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English Language

‫دولة فلسطين‬
Date: 12 .11.2014
‫وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي‬
Class: 10th ( A + B )
4th Exam ‫مدرسة ذكور ارتاح الثانوية‬
Teacher: Berri Raed
Unit Four Unit Four Unit Four
Max. Time:40 minutes Total marks:40 : ‫االسم‬
Q1-Read carefully , then answer the questions below (22pts)
Young nurse Helen West , 19 , had a lucky escape last night when her tenth –floor caught fire and two
brave firemen saved her from certain death.
At 11 pm , Helen was preparing her clothes for the next day. That was when she suddenly smelt fire. It
was coming from the kitchen. When she opened the door, everything was burning. She quickly shut the
door , but thick , black smoke started coming under it .
The outside door was in the kitchen , so Helen desperately needed another way out. There was only the
bedroom window , and outside that there was just a narrow ledge , 10 centimeters wide –and 30 meters up. I
was really frightened , but I had no choice .Helen said later .Smoke was really coming into the bedroom fast.
She climbed out and lowered her feet to the ledge ."And then I shouted for help" .Luckily , some
neighbors heard her and immediately called the fire service .Afire engine arrived ten minutes later and
then , too , the police and an ambulance..
1.Why did Helen climb out of the window?(1pt)
2.What was Helen doing as she smelt fire?(1pt)
3.who called the fire service? Why ?(2pts)
4. Give three adjectives that sum up Helen(2pts)
True or False
Decide whether the following sentences are true or false(2pts)
1.Helen caught fire in her tenth floor apartment(((T or F )))
2.Helen was cooking when fire was set in the kitchen(T or F )
Find out words from the text above with the same meanings of(2pts)
a. on fire:………………… b. rescued:………………….
Find out the opposites of the following words(2pts)
a. raised:………………… b. inside:…………………
Complete the following sentences(1pt)
1……………..,…………………. and………………are the services that came to the scene.
Fill in the blanks( 9pts)

Fire victim's name:………… Age:................ Job:.............

Type of home:....................... Floor number:...............

Place where the fire began:........ Time when the fire was:

Actions by the victims


-Choose the best meaningful words from the list to complete the spaces below (4pts)
scheduled , cost , exploded , smash faulty
1.Trying to rescue the man from the burning building .......them their lives.
2.The driver and the two passengers were badly injured in the .....................
3.The assassin ................the car with means of a car bomb
4.The next elections are .............on the 20th of December
Choose the opposites of the following words from the list(2pts)
inside dangerous arrive narrow lean
1.Wide:………………….. 2. leave:……………….. 3. safe:……………..4.outside:………….
Choose the correct answer(2pts)
1. How would you deal ……………an armed burglar? ( with / at / on)
2.When the boiler ……………., many people were hurt by the steam( exploded / explosion / explode)
3.He aimed , fired and ……………….the antelope( brought down / brought up / brought back)
4 .He shut quickly the door. The sentences is ( right / wrong )
Q1-Correct the words between the brackets either (adjective) or (adverb) (4pts)
1.We lost the match because we didn't play very................(good)
2.The whole class remained …………………when the teacher entered (silent)
3.It' s a ......................cheap restaurant( reasonable)
4.It rained......................for three days(continuous)
Q2-Rewrite the following sentences , converting the verbs in Parentheses into present or past participial
Adjectives (4pts)
1.His ...............look irritated me( fix)
2. Edison carried out some .......................experiment on a train( interest)
3.He is one of the most .............people I have ever met(bore)
4. Six cars crashed , so we were ...............that there were no injuries( amaze)
Put the words in order to form sentences( 2pts)
1. the accident / after / we / the boy / was / thought / dead
2.quite / Manchester / is / new / compared / Jericho / with

The Head Teacher: Qabb Hatim Good Luck Teacher: Raed Berri


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