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1. Purpose. This guideline establishes criteria for brazing.

2. Applicable documents. The documents listed below are not necessarily all of the documents referenced
herein, but are those needed to understand the information provided by this handbook.

AWS C3.4 Specification for Torch Brazing.

AWS C3.5 Specification for Induction Brazing.
AWS C3.6 Specification for Furnace Brazing.
AWS C3.7M/3.7 Specification for Aluminum Brazing.

3. Definitions. This section not applicable to this guideline.

4. General guidelines.

4.1 Torch brazing. Torch brazing of steel, copper, copper alloys, and nickel alloys, should be in accordance
with AWS C3.4.

4.2 Induction brazing. Induction brazing of steel, copper, copper alloys, and nickel alloys, should be in
accordance with AWS C3.5.

4.3 Furnace brazing. Furnace brazing of steel, copper, copper alloys, and nickel alloys, should be in accordance
with AWS C3.6.

4.4 Aluminum and aluminum alloy brazing. Brazing of aluminum and aluminum alloys should be in accordance
with AWS C3.7M/C3.7.

5. Detail guidelines.

5.1 Stranded or insulated wire connections. Electrical connections of stranded or insulated wire, or those
having construction which may entrap fluxes, should not be brazed.

5.2 Resistance brazing. The current and electrode size for resistance brazing should be selected so that the
heat will be distributed over a large enough area to allow the brazing alloy to flow freely, but not large enough to
cause overheating.


S o u r c e : h t t p : / / w w w . a s s i s t d o c s . c o m -- D o w n l o a d e d : 2 0 1 3 - 0 2 - 2 5 T 0 4 : 3 6 Z
C h e c k t h e s o u r c e to v e r i f y t h a t this is t h e c u r r e n t v e r s i o n b e f o r e u s e .

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