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Respecting and Protecting Health Care in Armed Conflicts and in

Situations Not Covered by International Humanitarian Law
In times of armed conflict, international humanitarian law (IHL) provides rules to protect access to health care. These rules bind States and
non-State armed groups. In situations that do not reach the threshold of armed conflict only international human rights law (IHRL) and
domestic law apply. In principle, IHRL applies at all times, unless States decide to derogate from it. Though less specific than IHL, IHRL
contains several rules protecting access to health care.

International and Non-International Armed Conflict

The wounded and sick professionals for acting in accordance
Medical personnel with medical ethics.
Attacking, harming or killing
The rights of the wounded and sick Protecting and respecting Medical professionals must protect the
must be respected in all Personnel engaging in medical tasks confidentiality of information obtained
circumstances; attempts upon their must always be respected and in connection with the treatment of
lives and violence against their person protected, unless they commit, outside patients: this is one of the most
are strictly prohibited. Wilfully killing of their humanitarian function, acts that important principles of medical ethics.
them or causing great suffering or are harmful to the enemy. When they Under Protocols I and II of 8 June 1977
serious injury to their bodies or to their carry and use weapons to defend additional to the Geneva Conventions,
health constitutes war crimes as grave themselves or to protect the wounded persons engaged in medical activities
breaches of the Geneva Conventions. and sick in their charge, medical may not, unless required to do so by
personnel do not lose the protection to law, be compelled to give information
In certain circumstances, the denial of which they are entitled. The wounded concerning the wounded and sick who
medical treatment may constitute cruel and sick under their care remain are or have been under their care
or inhuman treatment, an outrage upon protected even if the medical either to their own party or to an
human dignity, in particular humiliating personnel themselves lose their adverse party, if this information would
and degrading treatment, or even protection. prove harmful to the patients or their
torture if the necessary criteria are met. families.
Provision of care
Searching for and collecting Parties to an armed conflict may not The World Medical Association is of
Parties to an armed conflict must take impede the provision of care by the view that medical ethics remain the
all possible measures to search for and preventing the passage of medical same during armed conflict and in
collect the wounded and sick without personnel. They must facilitate access peacetime.
delay. If circumstances permit, parties to the wounded and sick, and provide
must make arrangements for the the necessary assistance and
removal or exchange of the wounded protection to medical personnel. Medical units and transports
and sick.
Impartial care Medical units
Protection and care Medical personnel may not be Medical units, such as hospitals and
All parties to an armed conflict must punished for providing impartial care. other facilities that have been set up
protect the wounded and sick from for medical purposes, must be
pillage and ill-treatment. They must respected and protected in all
also ensure that adequate medical Medical ethics circumstances. Medical units may not
care is provided to them as far as Some medical professionals, such as be attacked and access to them may
practicable and with the least possible physicians, have certain ethical duties not be limited. Parties to an armed
delay. to fulfil. These duties are protected by conflict must take measures to protect
various provisions of IHL. Parties to an medical units from attacks, such as
armed conflict should not compel ensuring that they are not situated in
Treatment without discrimination medical professionals to carry out the vicinity of military objectives.
The wounded and sick must be treated activities that are contrary to medical
without discrimination. If distinctions ethics or prevent them from fulfilling Medical units will lose the protection to
are to be made among them, it can be their ethical duties. Further, parties which they are entitled if they are used,
only on the basis of their medical should not prosecute medical outside their humanitarian function, to

International Committee of the Red Cross

commit acts harmful to the enemy, commit acts of perfidy. If such an act of device should be large enough to
such as sheltering able-bodied perfidy results in death or injury to ensure visibility. Medical units and
combatants or storing arms and individuals belonging to an adverse transports may also use distinctive
ammunition. However, this protection party, it constitutes a war crime. signals (such as light and radio
can be withdrawn only after due signals).
warning has been given with a Use of the distinctive emblems
reasonable time limit and only after protected under the Geneva
that warning has gone unheeded. Conventions and their Additional When used as an indicative device, the
Protocols emblem links the person or object
Medical transports displaying it to an institution of the
Any means of transportation that is When used as a protective device, the International Red Cross and Red
assigned exclusively to the emblem – the red cross, the red Crescent Movement. In this case, the
conveyance of the wounded and sick, crescent or the red crystal – is the sign should be relatively small.
medical personnel and/or medical visible sign of the protection conferred
equipment or supplies must be by the Geneva Conventions and their
respected and protected in the same Additional Protocols on medical Attacking buildings, material, medical
way as medical units. If medical personnel, medical units and medical units and transports or personnel
transports fall into the hands of an transports. During an armed conflict, displaying the distinctive emblems is a
adverse party, that party becomes this includes military medical war crime.
responsible for ensuring that the personnel, units and transports;
wounded and sick in their charge are National Red Cross and Red Crescent Misuse of the emblem
cared for. Societies' medical personnel, units and Any use of the emblem not prescribed
transports that have been recognized by IHL is considered to be improper.
Perfidy by the State and authorized to assist Perfidious use of the emblem – to
Parties to an armed conflict who use the medical services of the armed protect or hide combatants, for
medical units or transports with the forces; State-certified civilian medical example – constitutes a war crime
intent of leading the opposing parties units authorized to display the emblem; when it results in death or serious
to believe they are protected, while and medical personnel in occupied injury.
using them to launch attacks or carry territory. To secure the best protection,
out other acts harmful to the enemy, the emblem used as a protective

Situations Other than Armed Conflicts

Under Article 12 of the International instruments of international human which the use of force is permissible.
Covenant on Economic, Social and rights law. However, the lethal use of force is
Cultural Rights (ICESCR), States justified only when protecting life. A
must take steps to ensure the right of The wounded and sick warning must be given prior to the
everyone to enjoyment of a variety of Attacking, harming or killing use of force, and sufficient time
facilities, goods, services and The wounded and sick are protected allowed for it to be observed.
conditions necessary for the under IHRL from attempts upon their
realization of the highest attainable Under the Rome Statute of the
lives or violence against their person. International Criminal Court, the
standard of physical and mental Under Article 6 of the International
health (the right to health). murder of wounded and sick people,
Covenant on Civil and Political as well as other inhumane acts of a
General Comment No. 14 of the Rights (ICCPR), States have a non- similar character intentionally
United Nations Economic and Social derogable obligation not to subject causing great suffering or serious
Council (General Comment No. 14) any individuals under their injury to body or to mental or
states that the right to health jurisdiction or control to arbitrary physical health, may amount to
contains the core obligations to deprivation of life. Individuals also crimes against humanity.
maintain essential primary health have a right to personal security
care, access to minimum essential under Article 9 of the ICCPR. In certain circumstances, the denial
food, basic shelter, housing and of medical treatment may constitute
The use of force against an cruel, inhuman and degrading
sanitation, and an adequate supply individual may be justifiable in
of safe and potable water, as well as treatment, or even torture if the
certain cases where it is absolutely necessary criteria are met.
the obligation to provide essential necessary. The United Nations'
drugs. These core obligations are Basic Principles on the Use of Force Protection
non-derogable and require States to and Firearms by Law Enforcement States have an obligation to protect
respect, protect and ensure the right Officials sets out the situations in the wounded and sick from ill-
to health. treatment; they must also protect the
The right to medical care is also 1 right to health of the wounded and
See Art. 5 (e) (iv) of the International sick. The Human Rights Committee
provided under Article 25 of the Convention on the Elimination of All
Universal Declaration of Human of the United Nations has stated on
Forms of Racial Discrimination (1965);
Rights, an instrument accepted by many occasions that States have an
Arts 11 (1) (f), 12 and 14 (2) (b) of the
most as international customary law. Convention on the Elimination of All
obligation under the right to security
Forms of Discrimination against Women to take the necessary measures to
Access to health care is also (1979); Art. 24 of the Convention on the protect individuals under their
articulated in several other important Rights of the Child (1989); Arts 28, 43 (e) jurisdiction, even protecting them
and 45 (c) of the Convention on the from private individuals. The right to
Protection of the Rights of All Migrant health also requires that States take
Workers and Members of Their Families all necessary measures to
1990; and Art. 25. of the Convention on
"safeguard individuals within their
the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
jurisdiction from infringements of the
International Committee of the Red Cross
right to health by third parties" Protecting and respecting take measures to protect medical
(General Comment No. 14) Medical personnel have the right to units and transports from attacks or
protection against arbitrary misuse by third parties.
Searching for, collecting, and deprivation of life and the right to
providing care security in the same way as the Use of the distinctive emblems
Under the right to health, States wounded and sick. protected under the Geneva
have a non-derogable obligation to Conventions and their Additional
"ensure the right of access to health Provision of care Protocols
facilities, goods and services" States must not prevent medical
(General Comment No. 14). When personnel from treating the wounded During situations other than armed
individuals are unable to realize this and sick. Under the right to health, conflicts, the use of the emblem is
right by themselves, as may be the States have an obligation to "refrain restricted. Under Article 44, Para. 1
case for the wounded and sick, from interfering directly or indirectly of the First Geneva Convention,
States must take the necessary with the enjoyment of the right to military medical personnel, units and
measures to provide this access, health" (General Comment No. 14). transports can use the emblem as a
which may entail searching for and protective device in time of peace,
collecting the wounded and sick. Arresting medical personnel for and in situations of violence other
providing care may amount to a than armed conflict. National
General Comment No. 6 of the violation of the protection against Societies' medical units and
Human Rights Committee of the arbitrary arrest and detention, even if transports, whose assignment to
United Nations states that the right to it is done lawfully under national law. medical duties in the event of an
life in the ICCPR also contains the The Human Rights Committee of the armed conflict has been decided,
obligation for States to take positive United Nations has stated that can also use the emblem as a
measures, which include measures inappropriateness and injustice in protective device, as long as they
to ensure health care, especially in legislation can amount to have been authorized to do so by the
life-threatening-circumstances. arbitrariness. appropriate authority. Finally, in
Treatment without discrimination Medical ethics certain cases, civilian medical units
Under Articles 2.2 and 3 of the Resolution 37/194 of the UN General may be authorized to use the
ICESCR, the right to health must be Assembly on the Principles of emblem as a protective device. This
exercised without discrimination. Medical Ethics states that in these requires the medical units to have
Access to health care for the situations as in times of armed been recognized as such by the
wounded and sick must be equitable. conflict, States should not punish State and the State to allow this use
This obligation is immediate and medical personnel for carrying out of the emblem. However, this use
non-derogable. Under Article 4 of medical activities compatible with should be limited to the preparation
the ICESCR, States are entitled to medical ethics or compel them to of medical units for an eventual
place restrictions on the right to undertake actions that contravene armed conflict: for example, painting
health. However, this must be done these standards. the emblem on the roof of a hospital.
in accordance with the law, including The emblem may also be used as an
human rights standards, compatible Medical units and transports
indicative device by ambulances and
with the nature of the rights first-aid stations, when they are
protected by the Covenant, in the Under the right to health, States
have a non-derogable obligation to exclusively assigned to provide free
interest of legitimate aims pursued, treatment to the wounded and sick.
and strictly necessary for the ensure access to health
infrastructure. They must therefore In this case, the use must be in
promotion of the general welfare in a conformity with national legislation
democratic society (General respect medical units and transports.
States may not target them or use and authorized by the National
Comment No. 14). Society.
them to launch law enforcement
Medical personnel operations or to carry out other
similar measures. States must also

Maintaining health-care systems during armed conflicts and in situations not covered by IHL

In all circumstances, in times of pursuant to Article 56 of the Fourth programmes that target the most
peace and during conflict, States Geneva Convention, the Occupying disadvantaged and marginalized
have an obligation to maintain a Power (with the cooperation of members of the population.
functioning health-care system. national and local authorities) must,
They must maintain essential to the fullest extent of the means Humanitarian relief
primary health care, access to available, ensure and maintain Under IHL, if a civilian population
minimum essential food, basic medical and hospital establishments lacks essential supplies, the party
shelter, housing and sanitation, and and services and public health and concerned has the obligation to
an adequate supply of safe and hygiene, and adopt the prophylactic ensure that humanitarian assistance
potable water, as well as provide and preventive measures necessary is provided. It may therefore have to
essential drugs, while respecting the to combat the spread of contagious allow an organization or a third State
principles of non-discrimination and diseases and epidemics. Though to enter its territory to provide
equitable access. States must also both IHL and IHRL allow States to humanitarian assistance or even to
design and implement public health predicate their obligations on the request it. This obligation is
strategies. (General Comment No. resources available to them, a lack circumscribed by the requirement to
14) Similar provisions exist in IHL of resources does not justify secure the consent of the receiving
that require States to provide food inaction. Even in cases where party; however, to justify its refusal,
and medical supplies to the resources are extremely limited, the receiving party must produce
population. In occupied territory, States should adopt low-cost reasons whose validity cannot be

International Committee of the Red Cross

contested. In occupied territory, the territories to populations in need, Under the right to health, States
Occupying Power does not have the subject to their right of control. This have an obligation to take all
option to refuse. obligation is not limited to parties to necessary steps and use their
the conflict; it also applies to third resources to the maximum extent
All States and all parties to an States through which relief available, which includes available
armed conflict must allow and consignments must pass in order to humanitarian relief.
facilitate the unimpeded passage of reach populations in need.
humanitarian relief on their

Domestic normative and practical measures


To ensure protection of access to identify the uses for which Other measures 6
health care, States need to permission is required.
disseminate the content of both IHL Parties to an armed conflict should
and IHRL obligations at all levels. States must enact domestic do everything feasible to verify that
This information should be provided legislation prohibiting and punishing the objectives to be attacked are
to the armed forces and to civil unauthorized use of the distinctive neither civilians nor civilian objects
defence and law enforcement emblems and their denominations at and are not subject to special
officials, as well as to medical all times, for any form of personal or protection (as is the case for
personnel and civilians in general. 2 commercial use, and prohibit medical personnel, units and
Dissemination may require the imitations or designs that could be transports) but are military
translation of legal texts. mistaken for the emblems. objectives.

States must provide military States should also take measures to When targeting military objectives or
commanders and law enforcement prevent the misuse of the emblems choosing means and methods of
officials with legal advisers to help by the armed forces. attack, parties to an armed
them apply and teach IHL and conflict must take all feasible
IHRL. 3 Medical personnel precautionary measures to avoid
In times of armed conflict, medical harming, or at least to minimize the
Use of the distinctive emblems personnel should wear armlets and danger to, medical personnel, units
protected under the Geneva carry identity cards displaying the and transports.
Conventions and their Additional emblem.
Protocols 4 This requires: choosing means and
Medical units and transports methods of attack that inflict the
The responsibility for authorizing the In times of armed conflict, parties least incidental injuries to the
use of the red cross, red crescent should use the emblem to clearly wounded and sick and to medical
and red crystal emblems, and for mark their medical units and personnel; cancelling attacks where
suppressing misuse and abuse, transports on the ground, at sea and it becomes apparent that they could
rests with the State, which must in the air. result in excessive injury or damage,
regulate their use in accordance that the objectives are not military in
with the terms of the Geneva Repression of violations character or that these objectives
Conventions and their Additional enjoy special protection; and giving
Protocols. Measures should be implemented at effective advance warning of attacks
the national level to ensure an that might affect the civilian
States should therefore adopt effective system for fixing individual population.
internal measures to: identify and criminal responsibility and for
define the emblems that have been suppressing crimes against the Parties to an armed conflict must
recognized and are protected by the wounded and sick, medical also, to the greatest extent possible,
State; determine which national personnel, medical units and limit the effects of attacks by
authorities are competent to medical transports. removing the wounded and sick,
regulate and monitor the use of the medical personnel and medical units
emblems; decide which entities are Under Article 2 of the ICCPR, States and transports from the vicinity of
entitled to use the emblem; and have an obligation to enact military objectives.
legislation to give effect to the rights
For more information on dissemination,
contained in the Covenant and to When planning the occupation of a
please refer to the fact sheet prepared by provide effective remedy. This might territory, Occupying States should
the Advisory Service of the ICRC and require States to enact criminal include provisions on public health
titled The Obligation to Disseminate sanctions for certain violations, such in their standard operating
International Humanitarian Law. as torture. procedures.
For more information on legal advisers 03/2012
in armed forces, please refer to the fact
sheet prepared by the Advisory Service
of the ICRC and titled Legal Advisers in
Armed Forces. 6
For more information on the
For more information on the use of the implementation of IHL, please refer to
emblem, please refer to the fact sheet 5 the fact sheet prepared by the Advisory
For more information on the repression
prepared by the Advisory Service of the of violations, please refer to the fact Service of the ICRC and titled
ICRC and titled The Protection of the sheet prepared by the Advisory Service Implementing International Humanitarian
Red Cross/Red Crescent Emblems. of the ICRC and titled Penal Repression: Law: From Law to Action.
Punishing War Crimes.

International Committee of the Red Cross

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