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Review: [Untitled]

Reviewed Work(s):
I am Curious (Yellow) by Vilgot Sjöman; Goran Lindgren
Clyde B. Smith

Film Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 4. (Summer, 1969), pp. 37-42.

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Thu Jan 3 02:20:16 2008

ing of one of his deputies, he raids the place in most films is indirect. Obviously directors
force and destroys it, behaving himself much such as Godard, Bufiuel, Antonioni, and Berg-
like Kozlik. Marketa escapes with an eccentric man are intimately and vitally interested in
itinerant monk, and wanders back to the con- the complex issues of our times. But their
vent where she was supposed to have lived out works approach these issues in the voices of
her life; but even in her now desperate straits allegory and fantasy-in a word, in the voices
she prefers life with Mikolas. In the meantime, of fiction. The films in which direct social
however, he has attempted a rescue raid on the comment is a main issue and fiction a ~arallel
fortress jail where his father is imprisoned, and or secondary device are rare. I Am Curious
is wounded and seized. Marketa comes to him are two exceptions. Or is one exception, de-
and they are married, as a kind of gesture pending on how you view them. For I Am
against his fate. Curious has been released as two films, but,
Marketa Lazarova is a fascinating and power- in reality, are one film. Just as Remembrance
ful film, but it is extremely long and its uncom- of Things Past is really a single, unified work,
promising brutality makes it hardly a crowd- so is I Am Curious.
pleaser; it demands endurance from its viewers, One of the contradictions of our times is
like participants in a strange rite. The dark, that movies are aimed at the young (note the
low-key lighting, which modulates from crepus- statistics on the age of movie-goers) but that
cular to half-shadow and back again, gives a they are made, distributed, reviewed, and
subtle rhythm within episodes. Cryptic bardic censored by the middle-aged or the old. I
titles before each episode announce (often wry- Am Curious is a young people's film made by
ly) what is about to happen, on which the a cynical, hopeful, questioning, middle-aged
chorus also comments. The stylistic vigor is re- director who describes himself in the titles as
markable; Vlacil's camera work is as strong "Vilgot Sjoman, young film director, age 42."
and active as Kurosawa's in Seven Samurai. All of the principal participants in the venture
Like Shadows of Our Forgotten Ancestors, that he describes as "young," as long as they are
other extraordinary recent film from Eastern of the questioning left.
Europe, Marketa Lazarova draws upon remote Anyone with half a mind knows we are
historical sources to create a film with surprising living in a time when the status quo is being
contemporary impact. It asks us to see what severely questioned by people of a wide range
man was, under his fur cloaks, crouched by the of persuasions-conservatives, liberals, acti-
fire while the wolves circled his stone forts; but vists. and the like. Although - Sioman's
, refer-
the question reverberates to what man is, under ents are particular to Sweden, they are none-
his nylon and rayon, crouched by the TV in theless universal. The status quo, the Estab-
his steel-and-glass apartment house. lishment, in Sweden, looks, I suppose, to the
-EMORY MENEFEEand ERNEST CALLENBACHoutsider like a kind of demi-paradise; it has
the characteristic c o m m o n to all demi-
paradises of engendering satisfaction, compla-
cency, and apathy. Sweden is a socialist
I A M CURIOUS (YELLOW) monarchy (more accurately, a constitutional
Director: Vilgot Sjoman. Camera: Peter Wester. Producer:
Gomn Lindgren. Grove Press Films.
monarchy) and a social-monarchy is a self-
evident contraction in terms. The Social Dem-
In our times the medium which can present ocrats have been in power for more than
social comment in the most convincing (and thirty years. Instead of being a party of the
moving) fashion is the motion picture. But left, they are now regarded as a party of the
because of concern for the box office, or be- center. The conservatives and the liberals
cause of the particular artistic-dramatic incli- have, over the years, moved closer to the
nations of film authors, the social comment in center and to each other. Thus, there is no

organized dissent. For an analogy, consider ming. But Lena is also developed as a human
the similarities of the Democratic and Repub- being, particularly in the Blue film, and thus
lican Parties and the lack of organized dissent enables Sjoman to probe more deeply.
in the United States. Her father and mother are both working-
It is into this quiet pool of placidity that class, low-income people. Her mother deserted
Sjoman has flung his film. According to SIB- her father (Rune) some years back for unspeci-
man's own account, he went to Sandrews (the fied reasons. Her father works in a picture-
producing and distributing organization) and framing shop and quite evidently does not
asked for 100,000 meters (over 300,000 feet) understand Lena--or much of anything else
of film and a free hand. He got both. for that matter. Lena focuses her resentment
I Am Curious is a film within a film. On the of Rune on the fact that his one good deed-
surface this might appear to be an artificial, going to Spain to fight in the civil war-came
time-worn device. But it works. Sjoman uses to naught. After three weeks with the Inter-
it for one kind of purpose in Yellow and for national Brigade he returned and is unable to
quite another in Blue. In the Yellow film the answer when Lena asks him why. Clearly he
dual roles of the actors are kept quite separate himself does not know.
from each other, but in the Blue film they begin Lena gets involved with Borje, a purposeless,
to merge until actor and role become almost rather shady young man whom her father
indistinguishable. brings home one day. All of the highly publi-
The principal role in both is played by a cized sex in the Yellow film occurs between
drama student, Lena Neyman, age 23. Lena is Borje and Lena. Sex is an integral part of the
a kook. At least in the Yellow film she is. In the development and disintegration of their rela-
Blue film she is something quite different-but tionship.
more of that later. The story of Lena's relationship with Borje
Lena the kook lives in a room in her father's in the "internal" film is set in the matrix of the
apartment. The room is filled with an incred- story of Lena's emotional and sexual relation-
ible array of book cases, disorganized files, post- ship with Sjoman, the director, in the "exter-
ers, little shrines, sound-recording equipment, nal" film. By the time he is well into the
and other things too numerous to catalogue. Yellow film, Sjoman is weaving together at least
Hanging on the wall is a black bag labelled three major elements on the first level of per-
"The Social Conscience of Democracy." Into ception: direct social comment and two sets
it she stuffs all manner of things. The audience of emotional relationships. And by this time
is asked to guess what it contains. Lena's room his social comment is both direct and indirect.
reminds one of the old bargeman's cabin in These are not simple works.
Jean Vigo's film, L'Atalante. Lena, the social dissident, first espouses the
From this room Lena sallies forth to be a cause of a classless society. Then in the story of
social irritant. On occasion she and her friends the making of the film we see her observing
picket the U.S. Embassy, the Russian Embassy, Sjoman as he interviews Olof Palme, then Min-
the airline transporting vacationers to Franco's ister of Transport (now Minister of Education).
Spain, the Church, and other such institutions Palme states his views about the lack of and
as strike her fancy. On other occasions she goes the desirability of a classless society, while Lena
forth with a tape-recorder slung over her shoul- irritates Sjoman by necking with Magnus, actor
der to ask questions, questions, questions. In and her slave, while Sjoman and Palme talk.
this level of activity Lena is a vehicle Sjoman Later, in the editing room at Sandrews, Lena
uses to express the questions in his own mind says to Sjoman, "I can't stand listening to Palme.
about social problems in Sweden. The scenes I don't get what he's talking about." Sjoman
of Lena the picketer-questioner are handled in then runs for her, on the Moviola, an earlier
a fashion much like that of social documentaries interview with Martin Luther King on the sub-
such as we see on U.S. network public program- ject of nonviolence. Lena is fascinated by Dr.

King. Her comment is, "I like him. He talks

about better things than Palme."
S j h a n uses this incident as a transition to
the next sequence (in the film within the film)
in which Lena takes up the cudgels for non-
violence. By this, and by a number of other
devices, Sjoman keeps the differentiation be-
tween levels of reality extremely fuzzy. Extra-
ordinarily skillful handling of ambiguity is one
of his abilities. As the two films progress, the
involvements with each other of the characters
in the film and in the film within the film begin
to merge and the viewer is less and less able
to maintain in his own mind a clear-cut differ-
entiation between levels of reality. But Sjoman Vilgot Sj6man and Lena Nyman: I AM CURIOUS.
does create the impression that Lena's espousal
of the cause of nonviolence stemmed from her And Per Wrigstad vomits again in Expres-
viewing of the King interview. (In the Blue sen.
film an entirely different impression is created.) Lena and Boje then proceed to have inter-
Anyway, the overt social commentary in the course (sexual, not social) on a balustrade in
balance of the Yellow film is about nonviolence. front of the Royal Palace. In his testimony at
Sjoman actually creates a hypothetical non- the obscenity trial regarding I Am Curious
violent foreign policy for Sweden which re- (Yellow), the Reverend Howard Moody ven-
mains in force throughout the balance of the tures the opinion that at this point in the film
film. Lena and Borje are saying "Screw the govem-
Sjoman inserts the story of the development ment." And it is indeed clear that Sjoman sev-
of the relationship between Borje and Lena as eral times uses sex for satirical purposes. Wit-
a sort of interlude in the searching social prob- ness, for example, the encounter in the "largest
ing which takes place with Lena, the social tree in Europe. Fourteen meters in circumfer-
dissident. ence. 2,000 years old." And the romp in the
After their first encounter Boje and Lena pond.
spend the night together, then get up very early We learn that Boj e is living with Marie, by
in the morning and go out in the deserted whom he has a child. And we are told that
streets of Stockholm. We hear Lena in a voice- Borje and Marie are not married. Lena learns
over monologue which sounds rather like "Un- these facts from her father. (Is Rune being
der Milkwood" shifted to Stockholm. intentionally cruel? Or does he again not un-
. .. Now the Prime Minister gets up to take derstand his daughter?) Lena goes to the coun-
care of Sweden. try for a "retreat" in which she meditates, diets,
And the Minister of Trade wakes up and does exercises such as practice in under-
And all the lefties standing dialectic, yoga, self-denial and the
And the whole mixed economy like.
The conservativeparty leader rubs his eyes During the sequence of Lena attempting
because he's had a nightmare yoga exercises (she can't do them very well)
And Torsten Erickson gets up and makes the film crew comes out from behind the cam-
pee-pee and begins devising another de- era to help her. In a charming comedy se-
fense of the new State Prison at Kurnla* quence each member of the crew demonstrates
*Here Sjoman is laying groundwork for the Blue a different exercis-ver these are superim-
film which takes up the question of the State posed the technical credits. Then we go back
Prison in depth. to the story of Lena and Borje. Borje has fol-

lowed Lena to her retreat-upon which he But the conflict between the two is constantly
intrudes. This encounter between Borje and interrupted by Sjoman the director, who is ap-
Lena ranges from wild sexuality to bitter re- parently jealous of Lena's affection for Borje
criminations. Lena is furious with Borje, not (the actor) which has developed during the
because he has other women in his life but filming. Sjoman gets his revenge by subjecting
because he has not been honest with her about both to the indignity of going through the treat-
them. What she does not realize is that Borje ment for scabies under the watchful eye of the
is incapable of honesty. (In the Blue film she camera.
isn't so honest herself. ) Sjoman and Lena end their relationship and
The final sexual encounter is almost a form Lena and Borje (as the actors. not the charac-
of rape since, while consent is implied, joy is ters in the film within the film) go off together
absent. Here again, the film crew intrudes. By as happy, contented lovers. Ha! Wait till you
this device Sjoman seems to be trying to soften see the Blue film.
for the audience the agonizing quality of the I Am Curious (Yellow), although a film with
fight between Lena and Borje. "Really," he many levels, is nevertheless a rather restrained,
sems to be saying, "it isn't really real." non-threatening film because its treatment is
Sjoman seems to do this to keep the question largely satirical. This allows the viewer to main-
of sexual relations a subdominant theme in the tain a kind of protective social distance. There
Yellow film. This softening that takes place are, of course, many moments of real poignancy
serves to make dominance of the sexual theme in which the characters come through as real
in the Blue film more forceful. human beings who bleed when stuck with a
This last encounter between Lena and Borje knife. But the satire often comes perilously close
begins with sexual intercourse which is inter- to burlesque, as in the cake-eating sequence.
rupted for a screaming, acrimonious fight. The Sjoman seems to be taking away from us our
sequence of events culminates in a final sexual opportunity to participate in Lena's suffering
intercourse which is really a continuation of the over her loss of faith. But this only heightens the
fight, with Borje trying to establish sexual effect of the Blue film in which Sjoman pulls no
dominance over Lena. punches. -
Borje leaves, and on the last night of her The whole of the Yellow film is played from
retreat, Lena dreams that she has tied to a tree the perspective of Sjoman's view of Lena. He
her 23 previous lovers and that she then shoots is constantly putting her down as a kind of well-
Borje and castrates him. meaning idiot child. Early in the film, for ex-
The violence of her reaction to Borje destroys ample, he says, "It's a damn shame that Lena
Lena's confidence in her ability to practice non- doesn't understand politics. But, God, drama
violence. She rushes to a baker's shop and students!"
gorges herself on extraordinarily calorific pas- Throughout the film Lena is Sjoman's instru-
tries. This is in contrast to her diet of water ment, a glass through which he is showing the
for breakfast, three peas for lunch, and a carrot audience his view of Swedish socialism, ". . .
for dinner while on retreat. the two heads of Swedish socialism: the big
Sjoman then makes the point that although self-satisfied head and the little shrunken one."
Lena has fallen along the wayside, the idea will To the extent that she is developed as a person
continue. in the Yellow film, the view Sjoman shows us is
Next we see a short reprise of the nonviolence of Lena in her relationships to the men in her
idea, with specific reference to the Bomb. Fol- life-Sjoman himself; Borje, her lover; Rune,
lowing that, a short sequence in which Lena her father; Magnus, her slave; Yevtushenko
informs Borje that she has scabies. (In the and Martin Luther King, her mentors. In her
Blue film she says she has crabs.) It turns out, relationships with these men, Lena is constantly
of course, that Borje has the same affliction. searching for values and for purposes.

In the end she is defeated largely by her own such actions humanity would not exist, I think
lack of self-realization. She breaks off with it is possible to argue that the sex act itself is
Borje who clearly in a few years will be just as important in the general scheme of things and
confused and aimless as her father. She destroys thus a legitimate subject for an artist. But, in
the files in which she has been documenting addition, ~jijmanis saying something about the
the shortcomings of the Swedish social system, so-called new morality and is making a power-
and she admits her inadequacy to cope with ful argument for sexual equality for women. But
the idea of nonviolence. She rejects her father why don't we just do away with censorship and
and cannot cope with the ideas expressed by stop having to justify, on the wrong grounds,
Yevtushenko and King. And to top it all off, she such obviously worthy films as I Am Curious?
is made miserable by a case of scabies. The acting in the film is excellent. But this
Sjoman's use of the age-old device of the may be in part due to Sjoman's tricks with the
play within a play functions as something of a film within the film. We never really know
conjurer's trick in which he is constantly re- when Lena and Borje are supposed to be them-
minding us he has nothing up his sleeve. But selves, or to be pretending to be themselves, or
there is always the specter of another camera to be playing roles. Peter Lindgren, who plays
crew behind the camera crew we see, filming Rune, is utterly believable. And Lena Neyrnan
the film within the film. Sjoman's magicianship is a real departure from the usual concept of a
is highly deceptive and leads one to suspect film star, confused and filled with contradic-
that, regardless of the truth or falsehood of tions. But she comes across as a believable hu-
Ernest Riffe's" accusations of Ingmar Berg- man-loaded with charm. And it is indeed re-
man, Bergrnan has taught his former appren- freshing to see a rather plump, non-glamorous
tice, Sjoman, well. woman in the leading role in a movie. One is
Sjoman, like Bergman, has a number of con- indeed convinced that sex appeal can exist
jurer's tricks up his sleeve, with which he often without the typical slick, sexed-up image usual-
convinces his audience they are seeing (or be- ly created in the movies. That she sometimes
lieving) one thing when they are actually see- comes across as a cardboard character is a fault
ing (or should be believing) another. But of the director, not Lena.
clearly Sjoman the fictional film director is used Both the Yellow and Blue films were shot in
by the real Sjoman to help him make a major black and white with a blimped 35mm Arriflex
point-which seems to me to be this: all the camera. Such a camera is heavy enough so that
pressing social problems mankind is faced with it must be mounted on a tripod. Not even the
must be handled by ordinary human beings- documentary sequences were shot with a hand-
and ordinary human beings are terribly fallible, held camera. The impact of the 1 Am Curious
prone to error, and therefore-God help us all! films is in no way dependent on such "now"
This point is made rather subtly in the Yellow techniques as jump cuts, hand-held cameras, or
film and then slammed home in the Blue. In extremely short shots. In fact Sjoman's film
both films, Sjoman, the young 42-year-old di- technique, although highly competent, does
rector, is irritable, a little erratic, condescending not call attention to itself at all. He tends to-
-in a word, a fallible human. ward realistic lighting effects and the sets and
Now a brief word about sex. In the Yellou; costuming are rigorously naturalistic. As a mat-
film we find out what men and women look like ter of fact, I suspect the footage was entirely
without clothes. We are also shown a little of shot on location and used no sets at all.
what men and women have been doing since I do not believe at all Sjoman's protestation
before Homo sapiens began. Since without that he shot over 300,000 feet of film without a
"Riffe is a Swedish critic who is particularly criti- script. H e may indeed have been using John
cal, for his own very personal reasons, of Ingmar Cassavetes-type improvised performances, but
Bergman. he bloody well knew exactly what he was after.

(Lena's interviews, of course, could not be implied question does not have a simple answer
scripted. But Sjoman told her what questions to and the answer varies with the level of mean-
ask.) And what resulted, the Yellow and Blue ing one is talking about.
films as a single unit, may well be one of the In the Yellow film much emphasis is placed
most important films of our time. upon Sjoman's perceptions of social ills. The
relations between the characters in the film are
developed as an effect of the social forces im-
pinging upon the people.
I A M CURIOUS (BLUE) I Am Curious (Blue) is much more con-
A yellow cross, by itself, is one thing. Place it cerned with the relations between people
on a blue background and it becomes the flag (cause) and the implications of these relations
of Sweden. I Am Curious (Yellow) placed on for the social structure of the nation (effect).
the background of I Am Curious (Blue) be- Yellow is a man's film-Blue is a woman's
comes something quite digerent from I Am film. Yellow is Sjoman's film. Blue is Lena's.
Curious (Yellow) taken alone. Structurally the films are quite similar. In
I confess to having had a feeling of disbelief both Sjoman begins with an exposition of his
when I first heard Sjoman's claim that he could understanding of Swedish social ills: direct and
not adequately say all he had to say in a single forceful in Yellow and much more subtle in
film of relatively ordinary length. Other film- Blue. In both films Lena is shown in her in-
makers have made the same claim, but such volvement with people, in the locale of Stock-
assertions are extremely difficult to evaluate. holm. In both her initial role is that of ques-
The original version of Von Stroheim's Greed tioner, gadfly, social dissident. In both she
can never be reconstructed. Who knows what leaves Stockholm and goes out into the country,
Eisenstein had in mind when he shot the 100,- searching for something. In Yellow she is
000 feet of film that later became Thunder searching for self-control and for a value sys-
Over Mexico? tem. In Blue she is again searching for values
I saw the I Am Curious films in a single sit- but also for her mother. Or for a mother-image.
ting in the Sandrews preview room-a room Both films end with her return to the city
which is one of the locations shown in the film. and with disillusionment.
To reach the preview room I rode in the eleva- Yellow is about class structure, nonviolence,
tor in which Lena Neyrnan and Vilgot Sjoman and value systems. Blue is about religion, the
are riding as the film opens. I sat in the preview prison system, and sex. Much of the publicity
room for over four hours. At the end of the four about Yellow has described it as a "sex film."
hours I was convinced that Sjoman does not For example, the New York Times carried a
go far enough in his claim that the two films headline-"U.S. Court Clears Swedish Sex
are necessary to accomplish his purpose. Sjo- Film." (November 27, 1968) But the explicit
man says that the films can be seen separately depiction of the sex act it contains is subservient
and that it doesn't matter much which you see to the main issues considered in the film. The
first. I think they should be seen together and Blue film does not contain nearly as much ex-
that Yellow should precede Blue. Ordinarily I plicit sexual material but sex and its implica-
regard the double feature as anathema, but tions are the major thematic materials of the
with this film-or these films-it takes on a new film.
meaning. Unfortunately, distributors and ex- In Yellow Sjoman has indicated in the film
hibitors will make more money showing the about the making of the film that the director
films at different times. and the principal male actor, Borje, are in con-
Sjoman says that in I Am Curious (Blue) he flict over the affections of Lena. In Blue this
is treating the same subject matter from a dif- conflict runs through the film but Lena has no
ferent point of view-and he does not specify contact with Borje in the film within the film
what point of view he is talking about. The at all.

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