Final Paper Spring 2021 - BusinessIntelligence by Shariq Ahmed Khan 58549

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Final-Term Assessment Fall 2021 Semester

Class Id 106133 & 106134 Course Title Business Intelligence
Program BSERP Campus / Shift City Campus / Morning
Date 9 May 2021 Total Marks 40
Duration 03 hours Faculty Name Bilal Warsi
Student Id 58549 Student Name Shariq Ahmed Khan

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Question 1: Agha Super Mart Chain 10 marks

Agha super mart is a large grocery chain. Their business has 100 grocery stores spread over a four provinces.
Each of the stores has a full complement of departments, including grocery, frozen foods, dairy, meat, produce,
bakery, floral, and health/beauty aids. Each store has roughly 60,000 individual products on its shelves. The
individual products are called stock keeping units (SKUs). About 55,000 of the SKUs come from outside
manufacturers and have bar codes imprinted on the product package. These bar codes are called universal
product codes (UPCs). UPCs are at the same grain as individual SKUs.

At the grocery store, management is concerned with the logistics of ordering, stocking, and selling products
while maximizing profit.

Identify the following:

Dimensions (2.5 marks)

Facts (Identify Key metrics) (2.5 marks)

Data Model (2.5 marks)

Key Insights (2.5 marks)

Answer for Question#1:


 A careful grain statement determines the primary dimensionality of the fact table.

 It is then often possible to add more dimensions to the basic grain of the fact table, where these
additional dimensions naturally take on only one value under each combination of the primary

 If the additional dimension violates the grain by causing additional fact rows to be generated, then the
grain statement must be revised to accommodate this dimension.

 In our case study we identify 3 primary dimensions: the date, product, and store dimensions.

 Additionally we can add new dimensions, as the promotion under which the product is sold.

 In our case study we decide on the following descriptive dimensions: date, product, store, and

 In addition, we’ll include the POS transaction ticket number as a special dimension (described later)

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Date Dimension:

Date Key (PK) Calendar Quarter

Date Calendar Year-Quarter

Full Date Description Calendar Half Year

Day of Week Calendar Year

Day Number in Epoch Fiscal Week

Week Number in Epoch Fiscal Week Number in Year

Month Number in Epoch Fiscal Month

Day Number in Calendar Month Fiscal Month Number in Year

Day Number in Calendar Year Fiscal Year-Month

Calendar Quarter F. Radulescu - Data warehousing - Dimensional

modeling 35
Calendar Year-Quarter
Day Number in Calendar Year
Calendar Half Year
Day Number in Fiscal Month
Calendar Year
Day Number in Fiscal Year
Fiscal Week
Last Day in Week Indicator
Fiscal Week Number in Year
Last Day in Month Indicator
Fiscal Month
Calendar Week Ending Date
Fiscal Month Number in Year
Calendar Week Number in Year
Fiscal Year-Month
Calendar Month Name
Day Number in Calendar Year
Calendar Month Number in Year
Day Number in Fiscal Month
Calendar Year-Month (YYYY-MM)
Day Number in Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year-Month
Last Day in Week Indicator
Fiscal Quarter
Last Day in Month Indicator
Fiscal Year-Quarter
Calendar Week Ending Date
Fiscal Half Year
Calendar Week Number in Year
Fiscal Year
Calendar Month Name
Holiday Indicator
Calendar Month Number in Year
Weekday Indicator
Calendar Year-Month (YYYY-MM)
Selling Season

Major Event

SQL Date Stamp

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Unlike most of our other dimensions, we can build the date dimension table in advance. We may put 5 or 10
years of rows representing days in the table so that we can cover the history we have stored, as well as several
years in the future. Even 10 years’ worth of days is only about 3,650 rows, which is a relatively small dimension

1. Each column in the date dimension table is defined by the particular day that the row represents.

2. The day-of-week column contains the name of the day, such as Monday. This column would be used to
create reports comparing the business on Mondays with Sunday business.

3. The day number in calendar month column starts with 1 at the beginning of each month and runs to 28,
29, 30, or 31, depending on the month. This column is useful for comparing the same day each month.
Similarly, we could have a month number in year (1, ... , 12)

4. The day number in epoch is effectively a Julian day number (that is, a consecutive day number starting at
the beginning of some epoch).

5. For reporting, we would want a month name with values such as January. In addition, a year month
(YYYY-MM) column is useful as a report column header.

6. We likely also will want a quarter number (Q1, ... , Q4), as well as a year quarter, such as as well as a
year quarter, such as 2001-Q4. We would . We would have similar columns for the fiscal periods if they
differ from calendar periods

 Date Key (PK)

 Date Attributes TBD

Store Dimension:

1. The store dimension is the primary geographic dimension in our case study.

2. Each store can be thought of as a location. Because of this, we can roll stores up to any geographic
attribute, such as ZIP code, county, and state in our country. Stores usually also roll up to store districts
and regions.

3. The floor plan type, photo processing type, and finance services type are all short text descriptors that
describe the particular store. These should not be one-character codes but rather should be 10- to 20-
character standardized descriptors that make sense when viewed in a pull-down list or used as a report
row header.

 Store Key (PK)

 Store Attributes TBD

Partial list of columns;

 Store Name

 Store Number (Natural Key)

 Store Street Address

 Store City

 Store County

 Store State
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 Store Zip Code

 Store Manager

 Store District

 Store Region

 Floor Plan Type

 Photo Processing Type

 Financial Service Type

 Selling Square Footage

 Total Square Footage

 First Open Date

 Last Remodel Date

Product Dimension:

1. The product dimension describes every SKU in the grocery store. While a typical store in our chain may
stock 60,000 SKUs.

2. when we account for different merchandising schemes across the chain and historical products that are
no longer available, our product dimension would have at least 150,000 rows and perhaps as many as a
million rows.

3. The product dimension is almost always sourced from the operational product master file.

4. Most retailers administer their product master files at headquarters and download a subset of the file to
each store’s POS system at frequent intervals.

5. It is headquarters’ responsibility to define the appropriate product master record (and unique SKU
number) for each new UPC created by packaged goods manufacturers.

6. An important function of the product master is to hold the many descriptive attributes of each SKU.

7. The merchandise hierarchy is an important group of attributes. Typically, individual SKUs roll up to
brands. Brands roll up to categories, and categories roll up to departments.

 Product Key (PK)

 Product Attributes TBD

Partial list of columns;

 Product Key (PK)

 Product Description

 SKU Number (Natural Key)

 Brand Description

 Category Description

 Department Description

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 Package Type Description

 Package Size

 Fat Content

 Diet Type

 Weight

 Weight Units of Measure

 Storage Type

 Shelf Life Type

 Shelf Width

 Shelf Height

 Shelf Depth

Promotion Dimension:

1. The promotion dimension is potentially the most interesting dimension in our schema.

2. The promotion dimension describes the promotion conditions under which a product was sold.

3. Promotion conditions include temporary price reductions, end-aisle displays, newspaper ads, and

4. This dimension is often called a causal dimension (as opposed to a casual dimension) because it
describes factors thought to cause a change in product sales.

5. Managers at both headquarters and the stores are interested in determining whether a promotion is
effective or not.

6. From a purely logical point of view, we could record very similar information about the promotions by
separating the four major causal mechanisms (price reductions, ads, displays, and coupons) into four
separate dimensions rather than combining them into one dimension

 Promotion Key (PK)

 Promotion Attributes TBD

Promotion Dimension – columns;

 Promotion Key (PK)

 Promotion Name

 Price Reduction Type

 Promotion Media Type

 Ad Type

 Display Type

 Coupon Type

 Ad Media Name

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 Display Provider

 Promotion Cost

 Promotion Begin Date

 Promotion End Date…


 The gross profit is obtained by subtracting the cost dollar amount from the sales dollar amount.

 All these facts (sales quantity, sales dollar amount, cost dollar amount and gross profit dollar amount)
are additive across all the dimensions.

 Percentages and ratios, such as gross margin, are non additive (gross margin = gross profit / dollar 33
revenue) The numerator and denominator should be stored in the fact table.

 The ratio can be calculated in a data access tool for any slice of the fact table by remembering to
calculate the ratio of the sums, not the sum of the ratios. Unit price is also a non additive fact (is a

Data Model:-

 Decide what business data to model by combining an understanding of the business requirements with
an understanding of the available data.

 Management wants to better understand customer purchases as captured by the POS system the
business process we’re going to model is POS retail sales.

 This data will allow us to analyze what products are selling in which stores on what days under what
promotional conditions

Key Insights:-

 In our case study, the most granular data is an individual line item on a POS transaction.

 Rather than representing transaction line item detail in the dimensional model, we could select sales
data rolled up by product and promotion in a store on a day.

 A data warehouse almost always demands data expressed at the lowest possible grain of each
dimension not because queries want to see individual low-level rows, but because queries need to cut
through the details in very precise ways.

 Providing access to the POS transaction information gives us with a very detailed look at store sales:

 To understand the difference in sales on Monday versus Sunday.

 To assess whether it’s worthwhile to stock so many individual sizes of certain brands, such as cereal.

 To understand how many shoppers took advantage of the 50-cents-off promotion on shampoo.

 To determine the impact in terms of decreased sales when a competitive diet soda product was
promoted heavily

Question 2: GFU Insurance 5 marks

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GFU is a $5 billion property and casualty insurer that offers automobile, homeowners’, and personal property

The primary value chain of an insurance company is seemingly short and simple. The core processes are to issue
policies, collect premium payments, and process claims. The organization is interested in better understanding
the metrics spawned by each of these processes. Users want to analyze detailed transactions relating to the
formulation of policies, as well as transactions generated by claims processing. They want to measure profit over
time by coverage, covered item type (that is, which kinds of houses and automobiles), geographic, demographic,
and sales distribution channel characteristics. Of course, the desire to monitor profit implies that both revenues
and costs can be identified and tracked.

Identify maximum Dimensions and metrics that can satisfy management reporting needs. (2.5 marks)

Interpret each metric to the management so they can realize the associated benefit. (2.5 marks)

Answer for Question#2:

Dimensions and metrics that can satisfy management reporting needs:-

Quality and Grade:

According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), quality  is “the degree to which a set of
inherent characteristics fulfill requirements.” The requirements of a product or process can be categorized or
given a grade that will provide a basis for comparison. The quality is determined by how well something meets
the requirements of its grade


Determining how well products meet grade requirements is done by taking measurements and then interpreting
those measurements. Statistics—the mathematical interpretation of numerical data—are useful when
interpreting large numbers of measurements and are used to determine how well the product meets a
specification when the same product is made repeatedly. Measurements made on samples of the product must
be within control limits—the upper and lower extremes of allowable variation—and it is up to management to
design a process that will consistently produce products between those limits.

Quality planning tools:

High quality is achieved by planning for it rather than by reacting to problems after they are identified.
Standards are chosen and processes are put in place to achieve those standards. The following represents the
quality planning tools available;

 Cost-benefit analysis is looking at how much your quality activities will cost versus how much you will
gain from doing them. The costs are easy to measure; the effort and resources it takes to do them are
just like any other task on your schedule. Since quality activities don’t actually produce a product, it
is sometimes harder for people to measure the benefit. The main benefits are less reworking, higher
productivity and efficiency, and more satisfaction from both the team and the customer.

 Benchmarking means using the results of quality planning on other projects to set goals for your
own. You might find that the last project in your company had 20% fewer defects than the one
before it. You should want to learn from a project like that and put in practice any of the ideas
they used to make such a great improvement. Benchmarks can give you some reference points
for judging your own project before you even start the work.

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 Design of experiments is the list of all the kinds of tests you are going to run on your product. It
might list all the kinds of test procedures you’ll do, the approaches you’ll take, and even the tests
themselves. (In the software world, this is called test planning.)
 Cost of quality is what you get when you add up the cost of all the prevention and inspection
activities you are going to do on your project. It doesn’t just include the testing. It includes any
time spent writing standards, reviewing documents, meeting to analyze the root causes of
defects, reworking to fix the defects once they’re found by the team: in other words, absolutely
everything you do to ensure quality on the project. Cost of quality can be a good number to
check to determine whether your project is doing well or having trouble
 Control charts can be used to define acceptable limits. If some of the functions of a project are
repetitive, statistical process controls can be used to identify trends and keep the processes within
control limits. Part of the planning for controlling the quality of repetitive processes is to
determine what the control limits are and how the process will be sampled.
 Cause-and-effect diagrams can help in discovering problems. When control charts indicate an
assignable cause for a variation, it is not always easy to identify the cause of a problem. 

Defining and Meeting Client/ Management Expectations:

Clients provide specifications for the project that must be met for the project to be successful. Recall that
meeting project specifications is one definition of project success. Clients often have expectations that are more
difficult to capture in a written specification. For example, one client will want to be invited to every meeting of
the project and will then select the ones that seem most relevant. Another client will want to be invited only to
project meetings that need client input. Inviting this client to every meeting will cause unnecessary frustration.
Listening to the client and developing an understanding of the expectations that are not easily captured in
specifications is important to meeting those expectations.

Sources of Planning Information:

Planning for quality is part of the initial planning process. The early scope, budget, and schedule estimates are
used to identify processes, services, or products where the expected grade and quality should be specified. Risk
analysis is used to determine which of the risks to the project could affect quality.

Quality Assurance:

The purpose of quality assurance is to create confidence that the quality plan and controls are working properly.
Time must be allocated to review the original quality plan and compare that plan to how quality is being ensured
during the implementation of the project.

Process Analysis:

The flowcharts of quality processes are compared to the processes followed during actual operations. If the plan
was not followed, the process is analyzed and corrective action taken. The corrective action could be to educate
the people involved on how to follow the quality plan, or it could be to revise the plan.

Question 3: PAF KIET University 10 marks

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PAF KIET’s management is eagerly looking for a BI solution as they want to gain insights into students’ data to
improve their academics.

They have bulk of data on paper, Excel and in MIS but it is really difficult for them to analyze the data.

The University has various faculties. Each faculty has several courses and each course has several students. Each
faculty is running various programs and has permanent and visiting faulty members.

For a broader perspective, University management wants a solution that can provide following insights.

 Students admissions
 Students Pass versus Fail ratio
 Top students
 Male versus Female ratio
 Permanent versus Visiting faculty ratio
 For each course, teacher versus students
 Number of research paper produced in a year
 Number of projects done in a semester per faculty

Draw a Dashboard using DAR approach clearly showing metrics and dimensions as described in the case study

Question 4: Conceptual Questions 5 marks

In your own words not from internet, answer these questions in maximum three lines.
a) What is the Objective of Business Intelligence System?
It is known as business intelligence or business intelligence, the set of techniques, strategies, and
technology that through the measurement and subsequent analysis of data, seeks to improve the task
of those responsible for a store and help them achieve their business objectives. The main objectives of
business intelligence are:
1. Collect all possible data about the clientele
Among these data are:
The number of people entering the store at different times of the day. This is done through an advanced
person counter. Tour they make inside the premises. Websites that visit from their mobile phones
through the free Wi-fi provided by the store.
1. Analyze the data collected
A set of numbers is useless if they are not interpreted. Business intelligence technology, in its current
state, provides automated solutions for this.
This way, among other issues, you can find out which are the most and least crowded days and hours or
which are the sectors of the store that go unnoticed in the eyes of customers.
1. Develop strategies to increase profits
With the tools provided by business intelligence and based on the data collected and its subsequent
analysis and interpretation, it is intended to develop strategies to increase profits. It will be looked for:
Increase the percentage of purchase, that is, search that each person who enters the premises becomes
a customer. Loyalty to customers. Get them to return and become regular customers. Reduce expenses.
Eliminate unnecessary actions and issues that report losses to the business and do not provide any
benefit that compensates them.
1. Allow constant control of the person in charge of the store
Under the premise that delegating tasks is important, but your supervision should never be abandoned,
business intelligence gives the person responsible for the store the possibility of having in real time all
the data it needs to make the right decisions.
For example, through a good Shop Managers app, it is possible to know in real time issues such as traffic,
conversion rate, and other relevant KPIs.

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An action that provides concrete results All the objectives as mentioned earlier, which previously had to
be reached with a long and complex analysis, or through the simple intuition of the merchants, are now
achievable through business intelligence.
Simply apply these technologies and strategies to start seeing the results and enjoy the benefits

b) What are the three latest trends you understand are important in BI?
Trend #1: There Will Be New Avenues for Data Discovery
Trend #2: More Organizations Will Use BI Platforms
Trend #3: Predictive Business Analytics Will Grow

c) If you have a choice to implement QlikView or QlikSense, which one would you choose and why?
I will choose QlikSense because it can analyze data and generate reports with its own BI

d) Why do we make Dimensional Model?

As a data engineer, you know SQL very well and can probably write SQL queries for all day long. But you
cannot assume that the typical end-user will be an expert on writing SQL queries. So, our objective is to
build a DW so easy for analysts to write analysis queries quickly and effectively.
Things you would not want your analysts to do:
 Queries based on ID
 Cascading outer joins(even you would not want to do that)
 grouped or joined multiple subqueries
 recursive subqueries(just visit Hackerrank SQL and you would understand the pain)
 Subquery correlation: fetching data across multiple columns in different subqueries
 Joins without PK/FK: even for me(1.5 years of DE experience), it's hard to visualize.

e) At Maxwell Inc., the BI Architect emphasized showing data prominently on Dashboard while minimizing
the effect of borders, gridlines and drop shadows. Another Architect 2 raises concern over this
approach. In your opinion, who is correct and why?

Question 5: Telecom Industry 10 marks

Orange Tel wants to enter Pakistan market to sell its telecommunication services which include Mobile, 4G / 5G
internet and Cloud services.
Pakistan Telco market is occupied by major players like Mobilik, Ufone, Telenor and Zong along with other
various internet service providers
The market is rapidly growing due to the increased demand of high speed internet both for commercial and
consumer use.
The Management is interested to know the various metrics like market share , revenue, cost of providing the
services, consumer demand / trends, total users of each services like 4g, 3g etc. Customer demo graphics, like
age groups, lower class, middle call and upper class needs/demands, data demand according to the customer
type or class. This all information is necessary For Orange Tel to design its product and service offerings in order
to gain a good share from the market.
Being a BI Consultant, your job is to propose following.
1. High level Plan to implement BI (2.5 marks)
Answer for 1. Business Plan BI:
The telecommunications industry encompasses many technology-related business sectors
• local and long-distance telephone services
• wireless communications
• the Internet
• fiber-optics
• satellites

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• cable TV systems
Cable companies are now aggressively offering local telephone service and Internet service.
Telecommunications service providers are now selling TV via Internet protocol services,
competing directly against cable for consumers’ entertainment dollars and making the
relationship between the telecom and cable sectors more and more complex.
Ingenuity, innovation, insight and a reasonable approach to spending and investment can help
to move the industry ahead. To drive these, telecommunications service providers will need to
employ cost-effective business intelligence (BI) solutions. This paper discusses how BI, built on
Open Source technologies such as Ingres 2006, can help telecommunications vendors control
costs and improve their bottom line in today’s extremely competitive environment.

Telecommunications vendors are rapidly acquiring significant product development capabilities as

technology changes drive consumer demand. However, they continue to lag behind in understanding the
customer. This has led to significant churn as products are developed and discarded in an attempt to retain
existing customers and drive new business. Deregulation and increasing competition is forcing companies to
move from traditional product-centric operations to consumer-centric operations. Customer demand for
new services and lower cost services are forcing telecommunications service providers to increase their
efficiency as never before. Telecommunications vendors have to analyze their customers’ needs and tailor
all their business processes in the value chain to effectively meet their customers’ unique requirements and
increasing demands. Implicit in this argument is the assumption that telecommunication companies have
the ability to turn large volumes of data pertaining to their customers and services into actionable
information. Business intelligence systems can significantly help in almost all aspects of the value chain to
achieve this objective. Figure 1 illustrates the telecommunications value chain. In the following sections we
will focus on some of the BI applications in each segment of the value chain

Customer Lifetime Value

Customer profitability is not the sole measure of a customer’s value to the company. A customer
may have the potential of buying profitable products in the future. A customer may also server
as an excellent reference for more profitable customers. Customer Lifetime Value is, therefore,
a more meaningful measure. Often data mining tools are used to model customer lifetime value,
taking into account all the factors that have a bearing on the customer’s value over the entire
course of their relationship to the company.
Customer Segmentation: Segmentation is used to segregate customers who exhibit common
characteristics in different segments. These segments can then be treated as distinct entities
and the future interaction with them can be tailored accordingly. Customer segmentation can
save significant marketing effort. Often BI tools are used for customer segmentation. The tools
use ‘clustering’ algorithms for segmenting the entire customer base into groups identified on
the basis of various demographic factors and usage patterns.

Customer Attrition
Acquiring new customers is much more costly than retaining existing ones according to
numerous studies. Customer attrition analysis is an essential step in customer retention.
It involves analysis of data captured during individual customer contacts at various touch
points. For attrition analysis, customer contact data is coupled with other data sources like
billing information. The resultant data set is then associated with customers who have switched
to analyze the possible reasons behind the decision. The results can also be used to improve
the performance of customer touch points.

Customer Affinity
Affinity analysis, or market-basket analysis, reveals linkages between products that are likely to
be purchased together and between product groupings and customer segments. These affinities
can be, at times, extremely difficult to unearth and often business intelligence systems are used
for this purpose. These systems use a technique called ‘association analysis’ for arriving at the
right combination of products and services for a customer or customer segment.
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Target Marketing
Marketing to a specific customer group is a natural outcome of customer segmentation. Once
distinct customer segments are identified, BI tools can be used to study the products likely to
be bought by the segment. Often data mining is used to develop predictive models to establish
the buying propensity of a segment towards various existing or new products. Armed with this
information, marketing managers can design specific campaigns targeted at individual segments.

Campaign Analysis
Effective advertising campaigns that consistently deliver on their marketing performance
objectives are the result of skilled advertising personnel, extensive knowledge of the target
market segment as well as excellent understanding of past successes and failures. BI solutions
that bring together data from existing systems that deliver, track, and optimize branding and
direct response marketing campaigns can help telecommunications service providers reduce the
risk and increase the predictability of campaign execution. Campaign analysis is used to analyze
the effectiveness of a marketing or promotion campaign. The effects of a particular campaign on
sales of the promoted product can be tracked using business intelligence solutions. Often the
surge in sales of the promoted product can result in decrease in sales of other related products.
BI tools can also help identify such relationships. The campaign data is stored in a data
warehouse and can be used to predict the effectiveness of similar campaigns in the future.

Cross selling can be a major source of selling for a telecommunications company. For effective
cross-selling, existing data can be leveraged using business intelligence solutions to quickly zero
in on new products that may be required by existing customers. These can then be offered to
them during the next contact

To plan their networks, telecommunications service providers perform forecasting that helps operators to
make key investment decisions. These decisions effect all aspects of the business including product
development, launch, advertising, and pricing. Effective forecasting helps to ensure that the company will
make a profit and that capital is invested wisely. BI solutions that use forecast data can help network
planners decide how much equipment to purchase and where to place it to ensure optimum management
of traffic loads.

Data warehousing facilitates analysis of budgeted versus actual expenditure for various
cost heads like promotion campaigns, product development, infrastructure maintenance,
investments, commissions, etc. BI tools can provide drill down capabilities whereby the reasons
for cost overruns can be analyzed in more detail. It can also be used to allocate budgets for the
next financial period. Various activity based costing models can be developed for better cost
control and allocation.

Profitability Analysis
This includes profitability of individual products, product lines, and investments. A
major component of profitability analysis is a thorough analysis of costs incurred during
product development which can be a major factor in reducing the overall profitability of
telecommunications companies.

Reporting and Analysis

Swift decision making requires ready access to financial data via an intuitive interface.
Increasingly companies are providing concerned executives web-based access to financial
data. Our Ingres Icebreaker BI appliance has a web interface that can greatly facilitate ad-hoc
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querying and report distribution.

Corporate Dashboards
Performance measurements like product line profitability, overall development costs, and ROI
can be presented in dashboard reports to top management to facilitate the decision making
process. Also alerts can be triggered if any performance measure reaches a pre-defined threshold
level. These reports can incorporate Telecommunications industry benchmarks provided by
third party researchers.

Statutory Reporting
Telecommunications companies have to provide statutory reports to outside agencies. These
Reports can easily be generated from the Business Intelligence environment.

Propose the BI tool QlikView or QlikSense with a reason (2.5 marks)

2. Identify Dimensions, Metrics and number of insights that may be helpful for decision making by the
management (5 marks)

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