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Synthesis and Antioxidative Activity of 3′,4′,6,7-

Tetrahydroxyaurone, a Metabolite of Bidens frondosa
a a a
Laila Impex R & D Centre, Unit I, Phase III, Jawahar Autonagar
Published online: 22 May 2014.

To cite this article: Somepalli VENKATESWARLU, Gopala K. PANCHAGNULA & Gottumukkala V. SUBBARAJU (2004) Synthesis
and Antioxidative Activity of 3′,4′,6,7-Tetrahydroxyaurone, a Metabolite of Bidens frondosa , Bioscience, Biotechnology,
and Biochemistry, 68:10, 2183-2185, DOI: 10.1271/bbb.68.2183

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Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 68 (10), 2183–2185, 2004

Synthesis and Antioxidative Activity of 30 ,40 ,6,7-Tetrahydroxyaurone,
a Metabolite of Bidens frondosa*
Somepalli V ENKATESWARLU, Gopala K. P ANCHAGNULA, and Gottumukkala V. S UBBARAJUy
Laila Impex R & D Centre, Unit I, Phase III, Jawahar Autonagar, Vijayawada 520 007, India

Received May 6, 2004; Accepted July 13, 2004

30 ,40 ,6,7-Tetrahydroxyaurone (1a), an aurone isolated hydes in the presence of an acidic or basic reagent or
from Bidens frondosa, and five analogues (1b–1f) were neutral alumina.3) 30 ,40 ,6,7-Tetrahydroxyaurone (1a,
synthesized from pyrogallol in three steps. The antiox- maritimetin) has been isolated from Bidens frondosa4)
idative activity of 1a–1f was determined by the super- and other species.5) In view of the importance of dietary
oxide free radical and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl antioxidants in the chemoprevention of such degener-
(DPPH) free radical scavenging methods. ative illnesses as cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and
Downloaded by [University of Utah] at 08:20 28 November 2014

cardiovascular diseases, we synthesized 1a together with

Key words: 2-[(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)methylene]6,7-di- five new structural analogs, 1b–1f, for the first time and
hydroxybenzo[b]furan-3-one; maritimetin; evaluated their antioxidative activity.
synthesis; antioxidative activity The Friedal–Crafts reaction of 2 with chloroacetic
acid in the presence of BF3 diethyl etherate gave 3
Aurones, 2-benzylidenebenzofuran-3(2H)-ones, are which, upon cyclization in the presence of sodium
naturally occurring yellow pigments of plants that are acetate as a base, yielded 6,7-dihydroxycoumaranone (4)
structurally related to flavonoids.1) Aurones have limited in an 85% yield. Acid-catalyzed condensation of 4 with
natural occurrence and are generally synthesized from 2- 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde afforded aurone (1a) in a
hydroxychalcones by using mercury(II) acetate,2) or by 40% yield (Scheme 1). Synthetic 1a was supported by
condensation between benzofuranones and benzalde- the spectral data (UV, IR, 1 H NMR, 13 C NMR and


(i) (ii)

2 4 O

OH 4' R3
HO 6 7
(iii) O1 1' 3'
a = R1=R4=H, R2=R3=OH
Z 2' b = R1=R4=H, R2=OCH3, R3=OH
5 3
R1 c = R1=R2=R4=H, R3=OH
O d = R2=R4=H, R1=R3=OH
e = R2=R3=R4=OH, R1=H
1 f = R1=R2=R4=H, R3=F

Scheme 1. Reagents and conditions: (i) chloroacetic acid, BF3 diethyl etherate, 65  C, 3 h, 55%; (ii) NaOAc, ethanol, reflux, 6 h, 85%; (iii)
substituted benzaldehyde, Ac2 O, 90  C, 2 h, 21–48%.

* Laila Impex Communication # 27.

To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +91-866-2541303; Fax: +91-866-2546216; E-mail:
Abbreviations: NBT, nitro blue tetrazolium; DPPH, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl; BHT, butylated hydroxytoluene; BF3 , boron trifluoride; NaCN,
sodium cyanide; EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
2184 S. VENKATESWARLU et al.
Table 1. Antioxidative Activity of Aurones 1a–1f (3.0 mmol) in acetic anhydride (7.5 ml) was heated at
NBT superoxide DPPH radical
90  C for 2 h. The cooled reaction mixture was poured
S. No Compound scavenging activity scavenging activity into ice-cooled water, extracted with diethyl ether, and
(IC50 M) (IC50 M) the solvent was removed. The residue was dissolved in
1 1a 6.5 8.3 methanol (7.5 ml) and HCl (20%, 7.5 ml) and then
2 1b 9.0 8.7 refluxed for 1 h. The cooled reaction mixture was diluted
3 1c 10.0 10.4 with ice-cooled water and extracted with ethyl acetate.
4 1d 12.3 10.1 The residue obtained after evaporating the solvent was
5 1e 4.3 7.9
chromatographed in a silica gel column, using chloro-
6 1f 20.2 11.0
7 BHT 301.8 13.4 form-methanol (90:10) as the eluent, to give aurones
8 vitamin C 670.5 23.3 1a–1f.
9 vitamin E 530.2 >1000 2-[(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)methylene]6,7-dihydroxyben-
10 resveratrol 482.5 35.5 zo[b]furan-3-one (1a): mp 286–288  C (lit.11) mp 280–
292  C); UV max (MeOH) nm ("): 205 (63,860), 411
(53,180); IR max (KBr) cm1 : 3366, 1604, 1290, 1192,
mass). To understand the effect of substituents to the 1125, 1036; NMR H : 6.63 (1H, s, =CH), 6.74 (1H, d,
aurone structure on the antioxidative activity, we J ¼ 8:3 Hz, H-5), 6.86 (1H, d, J ¼ 8:2 Hz, H-50 ), 7.13
synthesized five other analogs, 1b–1f, by the same (1H, d, J ¼ 8:3 Hz, H-4), 7.38 (1H, dd, J ¼ 8:4 &
method with appropriately substituted benzaldehydes. In 1.8 Hz, H-60 ), 7.44 (1H, d, J ¼ 1:9 Hz, H-20 ), 9.1–9.8
Downloaded by [University of Utah] at 08:20 28 November 2014

all cases, a single geometric isomer (Z) was obtained. (3H, brs, 3  Ar–OH), 10.65 (1H, brs, Ar–OH); NMR
The stereochemistry at the double bond was confirmed C : 182.0, 155.1, 154.2, 147.9, 145.9, 145.4, 130.1,
by diagnostic 13 C-NMR data6) (exocyclic olefinic carbon 124.6, 123.6, 118.4, 116.0, 115.2, 114.6, 112.6, 111.8;
=CH, resonating at about 111 ppm). It is known that the MS (ESI, negative scan): m=z 285 (M  H) .
reaction proceeds stereoselectively and affords only the 2-[(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methylene]6,7-dihy-
(Z)-aurones. (Z)-Isomer is thermodynamically more droxybenzo[b]furan-3-one (1b): mp 264–266  C; IR
stable than the (E)-isomer.7) max (KBr) cm1 : 3518, 3361, 1669, 1278, 1198, 1150,
We determined the antioxidative activity of 1a and its 1034; NMR H : 3.86 (3H, s, –OCH3 ), 6.74 (1H, s,
analogs, 1b–1f, by the superoxide free radical scaveng- =CH), 6.75 (1H, d, J ¼ 8:2 Hz, H-5), 6.92 (1H, d,
ing (NBT) method8) and DPPH method.9) The IC50 J ¼ 8:0 Hz, H-50 ), 7.13 (1H, d, J ¼ 8:2 Hz, H-4), 7.50–
values of these compounds are presented in Table 1. 7.60 (2H, m, H-20 , 60 ), 9.72 (2H, brs, 2  Ar–OH), 10.61
Aurones 1a (IC50 : 6.5 M) and 1e (IC50 : 4.3 M) having (1H, brs, Ar–OH); NMR C : 182.0, 155.1, 154.4, 148.8,
catechol and pyrogallol moieties were the most active 147.7, 146.1, 130.0, 125.7, 123.6, 116.1, 115.5, 115.4,
compounds, followed by 1b (IC50 : 9 M), 1c (IC50 : 114.5, 112.7, 111.6, 55.8; MS (ESI, negative scan): m=z
10 M), 1d (IC50 : 12.3 M) and 1f (IC50 : 20.2 M). 299 (M  H) . Elemental analysis. Found: C, 63.78; H,
Interestingly 1a and 1e showed several-fold more potent 3.98%. Calcd. for C16 H12 O6 : C, 64.00; H, 4.03%.
activity than vitamin C (IC50 : 670 M), vitamin E (IC50 : 2-[(4-Hydroxyphenyl)methylene]6,7-dihydroxybenzo-
530 M), resveratrol (IC50 : 482 M) and BHT (IC50 : [b]furan-3-one (1c): mp 296–299  C; IR max (KBr)
301 M). The same order of activity was followed by cm1 : 3400, 1678, 1631, 1297, 1251, 1162, 1041; NMR
aurones 1a–1f with the DPPH method. Again 1a (IC50 : H : 6.72 (1H, s, =CH), 6.73 (1H, d, J ¼ 8:3 Hz, H-5),
8.3 M) and 1e (IC50 : 7.9 M) showed good DPPH free 6.90 (2H, d, J ¼ 8:6 Hz, H-30 ,50 ), 7.13 (1H, d, J ¼
radical scavenging activity. The superior antioxidative 8:3 Hz, H-4), 7.92 (2H, d, J ¼ 8:6 Hz, H-10 ,60 ), 9.80–
activity of these compounds lends further support to the 10.40 (3H, br s, 3  Ar–OH); NMR C : 182.0, 159.1,
fact that the pyrogallol or catechol system enhances the 155.0, 154.2, 145.9, 133.4, 130.0, 123.2, 115.9, 115.2,
antioxidative activity.10) 114.5, 112.7, 111.2; MS (ESI, negative scan): m=z 269
In conclusion, we synthesized 1a together with the (M  H) . Elemental analysis. Found: C, 66.29; H,
five analogs, 1b–1f, and evaluated their antioxidative 3.67%. Calcd. for C15 H10 O5 : C, 66.67; H, 3.73%.
potential by the two commonly used methods, the 2-[(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)methylene]6,7-dihydroxyben-
superoxide and DPPH free radical scavenging methods. zo[b]furan-3-one (1d): mp 226–229  C; IR max (KBr)
Tetrahydroxyaurone (1a) and pentahydroxyaurone (1e) cm1 : 3233, 1655, 1615, 1283, 1159, 1095, 1042; NMR
were both potent antioxidants. H : 6.41 (1H, s, =CH), 6.42 (1H, d, J ¼ 8:8 Hz, H-50 ),
6.73 (1H, d, J ¼ 8:3 Hz, H-5), 7.07 (1H, s, H-30 ), 7.10
Experimental (1H, d, J ¼ 8:3 Hz, H-4), 8.16 (1H, d, J ¼ 8:8 Hz, H-60 ),
See refs. 8 and 9 for the general experimental and 9.49 (1H, brs, Ar–OH), 9.98 (1H, brs, Ar–OH), 10.24
antioxidative activity determination procedures. 1 H- (1H, brs, Ar–OH), 10.50 (1H, brs, Ar–OH); NMR C :
NMR (400 MHz) and 13 C-NMR (100 MHz) data were 182.0, 160.8, 159.1, 154.8, 153.9, 145.4, 133.0, 130.1,
recorded in DMSO-d6 . 115.1, 114.9, 112.6, 110.8, 108.3, 105.9, 102.3; MS
General procedure for the preparation of 1a–1f: A (ESI, negative scan): m=z 285 (M  H) . Elemental
mixture of 4 (3.0 mmol) and substituted benzaldehyde analysis. Found: C, 62.67; H, 3.47%. Calcd. for
Synthesis and Antioxidative Activity of 30 ,40 ,6,7-Tetrahydroxyaurone 2185

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