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Metehan Aydoğan 22020254

Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Makine Mühendisliği Tezli Yüksek Lisans Prog.


a) Kus = -0.0518 rad


Critical Velocity = 80.47 km/h



re((n))< 0 re((n))> 0

At critical speed

Bicycle model is stable if re((n))< 0. So critical speed can be found at real axis is equal to 0.

c) For 60 km/h forward speed: (Forward speed input can be changed in the matlab code. The forward
velocity has been chosen as a value which is lower than the critical speed.)


a) For Unit 1: Oversteer, Critical Velocity = 29.22 km/h

For Unit 2: Understeer, Characteristics Velocity = 96.92 km/h

Note: There is no satisfied sources on the internet about the vehicle Dynamics specifications of the
articulated ones. There is only one formula which is about the critical speed and there is no clue
about understeering articulated vehicles. I’m not sure but I assumed that we can take the critical and
characteristic speed formulas as the bicycle model one and I have changed the sign of the critical
speed formula to find the characteristics speed value. If it was not true, there is no real velocity part
of the second tractor-semitrailer combination and we can take the value of 96.92 km/h as imaginary

For Unit 1:

M= 2468 -2540.42 -192.98 0

-2540.42 9808.35 541.11 0

-192.98 541.11 871.10 0

0 0 0 1

Ai = -4610.88 -63082.48 4163.33 -44480

5473.08 52442.41 -11673.97 124721.92

4163.33 -6313.47 -10824.65 115648

0 1 -1 0

Bi = 33800


For Unit 2:

M= 3656 -6112.8 -8359.2 0

-6112.8 20303.22 23656.53 0

-8359.20 23656.53 40109.10 0

0 0 0 1

Ai = -5990.40 -91811.36 11362.32 -73400

9744.19 141470.67 -32155.36 207722

11362.32 200044.63 -48857.97 315620

0 1 -1 0

Bi = 29000


c) For unit 1:
~35 km/h

a0 changes sign
Unit 1 at that speed.

Nonoscillatory instability

Eigenvalue/U 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

1 -125.88 -61.35 -38.99 -26.94 -18.35 1.10 1.33 1.50 1.64 1.75 1.84 1.92
2 -16.70 -9.25 -0.40 0.33 0.79 -4.68 -4.41 -4.20 -4.04 -3.91 -3.81 -3.72
3 -4.81 -1.82 + 0.51i -6.95 -4.57 -5.03 -10.58 -9.06 + -7.93 + -7.05 + -6.34 + -5.77 + -5.28 +
+ 4.13i 6.83i 8.12i 8.9i 9.41i 9.78i 10.04i
4 -1.10 -1.82 - 0.51i -3.15 -5.95 -7.10 -10.58 -9.06 - -7.93 - -7.05 - -6.34 - -5.77 - -5.28 -
- 4.13i 6.83i 8.12i 8.9i 9.41i 9.78i 10.04i

Crosses the imaginary axis first ~35 km/h

For Unit 2: ~75 km/h

(a2a3a4 - a1a42 -a22a5)

changes sign at that

Unit 2

Oscillatory instability

Eigenvalue/U 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

1 -1.22 + -4.29 + -0.40 + -0.17 + -0.01 + 0.11 + 0.22 + 0.30+ 0.37 + 0.43 +
-18 -8.39 2.15i 1.43i 2.40i 2.42i 2.41i 2.41i 2.39i 2.38i 2.37i 2.36i
2 -1.22 - -4.29 - -0.40 - -0.17 - -0.01 - 0.11 - 0.22 - 0.30 - 0.37 - 0.43 -
-0.72 -7.37 2.15i 1.43i 2.40i 2.42i 2.41i 2.41i 2.39i 2.38i 2.37i 2.36i
3 -2.14 + -5.46 + -0.72 + -3.60 + -3.16 + -2.85 + -2.62 + -2.45+ -2.31 + -2.20 + -2.10 +
-12.89 1.25i 1.14i 2.34i 1.58i 1.67i 1.74i 1.79i 1.83i 1.86i 1.89i 1.92i
4 -2.14 - -5.46 - -0.72 - -3.60 - -3.16 - -2.85 - -2.62 - -2.45 - -2.31 - -2.20 - -2.10 -
-8.49 1.25i 1.14i 2.35i 1.58i 1.67i 1.74i 1.79i 1.83i 1.86i 1.89i 1.92i
Crosses the imaginary axis first ~75 km/h

d) The results that I have obtained in parts a) and c) do not agree. Because of some tailer parameters
have not be considered in part a such as the tire stiffness of the trailer, Cf.

e) In part e I studied a lot but I could not reach any satisfied result. We can write a single period of
sinusoidal function as a steering input with 5 degree amplitude and 2s period:
t = 0:0.01:2;
delta = 5*pi/180*sin(1/2*2*pi*t);
But I could not run the matlab code. Firstly, I took some NaN and inf matrice errors and I tried the
code with using steady state matrices such as 3x3. However, the code does not work. After all, the
matlab code will be attached to the e-mail, the code can be reviewed as you wish.

Thank You,


Metehan Aydoğan


ATTACHMENTS: (The Matlab codes can be reached as .zip file and seperately in the attachments of e-

Problem 1b.m Problem 1a.m BicycleModel_Solutio Problem2_Function.m Problem 2e.m


Problem 2c_Unit2.m Problem 2c_Unit1.m Problem 2b_Unit2.m Problem 2b_Unit1.m Problem 2a_Unit2.m

Problem 2a_Unit1.m Problem 1cii.m Problem 1ci_Basic.m Problem


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