Vesicoureteral Reflux: Guy A. Bogaert, Koen Slabbaert

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Vesicoureteral Reflux

Guy A. Bogaert *, Koen Slabbaert

Urology – Pediatric Urology, UZ Leuven

Article info Abstract

Keywords: In the past 30 yr, the therapeutic approach to children with vesicoureteral reflux
Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) has undergone a dynamic evolution from mainly surgery, as soon as VUR was
Urinary tract infection detected, toward a conservative approach with antibiotic prophylaxis (stimulated
Pediatric and supported by results from the International Reflux Study in Children), to an
Bladder dysfunction endoscopic approach, and to the currently used active surveillance approach
Antireflux surgery without prophylaxis. During those 30 yr, the diagnostic approach has not changed
as much, although there is always an attempt to make the diagnosis of VUR while
avoiding the ‘‘classic’’ voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG), which is one of the most
stressing exams for a child and his or her family.
Initially, radiographic grading of VUR was the only method of measuring the
severity of VUR and of calculating the chance of spontaneous resolution. However,
several other factors such as age, sex, presence of bladder and/or bowel dysfunc-
tion, presence of associated anatomic abnormalities, and laterality have been
shown to have an influence on the spontaneous resolution rate.
Based on the results of recent randomized studies (PRIVENT, Randomized
Intervention for Children with Vesicoureteral Reflux [RIVUR], Swedish reflux
study) and the updated VUR guidelines from the American Urological Association
and the European Association of Urology–European Society for Pediatric Urology,
this review will give an overview of the important clinical features of VUR, the
diagnostic methods, the computer models and nomograms to detect which chil-
dren with VUR should be treated, and the options their respective chances of
success for treating patients. It will become clear that the treatment selection and
decision for treating VUR in a child is an individualized process.
# 2012 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (G.A. Bogaert).

1. Introduction diagnostic approach has not changed as much, although

there is always an attempt to make the diagnosis of VUR
In the past 30 yr, the therapeutic approach to children with while avoiding the ‘‘classic’’ voiding cystourethrogram
vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) has undergone a dynamic (VCUG), which is one of the most stressing exams for a
evolution from mainly surgery, as soon as VUR was child and his family.
detected, toward a conservative approach with antibiotic Initially, radiographic grading of VUR was the only
prophylaxis (stimulated and supported by results from the method of measuring the severity of VUR and of calculating
International Reflux Study in Children), to an endoscopic the chance of spontaneous resolution. However, several
approach, to the currently used active surveillance ap- other factors such as age, sex, presence of bladder and/
proach without prophylaxis. During those 30 yr, the or bowel dysfunction, presence of associated anatomic
1569-9056/$ – see back matter # 2012 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.eursup.2012.01.006

abnormalities, and laterality have been shown to have an boys or girls, one proven nonfebrile UTI in boys, or recurrent
influence on the spontaneous resolution rate. In 1981, John nonfebrile UTI in girls [3]. Clinical exam, height, weight, blood
Woodard, a world expert opinion leader on VUR, stated, ‘‘As pressure, serum creatinine, urinalysis for proteinuria
one looks back over the last 30 years of reflux history, it is and bacteriuria, a urine culture, and sensitivity are recom-
ironic that urologists have become so expert at its surgical mended [3,4]. A renal ultrasound is considered a noninvasive
correction before understanding much about its natural exam that provides information on both kidneys with regard
history and true clinical significance’’ [1]. Without doubt, to renal structure and function; however, in the work-up of a
his statement is still true today. child with a UTI, a renal ultrasound cannot be considered a
Based on the results of recent randomized studies specific exam predicting VUR [5]. The importance of voiding
(PRIVENT, Randomized Intervention for Children with dysfunction as a prognostic factor in the resolution rate of
Vesicoureteral Reflux [RIVUR], Swedish reflux study) and VUR was mentioned by Schwab et al in 2002 [6] and was
the updated VUR guidelines from the American Urological confirmed more recently in the prospective Swedish Reflux
Association (AUA) and the European Association of Urology Trial [7]. It is important to include a voiding diary, (several)
(EAU)–European Society for Pediatric Urology (ESPU), this uroflowmetry studies, and residual volume measurements in
review will give an overview of the important clinical the work-up for VUR.
features of VUR, the diagnostic methods, the computer A classic radiologic VCUG, using modern digital en-
models and nomograms to detect which children with VUR hanced techniques, is still the standard exam demonstrat-
should be treated, and the options and their respective ing VUR, timing and laterality of the reflux, grade of reflux,
chances of success for treating patients. It will become clear exact anatomy of the upper and lower urinary tracts
that the treatment selection and decision for treating VUR in (duplication, paraureteral diverticula), voiding phase, and
a child is an individualized process. anatomy of the bladder outlet and urethra. Examples of
VCUG and the grading system according to the International
2. Symptomatology Reflux Study Committee are demonstrated in Figure 1 [8].
There is no doubt that VCUG is an exam that causes distress
Clinical symptoms due to VUR can be symptomatic or and anxiety for the child and his or her family; however, to
asymptomatic. Symptoms can be recurrent urinary tract date, no alternative exam provides all of the information
infections (UTIs) with and without fever. Recurrent UTIs are previously mentioned. Midazolam combined with simple
due to incomplete emptying of the bladder with urinary analgesia is an effective method to reduce distress in
stasis caused by the VUR and subsequent risk of bacterial children undergoing VCUG without interfering with the
colonization and bacterial ascension. In smaller children, voiding dynamics [9]. Indirect methods of VCUG using
failure to thrive or recurrent otitis media can mask and intravenous isotopes require continent children and pro-
delay the diagnosis of VUR. Sudden onset of urge and urge vide images with much lower quality than conventional
incontinence with or without bowel dysfunction in older fluoroscopy. Urosonography using a contrast-enhanced
children and otherwise ‘‘dry’’ children can also suddenly medium can eliminate radiation exposure but requires
reveal VUR. The voiding symptoms will often result in a special expertise of the pediatric radiologist and the
dysfunctional elimination syndrome and may add bowel placement of a catheter and will not provide the urologist
dysfunction, such as constipation, to the problem. The with specific images regarding anatomic specificities such
constipation will worsen the incidence of bacteriuria or as renal duplication [10]. A direct VCUG using isotopes as a
recurrent UTIs. Voiding dysfunction as such, without contrast medium does not eliminate the stress of catheteri-
clinical UTI, can be one of the first signs of VUR. zation and cannot reach the excellent imaging quality of
Asymptomatic features are a family history of VUR or conventional radiology. A possible future modality to screen
findings on ultrasound such as hydronephrosis, hydrour- noninvasively for VUR could be microwave heating of the
eteronephrosis, renal parenchymal changes, renal dyspla- urine in the bladder and measuring the temperature in the
sia, or hypoplasia. However, a difficult question remains in kidneys [11,12].
the event of an abnormal technetium Tc 99m dimercapto- A renal DMSA scan is part of the work-up of every child
succinic acid (DMSA) isotope renal scan: Is it (congenital) with a proven VUR or a febrile UTI. The renal DMSA scan is a
renal dysplasia or (acquired) renal parenchymal damage? static examination that images the functional distal tubules
The recent Swedish reflux study has found some interesting of the kidney and allows demonstration of small parenchy-
results [2]. At the beginning of the prospective randomized mal damage [13]. In addition, the renal DMSA scan is
trial, 124 of 201 children had an abnormal renal DMSA scan. important for follow-up; therefore, it is important that
Symptoms of parenchymal damage were found in 30 of DMSA should be combined with the chromium-51
128 girls (23%) and 44 of 75 boys (59%). After 2 yr, new renal ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) isotope, allowing the
parenchymal damage was found in 11 of 49 children (22%) measurement of the exact glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
with recurrent UTIs and in 4 of 152 children (3%) without and calculation of the single-kidney GFR. This split renal
recurrent UTIs. function in combination with the anatomic images will
If VUR is suspected or should be excluded, the diagnostic allow the clinician to make a correct statement if one kidney
work-up should be performed using as few examinations as has improved or deteriorated [14].
possible and with special respect for radiation exposure. Both studies, classic VCUG and DMSA scan, are necessary
Indications for the following work-up are one febrile UTI in and complementary in the work-up of a child with VUR.

Fig. 1 – Clinical examples of the International Reflux Study in Children vesicoureteral reflux grading system: (a) Left-sided grade II and right-sided grade III
(note the voiding phase, allowing judgment of the bladder neck and the moment of high voiding pressure in the image); (b) left-sided grade III and right-
sided grade IV; (c) left-sided grade IV and right-sided grade II (note the bilateral paraureteral Hutch diverticula); (d) bilateral grade V.

Several studies have tried to identify patients who cystogram is performed by positioning the cystoscope close
underwent either a DMSA scan or a VCUG and who would to the ureteral orifice with the bladder empty and instilling
not require the other exam, but it is a fact that there are contrast in a gravity-aided manner from a height of 1 m
children without VUR and with renal damage and children using the irrigation port of the cystoscope [16]. The
with VUR and without renal damage. Consequently, it is not argument that this technique could induce VUR in anyone
possible to identify ‘‘not dangerous’’ VUR looking only at a was countered by using a control group of children without
DMSA scan [13,15]. UTI and VUR in whom the PIC cystogram did not
Initially, Rubenstein et al introduced a novel but (still) demonstrate reflux. It was a logical step from undetected
controversial technique to identify VUR in children contralateral VUR to situations in which we suspect VUR
presenting with febrile UTIs and a negative VCUG: but are unable to demonstrate it. It is a well-known
positional instillation of contrast (PIC) cystography. This phenomenon that, most frequently, girls suffering from

Table 1 – Grading system for vesicoureteral reflux, according to the International Reflux Study Committee [8]

Grade I Reflux does not reach the renal pelvis; varying degrees of ureteral dilatation
Grade II Reflux does reach the renal pelvis; no dilatation of the collecting system; normal fornices
Grade III Mild or moderate dilatation of the ureter, with or without kinking; moderate dilatation of the collecting system;
normal or minimally deformed fornices
Grade IV Moderate dilatation of the ureter, with or without kinking; moderate dilatation of the collecting system; blunt fornices
but impressions of the papillae still visible
Grade V Gross dilatation and kinking of the ureter, marked dilatation of the collecting system; papillary impressions no longer
visible; intraparenchymal reflux

recurrent UTIs with or without renal parenchymal scars on Is there a difference in VUR in a duplex system? In
the DMSA scan will have a negative VCUG. In these patients, general, <1% of the general population has a duplex kidney,
PIC cystography can reveal undetected VUR, and appropri- and VUR is the most commonly associated anomaly found
ate treatment has been proven to reduce the incidence of in duplex kidneys, especially in those presenting with a UTI
UTIs [17,18]. (70%) [25]. VUR almost always occurs in the lower pole
Biomarkers are a point of research but are not clinically moiety, due to its lateral entry and shorter intravesical
relevant today [19]. Intravenous pyelography should not be pathway. If VUR is also seen in the upper pole, one must
performed because it does not add relevant information and suspect an incomplete duplication or an ectopic orifice in
uses radiation. Videourodynamic studies should be re- the bladder neck or urethra and misplacement of the
served for patients in whom secondary reflux is suspected, transurethral catheter at the time of the VCUG. VUR in
such as those with neuropathic bladder dysfunction or boys duplex kidneys can resolve, but it will take longer than in a
whose VCUG is suggestive for posterior urethral valves. single system. Surgery, including the eventual correction of
the ureterocoele of the upper pole, is challenging but
3. Pathophysiology provides excellent results [26].

The incidence of VUR in neonates varies between 0.5% and 4. Indications for treatment
1%. However, in children with a proven febrile UTI, the
incidence of VUR is 30–40%, with a female predominance of The goals of management of the child with VUR are
4:1 if the child is >1 yr of age [20]. At <1 yr of age, VUR is prevention of recurrent febrile UTIs, prevention of renal
more frequent in boys. injury, and minimization of the morbidity of treatment and
VUR is defined as the nonphysiologic retrograde flow of follow-up [4]. The choice or advice for treatment will
urine from the bladder up the ureter into the kidney and is depend on several individual parameters such as gender,
the result of an insufficient vesicoureteral junction. The age of the child, grade of reflux, laterality, symptoms, renal
severity of VUR is measured using the grading system function, renal damage, associated functional bladder and/
according to the International Reflux Study Committee or bowel problems, compliance, and choice of the parents
(Table 1) [8]. Primary or congenital VUR is caused by a [27]. There are mainly two methods of treatment:
congenital maldevelopment of the vesicoureteral junction, conservative (waiting for spontaneous resolution) or
which is too short and has a possible lack of a fixed interventional (minimal or surgical). If a child presents
attachment between the ureter and the detrusor [21]. Based with breakthrough UTIs or renal damage several years after
on observations of incidence of VUR among siblings and conservative waiting, this will determine the treatment
twins, it is now known that primary or congenital VUR is option, with its advantages and disadvantages, that will be
autosomal dominantly inherited and is polygenic with chosen by the parents and the doctors (Table 4).
variable penetrance and expressivity [22,23]. The AUA guidelines make a clear distinction for children
The recommendations for screening in siblings are from <1 yr of age (Table 2), whereas the EAU-ESPU guidelines
both the AUA [4] and the EAU [3]: The parents of a child with mention ‘‘childhood’’ and have three age categories: <1 yr
VUR should be informed about the higher incidence among of age, 1–5 yr of age, and >5 yr of age (Table 3). It is
siblings. It is recommended that a renal ultrasound be recommended that the possible advantages and disadvan-
performed in siblings that are not toilet trained. If the renal tages of every treatment option be listed, as mentioned in
ultrasound shows any abnormality, VCUG is recommended. Table 4.
If no ultrasound screening is performed, special attention
for UTI and early treatment should be initiated, followed by
a complete investigation for VUR. Secondary reflux devel- 5. Surveillance
ops under the influence of anatomic or functional infra-
vesical obstructions due to inflammatory or neuropathic A surveillance treatment method combines watchful wait-
disorders of the bladder. Although most children with VUR ing without medication or additional treatment as well as
will have excellent long-term prognosis, a small group has a antiseptic or antibiotic prophylaxis and treatment of the
significant risk. This risk can be minimized in areas with dysfunctional elimination syndrome.
good medical health care where prompt diagnosis and Prophylactic antiseptic or antibiotic treatment is based
treatment of acute UTI is possible [24]. on the hypothesis that neither VUR as such nor a lower UTI

Table 2 – Management of the child with primary vesicoureteral reflux according to the American Urological Association guidelines [4]

<1 yr of age History febrile UTI grade I–V Continuous AB prophylaxis: Consider circumcision
No history febrile UTI grade III–V Continuous AB prophylaxis: Consider circumcision
No history febrile UTI grade I–II Continuous AB prophylaxis: Consider circumcision
>1 yr of age Grade I–V with bladder/bowel Bladder/bowel dysfunction If on AB prophylaxis plus breakthrough infection, then
dysfunction treatment (not specified) option of endoscopic or surgical VUR correction (if no renal
Continuous AB prophylaxis: scar possible, change AB prophylaxis);
recommended if not on AB prophylaxis, then start AB prophylaxis
Grade I–V without bladder/bowel Continuous AB prophylaxis: If on AB prophylaxis plus breakthrough infection, then option
dysfunction considered (in the event of renal of endoscopic or surgical VUR correction (if no renal scar
cortical abnormality) possible, change AB prophylaxis); if not on AB prophylaxis,
then start AB prophylaxis

AB = antibiotic; UTI = urinary tract infection; VUR = vesicoureteral reflux.

Table 3 – Management of the child with primary vesicoureteral reflux according to the European Association of Urology guidelines [3]

<1 yr of age Grade I–V Continuous AB prophylaxis: Advise circumcision in low-grade VUR
1–5 yr of age Grade I–III Continuous AB prophylaxis: If on AB prophylaxis plus breakthrough infection or noncompliance with AB
recommended prophylaxis or new renal scars or associated malformations, then recommend
endoscopic or surgical VUR correction
Grade IV–V Endoscopic or surgical –
VUR correction: recommended
>5 yr of age Boys No treatment If UTI, then recommend endoscopic or surgical VUR correction
Girls Endoscopic or surgical –
VUR correction: recommended

AB = antibiotic; UTI = urinary tract infection; VUR = vesicoureteral reflux.

is harmful to the kidney. However, a UTI in a situation of 2 mg/kg of body weight should be given once daily,
VUR presents a real chance of renal damage. Recent preferably at night. Trimethoprim is still recommended,
randomized controlled trials suggest that antibiotic pro- but a relative higher incidence of resistance toward
phylaxis offers no advantage over intermittent antibiotic Escherichia coli of 33% is known [30].
therapy for UTIs in terms of prevention of recurrent UTIs or Sillén et al have shown that bladder dysfunction in young
new renal damage [28]. However, under the age of 1 yr, it is infants exists and is associated with a higher incidence of
recommended and has been demonstrated in the recent UTI and renal scarring [7]. Schwab et al have clearly
prospective randomized controlled Swedish reflux trial that demonstrated in a 15-yr retrospective study that the
UTIs can be prevented using prophylaxis [29]. Beyond the spontaneous resolution rate in grade I–III is 13% per year
age of 1 yr, mainly girls will benefit from prophylaxis [2,29]. and drops thereafter to 3.5% (exponential curve); in grade
The choice for antiseptic or antibiotic treatment is also IV–V, it is only 5% [6]. The authors recommend performing
age dependent. For a child <3 mo, cefaclor 15 mg/kg of body an early correction for grade IV–V from 18 mo on. Ismaili
weight or trimethoprim 2 mg/kg of body weight should be et al concluded in an earlier report for the EAU-EBU Update
given once daily, preferably at night. For a child >3 mo, Series on VUR that long-term antibiotic prophylaxis does
nitrofurantoin 2 mg/kg of body weight or trimethoprim not fully prevent UTI and renal scarring [24]. This has been

Table 4 – Advantages and disadvantages of treatment options

Advantages Disadvantages

Surveillance Chance of spontaneous resolution (grade I–III: 13% per year; Risk of renal damage (febrile UTI)
grade IV–V: 5% per year)
Continuous Chance of spontaneous resolution (grade I–III: 13% per year; Risk of renal damage (febrile UTI)
AB prophylaxis grade IV–V: 5% per year) Questionable intake compliance
Development AB resistance
Endoscopic correction Outpatient procedure Variable: 70–90% (long-term) success rate
Minimally invasive procedure Follow-up VCUG necessary
Surgical correction Immediate and permanent success 2–3 days in hospital
Low complication rate Surgical procedure morbidity
No follow-up VCUG necessary

AB = antibiotic; UTI = urinary tract infection; VCUG = voiding cystourethrogram.


confirmed in the RIVUR and the Swedish reflux study. Based [37]. Depending on the grade of VUR, the ultimate success
on the greater morbidity of UTIs in children <1 yr of age, rate for the individual patient will be determined by the
continuous prophylaxis is recommended [4]. injection technique, the injected volume, the mound
Children with functional bladder and/or bowel dysfunc- morphology and location, the abnormal anatomy and/or
tion should undergo specific treatment, together with their physiology (eg, as in renal duplication), the presence of
parents, with drinking and voiding recommendations, dysfunctional voiding, and the experience of the surgeon.
relaxed and correct voiding conditions at regular intervals, Another unanswered question in the endoscopic treat-
eventual double voiding, biofeedback of the pelvic floor ment for VUR is the long-term efficacy of the bulking agent.
muscles, anticholinergic medication in the situation of One of the unclear results from the recent Swedish reflux
overactive bladder, healthy food recommendations, and study was the fact that the children in the endoscopic
eventual pharmaceutical support for regular bowel move- treatment group with Deflux had the highest success rate of
ments. These recommendations are part of ‘‘empathic VUR resolution and the lowest incidence of UTIs but with
doctoring’’ and may require regular follow-up by a one of five children presenting with a recurrence of dilating
urotherapist or doctor. However, whether treatment of VUR after 2 yr [38]. It is necessary for children having an
voiding dysfunction influences the resolution rate of VUR in endoscopic treatment for VUR to undergo regular follow-up
children remains unclear and would require prospective with the possibility of VCUGs. It is also important to discuss
randomized trials [31]. all possible advantages and disadvantages of the endoscopic
Possible advantages and disadvantages of conservative technique with the child and his or her parents (Table 4). In
treatment are summarized in Table 4. summary, the endoscopic treatment was initially developed
A clear disadvantage or possible danger is the fact that as an alternative to open surgical correction, but today it
compliance of children with VUR taking (or should we is considered an alternative to long-term prophylactic
rather say, ‘‘being given by their parents’’) prophylaxis is as treatment [27].
low as 40% [32].
7. Surgical treatment
6. Minimally invasive treatment
The first surgical treatment one should think of in the event
O’Donnell and Puri in 1984 were the pioneers for the of a newborn boy with VUR should be circumcision. Singh-
endoscopic correction of VUR using Teflon as a bulking Grewal et al found in a meta-analysis of 12 studies that
agent [33]. Their original technique was called STING, for circumcision definitely reduces the risk of UTI [39].
subureteral polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon) injection. Very However, in normal boys, the number needed to treat
soon after the first injections, studies in animal models (NNT) to prevent one UTI is 111. In boys with recurrent UTI
found migration and granulomatous reaction after periur- or high-grade VUR, the risk of UTI recurrence is 10% and 30%,
ethral injection of polytetrafluoroethylene [34]. Strangely respectively, and the NNTs are 11 and 4, respectively. The
enough, this did not stop the original pioneers from authors concluded that, assuming equal utility of benefits
injecting polytetrafluoroethylene into ureters and bladders, and harms, net clinical benefit is likely only in boys at high
and years later, they reported continuous good results and risk of UTI.
no complications [35]. However, the possibility of migration Surgical correction of VUR, by definition, creates an
has urged more suitable and safer bulking agents. antirefluxive valve mechanism for the ureter. Placing the
Collagen, crosslinked collagen, autologous lipocytes, ureter in a long or longer channel between the submucosal
chondrocytes or myoblasts, coaptite, and several other layer and the detrusor can create this antireflux valve
bulking agents have been tested and proposed. Today, mechanism. Dewan described in a review article how the
however, only dextranomer microspheres and hyaluronic different ureteral reimplantation techniques have evolved
acid of nonanimal origin (Deflux) and solid silicone over time [40]. Creation of a longer intramucosal tunnel can
elastomer suspended in a water-soluble, bioexcretable be performed intra- or extravesically, by open surgery,
carrier gel (Macroplastique) are approved by the US Food laparoscopically, or by using robotic instrumentation. This
and Drug Administration and are used commonly as bulking is the fastest and most successful method to correct VUR in
agents. So far, both implants are stable long term, remain in >95% of cases. The main benefit of surgical correction is the
position, and do not disappear over time. In addition, the fact that the incidence of febrile UTIs is significantly
particles are too large to be able to merge into capillaries or decreased, and this has been shown in studies comparing
lymphatics. different treatment strategies [41,42].
The success rates of the STING injection technique Indications for surgical correction are breakthrough UTIs,
(70–85%) have never reached those of surgical correction. renal function impairment (preexisting or developing under
However, Kirsch et al [36] introduced the intraureteral surveillance or prophylactic treatment), associated ana-
injection technique after hydrodistention of the ureter, a tomic anomalies (renal duplication with upper pole
technique they popularized while trying to categorize the ureterocoele, paraureteral diverticulum), problematic pa-
refluxing ureters by flushing the ureteral orifices with the rental compliance, and parental preference.
cystoscope and its flushing channel. Kirsch et al were able to The intravesical cross-trigonal ureteral reimplantation
improve the success rates of the endoscopic injection (Cohen) is probably the safest and perhaps the most widely
technique by another 10% (reported success rate up to 90%) used surgical technique for the correction of VUR [43].

However, this technique is always on the table for of 0.79 [62]. In addition, an updated version, using
discussion, along with possible difficulties for eventual additional renal scan data, further improves the predictive
ureterorenoscopy later in life. The incidence of ‘‘later in life’’ accuracy (; select SVM/VUR out-
issues that would require endoscopic intervention are comes using renal scan data [updated]) [63].
extremely rare but are nevertheless possible [44]. The Nomograms predicting the percentage of VUR resolution
technique described by Politano-Leadbetter is an excellent at 1–5 yr are based on a large patient population at Children’s
method for ureteral reimplantation, but its complication Hospital Boston [56]. These nomograms use age, sex,
rate is higher (up to 7–10%) than the cross-trigonal laterality, clinical presentation, ureter anatomy, and grade
technique [45]. The psoas-hitch ureteral reimplantation of reflux and are available through a Web-based calculator
deals with an even higher rate and more severe complica- (
tions and should be reserved for repeat interventions or Wheeler and colleagues in a 2004 Cochrane review [41]
specific indications [46,47]. and Nagler and colleagues in an updated review in 2011 on
The extravesical ureteral reimplantation technique the interventions for VUR [42] performed meta-analyses of
described by Lich-Grégoir is very popular because it has combined long-term antibiotic prophylaxis and surgical
excellent success rates and is associated with low morbidity corrections. Both groups found that with the end points of
[48]. However, due to the possible pelvic plexus damage UTI incidence, new or progressive renal damage, renal
during the extravesical dissection and the consequent growth, hypertension, and GFR, the only difference was that
possible temporary voiding dysfunction, it is recommended surgical treatment resulted in a 60% reduction in febrile
that this technique be performed unilaterally and eventu- UTIs by 5 yr compared with antibiotic prophylaxis alone.
ally repeated in a second step on the contralateral side [49]. However, this difference did not result in a difference in the
Intravesical cross-trigonal and extravesical ureteral risk of parenchymal injury. It is not clear whether any
reimplantation have been performed successfully using intervention does more good than harm, although some
laparoscopic techniques [50,51]. Recently, these techniques data show a dramatic decrease in reflux-related morbidity
have also been performed using the assistance of robotic with an aggressive approach [64].
techniques [52,53]. It has been proven that it is feasible to Should the first investigation following a febrile UTI be a
perform surgical correction using laparoscopy or robotic DMSA scan or a VCUG? Regarding the diagnostic approach
assistance, although it has to be proven if there is any or suspicion of VUR, after the obligatory renal ultrasound, it
benefit for the patient. is still requisite to perform a radiographic VCUG and a
DMSA scan, regardless of the results of either. Febrile UTIs
8. Outcome, follow-up, and recommendations and acquired cortical defects can occur without VUR,
cortical defects in children with VUR will predict recurrent
The risks and benefits of diagnosing VUR are questioned UTI, and a positive DMSA scan identifies significant VUR in
today in terms of health and financial impact: What is the most instances [65]. However, better knowledge of which
benefit of prescribing long-term prophylaxis? VUR is a patients might benefit from early treatment may limit the
clinical symptom that is not based on a simple disease but number of children required to undergo VCUG [66]. The
on a number of factors influencing the expression of the exact indication and value of the PIC cystography has to be
symptom and its consequences. Sex, age, renal function, determined. In addition, alternative noninvasive methods
voiding dysfunction, grade, laterality, associated anatomic may identify the correct patients [12]. In the event of a
anomalies, and genetic factors will determine how danger- family history or siblings with VUR, if asymptomatic and
ous VUR will be for renal development and function under the age of 5 yr, a renal ultrasound should be
[54–56]. The management of children with VUR has recommended. However, if a child with a family history of
changed, and large studies (the International Reflux Study VUR becomes symptomatic, a classic VCUG and an isotope
in Children, the PRIVENT study, the RIVUR study, and the DMSA scan should be an immediate part of the evaluation.
Swedish reflux study) have helped influence our current In the follow-up of children with VUR, as few procedures as
opinion and treatment strategy [57–60]. possible and as minimally invasive procedures as possible
The treatment strategy for children with VUR should be should be the absolute rule [65].
individual for every child. It should be based on several With regard to increasing resistance of E. coli strains and
coexisting factors such as age, sex, laterality, grade of reflux, the relatively low compliance with prophylaxis intake, the
presence of voiding dysfunction, and renal damage. treatment strategy should include options such as circum-
Computer models and nomograms should be used to cision and subureteral or intraureteral injections in an early
analyze the child’s specific situation and should be phase of diagnosis. Girls, more frequently a little older,
discussed with the parents. should receive empathic doctoring, consisting of modified
The computer-based model was created using a large drinking habits, appropriate voiding and bowel recommen-
database of VUR patients. It can be used to predict VUR dations, and close follow-up.
resolution at 2 yr of age and is available on the UroComp It is interesting that the AUA and EAU-ESPU guidelines
Web site (; select SVM/VUR out- for VUR mention endoscopic treatment as a possible
comes) [61]. This computer model was validated in a surgical correction, whereas it is clear from all studies that
separate patient population in Japan and was found to have an endoscopic treatment is an alternative to the antibiotic
81% accuracy with a receiver operating characteristic value prophylaxis [27]. A lot of studies and publications on VUR

are known, but good prospective and randomized con- [13] Ziessman HA, Majd M. Importance of methodology on (99m)tech-
trolled studies are still necessary to improve the work-up netium dimercapto-succinic acid scintigraphic image quality: im-
and the optimal management of children with VUR [42]. aging pilot study for RIVUR (Randomized Intervention for Children
with Vesicoureteral Reflux) multicenter investigation. J Urol 2009;
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