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A Heated Kobold Summer

By GarifthNebula

Ah, The Summer! Usually the season and I have a pretty good relationship, but some
broken AC units and a delayed monsoon have left me wanting for those cool fall
evenings and harsh rainy days. If you too are stuck inside, sweaty and miserable, I
hope that some porny kobold exploits take your mind off of such things!

There is quite a bit of porny stuff in this one. I bit off a bit more than I could chew, and
had to rewrite this one several times. Hopefully it is good for a long summer day!
Whether it is or not, please give me some feedback, I would love to hear what you

Contains: Magic Musk Hypnosis, ManyM/F Orgy in a Public Place, In-Heat Antics
by Both Sexes, Gratuitous Gallons of Gooey Cum, and some Implied

Look Up “Wrong Potion” To get straight to the porn.

“Dear piece of paper, Today it is much MUCH warmer than yesterday, and yesterday I
almost melted. I thought saying something about it might do… Something but… Uhhh.”

Tip’s brain was soggy and mush. The last few days had been horrible. Perhaps the
small group of kobolds should not have listed to Cross-Eye when he said it would cool
off during the journey, after all he usually guessed the weather by how the dirt tasted,
and that hardly seemed a precise way of doing it. It was especially affecting poor Tip,
unlike many of his buddies Tip had smooth, sweating hide, instead of cool shiny scales.
Even now his soft yellow skin was dripping with sweat.

He took the piece of paper and slipped it into the covers of the small book he had. The
shade of the tree he was under provided little in this terrible heatwave. To the creatures
delight, a soft wind blew over him at that moment, wicking some sweat off of his sheath
and balls; another trait of himself the bold was usually more than happy with, but had
been causing some issue in the gross, sticky heatwave that had come across the
region. Tip lifted one leg and began fanning his butt with the book’s cover.

“I hope the creek wasn’t far from here.” Tip said.

“Maybe he has died from heatstroke,” a voice spoke in the treetops above Tip.

“Hmph, the great Mr. Syrup would hardly be defeated by this weather, he is amazingly
resilient.” Tip spoke of the third member of the expedition, who was out looking for a
place to cool off before they were once again off on their mission.

The three were on an important quest, perhaps the greatest mission a kobold could
hope to achieve, besides being eaten by a big dragon; that was pretty important too.
They were out searching for a dragon to be eaten by! Or, rather, to rub, love, and
worship! The group was set by the chief of their tribe on this quest, as several years ago
the dragon the group worshiped had disappeared. It was not such an unbelievable thing
that a great wyrm would disappear suddenly, as the beings were known to do so.
Sometimes they would reappear decades, or even centuries later, if they did not vanish
forever. It was one of the great mysteries of dragonkind, unknown to even the dragons
closest blood-kin.

A rustling in the trees above Tip, and a small snapping noise, had Tip hold his head
expecting an errant branch to come crashing down. Instead, it was a whole kobold,
complete with a small yip as the little lizard crashed to the ground.

“Ouch. I can confirm that the branches are not much cooler than the ground Tip,” Said
the mint colored kobold. Crumb was a touch taller and wider than Tip, and had longer
and curvier horns. Her long snoot always seemed to be smiling, even as she struggled
to get up from the ground. Crumb was not faring much better than her friend in the
oppressive heat, despite her slick scales and stronger tolerances.

“Yeah, that's what I expected,” Tip sighed. The group of kobolds had been hand picked
by the chief, as all of them had been reliable in their ability to find just about anything.
Food, treasure, they believed they could find just what the tribe needed. With dragons
being so big and beautiful, it should not be such a difficult job to find one that needed
kobolds to admire them, or at least that's what the chief thought. But the weather was so
oppressive, it seemed like it might be a fool’s errand at this point. But to give up now
would be rather shameful, so on they went, the heatwave searing at the groups sanity.

“Tip,” Crumb shook the kobold from his trance. “If I’m not seeing a mirage, I think we are
in for a bit of relief!” Indeed, in the distance a familiar silhouette came closer to the two
overheated bolds.

Before he could reach the tree his friends had decided to rest under, Mr. Syrup saw the
two kobolds sprinting at him. “Be careful you two!” He shouted in his deep voice. With a
sigh he put down the large wooden bucket of water he was carrying, and stepped
forward. As expected, the two came to tackle him, as any good greeting from a kobold
included. Each grabbed onto one of his legs, almost catching him off balance. Tip and
Crumb were only about half the height of the midnight purple lizard. Though he might at
first be mistaken for a half-dragon, Syrup was in fact the same species as the smaller
kobolds. He stood about as tall as a human, a touch shorter than most half-dragons, but
made up for it in his exceptionally burly physique. Having a rather rare swolbold on a
mission certainly helped in any endeavor, especially in carrying things.

Mr. Syrup regained his balance, “I filled all our waterskins, and I brought a bucket from
the stream as well, its right on our path south. It won’t be too long before we are back
into civilization, so remember that you two can’t just go running into town naked.”

The two kobolds nodded impatiently as they waited for their friend to finish his speech.
As soon as he finished speaking, the two ran right to that cool bucket of water. They
stuck their faces right in, drinking and splashing the godly shimmering liquid

“Not many things better than some cool water, except maybe some shaved ice,” Crumb
cupped some more water, letting it stream down her shiny scales.
“Do not dare to speak of such nummy stuff!” Great, now Tip was going to be
daydreaming of fruit-juice soaked snow now. The way it would get hard on the outside,
letting you crack into it to get to that soft fruity interior; the way all the juice would pool at
the bottom of the bowl, waiting for a slurping… “Bleeeh,” Tip lurched forward and felt his
face splash into the water, taking a long drink, wishing it was raspberry.

“Hey,” Mr. Syrup interrupted, “soon as you two are done we had better keep going, it's a
few days to the coastline, then we need to search the mountains.”

“If we don’t find a way to cool down,” Tip said, “I don't think I’ll make it very far mountain

Crumb tried to keep her usual perky attitude. “Hey, there’s at least a town or two
between here and there, maybe we can find a potion shop or something. We probably
aren't the only people suffering in this.”

Mr. Syrup gave a huff of agreement, before taking the half-empty bucket and dumping it
over his head. He then slipped it onto a hook on his very large backpack.

“What would we do without you Syrup?” Tip smiled.

“Probably fail.”

The heat did not dissipate, it seemed to suck the life from the group like a vampire. Tip
of course was getting the worst of it, literally dripping from brow to tail, though Crumb
was not far behind in her own misery. The group had to stop pretty regularly just to
gather more water, as the group went through waterskin after waterskin. The world
buzzed with the sounds of insects, and the horizon blurred and distorted.

“Not far from here,” Syrup tried to reassure. “First we get to Endelve, then past Port Iron
there is the mountain range. Endelve looks like a pretty small place, we had better be
careful to blend in. Don’t want these fools finding out we are out to pledge ourselves to
a wyrm not too far from them.”
Tip had quickened his pace and pulled ahead of the group, right towards the road that
would lead them to the town.

“TIP!” Crumb chuckled. “You need to put on some clothes.”

To the stupid cityfolk, clothes made the kobold. Those dragon-traitor Cobalt Knights in
their blue and grey were kobolds who were at least tolerated in almost any town or city,
and the only thing a wyrm-fearing kobold would have to say good about them was that a
well dressed bold generally could be ignored in a town, should they mind their manners.
A naked floppy-sheathed craze-eyed kobold however...

“Hya!” Mr. Syrup quickly caught up to his smaller friend, grabbing him by his small
horns. He himself wished he could be as naked as his smaller friends, but bore the
burden of his outfit, since he could not hide as well should they meet someone on the
journey. “Oh no, you’ve gotten as far as you have in your hatchday suit because we
were out in the wild. I ain't forgetting you telling me you would at least put on a shift or

The struggling Tip cried out. “It’s too hot, I will steam like a fish.”

The large swolbold did not look impressed. “Hmmph, you have no choice.”

Tip was so miserable, never had he slept so poorly in the heat of the night, and never
had he felt so sick to his stomach. He just wanted to be back in a cool cave, not out in
some nasty town with thin-walled houses and shifty-eyed villagers.

Mr. Syrup looked at the sad expression on his friends face, he looked like he might be
ready to cry. “Hey, Tip, you’ll be losing even more water if you start tearing up. Look, I
promise we’ll find somethin’ to keep us cool the rest of the journey, but we gotta be in-
con…-spice-… We gotta be sneaksters.”

Tip looked like he would start melting in Mr. Syrups grasp, so the swolbold threw him
over his shoulder like a fresh catch until they could get somewhere a bit shadier to
Later, in the night, just outside the town, the kobolds made it official. They were going to
find a way to keep cool the rest of the journey, not just surviving on the edge of heat-
stroke, then the three of them would find the greatest dragon and swear their tribe to the
great wyrm, and it would be the greatest joy. Better than the chilliest shaved ice on the
hottest day.

“Damn,” Mr. Syrup cursed under his breath, nose poking at the worn map. He knew
Endelve was a little mining town, but he had hardly realized what a small place it was.
There was but one inn, a tavern, a few homes, a shop or two, and a small farm. It hardly
seemed the place they might find a chilling potion or some enchanted clothes. “We had
better check every nook and cranny, but be smart about it, don’t look too conspicuous.”

Syrup looked at Tip, his large, long, white undershirt clinging to his skin, and clearly
showing his nuts and sheath in a very indecent fashion; and Crumb, tugging at the tiny
tunic and constantly pulling the teeny skirt to cover her exposed slit.

“Fuck… Well, maybe they are open minded here? Nevermind, just split up. Tip, check
the tavern, Crumb, you go look in the shop on the west of town, and I’ll go to that armor
shop, you never know who might have an icy girdle.”

With that the three bolds were off. Crumb watched one companion make his way into
the armorer's shop, which might have been the most recent looking building in the town.
With his size he could probably make it easily as a more worldly accepted dragonkin.
Tip tried to keep his shift from clinging to his body, and went to the old wooden tavern.
Meanwhile the mint-scaled kobold had a bit of a more difficult task. Somewhere had to
be a place to sell potions and tonics. Even if the town did not have a local alchemist,
there were always traveling salesmen, and at least a third of those were legitimate from
what the kobold had heard, and those almost sounded like ok odds!

I guess that if a traveling alchemist had a potion to cool themselves off they would be
here, and if they didn’t they wouldn't have even gotten here, the minimal logic skills of
Crumb told her. But fortune favored her today. In a town green off to the east of the little
village, Crumb saw a vision of salvation, like a mirage… Except it was a few feet in front
of her snout.

“Hey… You like, ok there dude?” Asked the human at the small cart. His dark skin was
coated in a shimmering layer of sweat, and his brow was tensed with a bit of nerves. His
cart was under a large contraption of a shade, which looked like it was witched to fan
down on the salesman, but was currently broken. The poor thing instead squeaked and
lurched like a sad cry for help. Instead the human fanned himself with what looked like a
bit of decorative wooden board that had fallen off of the cart. Being lower than the
counter of the cart showed the kobold just how worn all the decoration was, paint
peeling off of the old wood and the faded fabrics that enlaced it. The man continued.
“Hey, uhm, welcome to my traveling emporium of all-”

“Yes. Potions. I need a potion right now,” Crumb scrambled up the cart, holding herself
up by her arms and letting her legs dangle off. “I need a potion of ice, cooling,
something to cool me off right now.”

“Potions? Like yeah, I’ve got a few, but we, uh, sold out of anything like that.”

Of fucking course! “YOU MUST HAVE ONE!” Crumb had jumped onto the top of the
cart, forgetting any subtlety she wished to keep. She grabbed the sweaty human by the
collar of his shirt and looked directly into his eyes. “Yep, I bet you are keeping one for
your trip back to wherever the fuck you came from. You were going to sip some sweet
bone chilling brew and take a comfy snooze.”

The poor human looked as drained as he did anxious. “Fuck dude! Listen… I… I’ll give
it a check, but I can’t promise you!” He crouched down to his small inventory, opening a
creaking wooden door to a sad looking huddle of mostly broken trinkets. In the back he
hardly an alchemist’s selection of brews, but he did have a few. He tipped aside the
standard fare, strength and remedial brews that a peddler of his nature might normally
stock. The only other potions he could that looked like they were usable were the type
for the more… Romantic consumer. Moving past some anti-insemination balms and a
spiderweb, the humans eye caught something.
“Hey, this one says...” He looked it over. The bottle was a bit old, but there was no
settlement floating in it or anything, only the label had any damage. “Heat, heat relief

“Yes, here are monies.” The kobold almost slipped back into speaking draconic, she
was so relieved. She all but threw a random handful of silver at the young human,
letting him give her a glance of at least some form of understanding before she
snatched the red liquid from his hands.

“Thank you.” The human spoke almost automatically.

Already Crumb clutched the bottle like a fine treasure, running off like a bandit. With this
drink for her and Tip to share, they would certainly get some relief. How right they were.

“My personal record is eight candles!” Tip said, half drunk. Still dazed from the heat,
even the tiny bit of solace at the tavern was enough to get him in a talkative mood, and
the ale urged that feeling along.

“Ayeh?” The orc sitting next to the small bold muttered. He had his eyes fixed forward,
hardly listening to the little lizard ramble. The tavern had a half dozen patrons, all looked
like they were from the local mine. Tip was a bit more of a stand-out then what would be
ideal, but really even if he had shouted aloud his loyalty to a great and terrible dragon
lord, he would probably get no more than a raise of the eyebrow out of these patrons.
All of them were suffering the same infernal heat at the kobold, and were desperate to
drown their misery.

Mr. Syrup was the next to enter, the armorer he spoke to hardly had a sword sharp
enough to cut baking twine. He decided to have a drink, perhaps Crumb had better
luck? He sat next to a hobgoblin, one of two in the building, and struck up a

In a short amount of time, Crumb slipped her way inside, grasping a bottle of thick red
elixir. She scanned the tables and chairs of rougher looking mining men, looking for her
fellow bolds. Indeed, sitting high on a barstool was Tip, still trying to chat with that bored
looking orc. She quickly made her way over to him, slipping past the feet of many of the
seated tallfolk. She climbed the barstool next to Tip, careful not to set it off balance.

“Tip, wonderful news. Look at what I have.” She shoved the bottle in front of his face.
“Guess what I found.”

The yellow bold’s golden eyes went wide. “You found it! You found something to cool us
off didn’t you? Crumb you are the best companion a bold could ask for.” Tip downed the
last of his ale from his copper mug, holding it out to be filled with the thick red liquid.
Crumb carefully popped the cork, giving it a small sniff. It smelled a bit like a fresh cut
piece of wood. She poured about half into Tip’s mug, if this was for someone of average
size, they would very likely be able to share it, she thought.

“Some relief at last,” Crumb smiled at her friend. “Bottoms up.”

The two tapped the vessels together, then drew their heads backwards, letting the slow
flow of the liquid come across their lips. The taste was almost familiar, a touch salty, and
thinned in the mouth to something closer to water. The two looked at each other, both
with a bit of a scrunched look on their faces.

“So how long till it starts up?” Tip asked.

“Dunno,” Crumb finally looked at the worn tag attached to the bottle. “Heat… Something
something guaranteed… something, lasting. Long lasting? So maybe it also takes a
while to feel it?” But Crumb was actually feeling something, just not that “something”
she was expecting. She felt a little… uncomfortable. She climbed off of the tall barstool
and stood on the ground.

“Ah, what?” Crumb said aloud. She felt no less hot, but it was concentrating. From all
over her body that uncomfortable heat seemed to be lowering. Down, down, right into
her belly. “Shit, what's happening?” The heat pressed lower, right down into her groin.

It felt like that liquid heat was flowing right into her normally flat and smooth labia,
puffing it severely. “Fuck,” she muttered under her breath. She crossed her legs slightly
while standing, resting one foot on the other, trying to press her thighs together to stop
this swelling feeling. “Mmmf,” she audibly moaned at the continued sweltering pressure
in her groin. Even deeper in her body the heat made itself known, causing her body to
shiver. Crumb felt a bead of fluid slip from her sex, and drip down her leg, leaving a
shiny trail.

Crumb was feeling incredibly horny, her body grinding at her mind with arousal. She did
not even think about her public indecency as she lifted the short skirt of her tunic,
looking down at her over-swollen nether and bit her lip. A dark haired human at a table
looked down silently at the heated kobold, giving an unembellished look of interest to

A flash of embarrassment came over Crumb’s blue-green scales. She threw her hands
down and pressed the fabric of her tunic to her hot mound. The touch was enough to
elicit an obvious and loud moan from her. At that, she felt that dripping from her folds
become a small stream slipping across her thighs and darkening the fabric where it
touched her slit.

Unnoticed to the occupied Crumb, Tip was also starting to feel a strange arousal dip
deep into his mind. His sheath was engorged with that searing heat, and his cock was
hardening by every beat of his heart. His smallclothes shirt did nothing to hide the
lengthening erection, with the soft white fabric turning grey where the moist tip of that
straining cock touched it.

Tip breathed through his teeth, trying not to yip at the intense churning of his swollen
nuts. He could swear he could feel it all the way into his stomach it was so intense. He
curled his toes and dug his foreclaws into the seat of his stool. His cock had quickly
come to full mast, and the blood rushing in did not seem to want to abade. His cock was
angrily spitting small spurts of pre against the fabric of his shirt. Tip could even hear
those small “splut” noises of his pre ejecting from his swollen cock in the loud bar. The
outline of his smooth shaft, with its small nubs on its underside, stood proud.

The orc that had sat next to tip raised his head up, and Tip watched with a worried look
on his sweating brow. The large male looked around, and gave several obvious sniffs in
the air with his broad flat nose. His copper eyes jumped down to look directly at Tip. The
orc’s naturally stern expression alarmed the small bold, who leaned back as the orc’s
tusked visage came closer and closer to him.

“Hey C-crumb?” Tip moaned, “I think you got the wrong potion.”

Tip felt himself lose his balance on the stool. Just as he let go of the stool to try to swing
his arms and catch himself, he felt a gentle hold on his small back. The orc had moved
his hand to catch the little lizard in his large mitts.

“Say, I didn’t catch yer name before,” the orc gave an obvious sniff, drawing in as much
of the kobolds smell into his large lungs as he could. “Mine’s Law.” The orc was staring
right at Tip’s engorged member, showing no restraint at the sight or smell.

“Hey Crumb… What’s going on?” Tip nervously chuckled as the big orc, who had shown
no interest in the bold previously, was coming on to him right in the middle of the tavern.

Crumb was busy herself, not only was the human who had looked at her previously now
staring right at her, several others in the bar had begun smelling the air, turning their
gaze to her. “I uhhh, think I got something to help with heat… Just the wrong kind,

“Well?” Law moved his other hand to touch the kobolds knee, eliciting a small yip from
Tip. “I thought you were gonna tell me yer name cutie.”

“I feel like a potion for someone IN heat would, you know, do the opposite of what's
going on,” Tip observed.

“Well,” Crumb said as several hungry-eyed men smelled the air like a fine perfume had
drifted across them. “It might be one of THOSE potions, you know, a monkey’s paw
thing. Like ‘If you are in heat, the best way to get rid of it is to get fucked…’” The kobold
realized what she was saying, just as the first human that had seen her got up from his
chair, showing off a painfully obvious erection in his tight pants.
“We should get out of here…” Crumb continued, but as she tried to move, she felt her
puffy slit react violently to the slightest touch from trying to walk. “YAP! Oh fuck.”
Crumb’s tunic was soaked from her thighs down in the front from her searing juices. The
floor had a small puddle now from the sheer amount of bold-sauce streaming from her
honey pot.

At this point, it seemed like everyone in the tavern had received a whiff of the magicked
kobold musk, and there was not an eye that was not on one of the two.

Tip did not even hint at trying to escape. The orc’s hairy and muscled hand slipped
under his loose clothing and came to his outer thigh. Tip breathed in deep and gave a
horny moan, loud and clear. His cock jumped and gave a hard spurt at the same time,
lifting the cloth from his body before it popped back with a sticky slap. The outline of his
swollen dick outlined in the clinging wet shirt.

“HEY!” A familiar shout came behind the horny pair, tip felt his chair scoot back and
away from the groping hands of Law. “The fuck is going on Tip?” It was Mr. Syrup,
giving the orc a snarl before looking down at his friend.

“Ahmm, Syrup, gods I… I need to-” Tip breathed heavily through his mouth, his chest
rising and falling as he looked at syrup. He was fully feeling that enchanted hormonal
slurry flow through his body, he felt like a complete slut.

An invisible vapor rose from Tip, swirling around Syrup’s head and intruding into his
skin. The swolbold began breathing harder through his nose, before closing his eyes
and fully taking in that mind-bending scent. “Tip, have I ever told you how pretty your
eyes are?”

Crumb could do nothing but stand in place, her body wracked with pulses of an intense
pulling need. She desperately wanted to indulge herself, dig her fingers into herself with
one hand and massage her nub with the other, but she fought it as hard as she could.
Still, even with all her willpower she grinded her hands into the front of the tunic to
provide some stimulation to her engorged lips.
The human with black hair was right at her, and she looked up at his tall stature. “Hey
there… Miss. You- ah- look like you could use some help. Can I help you with anything,
please? Please?” The guy looked like he was having a problem with himself as well,
adjusting the front of his pants with no notion of decency.

The kobold moaned in her throat. “I… fuck… please just… Fuck me, please I’m begging
you fuck me!” Crumb tore at that stupid tunic, freeing herself from the garment with a
loud tearing noise.

Everyone who had eyes on Crumb breathed a sigh of relief to see her body at last. Her
slim kobold figure was breastless, but she was far from looking “decent”. Her snatch
was dripping wet, and so swollen that even her cool colored scales were red with need.
The human tore at his own clothes, desperate to remove the offending garment, not
caring in the slightest what the other patrons might think of him. Crumb looked wantingly
at the stripping human, she had never been much of a fan of anyone without scales, but
right now she would fuck a beholder if she had to.

No one in the tavern showed even the slightest sign of distaste at the events, many
were already removing their own garments, ready and hopeful for what they might see
tonight. Whatever was in that potion had gotten deep into the minds of the patrons, and
now the most coherent thoughts that any of them might have would be in what way they
might wish to fuck the kobolds.

Speaking of fucking kobolds, Tip had already have his sticky clothing gently removed
from his body by Mr. Syrup, and was under the intense watch of Law the orc, the dark
and verdant skin of his face was largely covered by his dense beard. Tip watched with
great need as that tusked mouth opened wide and made its way down to his crotch.
Law lapped Tip’s painfully needy member in to his mouth hungrily. The touch on his slick
member made Tip involuntarily hump forward, his small clawed feet pressed into the
chest of Law. The orc had only a leather cross-strap on his torso, and his hairy pecs
were perfect firm footholds for the kobold to anchor his thrusts. The orcs beard tickled
Tip’s sensitive, churning nuts.
The arm of a hobgoblin skimmed across a round wooden table, knocking the drinks and
platters on it to the ground. Crumb felt her back fall onto that cleared table, now at a
high to be easily fucked, and at a better angle to be seen doing so. The human holding
her ran his hands across her body like it was some fine textured silk. Crumb was about
to bite the bastard for not getting to the point, her body needed to be fucked, not played
with like she was some doll. With an angry gaze, the musk-intoxicated human got to the
point. He adjusted his headed human cock at the kobolds swollen entrance, watching
the small slit give a heady spray onto the table and his cocktip. He pushed forward, and
his cock was swallowed up greedily by those bold-lips.

The kobold was tight, the creature half the size of most men. But her canal was so slick
that the meat gilded inward, pressing far into the lizard. Crumb arched her back, feeling
that cock reach deep as anything she could imagine. She had never had it with a
swolbold, or any creature larger than herself, and that humans cock almost bulged her
stomach with its girth. But she wanted it deeper, far deeper.

An intense thought was swirling in the mind of Crumb, how she needed a balm to
soothe her tortured heat. She wanted nothing more, at the moment, then the white hot
cum of every male in the room, to whitewash her womb in gallons of spunk, to make her
heavy with eggs. Crumb had thought of clutches before, this was not her first heat, but it
was the most intense, and never before had she so desperately wanted to be fat with
some tavern-lurkers eggs.

Though not of the exact same mindset, Tip was also wracked with want. He reached as
best he could behind his head, to the lap of Mr. Syrup. He was not satisfied with just
getting head from this orc, he wanted to fuck and be fucked, to be ravaged just as much
as Crumb. Syrup looked down, his foggy mind only seeing that wet maw of Tip, begging
for a fat tool. Syrup took his claws and ripped at his binding clothes, till he was as naked
as half the tavern. He lowered his hand, letting Tip’s back sit flush with his hips on the
stool. With his other hand he gave his dick a rub. Unlike Tip he had only a genital slit,
but the cock that stood from it was almost as thick as the stein on the bar next to it. He
placed the tip of his dick at Tip’s nose, waiting for him to take the first move.
“C'mon… You gotta take it or I’m gonna fucking lose it Tip.” Syrup loomed over the
kobold, a trickle of pre coming from his swollen member. It was a bit of an awkward
angle, but upside down or not, Tip was just as needy as his friend. Tip began licking at
that sweet looking spire, his wide tongue darting out of his smiling jaws. Pre spurted
occasionally from the swolbold, leaking all over Tip’s jaws and throat. Mr. Syrup grasped
the base of his cock, right by his slit, and dug his fingers into that sensitive cock-sheath.
He began pushing his cocktip into those needy jaws with every lick, and Tip began
kissing the headless member. Syrup slowly inserted himself, feeling the soft maw of Tip
engulf him in its tight embrace.

Crumb had nothing to be jealous of. While Tip had more than enough mouth action
going on, Crumb was now surrounded by a sizable group of the horny mine workers.
They all looked foggy-eyed at the old-school fucking she was receving. Crumb felt that
human member reach right into her, so close to her egg-chamber. This was no gentle
lovemaking either, the human thrusting with a fair bit of power, wanting nothing in life but
to spit his seed into this moaning little lizard.

But one cock just didn’t seem like enough to the horny bold. With all these horny
bastards around, why just watch them jack it and waste that sweet cum? Crumb
wrapped her feet around the thrusting human, pulling him taught to her body. She
reached her arms out to the human’s, pulling herself up. She then held tight with one of
her arms, pulling herself up from the table and lifting her tail high, the human holding her
to him with both hands. With her free hand she pulled at one of her asscheeks, showing
off her pink anus, waiting for the taking.

Without any hesitation, the hobgoblin came forward. The human stepped back to give
the creature some room. A bit on the larger side for a hobgoblin, his well maintained
beard gave him a sense of refinement, which was contrasted by his slightly crooked jaw
and wild eyes. His catlike nose and large ears suggested that he had a bit of bugbear in
his blood. He licked his lips while looking at that kobold present herself to the world,
giving his rust-colored foreskinned cock a long stroke, feeling the pre squeeze out
through his bunched up foreskin. He came forward, kissing that tiny tailhole with his
gooey cocktip. He reached right around Crumb, to the human behind her. He pushed
the man to him, squeezing the top half of Crumb between the two bodies; while at the
same time letting the tight ass push back his thick foreskin and insterting his fat
cockhead right into her body, slickened by his gummy pre. The kobold shivered hard,
completely enveloped.

All the stimulation was quickly bringing the dark-haired human to his climax; but that
apex of pleasure was nowhere close to what the other kobold in the tavern was feeling.
Tip thought he should have cum minutes ago, he was so far beyond his point of no
return. Never had he imagined he could go so far beyond his limit without cumming, and
still his pleasure grew. Law seemed to be growing impatient, roughly face-fucking the
kobold with all his might, and pretty much headbutting the poor bold. Getting an orc’s
skull rammed into your torso was one thing, but being used like a breeding mount by
one of your best friends was something else. Syrup gave no quarter in his face fucking,
trying to get as much of his fat tool down the throat of his friend as far as possible.
Syrup could feel the small teeth of Tip, but they did nothing but give extra sensation.
Quickly he found himself at his limit; which was probably for the best as Tip was about
to pass out from the sheer amount of cock blocking his throat, and it was not even
halfway in! Syrup gave a hearty cry as he squeezed at his own slit, trying to hold out for
just a while longer, just to continue fucking Tip. But it was not meant to be, his internal
balls gave an intense heave, and sent a fat wave of sperm to his rock hard dick. Tip’s
skinny neck ballooned out with the high pressure orgasm, showing off the muscle and
sinew under his soft yellow flesh. Tip began humping erratically, held together by both
Syrup and Law. His stomach still heaved with pleasurable spasms, but at each twitch,
his slim stomach filled outward. Fortunately the orc had slowed his relentless onslaught,
if only to watch the bold get cream filled.

Tip’s stomach quivered as muscles and flesh were stretched. Tip pushed at the hips of
Syrup, giving him just a tiny bit of room for the cumstream to escape. Tip felt hot cum
spray from the gaps in his mouth, as well as coming out his nose right onto the
underside of Syrup’s cock and onto his slit. As if taken off balance, Syrup shuffled
backward, freeing the jaws of the kobold, and sending a rope of cum right onto the face
of Law. A messy faceful of heady spunk forced the orc to shut his eyes. The scent was
as dense and musky as anyone could hope for, but compared to the enchanted flavor of
the kobold, it was flavorless. Really, all it did was make the orc more desperate in his
want for the kobold beneath him to just cum already, to satisfy his terrible thirst. Tip got
a good covering of the jizz as well, gratuitously slathering it into his skin. Tip coughed
and freed his throat of the thick spunk. He tried to hold onto that stomach filling load.

Any viewer would think Tip had already started some endless orgasm, and Tip would
almost agree. Even his pulsing pre was coming as hard as his usual spurts, and he was
at a peak usually reserved for the hardest throes of orgasm. There was something
coming, a peak that was far too much for the kobold, an electric buzz her could
practically feel in his spine. It ran up and down his body, and he could tell it was his
incoming orgasm. He almost wanted to cry for it to stop, that it was too much, it was
such an intense pleasure. But even if he did, nothing would fulfil the musk-drunk
patron’s indescribable need besides the hot cum of the kobold. Any sober thoughts that
Tip might have had at this point were boiled away by his fiery pleasure, and he felt his
peak finally hit, like a flash of lightning.

Tip’s vision narrowed, and a blinding light came over his senses. His body was slow to
send the signal to cum, it was so overwrought with pleasure. After a few ungodly
seconds however, Tip’s swollen testicles visibly squeezed, and his cum filled torso
contacted, sending some of Syrup’s cum to spray from his mouth as he cried out. The
veins on his cock shuddered, and a violent pulse of blood made his cock as hard as a
stone. A rope of the hot and churned boldseed finally made its way to Tip’s cockslit, and
the pressure was incredible. Law felt a hard and solid beat right against the back of his
throat, like a hot fireplace poker inside him. The orc tried his best to swallow, to get what
he could, but it was unlike any cum he had tasted before. Thicker than honey, and
blasting from the cock like an erupting volcano, those balls must have produced enough
sperm to last a lifetime, just to fill this one orgasm. Law’s throat gummed up, and he had
to release the dick to take time and swallow the viscous gunk.

The jet of jizz from the released cock almost hit the ceiling, and rained down on the
group, including those with their attention fixed on Crumb. The spellbound cum made
Syrups load look like some poor little piss in comparison. Tip didn’t even know if time
was passing, or had any feeling throughout his body besides electric pleasure. He didn’t
yell, or cry out, instead sitting there with his mouth open, his tongue hanging out. The
world melted around him, and bliss was all he could imagine. Quickly Mr. Syrup opened
his jaws and ran to cover the erupting member, a hard pulse splattering in, and all over
the larger lizard. Tip was white washed with his own seed. The people of the tavern not
currently fucking Crumb directly swarmed the kobold, trying to get a mouthful of that
unnatural spunk. Tip wasn’t really home for the whole ordeal, he was already in a state
of being that the gods would have to try pretty hard to top. In truth that orgasm probably
lasted only about half a minute; the bold’s body giving everything it had, even with that
magic still hot in his veins. But in that time men of all shapes and sizes jostled him for a
chance to get a taste of that musky cum.

Finally Tip lapsed from his cum-coma, just in time to feel the last blast tear through his
abused sex organs. The kobold shouted at the sensation, reality coming like a cold wind
over his body. Perhaps at last there would be satisfaction for the bold, as his orgasm
subsided and the people surrounding him licked each other clean of the mess, and
several struggled to clean the bold directly. Finally his cock stopped dripping, still as
hard, however.

“Wow… I’m- I’m…” Tip stuttered. “I’m so fucking horny, I need to cum again!”

“YES!” Crumb cried out, a pulse from the cock spearing her snatch told her the human
was finally going to soothe her egg-chamber’s needs. The pleasure of the moment was
almost secondary, even with two cocks spearing her small form. The thin layer of flesh
sandwiched between the two members inside her sent vibrations through her body, and
even that was so much less important than the heat in her body, begging for relief. A
heady squirt and a cry from the human sent a cool wash over Crumb. About five watery
spurts of human jizz splashed her core, before the human let out a sigh and slipped
from the kobold, leaving her in the arms of the hobgoblin. He fell backwards into a chair
and happily passed out. Still being fucked by the hobgoblin in her ass, Crumb looked
down at the dripping off-white seed from her slit.

“Is, is that it?” Crumb cried, she could feel that soothing sensation inside her abide
slowly, replaced by an even hotter heat. Her body was not satisfied, not in pleasure or in
heat. She angrily snarled. “Is that it? I need to be FUCKED already!” She violently
grabbed onto the hobgoblin, pulling herself off the cock. She turned to face the creature
directly, grabbing onto his shirt. She had wanted to be fucked by every man in that
room, but it was obvious to her that they simply did not have what it took to soothe her,
at least not on their own. She pushed off of the table with her lithe back legs, catching
the hobgoblin off balance and causing him to tumble backwards, right next to the
passed out human. With him on his back, Crumb stood over the larger beast with an
angry glare in her eye. She came over to the quivering spire of the creature, and
motioned to slip it into her dripping snatch, this time however, she was going to make
sure she got a proper fucking. With one hand she motioned to a wide eyed man taking
in what just happened.

“Get that stupid look off your face and get over here so I can suck you off.” Crumb
demanded. The human shuffled over, where Crumb pulled the human down to almost
sit on the large hobgoblin. She took no time for foreplay, and began throat fucking the
cock in such a way to make poor Tip look like he was some poor little suckling babe.
She ignored the pleasurable cries of the men, only removing her mouth from the
quivering human member to shout, “Anyone who might fuck my ass next had better be
better than this useless chump!”

Crumb didn’t wait for a taker, taking a vice-like grip on the hobgoblins poor cock and
spearing it onto herself right to the entrance of her egg chamber. There was not even a
hint of pain from the cervix, in fact her body was begging her to fill herself to the brim
with cock, and she did not plan to disappoint. She smashed the thick cock inside her,
much bigger than the previous human, but equaled by a newfound need to fill her body
with a proper load. Crumb came around the cock, the blasts of pleasure a short balm to
her undying heat, and the copious juices helping to get that cock deeper into her body.
Crumb felt a salty squirt in her mouth, removing the cock to feel a good strong blast of
milky cum splash over her face. The taste was musky and pleasant… however.

“More godsdamnit!” She cried. One of the humans who had vied for a blast of Tip, and
was soaked in the cooling kobolds sperm came up, looking to get some relief of his
own. Tip’s cum had dripped down to his own member, so that when Crumb came to
taste the human, she was overloaded with the flavor of her friend.

Now that’s what I need! Crumb thought. Regardless, any cum was better than none, so
she redoubled her efforts on the whimpering hobgoblin, a heady sucking sound, coming
for her lip’s tight hold over the cock inside her. As she worked both the cock in her
mouth and her muff, the hobgoblin arched his back, finally pushing the meatus of his
cock into Crumb’s needy egg-chamber. A gratuitous blast of seed filled her, and a shiver
of relief wracked her body. Her lips tightened around the veiny cock, milking the guy for
every list drop of his sweet cream. The once large and boisterous hobgoblin lay on the
floor, whimpering and crying at the sheer overstimulation. Crumbs soft scaled belly
pudged with the meaty load, happily drinking in that fat sauce and soaking her heat-
stricken eggs. As she felt her body swell with the overabundance of cum, she slowly
raised herself from the hobgoblins torso, letting every inch of her be filled. Finally with a
copious glorp, stringy bubbling sperm spilled from her lips all over the whining beasts
torso. An inadvertent contraction of muscles squeezed even more of the cum from her
cervix and out of her body, much to her annoyance. Hopefully that fucker Tip would
have a good fat load for her.

Despite how abused her body felt, Crumb still felt that throbbing need inside her, and
she knew where she could find all the cum she could handle. Just a cumshot away she
laid eyes on Tip. The kobold was currently kneeling on the bar, spreading himself to be
ravaged by an orc’s fat tool, which dripped with mucky orc pre. Tip whimpered with
delight as that thick orc foreskin cupped all that fluid, keeping a good supply ready as he
kissed his tiny kobold ass, spreading the juices outward in a messy drizzle.
Crumb massaged the human’s balls and got him to a quick climax, which she
swallowed entirely. She wordlessly pulled off the finished human and pushed past the
legs of the patrons trying to get a taste of kobold heat, making her way right to the bar.
Currently the first human she had mawed off was trying to give a bit of head of his own,
sucking on Tip like a man possessed. She climbed up to the bar, making sure not to slip
on some of the spilled juices, especially those dripping from her own snatch. She put
her hands on her hips and placed her hindpaw on the forehead of the human sucking
off Tip, who opened his eyes to see what was going on.

“My turn,” Crumb said as she gave a hard shove and pushed the human off Tip’s
swollen cock.

“Cr...Crumb,” Tip stammered, accented by him grabbing hard onto the bar as the orc
drove more of his cock into his body; his face scrunching as his cock gave another hard
spit of pre. “DidAhh! Did you want Law to f-fuck you instead?”

She didn’t even bother to say anything, getting right under Tip, and positioning herself.
Law suddenly gave a hard shove to drive his thick cockmeat into Tip, driving him
forward into Crumb like a set of dominoes. The momentum of the massive orc sliding
his thick cock into Tip sent Crumb to almost come right off the bar and behind it. Luckily
for her she was caught in a pair of scaly arms.

“Close one ther’ Crumb,” Mr. Syrup’s musk-drunk tone was accentuated by his fat tool,
which was dripping all over the floor with his and who-knows-who’s juices. Syrup
pushed Crumb back, right onto Tip’s cock as he was violently speared by Law.

“Don’t tell me what I need to do to- UHOF- Repay you?” Crumb slurped at the leaking
tip of Mr. Syrup like a frosty drink, the taste a swirling mix of flavors of men.

With that cock in her mouth the double decker kobold sandwich was complete. All
around the room the hypnotised patrons took turns, either fucking each other, or waiting
to have a turn at the bolds. No hole went unfilled, and no cock went without at least two
juicy orgasms that night. Whoever had made that potion certainly knew what they were
doing, and the relief was as great and terrible as any of the kobolds could have
dreamed. Whatever miserable heat there was no longer had an effect on the group, and
the terrible steamy sex only served to make them hungry for more.

Hour after hour passed, each tavern lurker passing out in time, one after the other.
Some returned to consciousness for a short time, getting in an orgasm before returning
to dreams of cum and kobolds. Finally only three remained, surrounded by the smell of
pints of drying semen and sweat.

Syrup slowly removed himself from Crumb, the cum so thick in and out of her that
anything but a slow and deliberate fuck was impossible. Even the inexhaustible nuts of
Tip had eventually run out after hours and hours of cumming, and cumming, and
cumming. Syrup might have had in one more orgasm, but even if he had shot a load it
was impossible to tell in the gummed up orifices of the kobolds.

“I think,” Syrup was nodding off even as he spoke, “we should leave. Before everyone
wakes up.”

“Mmmhm yeah, I just, one nap.” Tip finally drifted off into a comfy sleep, the first in so
long. Crumb looked down at herself as her heavy eyelids came down, seeing the steady
stream of gummed up cum leak out from her well worn, but no longer swollen, labia.

Tomorrow was going to be… Interesting.

“I REGRET NOTHING!” Shouted Crumb, who was nestled in the arm of Mr. Syrup as he
ran from the town.

“Crumb, are they shooting at us?” Tip asked, nestled in the other arm of Syrup, but
facing the other way.

“I don’t see anyone with a bow, but I do see some poor sod getting a thrashing from
some woman. I guess you never know who’s husband you are accidentally bewitching,”
Crumb chuckled.
“You are both lucky I don’t give you a beating myself,” Syrup chimed in between

“At least I don’t think the people of this town will want the news to spread quickly,” said
Crumb. “That should buy us some time before we reach Port Iron. Besides, I think I
have cooked up some new ways that we could squeeze some more use out of our time
while in town.”

The kobolds heard the yells of the angry townsfolk disappear behind them as they ran
into the cool, fresh new day.

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