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Confirmation of Entry and Timetable

CAE - 19 June 2021 AM (PB)

Candidate number: 0007
Candidate name: Lucía Tallón Ríos
Date of birth: 28/02/2007
Internal ID:
Centre number: ES389
Centre name: Exams Andalucia

Date Time Paper Venue
13/06/2021 14:09-14:28 Speaking IML, IML PUERTA REAL
19/06/2021 09:00-10:30 Reading and IML, IML CALLE GRACIA
Use of English
19/06/2021 10:55-12:25 Writing IML, IML CALLE GRACIA
19/06/2021 12:50-13:30 Listening IML, IML CALLE GRACIA
Venue address
IML CALLE GRACIA, C/Gracia nº12 1º, Granada, 99999, Spain.
IML PUERTA REAL, C/Puerta Real nº1 2ºDcha, Granada, 18009, Spain.

Important information
The timetables may be subject to variations for technical reasons on the day.
Please note that the time and place of the speaking test may be different from the time and place of the other parts of the
exam. Please keep this document in a safe place. It has important information that you will need to access your results.
Results will be issued over a 10 day period starting on the date specified so your result may not be available until the end
of the 10 day period. Certificates will be available 2 months after the written exam date; you will be notified by email or via
your prep centre. Please remember to bring this document and your valid DNI to all sessions of the exam.

Results information Help and support

Your results will be available by 19 August 2021 at 09:00 (UK time). To Atencion! OBLIGATORIO. Descarga tu protocolo
receive notification of faster results register now at de seguridad y declaración responsable de salud with the following AQUÍ.
Ante cualquier duda llame al 958225536 o escriba
ID Number:142208QOK Secret Number:3980 a

For verification purposes, you can pass these details onto

organisations that use or accept Cambridge English exams.

Test Day Photographs - Important message

Test Day Photos are mandatory for First, Advanced and Proficiency examinations.
If you plan to use Key (inc. for Schools), Preliminary (inc. for Schools) or First for Schools certificates for a visa application or
immigration purposes, you should also tell your test centre so that they can take a photo of you on the exam day.

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