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AFM- Assignment-2021

1. Prepare Balance sheet of XYZ Ltd., in the prescribed pro forma as on 31st March 2015 from the
following Trial balance

Trial Balance as on 31st March 2015

Particulars Rs. Particulars Rs.

Leasehold property 16,00,000
Bank balance 1,05,000 Share Capital 20,65,000
Plant & Machinery 9,00,000 Staff Provident fund 8,00,000
Goodwill 3,00,000 Capita redemption reserve 2,20,000
Investment in a subsidiary Co. 11,50,000 General reserve 1,90,000
P & L A/c 70,000 Deposits from public 9,00,000
Stock of finished goods 1,20,000 Accounts payable 2,10,000
Accounts receivable 2,40,000 Short Term loan from SBI 1,78,000
Preliminary Expenses 39,000 Unclaimed dividend 6,000
Underwriting commission 45,000
========= =========
45,69,000 45,69,000
========= =========

Balance Sheet of XYZ Ltd. As on 31st March 2015

Particulars Note No. Amount (Rs.)
I. Equity and Liabilities
1. Shareholder’s funds:
(a) Share Capital 20,65,000
(b) Reserves and surplus 1 3,40,000
2. Share application money pending allotment: -
3. Non-current liabilities:
(a) Long-term borrowings 9,00,000
(b) Long-term provisions 8,00,000
4. Current Liabilities
(a) Short-term borrowings 1,78,000
(b) Trade Payables 2,10,000
(c) Other current liabilities 6,000
TOTAL 44,99,000

II. Assets
1. Non-current assets:
(a)Fixed Assets
(i) Tangible assets 2 25,00,000
(ii) Intangible assets 3,00,000
(b) Non-current investments 11,50,000
(c) Other non-current assets 3 84,000
2. Current Assets:
(a) Inventories 1,20,000
(b) Trade receivables 2,40,000
(c) Cash and cash equivalents 1,05,000
TOTAL 44,99,000

1. Reserve and surplus:

Capital Redemption reserve 2,20,000

General reserves 1,90,000
Debit balance of P&L (70,000)
Total 3,40,000

2. Tangible Fixed Assets:

Leasehold Property 16,00,000

Plant & Machinery 9,00,000
Total 25,00,000

3. Other Non-current assets:

Underwriting Commission 45,000

Preliminary expenses 39,000
Total 84,000

2. The following Trial Balance has been extracted from the books of Agro India Ltd. on
Trial Balance as on 31st March 2015
Debit Rs. Credit Rs.
Plant & Machinery 9,00,000 Sinking Fund 1,00,000
Stock of raw material 1,75,000 Sundry Creditors 1,00,000
Live stock 4,30,000 Equity Share capital 15,00,000
Loan to director 1,35,000 15% Debentures 25,000
IFCI Bonds 2,00,000 Outstanding salary 10,000
Profit & Loss A/c 10,000 Proposed dividend 2,00,000
Patents 3,74,000 Revaluation Reserve 1,65,000
Discount on issue of shares 25,000 Mortgage Loan 2,54,000
Interest Accrued 1,05,000
23,54,000 23,54,000

Balance Sheet of XYZ Ltd. As on 31st March 2015

Particulars Note No.
I. Equity and Liabilities    
1. Shareholder’s funds:    
(a) Share Capital 1
(b) Reserves and surplus 2 2,55,000
2. Share application money pending allotment:   -
3. Non-current liabilities:    
(a) Long-term borrowings   2,54,000
(b) Long-term provisions   25,000
4. Current Liabilities    
(a) Short-term borrowings   10,000
(b) Trade Payables   1,00,000
(c) Other current liabilities 3 2,00,000
II. Assets    
1. Non-current assets:
(a)Fixed Assets
(i) Tangible assets 4 9,00,000
(ii) Intangible assets   3,74,000
(b) Non-current investments   2,00,000
(c) Other non-current assets 5 1,60,000
2. Current Assets:    
(a) Inventories 6 6,05,000
(b) Trade receivables    
(c) Cash and cash equivalents    
3. Other Current Assets:    
(a) Accrued Interest   1,05,000

1. Share Capital:

Equity Share Capital 15,00,000


2. Reserve and surplus:

Revaluation reserve 1,65,000

Sinking Fund Debit balance 1,00,000
Debit balance of P&L (10,000)
Total 2,55,000

3.Other Current Liabilities

Contingent Liability
Proposed Dividend 200000
Total 2,00,000

4. Tangible Fixed Assets:

Plant & Machinery 9,00,000

Total 9,00,000

5. Inventories:

Raw Material Stock 1,75,000

Live Stock 4,30,000
Total 6,05,000

6. Other Non-current assets:

Discount on issue of shares 25000

Loan to Director 1,35,000
Total 1,60,000
3. Explain how financial statements are useful to the various parties who are
interested in the affairs of an undertaking?


The various parties that are directly or indirectly interested in the financial statements of a
company can be categorized into the following two categories:

1. Internal parties

2. External parties

Internal Parties

The following are the various internal accounting users who are directly related to the

1. Owner- The owner / s is / are interested in the profit earned or loss incurred during an
accounting period. They are interested in assessing the profitability and viability of the capital
invested by them in the business.
2. Management- The financial statements help the management in drafting various policies
measures, facilitating planning and decision making process . The financial statements also
enable management to exercise various cost controlling measures and to remove

3. Employees and workers- They are interested in the timely payment of wages and salaries,
bonus and appropriate increment in their wages and salaries. With the help of the financial
statements they can know the amount of profit earned by the company and can demand
reasonable hike in their wages and salaries.

External Parties

There are various external users of accounting who need accounting information for decision
making, investment planning and to assess the financial position of the business. The various
external users are given below.

1. Banks and other financial institutions - Banks provide finance in the form of loans and
advances to various businesses. Thus, they need information regarding liquidity,
creditworthiness, solvency and profitability to advance loans.

2. Creditors – These are those individuals and organisations to whom a business owes money
on account of credit purchases of goods and receiving services; hence, the creditors require
information about credit worthiness of the business.

3. Investors and potential investors- They invest or plan to invest in the business. Hence, in
order to assess the viability and prospectus of their investment, creditors need information
about profitability and solvency of the business.

4. Tax authorities - They need information about sales, revenues, profit and taxable income in
order to determine the levy various types of tax on the business.

5. Government- It needs information to determine national income, GDP , industrial growth ,

etc. The accounting information assist the government in the formulation of various policies
measures and to address various economic problems like employment , poverty etc.

6. Researchers- Various research institutes like NGOs and other independent research
institutions like CRISIL , stock exchanges , etc. undertake various research projects and the
accounting information facilitates their research work

7. Consumers - Every business tries to build up reputation in the eyes of consumers , which
can be created by the supply of better quality products and post - sale services at reasonable
and affordable prices . Business that has transparent financial records , assists the customers
to know the correct cost of production and accordingly assess the degree of reasonability of
the price charged by the business for its products and thus , helps in repo building of the
business .

8. Public- Public is keenly interested to know the proportion of the profit that the business
spends on various public welfare schemes ; for example , charitable hospitals , funding
schools , etc. This information is also revealed by the profit and loss account and balance
sheet of the business

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