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July I August I September 2001
An Introduction To

In-Depth Study "There are diversities of gifts, but by God the Father listed in
In this issue of ACTS Magazine, the same Spirit. There are differences Romans 12:6-8.
we will do an in-depth examina- of ministries, but the same Lord. So we can see that the whole
tion of the various gifts listed in And there are diversities of activities, Trinity - Father, Son and Holy
Scripture. We do not have space to but it is the same God who works all Spirit - are involved in the giving
include everything that could be in nil.
II of gifts to the Church in order for
said. However, if you will s tudy 1) "Diversities of gifts but the the Body of Christ to function as it
thoroughly what is in this issue, same Spirit" (v .4). These are the was designed to.
you will have enough information Manifestation Gifts given and
to: operated by the Holy Spirit that Foundational Gifts
• discover your own gifts, and are listed in 1Corinthians12:8-10. The seven Motivational Gifts
• help the members of your church 2) "Differences of ministries but given by God the Father seem to
discover their gifts, too. the same Lord" (v 5). These are the characterize a person's basic life
Ministry Gifts given by Jesus purpose - in other words, what
The Whole Trinity Christ the Son listed in Ephesians motivates that person. These in-
There are three basic groupings 4:11. built tendencies, given to each per-
of gifts in the New Testament. All , 3) "Diversities of activities, bttt son by the Creator's unique work-
three groupings are referred to in it is the same God" (v. 6). These manship, are part of each person's
1 Corinthians 12:4-6: are the Motivational Gifts given initial gifting.
Most of us display a "mix", ers' gifts will be used in three gen-
with characteristics from several of eral areas of ministry: INTERNATIONAL EDITION
July/August/September 2001
the motivational gifts. However, 1) UPWARD-Worship= Volume 28/Number 3
there is usually a singl e strong Ministry to the LORD. Published by World MAP
trait that reveals our primary gift- 2) INWARD - Nurture= Ministry Foundod by Rolph Mahoney

ing. (See Chapter 1 for a more to the BODY of Christ.

detailed explanation.) 3) OUTWARD-Witness=
Ministry to the WORLD.
Leadership Gifts All believers can, and should,
The five Ministry Gifts given
by God the Son are essential for
grow in the following areas: their
ability to use their gifts; their S1SL1C~1-
the proper growth and develop- depth of understanding in how to Cj1FC:S
ment of the Church. The ministry use their gifts; and their yielded-
of these five kinds of leaders is to ness to God when using their gifts. Introduction To
equip the Body to: We as leaders should model for Biblical Gifts ..................2
I) minister to God in worship, our church the teachable spirit and 1. THE MOTIVATIONAL GIFTS
2) minister to its various mem- the attitude of a submitted heart The Gifts Of The Father .......5
bers through edification, that is necessary for growth.
3) minister to the world Leaders must also encourage
The Gifts Of The Son ........14
around them through evangelism believers in the church to use their
and good works. gifts. Our church body needs what 3. THE MANIFESTATION GIFTS
These gifts are covered in each person can supply. That is The Gifts Of The Spirit ......32
Chapter 2 of this issue of ACTS how churches do good works and
magazine. grow (Eph 4:16).
Leaders should also be aware of
Gifts Available both fhe insecurity and the pride WMAP Founder . .... . ...Ralph Mahoney
Editors ....... . ..Frank & Wendy Parrish
To Any Believer that would tempt us to try to be a Mana~ing Editors
The nine Manifestation Gifts "one-man show" and do all the Africa ... ......... .Loreen Newington
given by God the Holy Spirit are ministry by ourselves. Nothi11g India .. ...... ... . . . . .. . .... Bill Scott
International . .. . . : ..... .Gayla Dease
meant to "profit" the Church (lCor quenches the anointing and pres- Copy Editor ................Keith Balser
12:7). The Greek word sumpliero ence of God's Spirit more than Graphics .... . ...........Dennis McLain
translated as "profit" means "to leaders who let their pride or their
bring together, to benefit, to be fears get in the way of what He
advan tageous". This is experi- wants to do.
enced by the Church as they sub- VISION AND MISSION
mit with sensitivity to the leading B. The Problem Of Confusing As a ministry to the Body of Christ,
World MAP exists to:
of the Holy Spirit, and to one Your Nose With Your Kidneys 1. Provide church leaders in the
another in love. That may sound like a funny coW\tries of Asia, Africa and Latin
America practical training
All nine of these gifts are avail- title, but it illustrates a common that will make them effective
able to any believer in Jesus and devastating problem in the ministers·of the gospel.
Christ. So it is important that all Body of Christ. 2. Share with believers in the western
nations the victories and trials of
nine gifts are welcomed and sought Let's put it trus way: your nose national church leaders so that
after by all th e members of the is prominent. It can be easily seen the church will pray more
fervently, and give more
Body. (These gifts are covered in and admired (or made fun of!). sacri ficially, to bless and advance
Chapter 3.) · Your kidneys are important. Yet the work of these who serve on the
front lines of evangelism.
they cannot be seen (unless you
Some Basic Principles are in surgery!). The question ACTS (ISSN 0744·1789) is published
quarterly by World MAP, 1419 North San
To Keep In Mind becomes: "Which of these - your Fernando Blvd., Burbank, CA 91504-4194,
A. The Ministry Of nose or your kidneys - could you U.S.A. Address inquiries to World MAP at
the above address or to P.O. Box 4142,
Every Believer live without?" Obviously we can Manila, Philippines; Privale Bag, White River
1240, So uth Africa; or Post Box 1037,
All believers in Jesus Christ live without our nose; but we can- Kilpauk, Chennai, 600 010, India.
have been given spiritual gifts. not survive without our kidneys!
POSTMASTER: Please send address changes
They are expected by God to use What does this have to do with to ACTS, World MAP, 1419 North San
them. These gifts are to be used the Body of Christ and spiritual Fernando Blvd., Burbank, CA 91504-4194
under the guidance of the Holy gifts?
Spirit and in submission to the Simply put, too many believers
God-given structure of the authori- (including leaders) seem to think Visit our website at:
ty in the local church. The believ- "more prominuit" means "more
important", and "less prominent" Which way (positive or nega- 1) submit your heart to God and
means "less important." Yet, as we tive) that "sword" (gift) cuts is other Christians;
have seen, this is not true of the determined by the character and 2) develop a humble, teachable
human body: the kidneys are less heart of the individual more than spirit;
prominent than the nose, but they anything else. 3) pursue the development of
are certainly no less important the fruit of the Spirit in your life
than the nose! A Christ-like (Gal 5:16-26);
It is the same in the Body of _ Character 4) study the Word cot1titmally,
Christ. God has given gifts to His always applying it to your personal
The less prominent, less notice- Church. Yet His greatest priority life;
able "behind-the-scenes" gifts - for us is that each one of us be con- 5) allow the Holy Spirit to
such as serving, showing mercy, formed to the "image" (character, reveal the "fleshly" attitudes in
giving, administrating - are cer- moral and spiritual likeness) of your own heart. Repent of these
tainly no less important, in God's Christ (Rom 8:28,29; 12:1,2; 2Cor attitudes when they are revealed
sight, than the more prominent, 3:18). and make a fresh surrender to
visible, "public" gifts such as Too often, in the Body of Christ, Christ often (Rom 13:14).
Apostle, Prophet or Evangelist. believers (including leaders) pur- There is more that can be done.
We, as leaders, must teach the sue the exercise of their gifts Meet regularly for prayer with
people of our churches that the (charismata) without regard to the other Christian leaders in an atmo-
most important thing they can do development of character. It must sphere of openness and mutual
- whether or not they have a be said, however, that from God's accountability. If you are not meet-
"prominent" gift - is to obey what perspective, NO GIFT CAN ing with such a group, then
the Spirit of God leads them to do REPLACE A C.HRIST-LIKE attempt to organize such a regular
in terms of ministry. No gift given CHARACTER. GOD'S WILL IS meeting. The most dangerous thing
by God is unimportant. All are THAT WE HAVE BOTH THE a leader can do is to isolate himself.
necessary for a healthy church (see GIFTS AND A CHRIST-LIKE That is where pride, sin and decep-
1 Corinthians 12:14-27). CHARACTER! tion can come in.
If we have a Christ-like charac- Surround yourself with other
C. Character Or (Spiritual) ter, we will discover that the spiri- Christian leaders, and bear each
Gifting? tual gifts function better. They will others' burdens (Gal 6:1-3).
It has been rightly said that also bear more fruit in the lives of We hope you will use these sug-
spiritual gifts are like two-edged others, because there is a greater gestions as an encouragement to be
swords . These two-edged anointing on our lives. more diligent in your lifelong pur-
"swords" can cut both ways. They s 11 it of being conformed to the
can and should be used in a good A Lifelong Pursuit image of Christ.
way (lCor 12:7). But they can also How can we grow in Christ-like
be used in negative, disorderly and character, having balance, integri-
harmful ways (the reason for Paul ty, and the fruit of the Spirit? Here
writing 1 Corinthians Chapters are some s imple suggestions to
12-14). start with:

The Gifts Of The Father <Romans12:3-s>

by Frank R. Parrish
Our Basic Motivations stretch us, discipline us, and importance of this list of gifts. We
There are seven motivational mature us. will also more thoroughly appreci-
gifts listed in Romans 12:3-8. Very In this way, we cari discover all ate and understand each person's
few of 1,lS are characterized by only that God has made us to be today; uniqueness - yet interdependency
one of these gifts. Most often, each and, with His help, we can become - within the Body of Christ.
of us has a combination of several all that He intends for us to
of them. However, there will usu- become into the future. I. Your "Measure of Faith" (v.3).
ally be one of these gifts that is A. A Sober Mind
more pronounced. The Seven Gifts The Spirit of God, through
When we closely examine the Let us look together at Romans Paul, begins this section by exhort-
Greek text itself, we see that the list 12:3-8: ing us to "right thinking" concern-
of gifts in Romans 12 has to do v.3: "For I say, through the grace ing ourselves.
with how-each of us is made. These given to me, to everyone who is among Paul reminds the church at
gifts portray, or characterize, our you, not to think of himself more Rome that he is an apostle ("For I
basic motivations - that is, how highly than he ought to think, but to say, through the grace given to me... ")
we perceive, understand, and think soberly, as God has dealt to and, therefore, speaks with author-
approach life and ministry. each one a measure of faith. ity and Divine appointment. He
These basic characteristics are vs.4-5: "For as w e have many . then goes on to instruct the believ-
built into our personalities, placed members in one body, but all the ers not to think more "highly" of
there by our Creator. members do not have the same themselves than they ought to.
But they are more than just per- function, so we, being many, are one This is more than just a warn-
sonality traits. They are gifts that body in Christ, and individually ing against the subtlety of pride
our Heavenly Father has members of one another. and selfishness. Yes, it is that; but
I sovereignly given to each of us. v.6a: "Having then gifts differing when linked with the rest of verse
I according to the grace that is given 3, it takes on even more meaning.
I Given For God's Service to us, let us use them: First, we are told to "think sober-
I We can attempt to resist the~e vs.6b-8: "if prophecy, let us ly". This refers back to the preced-
~ God-given motivations within us; prophesy in proportion to our faith; or ing verse, 12:2: "And do not be con-
or we can cooper ate by putting ministry, let us use it in our minister- formed to this world, but be trans-
them to service for the One Who ing; he who teaches, in teaching; he formed by the renewing of your
gave them to us. who exhorts, in exhortation; he who minds." To think soberly (v.3) with
It is also possible for us to grow gives, with liberality; he who leads, a renewed mind .(v .2) is to think
and strengthen these gifts. This with diligence; he who shows mercy, with a clear mind.
will help us to fulfill all of God's with cheerfulness." The Greek word used in verse 3
purposes for our lives. We can do Before we look at the specifics is sophroneo. This word .means "to
this by continually surrendering to of the gifts listed in verses 6b-8, be of sound (whole, unimpaired)
the Lordship of Christ in our lives there are some crucial principles to mind or judgment, sane, self-con-
and submitting our whole being to understand. These principles are trolled, serious, moderate,
His use. We should walk in faith presented to us in verses 3-6a. restrained, disciplined, able to rea-
and obedience to the Holy Spirit's Understanding these principles son." It comes from two Greek
leading, allowing our Lord to will help us clearly grasp the root-words: sozo ("to save" or
"saved") and phren ("the mind"). The basis for our transformed, NOT mean that one person has
The Holy Spirit is teaching us sober, clear thinking is that each of more saving faith than another.
here that a redeemed believer is us has been given a "measure of 2. This "measure of faith" is
NOT to think 1) with self-conceit, faith". NOT an amount of faith. Faith is
that he is better than others in the not divided into pieces by God and
Body of Christ; or 2) with self- C. What Is A "Measure handed out in larger or smaller
abasement, that he is Jess valuable Of Faith"? amounts to different people. It is
than others in the Body of Christ. Let us define "measure of · also NOT about trying to become
BOTH ways of thinking are equally faith" - what it is and what it is more "spiritual" so you can have a
unsound and unscriptural. not: larger amount of faith, or more
Rather, we are to think with a 1. This "measure of faith" is gifts.
transformed mind characterized NOT "saving faith" (the kind of 3. This "measure of faith" IS
by true humility and gratitude to faith that is concerned with our sal- that type of faith that is best suited
God. vation). No person can be "more for the operation of each particular
saved" than another. You are gift in its area of service. In other
B. Why Humility either saved, or you are not. The words, someone who has the gift of
And Gratitude? presence of a gift, or its use, does giving needs the type of faith that
Humility is· best defined as
being exactly what you are; no
more and no less. We should be
grateful, because both the gifts
and their proper and effective
operation come from God through
the power of the Holy Spirit.
Truly, we are only earthly vessels
- yet vessels of importance
because of tl).e priceless treasure
we contain! (2Cor 4:7).
We could never acquire or
obtain God's gifts by our own
efforts or cleverness. And, no mat-
ter how much we desire them, we
cannot have gifts other than those
God has given to us. By walking in
humility and gratitude, we become
more balanced and more useable
in the Master's hands.

Avoid Self-Deception
Competitive behavior among .
believers, especially leaders, usual-
1y comes from · a lack of sober
thinking. When we allow pride -
or insecurity - to guide our think-
ing, we become susceptible to
deception and sin.
Any person can be tempted .to
covet another person's gift, or to be
insecure about his or her own gifts.
Only constant vigilance over our
hearts (Prov 4:23) - and regular
times of examination and cleansing
by the Holy Spirit - can keep us
from falling victim to the self-
deception of pride on the one When we understand that God's gifting and His
hand, or false modesty on the grace work together, we will stand in humility
amd gratitude before the Lord.
will release him to give liberally, Motivational Gifts. They are not human body to recombine these
without holding back. A teacher like the Manifestation Gifts of 1 different measures of faith. As each
needs the type of faith that will Corinthians 12, where any believ- human body has many different
enable him to boldly stand before er can function in any of those members, each with its own partic-
others and rightly present the gifts as the Holy Spirit leads. Nor ular function, so does the one Body
truth. are these gifts like the Ministry of Christ.
Father God has made each of us Gifts of Ephesians 4:11. Two important principles
in a certain way, with certain gifts. The Motivational Gifts (which emerge from verses 4 and 5:
He has also given us the type of will be discussed in detail further
faith needed to best use our gifts. in this article) involve who God A. "We are ONE BODY
has made us to be. These gifts in Christ."
D. Thinking Soberly will influence how we perceive We each belong to Christ's
With that in mind, the exhorta- life, and how we respond to other Body. We do not belong to just
tion regarding sober thinking takes people's needs in a given min- ourselves. Therefore to despise,
on even greater impact. istry situation. criticize, or be judgmental of anoth-
If we think we possess gifts Each of us, with our unique er part of the Body denies and hin-
that we have not been given (or motivational gifts, will respond ders the different functions God
strive to get them!), we have an to a situation somewhat differ- intended for His Church. He made
inflated notion of ourselves. We ently than others who have other each of us unique and different!
sin by thinking too highly (or just gifts. The important thing is that There are no lesser gifts or per-
plain wrongly) about ourselves and each gift is just as important as sons! Because we are all members
what God has given to us. the other gifts. And ALL the gifts of His Body, we should treat each
But if we underestimate what are equally important for effec- other with the kind of care and .
God has placed in our lives, we tive and complete ministry. respect that would please the Lord.
are enslaved to a false humility
that seems to be very spiritual but G. Our Value B. "We are members
is not spiritual at all (Col 2:23). We The kinds of gifts we have do of one another."
will doubt or deny the gifts God not determine our value to the Believers are members not only
has given us, and never rise up Body of Christ, nor to God. For we of One Body, but also of each
and fully use those gifts. Thus, all all belong to one Body, and need other. This means we are mutually
that God could accomplish each other's different gifts to inter-dependent. The Body can
through our lives will go unful- function correctly. function properly only when each
filled, and the Body of Christ will We all belong to God because member does its part. Therefore, it
never receive all that we ceuld we have all been created in His is very important for each mem-
give. image and purchased by the blood ber/ gift/ function to be recognized.
of His Son. These facts establish Each one should be taught and
E. Stay Within Your Gift forever our personal worth and encouraged to minister in the
There is another important les- value. Body. The differences within the
son to learn about sober thinking: Our worth is not based upon Body enrich all other members, as
When you have been given a cer- the kind of gifts we have, or the each member accepts the full
tain Motivational Gift, be content size of our ministry. Each person is expression of each gift God has
to use that gift instead of longing valuable to God and to His given to the Body of Christ.
for other gifts. It is a wise person Kingdom just as He has created With these principles in mind,
who stays within the sphere of him or her. Let us discard all pride- let us now examine in detail the
service that God has equipped him ful posturing and striving. Instead, seven Motivational Gifts listed in
for, and avoids doing something let us with praise-filled hearts Romans 12:6-8. As we look at each
for which he is not equipped. embrace all the Father has chosen gift, we will discuss:
The quickest way to become to give to each one of us! 1) characteristics of each gift,
frustrated and hopeless in ministry and
is to try and function in an area of II. We Are One Body (Rom 12:4,5) 2) scriptural examples of each
service where you are not Paul's comments here are short- gift.
equipped to function! er than in 1 Corinthians 12, but the
meaning is the same. THE MOTIVATIONAL GIFT
F. Uniqueness Of The In verse 3 Paul writes, "God has OF PROPHECY
Motivational Gifts allotted to each a [different] measure v.6 - Perceiver
It is important to remember offaith". Here in verses 4,5 the Holy Ongoing Insight
the uniqueness of the Spirit uses the illustration of the A person with the Motivational

Gift of Prophecy could also be It is very important to remem- portion to their faith." This sounds
called a "perceptive" person. That ber, however, that having the like the "measure of faith " spoken of
is someone who sees and under- Motivational Gift of Prophecy in verse 3, yet it is different.
stands the deeper meaning of a sit- does not necessarily make you a "Measure of faith " has to do with
uation. We are nQ1 talking about prophet. having sober judgment (v. 3) regard-
revelatio11, that is, seeing some- Sometimes a person motivated ing the place or sphere of influence
thing never seen before. We~ by this gift may also be a teacher that our Motivational Gifts give to
talking about having the light of with unusual insight in a local each of us.
the Word of God and the Spirit of assembly. Or that person may be a "In proportion to our faith" refers
God giving holy illumination to the good counselor. Yet it is possible, to the proper usage of the prophet-
mind of the person in order to even likely, that a person with the ic gifting.
reveal the truth of a situation. This Motivational Gift of Prophecy will The Greek word for proportion
Motivational Gift is characterized often be used prophetically (lCor is a11alogi1 used to describe mathe-
by the ability to: 12:10) by the Spirit of God. He matical limits. In relation to this gift,
1) see or perceive beyond sur- may even have the Ministry Gift of analogi means two things:
face appearances; Prophet (Eph 4:11). 1) The person who is propheti-
2) receive and declare truth Persons with this Motivational cally gifted in speaking God's word
about a situation; Gift tend to be very "clear-cut" in must not go beyond that which
3) receive and declare insight their approach. To them, some- God has given him to speak.
about people or programs. thing is either true and right - or 2) This same person must not
This creative gift from our it is false and wrong; there is no withhold, or give less than, the full
Heavenly Father gives a believ- "middle ground", and there are no truth as God shows it to him.
er the ability to see situations exceptions. Persons with this The proper use of every gift of
and people with ongoing Motivational Gift need to seek the God requires us to be responsible,
prophetic insight. This gift . balance of learning to be merciful and to use it correctly. Those who
(like the rest of the g ifts listed and gentle as they seek to exhort, have the Motivational Gift of
in Romans 12) functions inde- correct, instruct and warn others. Prophecy must use their words very
pendent of any public ministry carefully. They should not say more
o.r position. In other words, Proper Use Of This Gift OR less than God has given them to
someone with the Motivational Verse 6 uses the phrase "in pro:._ say.
Gift of P rophecy is NOT the
same a s someone with the ~
Ministry Gift of Prophet. ~
For The
' .
Church's Benefit · ·~
As with any gift, the
Motivational Gift of Prophecy can
be used in a helpful and beneficial
way - or it can be twisted and
used to hurt. It is given by God
and intended to be used for His
glory and the Church's benefit.
This gift can motivate a person
to want to:
to ye
1. repair broken relationships in
the Body of Christ;
2. improve or build up a per-
son's walk with God.
Persons with this gift will desire
to "cut to the heart of a matter" -
whether it is a problem between
people, or a spiritual challenge in
the church. They will often desire
to speak out the truth they per-
ceive, whether it is to an individual
or a whole congregation.

It should be said as well that 1. His unconventional dress 2) As the apostolic ministry and
EVERYTHING SPOKEN FROM A (Matt 3:4) shows that he was nof the ministering of the Word (Acts
PROPHETIC BASIS MUST BE concerned about external appear- 6:4; 20:24).
JUDGED AND COMPARED TO ance. 3) In the office of deacon and its
GOD'S WRITTEN WORD, THE 2. He was aware of his personal areas of service and ministry (Acts
BIBLE. A prophetic word should unworthiness (Luke 3:16). People 6:1-3).
never ~isagree with what is with a prophetic gift tend to be hard Some are especially gifted in the
already in the Bible. on themselves. area of service. They are fulfilled
Both the person who hears the 3. He knew he was only a voice when they are serving the needs of
prophetic word and the person for God. His ministry was com- others in practical ways.
who speaks with prophetic insight pletely scripturally based, as we can But there is an important lesson
should do this comparison. see in Luke 3:3-6. to be learned here, regardless of
It is very important for a person 4. He was frank and direct in your giftings. The above scriptures
with this gift to make very certain confronting the crowd with their imply - and many others specifi-
that what he is perceiving is from sin, warning them of judgment, and cally state - that everything we do
God's Spirit - not from his own exhorting them to repent and are as Christians, and especial-
spirit, or a demonic influence! (Luke 3:7-9). ly leaders, is to be marked by a
It is not always easy to distin- 5. He did not dwell on the neg- spirit of servanthood.
guish between God's Spirit speak- ative. When people from the crowd No matter what your God-given
ing and our own spirit or even an asked, "What shall we do then?" he gifts are, or the extent of the min-
evil spirit speaking to us. A person told them the positive steps they istry God has given you, you are not
who is young in the Lord might could take to turn from their sin greater than the Lord of the Church
become confused and make mis- (Luke 3:10-14). Oohn 15:20). Everything we do is in
takes. One must humbly admit to 6. He looked for repentance, service to Him, and to His Church.
those mistakes, and carefully sub- that is, a change in lifestyle in people If you desire to be conformed
mit to God in prayer and the study (Luke3:8). into His image - He Who gave His
of His Word (2Pet 3:15-18). 7. He placed great emphasis on life for us - your life and ministry
right (good) and wrong (evil) (Luke should be characterized by a Christ-
Points Of Caution 3:10-14) and openly rebuked .evil in like, servant's heart (Matt 20:20-28).
This Motivational Gift most often those in authority (Luke 3:19).
focuses on things that are wrong. 8. He discerned people's Task-Oriented
Therefore, if you have this gift, you motives (Luke 3:7). Serving is one of the
must be careful to not dwell on the Motivational Gifts that God the
negative. You should also be careful THE MOTIVATIONAL GIFT OF Father gives to us at our creation,
to judge the sin, NOT the person MINISTRY (Serving) our birth. Serving focuses on the
caught in the sin. v.7-Server giving of practical assistance and
One should speak with respect A Spirit Of Servanthood help. Those who have the gift of
and sensitivity, so as not to offend The Greek word used here for Ministry (service) will often have
people so badly that they miss what "ministry" is diakonia. This is one the ability to identify an unmet
God wants to say to them. of the Greek words used for "ser- need in the Body.
vant". Some would limit the use of They will desire to move in and
A Scriptural Example Of Prophetic this word to only that ministry or do what needs to ·be done to meet
Gifting service done by a deacon (which is that need. They will demonstrate
John the Baptist was truly a man derived from diakonia). This is not God's love by meeting practical
gifted with the Ministry Gift of an unreasonable interpretation. needs and giving "hands-on" ser-
Prophet. His gifting and ministry However, this word is used in vice and assistance. You will often
form a "bridge" between the min- Scripture in a much wider applica- find these people helping the poor
istries of the Old Testament tion. Diakonia almost always and infirm.
prophets and those of the New appears in the New Testament in Those with the Gift of Ministry
Testament prophets. connection with the service of, and will often be gifted with their hands
John the Baptist's primary calling in, the Christian Church. and have physical stamina. The Gift
was fulfilled through the Ministry It is used in the following ways of Ministry is task-oriented.
Gift of a Prophet (Eph 4:11). in the New Testament
However, his life and ministry can 1) Service in general, meaning The Honor Of Serving
also give us some insight into the all works of service and ministry This Motivational Gift of
function of the Motivational Gift of done for the good of the Body of Serving is often underestimated
the prophetic: Christ (Eph 4:12). and regarded as "unspiritual".


Because it is often focµsed on mate- A Good Standing , imparting of it to others (1 Tim
rial and physical benef,its, many The ministry of the Server is 5:17).
look down upon those who minis- both valuable and truly spiritual,
ter in this way as less important. and an important part of the Needed In The Church -
Thus, the gift of serving is often Church's witness . The Server And The World
neglected and not honored in the shpuld devote himself to this min- Some believers feel that being a
Body of Christ. is try with joy and confidence, for teacher is a lesser gift and not to be
But remember, it was Jesus "those who have served well as dea- desired. Yet how many of us have
Himself - the ultimate Servant - cons obtain for themselves a good learned something valuable from a
Who was humble enough to serve standing and great boldness in the teacher? You are able to read this
others by washing their feet Gohn faith which is in Christ Jesus" magazine because someone taught
13:3-17). (1 Tim 3:13). you how!
Also, the qualifications for dea- It is seldom that the world
con in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 require A Scriptural Example notices who the teachers are; but
these "servers" to be people of Of Ministry (Serving) Gifting often much of civilization depends
Christ-like and worthy character. Martha is an example of some- on what teachers do and say.
And when the apostles first insti- one with the Motivational Gift of Jesus Christ, the Lord of the
tuted the office of deacon, they Ministry (service). Luke 10:38-42 Church and the greatest Teacher of
specifically sought out people of and John 12:2 show both the posi- all, has given this gift to us because
"good reputation, full of the Holy · tive and potential negative out- the Church needs it - you and I
Spirit and wisdom" (Acts 6:1-7). comes of this gift: need it! In God's Kingdom, there
These verses prove that being a 1. Servers find fulfillment are no lesser gifts or little people.
servant is NOT a lowly thing in through deeds rather than words.
God's Kingdom! Maybe the world 2. "Martha served." Servers have A Scriptural Example
of fleshly, unspiritual men sees a ser- a tendency to prefer to do things Of The
vant as "lowly", but a servant is themselves. Teaching Gift
most certainly NOT lowly in God's 3. Servers are generally neither Apollos is an excellent example
eyes (see Matthew 25:34-40). organizers nor facilitators. They are of the Motivational Gift of Teaching
From. a wrong, fleshly human better at following directions. (Acts 18:24-28; 1 Cor 3:6):
perspective, this gift can be viewed 4. "Martha was distracted with 1. The teacher "waters" (1 Cor
as :r:tot very important. If this wrong much serving." Servers often get too 3:6) - that is, helps the Church
perspective is believed, the person involved and troubled about (believers) to grow.
with the Motivational Gift of Service things. Also they find it hard to say 2. Apollos was "an eloquent
might view himself as unimportant "no" to new tasks (Luke 10:40-41). man," that is, gifted as a speaker.
and so deny the good gift God has 5. Servers may get so busy serv- 3. Apollos was "mighty in the
given him for the Church. If service ing that they could potentially Scriptures. Teachers should base
is not considered important, then the neglect their spiritual life their instruction on the Scriptures,
person will want to grab for other (Luke 10:42). including their examples or
gifts that appear to be more "glori- 6. But... Servers are important, illustrations.
ous" and more "important". and are required for any church to 4. Apollos "spoke and taught
This wrong thinking and neglect function!!! accurately the things of the Lord. "
of the gift of service leaves an empty Teachers are generally objective,
place in what should be a well- THE MOTIVATIONAL GIFT and will thoroughly research a sub-
rounded and balanced ministry in OF TEACHING ject before speaking on it.
and to the Body. It will also leave the v.7 - Teacher 5. Apollos was instructed "more
person with this gift both empty and Imparters Of Truth accurately" by Aquila and Priscilla.
frustrated, trying vainly to find a This creational gift focuses on Scripture says that teachers should
release of ministry outside what the understanding. Believers with also be teachable.
God has gifted him for. this gift will seek to clarify truth 6. Apollos "greatly helped those
If we leave ailing members of the and doctrine, expounding upon who had believed through grace.
Body uncared for because of a lack the meaning and practical applica- Teachers provide the substance (the
of this servant gift, our testimony in tion of the truth. They will desire. foundational Scriptures) on which
our local communities is damaged. to impart knowledge and lead oth- experience can be placed and made
It can even invalidate the Gospel ers into understanding the truth. permanent.
message in the minds of unbelievers To search ·out and validate truth Experiences, by themselves, can
when they see us not serv,ing and will be as meaningful to those pass away; experience based in the
caring for our own members. motivated by this gift ~ the actual Word is permanent.

THE MOTIVATIONAL GIFT OF A Scriptural Example (Paul), or exhorted Paul to accept
EXHORTING Of The Exhorting Gift Mark, almost half of the New
v.8 - Exhorter Barnabas is an outstanding por- Testament - the Gospel of Mark
Sons Of Encouragement trayal of the exhorting gift, and of and the Epistles of Paul - might
As teaching is directed to the how that gift worked in partner- never have been written! (See Acts
understanding, exhortation is ship with his apostleship: 15:37-39 and 2 Timothy 4:11).
directed at the heart, conscience 1. "Barnabas" means "son of
and will. This gifting, working encouragement or consolation" THE MOTIVATIONAL GIFT
through a believer, will cause him (Acts 4:36). OF GIVING
. to urge others to their full spiri- 2. Exhorters have an encourag- v.8 - The Giver
tual maturity. The operation of ing message, that is, to follow the A Deep Desire
this gift is often directed toward Lord purposefully (Acts 11:22-24). This gift involves a special
those who are in difficult circum- 3. The exhorter's message ability - and desire - to share
stances and suffering affliction. strengthens the souls of the material assistance. The giving
The Motivational Gift of believers and urges them to con- being discussed here is of per-
Exhortation works well in partner- tinue in the faith (Acts 14:20-22). sonal resource - NOT the dis-
ship with other gifts, such as 4. Exhorters are generally posi- tribution out of the treasury of
teaching, and the prophetic and tive about people and do not easi- the Church.
apostolic ministry gifts (lTim 4:13; ly give up on them - even when You do NOT have to be
Titus 1:9; lCor 14:3; Acts 4:36). others have (Acts 9:26,27). wealthy to have this gift.
An exhorter will arouse and 5. Exhorters have an ability to However, it does seem that
motivate both individual believers discern where people are in their those with this motivational
and the Church as a whole to spiritual growth and to speak to gift have often been· blessed
patient endurance, brotherly them on that level (Acts 11:22-24). with abundant resource . It
love, and good works (Heb 3:13; 6,, It is important for an exhort- seems the more they give, the
10:23-25). Exhorters will have a er to maintain a positive attitude. more they have! They also seem
great.ability to stimulate the faith 7. If Barnabas had not exhort- to have the corresponding abil-
and personal growth of others. ed the apostles to accept Saul ities to accumulate, handle and
distribute assets.
They will give out of a deep
desire ~o see the needs of
God's work met and the min-
istry of others succeed.
All believers, especially the
leaders of a church or ministry,
The person should tithe and give offerings. But
who gives is those with the special Gift of
Giving will give with extraordi-
also fully nary liberality - even when in
aware that it poverty and affliction (Mark
is the Lord 12:41-44). .
who gives the Purity Of Motive
wealth. The word "simplicity" (or "lib-
erality" in some translations)

comes from the G reek word

This term sometimes means
"liberality" in Scripture. But here it
means singlemindedness of heart,
a purity of motive or purpose.
Since the giving involves per-
sonal resource, the giver should
NEVER have a selfish motive.
Sometimes the wealthy will make
a donation expecting to gain influ-
ence or advantage for himself or

ACTS/ 11
herself. The ruling elders or senior Rather, it strongly indicates a 6. Leaders know how to del-
pastor should never allow this requirement to lead for the good egate the authority needed to
(see James Chapter 2). of the Body with a sense of per- accomplish the responsibility
If such a motive is suspected, sonal responsibility. Hence, the given (Neh 7:1-2).
those in leadership should make exhortation to "lead with dili-
clear to the giver that there will be gence". THE MOTIVATIONAL GIFT
no advantage allowed him. If the The word translated as "dili- OF MERCY
person giving the gift does not gence" means "prompt efficiency", v.8 - Mercy Show-er
understand or agree, the gift "without delay", "a holy haste or Compassion
should be refused. God will pro- zeal". All of this requires self-dis- This gift is similar in some
vide for your needs another way. cipline and vigilance as to the con- ways to the Motivational Gift of
[For an example of how God feels dition of the flock. Giver. However, the word
about impure motives in giving, "mercy" denotes a more direct,
see Ananias and Sapphira in Acts Partnering personal ministry to those fn
5:1-11.] With Others need. .
Paul's description of the Gift of Believers so gifted will have
A Scriptural Example Leading seems most likely to refer an ability to identify with the
Of The Giver to those who hold (lThess 5:12) or needs and afflictions of those
The life of Abraham provides aspire to (lTim 3:1) the office of they come in contact with. This
us with some insights as to the Elder. However, this Motivational gift will include a practical,
functioning of this gift: Gift functions in partnership with compassionate love. They can
1. Givers may be entrusted by many of the other Ministry Gifts make very goo~ counselors if
God with many assets (Gen - such as apostle, prophet, pastor they will also i. e wisdom and
13:1,2). and teacher. discipline.
2. Givers are of a generous Those who have this gift will
and liberal spirit (Gen 13:9,10). lead by working with and Uplifting
3. Givers can be very aggressive through others. They will often get Others
and resourceful in the protection of the job done by organizing and The Scripture exhorts those
their assets (Gen 14:14-16). delegating responsibilities and who have this Gift of Mercy to
4. Givers recognize God's work authority to others. show it with "cheer/illness".
and causes, and are responsive A leader will define the tasks There is an important idea
(Gen 14:18-20 - Mekhizedek and and provide leadership support being put forth here.
tithing). and guidance - while releasing Often the work of mercy can
5. Givers have a firm knowl- others to partner in accomplishing be difficult, even disagreeable,
edge that God is the source of the goal. because the mercy-showers will
their wealth, and give Him the minister to people in their worst
glory (Gen 14:22-24). A Scriptural Example condition. This can, over time,
6. God puts givers in the right Of The Gift Of Leader make the mercy-shower become
place at the right time. Nehemiah serves as an grudging or even resentful in
example of superb leadership helping others.
THE MOTIVATIONAL GIFT skills and heart motivation: This negative attitude
OF LEADING 1. Leaders have a special defeats the very purpose of
v.8-The Leader feel for the cause of God's mercy. A cheerful mercy uplifts
Servant-Le,adership people (Neh 1:1-4). those that are sick, wounded of
The Greek word for "rules" (or 2. Leaders have the ability to soul or discouraged. A grudg-
"leads") is ho proistemi. It means survey and define what needs ing, reluctant mercy would
literally "he that is placed in front," to be done (Neh 2:12-17). make the afflicted person feel
indicating a position of both 3. Leaders have the ability to despised.
authority and responsibility. Both break down major goals into The best way to stay cheerful
of these go hand-in-hand in God's smaller achievable tasks (Neh is to constantly be going to Him
Kingdom and are tempered by a 3:1-32). Whose mercies are "new every
servant's heart. 4. Leaders can take pressure morning" (Lam 3:22-23) and be
The "leading" described by this and opposition and still pro- filled daily with His Spirit.
word is NOT to be mistaken for ceed (Neh 4:1-23). Mercy-filled believers function
simple management. Nor does it 5. Leaders make things best when they build them-
describe a gift that puts the person "easy" for others and are not a selves up through the Word
into a prominent public ministry. personal burden (Neh 5:14-19). and prayer on a daily basis.

12/ ACTS
b) respond to that situation in
a different way than others who
have other gifts.
The important thing to remem-
ber is this: Though each gift is
unique, all the gifts are designed
to function together. They are
designed by God to be mutually
interdependent. In other words,
they need each other to accom-
plish all that Christ desires to do in
His Body - the Church!

Some Important Principles

About Motivational Gifts
As we have studied this gift
A Scriptural Example different gifts in their lives. One is section together, it has probably
Of The Gift Of Mercy inclined toward serving, another become obvious to you that the
There could be no better exam- toward giving, etc. Person of Jesus Christ in His life
ple of mercy shown in Scripture Someone bumps a glass with and ministry is the perfect
(except for God Himself) than the their elbow, causing it to fall from embodiment of each of these gifts
Good Samaritan in Luke 10:29-37: the edge of the table, shattering (see Colossians 1:19 & 2:9;
1. Mercy-showers have great the glass. Hebrews 1:3).
compassion for the hurting The seven each react in a differ- It is hoped that it is equally
(v. 33). ent \'fay: obvious from Scripture that each
2. "He went to him" (v.34). 1. The Perceiver (prophetic per- believer has at least one gift in
Mercy-showers seem drawn to the son) says: "I knew that was going which he or she is motivated (lPet
broken and needy. to happen." 4:10); and that the purpose of these
3. Mercy-showers participate in 2. The Server (ministry) says: gifts is that each believer might
a practical way: they are ready to "Here, I'IJ clean it up." benefit the Body of Christ (see
do what needs to be done and 3. The Teacher says: "Now, Ephesians 4:16; 1 Corinthians 12:7;
"get their hands dirty" if neces- there's a lessot.l we can learn from 14:12).
sary - as when the Samaritan that. If you had placed the glass in In considering the motivational
bandaged the victim's wounds a better spot. .. " gifts, it is important to remember
and "took care of him" (v.34). 4. The Exhorter (encourager) that God builds those gifts into
4. Mercy-showers are sensitive turns to the person who dropped us. But, as with all the gifts, the
to people's practical needs: The the glass and says: "Don't feel bad Lordship of Christ in our lives is
Samaritan paid the victim's bill - it probably won't happen necessary for them to function cor-
(v.35). again." rectly.
Showing mercy can lead to 5. "And don't worry," the Giver We must not neglect these gifts
considerable personal inconve- adds, "I'll pay for the glass!" (lTim 4:14), but rather "stir them
nience - yet great fulfillment. 6. Meanwhile the Leader quick- up" (2Tirn 1:6) for God to use them
Most importantly, ACTS OF ly takes charge of the situation by for His glory.
MERCY SHOW QTHERS THE asking the waiter for a broom and Because the motivational gifts
TRUE HEART OF OUR Mt:RCI- dustpan and another glass of are equal in stature and value, we
FUL GOD. water. must always make room for other
7. And the Mercy person says, perspectives seen through the vari-
A Quick Comparison "Oh, that's too bad. I hope you are ous gifts. We can be a balanced
Of The Motivational Gifts all right now." and healthy Body only when each
Having studied the unique As this simple illustration of us does our part fully. Then we
characteristics of each of these shows, each person's unique moti- must fully allow every other part
motivational gifts, let us look at vational gifts will cause that person to contribute their portion, for the
how these gifts might function in a to: good of all.
hypothetical situation. a) see a situation from a differ-
Seven people are sitting around ent viewpoint than others who
a table having lunch. These seven have different motivational gifts,
people happen to be motivated by and

ACTS/ 13
11 ·cs
The Gifts Of The Son (Ephesians4:1-11>

by Frank R. Parrish

What The A. Jesus Embodies T he Jesus is the fullness and embod-

Church Needs Ministry Gifts iment of all these ministry gifts.
The Body of Christ, the Church, Jesus Christ, the Head of the
is a divinely ordained organism Church, has provided all that the B. Five Ministry Gifts Given
rather than a man-made organiza- Church needs. This servant-leader To The Church (Eph 4:7-11)
tion. It is a living, functioning, gifting that Christ has given to His "811t to each one of tts grace was
growing spiritual Body. Church is based upon the five min- given according to the measure of
Because this is true, the Church istry gifts. They are listed in Christ's gift. Therefore He says: 'When
needs divinely-given abilities, Ephesians 4:11: "And He Himself He ascended on high, He led captivity
imparted to divinely-appointed gave some to be apostles, some captive, and gave gifts to men'. (Now
servant-leaders. prophets, some evangelists and some this, 'He ascended' - what does it
We can try to fulfill the needs pastors and teachers." mean but that He also first descended
of the Church using human These five ministry gifts are into the lower parts of the earth? He
strength and wisdom - but we supernaturally given by the Lord who descended is also the One Who
will fa il! We can try to replace to certain persons. These gifts ascended far above all the heavens, that
Holy Spirit anointing with our reflect the person and ministry of He might ftll all things.) And He
own knowledge, skills or clever- Christ Himself. Himself gave some to be apostles,
ness. But these things will never be Consider that: some prophets, some evangelists,
enough to establish God's will and 1. Jesus is the APOSTLE and some pastors and teachers."
effectively minister His life to His "Therefore, holy brethren, partak- This passage makes it clear that
people. ers of the heavenly calling, consider after His ascension into heaven
Our Lord is not opposed to the Apostle and High Priest of our (Acts 1:9) to be enthroned at the
education or schooling (Prov 4:7); confession, Christ Jesus" (Heb 3:1). right hand of the Father (Eph 1:20-
He just knows that academic 2. Jesus is the PROPHET 23), Jesus then distributed these
achievement by itself is insuffi- "Concerning Jesus of Nazareth ... a five ministry gifts to His Church.
cient (Zech 4:6; lCor 8:1). Prophet mighty in deed and word" Each of these ministry gifts is by
The pattern seen in the New (Luke 24:19). itself only a partial expression of
Testament is that God can power- 3.Jesus is the EVANGELIST Christ's own complete ministry. No
fully use any man or woman, "And l, if I am lifted up from the single person could contain the
whether they are educated (i.e., earth [crucified], will draw all peoples entire ministry of Jesus.
Paul, Apollos, Luke, Matthew) or to Myself' Oohn 12:32). These five ministry gifts are like
not (i.e., Peter, James, John). If their 4. Jesus is the PASTOR the fingers on the human hand.
hearts and lives are fully surren- "I nm the good Shepherd, the Good When any of them is missing or
dered to Him and to the power of Shepherd gives His life for the sheep" they won't work together, our abili-
His Spirit, He will use them! Oohn 10:11). ties are weakened.
The Church in the first century 5. Jesus is the TEACHER Three important truths emerge
and the Church today need the "Rabbi, we know that you are a from this passage of Scripture:
same thing. They both need super- Teacher come from God; for no one can 1. The Five Ministry Gifts
na tu rally chosen, divinely - do these signs that you do unless God Are Given By Christ Alone
equipped, servant-hearted leaders! is with Him" Oohn 3:2). They cannot be given by

14/ ACTS
human appointment or ability. never used as titles in the New in Ephesians 4:12: "For the equip-
They cannot be given or taken by Testament. They were actually ping of tl1e saints Jo~ the work of the
any person who simply wants to used as job descriptions to portray ministry, for the edifying of the Body
have that particular gift. These five a · functional service role in the of Christ."
ministry gifts are bestowed by Church. The word "equipping" in this
Christ alone. It is He Who gives Remember Christ's own words verse is translated from the Greek
and empowers these gifts. when He described His ministry: word katartismos, which means
2. The Five Ministry Gifts "Just as the Son of Man did not come "to make complete". It comes frOJ'!l
Function By Grace to be served, but to serve, and to the root-word katartizo, meaning
These gifts will function proper- give His life as a ransom for "to repair or adjust; to make fit,
1y only under the guidance, con- many" (Matt 20:28). mend; to perfect, prepare, restore".
trol, and empowerment of the Let us not be anxious to grab In other words, one could
Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit of God for titles or lofty positions. Instead, describe the purpose of the five
that applies God's grace to our let us be of the same mind and ministry Gifts this way: "To pre-
lives and ministries. The Greek heart that is in Christ (Phil 2:1-8), pare God's people for works of ser-
root-word for "gift" is the same as and desire to serve others. vice, so that the body of Christ may be
grace - "charis". The gifts of God built up".
cannot operate fully or properly The Purpose Of The Christ gives ministry gifts to
without the Spirit of God leading Five Ministry Gifts certain believers NOT to enable
and guiding us as we seek to serve We know that all members of them to do the work of the min-
the Church. the Body of Christ have their part istry by themselves - but to
3. The Five Ministry Gifts to play in edifying the Church and enable them to prepare other
Reqitire A Servant's Heart glorifying Christ. believers to do the work of the
These five gifts - apostle, However, the ascended Christ ministry also.
prophet, evangelist, pastor and has given the five ministry gifts for Even the Apostle Paul did not
teacher - are not titles. They were a specific purpose described for us try to do the work of ministry by
himself; in fact, he devoted three
whole epistles to preparing
Timothy and Titus to a) do the
work of the ministry and b) pre-
pare still others to carry on the
work of the ministry (see 1 & 2
Timothy and Tifus). ·
Certain believers have the spe-
cific ministry gifts of Apostle,
Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor,
Teacher; other believers do not. But
ALL believers have a ministry to
perform in building up the
Church and edifying the people of
All believers should minister in
all three of these areas: upward,
inward, and outward.
1) Upward: Ministry to the
Lord - Worship (Psalm 150:6;
2) Inward: Ministry to the Body -
Nurture (Eph 4:16;.Acts 2:42-46).
3) Outward: Ministry to the
World - Witness (Matt 5:13-16;
Phil 2:15).
May each of us dedicate our-
selves to walk in the power of the
Holy Spirit, living daily to fuliill all
of the ministry appointed for us.

ACTS/ 15
by Dr. Robert Frost
(Adapted for ACTS by
the World MAP Editorial Team)
Let us now take an in-dep th Therefore, whatever I spenk, just as the He came to represent His Father
look at each of the five ministry Father has told Me, so I spenk" (John to us. He spoke and acted on His
gifts of Ephesians 4:11. 6:38; 12:49,50). Father's behalf. He was a true and
It is interesting to note that faithful "Ambassador" to the
THE M INISTRY GIFT OF Jesus chose to call His twelve disci- whole world (See John 4:34; 5:19;
APO STLE ples "apostles". They were going 5:30; 6:38; 8:28,29,42; 12:44,45.)
A. Definition Of The Term to be His ambassadors - to repre- 2. The Twelve Apostles
The word "apostle" (Greek - sent Him here on earth. O f The Lamb
apostolos) actually means " one They would found or establish The twelve disciples were ch o-
who is sen t forth.'' In the Greek a new "colony" - the Church. It sen by Jesus after a night of prayer.
culture of that time, the word was would be a royal colony backed by They served Jesus and were taught
used in four different ways, refer- the authority of God's Kingdom. by Him during His earthly min-
ring to: Through the Church, God's will istry.
1. An ambassador - someone would be done here on earth as it They are called the "Apostles of
who represents his government. is in heaven. the Lamb" an d have a special p lace
2. A fleet of ships sent to estab- ljAs the Father has sent Me, I also in heaven - and in eternity. Their
lish a new colony. send you" (John 20:21). "He who names are recorded in the twelve
3. The admiral who commands receives you receives Me, and he who foundations of the Holy City (Rev
such a fleet. receives Me receives Him Who se.n t 21:14).
4. The colony which was Me" (Matt 10:40). These twelve men marked the
founded by that admiral. " ...And upon this rock I will build beginning of a new age in God's
In all four cases, those who My Church, and the gates of Hades dealing wi th mankind. The
were "sen t" were faithfu l to ful- shall not prevail against it..." (Matt prophetic age closed as the <;:hurch
fill the w ill of the "sender". 16:18). "[You are] built on the foun- age opened (Matt 19:28).
An apostle, then, is a man with dation of the apostles and prophets, In the Old Testament, it was the
a mission. His mission is to repre- Jesus Christ Himself being the chief prophets who wrote Scripture. In
sent and d o the will of the one cornerstone" (Eph 2:20). the New Testament, Scripture was
wh o sent him. An apostle is some- written by the apostles.
one who speaks and acts on behalf B. The Levels Of Apostles 3. T he Post-Ascension Apostles
of another. He has been sent forth In The New Testament (Also known as Ascension
with that purpose in view. There are four main levels of Apostles)
apostol ic ministry in the New As we have seen in Ephesians
The Relationsh ip Between The Testament. Of these four groups, 4:10-11, after Jesus ascended and
Sender And The Sent One two are no longer active. However, returned to heaven, He gave anoth-
This special tie between the these two form a basis for the pre- er group of apostles. This group
"sender" and the "sent one" is sent-d ay apostolic functions. will function throughou t the
clearly seen in the earthly ministry The four main levels or g roups Church age until "we all come to the
of Jesus, the Great Apostle. He was of apostolic ministry are as follows: unity offaitlz and the knowledge of the
aware that H is mission in this 1. Jesus Christ Son of God, to a perfect man, to the
world was to represent His Father Jesus Christ was and is the chief measure of the stature of the fullness of
and do His will. Apostle: "Therefore, holy brethren, par- Christ" (Eph 4:13).
"For l [Jesus] hnve come down takers of the heavenly calling, consider These apostles are an important
from Heaven, not to do My own will, the Apostle and High Priest of our con- part of the Body of Christ. When
but the will of Him Who sent Me .. .I fession, Christ Jesus" (Heb 3:1). this ministry is missing, the Church
have not spoken on My own authori- He was sent from heaven to do will suffer from a lack of overall
ty; but the Father Who sent Me gave His Father's will on earth (see John leadership (lCor 12:26-28).
Me a command, what I should say ... 3:16,20,21). The New Testament reveals a

16/ ACTS
number of people who fall into edge of the Son of God, and 3) the takes time to build character. It
this class of apostles. Our list measure and the stature (maturity) takes time to be trained in the
would include: of the fullness of Christ. school of God's Spirit for our
Andronicus (Rom 16:7) A simple and non-judgmental calling.
Junia (Rom 16:7) examination of today's Church will The preparation for apostolic
Barnabas (Acts 14:14) quickly reveal that we have not ministry takes much time, training
Titus (2Cor 8:23) - The "attained" yet - far from it! So and testing. The making of an apos-
English language version of the there is still a need for the gift of tle requires maturity and experi-
Bible uses "messenger", not "apos- apostle. But are there apostles ence. It will involve both success
tle", even t hough the original today? and failure.
Greek does use the word for First of all, it is important to Our failures can become bless-
"apostle". understand that the Church is, and ings if we learn how to face and
James (Gal 1:19) should be, a living, growing accept our weaknesses. From our
Epaphroditus (Phil 2:25) - The "organism" - not a lifeless organi- failures we find how little we can
English version uses "messenger", zation. It continues to grow. do apart from God's wisdom, grace
even though the Greek used New frontiers for the Church and power. Our failures are the
"apostle". are being pushed to the ends of the ground from which the fragrant
Timothy (lThess 1:1; 2:6) earth. There are s till unreached fl ower of humility can sweetly
Silvanus (1Thess 1:1; 2:6) peoples "sitting in darkness" who bloom. Humility produces compas-
Apollos (lCor 4:6,9) are still waiting to "see a great sion and understanding. And both
4. Those With An light". are needed to wisely lead in love.
Apostolic-Type Ministry Jesus is still sending out those Moses had been highly trained
Besides those in the first three who are called and commissioned in the wisdom of this world.
classes above, there is another apos- by Him in the power of His Holy However, it took forty years to get
tolic group. These are ministering Spirit and authority. They are to Moses out of Egypt - and another
people who at times fulfill certain bind and loose, p~each the Gospel, forty years to get Egypt out of
apostolic functions. They may not heal the sick, and raise the dead - Moses! Only then was he ready for
necessarily be called apostles, but all through the power of the Risen the great responsibility of leading
they often minister as such. Christ. God's people to the Promised Land.
A good example would be the The answer to the question The same was true for the
"seventy" disciples whom Jesus from Scripture, Church history, Apostle Paul. By nature and train-
sent forth to minister (Luke 10:1- and modern example is: YES - ing he was a proud and zealous
17). They had, for a time, the same there is, and should be, apostolic Pharisee. He was eager to do God's
power and duties that were given ministry today! will - as he saw it, and as he
to the twelve disciples. But they The title "apostle" is not neces- thought it should be done.
were not necessarily called "apos- sary. That is because the proof of God had to strike him down on
tles." apostolic ministry is seen in the the Damascus road to bring him to
Unfortunately, many people in fruit prod u ced by an apostle's a place of humility. Then he was
today's C hurch do not believe labor - in other words, the work ready to receive his apostolic call-
there are modern-day apostles (or he leaves behind. Paul understood ing through the prophetic word of
even prophets). They admit only this when he wrote to the Ananias.
to the gifts of evangelist, pastor Corinthians "You are the seal [certi- But Paul was not ready yet. It
and teacher as operating in the fication, undeniable proof] of my took more than a prophetic word to
current Church. apostleship in the Lord" (lCor 9:1,2). prepare him to fulfill that calling.
Their reasoning is that once the He was to spend many years being
Church was established in the first C. Preparation Of Apostles schooled by the Spirit and practical
century, we no longer have need The work of building H is experience before he was ready to
of apostles and prophets. But does Church is very important to God. begin his apostolic ministry (see
this agree with Scripture? He desires that His workers be Acts Chapters 8; 9; 11; 13).
The Bible makes clear the pur- fully equipped and prepared. Barnabas was a man who was
pose and reason for the five min- Sometimes believers are so converted shortly after Pentecost. He
istry gifts in Ephesians 4:11-13. eager to minister to others, they was a humble, obedient, selfless ser-
This passage plainly states that set out before they are ready. This vant of the Lord in the church at
these five ministry gifts are to can bring much harm to every one Jerusalem. It was some seven years
remain in function until ("till", concerned. later, however, that he was sent to
v.13) we all come to 1) the unity of God is not in a hurry when it Antioch to strengthen the work there.
the faith, 2) the unity of the know!- comes to making His ministers. It He and the Apostle Paul

ACTS/ 17
became the first "missionaries" and loyal to the Church of God 4. An apostle may be involved
(sent-ones) to go forth to the (lCor 13). His love for the Church in church discipline when needed
Gentile world (see Acts 4:36,37; must be greater than his love for (Acts 5:1-11; lCor 5).
11:22-30; 13:1-3). his own ministry. Such correction most often
3. An apostle must have involves churches that he has
Important Part patience (2Cor 12:12). He is a man founded.
Of An Apostle's Training of maturity and revelation. S. An apostle ordains the lead-
The background of the above Therefore, he must be patient with ership in new churches (Acts 6:1-
apostles reveals a number of those who are only "babies" in 6; 14:23; Titus 1:5).
important facts. Certain important Christ. This is true of elders, deacons
things seem to be a part of every 4. An apostle must not be and other ministries.
apostle's training: given to self glory (lCor 4:9; 2Cor 6. An apostle often teaches and
1. An apostle will have a defi- 10:8; lThess 2:6). He must lead trains new workers himself
nite call to this ministry. people to the Lord rather than to (2Tim 2:2).
2. An apostle will be well- himself. This may involve special tasks
trained in Scripture. 5. An apostle must have a ser· and trips to other churches and
3. An apostle will be prepared vant's heart (Eph 3:7; Phil 1:1). His places (Acts 16:1-4; Phil 2:19-25;
over a period of several years. He concern and desire must be for the Col 4:7-12).
will prove himself and his ministry welfare of others. He should be 7. An apostle is involved in the
at the local level. It is here that he humble, self-giving and faithful care of the churches that he ·has
will grow in God's grace, wisdom (lCor 4:9; 2Cor 10:18; 11:22,23). begun (2Cor 11:28).
and experience. 6. An apostle must be willing Such ministry also serves to
4. An apostle will usually have to suffer (Acts 20:17-24; lCor 4:7- relate the local church to the Body
been trained for a time under the 12; 11:18-30). He must have a will- of Christ at large.
ministry of other apostles. ingness to endure persecution, 8. An apostle often ministers
5. The apostle will not be sent hardships, rejec~on - even death with the local elders in ordaining
forth until his preparation is com· - while still maintaining the goal new workers (Rom 1:11; lTim 1:18;
plete. of the spread of the Gospel and the 4:14; 2Tim 1:6).
6. The apostle will often be founding of new stable churches. This involves fasting, prayer
used of God in one of the other and the laying on of hands for the
five-fold ministries - prophet, E. The Ministry Of An Apostle spiritual gifts and graces.
teacher, pastor or evangelist - A study of the apostles named 9. An apostle is a "father-fig·
before being sent out, and while in the Bible reveals that they ure" in the overall family of God
functioning in apostolic ministry. served in many different ways. (lCor 4:15).
7. The sending church will Some of the functions, which He does not act as dictator, but
identify with the apostle by the many of them shared in common, as a faithful shepherd who over-
laying on of hands. are listed below: sees the flock of God (lCor 16:12;
1. An apostle starts new lPet 5:2).
D. The Qualifications churches and sets them on a 10. An apostle may include ele-
For An Apostle proper foundation (lCor 3:9-14; ments of the other four ministry gifts.
. The standards for elders would 9:12; 11:34; Eph 2:2-4). He also In its church-pioneering, founda-
apply to all leaders in high levels serves to strengthen and advise tion-laying, overseeing function, the
of authority (1Tim 3:7; Titus 1:5-9). older fellowships Rom 1:11; Col apostolic ministry gift will require
Therefore, they wquld apply to the 2:5-7). some elements of the prophetic, evan-
ministry of the apostle. 2. An apostle is very con- gelistic, pastoral and teaching min-
Besides the general standards cerned about sound doctrine and istries.
above, there are special qualities or teaching (Acts 2:42; 15:1-31). He • An apostle must be an evan-
traits that every apostle shoold will be quick to bring correction gelist to make new believers.
have: whenever error arises. • He must be a teacher to
1. An apostle must have the 3. An apostle will o.ften have a instruct them in sound doctrine.
heart of a father (lCor 4:15; Phil ministry of miracles (Rom • He must be a prophet to
2:22). Like a father, he will guide, 15:18,19; 2Cor 12:12). bring direction and correction with
provide, correct and protect God's Such signs and wonders show divine power and authority.
people. He will minister wisdom that the power and authority of • He must be a pastor who will
with love, power and patience God rest upon his life. Such a min- oversee the work of the newly
(Eph 6:4; lThess 2:6-8,11). istry is needed in founding new ordained leaders.
2. An apostle must be loving works. The five-fold ministries are like

18/ ACTS
the human hand. There are four is not well understood in our day. motives and intents of the human
fingers and a thumb. An apostle is Some believe it is nothing more heart (Acts 5:3).
like the thumb - it can easily than powerful preaching. It is clear Both forthtelling and fore-
touch the other four! Yet the apos- from Scriptures, however, that telling must be Holy Spirit-led to
tolic ministry gift remains distinct prophets are more than good be biblical prophecy.
and apart from the others (see the preachers. They have a very spe- The word prophetes can also
Book of Acts for examples). cial place and purpose in the Body mean "an inspired speaker".
of Christ. However, the New Testament
F. The Calling Of An Apostle record seems to indicate that the
How is an apostle called? First A. The Definition Of Terms ministry of the prophet is more
of all, an apostle is called of God. The Old Testament than eloquent preaching.
No person can simply decide on The ministry of the prophet has However, sometimes preaching
their own that they are now an its roots in the Old Testament. becomes prophetic, when an
apostle (or a prophet, evangelist, There are two main Hebrew words unpremeditated truth or applica-
pastor or teacher for that matter!). It for "prophet'': tion is brought forth spontaneously
is God Who decides where, when 1. Nabi: This is the basic word by the Holy Spirit through a cho-
and how the apostle will minister. for "prophet" in the Old sen vessel. This can also happen to
How will his calling be known? Testament. It means "spokesman" a pastor, teacher or elder who does
Who will recognize and approve of or "speaker." not have the ministry gift of
his ministry? An apostle should be Basically, it means that a prophet.
known and recognized in at least prophet is a person who is autho- A good working definition for
four ways: rized to speak for another. In the "prophet" might be: A prophet
1. He should know, and be cer- case of the Old Testament prophets, will reveal and declare the heart
tain of, his own calling. they were to speak for God. or mind of God to people, and
2. The leaders of his local church 2. Hozeh (sometimes roeh): he/she will expose the heart and
should know that he is an apostle These words mean "seer," which thoughts of people before God
by what they see in his life and is derived from the words "to see." when he/she ministers.
work for God. Prophets were also called "mes-
3. The people in his home . sengers", "servants of God" and "men B. The Levels Of Prophecy
church will also recognize the of God". The message of the prophet There are at least three levels of
apostolic quality of his ministry. is usually called a "prophecy." But prophecy in Scripture. Each level
4. The people in the churches he it has also been called a vision, bur- has a special place and purpose.
has founded will speak of God's den, oracle, or "the word of the 1. The prophecy of Scripture
special favor on the fruit of his Lord". (2Pet 1:19,20).
labors. In short, his work as an The Scripture is the highest
apostle will speak for itself. The New Testament form of prophecy. It is "given by
This does not mean he will be The Greek word prophetes is inspiration of God" (2Tim 3:16). It is
known or received as an apostle by the only word for "prophet" in the without error in the original
the Church worldwide. Paul was New Testament. This word comes records, and is absolute or final in
not (lCor 9:1-3). However, Paul did from two Greek words: pro, mean- authority. This level of prophecy
know where he was accepted as an ing "before" or "in front of"; and is no longer given today (Rev
apostle. And the people knew it phemi, meaning "to show or make 22:18,19). The Bible is complete,
too. The fruit of Paul's ministry known one's thoughts." When and is the standard against which
was proof of his apostolic calling. these two words are brought all other prophecies must be tested.
There is more apostolic ministry together, they tell us of the two-fold 2. The gift of prophecy
in the Body of Christ than many operation of the ministry gift of (lCor 2:10).
may realize. Truly, it is a vital, ·prophet This is one of the nine gifts of
needed ministry in the Church 1. Forthtelling: speaking forth a the Spirit. It opera.t es or functions
today. message from God (Heb 1:1). under the general guidelines for all
2. foretelling: a predictive of the gifts. It is a gift in which any
THE MINISTRY GIFf OF revealing of God's thoughts. believer may function from time to
PROPHET Foretelling can come in two time (Acts 2:18). [See Chapter 3 in
The second of the five-fold min- ways: this issue of ACTS Magazine for
istries is that of the prophet. It too is a) a prediction of future events more details.]
one of the ministries that are neces- that usually only God is aware of In general use, it is for building
sary to bring a church to maturity. (Acts 21:10-14). up, stirring up and comforting the
Sadly, the ministry of prophecy b) a revealing of the thoughts, Body of Christ (lCor . 14:3).

ACTS/ 19
Anything beyond this should be voice was silent. Then the voice of Daniel and Zechariah were
limited to the prophets. Operation a prophet was again heard - prophets who had visions.
or use of this gift does not make through the lips of John the Others were taken up into
one a prophet, as we shall see Baptist. trances - almost as if out of their
(Num 11:29; lCor 14:24,31). Once the New Testament bodies. Daniel, Paul and John had
3. The ministry of the prophet church was born, there was a flood experiences like this.
(Rom 12:6; lCor 12:29; Eph 4:11). of prophets on the scene. Many of. Some heard things in the Spirit.
The ministry of a prophet has them are recorded in the Book of Micah, Isaiah and others were
to do with one's calling. Its pur- Acts: prophets of hearing.
pose goes beyond the limitations 1. Judas and Silas (Acts 15:32) Prophets also gave their mes-
of the general gift of prophecy. The 2. Agabus (Acts 21:10-13) sage to the people in different
prophet may function in the 3. Ananias (Acts 22:12-15) ways. Some spoke (Isa 21:6) or
realms of: confirming, guidance, 4. At Antioch (Acts 13:1) wrote (Jer 30:2) God's words to
rebuke, judgment, correction, 5. At Tyre (Acts 21:3,4) His people. Others acted out God's
warning, and revelation. (We will 6. At Jerusalem ·(Acts 11:27) words as a drama or living story
say more about revelations later.) 7. At Corinth (1Cor14:29) {Ezek 4:1-3; Acts 21:11). Hosea's
God was restoring a ministry and Joel's entire lives were para-
C. The Origin Of The that 1 ,ad been silent for a long time. bles or stories that were used to
Prophetic Ministry bring God's message to His
God, as always, had a prophetic D. Christ: The Pattern Prophet people.
voice upon the earth. He chose to Christ was called a prophet by From all of this, we clearly see
speak through godly leaders even God (Deut 18:15; Acts 3:22). Many that there will be a great many dif-
before the ministry of the prophet people saw Him as a prophet (John ferences in the prophetic ministry.
had been given: 4:19; 6:14; 7:40; 9:17). Truly, no two prophets will be the
1. Abel (Luke 11:50,51) Truly Christ was God's chosen same.
2. Enoch (Jude 14) Prophet while here on earth (Heb 2. A New Testament prophet's
3. Noah (Heb 11:7; 2Pet 2:5) 1:1,2). He spoke only those things ministry will involve revelation.
4. Abraham (Gen 20:7) which He heard the Father speak Revelation comes in several
5. Isaac (Ps 105:9-15) (John 12:49; 14:10,24; 17:8). He also forms:
6. Joseph (Gen 50:24) prophesied of things to come (Matt a) Supernatural insight into
7. Moses (Deut 34:10) 24:3 ..,l; Luke 11:49). God's mind or Word. Before the
8. Miriam (Ex 15:20) l1.J eed, Christ was THE great New Testament was written, many
9. Aaron (Ex 7:1) Pro 1 net. This ministry of Christ of the apostles and prophets were
10. Deborah (Judg 4:4) was given to His Church in the used by the Holy Spirit to establish
God gave to Moses the guide- form of New Testament prophets the Church (Eph 2:20).
lines by which all future prophets (Eph 4:11-13). He is the.model or As part of this establishing pro-
should be judged (Num 12:6; Deut pattern for us all. cess, God used the apostles and
18:15-22; Isa 8:19,20; Luke 16:29). prophets to reveal the Gospel plan
The specific ministry of the E. The Function Of The Prophet of salvation and other doctrines,
prophet was first given, however, We must tum to the Scriptures which are foundational to the
through Samuel. He was the last of to find the different functions of Church. These prophetic revela-
the judges and first of the prophets the New Testament prophet. We tions, which were part of the let-
(Acts 3:24,25; 13:20; Heb 11:32). will discover that there are at least ters written by these apostles and
It was Samuel who started the seven main things about a prophets, were later incorporated
.schools of the prophets (2Kings prophet's ministry: (canonized) as the New Testament
2:3-15). He created a new prophetic 1. A prophet's ministry will Epistles.
order of men. They were taught in vary from prophet to prophet. This is the meaning of
the Word. They were sensitive to No two ministries are ·exactly Ephesians 3:4,5: "by which, when
the Spirit of God. And they wor- the same. This is seen in the vari- you read, you may understand my
shipped the Lord in spirit and in ous names or titles given to knowledge in the mystery of Christ,
truth. Every prophet shares in that prophets: "seers" (lSam 9:9); "mes- which in other ages was not made
spiritual heritage. sengers" (2Chr 36:16); "men of God" known to the sons of men, as it has
During the reign of nearly (lKings 12:22); "servants" (Amos now been revealed by the Spirit to His
every kw g in Israel, a prophet was 3:7; Zech 1:6). holy apostles and prophets".
raised u1 to keep him on the right They also received their "reve- However, SINCE THE BIBLE
path. In the 400 years before the lations" in different ways. Some IS A FINISHED WORK, NOTH-
coming of Christ, the prophetic saw things in the Spirit. Ezekiel, ING MORE CAN BE ADDED TO

20/ ACTS
IT OR TAKEN FROM IT. It is "foundation" is Jesus Christ. A with, or attempt to override or add
important to remember that the good foundation need be laid only to, the Bible is NOT from the
writer's of the New Testament had once (Eph 2:20-22). Spirit of God and must be
first-hand experiences with Jesus The Book of Revelation ends rejected.
when He was ministering on earth with a clear warning not to alter its b) Special insight into people's
(see lJohn 1:1-4). Paul was an contents (Rev 22:18,19). It is God's lives. Facts will be revealed which
exception to this first-hand experi- holy, inspired Word and is com- are hidden to others {Acts 5:1-11,
ence, but he had a direct encounter plete as it is. This same warning lCor 14:25). This revealing of the
with the Risen Lord (Acts 9) as He should be used in relation to all hidden thoughts, intents and moti-
first established the Church. the books of the Bible as all of vations of a person's heart is for
Even though God leads us by them are God-breathed (inspired) the purpose of ministry to that
His Spirit in knowing how to live and complete. person. This ministry may be gen-
\ and continue building His Church
in the day, the foundational prin-
There are still apostolic and
prophetic ministry gifts function-
tle or it might be a rebuke. But it is
NOT intended to give the prophet
r ci p les as outlined in the New
Testament are unchanging.
ing today. However, what is said
or done in the proper Holy Spirit-
a reason for pride, nor should it
allow the prophet to teJl others
In 1 Corinthians 3:10,11, Paul directed functioning of those gifts what they should do.
declares that through the grace of will NEVER conflict with or c) Special insight into future
God he has laid the foundation and attempt to override the written events (Acts 11:27-28; 21:10-14).
others will build on it. But they Word of God (the Bible). Agabus prophesied to Paul in
must do so carefully because that Anything that does conflict Acts 21 about what awaited Paul in
Jerusalem. However, Paul did not
The prophet's ministry can include receiving super- change his plans as a result of that
natural insight into God's mind or Word. prophetic word.
Paul did not alter what he
.. .
• ·:.
understood to be God's will for his
future. Agabus' prophecy merely

I' confirmed what Paul alrtady

knew, that the Jews would nuse
him trouble in Jerusalem.
This teaches us that a prophet
1\ should not exerc.i se control (gov-
ernance) over leaders or churches
The words of a prophet should
confirm what God has already spcr
ken or placed in a person's heart.
3. A prophet's ministry will
involve exhortation.
To exhort" means to urge,

excite and motivate action. The Old

Testament prophets Haggai and
Zechariah exhorted the people to
rebuild the broken place and
restore the temple (Ezra 5:1,2; 6:14).
New Testament prophets need to
j exhort God's people to build His
Church (1 Cor 14:3,4; Eph 4:11,12).
J 4. A prophet's ministry will
involve warning.
Oftentimes God w ill reveal
something to His prophets so they
can warn His people of coming
danger. The warning allows the
people to wisely prepare them-
... selves for the future event (Acts
11:27-30; 21:8-11).
5. A prophet's ministry will

impart a vision to the people of godly leaders if there is any doubt 1. Does the prophecy agree
God. (Isa 8:20; lThess 5:20,21; lJohn 4:1). with God's Word? (Isa 8:20)
As God prepares to move upon 2. God's warnings to His prophets: 2. Is the prophecy given in a
and through His people, He will a) They are warned to control good spirit? (lCor 13:2)
give direction through · His themselves 3. Do the prophet's words
prophets. The prophet informs and Only through self-control can come topass? (Deut 18:22)
inspires the people of God about they rightly build up the people of 4. Does th e prophet live a
Bis will and way for them (Prov God. They must be sensitive to godly life? (Jer 23:13-16)
29:18; Amos 3:7; Eph 3;5). God's Spirit, and minister in S. Does the Holy Spirit bear
6. A prophet's ministry plays divine order (lCor 14:32). witness (agree) that the prophecy
a role in the forming of new b) They are warned that they is true? (2Pet 1:21)
churches. should allow their ministry to be 6. Do other godly leaders agree
The apostles and prophets both judged (lCor 14:29). that the prophecy is true? (2Cor
have a function in the founding of No one is free from making 13:1)
new fellowships (Eph 2:20; 3:5). · mistakes. The Bible teaches that all 7. Do the prophet's words lead
They also travel to local prophecy should be judged. people toward the Lord or away
churches to strengthen and sup- There are six questions that will from Him? (Deut 13:1-4)
port them (Acts 15:32,41). They help judge a prophetic ministry IF ANY PROPHET INSISTS
piay a part in sending forth other (lJohn 4:1): THAT YOU FOLLOW HIM
ministries for missionary purposes
(Acts 13:1-3).
7. A prophet often minist~rs
with other prophets (and The prophet's ministry will be a reflection
apostles) as a team. of God's Word.
Many counselors bring safety
(Prov 11:14). The ministry of a
team of prophets brings balance to
God's message (Acts 11:27-30; Acts
13:1). It is also a safeguard against
human error, for the prophets
would judge each other's word
(lCor 14:29).

F. Warnings About
The Prophetic Ministry
The Scripture gives two kinds
of warnings about the prophetic
ministry. One is to the people, and
the other is to the prophets.
1. God's warnings to His people:
a) Receive the ministry of the
prophet (Matt 10:41).
Sometimes a prophet is not
well received by his own people
(Matt 13:57; Mark 6:4). This is sad
because without prophetic min-
istry, the Church cannot grow as it
should (Eph 4:11-13).
b) Be on guard against false
prophets (Jer 5:30,31; 14:13-18;
23:9-40; Ezek 13:1-23; Matt 7:15;
We cannot judge a prophecy
by how loud, how long or how
fine or forceful its words are. It
must be judged by God's Word,
by God's Spirit, and by other

22/ ACTS
WITHOUT ANY QUESTIONS, term is usually translated as "evan- ground for Philip's ministry:
JUDGE HIM A FALSE gelist". It is used only three times a. He belonged to a local
PROPHET. in the New Testament: church.
a. It is used of Philip (Acts b. He was a man of good char-
EVANGELIST b. It is in the five-fold min- c. He was full of the Holy Spirit
Many people in the Body of istries(Eph 4:11) and wisdom.
Christ have not had a clear idea c. It is used of Timothy (2Tim d. He had a servant's heart of
about the role of the apostle and 4:5) love.
\ prophet. However, they do believe
they understand the functions of
the evangelist, pastor and teacher.
B. Christ: The Model Evangelist
The Gospel of Luke revea ls
e. He first proved himself as a
f. He was submitted to godly

) · Sadly, it is possible to have a view-

point that is shaped more by tradi-
tion - or personal opinion - than
Jesus in His ministry as an evange-
list. Luke tells us that the main
purpo:;e for Christ's coming was to
g. He waited for God's time to
go forth (Acts 8:1-5).
by God's Word. preach the "good news" of God's 2. The public ministry of the
There is much more in the Bible Kingdom (Luke 4:43). evangelist (Acts 8:5-25).
( about the other four ministries of
Ephesians 4:11 than there is about
Luke also tells us the nature of
Christ's ministry of evangelism
Philip's recorded ministry of
evangelism occurred in Samaria.
the evangelist. Apart from Jesus, (Luke 4:18,19) as he recounts Jesus' The seed had been sown there
Philip is the only good example of reading from Isaiah 61:1,2 in the sometime earlier by Jesus and the
an evangelist we can find in the synagogue at Nazareth: woman at the well (John 4). The
New Testament. Still, we have "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me. harvest is now going to be reaped
enou gh information from these He has anointed Me to: with joy.
sources to make our study most 1. preach the gospel to the poor, In Philip's ministry as an evange-
worthwhile. 2. heal the brokenhearted, list, several important points should
3. preach freedom for the prisoners be noted:
A. Definition Of Terms [of sin], a. His preaching centered around
There are three main Greek 4. preach renewed sight for the Jesus Cluist (Acts 8:5-12).
terms which relate to the ministry blind, b. His preaching was backed up
of the evangelist. They all come 5. release those who are held down, by signs and wonders (Acts 8:6,7).
from the same root-word, as we 6. preach that now is the year of c. His preaching produced many
shall see: God's blessing." new believers (Acts 8:12).
1. Eitaggelizo: This word What a beautiful picture this is d. He baptized the new believers
means " to preach, proclaim or of the ministry of an evangelist. in water as a sign of their faith (Acts
declare good news". It tells u s And it was this ministry w h ich 8:12).
what an evangelist does - what his was given by Christ to the Church. e. He sent for Peter and John,
ministry is (Acts 13:42; Rom 10:15; No wonder His final command to who led them into the baptism of the
2Cor 10:16; Eph 3:8; Col 1:27,28; His disciples was to go forth and Holy Spirit (Acts 8:14-17).
Heb 4:2). It was often used of "evangelize" the world: f. The new believers were formed
Christ's ministry (Matt 11:5). In a "Therefore, go into all the world into local churches. (This was the
sense we all have this calling. For and preach the gospel [euaggelion] to pattern throughout the Book of Acts
the evangelist, however, it is the every creature" (Mark 16:15). including in Samaria - see Acts 9:31.)
main ministry of his life. g. He did not leave until the Lord
2. Euaggelion: This word means C. The Ministry Of The directed him to do so (Acts 8:26).
"the gospel or good news and glad Evangelist One sees at once that Philip's
message". It tells us about the mes- Philip was the only person - in ministry was "evangelism with a
) sage of the evangelist. It is the good the Book of Acts and the epistles - - purpose". The purpose was to make
news about God's saving grace. It is that was actually called an "evan- new believers and then partner with
abou t the birth, life, death and res- gelist" (Acts 21:8). other ministry gifts for the purpose
urrection of Jesus - our Savior (Matt There are four important things of establishing a church (Acts
24:14; Acts 20:24; Rom 1:16; lCor that we can learn from his life and 8:14-17).
4:15; Eph 1:13). ministry as an evangelist: Philip was willing to have other
3. Euaggelistes: This word 1. The preparation of the evan- ministries build upon his efforts. In
m eans "a preacher or messenger gelist (Acts 6:1-6). this way, the fruit of his labors
of good news". It tells us about the The Scriptures record a number would remain in the form of n ew
man who preaches the Gospel. The of interesting facts about the back- and growing fellowships.

ACTS / 23
We see the following pattern in Again we find in Philip a won- Never in the New Testament do
Acts: when a number of converts derful example for personal soul- we find an evangelist preaching to
were made without the direct winning. the lost in a local church. Church
involvement of apostolic ministry, 4. The role of the evangelist in meetings were for teaching from
dpostles were sent in to confirm and the Body of Christ (Eph 4:11-13). the Word, and the worship of God.
establish a local church. Titis is what The role of the evangelist in the . Believers were built up in the
happened in Samaria (Acts 8:4-25; Church is two-fold: church in order to:
see also this same pattern in Acts a. To travel and preach the a. Minister to God in praise and
11:19-26). gospel in places that have not worship
The ministry gift of evangelist heard of God's salvation in Christ. b. Minister to one another in
has been called the "arm" of Christ, b. To teach and train others in Christian love
reaching out to gather in the his home church how to evange- c. Minister to a lost world in the
unsaved of our world. The fruit of lize the lost. This relates to their power of the Spirit
the evangelist's ministry should own city or town, and then on out If an unbeliever comes into such
then be gathered into existing local to the whole world (Acts 2:8). a meeting, God can speak to him
churches. Or a new church should
be planted where the other ministry The ministry gifts are built within the believer along
gifts can be made available to the with character, much in the way a house is
If we ignore this pattern, we built - stone upon stone.
could possibly cause the stumbling
of many new believers. New
churches formed without a proper
foundation may become unbal-
anced or wlScriptural.
Philip's ministry was a beauti-
ful example for all of the evange-
lists who would follow in his foot-
steps in ages to come.
3. The private ministry of the
evangelist (Acts 8:26-40).
An evangelist should be able to
preach to large crowds, or share
with people one-on-one. An evan-
gelist is a soul-winner at heart -
wherever he is.
This was true of Philip, as the
story of the eunuch on the road to
Gaza reveals. Again, several
important points should be noted:
a. He was sensitive and obedi-
~nt to the voice of the Lord (Acts
b. He had a good understand-
ing of God's Word (Acts 8:35).
c. He could clearly explain
God's way of salvation through
Christ Acts 8:35).
d. He ministered to someone
whose heart had been prepared by
God (Acts 8:30).
e. He led him to confess Christ
as his Savivr • a place of personal
decision (Acts 8:37).
f. He sealed the new believer's
decision for Christ with water bap-
tism (Ads 8:38).

24/ ACTS
by whatever he sees and hears vide food, drink a nd clothing. behavior and character. He should
(lCor 14:24,25). This does not mean They have the ability to hear and constantly allow the Holy Spirit to
that an appeal should not be made follow their shepherd like no other shine the light of God's convicting
for those who wish to make a deci- animal. truth upon him. This will help to
sion for Christ. God wants His people to show ensure a more Christ-like heart
It does mean that when believ- these same good qualities. He also and life.
ers come together, the main pur- knows our need to be led, fed and b) "and to all the flock" (v.28): A
p ose is not evangelism. Evangelism protected. Therefore, He has given church leader must also pay close
should occur through the witness to the Church the shepherd-like attention to the needs and hurts of
of each member in their daily ministry of the "pastor". those in the church. Then he/she
course of life. From such daily will pray more accurately and
efforts of evan gelism , God will A. The Definition Of Terms minister more effectively.
raise up strong evangelistic mjn- Poimen: The term refers to one c) "the Holy Spirit has made··
istries. And s uch are needed in who tends a flock or k eeps sheep (v.28): God's leaders are not self-
today's world; for, truly, the field is - a shepherd. It is a word used made, they are appointed and
white and ready for harvest Oohn ten times of actual shepherds of anointed by the Spirit of God.
4:35). sheep (Matt 9:36; 25:32; Mark 6:34; Leaders desperately need the
Luke 2:8,15,18,20; John 10:2). It is Lord's help and enabling power;
THE MINISTRY GIFT used eight times of Jesus as the this leaves no room for any pride!
OF PASTOR chief Shepherd (Matt 26:31; Mark d) "overseers" (v.28): This worrl
In Scripture, the people of God 14:27; John 10:11,12,14,16; H eb is from the same Greek root trans-
are often referred to as a flock of 13:20; lPet 2:25). It is translated lated as "overshadow" in Luke
s heep (Isa 40:11; Jer 13:17; Matt only once as "pastor" when refer- 1:35. This conveys that to oversee
26:31; John 21:15; lPet 5:2). In fact, ring to a person's ministry in the is to protectively cover the flock in
s heep have many traits which chur~ (Eph 4:11). order for spiritual life to be nur-
remind us of new Christians learn- Poimaino: The term means to tured in them.
ing to grow up in the Lord: tend, keep, lead and feed the e) "the church of God which He
1. They are totally dependent flock. It is twice used of actual purchased" (v.28): The whole
upon their shepherd (Gen 4:2; 1 sheep (Luke 17:7; lCor 9:7). It is Church, and every local bod y,
Sam 17:20,28). used once of Jesus as tending Israel belongs to God because He bought
Sheep must be led to pasture and (Matt 2:6). It is used to describe the it with the blood of His Son.
water. They must be res ted when care that the shepherds who are Therefore, a local church leader
weary, and healed when hurt. Their under the Great Shepherd, Jesus, should not act as if that body
very lives depend upon the care of should give to the flock (John belongs to him; but rather, as a
their shepherd. 21 :16, Acts 20:28; lPet 5:2). It is steward entrusted with the care of
2. They have a very poor sense used once of false shepherds who a precious possession of his Lord.
of direction (Ps 119:176; Isa 53:6; Jer are interested only in feeding and By way of contrast to Paul's
50:6; Ezek 34:12). caring for themselves Oude 12). exhortation to qualified church
If sheep are left to themselves, Both the noun and verb forms leaders, in verses 29-31 he shows
they tend to wander off and get lost. of the word carry two main the qualities of those false leaders
As a rule, they cannot find their way thoughts: he call "savage wolves". Three types
home. The sh epherd must search 1. Leadership: A shepherd is of leaders to avoid are pointed out:
them out and bring them back to the one who leads and provides spiri- 1) v.29 - Those that are only
fold. tual oversight to the sheep. He is interested in themselves and view
3. They have very little means in a position of responsibility with the flock as something to use to
of defense (Matt 10:16; Num 32:24). limited authority (Acts 20:28-31; gain personal advantage (see
Sheep do not have sharp claws lThess 5:12,13; H eb 13:7,17; lPet Matthew 7:15).
...I or teeth. They cannot run very fast. 5:2,3; on elders see lTim 5:17,18). 2) V.30 - The false shepherds
If left to themselves, they could not These Scripture references who will speak misleading ("per-
survive. They would soon fall prey clearly s how God's standards for verse") things in order to lead peo-
to wild animals. They are safe only church leadership. In Acts 20:28- p le away from Jesus to something
when brought togeth er in a fold. 31, several key principles emerge else.
They are truly dependent upon for those in pastoral leadership: 3) V.31 - Those wrongly moti-
their shepherd for their protection. a)"Take heed to yourselves" (v.28) vated leaders who will seek for
Sheep do have some very fine means pay close attention. A shep- quick results that require little
qualities, however. They produce herd must regularly check his work, time or personal sacrifice.
meat, milk and wool - which pro- heart, his motives, attitudes, As you read Acts 20:31, you will

see that Paul was not this type of fully study the heart and motiva- A pastor can give only what he
leader. tion of the C hief Shepherd. has got. To minister the Word of
2. Service: A shepherd is one Although our ministry is not the God, one must be in the Word -
who cares for the flock. He feeds, same as was the ministry of Jesus, and the Word must be in him. This
waters, rests, heals and protects his many of our attitudes and motiva- involves prayer, study, thought
sheep. He gives of himself in hum- tions should resemble those of and obedience (application). The
ble service to the well-being of the Jes u.::. truth of God's Word must be at
flock - even unto death! (John Every pastor should have the work in our own lives before it can
10:11-15; John 21:15-17; Rev 7:17). shepherd-heart of Jesus: be put into the life of another (Jer
It is very important to note that 1. He had love and compassion 10:21; Acts 6:4).
these two principles are tied for the people of God (Mark 6:34). The pastor must also be able to
inseparably together. Truly, the 2 . He placed great value on preach and teach in such a clear
Spirit-led pastor is a SERVANT- each sheep (Luke 15:4). and simple way that all can under-
LEADER. 3. He was willing to lay down stand. He must be able to reach
God has NOT called the pastor His life for the sheep (John people at their place of need and
to be in control of other believers. 10:11,15). level of maturity. Their spiritual
The pastoral ministry is NOT to Because of His love for the flock "diet" must be fresh and balanced
take the place of a believer's per- of God, Jesus was very concerned by variety. Sometimes this can be
sonal relationship with God: that they would have proper care done by bringing in visiting
When Christ died on the cross, when He was gone. Therefore, He preachers and teachers.
the veil of the Temple was tom in gave "pastors" to shepherd His 3. The pastor must have a
two (Matt 27:51). This signified that sheep in His absence (Eph 4:11-13). personal relationship with
now there was no longer a need for Like all other elders in the the sheep (John 10:27).
the people of God to be represent- church, every pastor is an under- Jesus was able to be close to
ed by a human priest. Now all shepherd. He is directly responsi- people without losing their respect.
those who believe have direct ble to Jes us for his service to He knew them personally by
access to God. The pastor's min- God's people (lPet 5:1-4). He must name - and they knew Him. This
istry is to help lead people into a always look to Jesus - as the good truly is the mark of a good shep-
deeper relationship with the Lord. and great Shepherd - for the herd (John 10:3). Only then can he
direction and approval of his min- minister into the· deepest needs of
B. Christ: The Model Pastor is try. To be a pastor is a great the lives of his people.
The Church is a "theocracy" - responsibility; but it is also a noble The pastor must identify with
a people ruled by God. God often and blessed calling! his sheep. He must sit, walk and
refers to Himself as a Shepherd talk with them - where they are.
(Gen 49:24; Eze 34:12-14). He min- C. The Standards For A Pastor He must be honest in allowing
istered to His people, Israel, as a There are. some specific stan- them to know he is not only a
Shepherd: dards for a pastor beyond those of shepherd, but one of them as well
1. He guided them (Ps 23:3). an elder. We shall list them below: - a sheep in the flock of God.
2. He fed them (Jer 50:19). 1. A pastor must be able to Only then can he minister with
3. He rested and watered them lead the sheep (John 10:4). understanding and compassion -
(Ps 23:2; Isa 40:11). We can wisely and safely lead with love, grace and wisdom (2Cor
4. He protected them (Ps 23:4). others only along paths on which 1:3, 4).
5. He called and gathered the we ourselves have gone before. 4. A pastor must be willing to
strays (Isa 56:8; Zech 10:8). The pastor must himself have a lay down his life for the sheep
6. He carried the lambs in His close and proven walk with God (John 10:15; 1 John 3:16;
bosom (Isa 40:11). before he can lead others in the Rev 12:11).
7. He gently led those with ways of God. Both a pastor and his people
young (Isa 40:11). If a pastor wants his people to need to know that the pastor's
When Jesus came, He put a face pray, tithe, read the Word and ministry is not just a job, but is a
on God. People could hear and see reach out to others, he must set the calling in ·life. He is committed to
what their divine Shepherd was example. He must live a lifestyle the flock of God in love and loyal-
really like. Peter called Jesus the which the sheep can follow (lCor ty.
"Chief Shepherd" (1 Pet 5:4). Jesus 11:1; Heb 13:7; lPet 5:2,3). A pastor's commitment to
became the perfect model of the 2. A pastor must be able to God' s people involves many
"shepherd-heart" of God. feed the flock (Jer 3:15; 23:4; things:
Shepherds working under the Ezek 34:1-3; Acts 20:28; a. Pouring out of his life and
Chief Shepherd, Jesus, should care- lPet 5:2,3). strength (John 10:11).

26/ ACTS
b. Caring for the sheep in times the sheep when they are in error or In each of the three cases above,
of need (Ezek 34:4; John 10:13). rebellion. money and greed is the motive -
c. Staying with the sheep in Di5':ipline or correction is the and the result is a great loss to the
times of trouble (John 10:12). most difficult responsibility the flock.
d. Visiting in the homes of the pastor must face. It must be done 3. A pastor must not seek after
sheep(Zech 10:2,3). in love and wisdom - but it must worldly power (Ezek 34:4;
e. Watchful care for their safety be done. It is for the good of both Luke 22:24-27; lPet 5:3).
(Heb 13:17). the sheep that need correction and Sadly, some people think that
the flock as a whole. the ministry of a pastor is a way to
D. The Ministry A shepherd who will not warn, rule over others. They want to
Of The Pastor correct or discipline the sheep is be in a position of power and
Much of the ministry of a pas- not a good shepherd at all. Love is authority.
tor has already been covered in the willing to discipline when it is It is true that a pastor is in a
topics above. We can sum up his needed (Heb 12:5-7). position of spiritual authority. But
work in four main words: seeking, it is first and foremost a position
watching, caring and correcting: . E. Warnings of great responsibility and hum-
1. A pastor is always seeking out To Pastors ble service. A true pastor will seek
the lost sheep (Luke 15:4). God knows that those whom to serve rather than control others.
There are many sheep who He has called as pastors will face 4. A pastor must not overdrive
wander and go astray. A shepherd special temptations and testings. the sheep (Gen 33:13).
never gives up on one that has lost They have the same human weak- A leader must be ahead of those
its way. Instead, he keeps praying, nesses common to us all. For this he leads. Therefore, God has given
calling, exhorting and encouraging reason, God has given certain him gifts of insight, and abilities to
the wayward sheep. warnings to His under-shepherds: readily apply new truth. He quick-
2. A pastor is always watching 1. A pastor must not neglect or ly and gladly responds.
for things that could harm the overlook his own spiritual Sometimes it is difficult for a
flock (Luke 2:8). growth (Jer 2:8; lTim 4:15,16). pastor to understand why others
This means looking for So often, people in leadership don't respond as quickly and
"wolves" from without - and are ruled by their busy schedules. eagerly as he does. A shepherd
"wolves in sheep's clothing" from It is easy for them to neglect their must be patient with his sheep.
within. The sheep need to be pro- personal relationship with the He needs to lead them at a pace
tected from false teachers and false Lord (Acts 6:2-4). Pastors must that they can follow. If he doesn't,
prophets. They need to be protect- spend time with the Great many will be left behind - and
ed from those who would cause Shepherd, the Lord Jesus. some will be left out altogether.
trouble and division (John 10:12; Pastors become the targets of 5. A pastor must maintain
Acts 20:29). Satanic attack. And if the shep~erd biblical family priorities
3. A pastor is always caring for is struck down, the sheep will be (Eph5:25).
those in need (John 10:11-13). scattered. Therefore, pastors them- It is very important that any
The needs may be spiritual, selves need the protection that pastor or elder, and the members
mental, emotional or physical. only the presence of the Lord can of his/her flock, remember God's
They may involve the family, bring (Zech 13:7; Matt 26:31). order of priorities. The pastor's
work, school or other areas of 2. A pastor must not work for personal relationship with the Lord
everyday life. personal gain (lTim 3:3; Jesus Christ should be the first and
A pastor seeks to bring comfort lPet 5:2). highest priority in life. Jesus is the
and counsel to the sick, the dying, When Jesus warned of false source of true spiritual life, and
the crippled, the poor, the widows, shepherds in John 10:1-13, He without Him "we can do nothing" of
the fatherless, and all who are made use of three interesting value in life or ministry (John 15:5).
hurting. It is a shepherd's very words: thieves, robbers and The next priority is the pastor's
nature to help and to heal wherev- hirelings. responsibility to his family. God
er he can. a) A thief steals in sly, hidden is very concerned with how a pas-
4. A pastor seeks to correct ways. tor or elder relat~s to his/her
those who are in error (Ps 23:4). b) A robber stea)s by force and spouse or children. It is the direct
The shepherd's staff is used to violence. command of Jesus that a husband
reach and rescue sheep that have c) A hireling is one who is paid must love his wife as. Christ loved
gone astray. The rod is used to for his work, but cares little for the the Church and gave Himself for
protect the sheep when they are in sheep. He will be quick to leave Her (Eph 5:25). A husband's love
danger. It is also used to correct without finishing his job. for his wife must be faithful and

sacrificial. For a woman, her prior- even arise from among you. They will And they all cried because he had said
ity must be to honor and love her seek to draw others after themselves they would never see him ngain. ThetJ
husband, and to love their chil- with false teaching. So, be careful! put their arms around him, and lov-
dren (Eph 5:33; Titus 2:4). When "Remember that for three years I ingly kissed him. Then they went with
these priorities are kept first, then never stopped warning each of you. I him to the ship" (Acts 20:28-38).
the leader can minister to others. taught you night and day - often with
The Bible teaches that if a tears. Now I am putting you into THE MINISTRYGIFT
church leader does not care for the God's care. I commit you to the word OF TEACHER
needs of his family, then he will of His grace. It is a message which will Christ's great command to His
not be a good leader in the Church build you up and give you a place - disciples - just before His return
(lTim 3:5; 5:8). A godly leader will and a possession - among all of God's to heaven - was to go into all the
firsl give himself to God, then to people. world with the Gospel (Mark
his wife and family, and then to "I have never sought anyone's 16:15). But He didn't stop there. He
ministry to others . All of these money or fine clothes. You know I also told them to make other disci-
have higher priority than his own have worked with my own hands to ples and teach them to obey every-
personal desires or ambitions. supply my needs, and the needs of thing He had given to them (Matt
those who were with me. I showed by 28:19,20).
F. Judgment On my example how you should work We see in this command of
Unfaithful Pastors to help those who are weak. Christ the importance of teaching.
Pastors must always remember Remember what Jesus said, 'It is more Teaching is basic in the formation
that the sheep under their care blessed to give than to receive.' of the Church. For this reason,
belong to God - not to them- "When Paul had said this, he knelt God has given teachers to the Body
selves (Jer 23:1,2). Then~ is only down with all of them and prayed. of Christ. They are necessary in
one fold, and one chief Shepherd
Oer 23:2, 3; John 10:16). ~~ ..~
Every pastor must give an ......
. ·..
account to God for his ministry. If ····.
he has been faithful, he will
receive a reward. If he has been
unfaithful, he will be judged.
There are several judgments
against unfaithful pastors:
1. The sheep will be taken from
them and given to faithful
shepherds Oer 10:21; 23:1-4).
2. They will come under God's
hand of heavy judgment
(Jer 12:10-13; 22:22; 23:1-5;
25:34-38; 50:6,7; Zech 10:3;
The ministry of a pastor is a
great and very responsible calling.
lt is the central ministry around
which the local church is formed.
For this reason, Paul speaks these
strong and serious words to all
who would seek the ministry of a
"Watch over yourselves, and the : · Every church leader will
whole flock which the Holy Spirit has be held accountable for his
brought under your care. You must
be like shepherds to the Church of . · actions!
God, which He bought with ·His
own blood.
"I know that after I leave you,
<>ome men will come like wild wolves
and try to destroy the flock. Some will

28/ ACTS
order that we might grow up into seeks to be a successful teacher of There might be a tendency to
Him in all things (Eph 4:11-15). God's Word. think that only the prophet speaks
supernaturally, while the teacher
A. The Definition D. Teaching Levels speaks only from natural scholar-
Of Terms In The New Testament ship and study.
The main Greek word which is Every believer should be teach- But the difference is not
used in regard to the teaching min- ing others about the Christian life betWeen supernatural and natural,
istry is didasko. The root word (Matt 28:20; Col 3:16). However, but rather how the Holy Spirit
simply means "to teach" or "to that does not ma~e every believer a operates through these two min-
instruct". It is the process of teacher in the Church. istry gifts. The prophet is moved by
explaining something. By this pro- Every father and every elder the Spirit in a more inspirational or ·
cess, knowledge or doctrine is (1 Tim 3:2) should be able to impromptu way. The anointed
given or imparted to another. instruct others in the ways of God. teacher functions in a more mea-
But again, that does not mean they sured way to clearly illuminate the
J, B. Origin Of are all teachers in the Body of truths of God's Word for easy
The Ministry Christ. understanding and instruction.
There have always been teach- There is a specific calling and
ers among the people of God in ministry for teaching in the F. The Ministry
one form ·or another. Parents Church. It is one of the five-fold Of The Teacher
taught their children. Moses taught ministry gifts that operate at the The Scriptures reveal some
the leaders in Israel the principles leadership level (Eph 4:11; lCor important and specific points about
by which they could rule the peo- 12:28,29). the ministry of teaching:
ple. The people were taught the Paul, it seems, was a teacher 1. A teacher should never stop
ways of God by the priests. before he became an apostle (Acts learning (Rom 2:21).
After their captivity by the 11:26; 18:11; 2Tim 1:11). When he A teacher's life is one of contin-
Babylonians, the people of Israel was not active in apostolic min- ued study and preparation. There
were taught mainly by the scribes istry, he returned to this function are daily lessons to be learned in
in the synagogues. It was the duty (Acts 15:35). We also know there the school of God's Holy Spirit
of the scribes to study and explain were other teachers in the church (lCor 2:13).
the Scriptures. During Christ's day, at Antioch (Acts 13:1). 2. A teacher must know the
the scribes were held in very high Teaching was looked upon as a Word of God (Mark 12:24).
esteem. very important ministry in the God's Word is the basis for his
early church. It was taken very ministry. He cannot teach what he
C. Christ: The Master seriously, and the position carried does not know - or has not
Teacher with it a great sense of responsibili- applied in his life.
In many places in Scripture, ty (James 3:1). a) He must be able to answer
Jesus is called "Master" or difficult questions (Matt 22:16-46).
"Teacher" (John 3:2; 13:13). We can E. A Special Note b) He must be able to apply
easily see why: Jesus spent much of On The Teaching Bible truth to life situations (Mark
His time teaching the crowds of Ministry Gift 9:14-29).
people (Matt 4:23; 5:2; 9:35; 11:1; By the very sentence structure of c) He must be able to firmly fix
13:54; 21:23; 22:16; Mark 10:1; Luke Ephesians 4:11, we can see that and ground new believers in the
20:21). there is a close relationship between Word (Heb 5:12).
There was something about the the ministry gifts of pa's tor and 3. A teacher must be able to
teaching of Jesus that was very dif- teacher. However, these two gifts teach by example
ferent. He taught with power, are not the same thing, even though (John 13:13,14).
authority and the anointing of the there is a certain amount of over- If a teacher does not live by
Holy Spirit (Matt 7:28,29). His lapping. what he teaches, he will have no
words were Spirit and life because As with the other gifts, there is a more effect than did the Pharisees
He spoke on~y what He had partnering and mutual dependence (Matt 23:1-3). Jesus always prac-
received from the Father (John between these two ministry gifts. ticed what He preached - He did
6:63; 7:16; 8:28). The teacher should work with the what He taught others to do (Acts
As a master teacher, Jesus pastor or local elder to assist in the 1:1). Our greatest messages come
relied on the words of His Father process of discipling believers. The out of what we are - not what we
and the work of the Spirit. That p~tor should encourage those with say!
was the key to His ministry. It is a teaching ministry to teach the 4. A teacher must teach clearly
~lso the key for anyone today who Word of God. and ·accurately (2Tim 2:15).

A teacher must clearly convey b) It may add to the truth (Rev We can sum them up in this way:
the true meaning and purpose of 22:18). 1. The APOSTLE is needed to
God's Word. This gift carries with c) It may take away from the GOVERN.
it the responsibility to teach others truth(Rev 22:19). 2. The PROPHET is needed to
accurately. False teachers know how to GUIDE.
5. A teacher seeks to bring others twist scriptures for their own pur- . 3. The EVANGELIST is needed
to his level of understanding poses. They usually appeal to some to GATHER.
(Matt 10:24,25). selfish or soulish desire, which is 4. The PASTOR is needed to
Paul taught the full counsel of hidden in people's hearts. Some GUARD.
God as he knew it to those in his people are attracted to anything 5. The TEACHER is needed to
charge. He held nothing back that that sounds new and different. GROUND.
was for their good (Acts 20:20,27). 2. Those who teach the tradifions The apostle and evangelist minis-
6. A teacher's greatest reward is of men as the Word of God ter mainly away from their home-
to see lives changed by God's (Mark 7:7). church base. The prophet and teacher
Word (Deut 4:5,14; 31:12,13). We often accept without ques- may also travel in their ministry, but
God's Word works mighty mir- tion whatever we have been have an important function in their
acles when it is taught, received brought up to believe. Sometimes local church.
and obeyed. men have added their own opin- The pastor, of course, ministers
7. A teacher should be srtpported ions and practices - thoughts and mainly in the local church. He may, in
by those to whom he ministers ways - to the gospel. Such "tradi- time, move forth in more of an apos-
(Gal 6:6). tions" are said to be of God, but tolic calling.
A teacher must be able to work really have been made by man. (Note: Some Bible scholars feel
full-time at his ministry. It takes True doctrine will always agree that the language of Ephesians 4:11
time to pray, study, prepare and with God's Word. We are told to links the pastor and teacher together
teach God's Word. Teaching is tes_t all teaching by the truth of as one ministry with two functions. It
hard work. And a workman is wor- Holy Scriptures (Acts 17:11). would appear that every pastor
thy of his wages. If a teacher is not 3. Those who teach with should be a teacher to fulfill his func-
properly supported by God's peo- wrong motives (lCor 4:15). tion as a shepherd. It does seem, how-
ple, the whole church will greatly Sadly, there are some who teach ever, that Scripture also places teach-
suffer. only for profit, power or position. ing in a class as a separate ministry
They are interested only in what (James 3:1).]
G. Warning Against False they can gain for themselves from
Teachers the ministry (Titus 1:10,11; 2Pet The Authority
A good teacher can have a lot of 2:3) . . Of The Local Elders
power over people. He is reaching Usually such teachers are not The New Testament does not
both their hearts and minds with responsible to godly leaders in directly deal with the relationship
his words. A teacher imparts not the Church. They are not willing between the five-fold ministry and the
only facts and information, but also to submit their ministry to the local elders. There are several facts,
his attitudes and values. He has the approval of others. They may not however, that can help us to see how
ability to shape and control his stu- even belong to a local church. Of they are linked together.
dents for great good - or great such be aware! 1. The New Testament never uses
evil. The greatest defense against the tenn ''five-fold ministry".
For this reason, God warns His false teachers comes from the true The term "five-fold ministry" is
people against false teachers. There teaching ministries, which God one that has been applied to the min-
are three kinds of fa lse teachers has given to His Church. Both istries given in Ephesians 4:11. This is
that we need·to know about: their lives and their ministries are the only place in Scripture where
1. Those who teach false balanced and fruitful. Their these five ministries are listed togeth-
doctrine (2Tim 4:3,4; 2Pet 2:1). words bring life, peace and direc- er. Some of them are also listed in
False doctrine is any teaching tion to the Body of Christ other places - and with other min-
that does not agree with the whole (Isa 30:20,21). istries (1 Corinthians 12).
counsel of God. Most false teaching By their nature, however, they
has enough truth in it to attract THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE /1
were plainly listed by Paul as over-
even some very sincere Christians. FIVE-FOLD MINISTRIES TO sight" gifts to the Body of Christ. Each
A doctrine can be false for several THE ELDERS has its place in the leadership level of
reasons: Each of the five-fold ministries the Church. It is important to note,
a) It may oppose the truth (2Pet was given to the Church for a however, that they are gift "min-
2:1). specific purpose and function. istries" - not "offices".

30/ ACTS
OtJT F~oH A l <XAI- ~ THAT


2. As stated above, many Bible authority in leading a local assem- vision of a prophet, and the wis-
scholars believe there are only bly. In many cases, no one has d om of a teacher. O ther e lders,
two offices in the New greater authority and responsibili- however, will fu nction in these
Testament church(Phil 1:1). ty in a local church than the elders. specific ministries as well.
These two offices, you will We see several examples of this in Even the apostle, evangelist,
recall, are those of elder and dea- Scripture: traveling prophet or teacher should
con. These offices are the only two a. When Paul wan ted to have a home church base. Indeed,
which ai:e given in detail along instruct the church at Ephesus, he such traveling or "trans-local" min-
with their specific standards. called fo r the local elders (Acts istries often develop from w ithin
Together they meet the basic needs 20:17). This is because they were the "local" eldership. There could
for order and structure in the more than likely t!1e ruling body in be no better preparation.
House of God (1 Tim 3: 1-15). that fellowship. Truly, the eldership as a whole
3. Scriptures call for only elders b. Wh en the Apos tle Paul brings the order and authority nec-
to be "ordained" in the local brought a report to the lenders of essary for all of the ministries in
church (Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5). the Jerusalem Church, "a ll the the church to properly function.
There is no record in the New elders were present" (Ac ts This includes not only the five-fold
Testament of anyone ever "ordain- 21:18,19). ministries, but others as well.
ing" an apostle, prophet, evange- c. When finances were sent
list, pastor or teacher to their min- to Jerusalem delivered ·by the CONCLUSION
istry. hands of Barnabas and Saul (Paul), The elders, deacons and five-
God has called many people to they were given to the elders (Acts fold ministries provide the needed
different ministries, but they were 11:30). foundation and order for the local
not ordained to an "office" in the Clearly the elders were ch urch to fully function. They have
~ formal sense of the word. They appointed and anointed as spiritu- been given and set in place by God
were "set in place" or "sent forth"

al leaders of the local church in so that believers might find growth
by prayer, fasting and the laying New Testament times. in the Lord and find their own
on of hands. Many believe, howev- 5. Some of the five-fold place of service. Only then can
er, that this is not the same thing as ministries may also be every member become a minister.
being "ordained" to an office in the ordained as elders. Only then can the Church of Jesus
church. The local eldership should, in Christ fulfill her ministry - to
4. Elders hold a position of time, possess all of the ministries of God, to the people of God, and to
responsibility and authority in pastor, prophet and teacher. The the world.
the local church. term "pastor," as it usually is used
In 1 Timothy 5:17, Paul discuss- today, really refers to the chief or
es those elders "who rule well," presiding elder. Indeed, he should
denoting a position of responsible have the heart of a shepherd, the

~1 ·cs
The Gifts Of The Spirit (1c.nnuuans12:s-10> ·

by Gerald Rowlands

Paul told the church at Corinth, 4. We should be motivated by it, a growing excitement and antici-
"Concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, genuine love for the Body "(lCor pation.
I would not have you ignorant" 13) and by a pure desire to edify · Wait quietly for the right
(lCor 12:1). God certainly does not the Body (lCor 14:12). moment to speak. The Holy Spirit
want believers today to be ignorant 5. We should seek to excel in will prompt you clearly at that
either. the operation of the gifts for the time. He will not interrupt what is
There are many charismatic purpose of edifying the Church already happening in the service.
gifts mentioned in the Bible (Rom (lCt>r 14:12). He will never cause confusion, for
12:3-8; lCor 12:8-10, 28-30; Eph He is not the author of confusion
4:11). For the purpose of this brief THE GIFTS OF SPEECH (lCor 14:33).
study, we will limit ourselves to a 1. THE GIFT OF TONGUES Speak in a normal but clearly
consideration of the nine manifes- (lCor 12:10) audible voice. You do not have to
tations listed in 1 Corinthians The Gift of Tongues has two shout or bellow. Quietly flow with
J.2:8-10. To simplify our study of functions: the Spirit, Who is giving you utter-
them, we will classify them in a. To edify the person using it ance.
three categories: ("devotional tongues"); When the utterance is complete,
I. GIFTS OF SPEECH b. For the edifying of the all must wait upon God for the
1. Tongues whole church, and not merely the interpretation. Often some other
2. Interpretation of Tongues individual believer (when used in believer will be given the interpre-
3. Prophecy conjunction with the Gift of tation; but when this does not hap-
II. GIFTS OF REVELATION Interpretation of Tongues). pen, then the one who has spoken
4. A word of Wisdom Use of the Gift of Tongues in tongues must pray quietly that
5. A word of Knowledge should be: he may also be given the interpre-
6. Discerning of Spirits a. motivated by love (lCor tation (lCor 14:13).
7. Gift of Faith b. accompanied by interpreta- OF TONGUES (lCor 12:10)
8. Gifts of Healings tion (lCor 14:5,13,28); This is the companion gift to
9. Working of Miracles c. confined to three utterances that of Tongues, and is always
in any one gathering (lCor 14:27). used in conjunction with that gift.
Who May The Spirit Use In The Seek to be yielded to the It is the supernatural enabling, by
Operation Of Such Gifts? Spirit. Develop a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, to interpret an
1. Any member of the Body what the Spirit is seeking to do or utterance in tongues into the natu-
may be used (lCor 12:7,11; say in any particular service. When ral language of the congregation.
14:26,31). the Holy Spirit wants to bring a Interpretation of Tongues is
2. We should not be ignorant tongue-utterance through you, NOT the gift of translation. The
concerning the operation of the there will generally be an inner interpreter usually does NOT
gifts (1 Cor 12:1). awareness of this for some time understand the tongue used in the
3. We must desire spiritual gifts before you actually speak. This is utterance just given. ·
(lCor 14:1). often a gentle stirring in your spir- By this gift of the Spirit, the one

32/ ACTS
given the interpretation perceives A. Edify the Church: This rally to men (lCor 14:3) - thus
what the Spirit was saying through means to build up and strengthen conveying the mind of the Lord to
the tongue, and is able to simply the believers. the Church.
say it to the congregation, so they B. Exhort them: To stir up the 2. Prophecy requires no
may receive it and be edified by it. believers; to confront and challenge interpretation.
them. 3. Prophecy convinces the
Who May C. Comfort them: To speak unlearned or unbelieving
Use This Gift? encouragingly, words of comfort. (lCor 14:24,25).
The Interpretation of Tongues is Oftentimes a prophecy may 4. Prophecy functions so that
given "as the Spirit wills" (1Cor include all three of these elements. believers may learn
12:11). Any Spirit-filled believer (lCor 14:31).
may be chosen and anointed by THREE 5. Everyone should desire and
the Spirit to interpret a tongue. MISUNDERSTANDINGS covet this gift (lCor 14:1,39).
Initially you may only have the ABOUT PROPHECY 6. The person operating the gift is
first sentence of the interpretation 1. It should not be confused responsible for its use or
and a brief idea of what is to fol- with preaching. abuse (lCor 14:32).
low, when you first begin to speak. Many today insist that the Gift Prophecy is NOT an uncon-
Like all other gifts of the Spirit, this of Prophecy is the ability to preach trolled utterance. Nor is the
one operates by faith too. well. However, preaching and prophet under any kind of trance
As you commence to give forth teaching are usually the result of or mind control. He is neither
what the Spirit is giving you, take prayerful meditation on the Word doing anything nor saying any-
care NOT to speak "beyond the of God, and careful preparation. thing against his will.
proportiori of your faith" (Rom In contrast, the Gift of 7. Because the human element is
12:6). Strenuously avoid letting any Prophecy is not the result of care- fallible, prophecy must be
personal thoughts, feelings or ideas ful study. It is a spontaneous judged (lCor 14:29).
creep into the interpretation. speaking-forth by the Spirit (even
When the interpretation is com- though the timing of its deliver- How Shall We
plete, and you sense that the Spirit ance is under the control of the Judge A Prophecy?
has finished all He wishes to say, prophet). A genuine, Spirit-filled
then stop! Do not begin to tell the 2. The Gift of Prophecy is prophecy:
people what you think the interpre- NOT for foretelling the future. a) Will never contradict the
tation means. This gift is for /orthtelling written Word of God. Therefore
Having delivered the interpre- rather than foretelling. Its purpo~ every prophetic utterance should
ta tion, remain quiet while the is for Edification, Exhortation and be "tested" by the Word of God.
utterance is judged by those who Comfort - not for seeking to pre- God would never tell you by
sit by. If there are any believers dict future events. Whenever there prophecy to do anything which
present who are regularly used in is an element of prediction within a His Word forbids.
the vocal gifts, they should judge prophecy, it is usually because b) It will always exalt Jesus
whether the words are truly from there is another gift (Word of Christ, and never denigrate Him.
God. The standard by which Knowledge or Wisdom) working c) It will edify, exhort and
one may judge is similar to that along with it. comfort the believers. It should
which we would use for judging 3. This Gift is NOT for personal never leave them confused, dis-
prophecy. guidance. tressed, uncertain.
3. THE GIFT OF PROPHECY If we are in need of personal d) It should "witness" with
(lCor 12:10) guidance, we should ask Jesus the majority of believers present
Simply translated, the word Himself for it (James 1:5). We may - especially the more mature ones
prophesy means "to utter inspired also seek such guidance in the who are themselves frequently
words". pages of God's Word, the Bible. If used in operation of vocal gifts.
According to 1 Corinthians a prophetic utterance comes to us e) It will not break the spirit
. 14:31, all believers may exercise this with instructions for the future, it of the meeting, though it may
gift at some time, as the Spirit wills. should only be to confirm what change the course of it.
· Everyone may prophesy, one by God has already shown us per- f) If there is a predictive
one, and not more than three in any sonally. aspect, it will come to pass.
one gathering (1Cor 14:29-33). g) The "fruit test" (Matt 7:16).
The purpose of such prophet- SCRIPTURAL TEACHING Jesus declared, "You shall know
ic utterance according to ON THE GIFT OF PROPHECY them by their fruit". We should
1 Corinthians 14:3 is to: 1. It is for speaking supernatu- reject any so-called prophecy com-

ing from one whose life and prac- versity. Nor is it the ability to study C. The revelation is received in
tice are a reproa~ to the cause of or understand or interpret the one's spirit- not in the intellect or
Christ. Bible. ·the emotions.
THE GIFTS OF REVELATION D. It is not a vocal gift (Acts
4. A WORD OF KNOWLEDGE The Word Of Knowledge 9:10,11). It is received quietly and
(l Cor 12:8) Used In Scripture inaudibly within the person's
A Word of Knowledge is a A. To uncover sin (2Sam 12:1- spirit.
fragment or small item of God's 10; Acts 5:1-11). E. It may become vocal when
knowledge, given to a person by B. To bring people to God Uohn shared with others Uohn 4:18).
the Holy Spirit. 1:47-50; 4:16-19,39-42). F. Any Spirit-filled Christian
This information was previous- C. To give guidance and direc- who is willing to listen to God may
ly unknown to the person, and the tion (Acts 9:11). experience the function of this gift.
know ledge could not be gained by D. To minister encouragement G. It is a valuable asset in the
any natural means. It is supernatu- in periods of despondency (lKings ministry of counseling.
rally imparted. 19:9-18). H. Obedient action and
E. To impart knowledge of response is essential to the continu-
Scriptural Examples future even ts Oohn 11:11-14). ing function of this manifestation
A. In the M inistry of Jesus: F. To reveal hidden things in one's ministry.
John 1:47-50; 4:16-19,39-42. (lSam 10:22). 5. A WORD OF WISDOM
B. In the Early Church: Acts (lCor 12:8)
9:10-20. The Operation Of This Gift: This gift is of great importance.
C. Example from the Old A. It is supernatural in character It enables us to speak and act
Testament 2Sam 12:1-14. - not obtained by logic, deduc- with divine wisdom, and thus
A Word of Knowledge cannot tion, reasoning, or the natural ensures the correct use and appli-
be gained by intellectual learning. sens~s. cation of other gifts.
It also cannot be gained by s tudy- B. It operates by faith - the The Word of Wisdom is a frag-
ing books or pursuing an academic person receiving the revelation ment of divine wisdom supemat-
course of study in a college or uni- does so by faith. urall y imparted by th e Holy

. ..:· :-:

. .. .· ...

The Gift of Prophecy must be

examined before it is to be accepted
as from the Lord.

34/ ACTS
Spirit. It supplies one with the the works of the spirit of Satan of Spirits is essential for effective
immediate wisdom to know what with those of the Spirit of God . deliverance, it is not sufficient by
to say·or do in a given situation. Satan always tries to counterfeit itself. It must work in concert with
God frequently gives this gift the works of the Holy Spirit the gifts of Faith and Working of
together with the Word of (2Cor 11:14). Miracles. Those who function with
Knowledge, so th;:it believers can Satan is known as the deceiv~r, those gifts usually have the great-
know how to apply that Word of the father of lies, and the serpent. est success in casting out demons.
Knowledge correctly. All these titles signify the subtle,
God revealed to Ananias the crafty deceptiveness that he uses to THE GIFTS OF ABILITY
whereabouts and condition of Saul bring about evil whenever he can. 7. THE GIFT OF FAITH
(Acts 9) through a Word of In the account of the girl with (lCor 12:9)
Knowledge. He also showed him, the spirit of divination in Acts 16, Since faith deals with the future
by the Word of Wisdom, what he Paul chaJlenged the spirit that and the unseen - things not phys-
should do in this difficult situation. might easily have deceived other ically experienced - the Gift of
It is a word (logos) of wisdom, servants of God. The girl gave a Faith is the special endowment
and not the gift of wisdom men- perfectly true statement when she given to someone called upon to
tioned in James 1:5. said, "These men are servants of the exercise an extraordinary capacity
The Word Of Wisdom is NOT: most high God who show to you the of trust.
• natural wisdom. way of salvation," but the spirit God supernaturally empties
• wisdom gained from academic speaking was an evil spirit. him of any doubt, and fills him
achievement. with special faith. This enables
• wisdom gained from experience. B. The Operation And Need For him to accomplish God's purpose
• the wisdom to understand the The Gift Today despite every contrary and contra-
Bible. The gift of Discerning of dictory circumstance of life.
The Word of Wisdom IS: Spirits is absolutely essential if General faith grows from the
• st1pernat11ral in character. the Church is going to accomplish original seed of saving faith, which
• given as the Holy Spirit wills her full mission and destroy the God has planted in our hearts (see
(lCor 12:11). works of the devil. Romans 1:17). The degree of general
• given for a specific need or situa- · There are as many demons in faith varies with stage of develop-
tion. the world tod ay as there were ment of the believer ("little faith,"
when Jesus walked the earth and "great faith," etc.).
Some Biblical Examples: in the days of the early Church. General faith grows as a result of
Luke 4:1-13; Luke 20:22-26; John Their purpose is as avowedly evil. feeding on the Word, being exer-
8:3-11; Acts 6:1-5; Acts 15:28; Acts This supernatural gift is especially cised through the circumstances of
27:23-24. necessary for missionaries and life, and the like.
The Word of Wisdom is workers in heathen lands where However, the Gift of Faith has
promised to all Christ's disciples in spiritism, Satanism and occultism superior function to even the highest
a time of need (Luke 21:14,15). abound. degree of general faith.
6. DISCERNING OF SPIRITS Some translators refer to the Gift
(lCor 12:10) C. How The Gift Of Discerning of Faith as "special faith". This indi-
Discerning of Spirits is the third Of Spirits Operates cates a faith bestowed by the Holy
of the revelation gifts; the Word of The first and most obvious func- Spirit to meet our need in special
Wisdom and the Word of tion of this gift is to reveal the pres- and extenuating circumstances.
Knowledge are the other two. ence of evil spirits in the life of peo- This suggests further that the
It is a divine gift imparted by ple or churches. Gift of Faith is not permanently resi-
the Holy Spirit so we can pene- However, it also functions to dent in any believer, but rather that
trate the spiritual realm to distin- evaluate the source of a prophetic each manifestation is a separate Gift
guish between the spirit of Satan message, a particular teaching, or of Faith.
(evil spirits), the Spirit of God, some supernatural manifestation. An episode in Elijah's life illus-
and the human spirit. The person functioning with this trates 'this, when he declares to King
gift will be able to tell whether the Ahab that there will be no rain until
A. The Function Of The Gift source of the message or act is he speaks the word and then it will
The gift of Discerning of Spirits demonic, divine, or merely human. rain again at his word (lKings 17:1).
gives one a supernatural under- His Gift of Faith produced the
standing of the nature and activity D. Discerning Of Spirits Must miraculous fulfillment of that
of spirits. Work With Other Gifts prophecy.
Sometimes it is easy to confuse Although the gift of Discerning In contrast, this extraordinary

faith was lacking when Elijah sat b) God has enab led us, must come to Jesus as an exercise
undei: the juniper tree, fearful, dis- through the Gift of Faith, to speak of faith and cooperation.
couraged and wanting to die, a word of faith in order to make it
because it was not needed at that happen. The Purpose Of Gifts
time (lKings 19:4). He had not lost If it is not God's will for it to Of Healings
his faith in God or His Word. happen - no matter how we may A. To deliver the sick and suf-
God wants you to know that feel - it will not happen. "Who is fering and to destroy the works of
you can go forth confidently, he who speaks and it comes to pass the devil in human bodies (lJohn
knowing that when special when the Lord has not commanded it? 3:s, Acts 10:38, and Luke 13:16).
demands are made upon you, He Is it not from the mouth of the Most B. To prove Christ's claim to be
will supernaturally give you spe- High that woe and well-being pro- the Son of God Gohn 10:36-38).
cial faith to enable you to fulfill His ceed?" (Lam 3:37,38). C. To confirm the Word
purposes. 8. GIFTS OF HEALINGS (Mark 16:17-20).
(lCor 12:9) D. To attract people to the
How Does The Gift In 1 Corinthians 12:9,28,30, the sound of the Gospel (Matt 4:23,25).
Of Faith Work? original reading is charismata E, To bring glory to God (Mark
Daniel's protection from the iamaton. Both words are plural, 2:12; Luke 13:13; 18:43; John 9:2,3).
lions (a passive instance of the Gift making the correct translation of Like all other gifts, the Gifts of
of Faith) seems to contrast with this phrase, "gifts of liealings". Healings not only have to be
Samson's slaying the lion, which is Gifts of healfogs operate super- given, but also must be received.
an example of man's active naturally to heal diseases and in.fir- Just as there is a principle of faith
involvement in the manifestation mi ties without natural means of in regard to how to minister these
of the power of God (this would be any sort. It is the power of the gifts, there is also a principle that
an example of the Working of Holy Spirit that comes upon a per- deals with how to receive them.
Miracles). son's body, dissolving their dis- Hezekiah had difficulty receiv-
This impression that the Gift of ease, driving out their pains to heal ing the gift of healing which God
Faith functions passively is because them. sent him. His faith had to be built up
it often works in cooperation with The use of the plural nouns in a special way by the miracle
more dramatic gifts (e.g. the here emphasizes the abundance of recorded in 2 Kings 20:8-11.
Working of Miracles, the Gifts of God's healing gifts to afflicted Healing often requires a double
Healings, etc.). mankind. It may also emphasize act of faith: faith to receive and faith
The Gift of Faith also operates that Jesus' healing will deliver to administer the gift of healing.
through the speaking of words from every sickness, weakness, God's desire to heal is very
of faith - "I believed, therefore plague, deformity and affliction. It abundant. Nevertheless, every sick
have I spoken" (2 Cor 4:13) - also implies that there are a great person does not get healed imme-
whereby those words a man of variety of manifestations of this diately when they are prayed for;
God speaks when inspired by the gift (lCor 12:4-7). and sometimes a person doesn't
Spirit are backed by God as His The exercise of the Gifts of get healed at all in this lifetime.
1 ow11 word. Healings does not give the gifted Sometimes God communicates
This gift can function in many an ability to heal all the sick all gifts of healings through the nor-
ways (e.g., for blessing, for cursing, the time. mal healing channels; at other
for creating, for destroying, etc.). Some have misunderstood this, times through extraordinary
There are some notable exam- and have asked why we do not go means, according to His will (e.g.,
ples of the Gift of Faith working into hospitals and the like and Peter's shadow, Acts 5:15, 16).
through the spoken word in Joshua raise up all that are sick. Even 9. WORKING OF MIRACLES
10:12-14; 1 Kings 17:1; and Acts Jesus did not do this: He only went (lCor 12:10)
13:11. to what may correspond to a mod- The gift of the Working of
The Scriptures teach the princi- em hospital once - when He went Miracles comes when God endues
ple of the word of faith: to the pool of Bethesda, where us with power by the Holy Spirit
Mark 11:22,23: "he shall have there were multi-tudes of sick peo- to do something completely out-
whatever he says" in relation to the ple. Even then, He chose only one side of the range of human
injunction, "have faith in God". from all of them and healed him. ability. He gives it to us at a spe-
Important Note: We CANNOT, Many times we read of great cific time for a s?ecial purpose.
by speaking a word, cause God to crowds of sick folk who came to All the gifts of the Spirit are
do something for us UNLESS: Jesus, and we are told He "healed miraculous, but the use of the
a) it is God's will for it to hap- them all". An important principle word "miracle" in this instance
pen, and of divine healing is that the person refers to acts of power.

36/ ACTS
MIRACLES GIVE miracle of healing and hearing the multitudes turned to Christ. You
UNDENIABLE PROOF OF preaching of God's Word (Acts 4:4; can read about some of these
THE RESURRECTION see also 5:12-14). accounts in Acts 5:12-16; 8:6; 9:34,
If Jesus were not alive, His E. All the people glorified God 35; 9:40-42; 14:8-18; 28:8,9.
name would have no power to for what was done (Acts 4:21). The Working of Miracles is the
heal the sick and work miracles F. It caused the Gospel to enabling of the Holy Spirit, giving
(Acts 4 :33). Peter convinced the spread quickly (Acts 5:14-16). the believer the ability to work a
unbelieving Jews of the resurrec- Before Jesus started to work miracle, in contrast to God work-
tion of Jesus Christ and their need miracles, no crowds gathered to ing miracles in the life of a believer.
of repentance on the strength of Him . He must have preached often Thus many who have never
the fact that Jesus' name still had in the synagogue, for Luke 4 says received the gift of working mira-
power to heal the sick and work it was His custom. cles have often experienced
miracles. But when the miracles in Luke astounding miracles that God has
4:33-37 took place, "the report about wrought on their behalf.
The Working Him went out into every place in the
of Miracles: surrounding region". From then on, Some Examples:
A. Gave boldness to the believ- the multitudes pressed in upon A . Miracles of deliverance,
ers to preach Christ (Acts 4:29,30) . Him to hear His words and to see such as Peter's in Acts 5:17-20 and
B. Made believers hungry to His miracles. "A great multitude fol- again in Acts 12:1-10. Also Paul
have more of God (Acts 4:31, 32). lowed Him, because they saw His and Silas in Acts 16:15-30.
C. Convinced and convicted signs which He performed on those B. Miracles of transportation
men of the undeniable . power of who were diseased'' Uolm 6:2). (Acts 8:39). "Tl1e Spirit of the Lord
God (Acts 4:13-16; 5:28-33). Everywhere the disciples caught away Philip, that the eunuch
D. Five thousand were convert- preached, healed the sick, cast out saw Jzim no more. "
ed in one day through observing a demons and wo·rked miracles, These, and many other

It is the direct power of God that actually does the miracles. We simply allow
the Lord to move as He wills.

instances, are miracles performed B. A spoken word of faith and analogy of the body (vs. 12-27). In
by God in the lives of believers, authority. Elijah said that the God those verses, he forcefully states
sometimes even without the coop- who answered by fire should be that no single part of the body is
eration of the believer. These are Israel's Lord. The fire that came more important than any other
not, therefore, instances where the down was an example of the part. As each part of the human
gift of Work~ng of Miracles was Working of Miracles. body plays its part properly, the
opera ting. In contrast now are C. A bold act of faith, stepping whole body functions quite well.
three where this gift was in opera- out in obedience to the Spirit's The same is true of all the gifts.
tion: leading. No one ·gift should be over-
1. Acts 19:11: "And God worked emphasized, over-used, or over-
unusual miracles by the· hands of Editor's Note valued in a local church.
Paul." on 1 Corinthians 12:31a: Why, then, would Paul seem to
2. Acts 9:36-40: Peter raised imply that there were "best'gifts"to
Dorcas from the dead. " Best" Gifts? be desired?
3. Acts 20:9-12: Paul restored At the very end of the passage,
Eutychus to life. Paul gives a key exhortation to The Right Gift
approaching the gifts ln a balanced For The Right Time
Practical Operation Of The Gift and correct manner . The text A good way to interpret the sen-
The operation of the Gift of reads: UBut earnestly desire the tence in 1 Corinthians 12:31 a is:
Miracles requires: best gifts." "But covet earnestly the most best
A. The anointing of the H oly The phrase used here seems gift [fitted for] the right (appropriate]
Spirit to create special confidence to contradict Paul's earlier state- moment of ministry."
and authority. ments about the gifts using the In other words, our desire
should not be to simply want God
to give us a certain gift to use
over and over. Rather, our earnest

Don't let vour

desire should be simply that God
would use us, giving us the cor--
rect gift for that particular
moment of ministry need!
Prophetic words are wonderful
. . and inspiring; but if someone

ACTS subscription needs a miraculous healing in his

body, a prophecy will not help him!
This is a simple illustration, yet it
shows how we need multiple gifts
for multiple needs. It also demon-

strates that we should be open to
HOWEVER God wants to use us.
We should not try to predetermine
in what way God will use us; only
desire that He will use us.

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