Reading and Culture

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Cioinac Diana, Master în Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei
Gimnaziul-grădiniţă „Constantin Negruzzi”
Profesoară de limba şi literatura franceză și limba engleză, GD II
Satul Tîrnova, raionul Donduşeni


Form: IX-th
Unit: 3 “Home and Family Values”
Teacher: Cioinac Diana
Discipline: English
Number of hours: 13
Specific Competences and Subcompetences:

Reading and 3.3. Identifying some details/specific information from written

Culture messages.
3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the content.
3. Identifying and respecting the structure, format specific
conventions for some documents/ functional texts, regarding
everyday life (advertisements, news-paper articles letters, e-mails).
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest.
Interaction 2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits.
Term -Testing the knowledge and skills acquired while studying this
Evaluation term.
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest.
Reading 3.3. Identifying some details/specific information from written
Listening 1.4. Selecting relevant information from passages of informative
texts, instructions, tables, maps to perform a task.
Written 4.5. Arranging relevant information from a text on a familiar issue
Interaction into a scheme.
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest.
Interaction 2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits.
Practical Testing the level of written or/and oral knowledge and skills
application acquired while studying the current unit. (3)
of knowledge
Term --Testing the level of written or/and oral knowledge and skills
Evaluation acquired while studying the current term.
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest.
Reading 3.3. Identifying some details/specific information from written
Listening 1.4. Selecting relevant information from passages of informative
texts, instructions, tables, maps to perform a task.
Written 4.4. Reducing the texts to its essential idea.
Spoken 2.1. Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest.
Interaction 2.2. Describing everyday activities, habits.
Practical Testing the level of oral knowledge and skills acquired while
application studying the current unit. (1)
of knowledge
Evaluation Testing the knowledge and skills acquired the previous year and
while studying this unit.
-1Term test-paper
-1 Summing Up Evaluation
Nr Topic of Stages of the Lesson /Learning Activities Resources/ Strategies/ Time
. the lesson/ Materials evaluation
1. Analysis of Evocation: Clustering «House», discussion points p. 48 textbooks; Discussion 10`
the Realization of Meaning: What is the diff erence between
evaluation. a house and a home? Consult the Info Box, if necessary. textbooks; Reading and
Home Study the words and phrases below and explain them. Use pictures translation 15`
sweet home them in examples of your own, to prove your Group Work 5`
Ex.2 page 48
Reflection: make up sentences with the new words and 10`
phrases Individual Work
Extension/Homework: Comment on the quotation of the Essay writing 5`
2. The Home Evocation: Read the title of the text below. Judging by Power Point Analysis 6`
is the title, predict what the text will tell you about „home‟. Presentation; 4`
Everything Ex: 1 p. 48 Discussion 10`
Realization of Meaning: Information and practice of the pictures
new vocabulary; Skim the text to identify the main idea textbooks; 5`
of it. . Ex: 2 p. 48; Read the text. While reading, write
down the words that are new to you. . Ex: 3 p. 48 handouts
Reflection: Work in pairs on the handouts. Read the text 15`
again. Be ready to fulfill the tasks. copybooks; Pair Work
Extension/Homework: In about 100 words describe the 5`
house of your dreams, the one you would like to live in. Essay writing
Prepare yourself for term evaluation.
3. Term A set of exercises concerning the:
Evaluation -vocabulary; Test-paper Written 45`
-grammar; Test-paper
(Testul se anexează)
4. Analysis of Evocation: Analysis of the evaluations. Discussion Points Test-papers Discussion 8`
the Ex: 1-4,5 page 51 Comment on the quotation of the textbooks; Explanation
evaluation. lesson. Family is where life begins and love never ends.
Family – Realization of Meaning: Information and practice of the flashcards Discussion 20`
God’s new vocabulary; Brainstorm words referring to marriage. with
Master- Ex: 1 page 51; State the diff erence between a civil the new Speaking
piece marriage and a religious one. Ex: 2 page 51; Express your vocabulary;
opinion on each of the 3 basic elements of a marriage. ppt
How important you think each of them is. a. the parties Commentary Reading
legal ability to marry each other; b. mutual agreement of
the parties; c. a marriage contract as required by law. Ex: textbooks;
3 page 51
Reflection: Look at the Marriage Box below. Take your 12`
time to complete it in your own way.
Extension/Homework: Ex. 5 page 51 Write about the
consequences and suggest solutions to solving the 5
problems that might appear if the box gets empty. min
5. Speaking Evocation: Brainstorming «family». Define the word textbooks; Brainstorming
and writing „family‟. Who does it include? reading and 10`
Realization of Meaning: Scan the text to find other a sheet of translation
definitions of the word „family‟. Control reading and paper
translation of the text page 51 15`
answer the questions on the text. questionnaire
Make up your own questions on the text (6-7 questions) commentary
Reflection:. Agree or disagree with the statements below.
Tell why.; Identify the theme and the main idea of the textbooks; 15`
text. Entitle the text. Explain your choice. Summarize the pictures summary
text. presentation
Extension/Homework: At home, with all your family ppt 5‟
members, talk about family values and in about 80-90
words write a paragraph about your family values. Draw
your Family Values Tree. Share it with your class. Make
use of the Family Rules rubric on the previous page.
6. Running Evocation: Checking the homework; Announcement of ppt 8`
Errands the new topic. computer; Power
Realization of Meaning: Information and practice of the projector; Point presentation
new vocabulary; Discussion points p.54
Reflection: Match the words with the pictures. Pay textbooks; Pair Work 20`
attention to how we write the places we go to (at the
dentist‟s) in order to benefi t from this or another service,
that is “to have something done‟ by somebody else: at the
tailor‟s at the watchmaker‟s at the dressmaker‟s at the 12`
dry-cleaner‟s at the hairdresser‟s at the dentist‟s. Ex: 2 Listening
page 54; Listening Ex: 1,2,3 page 54-55 Role-play 5`
Extension/Homework: Role-play visits to the social
service places you have learned about. Ex: 6 page 55
7. As Old as Evocation: Discussion points page 55. textbooks; Discussion 8`
History Realization of Meaning: Information and practice of the textbooks;
new vocabulary; Reading for comprehension, Ex: 1 page
55 Grammar 20`
Reflection: Read the text again, then answer the questions Question answer
that come after the text. Ex: 4 page 55 pictures activity 12`
Extension/Homework: Use your imagination, and in copybooks; 5`
about 80-90 words write a paragraph about what you think
the future of shoes holds.
8. Hard Evocation: Clustering „success” examples of success Clustering 5`
Work- The Realization of Meaning: Discussion points p. 57 A sheet of
Key to Information and practice of the new vocabulary; Reading paper Discussion
Success for comprehension, Ex: 2 page 57; Reading and 15`
Reflection: Work in groups. Draw a T-chart. In one Grammar translation
column write all the rights you have at school, in the other handouts; Analysis
column – all the duties you have. Ex: 5 page 58; Textbooks Reading 15`
Extension/Homework: In about 150 words comment on 5`
the statement: “The only way to do great work is to love copybooks
what you do.” Ex: 7 page 59; 5`
9. It’s Time Evocation: Brainstorm names of holidays. Say whether Brainstorming 10`
for Cele- they are religious or public. In at least 2-3 sentences share Blackboard;
bration the information you have with your classmates.” Listening
Realization of Meaning: What country/countries are the Textbooks; 15`
following holidays celebrated in? Ex: 2 page 60; Analysis
Reflection: What do you know about the above- Reading 15`
mentioned holidays? Which of them are celebrated in Copybooks;
Moldova and how? Share your information with your Essay writing 5`
classmates. Ex: 4 page 60;
Extension/Homework: Comment on the quotation of the
lesson. Ex: 5 page 60;

10. The Magic Evocation: clustering „Christmas”. Discussion points Ex: A sheet of Clustering 10`
for 1 page 60 paper Discussion
Christmas Realization of Meaning: Information and practice of the Vocabulary 20`
new vocabulary; Reading for comprehension, Ex: 2 page Writing
60 Textbooks; 10`
Reflection: Below is some information about celebrating Speaking
Christmas in other countries. Guess what country each Copybooks; Grammar
paragraph refers to. Feel free to add any other information. 5`
ex: 3 page 61 Christmas
Extension/Homework: Design a Christmas card. card.
Address it to one of your dearest people.
11. Round up Evocation: Th ink of some important things that make the Copybooks; 5`
diff erence between such a marriage and modern ones. Vocabulay;
Add some other moral principles a modern marriage is Textbooks; 10`
based on, and explain why you think they are to be Writing;
respected. ex: 3 page 63 Handouts Grammar 10`
Realization of Meaning: Review the vocabulary of the
unit, define some words ex:5,6 page 63
Reflection: Complete the handout with the grammar 15`
Extension/Homework: In about 80-90 words write a Copybooks. Essay writing 5`
paragraph about a favourite Christmas memory. Begin by
stating time and place. Choose strong action verbs.
ex: 2 page 62
12. Oral (Testul se anexează)
Evaluation Oral 45`
Test-paper Test-paper
1. Cadrul european comun de referinţă pentru limbi: invăţare, predare, evaluare /
Comitetul Director pentru Educaţie “Studierea limbilor şi cetăţenia
europeană”; trad. din lb. fr. de Gheorghe Moldovanu. – Ch.: S. n., 2003 (F.E.-
P. “Tipogr. Centrală”). – 204 p.
2. Iniţiere în metodologia dezvoltării gîndirii critice. Ediţia a II-a. Adaptare
T.Cartaleanu, E.Cartaleanu, O.Cosovan, N.Creţu. Chişinău, 2003, p. 39.
3. Limbi străine. Curriculum pentru clasele a 10-a a 12-a/Ministerul Educaţiei al
Republicii Moldova. –Ch.: Î.E.P. Ştiinţa, 2010. (Tipografia „ Elena V.I.”
SRL). 52 p.
4. Chira G. et al. Working Together: Student‟s Book 10. Chişinău: Editura
ARC, 2002. 216 p.
5. Chira G. et al. At the Crossroads, Student's book, Editura ARC, 2005, 199 p.
6. Decarrico J. Vocabulary learning and teaching. // Teaching English as a
second or foreign language. - Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 2001. 299 p.
7. Kehe D. et P. “Entering a Lesson through Predictions”, Modern English
Teacher, Volume 13, No. 3, Spring 1986, Modern English Publications Ltd.,
p. 3-5
8. Lewis M. Pedagogical Implications of the Lexical Approach. // Second
Language Vocabulary Acquisition: A Rationale for Pedagogy, New York:
CUP, 1997. 190 p.
9. Petcu T., Gafton L. „Limbi străine I. Ghid de implementare a curriculumului
modernizat pentru treapta liceală”. Ed.I, decembrie 2010, 120 p.
10. Rivers W. Formarea deprinderilor de limbă străină. Ed.didactică şi
pedagogică. Bucureşti, 1977. 256 p.

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