Tieng Anh III - de Thi

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Học phần: Tiếng Anh III

ĐỀ THI Mã học phần: 866103
Hình thức thi: Bài tập và Phát vấn trực tuyến
Học kỳ: 1 ................................................................................................................................................... Năm học: 2021 – 2022 ....................................................................................................
Trình độ đào tạo: Đại học .......................................................................................... Hình thức đào tạo: Chính quy ...........................................................................
Họ tên sinh viên: ...................................................................................................................... Mã số sinh viên: ........................................................................................................................

I. Hướng dẫn cách thực hiện

- Thí sinh đọc kỹ đề thi và ghi nội dung trả lời vào Phiếu làm bài thi.
- Phiếu làm bài thi có định dạng file đánh máy hoặc file hình chụp bản viết tay rõ nét.
- Bài làm của mỗi thí sinh được đặt trong 01 file duy nhất, đặt tên file theo cấu trúc sau:
- Trên Phiếu làm bài thi, thí sinh ghi đầy đủ thông tin Họ tên sinh viên, Ngày sinh, Mã số sinh
viên, và Nhóm thi.
- Thí sinh xem kỹ thông báo thời gian thi phát vấn trực tuyến của nhóm thi để truy cập đường
link từ đầu buổi thi và nghe phổ biến cách thức tiến hành.
- Thí sinh không nộp Phiếu làm bài thi đúng hạn hoặc không tham gia buổi thi phát vấn trực
tuyến xem như vắng thi.
- Bài làm của thí sinh có hiện tượng gian lận, đạo văn sẽ bị xử lý theo quy định của Nhà trường.
II. Nội dung đề thi
Task 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from those in the other
words. Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. (0.4pt)
1. A. book B. look C. push D. food
2. A. final B. kite C. signal D. hire
Task 2: Choose the word having different stress pattern from the others. Write A, B, C or D on the
answer sheet. (0.4pt)
1. A. angry B. horrible C. likeable D. biology
2. A. efficiency B. geography C. energetic D. philosophy
Task 3: Choose the correct verbs. Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. (0.4pt)
1. Cola _______ trash to make his first musical instrument.
A. plays B. sends C. works D. recycles
2. During the early 1900s, jazz first _____ in New Orleans.
A. appeared B. occurred C. incurred D. happened
Task 4: Choose the correct adjectives. Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. (0.4pt)
1. I was_______ because I didn’t have time to finish all the questions.
A. frustrated B. comfortable C. terrific D. excited
2. I read an _____ article about test-taking and I got several helpful tips.
A. terrifying B. interesting C. tiring D. exhausting
Task 5: Choose the correct nouns. Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. (0.4pt)
1. I like this______ because its color captures the calm beauty of nature.
A. installation B. illustration C. confusion D. inspiration

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2. Sir Antony Gormley created a famous ______, 20-meter tall, called The Angel of the North.
A. statue B. painting C. tapestry D. drawing
Task 6: Choose the correct adverbs. Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. (0.4pt)
1. Brian has been a good assistant of the executive manager because he types very _____.
A. basically B. loudly C. quickly D. slowly
2. Getting high salary, Peter often works very _______ .
A. hard B. hardly C. lazily D. rarely
Task 7: Choose the correct prepositions. Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. (0.4pt)
1. He admitted having opened the suitcase ______asking the owner.
A. with B. without C. to D. for
2. Most bears hibernate _______ the winter.
A. at B. on C. in D. after
Task 8: Choose the word that fits each blank in the following sentences. Write A, B, C or D on the
answer sheet. (0.4pt)
1. Would you mind_____ talking while the show is on?
A. don’t B. not C. no D. never
2. Django _____ learn how to play the guitar in a different style even though two of his fingers were
A. failed to B. despaired C. regretted to D. managed to
Task 9: Choose the word/phrase which is closest in meaning to the underlined part of each question.
Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. (0.4pt)
1. My new piano cost me an arm and a leg.
A. was not beautiful B. was so cheap C. was old D. was very expensive
2. I don’t want to ask her to do anything. She doesn’t lift a finger.
A. is helpful B. is very lazy C. is industrious D. looks cruel
Task 10: Choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the underlined part of each question. Write
A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. (0.4pt)
1. I hate doing interviews. I always get so stressed.
A. tired B. cheerful C. relaxed D. confused
2. The hall was crowded. There were probably around 300 people there.
A. empty B. dirty C. large D. narrow
Task 11: Choose the correct verb forms. Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. (0.4pt)
1. Sonya ___________ through 20 countries so far.
A. travelled B. was travelling C. travels D. has travelled
2. She covered her body in oil __________ herself from the cold.
A. protecting B. be protected C. to protect D. protect
Task 12: Choose the correct articles. Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. (0.4pt)
1. I was just going into Hyde Park in London when I saw ______ elephant.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article
2. _______ title of the work was Look at me Now.
A. A B. An C. The D. no article

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Task 13: Choose the correct modal verb which best replaces the underlined part in each sentence.
Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. (0.4pt)
1. Students are not allowed to bring cell phones into the examination hall.
A. may B. should C. can’t D. won’t
2. She was able to play the violin at the age of four.
A. can B. would C. could D. must
Task 14: Choose the correct modifiers. Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. (0.4pt)
1. The painting is _______ more expensive than the print.
A. far B. nearly C. less D. enough
2. He’s grown so much. He’s ________ as tall as his father now.
A. almost B. a little C. slightly D. a lot
Task 15: Write the second sentence using the words in brackets about each situation with
might/must/can’t/could have + past participle. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (0.4pt)
1. The audience looked disappointed and many people left early.
(the music / be / very good)
2. The crowd was clapping their hands and cheering loudly.
(they / enjoy / performance / very much)

Read the passage and complete tasks 16 - 18.

A South Korean TV drama series are among the most popular in the world. They come in a variety of
formats, including period pieces, crime shows, and romance. Millions of people in the East Asian region
watch them – online, on pirate DVDs, and on TV channels in their own countries. Outside Korea, the
countries with the biggest numbers of consumers of K-drama, as these TV shows are called, are China,
Taiwan, Indonesia, and Japan.
B One of the most popular of these series is Misaeng, which means Incomplete Life. The 20-episode
series has recently been climbing the ratings. It started at 1.6 percent and has risen to 5.15 percent. Every
Friday night, instead of going out with friends to celebrate the weekend, millions of office workers rush
home to watch Misaeng. People talk about K-dramas at work and on social media. If you haven’t been
watching, it’s easy to feel left out!
C The story of Misaeng is about Jang Geu-rae, an office worker in a large company. Jang used to be a
professional baduk player (baduk is a board game, a bit like chess, or Japanese Go), but he doesn’t have a
college degree, or impressive work experience, and cannot speak any foreign languages. But he works hard
and never gives up, and has been lucky to get a job in a company on a two-year contract.
D Misaeng is not the first K-drama to focus on office life, but it has become the most popular. It reflects
the reality of office life for many South Koreans, who struggle with short term contracts. These kind of office
workers are the main audience for Misaeng. They never know if they will be in the same company next year,
or even if they will have a job next year. They see themselves and their lives in the on-screen life of Jang
and his co-workers.
E Another very popular show, but very different, is the period piece Dae Jang Geum. This show is set
in the Joseon Dynasty (1392 to 1897) and it tells the story of a kitchen hand who becomes the first woman
doctor to the king in Korean history. The show gives accurate details of Korean cooking, traditional
medicine, costume, and other aspects of Korean history. The show has become the highest rated K-drama of
all time and is also hugely popular outside Korea. After the series, the number of Japanese and Taiwanese
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traveling to historical sites in South Korea rose by 73%! There is even a website where people can get more
information about the food, the costumes, and the historical sites shown on the show.
Task 16: Choose the best answer for each question. Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. (0.4pt)
1. What is true about Misaeng?
A. Misaeng is the name of the main actor.
B. Misaeng has been shown for 20 years.
C. Misaeng is popular with temporarily-contracted office workers.
D. Misaeng has always been struggling with its reducing ratings.
2. What is not true about Dae Jang Geum?
A. Dae Jang Geum takes place outside Korea.
B. Dae Jang Geum is about the first woman royal doctor in Korea.
C. Dae Jang Geum is a period drama.
D. Dae Jang Geum is popular in Japan and Taiwan.
Task 17: Choose the phrases that best explain the underlined words in the passage. Write A, B, C or
D on the answer sheet. (0.4pt)
1. pirate
A. someone who sails in a ship B. illegally copied
C. someone who attacks ships D. officially broadcast
2. feel left out
A. feel one is not part of the group B. not understand the story
C. feel depressed D. not feel well
Task 18: Answer the following questions. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (0.4pt)
1. What are different types of Korean TV drama series?
2. According to the passage, when was the Joseon Dynasty founded?
Read the passage and complete tasks 19 - 20.
According to the World Health Organization, around 3.4 million people die every year from diseases caused
by inadequate water or sanitation and 99% of these deaths occur in the developing world. Last night’s Not a
Drop to Drink on the BBC followed the attempts of Gerry Mariner, a worker for the charity Water.org in his
attempts to deal with this problem. Gerry has been trying to provide clean and safe drinking water to a small
community on the edge of the Namibia desert, a region that experiences only about 14 inches (350 mm) of
rainfall a year, and one of the driest places on the planet.
Mariner has been living in the small community of Poopoolupu. His role there is to try to provide a solution
to the problem of access to drinking water. Most of the country is a desert, and the population of the region
relies on groundwater and wells for water. Before the arrival of Water.org, the women of the village were
walking seven hours a day to get water for their villages – three hours to the nearest well, and four hours
back. The way back usually takes longer because the women are carrying heavy buckets of precious water
and must not spill a drop. To make the problem worse, the wells are drying up in that region. Mariner’s job
is to dig new ones.
The documentary was beautifully shot: the surrounding desert of Namibia provides lots of opportunities for
spectacular landscape shots. However, this emphasis on the landscape made the viewers feel that the director
did not think the problems of the villagers were important. We didn’t actually see the women carrying their
heavy buckets of water, we only heard about them, while instead we saw incredible shots of shifting dunes
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and blue skies. Watching it on a cold dark rainy night in the middle of February, I looked longingly at the
shots of dry sandy beaches, blue sky, and hot sun, and the villagers of Poopoolupu and their water problems
seemed unimportant. This is surely the wrong message to give the audience.
Task 19: Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Write T or F on the answer sheet.
1. Not a Drop to Drink is a variety show produced by BBC.
2. The journey back from the well takes longer because the women takes a longer path.
Task 20: What do the underlined words in the passage refer to? Write A, B, C or D on the answer
sheet. (0.4pt)
1. ones
A. buckets of water B. villages C. wells D. women
2. problems
A. dry sandy beaches, shifting dunes and blue skies
B. villagers of Poopoolupu
C. opportunities for spectacular landscape shots
D. drying-up wells and difficult access to drinking water
Task 21: Choose the correct words to complete the first paragraph. Write A, B, C or D on the answer
sheet. (0.4pt)
Yesterday I went to see a really great exhibition about Amy Wine-house. Wine-house, as everyone knows,
was one of the greatest British singer of the early 2000s. Amy played guitar and sang much (1)________
anyone else of her age. She usually sang Jazz and blues. The way she sang was very moving. I listened to
her music all the time when I (2)________.
1. A. better B. best C. best than D. better than
2. A. had grown up B. grew up C. was growing up D. grow up
Task 22: Choose the correct words to complete the second paragraph. Write A, B, C or D on the
answer sheet. (0.4pt)
She had lots of problems with drugs and alcohol, and sometimes she couldn’t remember the words of the
songs she was singing. I think she (1)________ very unhappy. The people around her in the music industry
did not lift a finger to help her with her problems. She died much too young. I still remember where I was,
and what I was doing when I heard the news that she (2)________.
1. A. must be B. might been C. can’t have be D. must have been
2. A. died B. was died C. dyed D. had died
Task 23: Choose the responses to complete the conversations. Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.
1. Jenny: Could you keep the noise down, please?
Anna: _____________________________
A. So sorry. B. Go ahead. C. Yes, you could. D. Never mind.
2. Charlie: I wonder if you could tell me more about it.
Receptionist: _____________________________
A. Nothing at all. B. Of course, what would you like to know?
C. Why do you say so? D. That would be fine.

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Task 24: Choose the questions to complete the conversations. Write A, B, C or D on the answer sheet.
1. Vera: ______________________________
Jack: Of course not, go ahead.
A. What channel is it on? B. What’s on tonight?
C. Do you mind if we change channels? D. Could I change channels?
2. Maria: I always feel so stressed. _____________________________
Anna: I suggest you spend more time outdoors.
A. What have I done? B. What’s your matter?
B. Why don’t we get away? D. What do you think I should do?
Task 25: Write a paragraph about your job or studies. You should include:
- what things are rewarding or enjoyable;
- what things are difficult or stressful;
- how well you are managing your stress.
Write 100 - 120 words on the answer sheet. (0.4pt)


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