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Business Management

Terms in this set (77)

tariff a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports

to use resources, people, money, raw materials and the lie wise and cost
e fficient

achieve results to make the right decisions and to successfully carry them out
e ffective
so that they achieve the organizations goals

limits placed on the quantity of imports a nation will allow for a specific
import quotas

embargoes a complete ban on the import or export of certain products

1 trading block NAFTA NATIONS

2 trading block european union

3 trading block APEC countries

4 trading block ASEAN countries

5 trading block Mercosur

6 trading block CAFTA

a group of nations within a geographical region that have agreed to remove

trading bloc
trade barriers with one another

the international monetary fund provides loans and facilitates a short flow of money to countries in need

purpose is to provide low interest loans to developing nations for improving

the world bank
transportation, education, health, and telecommunications

world trade organization designed to monitor and enforce trade agreements

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