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Exam 3

2541221 Design Thinking & Inquiry ​■ Dr. Preechaya Sittipunt ■ 2​nd ​Semester Jan-May
Academic Year 2019 ■ International Program in Design and Architecture ■ Faculty of
Architecture ■ Chulalongkorn University

Name​ Peeradon Pananuwetchawat​ Nickname ​KJ ​id​ 6134769425

Name​ Saifa Sathaporn Nickname​ Saifa ​id​ 6134813325


- We were looking to propose additional features to the famous existing online application
that is widely used for online learning, “Zoom”, that will cater to the learning environment
of students online in this time of covid-19 outbreak.
- The project can expand into effective online learning in general even when this outbreak
- Analysing the basic needs and tools that are needed to create the most effective online
learning system as well as environment for students.

Communications technology company. It provides video telephony and online chat services
through a cloud-based peer-to-peer software platform and is used for teleconferencing,
telecommuting, distance education, and social relations. Also, focuses on providing an
easier to use product than competitors, as well as cost savings, which include minimizing
computational costs at the infrastructure level and having a high degree of employee

Use of Zoom's software increased due to the quarantine measures adopted in response to the
2019–20 coronavirus pandemic.

Zoom is compatible with Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and Linux. Use of the platform is
free for video conferences of up to 100 participants, with a 40-minute time limit if there
are more than two participants. For longer or larger conferences with more features, paid
subscriptions are available.

- Due to the project, what do you think are the difficulties or obstacles that you are
encountering or think might happen in order to keep up with the course?
- Has the communication between instructors and students been less efficient? If yes, how?
- What is the difference between online lectures and face to face study.
- Are there any additional methods you would like to introduce/ include into this software and

Preliminary Research

Context: INDA Students


Background & Context:
Currently because of covid-19 the learning that used to take place at universities or school are
moved online and we never know when this frenzy will end, and for how long we will be stuck
with learning online. Therefore we must make the best and most effective tool which caters to

The Problem:
As of now there are many students who find it hard to engage or find productivity in learning in
their homes, especially those in creative fields just like us architecture students.

The Jode & Their (Possible) Solutions →

- ทาํ ไงให้ผูร้ ั บ ไดร้ ั บการสื่อสารพอๆหรื อเกือบเทียบเทา่ เจอตัวจริ งๆ
- ทาํ ให้การสง่ งาน/ รับงาน สะดวกและอยูใ่ นplatformเดียวกันมากขึ้น
- ทาํ ยังไงให้presentของที่เป็ นphysical object ไดอ ้ ยา่ งมีประสิทธิภาพ (เชน
่ ในการคา้ ขาย/การ
ทาํ งาน/การประชุม/การเรี ยน)
- ทาํ ยังไงให้softwareนี้ มีความสามารถหลากหลายมากขึ้น (เพื่อตอบโจทยเ์ ชน ่ กาสอบ/ แนะนําสินคา้ /
เซนสั ญญา!? /ดูเอกสารสาํ คัญ / นัดวันเวลา? )
- ความ privacy ในบางชว่ งขนะ
- If not paid for premium each session can only be accessed for 40 minutes, \
lectures / classes are longer than that
- เพิม ่ functionในการเสนองาน/พูดคุย/มองเห็นงาน เชน ่ VR ใหมันเชื่อม ตอ่ กับZoomได้ ( ใสแ่ วน ่
้ ่
นู้ นนี ให้เห็นของทีจะเสนอหรื อเห็นตัวอาจารยไ์ ปเลย)
- เพิม ่ โปรแกรม360องศา?
- เพิม ่ ฟังคชั ่นเมา้ ปากกา ให้เห็นสิง่ ที่อาจารยเ์ ขียนจริ งๆเลย

- เชือมตอ่ เครื่ องสแกนไดเ้ วลาตอ ้ งการสง่ เอกสารสาํ คัญ?
- สามารถสง่ pdf, รู ป ลงแชทได้
- ทาํ ให้zoomมีฟังชั ่นเหมือนของgoogle appsตา่ งๆ แบบ google
doc,slide,sheets,calendar,photo,meet เพือ effective tools in one place
- สอบกใ้ ห้มีเป็ นformไปเลย แบบ “google form” กลายเป็ น “zoom form”
- สอบเราอาจจะคิดวิธีเพิม ่ นิ ดหน่อยให้ไมโ่ กง (สมมุติวา่ ไมส ่ ามารถเปลี่ยนหน้าจอหนี ไดเ้ มื่อเริ่ มสอบ?,
โทรสั พก็ให้syncกับzoomให้รู้วา่ เครื่ องปิ ดแลว้ etc.)
- ให้zoom syncกับโทรสั พเราได? ้ เพราะจะทาํ ให้ทาํ อะไรหลายอยา่ งไดเ้ ยอะขึ้นเลย
- ให้zoomมีฟังชั ่นแจง้ เตือน วัน เวลา สิง่ ที่ตอ ้ งสง่ ?
- สว่ นความprivacy ในตอนคอลกลุม ่ ก็ให้สามารถสร้างห้องแยกได้ เวลาจะไปคุยสว่ นตัว เหมือน
เปลี่ยนserverไดอ ้ ะ


As mentioned, we do not know when exactly the covid-19 outbreak will die out, therefore
somethings needs to be done about the current learning situation of not only students, but also
professors who find it difficult to, for example, do proper attendance check or having submission
forms for student’s work that is well organized and according to specific tasks. This will help
both the students' side in being able to not online have a good online learning environment but
also places they can see their tasks and submit without any confusion, while on the other side
the teachers can check on their student’s progress and development for a class.

Objectives (Prioritized):
1. Productivity for students
2. Organisation of class, tasks, due dates
3. (Online) Performance
4. Effective communication between parties
5. Easy to use and navigate application
6. Accessibility to all parties
We imagine this project to be limited to the scope of proposing additional functions to the
existing company “Zoom” (or any of such), as a way to build off of what is existing but improved
to fit the current needs for the world’s situation right now of the crucial outbreak. We can start by
analysing the needs and problems of the current system of zoom that is being implemented in
our learning widely. These reviews of the problems will allow for possible designs of the

Proposing New Functions / Adjusting the Existing:

1. Combination of existing functions? What works.
a. Google Classroom for submission
b. Turnitin for plagiarism check in students work
c. Google Sheets for attendance
2. New Studio Review Space
a. Sansar as an interactive review/learning format
3. Online task organizing for students and professors.
4. Both can access and manage the task, assignments
5. Also be able to see the task form different classes

Performance Requirements:

1 . Productivity 2. Surveillance & In-Class 3. ​ Time Management & 4. Effective Communication

& Learning Experience Interactivity Organization

Privacy to students when some Automatic system to alert Combine activities and facilities Can send PDF, also the pictures
want to talk personally to teachers who is active without (software) in the same platform. in Zoom's chat.
instructor during lecture. having to look at everyone All in one application.

Able to insert/present physical Can do multiple choice / filling in Booking a studio session with the Provide permanent room for
object efficiently (exp for the circle exams on the design instructor? education
marketing/ work/ meeting/ application. (Right now we have to send link
education) every single time)

Allocation breaktime. “Break time” Solve the “Exam cheating” Organized precise time and dates Zoom form( as same as google
can be requested by students as problem - Plagiarism check on of Lectures - timetable. form)
part of system work to avoid exam cheating

360 experience - Improving Teacher can see how many Shows the tasks as well as their Pen mouse function to let the
experience as similar as reality people has seen her messages due dates to both parties instructor easily communicate via
(teacher-student) the drawing
Automatic attendance checking - Can connect with phone, เพิม่ functionในการเสนองาน/พูดคุย/มอง
The teacher can input the schedule can be sent to phone เห็นงาน VR application in Zoom?(
student’s zoom ID and the system ใสแ่ วน่ นู้ นนี้ ให้เห็นของที่จะเสนอหรื อเห็น
will check the attendance ตั วอาจารยไ์ ปเลย)
automatically when those
students are joining the class.
Moreover, the app will alert the
instructor if there are students
who try to escape the conference
before the class is over.

Reminders of tasks and alerting

due dates to student

CHAPTER 4 ​4 SOLUTION IDEA and Development

Design outcome is a solution, = ​‘plan’​ (ออกแบบ.วางแผน) if implemented (produced, built) should bring about
the desire 5ส, achieve the objectives and deliver required outcome.

1 What is your PROCESS / plan to go about solving the problem?

First, we are going to survey the Zoom user and ask them what the problem or
weak point of Zoom is while they are using it.

1 ‘​ HOW-TO’: what technology, tools, methods, techniques, strategies you use to solve
the problem
​Our strategy is first we are going to survey the user so that we could notice the
problem and the weak point of the Zoom app.

What is the idea, conceptual framework to develop your solution? Where does it
come from, Sources?
​This idea is inspired while we are using Zoom to make a class with the instructor
and we have found that there are several problems and it is not convenient as much
as it could.

1 ​ ow do you address the primary issues?

​ To address the primary issue, first we need to survey to know what is the problem
or weak point so that we will know which point that we need to fix.

1 What are your ALTERNATIVE solutions: discuss each position, pros, cons? What is
your decision and why?
*Is your solution creative? (discuss level NEW vs. new)
​ After the survey, we could discuss more about the pros and cons to notice the
problems and here is our pros and cons discussion.

How do you​ ​Incubate / develop your solution? -> R&D = Prototype Development &
​ To develop the solution, we will analyze the problem from the survey. Then, we will
add the tools that the user almost needs and we will test it then. Then, we will test
those users and make the survey again. Doing like this until it is good enough.

1 -​Does your solution create new TYPOLOGY: what could be variations /

combinations generated from your solution?
​The variation is the pleasure of the users because only the user will know the real
problem and what they need to fulfill the operation of the app or we can say that only
the experience could make us notice what to do or improve.

i​ ssue of FEASIBILITY? will your solution work?..How do you evaluate your

solution? How good is it?
​I think it probably works because survey and testing is the solution that every
developer usually and should do because it makes us go through the real problem
and know what to do. However, it is very precise.
Can you ‘x’ expand-extend ..adopt .. adapt .. apply.. your solution to other
context. ​What are possible applications of your solution?
​Yes, our solution (survey and testing) is the universal solution which is precise and
know the real problem.

​ hink ETHICS and MORAL (Deontic): issue is not what you could, but what you
should? should we eat shark fin? ​In this case, we should improve the privacy
between the users and also between the user and the developer.

Think Side and After Effects (CONSEQUENCES)

● Does a solution have side effects? ​With the improvement, it will have a side effect
because some user hard to adapt and adjust to the new ZOOM again.
● Does a solution have long term consequences. ​I think to develop the ZOOM app, we
need a long term improvement and development. Because to make the app better, we
need to do many rounds of surveys and testing to make sure that the app is convenient
and good for the user enough..
● Does solving this problem create another problem? ​Sure, for example, when we fix and
adjust the app like adding a tool or adjust the menu bar, some users would not be
familiar with the changes.


What issues and plan of implementation / operation / management do you have to come up
with? ​We will pick up 10 students. Then, we will ask them what is a problem so that we will
notice what we have to fix. After we fix and adjust the ZOOM, we will test with the same
students. Doing like this until the app is convenient and good enough for them and have no


● Online task organizing for students and professors.
● Both can access and manage the task, assignments
● Also be able to see the task form different classes

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