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Journal of Veterinary Cardiology xxx (xxxx) xxx

Cardiac pacemakers: a basic review of the

history and current technology
W.F. DeForge, PhD

Cardiology Physicians of Fairfield County, 40 Cross St., Norwalk, CT, 06851, USA

Received 29 June 2018; received in revised form 2 January 2019; accepted 2 January 2019

KEYWORDS Abstract In the 60 years since the first human implant of a cardiac pacemaker,
Canine; tremendous improvements have been made to devices themselves as well as the
Pacing; lead systems. Improvement in battery materials has allowed for production of smal-
Sensing; ler devices with greater longevity and a vast array of technologies allowing for com-
Capture munication between the device and the operator. Lead wires, typically to as the
weakest part of the pacing system, have also seen a metamorphosis as improve-
ments in conductor materials and hybrid insulation have been shown to improve re-
liability. With the recent development of leadless pacing systems, the downfalls of
implantable leads can be avoided. These improvements have allowed a more wide-
spread use of cardiac pacing in veterinary applications since the first reported ca-
nine implant in 1967.
ª 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Brief history of cardiac pacing being investigated in animals, but there was no
human experience.
The first implant In the fall of 1958, in a secret operation, Dr. Rune
Elmqvist, who developed the device, and Dr. Åke
In 1958, Arne Larsson, a 43-year-old Swedish man, Senning, a cardiologist, implanted the device in Mr.
was suffering from severe Stokes-Adams attacks. Larsson [1]. Dr. Elmqvist developed the device while
He required almost daily resuscitations and was on working as an engineer for Elema-Schönander (later
the verge of giving up. His wife had learned of a Siemens-Elema). Even though the first device lasted
physician in Stockholm, Sweden, who had invented only a few hours, a replacement device was available
a device that could stimulate the heart. This was for implant. Mr. Larsson did remarkably well,
receiving a total of 26 devices in his lifetime. He
passed away in 2001 after a battle with melanoma at
E-mail address: the age of 86 years. He outlived both Senning and
1760-2734/ª 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: DeForge WF, Cardiac pacemakers: a basic review of the history and current technology, Journal of
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2 W.F. DeForge

Elmqvist. In 1994, Siemens-Elema sold its pacemaker failure brought on by complete heart block. This
line to St. Jude Medical, which became a part of was an epicardial system, requiring a thoracotomy
Abbott Laboratories in 2017 (Fig. 1). for the fixed-rate system that was implanted.
The first reported implant of transvenous car-
The first American implant diac pacemaker in a dog was reported by Mussel-
man et al., [5] a decade later in 1976. The
Even though the first implant was successful, transvenous approach is considered a safer and
albeit not without electrical complications, this less traumatic approach than the epicardial
did not quickly pave the way for widespread use. implant that generally requires an abdominal
The first implantation of a cardiac pacemaker in approach and incision of the diaphragm for access
the United States took place at Millard Fillmore to the left ventricular epicardial surface.
Hospital in Buffalo, New York, in 1960.
While working in his laboratory at The University Pacemaker system components
of Buffalo, Wilson Greatbatch made a mistake
which led to the invention of an electrical circuit The first pacemakers were barely more than a
that would allow for delivering an electrical battery and a timer. They did not have sensing
impulse at a certain rate per minute. By placing a capabilities; the pacing rate was fixed, and there
large resistor into an oscillator circuit, he learned was no communication with device for program-
that this circuit would produce an electrical output ming or diagnostic information retrieval. The first
at a regular rate. He then powered this circuit with pacemaker invented by Greatbatch included only
mercury oxide batteries and encased the entire eight components. The surgical procedure was
unit in silicone. He went on to produce about 50 of much more involved than today’s transvenous
these devices in his garage [2]. approach. A thoracotomy was required, and an
On June 6, 1960, Dr. William Chardack implan- epicardial lead needed to be sewn onto the sur-
ted Greatbatch’s pacemaker into a 77-year-old face of the heart. Today’s pacemakers have
man suffering from complete heart block. This enormous programmability, contain thousands of
procedure extended the life of this patient by 18 components, and are capable of complete wire-
months and heralded the beginning of many more less communication, allowing physicians to mon-
implants to come. Since that first implant in 1960, itor devices when the patients are at home
the procedure is much more commonplace with without any patient interaction to initiate the
more than 750,000 permanent pacemakers transmission. Progress has been made from the
implanted annually in the United States alone [3]. first simple pacemaker that delivered a pacing
pulse to the heart, regardless of intrinsic activity
The first veterinary implant to today’s highly programmable devices, allowing
the synchronization of the left and right ventricles
Seven years later in 1967, Buchanan et al. [4] report while being triggered from an intrinsic atrial
the first implant of a permanent cardiac pacemaker impulse.
in a 10-year-old male Basenji dog. The dog had The components required for the pacemaker to
been suffering from numerous bouts of heart operate include a single or several pacing leads
and the pacemaker generator (including battery,
output, and sensing circuits).

Pacing leads

Pacemaker leads are thin wires used to connect

the myocardium to the pacing output circuitry.
The diameter of the typical pacemaker lead ranges
from approximately 5 French to 8 French, a cir-
cumference of about 5.24e8.34 mm. Typical leads
are either unipolar (using the device itself as the
anode) or bipolar, which uses an anode and cath-
Fig. 1 Depiction of the progression of pacemakers ode on the lead wire itself.
from the 1950’s (left) to today (right). Longevity ranged The leads wires are affixed to the myocardium
from a few months on early devices to over ten years for by different methods: active and passive fixation
current devices. (Courtesy Abbott/St. Jude Medical). for endocardial placement and screwed on or

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Cardiac Pacemakers 3

sutured directly on the myocardium for epicardial myocardium. Electrode tips are generally porous
placement (Fig. 2). or helical and consist of various materials such as
Pacing thresholds have been shown to be lower
in the acute setting, and chronic pacing thresholds  Platinum iridium
typically rise over time. Most leads in use today  Elgiloy e cobalt, iron, chromium, molybdenum,
also incorporate a steroid, typically dex- nickel, and manganese
amethasone, at their tip which elutes over time  Platinized platinum e platinum coated with
[6]. The use of steroids helps stabilize the pacing platinized titanium
thresholds for a long term.  Vitreous or pyrolytic carbon
The conductor wires are typically MP-35N (SPS  Titanium
Technologies, Cleveland), an alloy of nickel,  Titanium oxide
cobalt, chromium, and molybdenum. This material  Iridium oxideecoated titanium
provides for high strength and resists corrosion.  Titanium nitride
These conductor wires are wound either in a cor-
adial or a coaxial configuration, which allows for Recently, a leadless pacemaker system has been
greater flex caused by movement of the myocar- developed. Medtronic has a market-released
dium during contraction and relaxation of the device, and Abbott (formerly St. Jude Medical) has
heart. Each strand of the conductor wires is also a device in clinical trials awaiting approval by the
individually coated with ethylene tetrafluoro- Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (Fig. 3). The
ethylene for insulation [7]. These individual device itself is delivered via a catheter-mounted
strands are then encased in an outer insulation of system and attached to the right ventricular
either silicone, polyurethane [8], or a copolymer myocardium. The devices are retrievable and are
[9] type of insulation. expected to last up to 8e10 years. The pacing
The lead wires have been referred to as the electronics is contained within the tube-shaped
weakest link in the pacemaker system. At a heart device. Pacing occurs between the fixation mech-
rate of 80 beats per minute, these lead wires are anism and the device itself. These devices are
flexed more than 100,000 times per day. It is the currently indicated for pacing in the ventricle only.
flexing that can eventually lead to fractures of the They do not have the capability of atrioventricular
conductor cables, leading to lead failure. In addi- synchronous pacing [10].
tion, when two or more leads are implanted,
interaction between the leads can cause abrasion Pacemaker generator
of the insulation material, exposing the con-
ductors, and cause lead failure. This generally The design of pacemakers today incorporates a
appears with a low lead impedance measurement sensing circuit, a logic circuit, and an output cir-
(short circuit) during pacemaker interrogation. cuit, with the ability to communicate with a pace-
Energy from the pacemaker is delivered to the maker programmer and a remote-monitoring device
electrode tip that is in contact with the (Fig. 4). Signals come into the pulse generator’s

Fig. 2 The image the left shows an active fixation lead which uses a small helix which is screwed into the myo-
cardium. The image in the center shows a passive fixation lead in which small fixation tines get tangled in the tra-
beculations of the heart muscle, holding it in place until endothelization takes place. These are for endocardial
placement of leads. The image on the right displays a screw on lead used for epicardial placement.

Please cite this article as: DeForge WF, Cardiac pacemakers: a basic review of the history and current technology, Journal of
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4 W.F. DeForge

pacemaker determines whether it ought to deliver

an output pulse or inhibit an output pulse. If a
pacemaker output pulse is needed, the output cir-
cuit follows through and paces the heart.
The communication circuit allows the various
circuits to work together. Within this logic circuit,
the device can determine if signals received in the
sensing circuit are physiological signals that can be
used to either trigger the device to pace or inhibit
the output in the face of an intrinsic cardiac event.
Extraneous environmental signals and noise from
compromised components (leads and setscrew) can
Fig. 3 Leadless pacemakers developed by Medtronic be analyzed within the logic circuit and force
(left) and Abbott Labs (right). (Medtronic, Abbott). changing of the pacing mode from demand to
asynchronous pacing. This allows for committed
circuitry from the lead; the first area these signals backup pacing and thus avoids periods of asystole in
enter is the sense amplifier. Like the name sug- pacemaker-dependent patients (Fig. 5). This could
gests, it magnifies or amplifies the small electrical be especially important for those pet owners who
signals into something the pulse generator can work use an underground fence. Noise created by acti-
with. The signal goes next to the logic circuit. This vation of the electric signal from the fence could
is the ‘brains’ of the pacemaker. Here, the then be rejected by the pacemaker circuitry yet

Fig. 4 Schematic of the pacemaker circuitry.

Fig. 5 Pacing spikes delivered at the pacing interval fail to capture (arrows) the myocardium.

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Cardiac Pacemakers 5

still allow for backup pacing and avoid a no-output batteries are lightweight, have predictable dis-
situation. Systems today have the capability to charge characteristics, are smaller which has
discern non-physiologic signals and switch their allowed for smaller pacemakers to be designed,
mode of inhibited pacing to committed pacing. This and can last ten or more years.
is important in the pacemaker-dependent patients. The battery longevity can roughly be calculated
Older generations of devices lacked this ability and as follows (however, the pacemaker does this
would inhibit pacing when these signals were automatically):
sensed. Signals from airport security systems and Usable battery capacity ¼ 1.2 amp hours.
microwave ovens are not an issue with today’s Pacer current drain ¼ 20 microamps.
devices. This noise reversion mode is programmable Hours in 1 year ¼ 8760.
in all currently available devices. [1,200,000 microamps (hrs)]/20
The output circuit consists of two basic factors: microamps ¼ 60,000 h.
voltage and duration. The former is the pro- 60,000 h/8760 ¼ 6.849 years.
grammed voltage, and the latter is the pulse width The energy delivered plays a significant role in
of the delivered pacing pulse. Today’s devices are longevity. The energy equation is
constant-voltage. To get a true constant voltage, (E ¼ V2  t)/R.
the device would need to be able to alter current where V ¼ output voltage, t ¼ pulse width of
to adjust for resistance. So, in reality, we achieve pacing pulse, and R ¼ resistance. The energy (E)
the above based on impedance/resistance. The delivered is expressed in micro Joules. According
largest component of the output circuit is the to this equation, if we double the voltage, we
battery. The battery is typically about 2.75e3.0 V, quadruple the energy consumed. In the example
depending on the manufacturer. Various outputs given in the following, if the pacemaker of the dog
are achieved by using a step-up or a step-down in Case A is programmed to 2.5 V, the device lon-
transformer to arrive at the desired voltage. The gevity will greatly exceed that of the pacemaker of
size and design of the battery has gone through the dog in Case B in which the output was pro-
numerous changes over the years, becoming much grammed to 5 V, given all other parameters are the
smaller and far more efficient. same. The longevity calculated by the device is
The programmer allows the operator to make generally accurate but is based on certain
changes to various functions of the device such as assumptions such as consistent impedance over
rate, output energy, and sensing, among others. time and 100% pacing. A range of longevity is
This communication with the implanted device generally displayed, such as 2.4e4.8 years for
allows one to review any stored data collected by example. The former indicates that the device
the device such as rate histograms, lead and bat- would last about 2.4 years if paced 100% of the
tery performance, and alert conditions that may time at the current settings and measured
have been stored to allow troubleshooting of impedance.

Battery evolution Case A Case B

2.5 V, 0.5 ms, 750 U 5.0 V, 0.5 ms, 750 U
The design of the pacemaker battery over the
E¼ (2.5)2/750  0.5 E¼ (5)2/750  0.5
years first began with mercury zinc power cells in
E ¼ 6.25/750  0.5 E ¼ 25/750  0.5
the 1960s. Unfortunately, this type of battery E ¼ 4.2 mJ E ¼ 16.6 mJ
emitted a gas that interfered with hermetic seal of
pulse generator causing these devices to have a
short lifespan from several months to a few years. Another factor affecting longevity is rate
The nuclear age arrived in the early 1970s allowing response. For those patients in need of varying
for the potential lifespan of the battery to exceed rates to accommodate for increased activity in the
40 years. Proper disposal of the radioactive face of chronotropic incompetence, devices can
material after patient death was a major issue, raise the rate based on several factors. Some
and the nuclear battery concept was scrapped. devices use a piezoelectric crystal to detect
Introduction of nickel cadmium batteries in the movement; the greater the amount of deflection
1980s allowed for rechargeable batteries to be of the crystal, the greater the rate produced by
introduced. These cells did not prove to be very the device. There are also sensors that use minute
reliable, and the use of nickel cadmium batteries ventilation to increase the rate. This rate response
was discontinued. Current generations of pace- can affect longevity as the device is pacing more
maker batteries use lithium iodide. These and therefore increase the battery drain. The

Please cite this article as: DeForge WF, Cardiac pacemakers: a basic review of the history and current technology, Journal of
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6 W.F. DeForge

battery replacement indicator displayed on the the setting of cremation as the intense heat can
device interrogation report is usually expressed as cause explosion of the device.
elective replacement indicator or elective
replacement time. When this message displays, Magnetic resonance imaging compatibility
there is generally 3e6 months of battery energy
remaining. Some devices begin to turn off certain Devices are typically labeled as Magnetic reso-
functions (rate response and automatic threshold nance imaging (MRI) compatible, conditional, or
testing) when this message is displayed to further non-MRI conditional. Devices labeled as compat-
conserve energy. When End of Service or End of ible are safe for whole-body scans without regard
Life is displayed, the battery is dangerously low in to the patient positioning. Devices labeled as
usable energy, and proper function of the device conditional are safe for scans with proper pro-
cannot be ensured. gramming and generally not for scanning the
The longevity equation is important in veterinary implant area. Typically, the recommendation is for
cardiology when the reuse of explanted pacemakers scans at 1.5 T or less. Historically, non-MRI condi-
is considered. Devices explanted from humans for tional devices would be contraindicated for scan-
reuse need to be thoroughly tested to determine ning. However, several studies have shown that
remaining battery longevity. Explanted devices patients with these devices can safely have an MRI
should be hooked to a resistor load of 500 U and (non-thoracic) at 1.5 T [12]. Careful programming
interrogated to obtain measured data including and post-MRI interrogations are essential in this
battery voltage, battery resistance, and remaining situation. For patients with an intrinsic heart rate
longevity. A pacemaker simulator is typically used of >40 beats per minute, the device can be pro-
to assess proper battery characteristics and func- grammed to ignore the magnet response and pro-
tionality of the device. If adequate, the devices can grammed to a non-pacing mode. For those patients
then be cleaned and sterilized for use in the vet- who do not have a reliable underlying rhythm
erinary patient. Information regarding sterilization (pacer dependent), the device should be pro-
techniques can be found at https://www. grammed to ignore the magnet response and pro- grammed to a non-sensing mode (committed
just-any-method. pacing) [13]. Magnetic resonance imaging can
In a study by Selvaraj [15], 887 patients were cause elevated levels of interference, and a non-
followed up for device implants ranging from sensing mode will allow the device to continue to
pacemakers to defibrillators to cardiac resynch- pace without sensing the extraneous noise from
ronization devices. Of these implants, 260 of the the imaging system. It is important to have the
devices were reused [11]. There were no post- device interrogated before and after the proce-
operative infections or device malfunctions noted dure. All programmed parameters should be
in the group with reused devices, showing that restored to those existing before the procedure.
careful resterilization and screening of proper Newer models of compatible devices have a spe-
device function of these devices were safe. The cific mode that can be programmed before the
reuse of pacemakers is especially attractive in procedure and then returned to preprocedure
veterinary cardiology as the new devices from values.
manufacturers can prove to be cost prohibitive
for client-owned pets in need of a device. The
use of dual-chamber pacemaker can be used Component failure
when a single-chamber device is indicated. It is
important to use a pin plug to occupy the atrial Pacemakers have come under a recall from time to
port in this situation. If the port is not plugged, time for assorted reasons. Recalls and advisories
body fluids can enter the header port and cause information can be found at the FDA website:
damage to the internal circuitry. After the use-
able life of the pulse generator has been Recalls/default.htm.
reached, the device should be returned to the From leads to batteries to internal components,
manufacturer as companies break down the all have been found to be the cause of an advisory.
devices to analyze the components. This is an Pacemaker leads are designed to flex and yet still
FDA requirement in the human population. For hold up over the years. Implanted leads will flex
those devices not returned to the manufacturer, over 400,000,000 times over a typical 10-year
disposal of the device should follow the usual battery lifespan. Leads are not infallible; con-
biohazard waste procedures of the institution. ductor wires can break, and insulation can
Device explant should be performed especially in degrade, exposing the conductors. The operator

Please cite this article as: DeForge WF, Cardiac pacemakers: a basic review of the history and current technology, Journal of
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Cardiac Pacemakers 7

can also be at fault for some of the failures. Tying  Impedance (component and system including
down the suture sleeve on the lead too tight can patient interface)
cause a crush phenomenon, damaging the con-
ductor wires and causing the lead to fail. Typical
sutures used for securing the lead wires to the Electrical concepts
fascia are non-absorbable 2-0 Ticron or 2-0 Silk.
Damaging the insulation at implant can expose the When addressing the concept of pacing, we must
conductor wire, causing a short circuit. This results consider the energy equation (Ohm’s law). The
in very low impedance values and can cause rapid basic equation is V ¼ IR.where
battery depletion because of a damaged lead [14].
In this example, a lead issue can cause a device V ¼ the voltage or the force which drives the
issue. Physical damage to the setscrews that current
attach the leads to the header of the device can I ¼ the current, described as the flow of elec-
also cause failures. The stainless-steel setscrews trons past a certain point measured in
are protected by a silicone septum that insulates milliamperes
the electrically active setscrew from the body R ¼ the resistance (impedance) or opposition to
fluids. If this septum is damaged, body fluids can flow of electrical current expressed in Ohms (U).
enter the header and cause a short circuit leading
to battery depletion or loss of output, putting the Changes in any one of these factors cause a
patient in danger. Overtightening the setscrew can change in the entire picture. Implantable pace-
damage the receptacle for the hex wrench. This makers are constant-voltage devices. If any part of
may make a generator changeout very difficult. the V ¼ IR equation changes, the device will adjust
Conversely, not tightening the setscrew enough to keep the voltage the same. Impedance and
will cause high impedance (open circuit) and loss current have an inverse relationship. Resistance
of pacing [15]. Internal shorting of components can and impedance are both expressed in Ohms;
cause rapid battery depletion and loss of function however, the two differ in that resistance is the
of the device, leading to no output. Other causes opposition to current flow in a direct current cir-
of sudden loss of output can come from electro- cuit, whereas impedance describes the resistance
cautery. In this case, energy from the cautery to current flow in an alternating current circuit.
device can be coupled in the device, flooding the The terms are often used interchangeably when
sense amplifiers or directly causing a component describing current flow in pacing circuits. For the
failure which leads to a no-output condition [16]. purposes of this article, the term impedance will
External defibrillation is generally safe, and the be used. If impedance rises, the current falls, and
pads (or paddles) should be placed as far away vice versa. Increased impedance can lower current
from the device as possible but still give a good drain and prolong battery life. High-impedance
vector for defibrillation. Energy from the external pacing leads are designed to do just this. This is
defibrillator can be coupled into the device, accomplished by adding a high-impedance metal,
causing major component failure. Sometimes, this such as titanium nitride, to the lead and thin
results in a reset (or backup) mode within the Multifilar wires and connecting the pin to the tip of
pacemaker which can generally be reset with the the lead and the anode. A garden hose analogy can
programmer, and other times, it can be a terminal serve as a good illustration of the ‘voltage, cur-
condition resulting in no output. rent, and impedance.’ The water is voltage, and
by restricting the end of the hose with a nozzle,
Pacemaker parameters impedance to flow increases and decreases the
flow of water (current). Similarly, by removing the
Managing electrical activity in the heart during nozzle, a decrease or even elimination of impe-
periods of bradyarrhythmia requires the ability to dance occurs, but when that happens, the flow of
deliver enough energy to depolarize (capture) the water will increase. Low impedance can lead to
heart and to correctly sense intrinsic cardiac rapid battery depletion.
activity. These functions can be affected by a Impedance values typically range from 300 to
multitude of factors: 1200 U. Leads can vary in impedance for several
reasons. The type of lead fixation can play a role in
 Setting of output parameters (pulse amplitude impedance, with active-fixation leads having a
and pulse width) higher impedance than passive-fixation leads. The
 Sensitivity parameter settings interface between the myocardium and the lead

Please cite this article as: DeForge WF, Cardiac pacemakers: a basic review of the history and current technology, Journal of
Veterinary Cardiology,
8 W.F. DeForge

tip can also contribute to impedance values. For

example, if the lead does not contact the myo-
cardium securely, it can result in a higher impe-
dance measurement. Similarly, an epicardial lead
placement can also result in a larger impedance
value than those found in an endocardial place-
ment. Pacing polarity can cause a change in
impedance as well. When using unipolar pacing,
which uses the device itself (the generator, also
called ‘can’) as the anode, the impedance is lower
than with a bipolar pacing configuration. This is
because the surface area of the anode in the uni- Fig. 6 The minimum energy consumption at threshold
polar configuration is far greater than the surface should be found at the chronaxie pulse width. How can
area of the anodal ring of the bipolar pacing lead. strength duration curves be used clinically? For chronic
A low impedance measurement (<200 U) indicates leads, a determination of the chronaxie point estab-
a short circuit, usually from an insulation breach. lishes the most efficient pulse width setting.
An unusually high impedance measurement
(>2,000 U) indicates an open circuit, typically
caused by a conductor fracture. capture threshold is the ‘low point’) but the out-
put should not be unnecessarily high and consume
Capture threshold too much battery energy. For example, if the
ventricular threshold was 1.0 V at 0.4 ms, capture
The capture threshold, sometimes referred to as would be reliably maintained if the device was
the pacing or stimulation threshold, is the mini- programmed to 7 V at 0.4 ms, but that would drain
mum amount of energy delivered by the device to the battery prematurely and reduce the service
consistently depolarize (capture) the myocardium. life of the device.
The capture threshold is not constant and can The strengtheduration curve is useful in deter-
change over time with changes in resistance, mining proper programming of the device (Fig. 3).
medications, or underlying pathophysiology [17]. The black line on the graph shows the capture
Thresholds are typically low at the initial implant threshold. At higher voltages, very little pulse
and generally rise over time as the leads become width is required. As voltage decreases, a longer
chronic [18]. Typically, the output voltage to the pulse duration is required to capture the heart.
lead(s) can be decreased to twice the pacing However, at a given point, the extension of pulse
threshold 90 days after implant. At this point, the width makes no difference (this is where the line
leads are generally considered to be chronic. flattens out). At this point, no further decrease to
Acceptable pacing thresholds for canines are voltage can be made without sacrificing capture.
<1.5 V for an acute implant and <2.5 V for a This point is called the rheobase. Although each
chronically implanted system. A generally accep- patient has an individual strength-duration curve
ted tenet is that the device should be programmed (or pulse amplitude-pulse width curve), they all
to twice the pacing threshold. For example, for a tend to have this same characteristic shape. The
capture threshold of 1.5 V, the pacing output bend in curve is called the chronaxie point or
would typically be programmed to 3.0 V. This is simply chronaxie. It is defined as twice the rheo-
referred to as the capture safety margin or base. The strength-duration curve is particularly
threshold safety margin. Loss of capture occurs useful because the chronaxie shows the combina-
when the output pulse from the pacemaker is of tion of pulse width and pulse amplitude (voltage
insufficient amplitude to capture the heart (loss of and duration) that uses the least energy to reliably
capture) (Fig. 6). capture the heart.
Once capture thresholds are determined, the
clinician is now faced with the challenge of pro-  Captures
gramming the settings for the two output param- ◦ Exports-Saves: 20
eters (pulse amplitude and pulse width). Doing this ◦ Readers: 2
requires managing two seemingly contradictory  Social Media
requirements: The output should be large enough ◦ Tweets: 1
to assure pacing, even when the threshold changes  Citations
(and the assumption must be that the measured ◦ Citation indexes: 36

Please cite this article as: DeForge WF, Cardiac pacemakers: a basic review of the history and current technology, Journal of
Veterinary Cardiology,
Cardiac Pacemakers 9

Sensing A smaller value is programmed to make the device

more sensitive. In this case, the sensitivity should
Sensing refers to the capability of the device to be programmed to at least ½ the measured
detect intrinsic cardiac activity. Pacemakers use intrinsic signal.
an intracardiac electrogram allowing the device to
‘see’ the amplitude of the cardiac signal from Pacing modes
inside the heart. Unipolar sensing refers to the use
of the pacemaker itself and the tip of the pacing Table 1 gives a cross-reference for pacing modes of
lead as the antenna for sensing. This results in a operation. Position I indicates the chamber (or
larger signal and is more likely to sense myopo- chambers) paced. If only one chamber is paced,
tentials and could possibly cause oversensing. The the designation would be either A or V, and if both
possibility of pacemaker inhibition to the sensing chambers are paced, the designation would be D.
of extraneous signals is more likely in a unipolar O indicates that no chamber is paced. A manu-
sensing circuit. A bipolar sensing circuit uses a facturer code of ‘S’ in this position indicates single
much smaller antenna because the anode and chamber is paced (atrial or ventricular).
cathode are incorporated into pacing lead and is Position II indicates the chamber (or chambers)
less likely to oversense extraneous signals. The sensed. If only one chamber is sensed, the desig-
height, or amplitude, of the smaller signal is then nation would be A or V, and if both chambers are
amplified and measured by the device. sensed, the designation would be D. O indicates
Sensitivity in pacemakers are programmed in that no chamber is sensed. A manufacturer code of
such a way as to sense the intrinsic signal reliably, ‘S’ in this position indicates that single chamber is
but not so sensitive as to detect extraneous noise sensed (atrial or ventricular). Position III indicates
from myopotentials or environmental sources. the mode of response to sensing. Triggered means
Signals being oversensed could cause the pace- the device will pace when an intrinsic signal is
maker to inhibit its output signal and not deliver a sensed. Inhibit means the pacing output will be
pacing pulse when it may be needed. Some types withheld when an intrinsic signal is sensed. D
of oversensing can originate from environmental indicates that the device can both trigger and
factors such as myopotentials or electrical inter- inhibit in response to intrinsic signals. O indicates
ference from outside sources. This could prove to that there is no response (neither triggered nor
be detrimental to patients who are pacemaker inhibited) to sensed intrinsic signals. Essentially,
dependent as these extraneous signals could cause this is committed pacing. Position IV indicates
the pacemaker to inhibit its output. On the other other programmable functions of the device. Rate
hand, a pacemaker not programmed sensitive modulation allows the device to change its pacing
enough to detect the intrinsic signal can lead to rate based on physiologic need such as increased
inappropriate pacing. An acceptable intrinsic activity. Communicating indicates that the device
measured atrial signal is >1 mV, whereas can transmit and receive information regarding
an acceptable measured ventricular signal would diagnostics or programming. Multiprogrammable
be >10 mV for the typical canine implant. The means that greater than three parameters are
typical safety margin is 2:1. For example, an atrial programmable. All pacemakers today are multi-
signal of 1 mV would require the atrial sensitivity programmable. P indicates simple programmable,
to be programmed to .5 mV. In contrast to the limiting the functions to three or less. It would be
pacing threshold which is two times the capture rare to see any of these types of devices in oper-
thresholds, the sensing circuit is just the opposite. ation today. Position V is reserved for

Table 1 The Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) and British Pacing and Electrophysiology Group (BPEG) guide to
pacemaker modes of operation.
Chamber(s) Chamber(s) Mode(s) of Programmable Antitachycardia
Paced Sensed Response Functions Functions
V¼Ventricle V¼Ventricle T¼Triggered R¼Rate Modulated O¼None
A¼Atrium A¼Atrium I¼Inhibited C¼Communicating P¼Paced
D¼Dual (A&V) D¼Dual (A&V) D¼Dual Triggered/ M¼Multiprogrammable S¼Shocks
O¼None O¼None O¼None P¼Simple Programmable D¼Dual (P&S)
(S¼Single) (S¼Single) O¼None

Please cite this article as: DeForge WF, Cardiac pacemakers: a basic review of the history and current technology, Journal of
Veterinary Cardiology,
10 W.F. DeForge

antitachycardia functions. This would indicate Acknowledgments

that the device can rapidly pace a tachycardic
rhythm, shock a tachycardic rhythm, or both. Most The author would like to acknowledge Edward
cardiac defibrillators utilize the ‘D’ designation in Nobrega, DVM, Carley Saelinger, VMD, DACVIM, and
this position. Kristin Zedwick, DVM, for their assistance with the
Using the table previously given, a device preparation of this manuscript.
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Please cite this article as: DeForge WF, Cardiac pacemakers: a basic review of the history and current technology, Journal of
Veterinary Cardiology,

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