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Persuasive Speech and Report Writing

In my first speech I did not use any propositions. However, in my latest
propositions I used the propositions of policy and the value. I used the
proposition of the policy when I said that universities must try to implement a
system where students have an opportunity to openly access the virtual
learning tools. Also, during my latest persuasive speech I used the proposition
of value when I had given an example of an education system of the civil
engineering students.
My first speech is in favor of the topic. But when I heard my recording again, I
realized that my main idea is not very clear. I did not provide any sufficient
detail to support my argument. But in my latest speech I had seen an
improvement. My main idea is very much clear and examples provided are
clearly supporting my argument.
In my opinion during my first speech, I realized that reasons are given but
there is no proper order of the reasons and the examples are not supporting
my point of view. But, in my latest persuasive speech I seen improvement.
Because the reasons I provided in my persuasive speech are in an order and
they are clearly supporting my main idea.
In my opinion, in my first persuasive speech the argument is vague and the
supporting details are not enough to support my argument. As, I am talking in
my favor but what I feel from my speech is that it is only an informative speech
and the examples are vague. Compared to my latest speech, my arguments are
very much clear as the arguments provided are clearly supporting my point of
view. So, there is much improvement. In both speeches, evidence is provided
but during my first speech the evidence was a lot more unclear and was not
sufficient. However, during my latest speech I realized that examples and
evidence are clear. Facts are not given in both speeches.
Logical Argument
In my opinion during my first persuasive speech, I used the arguing by example
methodology where I had used examples. But, during my persuasive speech, I
realized the argument by example and argument by causation.
Emotional Appeal
In my opinion, I realize that the element of emotion is missing from my speech.
Because I did not use any words to express any of my emotions or feelings.
However, in my latest persuasive speech the element of emotional appeal is
present where I used the words like “amazed” and it clearly explains my
feelings over the situation.
Credibility of the speech
In my opinion, the element of credibility is missing from both of my speeches.
Organizational pattern
In my opinion, there is not a clear pattern of organization. The information
which I provide during my first speech does not have a clear pattern. It seems
to me just a conversation not a speech. But, in my latest persuasive speech I
use the pattern of comparative advantages where I compared the education
system with and without virtual learning tools.

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