Cybernetic Augmentations: Augmenting Creatures

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          he ability to augment yourself with cybernetics, INSTALLING AUGMENTATIONS

          in the same way you modify your items or
starship, adds an additional layer of customization to In addition to the time and cost requirement, installing
any character. If players want access to cybernetic an augmentation requires an ability check with
enhancements beyond those o ered by certain biotech's tools. The DC for the check is determined by
archetypes, consider allowing the following rules. the rarity of the augmentation being installed, as shown
below in the Installation and Removal DC by Rarity

Augmenting a creature with cybernetic enhancements INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL DC BY RARITY

requires three key components: a valid target for the Rarity Installation and Removal DC
augmentation, an augmentation to install, and biotech's Standard 5
tools. A creature can only be modi ed by someone with
Premium 10
pro ciency in biotech's tools.
Prototype 15
Typically, only beasts and humanoids are valid targets
Legendary 25
for augmentations. A creature can support a number of
cybernetic augmentations equal to their Constitution Artifact 30
modi er (minimum of one).
On a success, the augmentation is correctly installed.
AUGMENTATION TIME On a failure, the augmentation is not installed, the time
It takes an amount of time to install an augmentation in and credits are spent, and you must wait 24 hours
a Medium creature, depending on the augmentation's before you try again.
rarity, as shown below in the Augmentation Installation
Time by Rarity table.
Removing an augmentation takes half the time and
AUGMENTATION INSTALLATION TIME BY RARITY credits it would to install, and requires an ability check
Rarity Installation Time with biotech's tools. The DC for the check is determined
Standard 4 hours by the rarity of the augmentation being removed, as
Premium 8 hours shown above in the Installation and Removal DC by
Rarity table.
Prototype 16 hours
On a success, the augmentation is removed and
Advanced 24 hours salvaged. On a failure, the augmentation is removed
Legendary 2 days but destroyed.
You can attempt to reverse engineer an augmentation
The installer works 8 hours per day. It costs 100 and learn the schematic in order to craft more at a later
credits per hour if the operation is performed by an date. When you do so, you must make an ability with
NPC. biotech's tools. The DC for the check is determined by
the rarity of the augmentation being reverse
engineered, as shown below in the Reverse Engineering
In addition to the augmentation's rarity, the time varies DC by Rarity table.
based on the size of the target, as shown below in the
Creature Size Time Modi er table below. REVERSE ENGINEERING DC BY RARITY
Rarity Reverse Engineering DC
Standard 10
Starship Size Cost Modi er
Premium 15
Tiny x 0.25
Prototype 20
Small x 0.5
Advanced 25
Medium x1
Legendary 30
Large x2
Artifact 35
Huge x5
Gargantuan x 10
On a success, you learn the schematic for the
augmentation and the augmentation is destroyed. On a
For instance, to install a standard augmentation in a failure, you do not learn the schematic and the
Medium creature takes 4 hours. To install a prototype augmentation is still destroyed.
augmentation in a Huge creature, however, it takes 80 Once you know a schematic, you can craft it with no
hours (16 x 5). additional ability checks.


Two major categories of cybernetic augmentations exist SAMPLE AUGMENTATIONS
in the galaxy: replacements and enhancements. The following are examples of cybernetic
augmentations your players might come across.
Replacements are prosthetic or arti cial units intended CYBERNETIC ARM
to replace limbs and damaged organs. Common
replacements provided no bene ts other than Prototype arm replacement
duplicating the essential functions of their biological This arm replacement features enhanced strength.
counterparts, and they presented little strain on the
bene ciary's overall well-being. In appearance, a When you hit with a melee weapon attack using
cybernetic replacement could be recognizably arti cial Strength with a weapon wielded by this arm, you gain a
or virtually indistinguishable from the real thing. +1 bonus to the damage roll. Additionally, when you
use this arm to make a Strength (Athletics) check as a
ENHANCEMENTS part of a grapple, you gain a +1 bonus to the check.
Enhancements bestowed new abilities or improved the
recipient in some fashion. Enhancements included OCULAR PACKAGE
skeletal reinforcement, subcutaneous communications Premium eye replacement
hardware, and weapon mounts. Some enhancements
had visible external components, while others were This eye replacement features improved ability to see
hidden beneath the skin. Enhancements put more of a further away.
drain on the body's resources, and recipients frequently
su ered debilitating physical or mental side e ects. This replacements integrates macrobinoculars into the
chosen eye, granting advantage on Wisdom
CYBERNETIC AUGMENTATIONS (Perception) checks that rely on sight. In conditions of
clear visibility, you can make out details of even
The value of each individual augmentation should fall
extremely distant creatures and objects as small as 2
within a range, depending on its rarity, as shown below
feet across.
in the Augmentation Value by Rarity table.
Rarity Value Legendary enhancement
Standard up to 1,000 cr
This implant drastically increases mental capacities.
Premium 1,001 to 5,000 cr
Prototype 5,001 to 25,000 cr Your Intelligence score increases by 1, and your
maximum for this score increases by 1. Additionally,
Advanced 25,001 - 100,000 cr
you have advantage on Intelligence saving throws.
Legendary 100,001 - 500,000 cr
Artifact at least 500,001 cr

As always, it's up to the GM to determine the

availability of cybernetic augmentations.


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