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FISXXX10.1177/1044389419873240Families in SocietyHutchison

Families in Society: The Journal of
Contemporary Social Services
An Update on the Relevance 1­–16
© The Author(s) 2019
of the Life Course Perspective Article reuse guidelines:
for Social Work DOI: 10.1177/1044389419873240

Elizabeth D. Hutchison1

In recent years, the life course perspective has received increasing support from researchers
across a number of behavioral science disciplines. The purpose of this article is to examine the
relevance to social work of selected findings of the last 15 years of empirical investigation of life
course concepts and themes. This discussion is organized around five basic concepts (cohorts,
transitions, trajectories, life events, and turning points) and six interrelated themes (interplay
of human lives and historical time, timing of lives, linked or interdependent lives, human agency
in making choices, diversity in life course trajectories, and developmental risk and protection).
Implications of life course theory and research for social work are overviewed.

evidence-based /evidence-informed practice, modes of practice, theory /conceptual models
applied to practice, development across the lifespan, subjects of practice, disparities/ social
determinants of health, equity issues/ human rights /social justice, family systems and functioning

Manuscript received: May 22, 2019; Revised: July 23, 2019; Accepted: August 6, 2019

Disposition editor: Sondra J. Fogel

In the early 1990s Germain (1990, 1994) recom- research. This article provides an updated
mended that social workers use the emerging understanding of the LCP and its implications
life course perspective (LCP) for under- for social workers.
standing human behavior. She and colleague The LCP looks at how biological, psycho-
Gitterman applied the LCP to the ongoing logical, and socio-cultural factors act inde-
development of a social work practice model pendently, cumulatively, and interactively to
they called the life model (Germain & Gitter- produce great diversity in life course journeys
man, 1996). In 2005, Hutchison provided an and shape people’s lives across family gen-
updated report on the LCP and suggested that erations. It is a relatively recent attempt to
the perspective has promise for assisting social contextualize human behavior, to understand
workers to bridge the micro and macro worlds how people and their environments influence
in their practice. Since that time, researchers each other and change over time. A primary
across several disciplines have continued to use 1
PhD, professor emeritus, Virginia Commonwealth
the main themes of the LCP to add breadth and University
depth of understanding of individual and collec-
Corresponding Author:
tive human behavior and the ways in which
Elizabeth D. Hutchison, School of Social Work, Virginia
they are connected. The basic concepts and Commonwealth University. Mail: 3275 Iris Rose Drive,
major themes have not changed in the past 15 Reno, NV 89509.
years, but they have been elaborated by ongoing Email:
2 Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services 

contribution of the LCP is its focus on the life LCP, large-scale national longitudinal studies
course as a whole, on how what happens in have continued be a dominant method of study,
one period of a person’s life is connected to and new methods of quantitative data analysis
what happens in other periods of that person’s have been designed for studying specific con-
life. For example, it calls attention to the ways cepts (see Elder & Giele, 2009). The social
in which what happens in adolescence is history tradition of using life stories and other
influenced by what happened in childhood qualitative methods to study the context of
and also influences the long period of adult- human behavior continues to play a role in
hood (Johnson, Crosnoe, & Elder, 2011). ongoing LCP theoretical development (Sprague,
In the past 15 years, the LCP has grown in Scanlon, & Pantalone, 2017).
popularity across a broad range of disciplines In keeping with these traditions, the most
(Alwin, 2012). It has been used to understand common method of empirical research cited in
the pathways of families (Min, Silverstein, & this article is large-scale panel national longitu-
Lendon, 2012), organizations (King, 2009), dinal study (12 studies) following the same
and social movements (Della Porta & Diani, people over time, using representative samples,
2006) as well as individual life journeys. It has convenience samples, and stratified probability
potential for understanding patterns of stability samples. Seven of the cited studies report on
and change in all types of social systems. Ger- repeated cross-sectional studies using large-
ontologists increasingly use the perspective to scale nationally representative sample studies
understand how old age is shaped by events taken at different time points to track trends in
experienced earlier in life (Seabrook & Avison, social life. Four of the cited studies analyze
2012), but it has also become an increasingly cross-sectional surveys based on convenience
popular perspective for considering adolescent samples. Other cited research includes three
and young adult transitions. The LCP has studies based on qualitative interviews, two
become a major theoretical framework in crim- experimental studies, two large-scale cross-
inology (Prior, 2013) and the leading perspec- sectional random surveys, two population-
tive driving longitudinal study of physical and based studies, and one cross-sectional national
mental health (Bauldry, Shanahan, Boardman, representative sample study. Consistent with
Miech, & Macmillan, 2012; Evans, Crogan, trends in life course research, two cited studies
Belyea, & Coon, 2009). It is also being used to use mixed methods, triangulating national rep-
understand patterns of lifetime drug use (Lind- resentative samples with qualitative interviews.
ström, Modén, & Rosvall, 2013). The cited studies are found in peer-reviewed
The LCP was developed from and contin- journals covering the disciplines of addiction
ues to be amplified by empirical research. The studies, criminology, demography, family stud-
early roots came from two different streams of ies, gerontology, medicine, psychology, public
health, and sociology. They include samples
research: Glen Elder, Jr.’s (1974) analysis of
from Australia, Canada, China, 27 European
three pioneering large-scale longitudinal stud-
countries, Israel, Japan, South Korea, and the
ies, and inquiry by social historians of how
United States.
families change and adapt under changing his-
torical conditions (Hareven, 1978). Research-
ers in both of these traditions were interested in Basic Concepts of the Life
the social, cultural, and economic contexts of
human behavior. The social historians were
Course Perspective
interested in telling the historical story from the Fifteen years of research have elaborated the
point of view of ordinary people rather than handful of LCP staple concepts noted in
from the traditional vantage point of elites and Hutchison (2005): cohorts, transitions, trajec-
focused particularly on the extraordinary cop- tories, life events, and turning points. Each of
ing mechanisms families have used in the face these concepts is summarized here and shows
of adversity. In the ongoing development of the up again in discussion of major themes.
Hutchison 3

Cohorts Although it is too early to know what major

social, cultural, or economic factors might
Life course scholars find the concept of cohort influence the adult trajectories of Generation
to be particularly useful to emphasize the Z, born from the late 1990s until about 2012,
important influence of the historical context recent survey research indicates that they are
on human behavior, one of the major themes as large as the Millennial Generation and even
to be discussed later. A cohort is a group of more diverse. As children and youth, they
persons who were born during the same time have lived in households that are, on average,
period and who experience particular social more well educated and more affluent than
changes within a given culture in the same any earlier cohort, and they are on track to be
sequence and at approximately the same age. the best-educated generation yet (Fry &
Generation is another term used to convey a Parker, 2018). As they enter adulthood, they
similar meaning, but life course scholars often are reporting attitudes on social issues such as
make a distinction between the two terms, sexual orientation, gender identity, and cli-
suggesting that a birth cohort becomes a gen- mate change that are very similar to the atti-
eration only when it develops some shared tudes of the Millennial Generation, attitudes
sense of its social history and a common iden- that are more liberal than the Generation X
tity (see Alwin, McCammon, & Hofer, 2006). and Baby Boomer generations (Parker, Graf,
Cohorts differ in size, and these differences & Igielnik, 2019). It remains to be seen how
affect opportunities for education, work, and the Millennial and Generation Z cohorts will
family life. The baby boom that followed adapt to changing circumstances across the
World War II (1946-1964) in the United States life course and, more importantly, what effects
produced a large cohort that faced tight com- they will have on major social institutions.
petition as they entered the labor market, a These four cohorts have grown up with
situation that drove wages down and unem- different communication technologies. Baby
ployment up (Pearlin & Skaff, 1996). Baby Boomers grew up as television was becoming
boomers adapted by marrying later, having ubiquitous; Generation Xers grew up in the
fewer children than earlier generations, and computer revolution, Millenials as the Internet
increasing the presence of mothers in the exploded, and Generation Zers with multi-pur-
labor force. Generation X, born from 1965 to pose mobile devices (Dimock, 2019). These
1979, grew up with fewer siblings and experi- differences will have an impact on receptivity
enced higher rates of parental divorce than to different social work interventions.
the baby boomers. They have been less likely
than earlier generations to marry (Carlson,
2009). The Millenial Generation, born from Transitions
1980 to the late 1990s, has now surpassed the The LCP puts a spotlight on the numerous
Baby Boomers as the largest adult demo- transitions in roles and statuses experienced by
graphic group in the United States. They have individuals across the life course (Torres &
been found to have more student loan debt, Young, 2016). A transition can produce both
poverty, and unemployment when compared stress and opportunity (Benner, 2011). Many
to the previous two generations at the same transitions relate to family life: marriages,
age, and it is not clear how these circum- births, divorces, remarriages, and death, all
stances will affect the long-term trajectories transitions that involve entrances and exits of
of their lives (Drake, 2014). They are also family members. Social workers McGoldrick,
more ethnically diverse than previous cohorts Preto, and Carter (2016) make a distinction
and grew up in a time of great technological between normative life course transitions and
innovation. Not surprisingly, they have been unpredictable transitions in the lives of individ-
found to be more tolerant of diversity and uals and families. Health professionals have
more media-connected than earlier cohorts used the LCP and the concept of transitions
(Fry, Igielnik, & Patten, 2018). to understand role changes that occur in the
4 Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services 

family caregiving of older adults (Carpentier, recently, they have also studied the relation-
Bernard, Grenier, & Guberman, 2010). The ships among stressful life events, genetics, and
concept of transitions is also increasingly used personality. Three examples of that research
to study the migration/immigration process are presented here.
(Gong, Xu, Fujishiro, & Takeuchi, 2011). A Swiss research team (Orth & Luciano,
Transitions in collectivities other than the fam- 2015) studied the relationships among self-
ily, such as small groups, communities, and esteem (defined as one’s evaluation of one’s
formal organizations, also involve exits and worth), narcissism (characterized by grandi-
entrances of members as well as changes in ose self-concept, feelings of superiority, and
statuses and roles. The concept of transitions is self-centeredness), and stressful life events.
useful for social workers, no matter the setting They found that people who are high in nar-
or role; in all settings, social workers must be cissism have an increased likelihood of expe-
mindful of the stress as well as the opportunity riencing a larger number of stressful life
for positive change created by transitions. events. They also found that an increase in
stressful life events was predictive of lower
A team of international researchers (Salvatore
Each life course transition is embedded in a et al., 2015) studied a U.S. sample to investigate
trajectory that gives form to the life course the interaction of stressful life events and the
(Alwin, 2012). Transitions are entry points to a GABRA2 gene in producing intergenerational
new life phase. Trajectories involve relatively continuity in parents’ and adolescents’ external-
stable long-term processes and patterns of life, izing behavior. They found that parental exter-
involving multiple transitions (Ruark et al., nalizing behavior predicts a greater number of
2016). For example, Hser, Hamilton, and Niv stressful life events for their adolescents, which
(2009) recommend the LCP for understanding in turn predicts higher levels of adolescent
drug use trajectories (or careers) that may externalizing behavior. However, they found
include onset of use, acceleration of use, regu- that the pattern of parental externalizing →
lar use, cessation of use, and relapse. Treatment stressful life events → adolescent externaliz-
may or may not be included in this trajectory. ing was stronger for those adolescents with a
Trajectories are best understood in the rearview specific GABRA2 genotype.
mirror; the multiple transitions of a trajectory are Another international research team
usually not anticipated at earlier points along the (Hygen et al., 2015) studied longitudinal data
life course. Because individuals and families from a sample of children living in Norway to
live in multiple spheres, their lives are made up investigate the relationships among child
of multiple intertwined trajectories—such as exposure to stressful life events, the COMT
educational trajectories, family life trajectories, gene, and aggression. They found that chil-
health trajectories, and work trajectories (Leong, dren with the COMT gene were more likely to
Eggerth, & Flynn, 2014). These strands are behave aggressively in reaction to stressful
woven together to form a life story. life events than children without the gene.
Taken together, these three studies suggest
that both genetic and personality factors play
Life Events
a role in how people respond to stressful life
A life event is a significant occurrence that events, and that the same interventions may
may produce serious and long-lasting effects have different outcomes for different people.
for an individual or a collectivity. We experi-
ence both positive and negative life events, but
Turning Points
researchers have paid much more attention to
the impact of negative life events. Psycholo- A turning point is a time when major change
gists have long studied the short- and long- occurs in the life course trajectory, a lasting
term impact of stressful life events on child, change not just a detour. Turning points may
adolescent, and adult functioning. More occur in the individual life course, but social
Hutchison 5

science researchers also study turning points course trajectories on track (Olsson, Strand, &
in social systems such as families, communi- Kristiansen, 2014). Such interventions may
ties, organizations, cultures, economies, and occur at the individual, family, small group,
governments. At the individual level, the turn- community, organizational, or institutional
ing point may involve a transformation in how level. By calling attention to turning points,
the person views the self in relation to the the LCP puts a spotlight on human strengths
world and/or a transformation in how the per- and capacity for positive change, even revolu-
son responds to risk and opportunity (Cappe- tionary change.
liez, Beaupré, & Robitaille, 2008; Ferraro &
Shippee, 2009). Major Themes of the Life
The addition of the concept of turning point
is an important way that the LCP departs from
Course Perspective
traditional developmental theory. In life course In 1994, Elder (1994) identified four domi-
theory, the human life course is not smooth nant, and interrelated, themes in the life course
and predictable. Inertia tends to keep us on a approach: interplay of human lives and histori-
particular trajectory but turning points add cal time, timing of lives, linked or interdepen-
twists and turns or even reversals to the life dent lives, and human agency in making choices.
course. One research team interviewed older Two other related themes were later identified
adults aged 60 to 87 about perceived turning by Elder (1998) and Michael Shanahan (2000):
points in their lives and found that the most diversity in life course trajectories and devel-
frequently reported turning points involved opmental risk and protection. These six themes
health and family. The perceived turning continue to be the framework for life course
points occurred across the entire life course, researchers, with different researchers empha-
but there was some clustering at midlife (ages sizing different themes. Each of these themes,
45-64) (Cappeliez et al., 2008). Gender differ- and relevant examples of recent research about
ences have been found in reported turning them, are discussed below.
points in samples of young adults as well as
sample of older adults, with women reporting Interplay of Human Lives and
more turning points in the family domain and
men reporting more turning points in the work
Historical Time
domain (Cappeliez et al., 2008). It is not clear Persons born in different years face different
whether this gender difference will be mani- social, political, and economic worlds, with
fested in future cohorts if women’s work tra- different options and constraints. Historical
jectories continue to become more similar to eras may produce cohort effects when distinc-
men’s. Researchers have studied the turning tive formative experiences are shared at the
points that lead women to leave abusive rela- same point in the life course and have a lasting
tionships (Khaw & Hardesty, 2007); the turn- impact on a birth cohort. The same events of a
ing points in the care-giving careers of particular historical era may affect different
Mexican American women who care for older cohorts in different ways. For example, Aus-
family members (Evans et al., 2009), and the tralian researchers (Page, Milner, Morrell,
role transitions that can become turning points & Taylor, 2013) found that the cohort born
in a criminal career, leading to desisting from in the years immediately following 1974 was
criminal activities (Kirk, 2012). more prone to suicide across the young adult
Most life course pathways include multiple period than earlier cohorts. The researchers
turning points, some that send life trajectories also found that this cohort faced higher rates of
off track and others that bring life trajectories unemployment and underemployment as they
back on track. In fact, we could say that the entered young adulthood than earlier cohorts
intent of many social work interventions is to and propose a relationship between these two
precipitate a turning point that will get life factors.
6 Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services 

Analysis of large data sets by a number of human behavior. Life course scholars are inter-
researchers provide forceful evidence that ested in the age at which specific life events
changes in social institutions impinge on family and transitions occur, which they refer to as
and individual life course trajectories (Vikat timing of lives. They may classify entrances
et al., 2007). Researchers have examined the and exits from particular statuses and roles as
impact of globalization, declining labor mar- “off-time” or “on-time,” based on social norms
ket opportunities, and rising housing costs on or shared expectations about the timing of such
young adult transitions (Arnett, 2015). Tran- transitions (McFarland, Pudrovska, Schieman,
sitions associated with young adulthood (leav- Ellison, & Bierman, 2013). One research team
ing home, marriage, first parenthood) are found that people who are diagnosed with can-
occurring later for the current cohort of young cer at earlier ages had a greater increase in reli-
adults than for their parents in many countries, giosity than people diagnosed at later ages,
particularly in countries with weak welfare suggesting that off-time transitions are more
states. Military service during non-war eras stressful than on-time transitions or require
often has been found to be a protective factor different coping strategies (McFarland et al.,
for later health and mortality, but this benefit 2013). Another researcher found that non-
does not accrue to veterans who serve during normative early entry into family formation
war eras (Landes, Wilder, & Williams, 2017). and parenthood is associated with lower self-
Shifting immigration policies and attitudes reported health over the life course (Barban,
toward particular immigrant groups change 2013). Chronological age itself is not the only
the landscape for immigrants over different factor involved in timing of lives. Age-graded
historical eras (Torres & Young, 2016). differences in roles and behaviors are the result
Public policy often lags behind such social of biological, psychological, and social pro-
changes, presenting social workers with a cesses (Solomon, Helvitz, & Zerach, 2009).
responsibility to keep the public informed Biological age indicates a person’s level of
about the impact of changing social condi- biological development and physical health, as
tions on individuals, families, communities, measured by the functioning of various organ
and organizations. For example, many service systems. It is the present position of the bio-
members from the wars in Afghanistan and logical person in relation to the potential life
Iraq are living with horrific combat injuries; cycle. There is no simple, straightforward way
others are experiencing substance abuse, post- to measure biological age, but there is an ongo-
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), relationship ing effort to identify an optimal set of bio-
problems, and work problems from prolonged markers for accurate measure of biological age
periods of combat stress (Tanielian & Jaycox, (Jee & Park, 2017). One method is to compare
2008; Wadsworth & Southwell, 2011). Social an individual’s physical condition with the
workers in all practice settings should be alert conditions of others, for example, bone den-
to possibilities for engaging the involved mili- sity scans are compared with the scans of a
tary families in supportive services and to the healthy 20-year-old.
need for more supportive public policies and Psychological age has both behavioral and
programs. perceptual components. Behaviorally, psycho-
logical ages refers to the capacities that people
have and the skills they use to adapt to chang-
Timing of Lives
ing biological and environmental demands,
Every society appears to use age as an impor- skills in memory, learning, intelligence, moti-
tant variable, and many social institutions are vation, emotion regulation, and so forth. Per-
organized, in part, around age: age for starting ceptually, psychological age is based on how
school, age to be legally recognized as an old people perceive themselves to be. Recent
adult, retirement age, and so on. Age is a prom- research has referred to this perceptual aspect
inent attribute in efforts by social scientists to of age as “subjective age” or “age identity.”
bring order and predictability to understanding Culture plays a role in subjective age, with
Hutchison 7

older adults in Western societies consistently relationships both support and control an indi-
found to feel younger than their chronological vidual’s behavior. Social support is an obvi-
age (Stephan, Chalabaev, Kotter-Grühn, & ous element of interdependent lives, but
Jaconelli, 2013). This has not been found in relationships also control behavior through
research among Chinese older adults, but expectations, rewards, and punishments. The
recent research indicates that this may be family is seen as the primary source of both
changing as traditions around filial piety support and control, and life course scholars
weaken (Liang, 2014). Subjective age among have paid particular attention to how lives of
early adolescents has been found to be influ- family members are linked across genera-
enced by pubertal timing (Hubley & Arim, tions, with both opportunity and misfortune
2012). Subjective age of middle-aged and having an intergenerational impact. They
older adults is related to self-reported health have also been interested in how families are
(Stephan, Demulier, & Terracciano, 2012). A linked to the wider world.
workforce that, on average, feels younger than
their chronological age has been found to be Links with family members.  We are all linked
associated with an improvement in the overall genetically to our intergenerational families,
performance of the organization (Kunze, Raes, and we may live with both genetic vulnerabil-
& Bruch, 2015). ity and genetic advantage. But shared genetics
Social age refers to the age-graded roles is not the only way that parents’ and children’s
and behaviors expected by society, the socially lives are linked. The connection between fam-
constructed meaning of various ages. Age ily hardship, family nurturance, and child
norms indicate the behaviors expected of peo- behaviors and well-being is now well estab-
ple of a specific age in a given society at a lished (e.g., Barajas, Philipsen, & Brooks-
particular point in time. They may be informal Gunn, 2008). In addition to the economic
expectations, or they may be encoded as for- connection between parents and children,
mal rules and laws. Life course scholars sug- racial discrimination has an intergenerational
gest that age norms vary not only across effect (Rowley, Helaire, & Banerjee, 2010). In
historical time and across societies, but also recent years, we are also aware that deporta-
by gender, race, ethnicity, and social class tion-related family separation impacts long-
within a given time and society. They have term relationships between children and
paid particular attention to recent changes in parents (Yoshikawa, 2011). Parental hardship
age norms for the transitions of young adult- has a negative impact on child development,
hood (Arnett, 2015; Newman, 2008; Scherger, but parents also provide social capital for their
2009). Social age receives special attention in children, in terms of role models and networks
the LCP, and life course scholars call attention of social support (Szydlik, 2012).
to the changing nature of the social construc- Parents’ lives are also influenced by the
tion of life phases, noting that mass longevity trajectories of their children’s lives. For exam-
is leading to finer gradations in life phases. ple, parents may need to alter their work tra-
For example, Arnett (2015) proposes that the jectories to respond to the needs of a terminally
changing nature of young adult transitions ill child. Or parents may forgo early retire-
calls for the acknowledgment of a life phase ment to assist their young adult children with
between adolescence and young adulthood, a education expenses. Parents may be nega-
phase he calls emerging adulthood. tively affected by stressful situations that their
young and adult children face (Greenfield &
Marks, 2006).
Linked or Interdependent Lives
Older adults and their adult children are
The LCP emphasizes the interdependence of also interdependent. Midlife adults may need
human lives and the ways in which people to alter their social and work roles to take on
are reciprocally connected on several levels greater caregiving roles with their aging par-
(Djundeva, 2015). It calls attention to how ents. The pattern of mutual support between
8 Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services 

older adults and their children is formed by linked to the education system. Young adults
life events and transitions across the life who participate in post-secondary education
course. They may be fundamentally changed tend to leave the parental home later than those
when families go through historical disrup- who do not pursue post-secondary education,
tions such as wars, major economic down- but regional differences are found in this rela-
turns, or by the migration of younger tionship as well. Nordic countries have a higher
generation family members (Clark, Glick, & proportion of emerging adults in post-secondary
Bures, 2009). education than countries in Southern Europe,
Family roles must often be synchronized and yet young adults in the Nordic countries
across three or more generations at once, and depart the parental home earlier than those in
sometimes the synchronization does not go Southern Europe. This regional difference is
smoothly. Divorce, remarriage, and disconti- related to differences in the social welfare sys-
nuities in adult work and educational trajecto- tems of the two regions. The earlier departure
ries may conflict with the needs of children from the parental home in Nordic countries is
and aging parents (Huinink & Feldhaus, subsidized by a liberal welfare system that pro-
2009). When a significant life event in one vides generous housing and educational bene-
generation (such as death of a grandparent) is fits. Newman’s research (2008) indicates that it
juxtaposed with a significant life event in is a confluence of policies in different social
another generation (such as birth of a child), institutions that impact individual and family
families and individual family members are life trajectories.
especially vulnerable to stress pile-up. The importance of social policy in life course
trajectories has also been found in relation to
Links with the wider world.  The LCP has its ori- family solidarity between older adults and their
gins in Elder’s research (Elder, 1974) on the adult children (Szydlik, 2012) and in the career
ways that families and individuals are linked trajectories of mothers (Abendroth, Huffman,
to situations in the economic institution, and & Treas, 2014). Family-friendly social policies
in recent years life course researchers have support family solidarity and decrease the
been documenting the ways that individual motherhood penalty in career trajectories. These
and family life course trajectories are linked findings have important implications for legis-
to situations in the labor market, housing mar- lative advocacy by social workers.
ket, education system, and social welfare sys- It is important for social workers to remem-
tem (Newman, 2008; Scherger, 2009; Szydlik, ber that lives are also linked in systems of
2012). Newman (2008) examined young adult institutionalized privilege and oppression.
transitions in Western Europe and Japan and Philip McMichael (2017) reminds us that, in
found that changes in the labor market that the global economy, lives are linked around
result in less secure employment are driving the world. The lifestyles of people in affluent
the delayed departure of young adults from the countries depend on cheap labor and raw
parental home in southern Europe and Japan products from Africa, South America, the
but not in the Nordic countries. These regional Caribbean, parts of Asia, and other places.
differences are at least partially explained by Children and women in impoverished coun-
differences in other social institutions. tries labor long hours to make an increasing
Newman (2008) found that timing of depar- share of low-cost products consumed in afflu-
ture from the parental home is linked to situ- ent countries. Women migrate from impov-
ations in the housing market. In Southern erished countries to become the domestic
European countries, great emphasis is put on laborers in affluent countries, allowing women
owner-occupied housing and relatively little in affluent countries to leave the home to take
rental housing is available. In contrast, there is advantage of career opportunities and allow-
a large rental sector in the housing market in ing the domestic workers to send money they
Nordic countries, a situation that facilitates make home to support their own families.
early home leaving. Timing of departure is also Social workers should be well informed about
Hutchison 9

these international linkages in an increasingly add important dimensions to the discussion of

globalized world. human agency and can serve to counterbal-
ance the extreme individualism of U.S. soci-
ety. Human agency is a major resource for
Human Agency in Making Choices
positive turning points in the life trajectories
Human agency is the LCP theme most rele- of individuals and collectivities.
vant to social work’s emphasis on individual,
family, and community strengths. Hitlin and
Diversity in Life Course Trajectories
Elder (2007) note that although the concept of
human agency is used differently by different Life course researchers have long had strong
disciplines, life course theorists and research- evidence of diversity in individual life pat-
ers use it to refer to “attempts to exert influ- terns. Early research emphasized differences
ence to shape one’s life trajectory” (p. 182). between cohorts, but over time more and more
It involves acting with an orientation toward attention was paid to diversity within cohorts.
the future, with an eye for “possible selves” Recently, life course researchers have begun
(Markus & Nurius, 1986). Possible selves to incorporate intersectionality theory to under-
represent our ideas of what we might become, stand diversity in life course trajectories (see
what we would like to become, and what we Raphael & Bryant, 2015; Warner & Brown,
are afraid we will become. They serve as 2011). Intersectionality theory recognizes that
incentives for action and may be enacted at all of us are jointly and simultaneously mem-
the individual, family, small group, commu- bers of a number of socially constructed iden-
nity, organization, or institutional level. tity groups, such as those based on gender,
Emphasis on human agency in the LCP has race, ethnicity, social class, sexual orientation,
been greatly aided by the work of psycholo- gender identity, age, religion, geographic loca-
gist Albert Bandura. Bandura (2006) proposed tion, abilities, and so on. Our social location, or
three modes of human agency: personal place in society, is at the intersection of our
agency is exercised individually to shape multiple identity groups. Either advantage or
environmental events or one’s own behavior; disadvantage can be associated with each iden-
proxy agency is exercised when others who tity group, and when considering the life jour-
have greater resources act on one’s behalf to ney of any one individual, it is important to
meet needs or accomplish goals; and collec- consider the multiple identity groups of which
tive agency is exercised on the group level that person is a part (see Hankivsky, 2012).
when people act together to meet needs and
accomplish goals. Cultural psychology critics
Developmental Risk and Protection
of the concept of human agency argue that it is
a culture-bound concept that does not apply as As the LCP has continued to evolve, it has
well in collectivist societies as in individualis- more clearly emphasized the links between the
tic societies (Markus & Kitayama, 2003). life events and transitions of childhood, adoles-
Bandura (2006) responds that although people cence, adulthood, and old age (Gilman, 2012).
in all cultures must use all three modes of Studies indicate that childhood events some-
agency, there are cultural variations in the times shape people’s lives 40 or more years
relative emphasis put on the different modes, later (Shonkoff, Garner, Committee on Psycho-
with some cultures putting greater emphasis social Aspects of Child and Family Health,
on personal agency and other cultures putting Committee on Early Childhood, Adoption, and
greater emphasis on collective agency. Par- Dependent Care, & Section on Developmen-
sell, Eggins, and Marston (2017) argue that tal and Behavioral Pediatrics, 2012). Indeed,
“human agency is core to social work” (p. recent biomedical research suggests we should
238), but social workers also recognize barri- look at factors that occur earlier than child-
ers to expressing personal agency. The con- hood, focusing on fetal undernutrition as a
cepts of proxy agency and collective agency contributing factor in late-life cognition and
10 Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services 

late-life health conditions such as coronary early toxic stress disrupts development in the
heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and hypertension brain and other biological systems. It is impor-
(see Rooij, Wouters, Yonker, Painter, & Rose- tant to note, however, that neither cumula-
boom, 2010). tive advantage/disadvantage theory nor the
It is quite an old idea that what happens at ecological developmental risk and protection
one point in the life journey influences what approach argue that early deprivations and
happens at later points, However, the idea of traumas inevitably lead to a trajectory of
earlier life experiences affecting later develop- failure. When resources are mobilized, the
ment has taken on new energy since the explo- effects of deprivation and trauma are reduced
sion of longitudinal research a few decades ago. (Gilman, 2012).
Two different research traditions have exam-
ined how early life experiences affect later out- Implications of the Life
comes, one based in sociology and the other
based in ecological developmental psychology.
Course Perspective for
The sociological tradition is interested in cumu- Social Work Practice
lative advantage/cumulative disadvantage. The Like other professions, social work aspires to
ecological developmental tradition is interested engage in evidence-informed practice and that
in risk, protection, and resilience. requires using evidence-based theories of
Sociologists propose that social institutions human behavior as well as evidence-based
and societal structures develop mechanisms models of practice. The LCP was developed
that ensure increasing advantage for those who from empirical research and continues to be
are well-resourced early in life and increasing refined by ongoing research. The theoretical
disadvantage for those who struggle (Ferraro perspective, and the research that supports it,
& Shippee, 2009). Researchers have applied has many implications for social work prac-
these concepts to study racial health disparities tice. It can be used at multiple levels of prac-
across the life trajectory (Pais, 2014), financial tice and to support a variety of social work
assistance from midlife parents to adult chil- roles. The most important implication for
dren (Padgett & Remle, 2016), and evolving social work’s efforts to promote societal well-
patterns of inequality among late-life adults being is the robust evidence that what happens
(Crystal, Shea, & Reyes, 2017). throughout the life course is strongly influ-
Through the lens of ecological develop- enced by what happens in the early years,
mental risk and protection theory, longitudinal beginning with conception, and even before in
researchers have identified multidimensional the preconceptual health of the mother. Soci-
risk factors at one stage of development that etal health is associated with public policies
increase the probability of developing and that support early development, and social
maintaining problem conditions at later stages. workers can play an important role in promot-
They have also identified protective factors ing supportive public health and child and
or resources that decrease the probability of family policies.
developing and maintaining problem condi- The extensive research on risk and protec-
tions, a process known as resilience. In the tion has implications for both policy and pro-
past decade or so, biomedical researchers have gram development. Social workers Jenson
proposed an ecobiodevelopmental framework and Fraser (2016) make use of available
for studying health and disease across the life research on risk and resilience to propose pol-
course. They are articulating the ways that icy recommendations in a variety of policy
genetic predispositions interact with social and sectors, including antipoverty, child welfare,
physical environments to drive development, education, health, child mental health, disabili-
referring to the human life course as “nature ties, substance abuse, and juvenile justice. The
dancing with nurture over time” (Shonkoff Communities That Care (CTC) model of com-
et al., 2012, p. e234). The major focus of eco- munity prevention developed at the University
biodevelopmental research is on the ways that of Washington School of Social Work trains
Hutchison 11

and supports community coalitions to promote findings with implications for social work
positive youth development by identifying involvement in legislative advocacy. The LCP
and prioritizing community risk factors and emphasis on linked lives also calls social work-
suppressed protective factors that can be mobi- ers to keep a laser focus on how lives are linked
lized to become community strengths. Recent in systems of institutionalized privilege and
program evaluation found that involvement in oppression and to seek ways to advance “social,
the CTC system during adolescence was economic, and environmental justice” (Council
associated with reduced drug use, antisocial on Social Work Education, 2015, p. 7).
behavior, and violence perpetration at age 21 LCP emphasis on transitions, trajectories,
(Oesterle et al., 2018). These two examples life events, and turning points can inform
provide a window into the far ranging implica- practice at multiple system levels. Research
tions of risk and protection research for social on human reactions to transitions alerts social
work intervention. workers to the possibility of at least tempo-
Social work, at its best, is a profession that rary dysfunction in relationships at times of
puts human behavior in context. A major major transition and suggests that targeted
thrust of the LCP is to provide contextual interventions may help to avoid communica-
understanding of human behavior, to place it tion breakdowns and stress pileup in times
in the context of biology, culture, historical of pronounced change. Indeed, social work-
time, and social systems. Special attention to ers have often targeted interventions to peo-
the forces that create diversity in life course ple involved in transitions, such as the use of
trajectories is consistent with social work’s support groups for children involved in
goal to “engage diversity and difference in divorcing families and for people living with
practice” (Council on Social Work Education, a recent major loss. Life course research also
2015, p. 7). Life course research can help social indicates that transitions can create opportu-
workers recognize the many ways of enacting nities for positive change and social workers
personal identity and inform the process of should be mindful of such opportunities.
engaging a diverse client population. Research Imber-Black (2016) proposes the use of ther-
on cohorts alerts social workers to the spe- apeutic rituals to assist families with difficult
cific opportunities and challenges faced by transitions and life events.
members of particular cohorts and may sug- With its emphasis on life stories (trajecto-
gest ways to tailor interventions to the charac- ries) that unfold over time, the LCP is a particu-
teristics of a particular cohort. For example, larly good fit with narrative approaches to social
younger cohorts may respond better to Inter- work. Narrative practice focuses on helping
net and wireless-supported interventions than clients examine the meanings they attribute
older cohorts (National Association of Social to events in their life journeys. It attempts to
Workers, Association of Social Work Boards, uncover clients’ dominant story lines and to
Council on Social Work Education, & Clinical help them move from problem-centered stories
Social Work Association, 2017). to coping and empowering stories (Burack-
The LCP emphasis on linked lives is con- Weiss, Lawrence, & Mijangos, 2017). Narra-
sistent with the National Association of Social tive approaches to practice can be used with
Worker’s (2017, p. 1) stated value of the families, small groups, communities, and orga-
“importance of human relationships.” It sup- nizations, as well as with individuals. For exam-
ports social work’s historical tendency to ple, the appreciative model of organizational
engage in family, small group, and community change seeks to engage organizational stake-
interventions. It recommends interventions that holders in identifying positive components of
enhance social support and open lines of com- the organization and shared dreams of what it
munication. Life course research is beginning can become. Stakeholders are encouraged to
to provide evidence that family-friendly pub- recall and tell stories about events when the
lic policies support family solidarity and alter organization was vibrant, energetic, and lively
individual and family life course trajectories, (Newhard, 2012).
12 Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services 

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