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Piles of bones found in conjunction with missing persons from Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and now
down to the U.S. in a campground outside of Fargo, North Dakota. The bones have been examined
by medical experts and the best model for what may have done this was an abnormally large hyena.
The bones have been chewed through to broken, then the marrow licked out, then discarded into a
distinct pile at each general site.

The Mystery
A Wendigo has been moving through hunting grounds and finds themselves in Saskatchewan. They
have one need - the need to feed - and without the hunters to stop them, they will feast!

Monster: Wendigo
Devourer (motivation: to consume people)
● Howl - After a Wendigo howls, characters must Act Under Pressure not to run.
● Bite (3-harm intimate messy)
● Claws (2-harm close messy)
Armor: 1
Harm: 9
Weakness: The hunters must be hunted by the Wendigo before they can slay it.
Custom Move: N/A

Forest Ranger William Kent
Cultist (motivation: to save their own skin at any cost)
Kent has been a forest ranger for years and is close to retirement. He has several complaints against
him for shooting animals when he perceived that they were attacking, but witnesses state that they
were not acting dangerously. In the end, retirement is so close and he’ll do anything to live to enjoy
it. He knows that he doesn’t have to be faster than the wendigo, just faster than the slowest person
that it’s hunting.

Denford Lombard - Professional Hunter
Busybody (motivation: to interfere in other people’s plans)
From South Africa, he is a veteran of the safari and has hunted the most dangerous of animals in the
bush and can easily survive on his own. He enjoys a challenge and nothing will stop him from being
the one to bring down the wendigo.
Kerri Finch
Victim (motivation: to put themselves in danger)
Kerri is 11 years old. Kerri’s parents - Theo and Val Finch - were victims of the wendigo and it was
only by chance that she survived and escaped. She is found wandering through the forest covered in
mud and is severely dehydrated and on the verge of exhaustion.
Bev Cannon
Witness (motivation: to reveal information)
Cannon owns the RV park where the Finchs camped. She is a nosy individual who sees all that goes
on in the park. She will definitely know the details of the Finch camping trip to the nearby deep

RV Park
Hub (motivation: to reveal information)
Contrary to popular media, there are some RV parks that are kept up well, are clean, and which
house good, honest folk. This is not one of those - the park has slowly been driven into the ground.
While it may not be evident at first glance, people who stay here are just as likely to be criminal
elements as travelers.
Murder Scene
Crossroads (motivation: to bring people, and things, together)

Cold Cave
Den (motivation: to harbor monsters)


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