iraq's Invasion from March to might 2003.
These countries were chosen as a result of they're symbolic of their economies. among the
sector, for instance, by provision a sample of MENA oil and non-oil producers, also
because the amount and intensity of the conflict during which they were concerned, and
their regional and international importance.
He explains that table one compares the outcomes of varied wars. It depicts key
economics variables a year before the war, throughout the war, and 7 years once the war's
finish to assist in understanding the speed of recovery. The speed of economic recovery
varied greatly between countries. In Lebanon, it'll take twenty years for real GDP to
recover to pre-war levels, seven years in Kuwait, and only 1 year in Asian nation. 3 years
once the war, Iraq's real GDP per capita totally recovered to pre-war levels. There area
unit many reasons for conflict, the primary of that is that it's caused by disorganization of
production, destruction of physical capital, and labor dislocation. As a results of the
reduction in total issue productivity and issue decumulation, mixture offer contracts,
leading to excess mixture demand, leading to output contraction, high inflation, financial
and accounting imbalances, and money sector weakness. Then there was a big variation
in real GDP growth and contraction across countries. Lebanon's real GDP has born
dramatically. Inflation and exchange rates rise to variable degrees in several countries. He
additionally explains whether or not post-conflict recovery for non-oil manufacturing
countries like Asian country relies on the structure of the economy. massive financial and

accounting deficits within the postwar years mirrored this continued excess demand as
mixture offer took longer to catch up with rising mixture demand. Then there area unit
the oil-rich economies like Asian nation and Kuwait. wherever production accounted for
a big portion of total offer, output recovery occurred a lot of quickly as oilfields were
reactivated a lot of quickly. For the external sector, it is the same as once oil-producing
economies had current-account surpluses some years once the wars concluded. massive
capital inflows were interested in Asian country thanks to the high level of interest.
Kuwait's accounting balance came back to its ancient surplus position in 1993, and Iraq's
accounting balance has been in surplus for the bulk of the years since 2005, as a result of
exports. associate example of this may be found in Jordan throughout the Gulf War in
1990. The country's weak economy and money conditions within the Nineteen Eighties
were exacerbated by the disruptions caused by the G

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