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Assignment SOC401
Attributes Identification as Justification from scenario
Small Sample size of Disadvantage Participant observation inherits small
tribal members sample sizes due to its methods of
obtaining data. Umer was unable to
generalize the findings because of
limited sample size.
Real Data obtained Advantage At the point when a researcher is getting
include with the members, he will get
the best and precise outcomes, since
he's going about as a colleague and a
colleague is a genuine observer.
Authenticity of the Advantage This information is true in light of the
data fact that in regular setting member acts
normally. While in lab, members feel
uncertain and the results impair.
Intrusive Effect on Disadvantage At the point when an untouchable draws
participant in with individuals, the conduct doesn't
continue as before consistently. Umar is
an outsider so there is the chance that
individuals won't talk openly with
Issue during Encoding Disadvantage This issue as a rule come in research
of data when a specialist is in his examination's
encoding stage. Same here, Umar is
feeling trouble while he's gathering the
information. Since in nature from each
other and it's hard to make speculation.
Inclusion of Non- Advantage Over 70% of our communication
verbal communication include non-verbal language. Eye to eye
connection is the most ideal way to
receive the message comprehended, on
the grounds that it conveys non-verbal
signs. Exactly. Umar is getting the
specific data since he's utilizing both
verbal and non-verbal parts of

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