A Clinical Comparison of Linearand Surface Area-Based Methods of Measuring Glenoid Bone Loss Bakshi 2018

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A Clinical Comparison of Linear-

and Surface Area–Based Methods

of Measuring Glenoid Bone Loss
Neil K. Bakshi,*y MD, George A. Cibulas,y MD, Jon K. Sekiya,y MD, and Asheesh Bedi,y MD
Investigation performed at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Background: The purpose of this study was to determine whether linear-based measurement significantly overestimates glenoid
bone loss in comparison with surface area–based measurement in patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability and glenoid
bone loss.
Hypothesis: Linear-based measurement will significantly overestimate glenoid bone loss in comparison with surface area–based
measurement in patients with anterior shoulder instability and glenoid bone loss.
Study Design: Cohort study (diagnosis); Level of evidence, 3.
Methods: Thirty patients with anterior shoulder instability underwent preoperative bilateral shoulder computed tomography (CT)
scans. Three-dimensional CT (3D-CT) reconstruction with humeral head subtraction was performed to obtain an en face view of
the 3D-CT glenoid. Glenoid bone loss was measured with the surface area and linear methods of measurement. Statistical anal-
ysis was performed with a paired 2-tailed t test.
Results: Twenty-eight patients (5 female and 23 male; mean age, 25.1 years; age range, 15-58 years) were included in the study;
17 patients underwent a glenoid augmentation procedure, and 11 underwent arthroscopic Bankart repair. The mean percentage
glenoid bone loss calculated with the surface area and linear methods was 12.8% 6 8.0% and 17.5% 6 9.7% (P \ .0001),
respectively. For the 17 patients who underwent glenoid augmentation, mean percentage bone loss with the surface area and
linear methods was 16.6% 6 7.9% and 23.0% 6 8.0% (P \ .0001), respectively.
Conclusion: Linear measurement of glenoid bone loss significantly overestimates bone loss compared with surface area mea-
surement in patients with anterior glenoid bony defects. These results indicate that these different methods cannot be used inter-
changeably and cannot be used with the same critical thresholds for glenoid bone loss.
Keywords: shoulder instability; glenoid bone loss; surface area; linear measurement

Anterior shoulder dislocation is a common occurrence, espe- glenoid bone loss approaches 15% to 20% of the anterior gle-
cially among young and highly active populations. Humeral noid surface, a glenoid bony augmentation procedure,
head and glenoid bone defects are common in recurrent rather than an isolated soft tissue repair, should be strongly
shoulder instability with a prevalence ranging from 20% considered to reduce failure rates.8,15,18,19 As a result, accu-
to 100%, as reported by numerous studies.3,8,10-12,17,20-26 rate quantification of glenoid bony defects is critical to the
These bone deficiencies predispose a patient to further successful evaluation and preoperative planning for
recurrence and can result in a high rate of failure of isolated patients with recurrent glenohumeral instability and gle-
capsulolabral repair if bony defects are large.8 Cadaveric noid bone loss.
and clinical studies have shown that as the amount of Multiple imaging modalities have been used in the quan-
tification of glenoid bone loss, including radiography, 2- and
3-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT), and magnetic
*Address correspondence to Neil K. Bakshi, MD, MedSport, Depart-
ment of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Michigan, 4008 Ave Maria resonance imaging (MRI).3,7 Recently, 3D-CT has been con-
Drive, A-1000, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (email: neilbaks@med.umich.edu). sidered the gold standard modality for the quantification of
MedSport, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Michi- glenoid bone loss, when compared with these other methods.7
gan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Furthermore, multiple methods of measurement have been
One or more of the authors has declared the following potential con-
flict of interest or source of funding: A.B. has received consulting fees
proposed in the quantification of glenoid bone loss. The
from Arthrex, Smith & Nephew, and Stryker and has received royalties majority of these methods are based on the geometric similar-
from Smith & Nephew. J.K.S. has received royalties from Arthrex. ity between the inferior glenoid and a true circle.13 Linear-
based methods of measurement typically measure the width
The American Journal of Sports Medicine of the glenoid defect, which is then divided by the diameter of
DOI: 10.1177/0363546518783724 the best-fit circle, resulting in a percentage defect size.19
Ó 2018 The Author(s) These methods are advantageous since they are convenient

2 Bakshi et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

and can be quickly applied using standard radiographic soft- Two orthopaedic surgery residents then measured the
ware. Surface area–based methods measure the area of the glenoid bone loss of each patient using the Pico method (sur-
glenoid bony defect, which is then divided by the area of face area based) and the anterior-posterior (AP) distance
the glenoid best-fit circle, resulting in a percentage defect from the bare area/center method (linear based). Informa-
size.4,24 tion regarding the location of the glenoid bone loss (anterior
Recently, Bhatia et al6 questioned the validity and accu- vs anterior-inferior) was also documented at the time of 3D-
racy of linear-based methods of measuring glenoid bone CT analysis. Anterior-inferior bone loss was defined as
loss. This study mathematically/theoretically demon- a bony defect where .80% of the defect was located in the
strated that glenoid diameter–based methods overestimate anterior-inferior quadrant of the best-fit circle. With the
bone loss, with the maximum measurement error at 20% Pico method, a best-fit circle is drawn on the inferior portion
glenoid bone loss. Given that 20% glenoid bone loss is of the uninjured, contralateral glenoid and is superimposed
a common clinical threshold for open glenoid augmenta- onto the injured side. The best-fit circle was drawn to
tion, this overestimation of bone loss may be clinically rel- include the entire face of the inferior glenoid. The area of
evant and may overestimate the need for Latarjet or other the bony defect (the area missing from the circle) is then
bony augmentation procedures. However, no studies have divided by the area of the best-fit circle (area of circle =
clinically demonstrated that linear-based methods signifi- p*[radius]2) to estimate the percentage bone loss (Figure 2).
cantly overestimate glenoid bone loss measurements. As The AP distance from the bare area method uses the
a result, the hypothesis of this study is that linear-based center of the inferior glenoid circle as its primary landmark
measurement significantly overestimates glenoid bone for measurement. The distances from the center of the infe-
loss in comparison with surface area–based measurement rior glenoid circle to the anterior edge (A) and to the poste-
in patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instability rior edge (B) are measured, and bone loss is determined
and glenoid bone loss. with the following formula: (B – A)/2B 3 100%. These
measurements are made at the equator of the best-fit cir-
cle.19 The percentage bone loss values measured by each
METHODS observer were averaged, resulting in a mean percentage
bone loss for each patient with each method (Figure 3).
Internal review board approval was obtained for this retro- Subsequently, we repeated the linear method measure-
spective study. During the study period from July 2010 to ment using the normal, contralateral glenoid as our refer-
April 2012, 30 consecutive patients (25 male and 5 female; ence for bone loss quantification. The mean percentage
mean age, 24.9 years; age range, 15-58 years) were located bone loss obtained by each method was compared to deter-
and evaluated for this study, of whom 28 met our inclusion mine any differences between linear- and surface area–
and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria were physical based methods of measurement.
examination findings positive for anterior shoulder instabil-
ity, the availability of preoperative bilateral shoulder CT
Statistical Analysis
scans showing glenoid bone loss on the affected side, and
an age of 12 years or older. Patients with bilateral or poste- An a priori power analysis (power = .8, P \ .05) was per-
rior shoulder instability on physical examination, patients formed and demonstrated the need for at least 28 patients.
with bilateral or posterior glenoid bone loss on CT scan, Interobserver agreement was calculated for both methods to
patients with existing hardware in the glenohumeral joint evaluate for consistency between users. Statistical analysis
that precluded accurate glenoid bone loss quantification, was performed with a paired 2-tailed t test to determine
and pregnant women were excluded from the study. Women whether there is a statistically significant difference
with childbearing potential were offered pregnancy tests between surface area– and linear-based methods of measur-
before CT scans to confirm pregnancy status. ing glenoid bone loss. Statistical significance was set at an
All included patients underwent preoperative bilateral alpha level of .05, with Bonferroni correction.
shoulder CT scans with thin, 3-mm axial cuts being
made through the humeral head and glenoid (mean radia-
tion, 1,190.4 mGy-cm). CT examination was performed 1 to RESULTS
3 months before surgical intervention to determine the
most appropriate procedure for each patient. The subse- Of the 30 patients, 2 were excluded from the study due to
quent surgical procedure underwent by each patient was existing hardware in the glenohumeral joint that precluded
documented to determine whether glenoid augmentation accurate measurement of glenoid bone loss. Of the remain-
(Latarjet, osteoallograft transplantation) was performed. ing 28 patients (5 female and 23 male; mean age, 25.1 years;
Bilateral shoulder CT scans were obtained as part of stan- age range, 15-58 years), 17 underwent a glenoid augmenta-
dard practice to use the normal glenoid as a reference point tion procedure (Latarjet, osteoallograft reconstruction) and
for quantification of bone loss and to assess for bone loss on 11 underwent arthroscopic Bankart repair. Overall, 20 of
the normal side. The 3D-CT reconstruction was performed the 28 patients were found to have anterior glenoid bone
for each patient using MIMICS and 3-MATIC (MIMICS loss, while the other 8 patients were found to have primarily
Innovation Suite, version 13.1; Materialize). Subsequently, anterior-inferior glenoid bone loss.
humeral head subtraction was performed to obtain an en For all 28 patients, the mean percentage glenoid bone
face view of the 3D-CT glenoid (Figure 1). loss calculated with the Pico method (surface area–based
AJSM Vol. XX, No. X, XXXX Glenoid Bone Loss: Linear vs Area 3

Figure 1. (A) Three-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT) reconstruction of the normal glenoid. (B) 3D-CT reconstruction
of the affected glenoid with an anterior bony defect.

Figure 2. Representation of the surface area–based method of measuring glenoid bone loss (Pico method). An en face three-
dimensional computed tomography view of the normal glenoid is obtained. (A) A best-fit circle is applied to the inferior two-thirds
of the normal glenoid. (B) This best-fit circle is then superimposed on the affected contralateral glenoid. Glenoid bone loss is cal-
culated with the indicated equation.

method using the contralateral glenoid) was 12.8% 6 8.0% Pico method was 10.8% 6 10.7%. The mean percentage
(interobserver agreement, .969). The mean percentage gle- bone loss calculated with the AP distance from bare area
noid bone loss calculated with the AP distance from bare method was 10.6% 6 10.0% (P = .8222).
area method (linear based) was 17.5% 6 9.7% (interob- Sixteen patients were found to have linear bone loss
server agreement, .953). Using the contralateral best-fit measurements between 15% and 25%, which is in the
circle, the AP distance from bare area method resulted in threshold range commonly used to indicate bony glenoid
an average glenoid bone loss of 17.9% 6 8.4% (interob- augmentation.5 In these 16 patients, the mean percentage
server agreement, .979). The difference between the Pico bone loss calculated with the linear (AP distance from bare
method and the AP distance from bare area method was area) method was 23.1% 6 6.3%. The mean percentage
statistically significant with P \ .0001. Of the 28 patients, bone loss calculated with the surface area (Pico) method
15 patients (54%) had greater than 5% overestimation with was 15.3% 6 6.0%, with the difference between these
the linear method compared with the surface area method; methods being statistically significant (P \ .0001). The
5 patients (18%) had greater than 10% overestimation with overestimation of the linear method compared with the
the linear method compared with the surface area method. surface area method was the largest within this 15% to
In the 20 patients found to have anterior glenoid bone 25% glenoid bone loss range.
loss, the mean percentage bone loss calculated with the For the patients who underwent glenoid augmentation,
Pico method was 13.7% 6 6.3%. The mean percentage mean percentage bone loss with the linear and surface
bone loss calculated with the AP distance from bare area area methods was 23.0% 6 8.0% and 16.6% 6 7.9% (P \
method was 20.3% 6 8.3%, with the difference between .0001), respectively. Of the 17 patients who underwent
these methods being statistically significant (P \ .0001). a subsequent glenoid augmentation procedure, 14 patients
In the 8 patients with anterior-inferior glenoid bone had greater than 5% overestimation of glenoid bone loss
loss, the mean percentage bone loss calculated with the with the linear method compared with the surface area
4 Bakshi et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

(diameter)–based scheme incorrectly assumes that the geo-

metric area calculation of a circular segment is analogous to
an area calculation of a segment of a square. For a square,
calculating the percentage area of a segment (relative to the
total area of the square) can easily be performed by dividing
the width of the segment by the total length of the square.
Unfortunately, when this model is applied to a true circle,
significant overestimation occurs because of the geometric
differences between these shapes.6
When stratified by location of bone loss, our results indi-
cate that linear methods of measuring glenoid bone loss typ-
ically only overestimate anterior bony defects. Measurements
of anterior-inferior glenoid bony defects were consistent with
surface area measurements of bone loss. This is likely related
to linear (diameter) measurements being performed at the
center/equator of the inferior glenoid circle. For anterior gle-
noid bone loss, measurement at the equator of the circle
accounts for the main part of the glenoid bony defect, often
measuring at the widest part of the defect. However, for
anterior-inferior glenoid bone loss, measurement at the equa-
tor of the circle accounts for the superior aspect of the defect,
Figure 3. Representation of the linear-based method of often measuring at a narrower part of the glenoid bony
measuring glenoid bone loss (anterior-posterior distance defect. Therefore, for patients with anterior-inferior bony
from bare area method). An en face three-dimensional com- defects, quantification at the superior aspect of the defect
puted tomography view of the affected glenoid is obtained. A results in smaller glenoid bone loss measurements since
best-fit circle is applied to the inferior two-thirds of the gle- the widest, and perhaps more clinically significant, parts of
noid, with a point drawn at the center of the circle. The dis- the defect are not being measured. This demonstrates the
tance from the center of the circle to the anterior rim (A) variability of linear-based measurement of glenoid bone
and posterior rim (B) is measured, and bone loss is calcu- loss, as it can often miss the most clinically significant por-
lated with the given equation. tions of the bony defect.
The overestimation of glenoid bone loss by linear mea-
surement calls into question its accuracy and validity for
method. Of these 17 patients who underwent glenoid aug- clinical decision making. Overestimation of glenoid bone
mentation, 8 patients (47%) had a surface area–based cal- loss for patients with recurrent anterior shoulder instabil-
culation of glenoid bone loss that was less than 15%; 12 of ity may result in stronger indication for an open glenoid
the 17 patients (71%) had a surface area–based calculation augmentation procedure when an isolated soft tissue
of glenoid bone loss that was less than 20%. repair (capsulolabral repair) may be sufficient. While
both procedures may be clinically effective in stabilizing
the glenohumeral joint with favorable patient-reported
DISCUSSION outcomes, a more accurate estimation of size may allow
for more informed decision making that is appropriately
The results of the current study confirm our hypothesis guided by patient and surgeon preferences. Although not
that linear measurements of glenoid bone loss significantly definitive evidence, a need for more accurate measurement
overestimate bone loss compared with surface area bone is suggested by our results, as there was a significant dis-
loss measurements (linear, 17.5% 6 9.7%; surface area, crepancy between linear (23.0% 6 8.0%) and surface area
12.8% 6 8.0%; P \ .0001). Furthermore, the linear overes- (16.6% 6 7.9%) measurements (P \ .0001) of glenoid
timation of glenoid bone loss occurred primarily with ante- bone loss for those who underwent glenoid augmentation.
rior glenoid bony defects and not anterior-inferior glenoid Furthermore, 8 of the 17 patients who underwent glenoid
bone loss. In addition, for patients who underwent a bony augmentation had surface area measurements that were
glenoid augmentation, there was a significant difference less than 15%, with 12 of 17 patients having surface area
between linear (23.0% 6 8.0%) and surface area (16.6% 6 measurements less than 20%. This difference is clinically
7.9%) glenoid bone loss measurements (P \ .0001). Further- significant when considering that 20% glenoid bone loss
more, 47% of patients (8/17) who underwent glenoid aug- is a common threshold used by clinicians to necessitate
mentation had surface area measurements of glenoid bone open glenoid augmentation.5,19 If accurate measurement
loss that were less than 15%, suggesting the alternative of glenoid bone loss had been performed for this cohort, it
potential for successful treatment with an isolated soft tis- is possible that some or many of these patients could
sue procedure if measured by this alternative technique.5 have successfully undergone an arthroscopic Bankart
The significant overestimation of glenoid bone loss with repair. The use of linear measurement of glenoid bone
linear methods is likely due to the geometric difference loss for clinical decision making is also questioned, given
between the inferior glenoid circle and a square.6 A linear that its overestimation error is greatest between 15% and
AJSM Vol. XX, No. X, XXXX Glenoid Bone Loss: Linear vs Area 5

25% bone loss.6 Accurate glenoid bone loss measurement is anterior-inferior glenoid bone loss. Altan et al2 compared
arguably most important in this 15% to 25% range, as this glenoid bone loss quantification with surface area and lin-
is the gray zone in which both arthroscopic Bankart repair ear measurements in 36 patients and demonstrated
with or without remplissage and glenoid augmentation will a near-perfect correlation between these measurements
commonly be performed. when bone loss was less than 6%. They reported that the
These results also demonstrate the need for biomechan- difference between surface area and linear measurements
ical studies that define the threshold percentage of glenoid was increased when bone loss was greater than 14% but
bone loss by linear and surface area methods that result in did not show any statistically significant differences. Fur-
a significant risk of recurrent glenohumeral instability thermore, they did not stratify based on the location of
without bony augmentation of the glenoid. Furthermore, the glenoid bone loss and did not report on the clinical sig-
these results demonstrate that the method used to derive nificance of the values.
the percentage thresholds for bone loss should be the
same method used clinically for bone loss measurement. Limitations
Itoi et al14 and Yamamoto et al27 in a cadaver model exam-
ined glenoid bone loss with sequential osteotomies and Our study had multiple limitations. First, we had a rela-
found 21% and 20% bone loss, respectively, to be the criti- tively small sample size of 28 patients who were included
cal threshold at which glenoid augmentation would be nec- in the study. Although this sample is limited, the power
essary. However, these measurements were neither analysis did demonstrate that our study was adequately
diameter (glenoid width) based nor surface area based powered and has unique access to bilateral CT scans for
and have limited clinical utility as a result. These studies true quantification of surface area of glenoid bone loss.
performed cadaveric osteotomies at a 45° angle to the lon- Finally, there is some user error and variability involved
gitudinal axis of the glenoid, from the 3-o’clock to 6-o’clock with the linear- and surface area–based measurements of
position. Glenoid bone loss was determined by measuring glenoid bone loss. However, concerns regarding this vari-
the width of this osteotomy in the 45° orientation (perpen- ability were mitigated by our interobserver reliability dem-
dicular to the osteotomy). This width is subsequently onstrating almost perfect agreement.16
divided by the glenoid length measured in the superior-
inferior direction multiplied by 100%, resulting in the per-
centage glenoid bone loss. These studies did not use the AP CONCLUSION
distance from bare area method (linear) or the circle/Pico
Linear measurement of glenoid bone loss significantly
methods (surface area) that are commonly used to measure
overestimates bone loss compared with surface area mea-
glenoid bone loss. As a result, the thresholds that were
surement in patients with predominantly anterior glenoid
established by these cadaveric studies cannot be applied
bony defects. This discrepancy suggests the need for fur-
to the linear and surface area methods that are dis-
ther biomechanical research to establish the critical
cussed/used currently. Furthermore, other studies have
thresholds of bone loss for the surface area and linear
attempted to quantify glenoid bone loss arthroscopically
methods. These results indicate that these different meth-
using the bare spot method.8,9,15 However, this is limited
ods cannot be used interchangeably and cannot be used
by the eccentric location of the bare spot and its tendency
with the same critical thresholds for glenoid bone loss.
to overestimate glenoid bone loss as a result.1,3 Therefore,
the critical thresholds established by the above studies
(cadaveric and arthroscopic) cannot be applied to linear- REFERENCES
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