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6uesthim :

Operahons o sta(k. Stotk s a daio shuthure ehaly

ubed m cuMn he popurty or
Stack LIPO (Layt im hot t)-
Sperrcbrenrt tdeeaei) PUSH
(ii) POP GisEmph iv) is FuJ ) Pak
ush: i method which i usd to msrt an domen
at the top HheSfack
om elutmt
mhod wwidh i wad t dlete
t the
top of Ha shk
is Emphy: abooleam tyee varialt whith U uwed m Ppp
method wi tha holp d frok vaniale whudh tel whtho
th Stack i
s Fall i is epty m»t
also a bopleom type vaiab ith uusnd m
PUSH method wit te help ot Pek vOnabe tohicL tells
whath Hhe statkis tull or
Pick Hhe vaial shidh stoe stheu Hhe

inseing at he aom .


Maikanh Mandala

AHash table adata structure used to implemed

abstract data type ike associahue ara4

provides Constent timp complerity O) a he best case

nd the wovsk a Complexity oill be OCh).

Hashing is sed m vanious data shucure and mamy

wod appliations lke
mesage digest, cypography
ile Systems ek
Hash tade has many odvantages like
hme lomplexiy
Constantt ime egordless .of

tCnns in the tade

god perfovmana
Roaluy ovd
uwhe performing
Mawu kamta
Mandala 0perahios like inse tins, dale

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