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Headmistress’s Newsletter

Issue 165 7 January 2022

I would like to wish Happy New Year to all Bronte families.

It has been lovely to have the children back at school this week
and start the term with such enthusiasm. Although we have
only been back at school for a few days, the curriculum is
evident throughout the school and examples of what we have
all be up to are overleaf.

I hope a Merry Christmas was had by all, and very best wishes
for a happy, healthy 2022 from me and all staff.
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Skiing success!

We are always pleased to hear about

achievements gained outside of school and this
week Floyd (Year 5) spoke to the school about his
skiing progress. A very competent skier, Floyd
taught us about tackling a 'black run' and how to
avoid going too fast. The gold badge in his left
hand shows this achievement. He then shared
that he has also won a silver badge for
snowboarding. This requires different skills,
especially when it comes to changing direction.
Our many congratulations to Floyd as he
continues to achieve great things on the slopes!

In today's Celebration Assembly, we were very pleased to welcome everybody back at the end of
these first three days of school (although it feels like a whole week when you consider all that has
been achieved!)

New MPs

The Pupil Parliament met for its first gathering of the term on Thursday and we were pleased to
award badges today to three new members. Elsa-Grace is the newly-elected MP for Year 2 and is
proudly displaying her badge here. Karachi and Tasbi were fresh in from playing outside in the
cold to be warmly greeted with their new badges too, as Reception joined in the Parliament for
the first time this year. We enjoy our democracy at Bronte School and the meetings are always a
good opportunity to share ideas from each class.
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Do materials have different melting points?

Investigating this question in Year 4 began with learning how to use a thermometer to take a
temperature reading. The children were then given two mystery items, which were placed in
their hands (a chocolate button and a jelly bean.) They had no idea what they were holding until
they opened their eyes a few minutes later. What do you think happened...? Well, some children
had a melted chocolate button in their hands, and some had some colouring from the jelly bean.
But why...?

Year 4 also set up their own experiment by melting dark, milk and white chocolate to find out if
they all had the same melting point.

What do you think they will find out?

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Our Mathletics is already well underway in school with many children gaining their Silver
certificates this morning. In an assembly which saw the Upper School gather in the hall and the
Lower School via Zoom, we were still able to announce these live to the whole school at the
same time. This is important as it brings us all together and we get to congratulate one another in
our various locations around the building. Ndedeba and Cattleya (Year 1), Zak (Year 2), Harveer
(Year 3), Simran (Year 4) Aarush and Aashikaa (Year 5) are all pictured here receiving their
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Year 2 Investigation

“If Noah saw 20 legs entering the Ark,

which animals might he have seen?”
Year 2 spent some time investigating the
many possible answers to this question…….
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Materials in Year 1
In Science this term Year 1 are exploring the topic ‘Materials’. They will be learning to name
materials, discuss their properties and carry out different investigations. This week, the children
enjoyed exploring different materials, naming and sorting them and thinking of adjectives to
describe them.
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Dancing in SPaG !!!!!

Year 5 have been feeling groovy in
SPaG lessons this week! They've
been learning about parenthesis.
Parenthesis is adding extra
information to a sentence using
brackets, dashes or commas.

Singing along to their song and

practising the actions has helped
them to remember (quite tricky)
new learning ... and it looks like
they had great fun too!


Towards the end of this term, we will be staging our

annual Bronte's Got Talent show. Pencil the date into
your diary for Saturday 19th March at 6pm because
tickets always go quickly. Auditions take place this
February so you might want to start thinking about
your special act this weekend.

More details will follow next week from Mr Hardwick.

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A very warm Bronte School

welcome to Joshan,
Mehaan and Param and
their families, as they join
our Kindergarten class.
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Reception have started their ‘Magic Train

Ride’ this week. They each have a magic
ticket and are all set for Spring Term

Where would you like to go on a magic

train journey? The children had some
amazing ideas.

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