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1 Matter and radiation

AQA Physics Exam-style mark scheme

Question Answer Marks Guidance

1ai neutron  1 Accept symbol n.
1 a ii electron  1 Accept symbol e.
1 a iii neutron  1 Accept symbol n.
1bi antineutrino  1 accept symbol v e . Also
accept electron antineutrino
1 b ii A  99  2
Z  44 
1 b iii 43 ´ 1.6 ´ 10–19 Correct answer with no
specific charge   working, 1 mark.
99 ´ 1.66 ´ 10–27 4
If mass of electrons
specific charge  4.2  107  C kg–1  included, deduct 2nd and
3rd marks.
Total 10
From AQA Physics A PHYA1 Particles, Quantum Phenomena and Electricity mark scheme January 2013
(Question 1)
2a Number of protons plus neutrons the same or
number of neutrons less or mass the same, 
but more protons therefore greater charge 
2 b Answers add up to 10 
Number of protons  4 
Number of neutrons  10 – 4  6  4
Evidence of correct calculation 
e.g. 5q  1.25  ?q
Total 6
From AQA Physics A PHYA1 Particles, Quantum Phenomena and Electricity mark scheme January 2012
(Question 2)
3a Repulsive for separations less than 0.5 fm (accept
range 0.1–1.0 fm) 
Short range attraction for longer separations up to
about 3 fm ) 
Becoming zero for separations over 3 fm 
3bi A helium nucleus (accept 2p and 2n)  1
3 b ii (↓92↑238)U → (↓90↑234)Th (↓2↑4)α  2
3ci Same atomic number / proton number  2
Different number of neutrons / nucleons 

© Oxford University Press 2019

This resource sheet may have been changed from the original 1
1 Matter and radiation
AQA Physics Exam-style mark scheme

Question Answer Marks Guidance

3 c ii Evidence of subtraction of atomic number, 
thus atomic number decreases by α decay to 92 – 16
 76 
(atomic number of lead is 82 therefore) 6 (82 – 76) β
decays 
Total 11
From AQA Physics A PHYA1 Particles, Quantum Phenomena and Electricity mark scheme June 2010
(Question 2)
4a A  down or d quark 
B  W  3
C  positron and D  (electron) neutrino 
4bi Weak  1
4 b ii B / W() 1
4 b iii W / B / exchange particle is charged / photon γ has
no charge
or W / B / exchange particle has (rest) mass / photon
γ has zero (rest) mass
or photon has infinite range 
Total 6
From AQA Physics A PHYA1 Particles, Quantum Phenomena and Electricity mark scheme June 2013
(Question 2)
5a Pair production  1
5b Energy  2  0.510 (ignore sfs)  1
5c E  (1.02  1.6  10–13)  1.63  10–13 

6.63 ´ 10–34 ´ 3.00 ´ 108

1.63  10–3  
l 4

6.63 ´ 10–34 ´ 3.00 ´ 108

λ  1.22  10–12 m 
1.63 ´ 10-13
3 significant figures 
5d It will encounter an electron and the two particles will
annihilate, 
releasing (two high-energy/gamma) photons/quanta

Total 8
From AQA Physics A PHYA1 Particles, Quantum Phenomena and Electricity mark scheme January 2011
(Question 3)

© Oxford University Press 2019

This resource sheet may have been changed from the original 2

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