Skins For The Skinless

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Skins for the Skinless

A collection of new Skins for Monsterhearts

by Topher Gerkey
These Skins were all designed and layed out by Topher Gerkey. All artwork was
created by Topher Gerkey from original stock photography by a variety of artists
- see each individual Skin for stock photography credits.

Skins for the Skinless is meant for use with Monsterhearts, a roleplaying game
by Avery Mcdaldno, and was created with Avery’s permission. Thanks so much,
Avery, for giving us this great game!

Skins for the Skinless is dedicated to everyone who became my patron on Patreon.
Without them, most of these Skins would never have been published.

Special thanks to my inner circle of beta readers. You know who you are! Your
feedback is invaluable to me.

A note on the Skins: there are two versions of each Skin included in this document.
They are textually identical, but have different artwork - I wanted to make a
more diverse range of portraits available, so just choose the one you like best for
your character concept!
Table of Contents
The Beast ... Page 4
The Calaca ... Page 8
The Creature ... Page 12
The Fury ... Page 16
The Gargoyle ... Page 20
The Harpy ... Page 24
The Minotaur ... Page 28
The Mummy ... Page 32
The Muse ... Page 36
The Proxy ... Page 40
The Unchained ... Page 44
The Unseen ... Page 48
Under the Skins ... Page 52
Sex Move Playing The Beast They call you frigid. A prude. An ice
queen. Your friends think you’re
Immediately after you have sex The Beast is all about repression. just too uptight, and you’d be fine
with someone, you become your You’re that kid who bottles up her if you’d just loosen up a little. Have
Darkest Self and lash out physically passions, who’s terrified of intimacy, some fun. Let yourself like someone.
at your partner. You may then and whose emotions are so locked
choose to keep lashing out or run away that when you do finally let But you know the truth. When you
away. Your Sex Move doesn’t them out, they explode with a let go - when you lose control, even
trigger if you have sex with horrible, uncontrollable intensity. In for a moment - you can feel yourself
another Beast. this case, you’ve got a good reason, starting to change. The terrible
because your passions turn you into a animal in you is always roaring at
killer animal.
Darkest Self
you, always trying to claw its way
out. And when it gets out, people get
The one aspect of your human hurt.
You are an animal. No trace of your personality that never goes away is
human body or mind remains, only your emotional connection to others. And the worst part? Sometimes you
your most primal emotions - lust, fear, It just turns twisted and malicious - kind of like it.
anger, jealousy, hatred. You are drawn when you are your Darkest Self or are
to anyone you have such intense Feral with no impulse control, you’ll
feelings for, but your only means of go out of your way to hunt and attack
interacting with them is to savagely that teacher who humiliated you, that
attack them. If you can’t find someone boy you have a crush on, or that girl
you know, any target will do. You who flirted with the boy you have a
cannot escape your Darkest Self until crush on. When you return to normal,

The Beast
you take a life. you’ll probably be horrified - but some
small secret part of you will have
Advancement enjoyed it, and can’t wait to be let out
of the cage again.
m Take another Beast move.
m Take another Beast move. Be careful about taking the Moves
m Take a move from another Skin. that make it easier to go Feral if you Name Look
m Take a move from another Skin. want your transformations to be rare! Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
m You’re part of a Bloodline of On the other hand, if you take moves
Beasts. Blake, Christina, Etienne, pristine, rigid, icy hot, sculpted, exotic
that give you extra options while Feral, Irena, Isabeau, Jivan, Natassja,
m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). you’ll likely want to make it easier to
m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Paul, Simone, Tobias intimidating eyes, glacial eyes,
gain the condition. demure eyes, conflicted eyes,
m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3).
m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). An exotic name, a sensual name, uptight eyes
If you take the advancement that gives a difficult name, a regal name, a

you a gang, you will discover a group beautiful name
Skin designed by: of other Beasts who also suffer from
Topher Gerkey your condition. Sex with another Beast Animal Form Circle one:
doesn’t trigger your Sex Move, which Circle one: hexed, drank from a shapeshifter’s
Stock Art by: might sound tempting - but if you
pawprint, cursed bloodline, deep
are part of a cursed bloodline, they’re big cat (panther, tiger, cheetah, etc),
hypnosis experiment, uplifted
Cathleen Tarawhiti also at least somewhat related to you. wolf (or coyote, jackal, or fox), bird of
They might not care, and may pursue prey (owl, eagle, etc), hyena, alligator,
you anyway, if this is a type of subplot bear, monitor lizard, gorilla, python
you’re comfortable playing out.
Name: Carry Forward Beast Moves
m Beauty and...
You can spend a string on someone to
You start with this one, and choose two
more: simultaneously turn them on and shut
them down. Roll once and apply all the
Stats l Caged Heat results; you may choose whether to
Add 1 to one of these: use Hot or Cold for this roll. On a miss,
Whenever you are turned on (especially
as a result of having turn someone on they choose one:
Hot 1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark -1
} They carry 1 forward against you.
used on you), your inner beast begins
to assert itself. You gain the condition } They shut you down as if they’d
Feral, and for as long as you have that rolled a 10 up.
condition you may use Hot instead of } They turn you on as if they’d rolled
Volatile to lash out physically. You can a 10 up, triggering your Caged Heat
attempt to hold steady in order to move.
Hot remove this condition. Additionally,
m Tooth and Claw
(Turn Someone On, while Feral choose two:
Manipulate an NPC) If you are Feral and have lost your
} You mostly retain your human
Notes shape.
human shape, add 1 to your roll when
you shut someone down by frightening
m } You mostly retain your human
them or when you lash out physically.
intelligence and personality.
} You mostly retain self-control over m Fight or Flight
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) your violent and malicious impulses.
If you are Feral and have lost your
human intelligence, when you lash out
m m Green-Eyed Monster physically and roll 10 up you can pick
Your Caged Heat move is
two options. Roll Cold instead of
Harm triggered by intense jealousy, Volatile to run away.
anger, or hatred in addition to by
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) being turned on. m Predator and Prey
If you are Feral and have lost your
Experience Points:
m m Scaredy Cat
impulse control, carry 1 forward
Dark mmmmm >> Advance
Your Caged Heat move is triggered
by intense fear, shame, or sorrow
against anyone who has a string on
you. Take a string on anyone at whom
(Gaze Into The Abyss) in addition to by being turned on.
you lash out physically and inflict

Your Backstory Strings Other Moves

m Cat’s Eye
When you look into someone’s eyes
Two of the others have asked you and gaze into the abyss, on a 10 up add
out in the past, but you turned them this option: You know their deepest
down. Take a string on each of them. fear or secret lust, and add 1 to your
roll when using that information to
You try not to have strong feelings shut them down or turn them on.
about anyone. No one else can start
with more than one string on you.
Sex Move Playing The Beast They call you frigid. A prude. An ice
queen. Your friends think you’re
Immediately after you have sex The Beast is all about repression. just too uptight, and you’d be fine
with someone, you become your You’re that kid who bottles up her if you’d just loosen up a little. Have
Darkest Self and lash out physically passions, who’s terrified of intimacy, some fun. Let yourself like someone.
at your partner. You may then and whose emotions are so locked
choose to keep lashing out or run away that when you do finally let But you know the truth. When you
away. Your Sex Move doesn’t them out, they explode with a let go - when you lose control, even
trigger if you have sex with horrible, uncontrollable intensity. In for a moment - you can feel yourself
another Beast. this case, you’ve got a good reason, starting to change. The terrible
because your passions turn you into a animal in you is always roaring at
killer animal.
Darkest Self
you, always trying to claw its way
out. And when it gets out, people get
The one aspect of your human hurt.
You are an animal. No trace of your personality that never goes away is
human body or mind remains, only your emotional connection to others. And the worst part? Sometimes you
your most primal emotions - lust, fear, It just turns twisted and malicious - kind of like it.
anger, jealousy, hatred. You are drawn when you are your Darkest Self or are
to anyone you have such intense Feral with no impulse control, you’ll
feelings for, but your only means of go out of your way to hunt and attack
interacting with them is to savagely that teacher who humiliated you, that
attack them. If you can’t find someone boy you have a crush on, or that girl
you know, any target will do. You who flirted with the boy you have a
cannot escape your Darkest Self until crush on. When you return to normal,

The Beast
you take a life. you’ll probably be horrified - but some
small secret part of you will have
Advancement enjoyed it, and can’t wait to be let out
of the cage again.
m Take another Beast move.
m Take another Beast move. Be careful about taking the Moves
m Take a move from another Skin. that make it easier to go Feral if you Name Look
m Take a move from another Skin. want your transformations to be rare! Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
m You’re part of a Bloodline of On the other hand, if you take moves
Beasts. Blake, Christina, Etienne, pristine, rigid, icy hot, sculpted, exotic
that give you extra options while Feral, Irena, Isabeau, Jivan, Natassja,
m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). you’ll likely want to make it easier to
m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). Paul, Simone, Tobias intimidating eyes, glacial eyes,
gain the condition. demure eyes, conflicted eyes,
m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3).
m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). An exotic name, a sensual name, uptight eyes
If you take the advancement that gives a difficult name, a regal name, a

you a gang, you will discover a group beautiful name
Skin designed by: of other Beasts who also suffer from
Topher Gerkey your condition. Sex with another Beast Animal Form Circle one:
doesn’t trigger your Sex Move, which Circle one: hexed, drank from a shapeshifter’s
Stock Art by: might sound tempting - but if you
pawprint, cursed bloodline, deep
are part of a cursed bloodline, they’re big cat (panther, tiger, cheetah, etc),
hypnosis experiment, uplifted
James Michael Romaguera also at least somewhat related to you. wolf (or coyote, jackal, or fox), bird of
They might not care, and may pursue prey (owl, eagle, etc), hyena, alligator,
you anyway, if this is a type of subplot bear, monitor lizard, gorilla, python
you’re comfortable playing out.
Name: Carry Forward Beast Moves
m Beauty and...
You can spend a string on someone to
You start with this one, and choose two
more: simultaneously turn them on and shut
them down. Roll once and apply all the
Stats l Caged Heat results; you may choose whether to
Add 1 to one of these: use Hot or Cold for this roll. On a miss,
Whenever you are turned on (especially
as a result of having turn someone on they choose one:
Hot 1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark -1
} They carry 1 forward against you.
used on you), your inner beast begins
to assert itself. You gain the condition } They shut you down as if they’d
Feral, and for as long as you have that rolled a 10 up.
condition you may use Hot instead of } They turn you on as if they’d rolled
Volatile to lash out physically. You can a 10 up, triggering your Caged Heat
attempt to hold steady in order to move.
Hot remove this condition. Additionally,
m Tooth and Claw
(Turn Someone On, while Feral choose two:
Manipulate an NPC) If you are Feral and have lost your
} You mostly retain your human
Notes shape.
human shape, add 1 to your roll when
you shut someone down by frightening
m } You mostly retain your human
them or when you lash out physically.
intelligence and personality.
} You mostly retain self-control over m Fight or Flight
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) your violent and malicious impulses.
If you are Feral and have lost your
human intelligence, when you lash out
m m Green-Eyed Monster physically and roll 10 up you can pick
Your Caged Heat move is
two options. Roll Cold instead of
Harm triggered by intense jealousy, Volatile to run away.
anger, or hatred in addition to by
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) being turned on. m Predator and Prey
If you are Feral and have lost your
Experience Points:
m m Scaredy Cat
impulse control, carry 1 forward
Dark mmmmm >> Advance
Your Caged Heat move is triggered
by intense fear, shame, or sorrow
against anyone who has a string on
you. Take a string on anyone at whom
(Gaze Into The Abyss) in addition to by being turned on.
you lash out physically and inflict

Your Backstory Strings Other Moves

m Cat’s Eye
When you look into someone’s eyes
Two of the others have asked you and gaze into the abyss, on a 10 up add
out in the past, but you turned them this option: You know their deepest
down. Take a string on each of them. fear or secret lust, and add 1 to your
roll when using that information to
You try not to have strong feelings shut them down or turn them on.
about anyone. No one else can start
with more than one string on you.
Sex Move Playing The Calaca
When you have sex with someone, You’re a disarming mixture of cute and
treat it as though you had used freakshow, a cheerful friend dressed It really isn’t as bad as you might
the move Casting the Bones (even in funereal blacks, a wise confidante think. You don’t have to watch your
if you don’t have that move) and who can’t resist telling dead baby weight, for instance. You can wear
rolled a 10 up. Choose three jokes, a poet who writes odes to death what you want and never get hot or
options instead of two. and decay in a journal festooned with cold. You never have to pee.
Hello Kitty stickers, a Manic Pixie Dead
Darkest Self Girl (or Boy). Sometimes you miss getting the
ofrendas, but it’s cool to help people
Enough hiding behind a mask of Helping the people you care about - out, push them along the right
sweetness and humor. You are Death, especially by giving them wise paths, without asking for anything
so start acting like it. You’ve spent far guidance - should be one of your main in return.
too much time teaching others not priorities. Your story is the story of
to fear death and not enough time how you made other people’s stories Better to keep the truth secret,
teaching them to embrace its peace better. Your meddling may create though. Your friends can handle
and beauty. Twist your advice; make some drama, but that’s okay - you as an oddly perky goth. You’re
them see the unrelenting misery and especially if it’s funny. not sure a walking, talking skeleton
futility of their lives and encourage would be quite as popular.
them to end their pain with their own If something bad happens to your
hands. You escape your Darkest Self skin, you’ll need to replace it before
when someone manages to show you you can pass for human again (unless
you have the Sugar Skull move). The

The Calaca
the beauty and joy of life, or when you
drive someone to commit suicide. method for obtaining a new skin is
up to you, but keep in mind that your
Advancement human form will look like whoever
supplied your replacement skin.
m Take another Calaca move.
If you take the Ossuary move as an
m Take another Calaca move.
advancement, you’ll need to explain Name Look
m Take a move from another Skin. where the extra bones came from and Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
m Take a move from another Skin. where you keep them. Once you
m You have a Skeleton Crew. Cal, Catrina, Charity, Grace, skin like porcelain, gothic lolita,
actually use the move, the Daniel, Frida, Jack, Manuel, deathly pale, painted face, rail-thin
m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). replacement bones will change your Mercedes, Scully
m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). nature somewhat. In addition to hollow eyes, gleaming eyes, wise
m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). picking a new move, you may want to a Latin name, a nickname, a eyes, vivid eyes, kind eyes
m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). display new or altered facets of your beautiful name, a joyful name, a

personality. cute name

Skin Designed by: If you take a Skeleton Crew as an Circle one:

Topher Gerkey
advancement, you’ll need to decide if
bone elemental, corpse bride, death
your gang consists of other Calacas
spirit, necromantic construct,
like yourself, or if you have a number
Stock Art by: summoned ancestor
of mindless, animated skeletons who
Little Ms Spooky act as your minions.
Name: Carry Forward Calaca Moves
m Connected
In your true form, you can disconnect
You start with this one, and choose two and reconnect your bones at the joints,
more: and retain full control over all your
Stats ˜ Skin and Bones
body parts regardless of whether they
Add 1 to one of these: are connected. Only your skull can see,
You can slip out of your skin and hear, or smell; your limbs and other
Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile -1, Dark 1 viscera at any time to reveal your true bones are limited to a sense of touch.
Conditions skeletal form. If anyone witnesses this
process, you each take a string on the
You can use this ability to be present
and active in multiple simultaneous
other. While in your true form, you take scenes.
no harm from anything that a
m skeleton would be immune to (stabbing
m Morte Alata
Hot or slashing, strangling, etc). You can’t
turn someone on or manipulate an NPC,
In your true form, you have a pair of
(Turn Someone On, bony wings. When not in use they fold
but roll Dark instead of Cold to shut
Manipulate an NPC) up and look something like an extra
someone down. If your skin is lost or
ribcage on your back, but you can use
destroyed while you’re out of it, you
them for flight despite their skeletal
m will have to obtain a replacement in
nature. Roll Dark instead of Volatile to
order to pass for human again.
run away by escaping into the air.

(Shut Someone Down, m Casting the Bones m Ossuary

Hold Steady) When you are offering wisdom, You have a small cache of “extra”
m guidance, or advice to a friend and you bones. When you take your fourth
gaze into the abyss, add the
harm, you can hold yourself together
Harm following options when you roll 10 up:
} The visions show what your friend
just long enough to get to your stash
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) and rebuild yourself with your spares.
must do; they carry 1 forward. When this happens, clear all your
} The visions heal your friend; they harm, mark experience, and trade this
Experience Points:
m may remove one condition. Move for a different Calaca move. You
Dark mmmmm >> advance
} Take a string on your friend.
Add the following option when you
may take this move again as an
(Gaze Into The Abyss) Advancement.
roll 7-9:
} The visions are lucid and detailed,
m Sugar Skull
but your friend takes a string on you.
In your true form, you retain some
Your Backstory Strings m Deadpan
of the features of the living. You have
humanlike hair, eyeballs, a nose, lips,
Your cheerful morbidity, gallows and ears. Your face and hands look
Someone saw you slipping out of your
humor, and deathly aura are like those of a beautiful human - albeit
skin. Each of you take a string on the
fascinating and off-putting. In your one with skin like fine bone china. You
human form, roll Dark instead of Cold may turn someone on or manipulate an
to shut someone down. NPC, but if any part of your body aside
You gave someone advice that
changed their life for the better. Take from your face and hands is exposed,
a string on them. Other Moves roll Dark instead of Hot.
Sex Move Playing The Calaca
When you have sex with someone, You’re a disarming mixture of cute and
treat it as though you had used freakshow, a cheerful friend dressed It really isn’t as bad as you might
the move Casting the Bones (even in funereal blacks, a wise confidante think. You don’t have to watch your
if you don’t have that move) and who can’t resist telling dead baby weight, for instance. You can wear
rolled a 10 up. Choose three jokes, a poet who writes odes to death what you want and never get hot or
options instead of two. and decay in a journal festooned with cold. You never have to pee.
Hello Kitty stickers, a Manic Pixie Dead
Darkest Self Girl (or Boy). Sometimes you miss getting the
ofrendas, but it’s cool to help people
Enough hiding behind a mask of Helping the people you care about - out, push them along the right
sweetness and humor. You are Death, especially by giving them wise paths, without asking for anything
so start acting like it. You’ve spent far guidance - should be one of your main in return.
too much time teaching others not priorities. Your story is the story of
to fear death and not enough time how you made other people’s stories Better to keep the truth secret,
teaching them to embrace its peace better. Your meddling may create though. Your friends can handle
and beauty. Twist your advice; make some drama, but that’s okay - you as an oddly perky goth. You’re
them see the unrelenting misery and especially if it’s funny. not sure a walking, talking skeleton
futility of their lives and encourage would be quite as popular.
them to end their pain with their own If something bad happens to your
hands. You escape your Darkest Self skin, you’ll need to replace it before
when someone manages to show you you can pass for human again (unless
you have the Sugar Skull move). The

The Calaca
the beauty and joy of life, or when you
drive someone to commit suicide. method for obtaining a new skin is
up to you, but keep in mind that your
Advancement human form will look like whoever
supplied your replacement skin.
m Take another Calaca move.
If you take the Ossuary move as an
m Take another Calaca move.
advancement, you’ll need to explain Name Look
m Take a move from another Skin. where the extra bones came from and Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
m Take a move from another Skin. where you keep them. Once you
m You have a Skeleton Crew. Cal, Catrina, Charity, Grace, skin like porcelain, gothic lolita,
actually use the move, the Daniel, Frida, Jack, Manuel, deathly pale, painted face, rail-thin
m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). replacement bones will change your Mercedes, Scully
m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). nature somewhat. In addition to hollow eyes, gleaming eyes, wise
m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). picking a new move, you may want to a Latin name, a nickname, a eyes, vivid eyes, kind eyes
m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). display new or altered facets of your beautiful name, a joyful name, a

personality. cute name

Skin Designed by: If you take a Skeleton Crew as an Circle one:

Topher Gerkey
advancement, you’ll need to decide if
bone elemental, corpse bride, death
your gang consists of other Calacas
spirit, necromantic construct,
like yourself, or if you have a number
Stock Art by: summoned ancestor
of mindless, animated skeletons who
SpiteStock act as your minions.
Name: Carry Forward Calaca Moves
m Connected
In your true form, you can disconnect
You start with this one, and choose two and reconnect your bones at the joints,
more: and retain full control over all your
Stats ˜ Skin and Bones
body parts regardless of whether they
Add 1 to one of these: are connected. Only your skull can see,
You can slip out of your skin and hear, or smell; your limbs and other
Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile -1, Dark 1 viscera at any time to reveal your true bones are limited to a sense of touch.
Conditions skeletal form. If anyone witnesses this
process, you each take a string on the
You can use this ability to be present
and active in multiple simultaneous
other. While in your true form, you take scenes.
no harm from anything that a
m skeleton would be immune to (stabbing
m Morte Alata
Hot or slashing, strangling, etc). You can’t
turn someone on or manipulate an NPC,
In your true form, you have a pair of
(Turn Someone On, bony wings. When not in use they fold
but roll Dark instead of Cold to shut
Manipulate an NPC) up and look something like an extra
someone down. If your skin is lost or
ribcage on your back, but you can use
destroyed while you’re out of it, you
them for flight despite their skeletal
m will have to obtain a replacement in
nature. Roll Dark instead of Volatile to
order to pass for human again.
run away by escaping into the air.

(Shut Someone Down, m Casting the Bones m Ossuary

Hold Steady) When you are offering wisdom, You have a small cache of “extra”
m guidance, or advice to a friend and you bones. When you take your fourth
gaze into the abyss, add the
harm, you can hold yourself together
Harm following options when you roll 10 up:
} The visions show what your friend
just long enough to get to your stash
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) and rebuild yourself with your spares.
must do; they carry 1 forward. When this happens, clear all your
} The visions heal your friend; they harm, mark experience, and trade this
Experience Points:
m may remove one condition. Move for a different Calaca move. You
Dark mmmmm >> advance
} Take a string on your friend.
Add the following option when you
may take this move again as an
(Gaze Into The Abyss) Advancement.
roll 7-9:
} The visions are lucid and detailed,
m Sugar Skull
but your friend takes a string on you.
In your true form, you retain some
Your Backstory Strings m Deadpan
of the features of the living. You have
humanlike hair, eyeballs, a nose, lips,
Your cheerful morbidity, gallows and ears. Your face and hands look
Someone saw you slipping out of your
humor, and deathly aura are like those of a beautiful human - albeit
skin. Each of you take a string on the
fascinating and off-putting. In your one with skin like fine bone china. You
human form, roll Dark instead of Cold may turn someone on or manipulate an
to shut someone down. NPC, but if any part of your body aside
You gave someone advice that
changed their life for the better. Take from your face and hands is exposed,
a string on them. Other Moves roll Dark instead of Hot.
Sex Move Playing The Creature
After you have sex with someone, Pick a cause that makes sense given the
treat protecting them as part of setting of your game. Preventing a All that time and energy on the
your cause until you have sex with company from dumping toxic waste into a petition - all the convincing, all the
someone else. Additionally, if you body of water or turning a forest preserve seducing, all the threatening - and
have sex with someone into a landfill, rescuing animals from a what do the fuckers do when you
underwater, they can breathe laboratory or oceanarium, or protecting an present them with a thousand
water until you have sex with endangered species from poachers could signatures? They tear the papers in
someone else. all work. You don’t have to spend every half and laugh in your face.
waking moment working toward your
Darkest Self cause, but if the opportunity comes up you Just a kid, they said. You can’t make
should prioritize it. a difference here, they said. Stay out
Everything sucks and you’ll never of things that don’t concern you,
change it, so just stop trying. Grab the Territorial is a move that might not be they said.
person you care about the most and available depending on your setting as
retreat to a safe place - your territory well. If the game is set in an arid Well, dumping waste into the river
if you have one. Defend your little environment, the best available option does concern you. And maybe a
nest against all intruders and ignore might be a water park or old abandoned pissed-off river monster will concern
everything else - it’s not like you were swimming pool. them.
making a difference anyway. You can
only return from your Darkest Self Frog Song, Hot and Wet, and Came Up
when someone shows you that you’ve Tails are geared toward a more social and
changed things for the better. persuasive type of play. Cold Fury and

The Creature
Squamous are more physical and
combative. You can decide what kind of
Advancement activism appeals to you more. In general
you’ll probably want to choose either
m Take another Creature move. Came Up Tails or Squamous but not both,
for reasons of theme - but taking both
Name Look
m Take another Creature move.
m Take a move from another Skin. would certainly give you an interesting
and flexible monstrous form. You’ll want Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
m Take a move from another Skin.
to avoid using the tail on land, but anyone
m You’ve joined some Extreme Bessie, Blue, Champ, Gil, Jake, swimmer’s build, olive-skinned, nearly
seeing you with both Moves active will Jenny, Laguna, Madison, Ramon, hairless, surfer’s tan, fishy smell
experience the effects of both (they mark Rico, Thetis
m Add 1 to Hot (max 3).
experience, you take a string on them, and aquamarine eyes, teary eyes, limpid
m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). they must hold steady). A sporty name, a name based on eyes, wide-set eyes, black eyes
m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). a place, a water-themed name, a
m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). If you go Darkest Self and you don’t have a tough-sounding name, a nickname
territory, pick someplace that would make Circle one:
a good territory if you DID have one. If you
Skin Designed by: don’t have Frog Kiss or you can’t or won’t last of your kind, chemical spill
have underwater sex with the person exposure, first of your kind, blessed
Topher Gerkey you’ve brought with you, be sure that your by Poseidon, cryptid, made a deal
refuge has some air for them to breathe. with a sea hag
Stock art by: Do whatever you have to do to keep them
from escaping - your Darkest Self is lonely
Sinned Angel and needs their support.
Name: Carry Forward Creature Moves
m Frog Song
When you speak passionately to
You start with this one, and choose two convince someone to join you in your
more: cause, roll Volatile: on a 10 up, they
Stats ˜ Missing Link
mark experience if they help you. On
Add 1 to one of these: a 7-9, you get a string on them. On a
Your lungs also work as gills, miss, they get a string on you.
Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile 1, Dark -1 allowing you to breathe underwater.
You can see and move underwater just
Conditions as well as you can on land. Additionally,
m Hot and Wet
When you are soaking wet and
you have an environmentalist cause.
You get +1 ongoing to all actions taken showing a lot of skin (as if you were
to further your cause, but every time wearing a swimsuit or less), roll Cold
m you use that bonus, give yourself the instead of Hot to turn someone on or
manipulate an NPC.
condition fanatic if you don’t already
have it.
(Turn Someone On, m Squamous
Manipulate an NPC) m Came Up Tails You can shed your human skin to
Notes You can transform your legs into a become a scaly monstrosity. In this
form you take 1 less harm from any
m beautiful fish tail. On land, you are
mostly immobile and cannot run away. attack, and your claws allow you to do
Cold In water, you swim at blinding speed 2 harm when you lash out physically.
and can instantly run away as if you Anyone who sees you in this form for
had rolled 10 up. Anyone who sees you the first time must hold steady. You can
(Shut Someone Down,
Hold Steady) in this form for the first time marks shed your scaly skin to resume your
experience, and you take a string on human appearance, but you must be
m completely immersed in water.
them. You can transform your tail back
Volatile Harm
into legs, but your tail must be
completely dry. m Territorial
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) You have claimed a nearby lake, cove,
m Cold Fury lagoon, or swamp as your territory.
When you are alone in your territory
Experience Points:
m When you are filled with righteous
and fully submerged in water, clear all
anger in the service of your cause, you
Dark mmmmm >> advance can do an extra harm when you lash
conditions and heal 1 harm. If
someone invades your territory, give
(Gaze Into The Abyss) out physically.
yourself the condition Angry. You get
+1 ongoing toward attempts to
m Frog Kiss remove intruders from your territory.
When you kiss someone while you are

Your Backstory Strings

both underwater, they can breathe
water for as long as they remain near

Someone was once an ally to your

you. If you kiss someone while you are Your Cause
both on dry land, their lungs fill with
cause. They get two strings on you. water. They roll with Hot: on a 10 up,
they take 1 harm. On a 7-9 they take
Someone thinks you are a dangerous 2 harm. On a miss, they drown. NPCs Other Moves
fanatic. They get one string on you. always drown.

You know someone is secretly Your Territory

involved in working against your
cause. Take two strings on them.
Sex Move Playing The Creature
After you have sex with someone, Pick a cause that makes sense given the
treat protecting them as part of setting of your game. Preventing a All that time and energy on the
your cause until you have sex with company from dumping toxic waste into a petition - all the convincing, all the
someone else. Additionally, if you body of water or turning a forest preserve seducing, all the threatening - and
have sex with someone into a landfill, rescuing animals from a what do the fuckers do when you
underwater, they can breathe laboratory or oceanarium, or protecting an present them with a thousand
water until you have sex with endangered species from poachers could signatures? They tear the papers in
someone else. all work. You don’t have to spend every half and laugh in your face.
waking moment working toward your
Darkest Self cause, but if the opportunity comes up you Just a kid, they said. You can’t make
should prioritize it. a difference here, they said. Stay out
Everything sucks and you’ll never of things that don’t concern you,
change it, so just stop trying. Grab the Territorial is a move that might not be they said.
person you care about the most and available depending on your setting as
retreat to a safe place - your territory well. If the game is set in an arid Well, dumping waste into the river
if you have one. Defend your little environment, the best available option does concern you. And maybe a
nest against all intruders and ignore might be a water park or old abandoned pissed-off river monster will concern
everything else - it’s not like you were swimming pool. them.
making a difference anyway. You can
only return from your Darkest Self Frog Song, Hot and Wet, and Came Up
when someone shows you that you’ve Tails are geared toward a more social and
changed things for the better. persuasive type of play. Cold Fury and

The Creature
Squamous are more physical and
combative. You can decide what kind of
Advancement activism appeals to you more. In general
you’ll probably want to choose either
m Take another Creature move. Came Up Tails or Squamous but not both,
for reasons of theme - but taking both
Name Look
m Take another Creature move.
m Take a move from another Skin. would certainly give you an interesting
and flexible monstrous form. You’ll want Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
m Take a move from another Skin.
to avoid using the tail on land, but anyone
m You’ve joined some Extreme Bessie, Blue, Champ, Gil, Jake, swimmer’s build, olive-skinned, nearly
seeing you with both Moves active will Jenny, Laguna, Madison, Ramon, hairless, surfer’s tan, fishy smell
experience the effects of both (they mark Rico, Thetis
m Add 1 to Hot (max 3).
experience, you take a string on them, and aquamarine eyes, teary eyes, limpid
m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). they must hold steady). A sporty name, a name based on eyes, wide-set eyes, black eyes
m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). a place, a water-themed name, a
m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). If you go Darkest Self and you don’t have a tough-sounding name, a nickname
territory, pick someplace that would make Circle one:
a good territory if you DID have one. If you
Skin Designed by: don’t have Frog Kiss or you can’t or won’t last of your kind, chemical spill
have underwater sex with the person exposure, first of your kind, blessed
Topher Gerkey you’ve brought with you, be sure that your by Poseidon, cryptid, made a deal
refuge has some air for them to breathe. with a sea hag
Stock art by: Do whatever you have to do to keep them
from escaping - your Darkest Self is lonely
Kenickie and needs their support.
Name: Carry Forward Creature Moves
m Frog Song
When you speak passionately to
You start with this one, and choose two convince someone to join you in your
more: cause, roll Volatile: on a 10 up, they
Stats ˜ Missing Link
mark experience if they help you. On
Add 1 to one of these: a 7-9, you get a string on them. On a
Your lungs also work as gills, miss, they get a string on you.
Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile 1, Dark -1 allowing you to breathe underwater.
You can see and move underwater just
Conditions as well as you can on land. Additionally,
m Hot and Wet
When you are soaking wet and
you have an environmentalist cause.
You get +1 ongoing to all actions taken showing a lot of skin (as if you were
to further your cause, but every time wearing a swimsuit or less), roll Cold
m you use that bonus, give yourself the instead of Hot to turn someone on or
manipulate an NPC.
condition fanatic if you don’t already
have it.
(Turn Someone On, m Squamous
Manipulate an NPC) m Came Up Tails You can shed your human skin to
Notes You can transform your legs into a become a scaly monstrosity. In this
form you take 1 less harm from any
m beautiful fish tail. On land, you are
mostly immobile and cannot run away. attack, and your claws allow you to do
Cold In water, you swim at blinding speed 2 harm when you lash out physically.
and can instantly run away as if you Anyone who sees you in this form for
had rolled 10 up. Anyone who sees you the first time must hold steady. You can
(Shut Someone Down,
Hold Steady) in this form for the first time marks shed your scaly skin to resume your
experience, and you take a string on human appearance, but you must be
m completely immersed in water.
them. You can transform your tail back
Volatile Harm
into legs, but your tail must be
completely dry. m Territorial
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) You have claimed a nearby lake, cove,
m Cold Fury lagoon, or swamp as your territory.
When you are alone in your territory
Experience Points:
m When you are filled with righteous
and fully submerged in water, clear all
anger in the service of your cause, you
Dark mmmmm >> advance can do an extra harm when you lash
conditions and heal 1 harm. If
someone invades your territory, give
(Gaze Into The Abyss) out physically.
yourself the condition Angry. You get
+1 ongoing toward attempts to
m Frog Kiss remove intruders from your territory.
When you kiss someone while you are

Your Backstory Strings

both underwater, they can breathe
water for as long as they remain near

Someone was once an ally to your

you. If you kiss someone while you are Your Cause
both on dry land, their lungs fill with
cause. They get two strings on you. water. They roll with Hot: on a 10 up,
they take 1 harm. On a 7-9 they take
Someone thinks you are a dangerous 2 harm. On a miss, they drown. NPCs Other Moves
fanatic. They get one string on you. always drown.

You know someone is secretly Your Territory

involved in working against your
cause. Take two strings on them.
Sex Move Playing The Fury
When you have sex with someone, A desperate longing to be accepted and
each of you takes two strings on the the rage that accompanies being rejected You never wanted this. You never
other. Give yourself the condition are the central themes for the Fury. Futile wanted to be different or special or
Hopeful, and for as long as you have Hope is like the engine that makes you go: a freak. All you ever wanted was to
that condition they gain +1 ongoing You will need to put yourself out there, fit in. To be liked. To be accepted.
toward any attempts to manipulate, willingly trusting and believing in people Maybe even to be loved. Was that
hurt, or betray you. even though you know you shouldn’t, and so much to ask? You’re not a bad
be ready to massively overreact to their
Darkest Self inevitable betrayal. Your fellow players will

have an incentive to be nice to you and But they wouldn’t let you fit in.
Nobody loves you. Nobody ever then dump you, since that allows them to They hurt you. Taunted you. Called
will. It’s all pain and loneliness and build up strings on you and then clear off you names. Exploited you. Betrayed
watching other people from the any strings you have on them. Go along you. They pushed and pushed and
outside, and it will never change. They with it! Being Betrayed is to your advantage PUSHED and PUSHED.
only pretended to like you so they since it powers up all your Fury moves and
could hurt you even more. There’s provides lots of grist for the drama mill. They’re all going to be sorry when
nothing left for you here but revenge, you start pushing back.
so burn it all down. Smash everything Think carefully when choosing your moves
to pieces. Rip their secrets out and about what kind of walking megapsychic
make them dance like dolls for your catastrophe you’d like to be. Firestarter
amusement. doesn’t need to imply pyrokinesis; it’s just
a name and can represent any ability that

The Fury
To escape your Darkest Self, you must causes chaos and destruction. Some of the
be confronted by someone who has moves are more themed around telepathy
never hurt, excluded, or betrayed you, or clairvoyance than the others, which
or be shown an act of kindness that might be an interesting and more subtle
seems genuine. variation for you to try.

Advancement When you are your Darkest Self, be sure Name Look
to go all out with your descriptions. Your Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
moves can affect crowds and radically alter
 Take another Fury move. Alice, Bea, Cam, Carrie, Charlie, raggedy, unfashionable, nerdy,
the environment when you’re in a full-on
 Take another Fury move. Kim, Jill, Joe, Robin, Will nervous, beneath notice, frightened
rage, so cut loose and enjoy your revenge.
 Take a move from another Skin.
 Take a move from another Skin. A diminutive name, a nondescript desperate eyes, brittle eyes, teary
Taking a Psychic Gestalt gang as an eyes, resentful eyes, twitchy eyes
 You belong to a Psychic Gestalt. name, an unpopular name, a
advancement changes the theme of
 Add 1 to Hot (max 3). victim’s name
 Add 1 to Cold (max 3).
the skin somewhat. Instead of being
completely alone in your trust/abuse cycle,
 Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Circle one:
your whole clique consists of social misfits
 Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
and rejects. You can find some solace
genetic mutation, government
in each other, but the added power of a
program, confluence of bloodlines,
Skin Designed by: gang makes the temptation to strike back
abused child, experimental
against the “beautiful people” that much
Topher Gerkey harder to resist - and your new buddies
want revenge just as badly as you do.
Stock Art by:
Riley Kathleen
Name: Carry Forward Fury Moves m Poltergeist
You start with this one, and choose two When you lash out physically using
telekinesis instead of physical attacks,
Stats zzFutile Hope your victim must hold steady before
Add 1 to one of these: Whenever someone acts kind or attempting to run away. If you are
accepting toward you, you each take Betrayed, do 1 extra harm when you lash
Hot -1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark 1 out physically.
a string on the other, and you get the
Conditions condition Hopeful (which replaces
Betrayed if you have it). If someone you Push
trust betrays or hurts you while you You can roll Volatile instead of Hot to turn
are Hopeful, lose all strings on them, someone on by using empathic projection
replace Hopeful with Betrayed, and roll to fuck with their head. On a 10 up, in
Hot Dark. On a 10 up, trigger your Darkest addition to giving you a string, they must
(Turn Someone On, Self. On a 7-9, choose one: follow one short-term command of your
Manipulate an NPC) } Give them one more string on you choice. On a 7-9 also give yourself the
Notes } Take 1 harm from psychic feedback condition Creepy. If you are Betrayed, also
give them the condition Enthralled.
m } Trigger your Darkest Self
When you are your Darkest Self,
Cold your Fury moves are amplified. You Scanners
Roll Dark to invade someone else's mind.
can affect groups of victims in the
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) On a 10 up, take a string on them, and
immediate area, and your destructive
powers can affect large structures like they must honestly answer one question.
m buildings. On a 7-9, take a string on them and
choose one:
Volatile Harm The Eye } They take a string on you
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) When you gaze into the abyss, add 1 } Give yourself the condition Creepy
to your Dark roll. On a 10 up you can } You each take 1 harm
choose all three options. If you are On a 6 or less, they must answer one
Experience Points:
Betrayed and roll 10 up, also mark question with a plausible lie and you
Dark mmmmm >> advance
experience. If you are Betrayed and roll must believe it. If you are Betrayed, do 1
harm to them in addition to any other
(Gaze Into The Abyss) 7-9, choose one of the 10 up options
instead of one of the 7-9 options. results.

Firestarter The Shining

Your Backstory Strings Roll Volatile to summon jets of flame, Roll Dark instead of Hot or Cold to
unleash destructive telekinetic blasts, manipulate an NPC or shut someone down
instantly freeze the air, or otherwise via telepathy instead of speech. If you are
You have a secret crush on someone. psychically attack your tormentors. On Betrayed, add 1 to your Dark roll and give
Take a string on them. a 10 up, do 2 harm and give your victim them the condition Headache.
an appropriate condition (Burned,
Someone has been bullying you. Give
Other Moves
Frostbitten, Concussed, etc). On a 7-9,
them a string on you. do 1 harm, give them an appropriate
condition, and choose one:
Someone was kind to you once. Give } Give yourself the same condition
them two strings on you. } Take 1 harm
} Trigger your Darkest Self
If you are Betrayed, you may also carry 1
forward against them.
Sex Move Playing The Fury
When you have sex with someone, A desperate longing to be accepted and
each of you takes two strings on the the rage that accompanies being rejected You never wanted this. You never
other. Give yourself the condition are the central themes for the Fury. Futile wanted to be different or special or
Hopeful, and for as long as you have Hope is like the engine that makes you go: a freak. All you ever wanted was to
that condition they gain +1 ongoing You will need to put yourself out there, fit in. To be liked. To be accepted.
toward any attempts to manipulate, willingly trusting and believing in people Maybe even to be loved. Was that
hurt, or betray you. even though you know you shouldn’t, and so much to ask? You’re not a bad
be ready to massively overreact to their
Darkest Self inevitable betrayal. Your fellow players will

have an incentive to be nice to you and But they wouldn’t let you fit in.
Nobody loves you. Nobody ever then dump you, since that allows them to They hurt you. Taunted you. Called
will. It’s all pain and loneliness and build up strings on you and then clear off you names. Exploited you. Betrayed
watching other people from the any strings you have on them. Go along you. They pushed and pushed and
outside, and it will never change. They with it! Being Betrayed is to your advantage PUSHED and PUSHED.
only pretended to like you so they since it powers up all your Fury moves and
could hurt you even more. There’s provides lots of grist for the drama mill. They’re all going to be sorry when
nothing left for you here but revenge, you start pushing back.
so burn it all down. Smash everything Think carefully when choosing your moves
to pieces. Rip their secrets out and about what kind of walking megapsychic
make them dance like dolls for your catastrophe you’d like to be. Firestarter
amusement. doesn’t need to imply pyrokinesis; it’s just
a name and can represent any ability that

The Fury
To escape your Darkest Self, you must causes chaos and destruction. Some of the
be confronted by someone who has moves are more themed around telepathy
never hurt, excluded, or betrayed you, or clairvoyance than the others, which
or be shown an act of kindness that might be an interesting and more subtle
seems genuine. variation for you to try.

Advancement When you are your Darkest Self, be sure Name Look
to go all out with your descriptions. Your Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
moves can affect crowds and radically alter
 Take another Fury move. Alice, Bea, Cam, Carrie, Charlie, raggedy, unfashionable, nerdy,
the environment when you’re in a full-on
 Take another Fury move. Kim, Jill, Joe, Robin, Will nervous, beneath notice, frightened
rage, so cut loose and enjoy your revenge.
 Take a move from another Skin.
 Take a move from another Skin. A diminutive name, a nondescript desperate eyes, brittle eyes, teary
Taking a Psychic Gestalt gang as an eyes, resentful eyes, twitchy eyes
 You belong to a Psychic Gestalt. name, an unpopular name, a
advancement changes the theme of
 Add 1 to Hot (max 3). victim’s name
 Add 1 to Cold (max 3).
the skin somewhat. Instead of being
completely alone in your trust/abuse cycle,
 Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). Circle one:
your whole clique consists of social misfits
 Add 1 to Dark (max 3).
and rejects. You can find some solace
genetic mutation, government
in each other, but the added power of a
program, confluence of bloodlines,
Skin Designed by: gang makes the temptation to strike back
abused child, experimental
against the “beautiful people” that much
Topher Gerkey harder to resist - and your new buddies
want revenge just as badly as you do.
Stock Art by:
David Nanchin
Name: Carry Forward Fury Moves m Poltergeist
You start with this one, and choose two When you lash out physically using
telekinesis instead of physical attacks,
Stats zzFutile Hope your victim must hold steady before
Add 1 to one of these: Whenever someone acts kind or attempting to run away. If you are
accepting toward you, you each take Betrayed, do 1 extra harm when you lash
Hot -1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark 1 out physically.
a string on the other, and you get the
Conditions condition Hopeful (which replaces
Betrayed if you have it). If someone you Push
trust betrays or hurts you while you You can roll Volatile instead of Hot to turn
are Hopeful, lose all strings on them, someone on by using empathic projection
replace Hopeful with Betrayed, and roll to fuck with their head. On a 10 up, in
Hot Dark. On a 10 up, trigger your Darkest addition to giving you a string, they must
(Turn Someone On, Self. On a 7-9, choose one: follow one short-term command of your
Manipulate an NPC) } Give them one more string on you choice. On a 7-9 also give yourself the
Notes } Take 1 harm from psychic feedback condition Creepy. If you are Betrayed, also
give them the condition Enthralled.
m } Trigger your Darkest Self
When you are your Darkest Self,
Cold your Fury moves are amplified. You Scanners
Roll Dark to invade someone else's mind.
can affect groups of victims in the
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) On a 10 up, take a string on them, and
immediate area, and your destructive
powers can affect large structures like they must honestly answer one question.
m buildings. On a 7-9, take a string on them and
choose one:
Volatile Harm The Eye } They take a string on you
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) When you gaze into the abyss, add 1 } Give yourself the condition Creepy
to your Dark roll. On a 10 up you can } You each take 1 harm
choose all three options. If you are On a 6 or less, they must answer one
Experience Points:
Betrayed and roll 10 up, also mark question with a plausible lie and you
Dark mmmmm >> advance
experience. If you are Betrayed and roll must believe it. If you are Betrayed, do 1
harm to them in addition to any other
(Gaze Into The Abyss) 7-9, choose one of the 10 up options
instead of one of the 7-9 options. results.

Firestarter The Shining

Your Backstory Strings Roll Volatile to summon jets of flame, Roll Dark instead of Hot or Cold to
unleash destructive telekinetic blasts, manipulate an NPC or shut someone down
instantly freeze the air, or otherwise via telepathy instead of speech. If you are
You have a secret crush on someone. psychically attack your tormentors. On Betrayed, add 1 to your Dark roll and give
Take a string on them. a 10 up, do 2 harm and give your victim them the condition Headache.
an appropriate condition (Burned,
Someone has been bullying you. Give
Other Moves
Frostbitten, Concussed, etc). On a 7-9,
them a string on you. do 1 harm, give them an appropriate
condition, and choose one:
Someone was kind to you once. Give } Give yourself the same condition
them two strings on you. } Take 1 harm
} Trigger your Darkest Self
If you are Betrayed, you may also carry 1
forward against them.
Sex Move Playing The Gargoyle
You remember being a real human
When you have sex with someone, First and foremost: the school kid once, a long time ago. Before
protecting them counts as mentioned in various Moves doesn’t they built the school. Before they
protecting your school for the actually have to be a school at all. It stretched you out on the foundation
purposes of School Spirit, and you could be a church, a summer camp, stone and cut out your heart.
cannot lash out physically at them a community center, a nightclub, an
for any reason. This lasts until you apartment building, or any other But you’re not so angry anymore.
have sex with someone else or establishment that’s located in a Now you go to classes, attend pep
they do something to cause specific place and has regular hours rallies, run for student council.
physical harm to your school. of operation and a “community” of You’re on the spirit squad and you’ve
You can’t have sex when you are employees, patrons, customers, lettered in track. They wanted you
dormant or animate. members, or inhabitants. Work to bless this school, and you’ve done
together with your MC to figure out
Darkest Self what setting will work best for your
your job well.
particular game. And when vandals or thieves show
Nobody else loves this school like you
up in your school at night...well,
do. They just don’t understand how Similarly, not all Gargoyles are stone maybe you’re still kind of angry after
important it is. You’d be nothing statues in their dormant or animate all.
without it, and you’re the only one forms. You could be a sculpture of
that can protect it. The basketball team metal or wood or plaster, a painting or
that beat yours in the playoffs, the mural, an old mascot costume or band
school board members who want to uniform, a stained glass window, or
cut funding, the teacher who molests even a digital character on a computer

The Gargoyle
her students - they’re all enemies, and or HDTV screen. Anything works as
they all have to be punished. Severely. long as it’s at least vaguely an
You can recover from your Darkest Self anthropomorphic form, and it should
only when someone shows you how be something that won’t be easily
your actions are hurting your school. missed when you are walking around
looking like a human.
Advancement Name Look
As a Gargoyle you’re tied to your Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
m Take another Gargoyle move. school (or whatever), so protecting
Arris, Belvedere, Cary, dressed in school colors, greyish
m Take another Gargoyle move. and helping it should always be your skin, sculpted face, large mouth, stiff
m Take a move from another Skin. first priority. If that causes conflicts Chevron, Gable, Garret, Laurel,
m Take a move from another Skin. with your friends and loved ones, Rochelle, Tiffany, Veranda
m You’re part of a Stone Flock. great - hard choices will lead to hard eyes, suspicious eyes, protective
m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). A fancy name, a cold name, an
drama. Taking Kirkgrim can make this eyes, dry eyes, glassy eyes
m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). architectural name, a unisex name,
easier, as can your Sex Move.
m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). a French name
Babewyn and Grotesque can make
Skin Designed by: you more flexible. Hatchery also adds
Circle one:
flexibility in a way, since you can use
Topher Gerkey it to change what your dormant or
animistic spirit, cornerstone
sacrifice, magically animated statue,
animate forms look like.
Stock Art by: cursed victim, summoned demon

Name: Carry Forward Gargoyle Moves
m Gullet
You can vomit a gout of flame
You start with this one, and choose two
more: or torrent of freezing water.
Roll Volatile: on a 10 up, you
Stats ˜ School Spirit do 1 harm to your target and
Add 1 to one of these: they must hold steady. On a 7-9,
From sunrise to sunset (or vice versa)
you appear to be a normal human choose one:
Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile 1, Dark -1
} You do 1 harm
being, but when your period of
activity ends, you become dormant. } You miss, but they must hold
While in this state, you are an steady
inanimate object and are invulnerable } You miss, but you get a string
to harm, but incapable of taking any on them
action. When not dormant, you may On a 6 or less, you miss and they
Hot treat failures as 7-9 and 7-9 as 10-up get a string on you.
(Turn Someone On, when you lash out physically to protect
m Hatchery
Manipulate an NPC) your school building or grounds.
Notes You can invest some of yourself into
a single object in your school, turning
m m Babewyn
it into an egg. You may only have one
During your dormant period, if
Cold someone else is on the school grounds
egg at a time. If you die, you will be
reborn from the egg at the beginning
you can assume your human form. If
(Shut Someone Down, of your next period of activity, with a
you are alone, you can still become
Hold Steady) new dormant form (and animate form if
human, but take 1 harm. If you leave
m you have one) based on the egg object.
your school, you instantly know if
Mark experience when you are reborn.
Volatile Harm
someone enters or threatens the school
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) m Hunky Punk
m Grotesque With concentration you can give your
human form some of the durability of
Experience Points:
m You may transform from human form
into animate form. In this form you your inanimate form. When you get
Dark mmmmm >> advance are an inanimate object brought to hurt, you can hold steady. On a 7-9, you
(Gaze Into The Abyss) life. While animate you take 1 less take 1 less harm. On a 10 up, you take
harm from anything that harms you no harm and mark experience.
(to a minimum of zero harm) and you
get +1 to lash out physically or shut m Rival Schools
Your Backstory Strings someone down. For the purposes of School Spirit,
attacking a rival school or people
Someone saw you transforming m Kirkgrim associated with it counts as protecting
into your dormant form. They take 2 For the purposes of School Spirit, the building or grounds.
strings on you. protecting the people associated with
your school (students, faculty, m Sheela na Gig
You’ve been watching someone who employees) counts as protecting the When in human form, you can roll Cold
seems to have a great love for your building or grounds. instead of Hot to turn someone on or
school. Take 2 strings on them. manipulate an NPC, but only if your
Other Moves genitals are exposed.
Sex Move Playing The Gargoyle
You remember being a real human
When you have sex with someone, First and foremost: the school kid once, a long time ago. Before
protecting them counts as mentioned in various Moves doesn’t they built the school. Before they
protecting your school for the actually have to be a school at all. It stretched you out on the foundation
purposes of School Spirit, and you could be a church, a summer camp, stone and cut out your heart.
cannot lash out physically at them a community center, a nightclub, an
for any reason. This lasts until you apartment building, or any other But you’re not so angry anymore.
have sex with someone else or establishment that’s located in a Now you go to classes, attend pep
they do something to cause specific place and has regular hours rallies, run for student council.
physical harm to your school. of operation and a “community” of You’re on the spirit squad and you’ve
You can’t have sex when you are employees, patrons, customers, lettered in track. They wanted you
dormant or animate. members, or inhabitants. Work to bless this school, and you’ve done
together with your MC to figure out
Darkest Self what setting will work best for your
your job well.
particular game. And when vandals or thieves show
Nobody else loves this school like you
up in your school at night...well,
do. They just don’t understand how Similarly, not all Gargoyles are stone maybe you’re still kind of angry after
important it is. You’d be nothing statues in their dormant or animate all.
without it, and you’re the only one forms. You could be a sculpture of
that can protect it. The basketball team metal or wood or plaster, a painting or
that beat yours in the playoffs, the mural, an old mascot costume or band
school board members who want to uniform, a stained glass window, or
cut funding, the teacher who molests even a digital character on a computer

The Gargoyle
her students - they’re all enemies, and or HDTV screen. Anything works as
they all have to be punished. Severely. long as it’s at least vaguely an
You can recover from your Darkest Self anthropomorphic form, and it should
only when someone shows you how be something that won’t be easily
your actions are hurting your school. missed when you are walking around
looking like a human.
Advancement Name Look
As a Gargoyle you’re tied to your Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
m Take another Gargoyle move. school (or whatever), so protecting
Arris, Belvedere, Cary, dressed in school colors, greyish
m Take another Gargoyle move. and helping it should always be your skin, sculpted face, large mouth, stiff
m Take a move from another Skin. first priority. If that causes conflicts Chevron, Gable, Garret, Laurel,
m Take a move from another Skin. with your friends and loved ones, Rochelle, Tiffany, Veranda
m You’re part of a Stone Flock. great - hard choices will lead to hard eyes, suspicious eyes, protective
m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). A fancy name, a cold name, an
drama. Taking Kirkgrim can make this eyes, dry eyes, glassy eyes
m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). architectural name, a unisex name,
easier, as can your Sex Move.
m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). a French name
Babewyn and Grotesque can make
Skin Designed by: you more flexible. Hatchery also adds
Circle one:
flexibility in a way, since you can use
Topher Gerkey it to change what your dormant or
animistic spirit, cornerstone
sacrifice, magically animated statue,
animate forms look like.
Stock Art by: cursed victim, summoned demon

Bojan Toporis
Name: Carry Forward Gargoyle Moves
m Gullet
You can vomit a gout of flame
You start with this one, and choose two
more: or torrent of freezing water.
Roll Volatile: on a 10 up, you
Stats ˜ School Spirit do 1 harm to your target and
Add 1 to one of these: they must hold steady. On a 7-9,
From sunrise to sunset (or vice versa)
you appear to be a normal human choose one:
Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile 1, Dark -1
} You do 1 harm
being, but when your period of
activity ends, you become dormant. } You miss, but they must hold
While in this state, you are an steady
inanimate object and are invulnerable } You miss, but you get a string
to harm, but incapable of taking any on them
action. When not dormant, you may On a 6 or less, you miss and they
Hot treat failures as 7-9 and 7-9 as 10-up get a string on you.
(Turn Someone On, when you lash out physically to protect
m Hatchery
Manipulate an NPC) your school building or grounds.
Notes You can invest some of yourself into
a single object in your school, turning
m m Babewyn
it into an egg. You may only have one
During your dormant period, if
Cold someone else is on the school grounds
egg at a time. If you die, you will be
reborn from the egg at the beginning
you can assume your human form. If
(Shut Someone Down, of your next period of activity, with a
you are alone, you can still become
Hold Steady) new dormant form (and animate form if
human, but take 1 harm. If you leave
m you have one) based on the egg object.
your school, you instantly know if
Mark experience when you are reborn.
Volatile Harm
someone enters or threatens the school
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) m Hunky Punk
m Grotesque With concentration you can give your
human form some of the durability of
Experience Points:
m You may transform from human form
into animate form. In this form you your inanimate form. When you get
Dark mmmmm >> advance are an inanimate object brought to hurt, you can hold steady. On a 7-9, you
(Gaze Into The Abyss) life. While animate you take 1 less take 1 less harm. On a 10 up, you take
harm from anything that harms you no harm and mark experience.
(to a minimum of zero harm) and you
get +1 to lash out physically or shut m Rival Schools
Your Backstory Strings someone down. For the purposes of School Spirit,
attacking a rival school or people
Someone saw you transforming m Kirkgrim associated with it counts as protecting
into your dormant form. They take 2 For the purposes of School Spirit, the building or grounds.
strings on you. protecting the people associated with
your school (students, faculty, m Sheela na Gig
You’ve been watching someone who employees) counts as protecting the When in human form, you can roll Cold
seems to have a great love for your building or grounds. instead of Hot to turn someone on or
school. Take 2 strings on them. manipulate an NPC, but only if your
Other Moves genitals are exposed.
Sex Move Playing The Harpy
After you have sex with someone, Stewing in resentment and envy, as
you must either compliment them the Harpy you are all about bringing Look at them. Sniveling weaklings,
or insult them. If you compliment others down and destroying their the lot of them. They take advantage
them, lose all your strings on happiness. Maybe you used to be of their money, their looks, their
them, give yourself the condition popular but lost it all, or used to be brains, their cliques, but do they
Going Soft, and mark experience. If unpopular and radically reinvented really deserve any of that power?
you insult them, treat it as if you yourself. You might even be on a What did they do to earn it? When
shut someone down and rolled a divine mission to bring down the have they ever suffered for what
10 up. arrogant. You’re a social powerhouse they have?
with a razor-sharp wit, but somehow
Darkest Self you can never leverage that power to
get what you want, only to make sure
The free ride ends now. What you
can’t snatch away for yourself, you’ll
that nobody else gets what they want make so foul that nobody would
You’re never going to be happy, so why
either. want it anyway. They all wither
should anyone else get to be? They’re
all just victims waiting to be brutalized under your acid tongue. Your tactics
The Harpy isn’t the Queen. You may may not win you any friends, but
anyway, and you might as well be the
be seen as one of the most influential given the choice, you’ll always pick
one to punish them. It won’t make you
figures in the school, but you’re not fear over love.
feel better, but at least it’ll make them
popular or revered - at best, your
feel worse. Pick out a vulnerable target
Vicious Flock gang advancement gives
and let them feel your talons. Don’t let
you a set of cronies who support you
up no matter what. Push them right to
only in hopes of directing your
the edge and watch them topple over.

The Harpy
withering gaze away from themselves.
You will recover from your Darkest
Your power and influence comes from
Self when you drive someone to harm
the fear everyone feels when you start
themselves in some way.

Advancement Most of your Moves are centered

m Take another Harpy move.

around shutting someone down, as
that’s going to be your main tool
Name Look
m Take another Harpy move. Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
for interacting with others. Pick the
m Take a move from another Skin.
Moves you feel will best enhance Beatrice, Darcy, Ella, Hogan, bleeding edge of fashion, perfectly
m Take a move from another Skin. Jasmine, Lane, Mai, Nick,
your particular style of social sadism. coiffed, insincere smile, raptor’s
m You fly with a Vicious Flock. You’re typically not the kind of bully Petey, Zoe
m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). beauty, shabby chic
who beats people up, but a few moves
m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). a bird’s name, a Shakespearean
m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). do key off lash out physically, and they cruel eyes, stormy eyes, haughty eyes,
can can come in handy when one of name, a weather-related name, a hawk’s eyes, predatory eyes
m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). beautiful name, an intimidating
your victims decides to seek revenge
Skin Designed by: via a physical confrontation. name
Circle one:
Alkonost is the Harpy’s only overtly
Topher Gerkey supernatural Move. You can pick it to used to be popular, former nerd
be a literal bird-creature, or avoid it if with extreme makeover, storm spirit
Stock Art by: incarnate, weaponized social cues,
you simply want to be your school’s
Alpha Bitch. implement of divine vengeance
Name: Carry Forward Harpy Moves
m Lightning Talons
When you shut someone down in front
Choose two: of witnesses, add 1 to your roll. If you
roll a 10 up, they lose one intangible
Stats m Alkonost
When you lash out physically, you
possession (a friendship, their sense of
Add 1 to one of these: pride, their reputation) until they
become a storm of feathers and talons,
successfully use shut someone down or
Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile 1, Dark -1 doing 1 additional harm. Until you calm
lash out physically against you, or
Conditions down, you can fly and easily shred
physical items with your claws.
otherwise assert their dominance.

m Boread Chase m Rose Whip

m When you run away, you don’t When you manipulate an NPC and roll
have to roll unless the person 7-9, treat it as a 10 up. If you roll 10 up,
Hot you’re running away from can fly. They will do as you ask without
(Turn Someone On, needing a bribe, threat, or other
Manipulate an NPC) m Defiler motive.
Notes When you successfully shut someone
m Screech
m down, in addition to the normal
effects choose one: Whenever you gain a string on
Cold } They lose a string on someone someone, carry 1 forward toward your
next attempt to shut them down or lash
other than you.
(Shut Someone Down, } They gain the condition Befouled. out physically at them.
Hold Steady)
} The next roll they make is at -1.
m m Snatcher
} They lose access to their Gang
When you lash out physically and
Volatile Harm
until they hold steady.
succeed, place a condition on your
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) m Elegant Egotist victim. On a 10 up, you steal
When you turn someone on who or destroy an item belonging to
currently has a condition you placed them.
Experience Points:
on them, roll with Cold instead of Hot.
Dark mmmmm >> advance On a 10 up, you can offer them
m Storm Wind
When you gaze into the abyss about
(Gaze Into The Abyss) experience to do something for you
a specific person and roll 7-9, carry 1
without spending a string.
forward to your next attempt to shut
them down. If you roll a 10 up, gain a
string on them.
Your Backstory Strings
Take two strings on your favorite

You publicly embarrassed a

Other Moves
powerful enemy, and they’re itching
for revenge. Each of you take a string
on the other.
Sex Move Playing The Harpy
After you have sex with someone, Stewing in resentment and envy, as
you must either compliment them the Harpy you are all about bringing Look at them. Sniveling weaklings,
or insult them. If you compliment others down and destroying their the lot of them. They take advantage
them, lose all your strings on happiness. Maybe you used to be of their money, their looks, their
them, give yourself the condition popular but lost it all, or used to be brains, their cliques, but do they
Going Soft, and mark experience. If unpopular and radically reinvented really deserve any of that power?
you insult them, treat it as if you yourself. You might even be on a What did they do to earn it? When
shut someone down and rolled a divine mission to bring down the have they ever suffered for what
10 up. arrogant. You’re a social powerhouse they have?
with a razor-sharp wit, but somehow
Darkest Self you can never leverage that power to
get what you want, only to make sure
The free ride ends now. What you
can’t snatch away for yourself, you’ll
that nobody else gets what they want make so foul that nobody would
You’re never going to be happy, so why
either. want it anyway. They all wither
should anyone else get to be? They’re
all just victims waiting to be brutalized under your acid tongue. Your tactics
The Harpy isn’t the Queen. You may may not win you any friends, but
anyway, and you might as well be the
be seen as one of the most influential given the choice, you’ll always pick
one to punish them. It won’t make you
figures in the school, but you’re not fear over love.
feel better, but at least it’ll make them
popular or revered - at best, your
feel worse. Pick out a vulnerable target
Vicious Flock gang advancement gives
and let them feel your talons. Don’t let
you a set of cronies who support you
up no matter what. Push them right to
only in hopes of directing your
the edge and watch them topple over.

The Harpy
withering gaze away from themselves.
You will recover from your Darkest
Your power and influence comes from
Self when you drive someone to harm
the fear everyone feels when you start
themselves in some way.

Advancement Most of your Moves are centered

m Take another Harpy move.

around shutting someone down, as
that’s going to be your main tool
Name Look
m Take another Harpy move. Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
for interacting with others. Pick the
m Take a move from another Skin.
Moves you feel will best enhance Beatrice, Darcy, Ella, Hogan, bleeding edge of fashion, perfectly
m Take a move from another Skin. Jasmine, Lane, Mai, Nick,
your particular style of social sadism. coiffed, insincere smile, raptor’s
m You fly with a Vicious Flock. You’re typically not the kind of bully Petey, Zoe
m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). beauty, shabby chic
who beats people up, but a few moves
m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). a bird’s name, a Shakespearean
m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). do key off lash out physically, and they cruel eyes, stormy eyes, haughty eyes,
can can come in handy when one of name, a weather-related name, a hawk’s eyes, predatory eyes
m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). beautiful name, an intimidating
your victims decides to seek revenge
Skin Designed by: via a physical confrontation. name
Circle one:
Alkonost is the Harpy’s only overtly
Topher Gerkey supernatural Move. You can pick it to used to be popular, former nerd
be a literal bird-creature, or avoid it if with extreme makeover, storm spirit
Stock Art by: incarnate, weaponized social cues,
you simply want to be your school’s
Alpha Bitch. implement of divine vengeance
Name: Carry Forward Harpy Moves
m Lightning Talons
When you shut someone down in front
Choose two: of witnesses, add 1 to your roll. If you
roll a 10 up, they lose one intangible
Stats m Alkonost
When you lash out physically, you
possession (a friendship, their sense of
Add 1 to one of these: pride, their reputation) until they
become a storm of feathers and talons,
successfully use shut someone down or
Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile 1, Dark -1 doing 1 additional harm. Until you calm
lash out physically against you, or
Conditions down, you can fly and easily shred
physical items with your claws.
otherwise assert their dominance.

m Boread Chase m Rose Whip

m When you run away, you don’t When you manipulate an NPC and roll
have to roll unless the person 7-9, treat it as a 10 up. If you roll 10 up,
Hot you’re running away from can fly. They will do as you ask without
(Turn Someone On, needing a bribe, threat, or other
Manipulate an NPC) m Defiler motive.
Notes When you successfully shut someone
m Screech
m down, in addition to the normal
effects choose one: Whenever you gain a string on
Cold } They lose a string on someone someone, carry 1 forward toward your
next attempt to shut them down or lash
other than you.
(Shut Someone Down, } They gain the condition Befouled. out physically at them.
Hold Steady)
} The next roll they make is at -1.
m m Snatcher
} They lose access to their Gang
When you lash out physically and
Volatile Harm
until they hold steady.
succeed, place a condition on your
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) m Elegant Egotist victim. On a 10 up, you steal
When you turn someone on who or destroy an item belonging to
currently has a condition you placed them.
Experience Points:
on them, roll with Cold instead of Hot.
Dark mmmmm >> advance On a 10 up, you can offer them
m Storm Wind
When you gaze into the abyss about
(Gaze Into The Abyss) experience to do something for you
a specific person and roll 7-9, carry 1
without spending a string.
forward to your next attempt to shut
them down. If you roll a 10 up, gain a
string on them.
Your Backstory Strings
Take two strings on your favorite

You publicly embarrassed a

Other Moves
powerful enemy, and they’re itching
for revenge. Each of you take a string
on the other.
Sex Move Playing The Minotaur
When you have sex with A violent bully who secretly longs for
someone, give them a string on friendship and acceptance, you’re easily It wasn’t like you set out to be a
you and the condition Golden manipulated by anyone who knows how bully. It’s not your fault you’re
Thread. They may choose to ask to push your buttons - which largely boils bigger than the others, or that you
you to spare one person; if they down to knowing how to make you mad stumble over your words, or that
do, give that person the condition at someone. If you have Red Flag, you’ll you’re just kinda naturally scary.
Golden Thread as well. want to encourage others to manipulate
you with their strings! But it is what it is. You know your
Darkest Self friends aren’t real friends, that they
The conditions associated with the see you as a big dumb tool. But at
You’re nothing but a violent animal, Minotaur are largely metaphorical. In the least if you beat people up for them,
and everybody knows it. They all just Maze is just a way of expressing that your they hang out with you. It’s better
use you - the assholes who get you dangerous attention has been drawn to than being alone.
mad and point you at their enemies, someone, and can range from “I heard
the sick freaks who get off on making you’ve been talking about me behind my Sure, sometimes it hurts. Sometimes
out with a dumb beast, the suckups back” to “As soon as the three o’clock bell it hurts a lot. But you know how to
who pretend to like you so you won’t rings, you’re dead, man.” Golden Thread fix that. Getting angry fixes
end them. So fine, be a violent animal. represents someone who is in your good everything.
Track down anyone who’s In the Maze books or who you’ve been asked to leave
and show them just how bestial you alone by someone worth listening to.
can be. If nobody’s In the Maze, choose
You should be handing out In the Maze

The Minotaur
someone to face your fury. You can
escape your Darkest Self when there’s as often as possible, via shutting
no-one left In the Maze or when you someone down, the Seeing Red move,
are confronted by someone with a or spending strings. If you have
Golden Thread. Tribute, be sure to remind people that
they can eliminate your strings on

them by throwing someone else under
the bus. Name Look
Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
m Take another Minotaur move.
m Take another Minotaur move. Hot is one of your high stats, but your
Aster, Bastien, Dorcas, Ferdie, beefy, sweaty, looming, shaggy,
m Take a move from another Skin. “dumb, violent thug” reputation will Johnny, Manny, Nandi, Norman, bodybuilder
m Take a move from another Skin. probably get in the way of serious Rosie, Shamala
m You have a Herd of Cronies. romance. Your Sex Move and Bestial dull eyes, red-glinting eyes, furious
m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Pleasures, if you have it, might help A kid’s nickname, a Greek name, eyes, threatening eyes, lonely eyes
m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). tempt others into sweaty, a tough-sounding name, an
m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). embarrassing encounters that they’ll embarrassing name, a working-
m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). want to keep secret, giving you some class name Circle one:
emotional leverage on them.
Skin Designed by: bestial demigod, abused animal
Mess with the Bull is the skin’s only growth hormones, cursed by a
Topher Gerkey overtly inhuman move, so your witch, testosterone poisoning,
setting’s themes should be taken into experimental hybrid, anger
Stock Art by: account when deciding whether to management issues
take it. In a more supernatural game,
Jazmin Lashae turning into a raging bull monster
may come in very handy!
Name: Carry Forward Minotaur Moves
You start with this one, and choose two m Mess with the Bull
When you violently confront someone
Stats ˜ Labyrinth who is In the Maze, roll Volatile. On a
Add 1 to one of these: 7-9, you take on a huge bestial form,
When you do harm to someone, take a
string on them. You get +1 ongoing to complete with horns and hooves. On a
Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark -1
10 up, take on the bestial form and
lash out physically, shut someone down,
or gaze into the abyss when your target become your Darkest Self. While in
has the condition In the Maze. You get your bestial form, do 1 extra harm
-1 ongoing to lash out physically, shut when you lash out physically and take
someone down, or gaze into the abyss 1 less harm from any source. You must
when your target has the condition hold steady in order to return to your
Hot Golden Thread. human form.
(Turn Someone On,
m Bestial Pleasures m Red Flag
Manipulate an NPC)
Notes When you successfully turn someone When someone spends a string on you
to ask you to do something for them
m on, take a string on them, give them a
string on you, and give them the and you accept, instead of marking
Cold condition Golden Thread. experience choose two:
} Carry 1 forward toward completing
(Shut Someone Down, the task
m Bully
Hold Steady) } Clear a condition
When you use physical force to
m } Mark experience
intimidate or harass someone, roll
} Remove 1 harm
Volatile Harm
Volatile instead of Cold to shut someone
down. Take -1 ongoing to hold steady;
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) m Seeing Red
if you fail, gain the condition Enraged When you gaze into the abyss about
instead of Terrified. someone with whom you’re furious,
Experience Points:
m roll Volatile instead of Dark. On a 7-9,
m In a China Shop add this to the list of options: “Place
mmmmm >> advance When you lash out physically, on a 7-9 the condition In the Maze on them.” On
(Gaze Into The Abyss) your target chooses one physical item a 10 up, add these to the list of options:
they own that is either on their “Place the condition In the Maze on
person or nearby; that item is them” and “Do 1 extra harm the next
destroyed or rendered unusable. On a time you lash out physically at them.”
Your Backstory Strings 10 up, you choose the item.
m Tribute
You regularly act as the muscle for
When someone else gives out the
someone. Give them three strings on
Other Moves
condition In the Maze, you lose a
string on them.
You recently bullied someone. Take a
string on them.

You’re someone’s guilty one-night

stand. Each of you take a string on the
Sex Move Playing The Minotaur
When you have sex with A violent bully who secretly longs for
someone, give them a string on friendship and acceptance, you’re easily It wasn’t like you set out to be a
you and the condition Golden manipulated by anyone who knows how bully. It’s not your fault you’re
Thread. They may choose to ask to push your buttons - which largely boils bigger than the others, or that you
you to spare one person; if they down to knowing how to make you mad stumble over your words, or that
do, give that person the condition at someone. If you have Red Flag, you’ll you’re just kinda naturally scary.
Golden Thread as well. want to encourage others to manipulate
you with their strings! But it is what it is. You know your
Darkest Self friends aren’t real friends, that they
The conditions associated with the see you as a big dumb tool. But at
You’re nothing but a violent animal, Minotaur are largely metaphorical. In the least if you beat people up for them,
and everybody knows it. They all just Maze is just a way of expressing that your they hang out with you. It’s better
use you - the assholes who get you dangerous attention has been drawn to than being alone.
mad and point you at their enemies, someone, and can range from “I heard
the sick freaks who get off on making you’ve been talking about me behind my Sure, sometimes it hurts. Sometimes
out with a dumb beast, the suckups back” to “As soon as the three o’clock bell it hurts a lot. But you know how to
who pretend to like you so you won’t rings, you’re dead, man.” Golden Thread fix that. Getting angry fixes
end them. So fine, be a violent animal. represents someone who is in your good everything.
Track down anyone who’s In the Maze books or who you’ve been asked to leave
and show them just how bestial you alone by someone worth listening to.
can be. If nobody’s In the Maze, choose
You should be handing out In the Maze

The Minotaur
someone to face your fury. You can
escape your Darkest Self when there’s as often as possible, via shutting
no-one left In the Maze or when you someone down, the Seeing Red move,
are confronted by someone with a or spending strings. If you have
Golden Thread. Tribute, be sure to remind people that
they can eliminate your strings on

them by throwing someone else under
the bus. Name Look
Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
m Take another Minotaur move.
m Take another Minotaur move. Hot is one of your high stats, but your
Aster, Bastien, Dorcas, Ferdie, beefy, sweaty, looming, shaggy,
m Take a move from another Skin. “dumb, violent thug” reputation will Johnny, Manny, Nandi, Norman, bodybuilder
m Take a move from another Skin. probably get in the way of serious Rosie, Shamala
m You have a Herd of Cronies. romance. Your Sex Move and Bestial dull eyes, red-glinting eyes, furious
m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). Pleasures, if you have it, might help A kid’s nickname, a Greek name, eyes, threatening eyes, lonely eyes
m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). tempt others into sweaty, a tough-sounding name, an
m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). embarrassing encounters that they’ll embarrassing name, a working-
m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). want to keep secret, giving you some class name Circle one:
emotional leverage on them.
Skin Designed by: bestial demigod, abused animal
Mess with the Bull is the skin’s only growth hormones, cursed by a
Topher Gerkey overtly inhuman move, so your witch, testosterone poisoning,
setting’s themes should be taken into experimental hybrid, anger
Stock Art by: account when deciding whether to management issues
take it. In a more supernatural game,
Cathleen Tarawhiti turning into a raging bull monster
may come in very handy!
Name: Carry Forward Minotaur Moves
You start with this one, and choose two m Mess with the Bull
When you violently confront someone
Stats ˜ Labyrinth who is In the Maze, roll Volatile. On a
Add 1 to one of these: 7-9, you take on a huge bestial form,
When you do harm to someone, take a
string on them. You get +1 ongoing to complete with horns and hooves. On a
Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark -1
10 up, take on the bestial form and
lash out physically, shut someone down,
or gaze into the abyss when your target become your Darkest Self. While in
has the condition In the Maze. You get your bestial form, do 1 extra harm
-1 ongoing to lash out physically, shut when you lash out physically and take
someone down, or gaze into the abyss 1 less harm from any source. You must
when your target has the condition hold steady in order to return to your
Hot Golden Thread. human form.
(Turn Someone On,
m Bestial Pleasures m Red Flag
Manipulate an NPC)
Notes When you successfully turn someone When someone spends a string on you
to ask you to do something for them
m on, take a string on them, give them a
string on you, and give them the and you accept, instead of marking
Cold condition Golden Thread. experience choose two:
} Carry 1 forward toward completing
(Shut Someone Down, the task
m Bully
Hold Steady) } Clear a condition
When you use physical force to
m } Mark experience
intimidate or harass someone, roll
} Remove 1 harm
Volatile Harm
Volatile instead of Cold to shut someone
down. Take -1 ongoing to hold steady;
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) m Seeing Red
if you fail, gain the condition Enraged When you gaze into the abyss about
instead of Terrified. someone with whom you’re furious,
Experience Points:
m roll Volatile instead of Dark. On a 7-9,
m In a China Shop add this to the list of options: “Place
mmmmm >> advance When you lash out physically, on a 7-9 the condition In the Maze on them.” On
(Gaze Into The Abyss) your target chooses one physical item a 10 up, add these to the list of options:
they own that is either on their “Place the condition In the Maze on
person or nearby; that item is them” and “Do 1 extra harm the next
destroyed or rendered unusable. On a time you lash out physically at them.”
Your Backstory Strings 10 up, you choose the item.
m Tribute
You regularly act as the muscle for
When someone else gives out the
someone. Give them three strings on
Other Moves
condition In the Maze, you lose a
string on them.
You recently bullied someone. Take a
string on them.

You’re someone’s guilty one-night

stand. Each of you take a string on the
Sex Move Playing The Mummy
When you allow someone the You’re fully aware of exactly how
privilege of lying with you, take a string awesome you are, and completely Once you had it all. Wealth, power,
on them. They carry 1 forward toward convinced of your own innate royalty station, the adoration of the people,
any action they take that is intended to - or even divinity. Never question love, magic. You were in your
benefit you, and take a -1 penalty to the whether you deserve money, rightful place, at the head of the
next action they take that is intended popularity, influence, and romance, table, and it was good.
to work against you. If they are your because of course you do, and only
soulmate, mark experience. the best of the best will suit someone Then it was all taken away from
of your lofty status. Any actions you
Darkest Self
you, leaving you with nothing but
take to acquire these things is darkness and the slow passage of
justified, because, well, it’s for you, millennia.
You have been patient for longer than isn’t it?
some civilizations have existed, and Now you’ve awakened, and
now your patience is exhausted. No Soul Eater, Sun-Blessed, and Tana while the world has moved on,
more planning, no more manipulating, Leaves all fulfill a similar narrative some things never change. You’ll
no more waiting. You know what you function (explaining how you stay have your rightful place again,
want, so take it. Claim the riches that awake, active, and healthy), so and you know exactly how to
are your birthright. Eliminate rivals consider only choosing one of the
get it.
who covet your position. If you have a three and using your other choice on a
soulmate, pursue them relentlessly. You more active move - unless you have a
are an unstoppable, implacable force, good reason to double up.
and you can only escape your Darkest

The Mummy
Self when you achieve at least one of If you take Cursed Idols, be sure to
your goals or someone else manages to play up the idea that you have this
force you into submission. collection of unique magical artifacts.
Don’t just say “I put a condition on

her.” Instead, aim more for “I use the
Amulet of Khepri to curse her with the
m Take another Mummy move.
smell of dung!” Remember, because of
your rightful status, any use of the
Name Look
m Take another Mummy move. Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
m Take a move from another Skin. artifacts is justified, no matter how
m Take a move from another Skin. selfish or cruel it may seem to others. Ampata, Ananka, Ardath, Cleo, imperious, old-fashioned, wealthy,
If an item’s curse ends up screwing Johann, Juanita, Kharis, Ötzi, foreign, compelling, powerful
m You have an Ancient Cult.
you over, it’s not because you did Ramses, Xin Zhui
m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). haughty eyes, unsleeping eyes, dry
m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). anything wrong - obviously it’s a
problem with that specific artifact, A regal name, a divine name, an eyes, heavily made-up eyes, lonely
m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3).
m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). and next time you’ll be sure to use a ancient name, an immigrant’s eyes
different one. name, an imposing name

Skin Designed by: If you take the advancement that gives

Circle one:
Topher Gerkey you an Ancient Cult, you have the aid
of a group of fanatics who have been Betrayed royalty, peat bog murder,
guarding your sleeping form for sacrificial offering, watery grave,
Stock Art by: centuries. They may sometimes be frozen solid
overzealous in their protectiveness,
Vapourgrafix but they can be a good source of new
cursed artifacts or tana leaves.
Name: Carry Forward Mummy Moves m Cursed Idols
Choose two: You were buried with a large
collection of cursed artifacts. You can
Stats m Mummy’s Curse
When anyone inflicts at least 1 harm
use these idols to your own
advantage, if you are willing to endure
Add 1 to one of these:
on you, give them the condition the side effects. You can only use one
Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile -1, Dark 1 Fungal Rot. idol in any given scene. Each time you
Conditions m Royal Decree
use an idol, choose a Blessing:
} Add 1 to one of your stats for a
Roll Hot instead of Cold to shut scene
someone down, and add 1 to your turn } Treat one roll as if you had rolled
m someone on and manipulate an NPC 10 up

Hot rolls. } Do 1 harm to someone

} Remove 1 harm from someone
(Turn Someone On, } Give someone a condition of your
m Soul Eater
Manipulate an NPC) choice
Notes You feed on the life force of others with
a kiss. Roll Dark; on a 10 up, do 1 harm } Remove a condition from
m and mark experience. On a 7-9, give the someone
} Take a string on someone
Cold condition Drained but also give them a
string on you. On a miss, take 1 harm. } Choose a third highlighted stat for
one scene
(Shut Someone Down,
Hold Steady) m Soulmate
Also, the MC chooses a Curse:
m The one you loved the most in ancient } Subtract 1 from one of your stats
times has been reincarnated. Choose
for a scene
someone to be your soulmate. You and } Treat your next roll as if you’d
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) your soulmate get +1 ongoing to all rolls rolled a miss
against one another, and any strings } Take 1 harm
you gain on one another are doubled.
Experience Points:
m } Gain a condition of the MC’s
You can spend a string on your
soulmate to enter any scene they are in.
mmmmm >> advance } Someone gains a string on you
(Gaze Into The Abyss) } An NPC acts with Advantage
m Sun-Blessed against you for the scene
Remove a condition and 1 harm when } One of your Mummy moves stops
you spend a scene bathed in sunlight. working for a scene
Your Backstory Strings From sunset to sunrise you have the } Your worst enemy marks
condition Weakened. experience
Someone has accepted their place at
your feet. Take a string on them. m Tana Leaves
You have a limited supply of tana
You see someone as a threat to your leaves and know how to use them.
position. Give them a string on you. Roll Dark; on a 10 up you’ve brewed Other Moves
a powerful tea that heals 2 harm and
If you have a soulmate, each of you can raise a dead character as a new
take a string on the other. Mummy. On a 7-9, the tea will heal 1
harm. On a miss, the tea will remove
a condition, but you’ve run out of
leaves. You’ll need to pull strings,
manipulate NPCs, or call on your Cult
to get more.
Sex Move Playing The Mummy
When you allow someone the You’re fully aware of exactly how
privilege of lying with you, take a string awesome you are, and completely Once you had it all. Wealth, power,
on them. They carry 1 forward toward convinced of your own innate royalty station, the adoration of the people,
any action they take that is intended to - or even divinity. Never question love, magic. You were in your
benefit you, and take a -1 penalty to the whether you deserve money, rightful place, at the head of the
next action they take that is intended popularity, influence, and romance, table, and it was good.
to work against you. If they are your because of course you do, and only
soulmate, mark experience. the best of the best will suit someone Then it was all taken away from
of your lofty status. Any actions you
Darkest Self
you, leaving you with nothing but
take to acquire these things is darkness and the slow passage of
justified, because, well, it’s for you, millennia.
You have been patient for longer than isn’t it?
some civilizations have existed, and Now you’ve awakened, and
now your patience is exhausted. No Soul Eater, Sun-Blessed, and Tana while the world has moved on,
more planning, no more manipulating, Leaves all fulfill a similar narrative some things never change. You’ll
no more waiting. You know what you function (explaining how you stay have your rightful place again,
want, so take it. Claim the riches that awake, active, and healthy), so and you know exactly how to
are your birthright. Eliminate rivals consider only choosing one of the
get it.
who covet your position. If you have a three and using your other choice on a
soulmate, pursue them relentlessly. You more active move - unless you have a
are an unstoppable, implacable force, good reason to double up.
and you can only escape your Darkest

The Mummy
Self when you achieve at least one of If you take Cursed Idols, be sure to
your goals or someone else manages to play up the idea that you have this
force you into submission. collection of unique magical artifacts.
Don’t just say “I put a condition on

her.” Instead, aim more for “I use the
Amulet of Khepri to curse her with the
m Take another Mummy move.
smell of dung!” Remember, because of
your rightful status, any use of the
Name Look
m Take another Mummy move. Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
m Take a move from another Skin. artifacts is justified, no matter how
m Take a move from another Skin. selfish or cruel it may seem to others. Ampata, Ananka, Ardath, Cleo, imperious, old-fashioned, wealthy,
If an item’s curse ends up screwing Johann, Juanita, Kharis, Ötzi, foreign, compelling, powerful
m You have an Ancient Cult.
you over, it’s not because you did Ramses, Xin Zhui
m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). haughty eyes, unsleeping eyes, dry
m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). anything wrong - obviously it’s a
problem with that specific artifact, A regal name, a divine name, an eyes, heavily made-up eyes, lonely
m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3).
m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). and next time you’ll be sure to use a ancient name, an immigrant’s eyes
different one. name, an imposing name

Skin Designed by: If you take the advancement that gives

Circle one:
Topher Gerkey you an Ancient Cult, you have the aid
of a group of fanatics who have been Betrayed royalty, peat bog murder,
guarding your sleeping form for sacrificial offering, watery grave,
Stock Art by: centuries. They may sometimes be frozen solid
overzealous in their protectiveness,
The Metronomad but they can be a good source of new
cursed artifacts or tana leaves.
Name: Carry Forward Mummy Moves m Cursed Idols
Choose two: You were buried with a large
collection of cursed artifacts. You can
Stats m Mummy’s Curse
When anyone inflicts at least 1 harm
use these idols to your own
advantage, if you are willing to endure
Add 1 to one of these:
on you, give them the condition the side effects. You can only use one
Hot 1, Cold -1, Volatile -1, Dark 1 Fungal Rot. idol in any given scene. Each time you
Conditions m Royal Decree
use an idol, choose a Blessing:
} Add 1 to one of your stats for a
Roll Hot instead of Cold to shut scene
someone down, and add 1 to your turn } Treat one roll as if you had rolled
m someone on and manipulate an NPC 10 up

Hot rolls. } Do 1 harm to someone

} Remove 1 harm from someone
(Turn Someone On, } Give someone a condition of your
m Soul Eater
Manipulate an NPC) choice
Notes You feed on the life force of others with
a kiss. Roll Dark; on a 10 up, do 1 harm } Remove a condition from
m and mark experience. On a 7-9, give the someone
} Take a string on someone
Cold condition Drained but also give them a
string on you. On a miss, take 1 harm. } Choose a third highlighted stat for
one scene
(Shut Someone Down,
Hold Steady) m Soulmate
Also, the MC chooses a Curse:
m The one you loved the most in ancient } Subtract 1 from one of your stats
times has been reincarnated. Choose
for a scene
someone to be your soulmate. You and } Treat your next roll as if you’d
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) your soulmate get +1 ongoing to all rolls rolled a miss
against one another, and any strings } Take 1 harm
you gain on one another are doubled.
Experience Points:
m } Gain a condition of the MC’s
You can spend a string on your
soulmate to enter any scene they are in.
mmmmm >> advance } Someone gains a string on you
(Gaze Into The Abyss) } An NPC acts with Advantage
m Sun-Blessed against you for the scene
Remove a condition and 1 harm when } One of your Mummy moves stops
you spend a scene bathed in sunlight. working for a scene
Your Backstory Strings From sunset to sunrise you have the } Your worst enemy marks
condition Weakened. experience
Someone has accepted their place at
your feet. Take a string on them. m Tana Leaves
You have a limited supply of tana
You see someone as a threat to your leaves and know how to use them.
position. Give them a string on you. Roll Dark; on a 10 up you’ve brewed Other Moves
a powerful tea that heals 2 harm and
If you have a soulmate, each of you can raise a dead character as a new
take a string on the other. Mummy. On a 7-9, the tea will heal 1
harm. On a miss, the tea will remove
a condition, but you’ve run out of
leaves. You’ll need to pull strings,
manipulate NPCs, or call on your Cult
to get more.
Sex Move Playing The Muse
When you have sex with your As the Muse, you are a frustrated
protegé, they can act as if they had genius, capable of taking your field to Christian was amazing in his last
your Catacombs move until either a whole new level - or you would be, game. You knew he would be. All it
of you has sex with someone else. if something wasn’t holding you back. took for him to shine was your
If you have sex with someone Some sort of terrible injury, special training...and the coach
besides your protegé, you can disfigurement, or other obstacle finding out his video collection
treat them as if they are a second prevents you from truly reaching the wasn’t so secret...and the original
protegé until either of you has sex heights you were destined for...but quarterback’s awful leg-breaking
with someone else. you can still teach, and your crazed accident.
brilliance manifests itself in an
Darkest Self obsessive focus on the one you’ve
chosen to be your student. You’ll do
But now homecoming is coming up,
and Christian has been blowing off
anything - no matter how vile - to see your training sessions to spend time
There’s only one person in the world
them succeed. with Rhonda.
who truly understands your genius and
your torment, and you will do anything
Masked Angel allows you to have a It’s okay. You have a solution for
it takes to make them yours forever.
somewhat normal teenaged life, so that. And Christian will thank you
Kidnap your protegé and take them
take advantage of the fact that nobody when the scholarships come rolling
back to your Catacombs, and make it
knows you’re secretly the “Phantom” in. You just know it.
clear that from now on their entire life
haunting the school. If your game
is going to be about learning from you
is set in an environment other than
and making you happy. Destroy anyone
a school, pick the most central and
who interferes. You can only escape

The Muse
frequently used location to place the
your Darkest Self when your protegé
Catacombs (which could be a deserted
takes harm as a result of your actions.
bomb shelter, a natural cave network,
or even actual catacombs).
Most of your moves are focused
Name Look
m Take another Muse move. around your protegé, as you might
m Take another Muse move. expect, but even those that aren’t
m Take a move from another Skin. Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
can be used to clear a path for them.
m Take a move from another Skin.
Judas Hole and O.G. are great for Abner, Erika, Etta, Jason, Karla, fidgety, scarred, pale and sickly,
m You have Secret Minions. blackmailing potential obstacles, and Petrie, Santini, Shawna, Song,
m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). disabled, well-dressed
Punjab Lasso offers a more violent and Winslow
m Add 1 to Cold (max 3).
m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). perhaps permanent solution to your broken eyes, hopeless eyes, fanatical
protegé’s rivals. A haunted name, an overlooked eyes, inspired eyes, jealous eyes
m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). name, an artistic name, an archaic
name, a melodic name
The Secret Minions gang advancement
can represent sympathetic friends or
Skin Designed by:
family members who know your dual Virtuoso Circle one:
Choose a skill:
Topher Gerkey identity, blackmailed victims who have
no choice but to obey you, or broken,
born disfigured, Faustian bargain,
Composing or performing one terrible accident, targeted by a rival,
Stock Art by: enthralled former students desperate
style of music or dance; creating crippling insecurity
for another chance to become your
one type of visual art; writing or
protegé again.
performing one type of theater,
writing one form of prose or
poetry, playing one sport
Name: Carry Forward Muse Moves
m Grasshopper or Scorpion?
When you force your protegé to make
You start with these two, and choose one a choice between spending time with
more: you and pursuing some other interest
Stats ˜ Masked Angel
or relationship, they choose one:
Add 1 to one of these: } They stay with you, you get a
When you wear a mask, no one can string on them, and they get +1
Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1 perceive your true identity. When you forward (or advantage) toward their
Conditions spend a scene training your protegé in
your virtuoso skill while masked, take
next performance with your virtuoso
a string on them. The next time they } They leave to pursue their other
perform the skill publicly, they do so at interest, they lose a string on you if
m a level of expertise far above what they they have any, and you get +1 forward
Hot could manage on their own (NPCs act
with Advantage).
toward interfering with or harming
(Turn Someone On, their other interest.
Manipulate an NPC) ˜ Catacombs
Notes Your school has a secret m Judas Hole
m sub-basement, accessed through When you are in your Catacombs
and you spy on someone through
a variety of hidden doorways and
passages, and you have made it a peephole and learn a secret
your own. When you’re on about them, take a string on
(Shut Someone Down, them. If you're spying on your
Hold Steady) campus and you run away, you
can treat a 6-9 as a 10 up, but the protegé, take two strings.
person chasing you is now aware
m Punjab Lasso
that the Catacombs exist.
When you spend a scene setting up an
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) m Don Juan Triumphant elaborate trap, you can roll with Dark
When you are performing your instead of Volatile to lash out
physically at someone who enters the
Experience Points:
m virtuoso skill and wearing a mask, you
can roll with Cold instead of Hot to trapped area, even if you aren’t
Dark mmmmm >> advance turn someone on or manipulate an NPC. present. Your Catacombs are always
(Gaze Into The Abyss) Take +1 to the roll if you are performing considered to be trapped, without
for your protegé. requiring a setup scene.

m O.G. m Toccata and Fugue

Your Backstory Strings When you send a threatening or

blackmailing note to someone you
When your protegé discovers your
true identity for the first time,
have strings on, roll with +1 to shut mark experience. They can choose
Choose one person to be your
someone down even if you’re not in the to keep training with you, or to
protegé. Take three strings on them
scene when they read it. abandon you and mark experience.
and give them one string on you.
If they choose to abandon you,
You’ve spied on someone else who you can choose a new protegé and
caught your interest. Take one string Other Moves get +1 forward toward harming
the old one.
on them.
Sex Move Playing The Muse
When you have sex with your As the Muse, you are a frustrated
protegé, they can act as if they had genius, capable of taking your field to Christian was amazing in his last
your Catacombs move until either a whole new level - or you would be, game. You knew he would be. All it
of you has sex with someone else. if something wasn’t holding you back. took for him to shine was your
If you have sex with someone Some sort of terrible injury, special training...and the coach
besides your protegé, you can disfigurement, or other obstacle finding out his video collection
treat them as if they are a second prevents you from truly reaching the wasn’t so secret...and the original
protegé until either of you has sex heights you were destined for...but quarterback’s awful leg-breaking
with someone else. you can still teach, and your crazed accident.
brilliance manifests itself in an
Darkest Self obsessive focus on the one you’ve
chosen to be your student. You’ll do
But now homecoming is coming up,
and Christian has been blowing off
anything - no matter how vile - to see your training sessions to spend time
There’s only one person in the world
them succeed. with Rhonda.
who truly understands your genius and
your torment, and you will do anything
Masked Angel allows you to have a It’s okay. You have a solution for
it takes to make them yours forever.
somewhat normal teenaged life, so that. And Christian will thank you
Kidnap your protegé and take them
take advantage of the fact that nobody when the scholarships come rolling
back to your Catacombs, and make it
knows you’re secretly the “Phantom” in. You just know it.
clear that from now on their entire life
haunting the school. If your game
is going to be about learning from you
is set in an environment other than
and making you happy. Destroy anyone
a school, pick the most central and
who interferes. You can only escape

The Muse
frequently used location to place the
your Darkest Self when your protegé
Catacombs (which could be a deserted
takes harm as a result of your actions.
bomb shelter, a natural cave network,
or even actual catacombs).
Most of your moves are focused
Name Look
m Take another Muse move. around your protegé, as you might
m Take another Muse move. expect, but even those that aren’t
m Take a move from another Skin. Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
can be used to clear a path for them.
m Take a move from another Skin.
Judas Hole and O.G. are great for Abner, Erika, Etta, Jason, Karla, fidgety, scarred, pale and sickly,
m You have Secret Minions. blackmailing potential obstacles, and Petrie, Santini, Shawna, Song,
m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). disabled, well-dressed
Punjab Lasso offers a more violent and Winslow
m Add 1 to Cold (max 3).
m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). perhaps permanent solution to your broken eyes, hopeless eyes, fanatical
protegé’s rivals. A haunted name, an overlooked eyes, inspired eyes, jealous eyes
m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). name, an artistic name, an archaic
name, a melodic name
The Secret Minions gang advancement
can represent sympathetic friends or
Skin Designed by:
family members who know your dual Virtuoso Circle one:
Choose a skill:
Topher Gerkey identity, blackmailed victims who have
no choice but to obey you, or broken,
born disfigured, Faustian bargain,
Composing or performing one terrible accident, targeted by a rival,
Stock Art by: enthralled former students desperate
style of music or dance; creating crippling insecurity
for another chance to become your
one type of visual art; writing or
Chyla Marie
protegé again.
performing one type of theater,
writing one form of prose or
poetry, playing one sport
Name: Carry Forward Muse Moves
m Grasshopper or Scorpion?
When you force your protegé to make
You start with these two, and choose one a choice between spending time with
more: you and pursuing some other interest
Stats ˜ Masked Angel
or relationship, they choose one:
Add 1 to one of these: } They stay with you, you get a
When you wear a mask, no one can string on them, and they get +1
Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1 perceive your true identity. When you forward (or advantage) toward their
Conditions spend a scene training your protegé in
your virtuoso skill while masked, take
next performance with your virtuoso
a string on them. The next time they } They leave to pursue their other
perform the skill publicly, they do so at interest, they lose a string on you if
m a level of expertise far above what they they have any, and you get +1 forward
Hot could manage on their own (NPCs act
with Advantage).
toward interfering with or harming
(Turn Someone On, their other interest.
Manipulate an NPC) ˜ Catacombs
Notes Your school has a secret m Judas Hole
m sub-basement, accessed through When you are in your Catacombs
and you spy on someone through
a variety of hidden doorways and
passages, and you have made it a peephole and learn a secret
your own. When you’re on about them, take a string on
(Shut Someone Down, them. If you're spying on your
Hold Steady) campus and you run away, you
can treat a 6-9 as a 10 up, but the protegé, take two strings.
person chasing you is now aware
m Punjab Lasso
that the Catacombs exist.
When you spend a scene setting up an
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) m Don Juan Triumphant elaborate trap, you can roll with Dark
When you are performing your instead of Volatile to lash out
physically at someone who enters the
Experience Points:
m virtuoso skill and wearing a mask, you
can roll with Cold instead of Hot to trapped area, even if you aren’t
Dark mmmmm >> advance turn someone on or manipulate an NPC. present. Your Catacombs are always
(Gaze Into The Abyss) Take +1 to the roll if you are performing considered to be trapped, without
for your protegé. requiring a setup scene.

m O.G. m Toccata and Fugue

Your Backstory Strings When you send a threatening or

blackmailing note to someone you
When your protegé discovers your
true identity for the first time,
have strings on, roll with +1 to shut mark experience. They can choose
Choose one person to be your
someone down even if you’re not in the to keep training with you, or to
protegé. Take three strings on them
scene when they read it. abandon you and mark experience.
and give them one string on you.
If they choose to abandon you,
You’ve spied on someone else who you can choose a new protegé and
caught your interest. Take one string Other Moves get +1 forward toward harming
the old one.
on them.
Sex Move Playing The Pr⊗xy no no n
When you have sex with someone,
make them your new subject (even
You are both villain and victim. You
want to survive, and if that means
if they don’t meet the criteria), and adding to Its list of targets, that’s i can See it sometimes, the staLker or
both of you mark experience. Your what you’ll do. On a conscious level, whatever the fuck it is, out there at the
new subject’s experience counts you may be unaware of the actions Edge of the woods, watching me.
toward triggering The Sickness. you take when wearing your mask. In always watching with No eyes.
Carry 1 forward toward inflicting any case, your main goal is to torment stanDing there in that black suit, like
Harm on your old subject. and tantalize your subject, drawing a funEral director, but so tall, too tall.
them further into Its grasp. Use your what does it want fRom m
Darkest Self strings on them to offer experience for 69742077617320737570706f7365642
investigating your clues, taking trips 0746f206c65617665206d6520616c6
You’ve become desperate now - It is into the woods or abandoned houses f6e652061667465722069206761766
closing in, and your mask isn’t working at night, or carrying around a 5206974206d79206c6974746c6520
to hide you like it should. You’ll do camera; then use The Sickness to 62726f7468657220616e64206e6f772
anything to save yourself, and you force them to take Proxy moves when 0697473206261636b20627574206d6
know what It wants. Find someone they advance. 179626520697473207374696c6c2068
close to your subject and offer them 756e67727920692068617665206c6f7
up - either kill them yourself in Its If you take Cryptic Bullshit, try to 473206f6620667269656e6473
name, or offer them up to It directly describe your notes, videos, or voice- oMeone please help me, please mAke all
(which may leave them dead, memory- mails as disturbingly and puzzlingly as this eNd!
wiped, or another Proxy like yourself). possible. If you can inflict a condition,
You may only escape your Darkest Self it’s a good idea to go for something

The Proxy
when you have successfully sacrificed like Obsessed and then dangle some
someone else in your place, or when experience to get them to focus on
your subject catches you on video and deciphering your meaning. For
prevents you from harming someone. inflicting conditions in general, Hazy
Memories is also a good choice.
Don’t feel like It has to be the Slender Name Look
m Take another Proxy move. Man. You can be stalked by the Rake, Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
m Take another Proxy move. or Zalgo, or an abomination of your
m Take a move from another Skin. Aimee, Alex, Emi, Evan, Jessie, Baby face, carrying a camera,
own design. The important thing to Kevin, Noreen, Tim, Tyler, Xakk clinging briars, gangly, sickly, shifty
m Take a move from another Skin.
remember is that It needs to be both
m You belong to a Secret Cult. A familiar name, a modern name,
m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). malevolent and unknowable. It takes Angry eyes, dead eyes, paranoid
or kills people, or messes with their a kid’s name, a unique name
m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). eyes, sorrowful eyes, veiled eyes
heads, but you don’t have a clue as to
m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3).
Its actual motivations. It doesn’t really
m Add 1 to Dark (max 3).

communicate with you; most of your Circle one:
actions should be based on guesses Circle one:
An animal-head mask, a burlap bag
Skin designed by:
Topher Gerkey T h e and observation of Its behavior. Your
MC will occasionally have It spend
strings to offer you experience, but
with eyeholes, a comedy or tragedy
mask, a gas mask, a Guy Fawkes
mask, a plague doctor’s mask, a
Stalked since childhood, delved too
far, created a hoax that
became true, student filmmaker,
the actions It wants you to take may
porcelain mask, a Venetian carnival cult member
Stock Art by: range from the horrific to the
mask, a wooden tribal mask
Name: Carry Forward
m The Collective
Pr⊗xy Moves When you gaze into the abyss about
You start with this one, and choose two your subject, if you roll 10 up, gain a
string on them and do 1 harm to them.
Stats l The Sickness If you roll 7-9, choose one:
Add 1 to one of these: } Gain a string on them, but It gains
Choose one character to be your
a string on you
Hot -1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark 1 subject. You may change which
} Gain a string on them, but take 1
Conditions character is your subject at any time,
but you must have least three strings harm
on your new subject. After the fifth } Do 1 harm to them, but take 1 harm
} Do 1 harm to them, but It gains a

ygg time your subject accepts experience
from you when you spend a string, they
must use their next advancement to
string on you
If you roll 6 or less, It gains a string on

(Turn Someone On, dra take a Proxy move. you and you take 1 harm.

Manipulate an NPC)

Notes sil m Am I Interrupting?
You can spend two strings on
someone to gain complete access to
m Distortion
You can cause distortion in any
photographic, video, or audio
recordings of yourself. The distortion
their home and identity. You have full may range from mild static to severe
access to all their social media interference. Anyone viewing or
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) accounts (e-mail, Twitter, YouTube, listening to the distorted recordings
G+, etc) and may make irreversible of you must hold steady; results of 6
m changes to those accounts. You can or less give the viewer the condition
also edit your target’s uploaded videos, Fascinated.
Volatile Harm inserting scenes, frames, audio, or
text, either obviously or subliminally. m Masky
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) You may enter their home with When you are masked, others must
sufficient stealth as to record video hold steady before they can attempt to
Experience Points:
m of them sleeping, without triggering turn you on, shut you down, or lash out
Dark mmmmm >> Advance
security, being discovered, or leaving
accidental traces of your presence.
physically at you. If they roll 10 up they
may make the second roll normally.
(Gaze Into The Abyss) If they roll 7-9, they may make the
m Cryptic Bullshit second roll at -1. If they roll 6 or less,
When you shut someone down give them the condition Hazy
indirectly, through sending them a Memories and they may not attempt
Your Backstory Strings written or video message, roll Dark the second roll.
instead of Cold. This can consist of
You have been recording video mysterious but meaningful images, m Path of Black Leaves
footage of everyone without their phrases written in ciphers, or recurring Unless you allow it, you cannot be run
knowledge. Take one string on symbols. Add +1 to the roll if it’s against away from. You will always be around
everyone. Take two extra strings on your subject. the next corner or hiding behind a
your subject. nearby tree, or your victims will find

Other Moves
themselves repeatedly passing through
You’ve also been obsessively recording the same hallways and doors without
yourself, and someone has discovered actually getting anywhere. You may
and watched some of your footage.
That person takes a string on you.

wmaetching Fear the flo release your victims at any time.

It starts with five strings on you. od

Sex Move Playing The Pr⊗xy no no n
When you have sex with someone,
make them your new subject (even
You are both villain and victim. You
want to survive, and if that means
if they don’t meet the criteria), and adding to Its list of targets, that’s i can See it sometimes, the staLker or
both of you mark experience. Your what you’ll do. On a conscious level, whatever the fuck it is, out there at the
new subject’s experience counts you may be unaware of the actions Edge of the woods, watching me.
toward triggering The Sickness. you take when wearing your mask. In always watching with No eyes.
Carry 1 forward toward inflicting any case, your main goal is to torment stanDing there in that black suit, like
Harm on your old subject. and tantalize your subject, drawing a funEral director, but so tall, too tall.
them further into Its grasp. Use your what does it want fRom m
Darkest Self strings on them to offer experience for 69742077617320737570706f7365642
investigating your clues, taking trips 0746f206c65617665206d6520616c6
You’ve become desperate now - It is into the woods or abandoned houses f6e652061667465722069206761766
closing in, and your mask isn’t working at night, or carrying around a 5206974206d79206c6974746c6520
to hide you like it should. You’ll do camera; then use The Sickness to 62726f7468657220616e64206e6f772
anything to save yourself, and you force them to take Proxy moves when 0697473206261636b20627574206d6
know what It wants. Find someone they advance. 179626520697473207374696c6c2068
close to your subject and offer them 756e67727920692068617665206c6f7
up - either kill them yourself in Its If you take Cryptic Bullshit, try to 473206f6620667269656e6473
name, or offer them up to It directly describe your notes, videos, or voice- oMeone please help me, please mAke all
(which may leave them dead, memory- mails as disturbingly and puzzlingly as this eNd!
wiped, or another Proxy like yourself). possible. If you can inflict a condition,
You may only escape your Darkest Self it’s a good idea to go for something

The Proxy
when you have successfully sacrificed like Obsessed and then dangle some
someone else in your place, or when experience to get them to focus on
your subject catches you on video and deciphering your meaning. For
prevents you from harming someone. inflicting conditions in general, Hazy
Memories is also a good choice.
Don’t feel like It has to be the Slender Name Look
m Take another Proxy move. Man. You can be stalked by the Rake, Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
m Take another Proxy move. or Zalgo, or an abomination of your
m Take a move from another Skin. Aimee, Alex, Emi, Evan, Jessie, Baby face, carrying a camera,
own design. The important thing to Kevin, Noreen, Tim, Tyler, Xakk clinging briars, gangly, sickly, shifty
m Take a move from another Skin.
remember is that It needs to be both
m You belong to a Secret Cult. A familiar name, a modern name,
m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). malevolent and unknowable. It takes Angry eyes, dead eyes, paranoid
or kills people, or messes with their a kid’s name, a unique name
m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). eyes, sorrowful eyes, veiled eyes
heads, but you don’t have a clue as to
m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3).
Its actual motivations. It doesn’t really
m Add 1 to Dark (max 3).

communicate with you; most of your Circle one:
actions should be based on guesses Circle one:
An animal-head mask, a burlap bag
Skin designed by:
Topher Gerkey T h e and observation of Its behavior. Your
MC will occasionally have It spend
strings to offer you experience, but
with eyeholes, a comedy or tragedy
mask, a gas mask, a Guy Fawkes
mask, a plague doctor’s mask, a
Stalked since childhood, delved too
far, created a hoax that
became true, student filmmaker,
the actions It wants you to take may
porcelain mask, a Venetian carnival cult member
Stock Art by: range from the horrific to the
mask, a wooden tribal mask
Raven Cornelissen
Name: Carry Forward
m The Collective
Pr⊗xy Moves When you gaze into the abyss about
You start with this one, and choose two your subject, if you roll 10 up, gain a
string on them and do 1 harm to them.
Stats l The Sickness If you roll 7-9, choose one:
Add 1 to one of these: } Gain a string on them, but It gains
Choose one character to be your
a string on you
Hot -1, Cold -1, Volatile 1, Dark 1 subject. You may change which
} Gain a string on them, but take 1
Conditions character is your subject at any time,
but you must have least three strings harm
on your new subject. After the fifth } Do 1 harm to them, but take 1 harm
} Do 1 harm to them, but It gains a

ygg time your subject accepts experience
from you when you spend a string, they
must use their next advancement to
string on you
If you roll 6 or less, It gains a string on

(Turn Someone On, dra take a Proxy move. you and you take 1 harm.

Manipulate an NPC)

Notes sil m Am I Interrupting?
You can spend two strings on
someone to gain complete access to
m Distortion
You can cause distortion in any
photographic, video, or audio
recordings of yourself. The distortion
their home and identity. You have full may range from mild static to severe
access to all their social media interference. Anyone viewing or
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) accounts (e-mail, Twitter, YouTube, listening to the distorted recordings
G+, etc) and may make irreversible of you must hold steady; results of 6
m changes to those accounts. You can or less give the viewer the condition
also edit your target’s uploaded videos, Fascinated.
Volatile Harm inserting scenes, frames, audio, or
text, either obviously or subliminally. m Masky
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) You may enter their home with When you are masked, others must
sufficient stealth as to record video hold steady before they can attempt to
Experience Points:
m of them sleeping, without triggering turn you on, shut you down, or lash out
Dark mmmmm >> Advance
security, being discovered, or leaving
accidental traces of your presence.
physically at you. If they roll 10 up they
may make the second roll normally.
(Gaze Into The Abyss) If they roll 7-9, they may make the
m Cryptic Bullshit second roll at -1. If they roll 6 or less,
When you shut someone down give them the condition Hazy
indirectly, through sending them a Memories and they may not attempt
Your Backstory Strings written or video message, roll Dark the second roll.
instead of Cold. This can consist of
You have been recording video mysterious but meaningful images, m Path of Black Leaves
footage of everyone without their phrases written in ciphers, or recurring Unless you allow it, you cannot be run
knowledge. Take one string on symbols. Add +1 to the roll if it’s against away from. You will always be around
everyone. Take two extra strings on your subject. the next corner or hiding behind a
your subject. nearby tree, or your victims will find

Other Moves
themselves repeatedly passing through
You’ve also been obsessively recording the same hallways and doors without
yourself, and someone has discovered actually getting anywhere. You may
and watched some of your footage.
That person takes a string on you.

wmaetching Fear the flo release your victims at any time.

It starts with five strings on you. od

Sex Move Playing The Unchained
After you have sex with someone, The key concepts for the Unchained
your other self carries 1 forward to are repression, freedom, dysphoria, All you could think about were the
harm that person. and addiction, all rolled up into one things you shouldn’t do, the person
violent little dysfunctional bundle. you shouldn’t be. All day, every day,
After your other self has sex with Your other self is your outlet for all burying your real feelings because
someone, take a string on that your secret needs - you can be and do giving in would mean losing
person. all those things you’re not allowed to everything - your family, your
be and do, but safely, as someone else, friends, your place in the world.
without ruining your reputation.
Darkest Self Your other self can be as different from
So you did what you were supposed
to do, and you quietly hated yourself,
Your other self always pursues its your normal self as you like, from and everything felt wrong - until
selfish desires, but now you’re truly minor changes like hair style and color now.
free. No limits, no constraints, no to bigger shifts like changing
regrets. Do what you please, with and your height or ethnicity, to major Now you can have everything. Your
to whom you please. Use and abuse alterations like changing your sex (the good life, and your secret pleasures.
anyone who crosses your path. Unchained lends itself to an And if people get hurt sometimes...
Nothing is as important as satisfying exploration of trans issues, but BE that’s a small price to pay for
your every whim, and no-one really CAREFUL - don’t fall into the hazard of tasting the forbidden fruit, right?
matters except for you. You can only conflating trans-ness itself with
return from your Darkest Self when monstrosity).

The Unchained
you cause some sort of unforgivable
harm to someone your normal self Animal Magnetism, Addiction, and
cares about. Dysphoria/Euphoria lend themselves
well to a character who focuses on
the other self in play, while Unholy
Advancement Glee and You’re Not Me! are better
suited for an Unchained who has a
m Take another Unchained move.
m Take another Unchained move.
love/hate relationship with his other Name Look
self, or considers it an antagonist. Choose two names: Circle one in each list:
m Take a move from another Skin.
m Take a move from another Skin. Bruce, Eliza, Fanny, Hank, pristine, stuffy, nerdy, average,
m You’re part of an Freedom from Consequence can be a tailored, sickly
Jackson, Jacqueline, Julia,
Underground Club. very handy move. Feel free to rack up
Marlowe, Mary, Tom
m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). conditions while indulging your prescription lenses, yearning eyes,
m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). deviant lusts as your other self, then dilated pupils, frightened eyes
A respectable name, an antique
m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). wipe the slate clean when you change name, a plain name, an inherited unkempt, trendy, hulking, stunning,
m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). back into your respectable normal self name devolved, small
in the morning.
Blake, Chloe, Dorian, Edwina, Emil, bloodshot eyes, smoldering eyes,
The Underground Club gang Harriet, Heidi, Helen, Holt, Ian hungry eyes, darting eyes
Skin Designed by: advancement may be a sex club, a
fight club, a drug den, or whatever
An outdated name, a simple name, Origin
a stolen name, a brutal name Circle one:
Topher Gerkey
other seedy location your other self
uses to unwind. chemical concoction, invocation of
Stock Art by: Janus, mathematical formula,
sensory deprivation, radiation
Curious Peaches exposure, meditative trance
Name: Carry Forward Unchained Moves m Dysphoria/Euphoria
You start with this one, and choose one When you are your normal self, your
more: repression and dysphoria prevent you
from using turn someone on or
Stats ˜ The Formula manipulate an NPC under any
Add 1 to one of these: You have discovered a way to circumstances. When you are your
transform yourself into an other self. other self, your wicked exuberance at
Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1 This alternate version of you may look the freedom you feel allows you to roll
Conditions or act completely differently, and exists Volatile instead of Cold to shut someone
to fulfill your repressed desires. down or hold steady.
Transforming in either direction
requires preparation, although you m Freedom from Consequence
m will always transform back into your
When you transform, remove half of
Hot normal self when you are unconscious.
When you transform into your other
your conditions (round up) and heal 1
(Turn Someone On, harm.
self, subtract 2 from your Cold and Dark
Manipulate an NPC)
and add 2 to your Hot and Volatile.
When you become your Darkest Self, m Unholy Glee
m you automatically transform into your When you are your normal self and
you hear from a third party about
Cold other self.
some shameful or violent incident
m Addiction your other self was involved in, you
(Shut Someone Down,
Hold Steady) You no longer need a preparation may give yourself +1 to gaze into the
process; you may become your other abyss about the incident or people
self at will. Only being unconscious will involved in it. If you take this bonus,
Volatile Harm return you to your normal self. When give yourself the condition seduced by
you become your other self, carry 1
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
forward. If you go a full day without
becoming your other self, hold steady. If m You’re Not Me!

Experience Points:
m you don’t roll 10 up, give yourself the Your other self is a true separate

Dark condition Needs a Fix. identity, not just a release of your

mmmmm >> advance usual restraints. Neither of you
(Gaze Into The Abyss) m Animal Magnetism remember what happens while
When you are your other self, you may the other is active, although you
give yourself +1 to turn someone on or can communicate via leaving
manipulate an NPC if you have messages for one another.
Your Backstory Strings previously lashed out physically at that Track strings as if you were two
person. If you take this bonus, give separate characters; you and your
Someone is very important to you as yourself the condition Bestial. other self each get a string on the
a close friend or lover. Give them a other when you take this move.
string on you.

Someone else is very important to

your other self; take a string on them. Other Moves
Someone accidentally witnessed you
transforming; each of you take a
string on the other.
Sex Move Playing The Unchained
After you have sex with someone, The key concepts for the Unchained
your other self carries 1 forward to are repression, freedom, dysphoria, All you could think about were the
harm that person. and addiction, all rolled up into one things you shouldn’t do, the person
violent little dysfunctional bundle. you shouldn’t be. All day, every day,
After your other self has sex with Your other self is your outlet for all burying your real feelings because
someone, take a string on that your secret needs - you can be and do giving in would mean losing
person. all those things you’re not allowed to everything - your family, your
be and do, but safely, as someone else, friends, your place in the world.
without ruining your reputation.
Darkest Self Your other self can be as different from
So you did what you were supposed
to do, and you quietly hated yourself,
Your other self always pursues its your normal self as you like, from and everything felt wrong - until
selfish desires, but now you’re truly minor changes like hair style and color now.
free. No limits, no constraints, no to bigger shifts like changing
regrets. Do what you please, with and your height or ethnicity, to major Now you can have everything. Your
to whom you please. Use and abuse alterations like changing your sex (the good life, and your secret pleasures.
anyone who crosses your path. Unchained lends itself to an And if people get hurt sometimes...
Nothing is as important as satisfying exploration of trans issues, but BE that’s a small price to pay for
your every whim, and no-one really CAREFUL - don’t fall into the hazard of tasting the forbidden fruit, right?
matters except for you. You can only conflating trans-ness itself with
return from your Darkest Self when monstrosity).

The Unchained
you cause some sort of unforgivable
harm to someone your normal self Animal Magnetism, Addiction, and
cares about. Dysphoria/Euphoria lend themselves
well to a character who focuses on
the other self in play, while Unholy
Advancement Glee and You’re Not Me! are better
suited for an Unchained who has a
m Take another Unchained move.
m Take another Unchained move.
love/hate relationship with his other Name Look
self, or considers it an antagonist. Choose two names: Circle one in each list:
m Take a move from another Skin.
m Take a move from another Skin. Bruce, Eliza, Fanny, Hank, pristine, stuffy, nerdy, average,
m You’re part of an Freedom from Consequence can be a tailored, sickly
Jackson, Jacqueline, Julia,
Underground Club. very handy move. Feel free to rack up
Marlowe, Mary, Tom
m Add 1 to Hot (max 3). conditions while indulging your prescription lenses, yearning eyes,
m Add 1 to Cold (max 3). deviant lusts as your other self, then dilated pupils, frightened eyes
A respectable name, an antique
m Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). wipe the slate clean when you change name, a plain name, an inherited unkempt, trendy, hulking, stunning,
m Add 1 to Dark (max 3). back into your respectable normal self name devolved, small
in the morning.
Blake, Chloe, Dorian, Edwina, Emil, bloodshot eyes, smoldering eyes,
The Underground Club gang Harriet, Heidi, Helen, Holt, Ian hungry eyes, darting eyes
Skin Designed by: advancement may be a sex club, a
fight club, a drug den, or whatever
An outdated name, a simple name, Origin
a stolen name, a brutal name Circle one:
Topher Gerkey
other seedy location your other self
uses to unwind. chemical concoction, invocation of
Stock Art by: Janus, mathematical formula,
sensory deprivation, radiation
Marcus J. Ranum exposure, meditative trance
Name: Carry Forward Unchained Moves m Dysphoria/Euphoria
You start with this one, and choose one When you are your normal self, your
more: repression and dysphoria prevent you
from using turn someone on or
Stats ˜ The Formula manipulate an NPC under any
Add 1 to one of these: You have discovered a way to circumstances. When you are your
transform yourself into an other self. other self, your wicked exuberance at
Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile -1, Dark 1 This alternate version of you may look the freedom you feel allows you to roll
Conditions or act completely differently, and exists Volatile instead of Cold to shut someone
to fulfill your repressed desires. down or hold steady.
Transforming in either direction
requires preparation, although you m Freedom from Consequence
m will always transform back into your
When you transform, remove half of
Hot normal self when you are unconscious.
When you transform into your other
your conditions (round up) and heal 1
(Turn Someone On, harm.
self, subtract 2 from your Cold and Dark
Manipulate an NPC)
and add 2 to your Hot and Volatile.
When you become your Darkest Self, m Unholy Glee
m you automatically transform into your When you are your normal self and
you hear from a third party about
Cold other self.
some shameful or violent incident
m Addiction your other self was involved in, you
(Shut Someone Down,
Hold Steady) You no longer need a preparation may give yourself +1 to gaze into the
process; you may become your other abyss about the incident or people
self at will. Only being unconscious will involved in it. If you take this bonus,
Volatile Harm return you to your normal self. When give yourself the condition seduced by
you become your other self, carry 1
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away)
forward. If you go a full day without
becoming your other self, hold steady. If m You’re Not Me!

Experience Points:
m you don’t roll 10 up, give yourself the Your other self is a true separate

Dark condition Needs a Fix. identity, not just a release of your

mmmmm >> advance usual restraints. Neither of you
(Gaze Into The Abyss) m Animal Magnetism remember what happens while
When you are your other self, you may the other is active, although you
give yourself +1 to turn someone on or can communicate via leaving
manipulate an NPC if you have messages for one another.
Your Backstory Strings previously lashed out physically at that Track strings as if you were two
person. If you take this bonus, give separate characters; you and your
Someone is very important to you as yourself the condition Bestial. other self each get a string on the
a close friend or lover. Give them a other when you take this move.
string on you.

Someone else is very important to

your other self; take a string on them. Other Moves
Someone accidentally witnessed you
transforming; each of you take a
string on the other.
Sex Move Playing The Unseen
Last week at the prom, when the captains of
When someone acknowledges your the football and basketball teams were making
The Unseen is about being overlooked,
existence through physical intimacy, out in the locker room while their girlfriends
voyeurism, and the temptations we give in
give up all strings on them and give wondered where they’d disappeared to, none of
to when nobody is watching. If you chose
them three strings on you. They develop them saw you. But you saw them.
She’s Not There, your classmates and
an uncanny sense for your presence and teachers literally don’t know you exist. In
will always know approximately where Yesterday, when the calculus teacher hid in the
some ways this is very freeing - you don’t
you are when you are in a scene supply closet during his prep period and snorted
have to go to class if you don’t feel like it,
together. This sense lasts until either of coke until his eyes looked like a doll’s, glassy and
and it’s easy for you to spy on everyone
you have sex with someone else or until shining in the darkness, he didn’t see you. But
and learn what they do in secret. If you
they harshly ignore you. you saw him.
took See Through You, you might conceal
your condition with makeup - which leaves
Earlier tonight, when the nerdy, sickly kid
Darkest Self you as ignorable as ever - or cover yourself
with bandages, claiming burns or skin
everyone picks on lured the head cheerleader
into a dirty alley, sprouted fangs, and sucked
disease, which carries its own sort of social
Such a bland and boring wallflower. her dry, they didn’t see you. But you saw them.
You’re not even interesting enough to
torment. None of them know you even Nobody ever notices you. But you can see
Try to be invisibly present in as many scenes
exist. What will it take to get them to everything. All the things they do when they
as possible (Voyeur helps here), to increase
notice you? Something big. Something think no-one is watching. And maybe it’s time
your knowledge of everyone’s secrets. If
bloody. Something vile and terrifying you started taking advantage of that.
you have Blackmailer, you’ll also rack up
and above all, something showy. They
strings, and you should be very free with
won’t be able to ignore you after this.
spending your social leverage since you

The Unseen
You’ll show them who you really are.
retain the strings if your mark refuses to go
You can escape your Darkest Self when
along with your wishes. Remember that if
someone makes it clear that they know
you have She’s Not There you’ll need to roll
you exist, even if only for a moment,
to become audible before you can flex your
because of something terrible you did.
extortionist muscles.

Advancement Give in to the temptation to do all sorts of Name Look

naughty things since nobody can see you. Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
 Take another Unseen move. You’re not accountable to anyone, after all. Billy, Cecily, Griffin, Grover, bad posture, peering through bangs,
 Take another Unseen move. As your Darkest Self, go all out: display the Jacques, Kitty, Laura, Lyle, Marcy, beiges and creams, t-shirt that was
 Take a move from another Skin. chess team in the library with their fingers Sebastian, Sue popular two years ago, hand-me-downs
 Take a move from another Skin. cut off. Paint the cafeteria with kittens’ (...not that anyone pays attention to
 Take the initial move that you did blood. Set the boiler room to explode. Come A nerdy name, a stuffy name, a your look.)
not choose. up with the most horrific spectacle you can, plain name, a foreign name
 Add 1 to Hot (max 3). and bask in the attention. You may develop knowing eyes, translucent eyes,
 Add 1 to Cold (max 3). a reputation - if an anonymous one - around downcast eyes, pearly eyes, forgettable
 Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). the school. Attention paid to “The Cell eyes (...but when was the last time
 Add 1 to Dark (max 3). Phone Blackmailer” counts as attention paid anyone looked into your eyes?)

to you, so you may even encourage your
Skin Designed by: urban legend status.
Circle one:
Topher Gerkey invisibility formula, psychic blank spot,
cursed to fade away, someone-else’s-
Stock Art by: problem field, light-bending physics
Unseen Moves
Name: Carry Forward You start with one of these two: And choose two more:

She’s Not There Blackmailer

Stats You are unnoticeable. Nothing with a When you observe someone doing
something they’d rather keep secret,
Add 1 to one of these: mind can see, hear, smell, or otherwise
sense you, or anything you wear or take a string on them. When you spend a
Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile 1, Dark -1
carry. People will alter their paths to string to offer someone experience, keep

Conditions avoid bumping into you without being the string if they refuse.
conscious of doing so. Evidence of your
presence is ignored - if you are dripping Grand Guignol
wet or standing in a snowdrift, no-one When you do something violent, perverse,
will notice the puddle or footprints. or sadistic in order to attract attention,
roll Volatile. On a 10 up, mark experience
Cameras and other recording devices
- anything non-sentient - can still and treat anyone seeing or experiencing
(Turn Someone On, register and record you. If you want your handiwork as if you had shut
Manipulate an NPC) to make yourself known to others, roll someone down and rolled 10 up. On a 7-9,
Notes Cold. On a 10 up, you can interact with treat them as if you’d shut someone down
m others for one scene. On a 7-9, you stay and rolled 7-9, but also choose one:

Cold invisible, but you can make yourself } They gain a string on you
noticed by whispering, writing notes, } Gain the condition Urban Legend
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) or pushing people or furniture around. On a miss, your atrocity is blamed on
On a miss, become your Darkest Self. someone else. Become your Darkest Self.
If you are already your Darkest Self, gain
m or
the condition Enraged.
Volatile See Through You
Harm You are perfectly transparent. Nothing Out of Thin Air
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) can see you, including cameras. This When you are invisible and lash out
only affects your body, not anything physically, add 1 to your roll. Others take
that you are wearing or carrying, so -1 to attempts to lash out physically at you.
Experience Points:
to be completely invisible you will
need to be nude. You can still be Threatening Whispers
mmmmm >>advance
heard, smelled, or felt, and evidence You can roll Cold to manipulate an NPC by
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
of your presence (footprints, floating threatening to expose their secrets. Add 1
patches of paint, etc.) may give away to your rolls to shut someone down.
your location. If you want to interact
Your Backstory Strings with others normally, you will need
to wear bandages or a mask, or cover
Vanishing Act
You can always run away from someone
The Unseen must always declare their
your exposed skin with makeup. If without having to roll, but choose one:
backstory second-to-last.
you are disguised in this way and } They take a string on you
your true invisible nature is exposed, } You take 1 harm
You are beneath notice. Erase all strings
roll Cold. On a 10 up, you can retain } You gain the condition Urban Legend
that other characters have on you so far.
self-control and beat a hasty retreat,
You watch everyone in their private leaving viewers wondering what they Voyeur
just saw. On a 7-9, you are enraged Spend a string on someone to insert
moments. Take 1 string on everyone else.
and embarrassed. All onlookers get a yourself into any scene that person is
string on you. On a miss, become your in. When you gaze into the abyss about
Someone inadvertantly showed you some
Darkest Self. someone you have strings on, spend a
very juicy blackmail material. Take 1 extra
string to change a miss into a 7-9, or a 7-9
string on them.
into a 10 up.
Sex Move Playing The Unseen
Last week at the prom, when the captains of
When someone acknowledges your the football and basketball teams were making
The Unseen is about being overlooked,
existence through physical intimacy, out in the locker room while their girlfriends
voyeurism, and the temptations we give in
give up all strings on them and give wondered where they’d disappeared to, none of
to when nobody is watching. If you chose
them three strings on you. They develop them saw you. But you saw them.
She’s Not There, your classmates and
an uncanny sense for your presence and teachers literally don’t know you exist. In
will always know approximately where Yesterday, when the calculus teacher hid in the
some ways this is very freeing - you don’t
you are when you are in a scene supply closet during his prep period and snorted
have to go to class if you don’t feel like it,
together. This sense lasts until either of coke until his eyes looked like a doll’s, glassy and
and it’s easy for you to spy on everyone
you have sex with someone else or until shining in the darkness, he didn’t see you. But
and learn what they do in secret. If you
they harshly ignore you. you saw him.
took See Through You, you might conceal
your condition with makeup - which leaves
Earlier tonight, when the nerdy, sickly kid
Darkest Self you as ignorable as ever - or cover yourself
with bandages, claiming burns or skin
everyone picks on lured the head cheerleader
into a dirty alley, sprouted fangs, and sucked
disease, which carries its own sort of social
Such a bland and boring wallflower. her dry, they didn’t see you. But you saw them.
You’re not even interesting enough to
torment. None of them know you even Nobody ever notices you. But you can see
Try to be invisibly present in as many scenes
exist. What will it take to get them to everything. All the things they do when they
as possible (Voyeur helps here), to increase
notice you? Something big. Something think no-one is watching. And maybe it’s time
your knowledge of everyone’s secrets. If
bloody. Something vile and terrifying you started taking advantage of that.
you have Blackmailer, you’ll also rack up
and above all, something showy. They
strings, and you should be very free with
won’t be able to ignore you after this.
spending your social leverage since you

The Unseen
You’ll show them who you really are.
retain the strings if your mark refuses to go
You can escape your Darkest Self when
along with your wishes. Remember that if
someone makes it clear that they know
you have She’s Not There you’ll need to roll
you exist, even if only for a moment,
to become audible before you can flex your
because of something terrible you did.
extortionist muscles.

Advancement Give in to the temptation to do all sorts of Name Look

naughty things since nobody can see you. Choose a name: Circle one in each list:
 Take another Unseen move. You’re not accountable to anyone, after all. Billy, Cecily, Griffin, Grover, bad posture, peering through bangs,
 Take another Unseen move. As your Darkest Self, go all out: display the Jacques, Kitty, Laura, Lyle, Marcy, beiges and creams, t-shirt that was
 Take a move from another Skin. chess team in the library with their fingers Sebastian, Sue popular two years ago, hand-me-downs
 Take a move from another Skin. cut off. Paint the cafeteria with kittens’ (...not that anyone pays attention to
 Take the initial move that you did blood. Set the boiler room to explode. Come A nerdy name, a stuffy name, a your look.)
not choose. up with the most horrific spectacle you can, plain name, a foreign name
 Add 1 to Hot (max 3). and bask in the attention. You may develop knowing eyes, translucent eyes,
 Add 1 to Cold (max 3). a reputation - if an anonymous one - around downcast eyes, pearly eyes, forgettable
 Add 1 to Volatile (max 3). the school. Attention paid to “The Cell eyes (...but when was the last time
 Add 1 to Dark (max 3). Phone Blackmailer” counts as attention paid anyone looked into your eyes?)

to you, so you may even encourage your
Skin Designed by: urban legend status.
Circle one:
Topher Gerkey invisibility formula, psychic blank spot,
cursed to fade away, someone-else’s-
Stock Art by: problem field, light-bending physics
Unseen Moves
Name: Carry Forward You start with one of these two: And choose two more:

She’s Not There Blackmailer

Stats You are unnoticeable. Nothing with a When you observe someone doing
something they’d rather keep secret,
Add 1 to one of these: mind can see, hear, smell, or otherwise
sense you, or anything you wear or take a string on them. When you spend a
Hot -1, Cold 1, Volatile 1, Dark -1
carry. People will alter their paths to string to offer someone experience, keep

Conditions avoid bumping into you without being the string if they refuse.
conscious of doing so. Evidence of your
presence is ignored - if you are dripping Grand Guignol
wet or standing in a snowdrift, no-one When you do something violent, perverse,
will notice the puddle or footprints. or sadistic in order to attract attention,
roll Volatile. On a 10 up, mark experience
Cameras and other recording devices
- anything non-sentient - can still and treat anyone seeing or experiencing
(Turn Someone On, register and record you. If you want your handiwork as if you had shut
Manipulate an NPC) to make yourself known to others, roll someone down and rolled 10 up. On a 7-9,
Notes Cold. On a 10 up, you can interact with treat them as if you’d shut someone down
m others for one scene. On a 7-9, you stay and rolled 7-9, but also choose one:

Cold invisible, but you can make yourself } They gain a string on you
noticed by whispering, writing notes, } Gain the condition Urban Legend
(Shut Someone Down, Hold Steady) or pushing people or furniture around. On a miss, your atrocity is blamed on
On a miss, become your Darkest Self. someone else. Become your Darkest Self.
If you are already your Darkest Self, gain
m or
the condition Enraged.
Volatile See Through You
Harm You are perfectly transparent. Nothing Out of Thin Air
(Lash Out Physically, Run Away) can see you, including cameras. This When you are invisible and lash out
only affects your body, not anything physically, add 1 to your roll. Others take
that you are wearing or carrying, so -1 to attempts to lash out physically at you.
Experience Points:
to be completely invisible you will
need to be nude. You can still be Threatening Whispers
mmmmm >>advance
heard, smelled, or felt, and evidence You can roll Cold to manipulate an NPC by
(Gaze Into The Abyss)
of your presence (footprints, floating threatening to expose their secrets. Add 1
patches of paint, etc.) may give away to your rolls to shut someone down.
your location. If you want to interact
Your Backstory Strings with others normally, you will need
to wear bandages or a mask, or cover
Vanishing Act
You can always run away from someone
The Unseen must always declare their
your exposed skin with makeup. If without having to roll, but choose one:
backstory second-to-last.
you are disguised in this way and } They take a string on you
your true invisible nature is exposed, } You take 1 harm
You are beneath notice. Erase all strings
roll Cold. On a 10 up, you can retain } You gain the condition Urban Legend
that other characters have on you so far.
self-control and beat a hasty retreat,
You watch everyone in their private leaving viewers wondering what they Voyeur
just saw. On a 7-9, you are enraged Spend a string on someone to insert
moments. Take 1 string on everyone else.
and embarrassed. All onlookers get a yourself into any scene that person is
string on you. On a miss, become your in. When you gaze into the abyss about
Someone inadvertantly showed you some
Darkest Self. someone you have strings on, spend a
very juicy blackmail material. Take 1 extra
string to change a miss into a 7-9, or a 7-9
string on them.
into a 10 up.
For the MC

Under the Beast’s Skin Under the Calaca’s Skin

The Beast is constantly struggling to repress The Calaca is often focused on being a good
her passions. In order to make that fun and friend or mentor, so an easy way to engage
dramatic, you’re going to have to put her in her is to threaten the people she cares about
situations where she’s really tempted to give (whether fellow PCs or NPCs). Give her the
in. Don’t just constantly throw in NPCs who chance to advise, direct, or intervene in her
spam turn someone on at her; it will be much friends’ lives, then push back by bringing
more rewarding to give her genuine reasons up unexpected consequences. You can also
to like and be attracted to someone. Get her engage her more directly by playing up the
invested enough in another character and way other people react to this cheerfully
turn someone on might not even be necessary! death-obsessed kid.

If the player chooses the Green-Eyed Monster or There are no specific rules for how a Calaca’s skin
Scaredy Cat moves, she’s signaling to you that and flesh might be damaged or destroyed (or lost
she wants to go Feral more often. Be sure to give or stolen), so just use your best judgment and do
her plenty of opportunities to get jealous, angry, what makes the most sense. The permanent loss
terrified, or depressed by bringing in rivals or of a skin is a very hard move, so use it wisely. If she
bullies to push her buttons and trigger her moves. wants to replace her skin, she’ll need to acquire
and basically fillet a human body. You can make
Be careful with the Bloodline of Beasts gang, as the this especially horrific or keep it off-screen; keep
subject matter may be triggery for some players. in mind the comfort levels of your playgroup while
If you think it might be an issue, work with the deciding on the specifics. The same advice goes for
player to define her gang as random people who a Calaca who decides to acquire some extra bones
also suffer from her curse, rather than actual and take the Ossuary move as an advancement.
relatives; alternately, just remove the “having sex
with another Beast doesn’t trigger your Sex Move” If the player chooses the Connected move and
clause to avoid the subject entirely. wants to be in multiple scenes at once, make sure
she tells you her plans in advance. This isn’t an “I
Monsterhearts isn’t a game that pays a lot of was retroactively there all along” move. She should
attention to things like movement, so if the Beast also let you know exactly which body parts are
turns into an owl and wants to fly, or turns into where, so you can MC the scene accordingly.
an alligator and wants to swim, or turns into a
cheetah and wants to run really fast, just let them Calacas with the Morte Alata move can fly. Again,
do whatever sounds cool to everyone and makes use your best judgment as to what this means and
sense in context. Remember that they don’t get any how the player can take advantage of it. Special
special bonus to actual moves (like run away) for movement shouldn’t be an “I win” button!
being in an animal form, unless they have a Beast
move that says otherwise.
For the MC

Under the Creature’s Skin Under the Fury’s Skin

The Creature won’t have much fun if you You’re going to want to play along with the
don’t give him something to protest and fight Fury’s cycle of acceptance and rejection, but
against, so be sure to give his cause an enemy be judicious about it. When it’s time for her to
or two, and make sure they won’t be easy to catch a bit of a break or have some downtime,
overcome quickly (or at all). Big business, the and if another player hasn’t already jumped
educational establishment, law enforcement, in, have an NPC befriend her or at least be
government, and parents/adults all make nice to her so she can pick up the Hopeful
great examples of “The Man” trying to keep condition. Let her run with it for a while and
the Creature’s progressive ideas from coming build up momentum - maybe this time things
to fruition. When he gets mad and goes for will be different! Then when there’s room in
direct solutions (usually involving violence), the narrative for a big dramatic moment and
feel free to show him that’s he’s only made the player is ready for some spotlight time,
things worse for his cause. bring the whole thing crashing down with a
cruel rejection or revelation of treachery. And
If word gets out that a merman, gill-man, or lake now that she’s Betrayed, give her the time she
monster is in the area, cryptozoologists will come needs to use her amped-up psychic powers
out of the woodwork to prove or disprove his and cause a little mayhem - or if she’s her
existence. These make great intruders to throw at Darkest Self, a LOT of mayhem. When it feels
a Creature who has the Territorial move, and may right, start the cycle again.
even manage to capture him temporarily. Be sure
to give him opportunities to escape if you go this The Fury puts lots of conditions on herself and on
route. others. Be sure to take advantage of conditions
like Hopeful, Betrayed, and Creepy, and remember
When the Creature has the Fanatic condition, be to play out your NPCs appropriately if they are
sure to use it against him ruthlessly and remind Enthralled, Burned, have a Headache, or what have
the other players that they can use it as well. Being you.
ridiculed and treated as a joke or a lunatic will
give the Creature plenty of motivation to resort Let her play to her strengths. If her powers are
to questionable means in order to bring about his mostly outward-facing (like telekinesis), set up
noble ends. scenes that are about physical confrontations.
If she chose more inward-facing powers
As much as possible, frame scenes so as to give (like telepathy), choose scenes about social
the Creature leeway to use his abilities. A scene at manipulation or hidden secrets. Once in a while,
the high school might seem to leave him high and switch things up and put her in a tough spot where
dry (so to speak) but, for example, if you throw her psychic abilities won’t help her out and let her
in a sequence in the shower room so that he can squirm.
use Hot and Wet to seduce a fellow swim team
member, he’ll love you for it.
For the MC

Under the Gargoyle’s Skin Under the Harpy’s Skin

A player who chooses to play the Gargoyle Since it’s in the Harpy’s nature to cut people
is expressing a strong preference for what down, you’ll want to enable her by providing
kind of game they want to be part of - one tempting targets. One easy way to allow
in which the high school (or whatever her to do her thing is to include several
other social center binds the characters classmates with obvious “victim” traits - the
together) has a major presence in the story. kid that’s not so smart, the kid that’s not so
The Gargoyle’s entire existence and all his pretty, the kid that’s socially inept, the kid
moves are focused around the school and that’s clumsy, the kid that’s poor, the kid
its well-being, so keep that in mind when that’s overweight. She can be absolutely awful
brainstorming Threats and Menaces. to them and build her rep as the school’s
By default, a Gargoyle is inactive for twelve hours
of every day. This can make it complicated to But since the Harpy’s function is also to bring
frame scenes in such a way that everyone gets down the mighty for their hubris, be sure to
roughly equivalent spotlight time! You’ll have to get create at least one character who is a much
creative to come up with replacements for typical more challenging target - a popular darling who
teen scenes like sleepovers, keggers, and other nonetheless deserves to be stripped of his influence
nocturnal mischief. This becomes less of a problem and fortune. The Homecoming queen who
if the Gargoyle takes the Babewyn move, so if you secretly gets other girls involved in hard drugs, the
foresee difficulty in working him into your scenes, valedictorian who cheated and plagiarized his way
strongly suggest that he takes that move so he can into success, or the quarterback who keeps his
be active when the other characters are. sexual assaults quiet with threats of violence are all
prime (and difficult) targets for a Harpy’s vengeful
Certain other moves will suggest ideas for rage.
supporting cast members and/or plotlines. A
Gargoyle who takes Kirkgrim is basically asking Of course, the Harpy might go after other PCs as
for a large, interesting student body and faculty well, which could lead to some epic conflicts if
who find themselves in peril frequently. Rival someone else is playing the Queen, the Mummy,
Schools should immediately inspire you to flesh or another Skin that centers around popularity and
out some other institutions, their populations, and social power!
the history and nature of their rivalries. Hatchery
is another move that suggests some storylines. If your game has several overtly supernatural Skins
A Gargoyle’s egg can’t be destroyed, but what in play, encourage the Harpy to take the Alkonost
happens if it gets stolen? An egg held hostage could move so that she can compete on more even
be a powerful tool to blackmail him into working footing - unless the player is more interested in a
for someone - as long as he’s not acting against the character who can stand up to monsters because
best interests of the school. she’s just. that. nasty.
For the MC

Under the Minotaur’s Skin Under the Mummy’s Skin

The Minotaur sees himself as a simple The most important thing to remember when
tool, and you should play along. If the you have a Mummy in your game is that she
other players aren’t spending enough time has to learn some humility - and you’re the
manipulating him into acting against their one who has to teach her. As much as she
enemies, you should step in and have some might wish otherwise, the world has changed
NPCs take advantage of him. Use up any and in many ways left her behind, and if she
strings on him to offer him experience for doesn’t change to match, she’s going to find
doing your bidding, especially if he has Red herself lost and alone. Present her with as
Flag. Similarly, you should be having your many object lessons to that effect as she can
NPCs throw each other and the players into handle.
the Minotaur’s maze (via the In the Maze
condition) as often as possible, especially if he One of your primary tools will be Cursed Idols,
has the Tribute move. if she has it. When she uses the idols unselfishly,
to help or protect others without any ulterior
The Minotaur has a high Hot score but low self- motives, pick a curse that will only affect her
esteem; you can reinforce this with the one-two mildly, if at all. On the other hand, if she uses the
punch of someone (especially someone he actually idols for her own benefit, to hurt others, or to get
has feelings for) taking him out for a casual roll someone to do what she wants, feel free to screw
in the hay and then insisting that it be kept secret her over royally by picking the worst possible curse
from everyone - or worse, pretending that it never - you want everyone at the table to say “holy shit,
happened at all. The big dumb hunk is fine to sleep you are in trouble now” when they find out the
with, but he’s certainly not relationship material, effects of the curse.
after all. If nothing else, it’s a good way to get the
Golden Thread condition spread around. If you’re running a one-shot game, try to steer the
Mummy away from taking the Tana Leaves move,
As important as it is to introduce NPCs to use as it can be difficult to replenish the leaves in a
and abuse the Minotaur, it’s also vital to have a short timeframe. Soul Eater and Sun-Blessed are
collection of weakling NPCs for him to victimize. much better choices for one-shots.
He can’t maintain his bully cred if he’s not
frequently making other people miserable. For If the Mummy has a soulmate, try to throw as
some added drama, maybe one of his most picked- many roadblocks between them as possible. If the
on targets secretly has a serious crush on him - the soulmate is an NPC, remember that the Mummy’s
one person who could genuinely show him love feelings of love don’t have to be reciprocated! Also
and affection is one of the people he torments be sure that the soulmate leverages the relationship
because he doesn’t believe he’s worthy of love and against the Mummy as much as the Mummy
affection. Such a character could even represent leverages it against him - it works both ways, and
a happy ending for the Minotaur as he picks up anything that helps to humble the Mummy is a
Growing Up moves late in the story. good thing.
For the MC

Under the Muse’s Skin Under the Proxy’s Skin

Obviously the Muse needs a protegé, and You don’t have to be a Slender Man expert to
might choose another PC or an NPC to help the Proxy’s player have fun, but it doesn’t
fill that role. If she chooses another PC, hurt. Take a little time to browse YouTube for
your job is a bit simpler - just encourage a bit and watch some videos (Marble Hornets,
any interactions that increase the friction TribeTwelve, and EverymanHYBRID are all good
between them. They’re likely to bring the choices) to pick up the proper mood - or just
drama all on their own. go hog wild with the alienation, paranoia,
voyeurism, and hopelessness.
If the Muse chooses an NPC protegé, you have
a bit more work to do. Feel free to play him Work together with the Proxy’s player to create
in whatever way makes the most sense at any his eldritch stalker. Come up with a basic sketch
given time, but it can help to keep the basic of Its qualities and behaviors, then every once in
“Phantom” structure in mind (either as a plan a while in play, have It brutally deviate from those
to stick to or as a set of tropes to subvert): at qualities and behaviors just as a reminder that It is
first he may be a bit resistant to the Muse’s inhuman, inscrutable, and inescapable. Spend Its
overtures, but he should quickly be won over strings on the Proxy to offer experience in exchange
by her virtuoso talents. He’ll then be a rapt for acts ranging from grafitti to animal mutilation,
pupil...until he either becomes distracted from kidnapping to obscene phone calls, from
by something or someone else, or until the befriending a certain person to murder. Never let
Muse’s madness and obsession begin to push the Proxy know what’s coming next or why.
him away (or both). At that point he may try
to escape the Muse’s influence. Frame scenes that will allow the Proxy to share
some screen time with his subject both as his
Try to be creative with the Catacombs, but normal self (possibly a friend, acquaintance, or
not so outlandish that their existence doesn’t even lover of the subject) and as his masked stalker
make any sense - work with the Muse’s self. Don’t blow his cover unless the scene calls
player to come up with an explanation for for a very hard move, as much of the point of
secret passages and trap-filled chambers the playbook is that the other characters don’t
that just nudges up against the boundaries know exactly who the masked creeper is. Join the
of believability. Safe bets can include old Proxy in encouraging his subject to accept offered
abandoned bomb shelters, natural or mined experience and trigger The Sickness; suggest that a
caverns under the school, a connection to a subject with one or more Proxy moves who wants
mad architect (“My grandfather designed this to switch to a new skin choose to become a new
school!”), or a campus with one or more old, Proxy.
abandoned, sealed-off buildings.
For the MC

Under the Unchained’s Skin Under the Unseen’s Skin

You’ll want to take a carrot-and-stick If the Unseen takes She’s Not There,
approach to the Unchained and his repressed emphasize the idea that nobody has any clue
desires. On the one hand, present him with that she exists. Go out of your way to describe
temptations - all the stuff he wants to do and other people interacting with one another in
be but can’t...but could if he just took another the way that no-one does with her, walking
dose of the formula. Show him other people around her without noticing in the hallway,
happily indulging in the stuff he feels like having conversations through her, and
he can’t have and dangle opportunities for a completely ignoring her speech and actions.
quick change of self. Her only respite from her ostracism will be
indirect contact - phone calls, scribbled notes,
On the other hand, hit him hard with life video mail, etc. If she uses this kind of tactic,
in the closet. Put him in situations where you can have an urban legend spring up
his inability to just be himself is painful and around her at the school, so that she is known
frustrating. Hold up a mirror to his self- of, if not actually known.
loathing and dysphoria, and make it clear that
all this ugly could go away if he just made the If she takes See Through You, she’s just invisible,
choice to change again. Isn’t it worth the risk not unnoticeable. She’ll be expected to go to
of someone getting hurt? classes and other people will be aware of her - but
that’s no guarantee they’ll interact with her. If
Be careful, though. Issues of identity and she wears makeup to look normal, she’s one of
dysphoria might be painful for the real- those “invisible kids” who are neither popular nor
life people you’re playing the game with. victims, simply ignored by almost everyone. If she
As always, know your group and their wears bandages or a mask (perhaps claiming a skin
boundaries. If someone is playing the condition, burns, or deformity) then the ignoring
Unchained, it’s a good idea for everyone to will be much more conspicuous - she’s outcast
discuss beforehand where the borders of because she’s presumed to be grotesque. In this
comfortable, good-uncomfortable, and bad- case, any urban legends around her will be as a
uncomfortable are located. result of her invisible activities, and not associated
with her actual identity.
Remember that the Unchained is not, by
default, split into “good” and “evil” selves. Be sure to give the Unseen lots of blackmail fodder!
One self is created for the explicit purpose of If she has Voyeur, ask her if she wants to be in
indulging the secret passions of the other. For scenes if something scandalous is going on. If she
a more modern “split personality” take on has Blackmailer or Threatening Whispers, those
this archetype, the player should take You’re are also good signs that her player is interested in
Not Me! and you should regularly surprise being a collector and abuser of secrets.
him with what his other self has been up to
without his knowledge.

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