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BGS Institute of Technology

Department: Mechanical Engineering
Test: II
Semester: V Section:
Subject Name & Code: Machine Design-1 (18ME54)
Date: 31/12/21
Duration: 60minutes Max. Marks: 30
i) Select one question from each part.
Questions Marks CO Levels

a) A machine component in the form of a cantilever beam has a
rectangular C/S of 40 mm width and 120 mm depth. The span of
the beam is 600 mm. A transverse load of 5 KN falls from a height
1 of h at the free end of the beam. Determine a safe value for ‘h’ 10 03 L3
limiting the maximum normal stress induced in the machine
element, due to impact to 120 MPa. The modulus of elasticity of
the material of the beam is 210 GPa.
b) Derive the Soderberg equation for fatigue load. 05 03 L1
a) A steel rod SAE 9260 oil quenched is subjected to a tensile load
which varies from 120 KN to 40 KN. Design the safe diameter of
the rod using “Soderberg diagram”. Adopt FOS as 2. Stress 10
02 L3
2 concentration factor as unity and correction factors for load, size
and surface as 0.75, 0.85 and 0.91 respectively.
b) Derive the relation for impact stress due to bending load 05 02 L3
a) A cantilever beam width of 50 mm, depth is 150 mm and 1.5 m
long. It is struck by a weight of 1000 N that falls from a height of
10 mm at its free end. Determine the following,
(i) Impact factor 10 03 L1
3 (ii) Instantaneous maximum deflection.
(iii)Instantaneous maximum stress.
(iv)Instantaneous maximum load, Take E =20.6 x 104 N/mm2.
b) Explain the high cycle fatigue & low cycle fatigue with neat
05 03 L1
4 (a) List & explain the types of cotter joints. 07 03 L1
(b) Design a socket and spigot type cotter joint to sustain an axial load of
100 KN. The material selected for the joint has design stresses. σ t = 100 08 03 L3
MPa, σc= 150 MPa and τ = 60 MPa

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