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Founders of the competition:

• Department of Culture of the Administration of the city of Smolensk;

• Municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Children Music School No. 1

named after M.I. Glinka "of the city of Smolensk;

• Nikita Koshkin, Russian classical guitarist, composer, teacher.

Competition organizers:
• Municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Children Music School No. 1
named after M.I. Glinka "of the city of Smolensk;

• Nikita Koshkin, Russian classical guitarist, composer, teacher.

Competition partners:

VIRTU.OZO, GMD Guitars, Newtone Guitars, PIMA-live, Tonebase, Конкурс

«Золотой век гитары», Гитарная школа Никиты Болдырева, SAVAREZ.

Venue, timing, program of the competition

First International Nikita Koshkin Competition for Young Guitarists will take place in
May 2021, and will last from 2nd to 5th of May. Competitive auditions will be held
remotely, on Facebook live (online streams).

Competitive requirements:
• Students of music schools and music colleges are accepted

• The competition program is performed by heart (in all nominations).

• Competitive auditions are held in one round in the format of online stream on
Facebook (in the First International Nikita Koshkin Competition for Young
Guitarists Facebook group).

• Exceeding the time limit of the program is regarded as a violation of the competition
regulations. In this case, the jury has the right to stop the competitor's performance
and reduce the grade for the performance.

• Changes in the program less than two weeks before the start of the competitive
auditions are not allowed.

Competitive auditions regulations:

• The participant enters the Contest group on Facebook, where the competitive
auditions will take place:

• Competitive auditions of all participants will be held in live broadcast format. Live
broadcast can be conducted from any device that has Internet access and the ability
to broadcast video (computer with a webcam and microphone, laptop, smartphone,

• During the live broadcast, the participant records his performance on a second device
(video camera, smartphone, tablet). In case of an interrupted Internet connection, the

participant posts his video on the group wall no later than 30 minutes after the start of
his performance.

• The device broadcasting live stream should be located at a distance of about 1.5
meters from the performer. The video must be horizontal. In the frame, both hands of
the performer, face and instrument should be continuously visible. (For the nomination
"Ensemble" - when positioning the camera, it is important to take into account that all
members of the ensemble are included in the frame - the faces and instruments of all
members of the group in full. Accordingly, the distance from the performers to the
camera must be chosen individually, based on the competition requirements).

• Immediately after going live, the participant must write in the comments “I'm online”.
Comments are located to the right of the video. If a competitor is unable to write a
comment, they should immediately contact the Artistic Director of the competition via
WhatsApp. After that, the artistic director of the competition announces the unique
artist code in the comments to the broadcast. The participant says the code and
starts playing.

• If there is a problem with the connection, the participant should immediately contact
the contest coordinator via WhatsApp.

• The beginning of the competition performance of a participant is the moment when

the participant goes live in the competition group on Facebook. The listening schedule
will be posted on the Facebook group wall on April 22, 2021.

How to go live on Facebook

• Go to the Competition Facebook group:





4. «Go live»

You are online. Wait for your unique artist code in the comments to the broadcast.

A test broadcast will be organized for all participants in the competition.

Participation Fee
25 Euro for «Solo» category, 15 Euro for every member of the ensemble for the
«Ensemble» category.

How to pay the fee:

After sending the application to the email address you’ll
get the payment details in a reply letter. When transferring the registration fee, you must
indicate the name of the educational institution and the full name of the participant. The
registration fee is not refundable.

Filing an application:
• The participant sends a completed application form (see Appendix No1) indicating the
subject of the letter "Application, (age category, nomination)» to the email address:

• A scanned copy of the passport / birth certi cate, personal photo must be attached to
the application. Applications are accepted until April 1, 2021.

Contest nominations
Nomination "Soloist;

Nomination "Ensemble" (guitar duet, trio, quartet).


Age categories of participants in the "Soloist" nomination:

• I age category: 7-8 (inclusive) years;

• II age category: 9-10 (inclusive) years;

• III age category: 11-12 (inclusive) years;

• IV age category: 13-14 (inclusive) years;

• V age category: 15-17 (inclusive) years;

• VI age category: 18-21 (inclusive) years;

The age of the contestants is up to 21 years old (age is determined as of May 2, 2021).

Age categories of participants in the "Ensemble" nomination:

• I age category: up to 10 (inclusive) years;

• II age category: 11-14 (inclusive) years;

• III age category: 15-17 (inclusive) years;

• IV age category: 18-21 (inclusive) years;

The age category is determined by the senior member of the ensemble on the opening
day of the competition (May 2, 2021).

Programm requirements. Nomination "Soloist"

Age Timing Programm requirements

7-8 years Up to 8 1. A piece by one of the following authors: F. Carulli, M. Carcassi, F.

min. Sor, M. Giuliani (Studies of corresponding complexity are allowed)

2. A piece of the participant's choice

9-10 years Up to 12 1. A piece by one of the following authors: F. Carulli, M. Carcassi, F.

min. Sor, M. Giuliani (Studies of corresponding complexity are allowed)

2. Arrangement of traditional music

3. A piece of the participant's choice

11-12 years Up to 14 1. A piece by one of the following authors: F. Sor, M. Giuliani, N.

min. Coste, J.K.Mertz, F. Carulli (Studies of corresponding complexity
are allowed)

2. Original piece for guitar by a modern composer, written after 1950

3. A piece of the participant's choice

13-14 years Up to 15 1. A piece by one of the following authors: F. Sor, M. Giuliani, N.

min. Coste, J.K. Mertz, E. Pujol, D. Aguado, F. Carulli (Studies of
corresponding complexity are allowed)

2. Original piece for guitar by a modern composer, written after 1950

3. A piece of the participant's choice

15-17 years Up to 18 1. A piece by one of the following authors: F. Sor, M. Giuliani, N.

min. Coste, J.K. Mertz, E. Pujol, D. Aguado, G. Regondi, L. Legnani, E.
Pujol (Studies of corresponding complexity are allowed)

2. Polyphonic composition (J.S.Bach, J. Dowland, S.L. Weiss, etc.)

3. A piece of the participant's choice

18 - 21 Up to 22 1. A piece of Sonata form (1-2 movements) / Variations / Several

years min movements from Suite

2. Polyphonic composition (J.S.Bach, J. Dowland, S.L. Weiss, N.

Koshkin, etc.)

3. A piece of the participant's choice

Programm requirements. Nomination "Ensemble"

Age category Timing Program requirements

Up to 10 Up to 5 An original work or arrangement (for a guitar duo, trio or quartet)

min. corresponding to the age category of di culty level

11-14 years Up to 7 An original work or arrangement (for a guitar duo, trio or quartet)
min. corresponding to the age category of di culty level

15-17 years Up to 10 An original work or arrangement (for a guitar duo, trio or quartet)
min. corresponding to the age category of di culty level

18-21 years Up to 20 An original work or arrangement (for a guitar duo, trio or quartet)
min corresponding to the age category of di culty level

• The jury will evaluate the performances of the participants. Students of the jury
members are not allowed to participate in the competition.
• Jury members are not allowed to evaluate their former students, including graduates.

• The jury does not discuss the performance of the participants until the nal scoring.

• The jury reserves the right to award not all prizes, to share one place among several
participants, and to award special prizes.

• Jury decisions are nal and not subject to revision.

• The decisions of the jury are announced after the completion of all competitive
auditions at the awards ceremony for the participants of the competition; points of the
jury members are posted on the school website, in the VK and Facebook groups of
the competition.


Jury President:

Nikita Koshkin (Russia) - Russian composer, classical guitarist, teacher. Associate

Professor of the Academy Maimonides (2000-2019), lecturer at the Gnesin Russian
Academy of Music (2000-2001). Author and host of a cycle of programs about classical
guitar "My Island - Guitar" (radio "Orpheus", 1995-2000). Author of about 400
compositions for classical guitar or including classical guitar, which are published in
Germany, Canada, Greece, Japan, France, Russia, USA.

Jury members:

Dmitry Illarionov (Russia) - Russian musician, classical guitarist, winner of the Grand Prix
of the largest classical guitar competition “Guitar Foundation of America” (GFA 2002),
nominee for the Grammy long-list prize, winner of the “Guitar Gems” (Israel),
International classical guitar competition named after Andres Segovia (Spain), Francisco
Tarrega International Guitar Competition (Spain), Augustin Barrios International Guitar
Competition (Italy), etc.

Evgeny Finkelstein (Russia) - an outstanding Russian guitarist, professor at the

Maimonides Academy (Moscow), laureate of international competitions, concert
performer. Evgeny Finkelstein regularly performs with Yuri Bashmet and the Moscow
Soloists chamber ensemble. The German company Acoustic Music Records (Germany)
has released four solo discs by Evgeny Finkelstein: "Fall of the Birds" (Russian guitar
music, N. Koshkin, S. Rudnev, G. Belyaev), "Sonata" (S. L. Weiss, I. S Bach, G. Mu at,
M. Giuliani), "Lachrimae" (D. Dowland, D. Zamboni, R. de Vise, C. Domeniconi), "Le
Baroque" (M. Mare, C. F. Abel, A Forcre, Monsieur de Saint-Colombe).

Thomas Müller-Pering is a classical guitarist from Germany. He studied under Prof.

Tadashi Sasaki at the Hochschule für Musik Köln and performed in the master classes of
John Williams, José Tomás, Oscar Ghiglia and Siegfried Behrend. In 1983 he was
awarded 1st Prize in the "Concurso internacional de ejecución musical" in Viña del Mar,
Chile. He has concertized throughout Europe, North and South-America, Africa and
Asia. His numerous recordings include a collaboration with Manuel Barrueco with whom

he recorded the "Danzas Españolas" by Enrique Granados for EMI. He taught at the
Hochschule für Musik Köln from 1980 to 1998. He began teaching at the Hochschule für
Musik "Franz Liszt" Weimar [1] in 1994 becoming a full professor at this school in 1997.

Marina Krupkina (Russia) ‒ composer, active popularizer and the only performer on the
decacorde (ten-string classical guitar) in Russia, laureate of the award for the support of
talented youth established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation
(2013), laureate of the all-Russian competition "Young Talents of Russia", laureate and
diploma winner of the competitions "Golden Age of Guitar" (Moscow), Guitar Virtuosos
(St. Petersburg), Golden Talents of the Commonwealth (Zheleznogorsk), Szeged IGF
Guitar Contest (Hungary, 2019), etc. Representative of the guitar master Davide Serracini
(Italy), PYRAMID company (Germany).

Ekaterina Uvarova (Netherlands - Russia) - guitarist, laureate and grand prix winner of
thirteen all-Russian and international competitions, laureate of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
Government Prize for personal achievements in the eld of culture and art (2012), winner
of the New Names Foundation scholarship (2014). Currently, Ekaterina is studying for a
master's degree at the Fontys Higher School of Arts in the Netherlands (Tilburg) in the
class of Professor Johan Fostier. Awarded the Fontys Scholarship of Musical Excellence
with the support of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. She studied at
the summer guitar school in Borgo Val di Taro (2016, Italy).

Online concerts of jury members, online presentations from our sponsors and
partners will take place within the competition days.

1 Prize winner («Soloist»)

• laureate diploma of the I degree with the award of the title of Laureate of the First
International Nikita Koshkin Competition for Young Guitarists

• prizes from the VIRTU.OZO company

• PIMA-live guitar course

• Guitar from Newtone Guitars (Kaluga) (for one of the age categories at the
choice of the jury)
• Valuable prizes from SAVAREZ (for three age categories at the choice of the jury)

2 Prize winner («Soloist»)

• laureate diploma of the II degree with the award of the title of Laureate of the First
International Nikita Koshkin Competition for Young Guitarists

• prizes from the VIRTU.OZO company

• Certi cate for a 10% discount from Newtone Guitars (Kaluga)

• Memorable gifts from Savarez

3 Prize winner («Soloist»)

• laureate diploma of the III degree with the award of the title of Laureate of the First
International Nikita Koshkin Competition for Young Guitarists

• prizes from the VIRTU.OZO company

• Memorable gifts from Savarez


Diploma winner (both nominations)

• diploma with the award of the title of diploma winner of the First International Nikita
Koshkin Competition for Young Guitarists

• Memorable gifts from Savarez

Competition participants (both nominations)

• participant diploma of the First International Nikita Koshkin Competition for Young

Nomination «Ensemble»:

Laureates of I, II, III degrees in the nomination "Ensemble" receive a laureate diploma of
I, II, III degrees, respectively, with the title of Laureate of the First International Nikita
Koshkin Competition for Young Guitarists

For teachers:
Each teacher, whose students became laureates and / or diploma winners of the
competition, is awarded a gratitude for the preparation of the laureate / diploma winner.

The organizing committee of the competition and the members of the jury reserve the
right to establish special prizes, including the Grand Prix of the competition.


in the nominations "Soloist", "Ensemble" for all age groups:

• Grand Prize winner diploma of the First International Nikita Koshkin Competition for
Young Guitarists;

• certi cate for free participation in the international competition "The Golden Age of
Guitar" (Moscow);

• guitar from GMD Guitars (St. Petersburg) for the nomination «Soloist"


• access to video tutorials with classical guitar legends from Tonebase

Special prize of the competition

• "Fingerstyle, arrangement and improvisation courses" from Nikita Boldyrev

Special prizes are awarded to one of the laureates of the competition or to the winner of
the grand prix, by the joint decision of the jury members.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to early terminate the

acceptance of applications if their number exceeds the time limit for
competitive auditions.

Organizing committee of the competition

Chairman of the organizing committee of the competition:

Kaplina Zhanna Aleksandrovna, Director of the “Children Music School No. 1 named
after M.I. Glinka ”, Smolensk.

Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Competition:

Eremeeva Natalia Georgievna, Deputy Director of the “Children Music School No. 1
named after M.I. Glinka ”, Smolensk.

Members of the organizing committee:

Nikita Arnoldovich Koshkin, founder of the competition;

Artistic director of the competition:

Marina Krupkina, member of the Jury, coordinator.

Marina Krupkina: 8 919 041 44 13 WhatsApp /

VK O cial Competition Group:

Facebook O cial Competition Group:


Application for participation
In the First International Nikita Koshkin Competition for
Young Guitarists
Nomination «Soloist»
Country, city, name of educational institution.
Address, phone, e-mail.
Name of the participant
Date, year of birth indicating age to 05/02/2021

Age group

Full name of the teacher


Program, exact timing.

Additional Information.

Signature of the head of the Institution _______________

Application for participation

In the First International Nikita Koshkin Competition for
Young Guitarists
Nomination «Ensemble»

Country, city, name of educational institution.

Ensemble name___________________________________________________
Members of the ensemble

№ N a m e s o f t h e e n s e m b l e Date of birth Age to 2.05.2021


Age group

Full name of the teacher _______________________________________

Program, exact timing.

Signature of the head of the Institution______________________________

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