MSE 2212 Mechanics of Materials Assignment 6

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MSE 2212 Mechanics of Materials

Assignment 6

6-1. A pressurized spherical tank is to be made of 0.5-in.-thick steel. If it is subjected to an

internal pressure of p=200 psi, determine its outer radius if the maximum normal stress is
not to exceed 15 ksi.

6-2. The drill is jammed in the wall and is subjected to both a torque and a force from the
hand holding it. The torque is 20 N.m and force magnitude and direction are show below.
(a) Determine the state of stress at both points A and B on the cross section of drill bit at
section a–a. (b) plot the stresses on the stress elements located at these points.

6-3. The T-beam is subjected to the distributed loading that is applied along its centerline.
Determine the principal stress at point A and show the results on an element located at this
6-4. The thin-walled pipe has an inner diameter of 0.5 in. and a thickness of 0.025 in. If it
is subjected to an internal pressure of 500 psi and the axial tension and torsional loadings
shown, determine the principal stress at a point on the surface of the pipe.

6-5. Determine (a) the normal and shear stresses at point D that act perpendicular and
parallel, respectively, to the grains; (b) the principal stresses at point D. The grains at this
point make an angle of 30° with the horizontal as shown. Point D is located just to the left
of the10-kN force.

6-6. The box beam is subjected to the 26-kN force that is applied at the center of its width,
75 mm from each side. Determine the principal stresses at points A and B, and show the
results in an element located at these points.

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