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‘70: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM President of the Senate (By Rogistored Mail) United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Archivist of the United States (By Registered Mail) 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20408 Secretary of State (By Certified Mail) State of Michigan 430 Allegan Street Richard H. Austin Bldg,, 4th Floor Lansing, MI 48918 Chief Judge, U.S. District Court (By Certified Mail) Western District of Michigan 118 Federal Building 315 West Allegan Street Lansing, MI 48983, Kathy Berden, Chairperson, Eloctoral College of Michigan December 14, 2020 Michigan's Blectoral Votes for President and Vice President Pursuant to 3 U.8.C. § 11, enclosed please find duplicate originals of Michigan's electoral votes for President and Vice President, as follows: two (2) duplicate originals for the President of the Senate and the Archivist, and one (1) duplicate original for the Secretary of State and Chief Judge. CERTIFICATE OF THE VOTES OF THE 2020 ELECTORS FROM MICHIGAN teenies WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being the duly elected and qualified Electors for President and Vice President of the Unitod States of America from the State of Michigan, do hereby certify the following: (A)That we convened and organized in the State Capitol, in the City of Lansing, Michigan, and at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on the 14th, day of December, 2020, performed the dutios enjoined upon us; (B)That being so assembled and duly organized, we proceeded to vote by ballot, and balloted first for President and then for Vico President, by distinct ballots; and (©)That the following are two distinct lists, one, of all the votes for President; and the other, of all the votes for Vice President, so cast as aforesaid: For PRESIDENT Names of the Persons Voted For DONALD J, TRUMP of the State of Florida FOr VICE PRESIDENT Names of the Persons Voted For iCHABL R, PENCE of the State of Indiana IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we, the undersigned, have hereunto, in the City of Lansing, in the State of Michigan, on this 14th day of December, 2020, subscribed our respective names. Kathy Beltien, Chairperson Cha LLI {4 feshawn Maddock >) John Haggard Cat VYun beset Kent Vanderwood 7d Marian Sheridan James Renner Hank Choate Cat Henry wat Cliftnd Frost ALM MicholgLamndgren an ‘Ken Thompson CERTIFICATE OF FILLING VACANCY OF THE 2020 ELECTORS FROM MICHIGAN seiner: Upon the call of the roll, a vacancy became known due to the absence of Elector TERRI LYNN LAND ‘Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded, KEN THOMPSON ‘Was elected by the Blectors present, as an Elector of President and Vice Procidont of the ‘United States of America for the State of Michigan to fill the vacancy in the manner provided by law. This Eloctor participated in the provoedinge ap not fovth in the sacord of the Electoral College IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Chairperson and Socretary of the Electoral College of Michigan herounto Subscribe their names this 14th day ‘of December, 2020 fill th CERTIFICATE OF FILLING VACANCY OF THE 2020 ELECTORS FROM MICHIGAN thinkinineeines Upon the call ofthe roll, a vacancy became known due to the absence of Elector GERALD WALL ‘Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded, JAMES RENNER Was elected by the Electors present, as an Blector of Prosident and Vice President of the United States of America for the State of Michigan to fill the vacancy in the manner provided ly low, This Blecive pctsipated in the proceedings as act forth in tho record of ‘the Electoral College IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Chairperson and Secretary of the Electoral College of Michigan herounto Subscribe thoir names this Lfch day of December, 2020. Nils be T r ‘Kathy Borden, Chairperson La ‘ Mayes Sob A CERTIFICATE OF THE VOTES OF THE 2020 ELECTORS FROM MICHIGAN tehinihiniseine WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being the duly elected and qualified Electors for President and Vice President of the United States of Amorica from the State of Michigan, do hereby certify the following: (A)That we convened and organized in the State Capitol, in the City of Lansing, Michigan, and at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Standard ‘Time on the 14th day of December, 2020, performed the duties enjoined upon us; (B)That being so assembled and duly organized, we proceeded to vote by ballot, and balloted first for President and then for Vice President, by distinct ballots; and (©)That the following are two distinct lists, one, of all the votes for President; and the other, of all the votes for Vice President, so cast as aforesaid: FoR PRESIDENT Names of the Persons Voted For Number of Votes. DONALD J. TRUMP of the State of Florida 16 ‘FOR VICE PRESIDENT ‘Names of the Persons Voted For Number of Votes MICHAEL R, PENCE of tho State of Indiana IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we, the undersigned, have hereunto, in the City of Lansing, in the State of Michigan, on this 14th day of December, 2020, subscribed our respective names. Ls Look Wath Barn, Caieeron ose Book Mayr Rouen, Soars Hank Choate : Ollie : \eececioa Heores John Haggard - Clifford. 4, Kent Vanderwood Stanoy Gro 7 pe v Marian Sheridan ‘Timothy Kitg, ) NupteLurds James Renner Michele Lundgren 0 1 > ‘Amy Facchinello Ken Thompson CERTIFICATE OF FILLING VACANCY OF THE 2020 ELECTORS FROM MICHIGAN tinbinbinii Upon the call of the roll, a vacancy became known due to the absence of Elector TERRI LYNN LAND ‘Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded, KEN THOMPSON Was elected by the Blectors preeent, as an Elector of President and Vico President of the United States of America forthe State of Michigan to fll the vacaney in the manner provided hy law. This Blectar participated in the procsedinge as set forth in the reened af the Blectoral College IN WITNESS WHEREOF,, tho undersigned Chairperson and Secretary of the Electoral College of Michigan herounto Subscribe their namos this L4th day of December, 2020, : “a 2 The Kathy érden, Chairperson sander oety CERTIFICATE OF FILLING VACANCY OF THE 2020 ELECTORS FROM MICHIGAN seine ‘Upon the call of the roll, a vacaney became known due to the absence of Elector GERALD WALL "Thereupon, by nomination duly made and seconded, JAMES RENNER Was elected by the lectors present, as an Elector of President and Vice President of the United States of America for the State of Michigan to fill the vacancy in the manner provided by law. This Blector participated in the proceedings as et forth in the record of the Blectoral College IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Chairperson and Secretary of the Electoral College of Michigan hereunto Subscribe their names this 14th day ‘of Desember, 2020. 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