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Anonymous (ID: HTK5u7SL) 01/10/22(Mon)14:40:23 No.355821785▶>>355821899
>>355822525 >>355823973 >>355824108 >>355824252 >>355824261 >>355824383 >>355824450
>>355824557 >>355824840 >>355824898 >>355825038 >>355825055 >>355825313 >>355825509
>>355825521 >>355825531 >>355826130 >>355826403 >>355826580 >>355826653 >>355826790
>>355826856 >>355827105 >>355827279 >>355827288 >>355828420 >>355828534 >>355828853
>>355828904 >>355828965 >>355829021 >>355829119 >>355829197 >>355829247 >>355829318
>>355829542 >>355829911 >>355830217 >>355830298 >>355830302 >>355830334 >>355830436
>>355830500 >>355830627 >>355830695 >>355830744 >>355830748 >>355831030 >>355832650
>>355832859 >>355833201 >>355834997 >>355835378 >>355835462 >>355835665 >>355836117
>>355836336 >>355836795 >>355837693 >>355838612 >>355839896
>You WILL eat the pussy, goyim
Anonymous (ID: BZg2naSr) 01/10/22(Mon)14:41:22 No.355821899▶>>355828965
>>355821785 (OP)
>you will never be a women
Anonymous (ID: BgO8eB/Y) 01/10/22(Mon)14:45:02 No.355822212▶>>355823981
>>355824348 >>355824480 >>355825348 >>355825796 >>355827888 >>355828010 >>355828922
>>355828965 >>355829755 >>355830000 >>355836249 >>355837874 >>355838268
There's no scientific proof of this. Show me the stats correlating HPV infections
with throat cancer in men. I know two guys, one a retired fireman and the other a
retired welder that got throat cancer and their idiot MDs said "It's from eating
too much pussay!" No evidence of them ever getting HPV or ever having had it..just
a blanket assumption because Douglas had throat cancer and blurted out something
his wife found insulting.

IF they actually stop and look at industrial hazards that means Workers Comp
payouts and we can't have that, can we?

Yep Doctors are scum rats, the media are scum rats and the working class male gets
duped and cheated always.
Anonymous (ID: QaQ2seI5) 01/10/22(Mon)14:47:03 No.355822424▶>>355824669
>>355832115 >>355833200 >>355837049
I got covid and lost my taste and smell so eating pussy has been a breeze. Thank
you chinks for getting me COVID, truly enhanced my sex life
Anonymous (ID: L9DEdkpD) 01/10/22(Mon)14:48:16 No.355822525▶
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>>355821785 (OP)
Anonymous (ID: kYupMpPQ) 01/10/22(Mon)15:03:18 No.355823973▶>>355825518
>>355821785 (OP)
lmfao hpv vaccine kills kids.
just another case of the cure is worse than the disease.
your point is invalid.
Anonymous (ID: BKhYf+7N) 01/10/22(Mon)15:03:20 No.355823981▶
Interesting hypothesis
Anonymous (ID: jq6/2TCE) 01/10/22(Mon)15:04:35 No.355824108▶
>>355821785 (OP)
And you will be happy and have cancer throath
Anonymous (ID: m9GjFQFO) 01/10/22(Mon)15:06:03 No.355824252▶>>355836264
>>355821785 (OP)
Banging roasties will also give you bladder cancer from the same virus.
Anonymous (ID: wr75Zqto) 01/10/22(Mon)15:06:09 No.355824261▶>>355824816
>>355821785 (OP)
The HPV vaxx is notoriously NOT safe.
Anonymous (ID: reGreXhd) 01/10/22(Mon)15:06:54 No.355824348▶>>355825150
Idk I think if it helps to stop men from humiliating themselves by eating pussy
it's good if they spread it.
Anonymous (ID: TaFPrDk7) 01/10/22(Mon)15:07:16 No.355824383▶
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>>355821785 (OP)
It's my diet
Anonymous (ID: CmLeQT5I) 01/10/22(Mon)15:07:57 No.355824450▶
>>355821785 (OP)
Confirmed slide.

Happening taking place here >>355820400 →

Anonymous (ID: vbsKvc+d) 01/10/22(Mon)15:08:09 No.355824480▶>>355825150
>>355826525 >>355827519 >>355840594
I think simply its natures way of telling 'dont eat pussy its nasty and unnatural'.
women are unclean and disgusting. everyone knows who lived with them.
Anonymous (ID: 36mfwmuu) 01/10/22(Mon)15:09:05 No.355824557▶>>355824709
>>355826064 >>355829275
>>355821785 (OP)
That’s why you find a loving virgin girl who is disease free and stay loyal to each
Anonymous (ID: HR8jgD27) 01/10/22(Mon)15:10:23 No.355824669▶>>355824973
>lost my taste and smell
Do you eat dirty pussy? Tell her to wash herself.
Anonymous (ID: MApY7gjV) 01/10/22(Mon)15:10:45 No.355824709▶
This. Don't put your mouth where other men have put their dicks. Eating non virgin
pussy is the epitome of cuckoldry
Anonymous (ID: /ZLDNIN3) 01/10/22(Mon)15:11:38 No.355824816▶
Don’t listen to this crazy anon. Nothing to see here
Anonymous (ID: E3gyYXxi) 01/10/22(Mon)15:11:47 No.355824840▶
>>355821785 (OP)
It's only acceptable to eat pussy during 69
otherwise it's humiliating
Anonymous (ID: L78uuVcV) 01/10/22(Mon)15:12:25 No.355824898▶
>>355821785 (OP)
> irrelevant article from 2 years ago
yup, I'll let this shape my world view.
Anonymous (ID: L78uuVcV) 01/10/22(Mon)15:13:12 No.355824973▶
better than eating no pussy, a-non.
Anonymous (ID: nqW1tRUW) 01/10/22(Mon)15:13:46 No.355825038▶>>355828681
>>355828899 >>355829424
>>355821785 (OP)
I have hpv on the penis, I've had to cauterize warts several times
Anonymous (ID: CbuvWUQw) 01/10/22(Mon)15:13:55 No.355825055▶>>355836351
>>355821785 (OP)
Thank God I am virgin.
Anonymous (ID: HxP3ag7o) 01/10/22(Mon)15:14:13 No.355825088▶
Do you want to live forever?
Anonymous (ID: p0dFDMp1) 01/10/22(Mon)15:14:50 No.355825150▶>>355825327
Anonymous (ID: 6Uty2kQj) 01/10/22(Mon)15:15:08 No.355825170▶>>355829710
Not only is eating pussy humiliating and degrading but now it gives you cancer,
too. Imagine how little self respect you have for yourself if you partake in this
degenerate activity.
Anonymous (ID: hZY/PMj6) 01/10/22(Mon)15:16:45 No.355825313▶>>355829381
>>355829818 >>355837515
>>355821785 (OP)
eating pussy is fine , eating hooker pussy isn´t.
i ate some and just one bad dirty bitch gave me herpes like rash on my cheek that
was akin to a viral infection due to her juice being on it for just a few minutes
the very next day.
nowadays i live halal and only eat the pussy of my wife.
thanks allah and thank you baby jesus.
Anonymous (ID: reGreXhd) 01/10/22(Mon)15:16:54 No.355825327▶
everyone knows you lick it just to taste the countless dicks that were in there
already you disgusting bugchaser
Anonymous (ID: /7npoUdI) 01/10/22(Mon)15:17:05 No.355825348▶

It is in their MO to homosexualize native males and vaxxxmaxx everyone for Globhomo

Corporate profit

>Don't eat pussy!

>If you do , take the VAKZIN or you die!
Anonymous (ID: BgO8eB/Y) 01/10/22(Mon)15:17:58 No.355825424▶>>355826245
No this is a scam to avoid paying out industrial illnesses. There is NO science
behind the assertion that the increase in throat cancer has anything to do with HPV
or eating pussy. Show me the scientific studies to prove it or shut the fuck up you
worthless moralizing priggish morons. And for good measure go get a job as a welder
and work 10 hour shifts in a cramped confined space with inadequate ventilation
(safety standards are for fags, you fag) breathing in toxic fumes and staring at a
white hot blinding point of light as you weld that line or crawl under a fire
engine because the cheif wants to keep you busy wiht make work and use old rags to
wipe down the entire undercarriage with xylene. Then get back to me and spout your
industry lies.

Did you know that under common law if you got injured or killed on a work site you
or your family could sue for that injury, and that the value of a human life under
Germanic common law has stayed constant for 1400 years? Your life is worth $10
million to your family under German common law. But with the Workers Compensation
Acts in N. America all they'll get is a shitty little pension for your agonizing

Workers Compensation Acts remove a worker's right to sue the employer. And that was
brought in in 1913...and what a coincidence; that's the same time that the Federal
Reserve was created. The FBI was created within a few years of that. And Workers
Compensation wasn't created because of socialism. It was created by THE EMPLOYERS
because trust me they don't wanna pay your fucking family $10 million for your
broken shattered body suckers. Fuck you in the ass, by the way did the dead guy
leave any orphans? Maybe we can have them brought around to the Freemason Temple on
a Saturday night for a little nookie eh?
Anonymous (ID: 51CRo9Lf) 01/10/22(Mon)15:18:46 No.355825509▶>>355829493
>>355821785 (OP)
>eat pussy
>throat cancer
Why not mouth cancer or tongue cancer?
Do you have to stick the pussy down your throat where the discharge at its tip
comes out directly to?

This is as believable as Magic Johnson getting HIV from "heterosexual sex", when
HIV transmission via straight vaginal sex from female to male is so low, some
couples have had sex for hundreds or thousands of times unprotected without the
infected female infecting the male.

tl;dr: Throat cancer means these "men" are closet fags sucking dick.
And Magic Johnson got HIV from gay sex.
Anonymous (ID: Qg/+udOy) 01/10/22(Mon)15:18:52 No.355825518▶>>355826599
do kids eat a lot of pussy is Australia anon?
Anonymous (ID: P48FvmZn) 01/10/22(Mon)15:18:53 No.355825521▶
>>355821785 (OP)
> always have
Anonymous (ID: +hfL4vY+) 01/10/22(Mon)15:19:03 No.355825531▶
>>355821785 (OP)
and people called Michael Douglas crazy
Anonymous (ID: DsGTcAEb) 01/10/22(Mon)15:21:34 No.355825796▶>>355840594
>t.Cunnilingus craving roastie
Anonymous (ID: BgO8eB/Y) 01/10/22(Mon)15:22:09 No.355825864▶
"Muh dik"

You guys have the brains of a jocky in the skull of a groom.

Muh dik muh dik muh dik

Fucking 4chan/gif is over thataway, jackoffs.

Anonymous (ID: cwOjczSU) 01/10/22(Mon)15:24:12 No.355826064▶
Anonymous (ID: y8GKpcIM) 01/10/22(Mon)15:24:48 No.355826130▶
>>355821785 (OP)
pussy is disgusting
Anonymous (ID: EgW7w5cw) 01/10/22(Mon)15:25:57 No.355826245▶>>355826532
>argumentum ad ignorantiam
Anonymous (ID: sia5bQWi) 01/10/22(Mon)15:27:00 No.355826358▶
Don't eat the pussy of a woman who watches HGTV...she probably has drywall in
there. [Embed]
Anonymous (ID: qIEAO7IJ) 01/10/22(Mon)15:27:12 No.355826381▶>>355829290
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CDC approved ways to lower STD infection chance
Anonymous (ID: rETUNkyE) 01/10/22(Mon)15:27:28 No.355826403▶
>>355821785 (OP)
if done with a virgin wife it's not possible
Anonymous (ID: HmOfKhFr) 01/10/22(Mon)15:28:43 No.355826525▶>>355826790
There's no reason to never engage in oral sex, just use some sort of prophylactic
and when your partner nears climax take the prophylactic off to enjoy the full
experience. That way the amount of exposure is lessened.
Anonymous (ID: BgO8eB/Y) 01/10/22(Mon)15:28:48 No.355826532▶>>355826684
>>355826903 >>355830755
don't you call me a jew you child fucking maggot.
You want to go around making the positive assertion that the rise in throat cancer
among men is from HPV vaginal warts in the throat then it's up to you to provide
some solid evidence in the form of valid peer reviewed scientific papers or go lose
your bad dragon in your stretched faggot anus, jew.
Anonymous (ID: g7a/Gvck) 01/10/22(Mon)15:29:14 No.355826580▶
>>355821785 (OP)
Anonymous (ID: rETUNkyE) 01/10/22(Mon)15:29:28 No.355826599▶
it's populated by chinese, so guess
but so is canada, you shouldn't even have to guess
Anonymous (ID: dl+sL382) 01/10/22(Mon)15:30:01 No.355826653▶
>>355821785 (OP)
How do we know these men weren't bisexual?
Also they were having a hell of a time getting women to take that vaccine because
it was giving them ovarian cysts so they had to make up a reason for men to take
their left over batches.
Anonymous (ID: 6xjdrMBO) 01/10/22(Mon)15:30:03 No.355826659▶
I ate pussy only once in my life, never again because I didn't like it
Please don't tell me I'm going to die of cancer
Anonymous (ID: Tdp4qV/N) 01/10/22(Mon)15:30:06 No.355826668▶
>lmfao hpv vaccine kills kids.
Anonymous (ID: EgW7w5cw) 01/10/22(Mon)15:30:14 No.355826684▶
Say nigger
Anonymous (ID: mN7TW0iY) 01/10/22(Mon)15:31:17 No.355826790▶>>355830328
Fucking retarded
>>355821785 (OP)
What a fake article. You dont get that from pussy,maybe deep throating dick
Anonymous (ID: yxPAqkOh) 01/10/22(Mon)15:31:45 No.355826842▶>>355830632
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we don't all have access to teenage pussy, anon. Pussies are like cheese, the more
they age, the smellier and tastier they get. God I wish I was young again
Anonymous (ID: pFn33Bik) 01/10/22(Mon)15:31:51 No.355826856▶>>355829198
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>>355821785 (OP)
I'm never eating pussy since the mRNA accumulated in the ovaries turned pussys all

Also why would any self respecting man put his mouth on a pussy?
Anonymous (ID: AEr7qmS+) 01/10/22(Mon)15:32:19 No.355826903▶
Eating pussy is fucking gay
Anonymous (ID: J8RwT6B6) 01/10/22(Mon)15:33:11 No.355827013▶
Eating the pussy of a non virgin is like sucking all the cocks she's taken all at
once. It's the faggiest shit ever invented, that's why jews want u to eat pussy
Anonymous (ID: zK/icgoj) 01/10/22(Mon)15:34:03 No.355827105▶>>355827253
>>355821785 (OP)
same with raw dogging roasties, always wrap up. Once you get HPV on your dick
that's 100% cancer.
Anonymous (ID: Wue6YOoZ) 01/10/22(Mon)15:35:33 No.355827253▶>>355827971
lmao why even have sex then
Anonymous (ID: NO8eRIYV) 01/10/22(Mon)15:35:40 No.355827269▶>>355827553
>>355828036 >>355832701 >>355836719
The reason women give blowjobs is that saliva is a biome-specific cleanser. Women
coat the penis in their saliva so that it doesn’t introduce as many foreign
bacteria when it goes in their vagina. Oral sex is found across many different
kinds of animals for this reason. It’s simply a way for the female animal to ensure
her health.

Men giving women head makes no evolutionary sense and is simply a fetish or
perversion. The mouth has a lot of nasty bacteria that should be no where near a
vagina. Keeping the vagina clean is so important than women literally bleed out
every month to ensure cleanliness.

The more you know

Anonymous (ID: gIu9v4do) 01/10/22(Mon)15:35:49 No.355827279▶
>>355821785 (OP)
I thought most girls are vacinnated against HPV. I got my vaccines when I was like
Anonymous (ID: YtSxZ9Ly) 01/10/22(Mon)15:35:55 No.355827288▶>>355838302
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>>355821785 (OP)
It's so fucking retarded to claim pussy juice causes cancer rather than the
poisonous air, water, and food we consume daily. If you actually believe this you
are a subhuman goyim. The shitskins, womyn, and jews doing "science" now are just
making shit up. You can't trust anything a scientist says.
Anonymous (ID: I9Pl+i3C) 01/10/22(Mon)15:38:30 No.355827519▶>>355829920
Just because your mum was that nasty, doesn't mean everyone is. But it is really
all just marketing by the pharma industry. They get these celeb testimonials and
then push for certain shit. 20 years ago all the actors would get colonoscopy. They
appeared on TV witheir colonoscopy. Then they announced the Krankenkasse would pay
for it. So after they lobbied, marketed and got it through everyone was supposed to
run and get an unnecessary tube up their ass.
Anonymous (ID: pYxkmUj8) 01/10/22(Mon)15:38:54 No.355827553▶>>355827725
>Women coat the penis in their saliva so that it doesn’t introduce as many foreign
bacteria when it goes in their vagina
>The mouth has a lot of nasty bacteria that should be no where near a vagina.
That's your brain on science.
Anonymous (ID: NO8eRIYV) 01/10/22(Mon)15:40:44 No.355827725▶>>355828154
Your saliva != someone else’s saliva, Pavel. Your body recognizes its own saliva.
Have you heard the expression “licking one’s wounds?” Have you read in the Bible
about the dog licking the wounds of the Leper? Your own saliva or the saliva of a
healthy person can clean, but the saliva of some random person will just introduce
foreign bacteria
Anonymous (ID: 0XyRxQ6U) 01/10/22(Mon)15:41:53 No.355827839▶
Thats why I want a tranny gf with a cock so I can suck her cock and not get cancer.
Anonymous (ID: frigrEE9) 01/10/22(Mon)15:42:20 No.355827888▶>>355837444
The hpv vaccine only (allegedly) protects against one quarter of HPV. So it next to
useless. Has helped steralise a generation tho.
Anonymous (ID: CbuvWUQw) 01/10/22(Mon)15:43:09 No.355827971▶
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You vill not haf sex an you vill be happy.
Anonymous (ID: VRF0VqAt) 01/10/22(Mon)15:43:38 No.355828010▶>>355828168
>>355828188 >>355829552 >>355837695
File: its good pussy.gif (1.91 MB, 215x265)
1.91 MB
What I found so stupid about this whole "eating pussy gives cancer" bs is, if there
is things in pussy juice to cause cancer, then how is the vagina not getting cancer
This is a joke to see how many idiots fall for it.
Anonymous (ID: gIu9v4do) 01/10/22(Mon)15:43:52 No.355828036▶
That's not why women menstruate, but you're trolling I assume
Anonymous (ID: H+JHjOe9) 01/10/22(Mon)15:45:17 No.355828141▶>>355831966
>>355832820 >>355833188
Bro you only ever see europeans comming out of the wood work in these threads to
defend eating pussy how fucking embaressing that shit is so submissive its beyond
Anonymous (ID: pYxkmUj8) 01/10/22(Mon)15:45:29 No.355828154▶>>355831010
Bullshit. There are different types of bacteria in mouth, vagina or ass. So
bacteria from your mouth is still "foreign" if you put it in your vagina. And
bacteria from your ass will be "foreign" if you put it in your mouth or vagina.
Anonymous (ID: BhC+Rd59) 01/10/22(Mon)15:45:38 No.355828168▶>>355828384
It's called cervical cancer you absolute retard.
This has to be bait, or you're just a zoomer/uninformed retard
Anonymous (ID: gIu9v4do) 01/10/22(Mon)15:45:57 No.355828188▶>>355828384
You mean your post is a joke, I hope
Anonymous (ID: zuh3Uh8X) 01/10/22(Mon)15:47:02 No.355828308▶>>355828769
Imagine eating a woman’s pussy. Imagine caring about the woman’s pleasure… rubes.
Anonymous (ID: tHHux//9) 01/10/22(Mon)15:47:44 No.355828369▶
Sure smells like virginity in this thread.
Anonymous (ID: VRF0VqAt) 01/10/22(Mon)15:47:55 No.355828384▶>>355828935
LMAO please post studies then niggers, no one in this thread has yet to do this.
Anonymous (ID: fkm5foCG) 01/10/22(Mon)15:48:17 No.355828420▶>>355828583
>>355821785 (OP)
I suck trans cock and I am already vaccinated for HPV

Your move Jews

Anonymous (ID: xRxgLuls) 01/10/22(Mon)15:49:27 No.355828534▶>>355828651
>>355821785 (OP)
Why aren't they mass vaccinating everyone for hpv?
Anonymous (ID: y8GKpcIM) 01/10/22(Mon)15:49:58 No.355828583▶
wise polish bro
girlcock >>> stupid hole

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