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Wednesday, June 27, 2018 11:23 AM

The real body of the husbands are in a
Plot: What looks like your average run of the mill gated community holds a deeper darker secret. There cave/grotto somewhere in the community. If
is a book club in The Golden Gates Community. Inside that book club there are three witches who have they are forcefully removed from their
been using the book club as a way to screen potential members to fill up their coven. These women “cocoon” the real body will die. The hunters
have replaced their husbands with copies of them (plant people), so that they can pursue their careers need to find a way to dispel the connection
and “improve” their husbands. Not everyone in the book club is bad though some women are really just for them to live and the plant husbands to
there because they're bored and want to read "Eat Pray Love" for the fifth time. die.
The plants aren’t dying inside the
Hook: Wildlife is dying around the gated community, but not inside the gates. neighborhood because the Head of the
Coven is using her magic to keep the plants
alive, what good is it to live in a fancy
Countdown neighborhood when it doesn’t look pretty.
- The plant husbands act and behave like
DAY A witch without a coven moves into a new neighborhood, she decides to start a book club to
normal humans, there's nothing super
start a new coven.
special about them other than when they get
SHADOWS She manages to find two new coven members and they begin to practice magic. cut they blead green goo.
DUSK They begin to use their magic to better their lives. This is fairly “small” stuff and they are able to
do this magic successfully with just the three of them.
SUNSET Being dissatisfied with their current life they decide to replace their husbands. Either to have
someone at home to watch over the kids and be a model “House Husband” or to mold them into
the “Perfect Man”. Not being able to do this with their magic alone they begin to syphon energy
from the forest around the community.
NIGHTFALL They are looking for a fourth member of their coven to complete it and start to perform bigger
magic spells, things that will give them even more wealth and power. To keep these plant
husbands alive and well more energy is syphoned from the forest around the community. This is
starting to kill off the plants around the neighborhood.
MIDNIGHT They finally find a fourth member and start to cast bigger and bigger spells, the backlash from
the stress of these spells causes the entire forest to die out.

Suburbia Page 1
Saturday, May 16, 2020 6:57 PM

Suburbia Page 2
Whittemore Family
Saturday, May 16, 2020 6:57 PM

Lived in the neighborhood for 4 years

- Carol Whittemore (36 years old)

○ North Witch (Air)
○ An airhead, really ditzy
○ She's the kind of white mom that tries to get you eat weird gluten free things that are never
○ Antivaxxer
○ Stay at home
- John Whittemore (39 years old)
○ Works as a software programmer
○ Really smart (but under a spell)
○ Is actively working out to get out of his lanky nerd demeanor
○ Kind of a huge nerd
- Ensley Whittemore (4 years old)
○ Destructive
○ Blames things on others
○ Kid you know will grow up to be a bitch
○ Secretly an air elemental
- Logan Whittemore (2 years old)
○ Barfs a lot
○ Always crying or screaming
○ Constantly wants to be held
○ Secretly an air elemental

Suburbia Page 3
Carol Whitmore
Saturday, May 16, 2020 7:25 PM


- Gust (0-Harm Close): Push people or things away from her
- Suffocate (1-harm hands ignore armor): have to roll an act under pressure if they fail they will take
1-harm ignore armor till they pass
- Wind Walk: Takes Half damage from attacks from the hunters.

Air Elementals

- Gust (0-Harm Close): Push people or things away from her
- Claws (2-harm hand)
- Bite (3-harm intimate)
- Chilled (0-Harm) in a failed kick some ass the hunter is paralyzed for a bit

Suburbia Page 4
Porkorny Family
Saturday, May 16, 2020 7:01 PM

They have lived in this neighborhood for 5 years

- Lisa Porkorny (39 years old)

○ South Witch (Fire)
○ Has a bit of temper. And gets worked up over things.
○ Type of mom that needs to speak with your manager
○ Has clawed her way from secretary to worn of the largest lumber mill in Connecticut
(Norwich Lumber)
- Charley Porkorny (40 years old)
○ Stay at home dad
○ Very ideal male image and attitude
○ Does a lot of wood working
- Chad Porkorny and Brad Porkorny ("17" years old)
○ "Adopted Sons" at 12 years old
○ Supper Jock-like and mean
○ Red heads
○ Their identical twins
 They're not actually identical twins. They are 2 imps standing on top of one another
each. Think two kids in a trench coat for the both of them. But thanks to illusion magic
they actually pull it off.

Suburbia Page 5
Lisa Porkorny
Saturday, May 16, 2020 7:29 PM


- Fire Blast (2-harm close)
- Fire Wall (1-harm wall block)
- A mothers warmth: Can heal 2 harm to one of her sons


- Bite: (3-Harm intimate)
- Claws: (2-Harm intimate)
- Emblazed Charge (3-Harm Far)
- You can't tell me what to do mom!: These imps are extremely fickle and hold no loyalty to Lisa,
there is a chance that the hunters can convince them to leave them alone, or just out right
abandon Lisa.

Suburbia Page 6
Sanders Family
Saturday, May 16, 2020 7:05 PM

Lived in the neighborhood for 7 years

- Jennifer Sanders (43 years old)

○ Queen Bee Type
○ East Witch (Earth)
○ Very friendly and down to Earth
○ Everyone's best friend
○ Widowed of a VERY rich husband
○ Does Etsy crafts in spare time
○ Be careful she will try to rope you into an Multilevel marketing scheme selling essential oils
- Sparkles
○ Pure white Pomeranian
○ Yappy and Mean
- Princess
○ English Toy Spaniel
○ Barks a lot, loves to be held, extremely nervous
○ Pees a lot
- Duchess
○ Pure white Maltese
○ Runs and Runs and RUNS
- Bruce
○ Doberman
○ Stoic, watchful, intimidating

Suburbia Page 7
Jennifer Sanders
Saturday, May 16, 2020 7:32 PM


- Ensnare: On a failed act under pressure, hunters take 1-harm and are ensnared. On a partial they
just take 1-harm
- Earth walk: Jennifer sinks into the ground for a few seconds and heals 2 harm, she can do this 4
times an encounter
- Pack Master: Can call any of her minions to her to protect her. This includes the other witches.

Dirt Dogs

- Claws 1- harm close
- Bite 2-harm intimate
- Pack Mentality: Can block for others


- Claws 4-Harm close
- Bite 5-Harm intimate
- Charge: can run up and close the distance of one tag distance

Suburbia Page 8
Belmont Family
Saturday, May 16, 2020 7:08 PM

Lived in the neighborhood for 3 years

- Vivian Belmont (40 years old)

○ Really nice and friendly
○ Kinda thinks everything is a bit weird but is bored out of her mind
○ She's fun
- Calvin Belmont (38 years old)
○ Traveling Business man
○ Loves his wife
○ Normal man (like the most normal man you've ever met. He's so average you would think
there's something wrong with him. There's not he's just… normal"
- Alexandria Belmont (16 years old)
○ Super Goth
○ Rejects her super rich upbringing
- Brody Belmont (13 years old)
○ Snot nose kid
○ Gamer L33t

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Hanson Family
Saturday, May 16, 2020 7:19 PM

Lived in the neighborhood for 1 year

- Tracy Hanson (27 years old)

○ Newly Weds
○ Pregnant
○ Just moved in
○ Sweetheart
○ Used to be in a cult (but she's better now, still a bit sheltered and is trying to catch up on the
27 years of pop culture she missed)
- Marvin Hanson (30 years old)
○ Nerdy Boy
○ Programmer
○ Awkward
○ He would rather be watching Jeopardy with his wife more than anything else.

Suburbia Page 10
Dorsey Family
Saturday, May 16, 2020 7:23 PM

Lived in the neighborhood for 15 years

- Meredith Dorsey (83 years old)

○ Has lived here for 15 years
○ Can tell the hunters all about how after Jennifer arrived 7 years ago.
- Albert Dorsey (85 years old)
○ Good old days old man
○ Youth Suck
○ Let me tell you about the war.

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