Card Reference: Not Get An Extra Player Turn in This

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Use at the start of a battle, Use as another player’s player turn Use at any time during your
before any dice are rolled. Your begins. Interrupt that player and production phase. Place one free
opponent must immediately take your player turn, instead. That mech unit on any area where
retreat all of his units from that player takes his player turn after you have a production center.
your player turn is finished. (You do
battle’s target area. You may not This unit does not count against
not get an extra player turn in this
activate this ability if it would game round, however. The order of that production center’s normal
cause your opponent’s units to turns is simply changed.) If two five-unit production limit.
be destroyed (per step four of players use this ability to interrupt
the retreat procedure – see the same player, the player whose
“Retreating” on page 20 of the card has the most tie-breaker stars
CARD REFERENCE rulebook). takes his player turn first.


Use during a battle involving at Use at the start of your Use during your combat phase. Use during a battle, immediately
least one of your land units, production phase. Choose one Spend one combat point and after you roll one ore more dice
immediately after you roll one or other player, who becomes your choose a target enemy area. to attack or defend. Collect all of
more dice to attack or defend. “ally” for the duration of the Then take any number of mech the dice that rolled blank and
Reroll all of those dice, and use game round. Neither you nor units from any friendly area or reroll them.
the new results, even if they are your ally may attack, or make combination of friendly areas on
worse than the original results. special attacks against, the the board and place them all in
other. the target area. A battle then
occurs in the target area. You
may not retreat from this battle.


Use when one of your units is Use at the start of a battle, Use at the start of a battle, Use during your combat phase. Make
destroyed in battle. Roll a die. If you before any dice are rolled. before any dice are rolled. All a special ballistic missile attack as
roll a blank, that unit is not destroyed, follows:
Retreat all of your units friendly air units have their
and instead retreats according to the • Announce the attack.
normal rules. (Although note that if according to the normal rules for combat values increased by one • Choose a target area.
following the normal retreat rules retreats. This ability persists for for the duration of the battle. • Spend a combat point, and then
would result in the unit being the remainder of the game roll three dice. For each hit, choose
destroyed because there is no legal round. That is, you may retreat and destroy one unit in that area.
area to which it can retreat, it is
in the same way from any battle You may choose any units you wish.
destroyed as normal.) If you roll a hit, That is, you need not choose fighters
it is destroyed as normal. For the involving your units, as long as
you announce that you will do before bombers, nor tanks before
remainder of this battle, each time
your opponent destroys one of your so before any dice are rolled. May not be launched against capitals.
units, roll a die in the same way.
units, roll a die in the same way.
May not be launched against capitals.
so before any dice are rolled. your opponent destroys one of your
you announce that you will do remainder of this battle, each time
before bombers, nor tanks before it is destroyed as normal. For the
That is, you need not choose fighters involving your units, as long as
destroyed as normal.) If you roll a hit,
You may choose any units you wish. in the same way from any battle area to which it can retreat, it is
and destroy one unit in that area. round. That is, you may retreat destroyed because there is no legal
roll three dice. For each hit, choose the remainder of the game would result in the unit being
• Spend a combat point, and then for the duration of the battle. retreats. This ability persists for following the normal retreat rules
• Choose a target area. normal rules. (Although note that if
combat values increased by one according to the normal rules for
• Announce the attack. and instead retreats according to the
follows: friendly air units have their Retreat all of your units
roll a blank, that unit is not destroyed,
a special ballistic missile attack as before any dice are rolled. All before any dice are rolled. destroyed in battle. Roll a die. If you
Use during your combat phase. Make Use at the start of a battle, Use at the start of a battle, Use when one of your units is

may not retreat from this battle.

occurs in the target area. You
the target area. A battle then other.
the board and place them all in special attacks against, the worse than the original results.
combination of friendly areas on your ally may attack, or make the new results, even if they are
reroll them. units from any friendly area or game round. Neither you nor Reroll all of those dice, and use
the dice that rolled blank and Then take any number of mech “ally” for the duration of the more dice to attack or defend.
to attack or defend. Collect all of choose a target enemy area. other player, who becomes your immediately after you roll one or
after you roll one ore more dice Spend one combat point and production phase. Choose one least one of your land units,
Use during a battle, immediately Use during your combat phase. Use at the start of your Use during a battle involving at
takes his player turn first. rulebook). CARD REFERENCE
card has the most tie-breaker stars “Retreating” on page 20 of the
the same player, the player whose the retreat procedure – see
players use this ability to interrupt be destroyed (per step four of
five-unit production limit. turns is simply changed.) If two cause your opponent’s units to
that production center’s normal game round, however. The order of activate this ability if it would
not get an extra player turn in this
This unit does not count against battle’s target area. You may not
your player turn is finished. (You do
you have a production center. player takes his player turn after retreat all of his units from that
mech unit on any area where take your player turn, instead. That opponent must immediately
production phase. Place one free begins. Interrupt that player and before any dice are rolled. Your
Use at any time during your Use as another player’s player turn Use at the start of a battle,

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