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All the world's a stage,

And all the men and women nearly players;
They have their exists and their entrances,
And one man i' his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages.

Again, while the heavens from the macrocosm, man

is the microcosm. In other words, each man is a little
world exactly representing the Universe. While all
seems quiet without, there is an active world within.
Such a world is visible to the inner sight of a Yogi.
Occult science trea ting of this subject says:
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Cl"!.ij"ql'd reid T'U d I«I('A"~ 11

If the Pranavayu (vital air) can be taken to the

SushumlJanadi,· eight sorts of music will be heard , and fire.
lightning, stars, the moon and the sun will become visi
ble. Again, in Chapter IV, already referred to, Varaha
Mihira says that meostrual discharges occur in women
when Mars and the Moon approach each oLher. In con-
nection with this subject the author of Saravali says as
follow s : ..
~~ ~ ;jliftfl,,: ~mlf'-i ~f1m ~ ~~ I
~ "(ffi tJfiTa fq (~ .. ~: SI<tdff ~ II
"The Moon is water and Mars is fire; bile is tbe
result of a mixture of fire and water, and when bile mixes
with the blood. menses appear in women."
So tbar with tbe change that is go ing on without ,
there is a change going on within, and every element or
bit of man's physical body has its representative in the

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