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Școala Gimnazială Braloștița

Disciplina: Limba engleză

Aria curriculară: Limbă şi comunicare
Catedra: Clasa a III-a
Nr. ore/ săptămână: 2

ANUL ŞCOLAR 2021-2022


1A. Daily routine 1B. My 1.1., 1.3., 2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 4h 13.09.-
1 – Unit 1 – A day of family 3.1. 24.09.2021
my life
Vocabular: numbers, clocks and time, mother,
father, sister, brother, baby, grandmother,
grandfather, have breakfast, go to school, get up,
brush your teeth, go home, have dinner, have a
shower, go to bed, put on your pyjamas.

Gramatică: Present simple, Present Continuous,

this, that, these, those.

Proiect: Daily life

About my family

2– Unit 2 – Let’s party! 2A. Food we like 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., 2.1., 2.3., 4h 27.09-
3.1., 4.1. 8.10.2021
2B. Happy birthday!
Vocabular: chicken, salad, ice cream , yoghurt,
crisps, water, strawberries, chocolate, sandwiches,
fruit juice, pound, pence, recipt, gift, flower, cake,
balloon, birthday card, invitation, mask, decoration,

Gramatică: I like/ I don’t like, Do you like?/ Yes, I

do/ No, I don’t, I can/ I can’t. Plurals

Proiect: At the market

Birthday card and invitation

3 – Round-up Revision of the taught material 1.1. – 4.1. 4h 11-

Evaluation Evaluation 22.10.2021
4 – Unit 3 – Adventure 3A. Animal World 3B. At the 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., 2.1., 2.3., 4h 1-
time theatre 3.1., 4.1. 12.11.2021

Vocabulary: crocodile, mouse, rabbit, frog,

monkey, snake, hamster, lizard, shell, scales, fur,
tail, teeth, claws, feathers, whiskers, wings, beak,
actor, audience, stage, costume, lights, make-up,
script, ticket, programme, poster.

Gramatică: Has got/ have got/ hasn’t got

Proiect: My Comic book

A play
5 – Unit 4 – Around the 4A. Clothes 1.1., 1.2., 2.1., 2.2., 2.4., 4h 15.11-
year 3.1., 4.1. 26.11.2021
4B. At the beach

Vocabular: coat, sweater, shirt, socks, shorts,

dress, pants, T-shirt, shoes, collecting shells,
making a sandcastle, playing volleyball,playing
frisbee, playing with a bat and a ball,
swimmimg in the sea,fishing, snorkelling, puting
on sun cream , lying in the shade.

Gramatică: I want/ he, she wants,

Do you want?/ Does she


The verb “to be”

Proiect: Fashion show

A perfect place
6 - I can’t fly!  Time Chores (do the dishes, do the shopping,
feed the fish, make my bed, set the table, take
out the rubbish, walk the dog, water the
 Daily routine (cook, do my homework, go
jogging, have a shower, listen to music, ride a
horse, tidy my room, visit my grandparent

 To can

6- Christmas is coming! Vocabular: Christmas Carols

Proiect: Letter to Santa

7 – Final Review Revision and evaluation 1.1. – 4.1. 1h 13-

Final Evaluation Talking about Christmas 22.12.2021
Reading time Singing carols
7 – Unit 5 Talk about sports and outdoor activities 1.1., 1.3., 2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 3h 10-
Sports Identifying things on the playground 3.1. 28.01.2022
Vocabulary: playground objects (jungle gym, slide, swing,
seesaw), football, tennis, cycling, basketball, rollerskating.
Main skills: listening, speaking, writing.
8 – Unit 6 Talk about feelings 1.1., 1.3., 2.1., 2.3., 3h 31.01.-
Feelings Vocabulary: playground objects (jungle gym, slide, swing, 3.1., 4.1. 18.02.2022
seesaw), animals (hamster, guinea pig, duck, duckling,
fish, cat, dog), feelings (glad, happy, sad), ordinal numeral
(first – fifth)
Structures: ”I'm happy/sad/glad!”, ”(Two) and (two) are
Main skills: listening, speaking, writing.
9 – Round-up Revision of the taught material 1.1. – 4.1. 2h 21.02-
Evaluation Evaluation 4.03.2022
10 – Unit 7 Talk about the parts of a house 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., 2.1., 2.3., 3h 7-
My home Locate objects in the house 3.1., 4.1. 25.03.2022
Prepositions of place (in, on, under, between, besides,
above, near, in front of, in, behind)
Vocabulary: parts of a house (bathroom, hall, bedroom,
kitchen, living room), objects in the house (sofa, bathtub,
bed, TV set, washbasin, armchair, table, cupboard,
wardrobe, sink, stairs, fridge, chair, carpet, cooker)
Main skills: listening, speaking.
11 – Unit 8 Listen to a story about Easter 1.1., 1.3., 2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 3h 28.03- În perioada
Holidays Identify existing objects 3.1., 4.1. 7.04.2022 08-
Talk about food 14.04.2022
Likes and dislikes are loc
Ask for something/ Give permission
Vocabulary: gift, food items: ice cream, egg, biscuit, cake,
sweets, carrots, salt, pepper, bananas, cheese, apples,
orange, bunny
Vocabulary: objects on the table (fountain, knife, fork,
teaspoon, plate, glass, napkin), food (biscuits, bottle juice,
sandwich, ice cream),
Main skills: listening, speaking, reading.
12 – Unit 9 Act to commands 1.1., 1.3., 2.1., 2.4., 4h 2-
My School Plurals 3.1., 4.1. 27.05.2022
Vocabulary- school objects (chair, desk, keyboard,
monitor, mouse, computer, book, pen, pencil, eraser,
notebook, crayon, pencil-case, sharpener, ruler), numbers
Structures: ”What's this? It's a...”, ”Stand up!”, ”Sit
down!”, ”Count from 1 to 20!”
Main skills: listening, speaking.
13 - Final Review Progress check. 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., 30.05-
Final Evaluation Oral evaluation. 2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.4., 2h 09.06.2022
3.1., 4.1.
Competenţele generale și specifice din programa școlară urmărite în unitățile de învățare

1. Receptarea de mesaje orale simple

1.1. Oferirea unei reacţii adecvate, în situaţii de comunicare uzuale, la o întrebare/ instrucţiune simplă rostită clar şi foarte rar

1.2. Recunoaşterea poziţiilor de bază (pe, sub, în faţă, în spatele, în) ale unor obiecte din universal imediat, în mesaje articulate clar şi rar

1.3. Manifestarea curiozităţii faţă de sesizarea semnificaţiei globale a unor filme şi a unor cântece pentru copii în limba modern respective

2. Exprimarea orală în situaţii de comunicare uzuală

2.1. Reproducerea unor cântece/poezii simple pentru copii

2.2. Prezentarea unei persoane / unui personaj cunoscut folosind câteva detalii familiare (nume, gen, vârstă, hobby)

2.3. Participarea la jocuri de comunicare în care reproduce sau creează rime/ mesaje scurte
2.4. Cererea şi oferirea unor informaţii scurte şi simple referitoare la localizarea obiectelor din universul imediat

3. Receptarea de mesaje scrise simple

3.1. Manifestarea curiozităţii pentru decodarea unor mesaje scrise simple şi scurte din universul imediat

4. Redactarea de mesaje scrise simple în situaţii de comunicare uzuală

4.1. Participarea la proiecte de grup/ la nivelul clasei în care elaborează cu sprijin scurte mesaje scrise

1. Understand simple oral messages

1.1. Provide an adequate reaction to a simple question/instruction articulated clearly and very slowly, in everyday communication situations

1.2. Recognise the basic position of objects from their immediate universe (on, under, in front of, behind, in) in messages that are articulated
slowly and clearly

1.3. Show curiosity towards understanding the global meaning of children’s films and songs in English

2. Speak in everyday communication situations

2.1. Reproduce short, simple children’s songs/poems

2.2. Introduce a person/popular character, using a few familiar details (name, gender, age, hobby)

2.3. Take part in communication games by reproducing or creating short chants/messages

2.4. Ask for and give short, simple information about where objects from their immediate universe are
3. Understand simple written messages

3.1. Show curiosity towards decoding simple, short written messages related to their immediate universe

4. Write short simple messages in everyday communication situations

4.1. Take part in group/class projects by producing short written messages with help from the teacher

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