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H. D.

Professor of Engineering Science,
Arizona State University,
The Dynamics of Rotor-Bearing
Tempe, Ariz.
Systems Using Finite Elements
J, M. MeVaugh A procedure is presented for dynamic modeling of rotor-bearing systems which consist of
Assistant Group Supervisor-System Dynamics, rigid disks, distributed parameter finite rotor elements, and discrete bearings. The for-
Airesearch Manufacturing Company of Arizona,
mulation is presented in both a fixed and rotating frame of reference. A finite element
Phoenix, Ariz.
model including the effects of rotatory inertia, gyroscopic moments, and axial load is de-
veloped using the consistent matrix approach. A reduction of coordinates procedure is
utilized to model elements with variable cross-section properties. The bearings may be
nonlinear, however, only the linear stiffness and viscous damping case is considered. The
natural whirl speeds and unbalance response of a typical overhung system is presented
for two sets of bearing parameters: (i) undamped isotropic, (ii) undamped orthotropic. A
comparison of results is made with an independent lumped mass analysis.

Introduction duction procedure, is provided to indicate the accuracy of the ele-

Flexible rotor-bearing systems have been analyzed by many dif-
ferent mathematical methods. An excellent comprehensive review System Configuration and Coordinates
of these methods with reference to specific contributors is con- The typical flexible rotor-bearing system to be analyzed consists
tained in a recent work by Eshleman [l], 1 hence, need not be re- of a rotor composed of discrete disks, rotor segments with distrib-
peated here. Recently, the utilization of finite element models, uted mass and elasticity, and discrete bearings. Such a system is il-
such as introduced by Archer [2], in the area of rotor dynamics has lustrated in Fig. 1 along with the two reference frames that are uti-
yielded highly successful results. It is the intent of this paper to lized to describe the system motion. The XYZ: EF (xyz:Q{) triad is a
provide additional information on the use of finite elements for an- fixed (rotating) reference with the X and x axes being colinear and
alyzing rotor-bearing systems. coincident with the undeformed rotor center line. 01 is defined rel-
Of primary interest relative to this paper, is a contribution by ative to 'S by a single rotation cot about X with <o denoting the
Ruhl [3], [4] who utilized a finite element model of a turborotor whirl speed.
system to study stability and unbalance response. Ruhl's finite ele- A typical cross section of the rotor in a deformed state is defined
ment includes only elastic bending energy and translational kinetic
energy, while the effects of rotatory inertia, gyroscopic moments,
axial load, axial torque, and shear deformation are neglected.
These effects can be quite significant for some configurations as
indicated by several investigators referenced in [1]. This particular
paper generalizes Ruhl's element by including the effects of rotato-
ry inertia, gyroscopic moments, and axial load. In addition the ele-
ment and system equations are presented in both a fixed and ro-
tating reference frame. An example, which utilizes a coordinate re-

Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper.
Contributed by the Vibration and Sound Committee of the Design Engi-
neering Division and presented at the Winter Annual Meeting, Houston,
Texas, November 30-December 5, 1975, of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY
OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Manuscript received at ASME Head-
quarters August 5,1975. Paper No. 75-WA/DE-19. Fig. 1 Typical system configuration

Journal of Engineering for Industry MAY 1976 / 593

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The displacements (V, W, B, T) of a typical cross section rela-
tive to ff are transformed to corresponding displacements (u, w, /3,
7) relative to (ft by the orthogonal transformation

{q} = MM (2)
w w
{q} = B -fc} = •,[*]
r [y]
"coscrf - sinarf 0 0
sin cot coswf 0 0
0 0 COS Uif - sinatf (3)
3 0 sinotf COSktf

and for later use the first two time derivatives of equation (3) are
Fig. 2 Cross section rotation angles

{q} = a)[S]{p} + [R]$\ (a)

relative to *5 by the translations V (s, t) and W (s, t) in the Y and
= [R]{$\- o>2{p}}+ 2co[S]{p} (6)
Z directions respectively to locate the elastic centerline and small
angle rotations B (s, t) and r (s, t) about Y and Z respectively to with
orient the plane of the cross-section. The cross-section also spins -sinarf - cosarf 0 0
normal to its face relative to 9?. The abc: Q triad is attached to the cos a r t - sinwi 0 0
cross-section with the "a" axis normal to the cross-section. S is de- [Sl=i[R} = 0 0 -sinarf - cosatf (c) (4)
fined by the three successive rotations, illustrated in Fig. 2,
0 0 cos cot - sinM?
1 r about Z defines a"b"c"
2 B about b" defines a'b'c'
Component Equations. The rotor-bearing system is consid-
3 (j> about a' defines abc,
ered to comprise a set of interconnecting components consisting of
and the angular rate of relative to ?f is rigid disks, rotor segments with distributed mass and elasticity,
"- s i n B 1 0 and linear bearings. In this section the rigid disk equation of mo-

r cos B sin 0 0 c o s 4>

.cos B c o s <f> 0 - s i n <f>.LB
For small deformations the (B, T) rotations are approximately
tion is developed using a lagrangian formulation. The finite rotor
element equation of motion is developed in an analogous manner
by specifying spatial shape functions and then treating the rotor
element as an integration of an infinite set of differential disks.
colinear with the (Y, Z) axes respectively. The spin angle fa for a The bearing equations are not developed and only the linear form
constant speed system and negligible torsional deformation, is fit of the equations as treated by Lund [5] are utilized in this paper.
where £2 denotes the rotor spin speed. Rigid Disfe. The kinetic energy of a typical rigid disk with mass

' = differentiation with respect to position X = whirl ratio = S2A» \Qc], \Qs] — unbalance force associated with
• = differentiation with respect to time ["$?] = matrix of translation displacement cos fit, sin Qt2
SJ = fixed reference frame (XYZ) . functions; fa (s), i = 1, 2, 3, 4 [R] = orthogonal rotation matrix
(R = rotating reference frame (xyz) [<E>] = matrix of rotation displacement (V,WO, (v,w) = translations in (Y, Z), (y, 2)
6 = cross-section reference frame (abc) functions; fa' (s), i = 1, 2, 3, 4 directions
3 = kinetic energy Md, ID, IP = disk mass, diametral inertia,
0° = potential energy 2 u> = whirl speed polar inertia
3D, dp = element diametral and polar iner- o>a, ub, <>>c = angular rate components of 6 = pojar inertia of element as a rigid
tia per unit length relative to SF body
[M], [g], [x] = assembled mass, gyroscop- Vd, id = location of disk mass center in b,c [M], [G], [K] = mass, gyroscopic, stiffness
ic, and stiffness matrices 2 directions matrices 2
n(s), f(s) = distributed location of element [iff], [G], [k] = transformed mass, gyrosco-
a = eigenvalue
cross section mass center in b, c direc- pic, and stiffness matrices 2
( S , r ) , (/3,Y) = small angle rotations about
(Y,Z), (y,z)axes t = time
4> = spin angle riL, to = rj(O), f(0) s = axial position along an element
fi = spin speed = 4> VR, to = vV) W) I = element length
M = element mass per unit length [Cb], [Kb] = bearing damping and stiffness
111. IPI = displacement vector relative to '5, matrices
(R2 cyv, Cvw, cwv, c\vw = elements of [Cb]
Where appropriate the superscripts d, e, b, s kvv, kvw, kwv> kww = elements of [Kb]
refer to disk, element, bearing, and system re-
(<Zcl, {<2s! = unbalance response associated
spectively and the subscripts T, R, B, A refer to with cos flt, sin 0 i 2 c,k = isotropic bearing damping and stiff-
translational, rotational, bonding, and axial load |Q], {Pj = external force vector relative to ness coefficients
respectively. <S, (R2 [I] = identity matrix

594 / MAY 1976 Transactions of the ASME

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mation of the equation of motion from fixed frame coordinates,
equation (6), to whirl frame coordinates, equation (8a), an inertial
restoring force appears. The term - u 2 ([MdT] + [Mi] + \ [Gd]) ( p d |
contains the so called Green's [6] gyroscopic stiffening effect.
Finite Rotor Element. A typical finite rotor element is illus-
trated in Fig. 3. It should be noted that here the element time de-
pendent cross section displacements (V, W, B, T) are also func-
tions of position (s) along the axis of the element. The rotations
(B, F) are related to the translations (V, W) by the equations

B = (a)
dV (9)
r = (b)

The coordinates (qf, <?f, • • . , <?I) are the time dependent end point
displacements (translations and rotations) of the finite rotor ele-
Fig. 3 Typical finite rotor element and coordinates ment and are indicated in Fig. 3.
The translation of a typical point internal to the element is cho-
sen to obey the relation
center coincident with the elastic rotor centerline is given by the
J!:;?)=ws'H#)} (10)
' mi 0 "
2 1W ) . 0 mi_ {l\ where the spatial constraint matrix is given by

terms, reduces equation (5a) to

m iD o o -
o iD o
Lo o i , J
The use of equations (1), with the retention of only second order
[*] ft 0 0 ft ft 0 O f t
0 -ft - ft 0 0 ft - ft 0 (11)

and is a matrix of displacement functions. In this case the individ-

ual functions represent the static displacement modes associated
with a unit displacement of one of the end point coordinates with
all others constrained to zero. These functions are
2\wf L 0 md\ \WJ 2\r j 0 In

- 4>TBIP (56) ft = 1 3(f) 2 + 2(f)3 (a)

The lagrangian equation of motion of the rigid disk using equation ft = s[l - 2(f) + (y)2] (6)
(56) and the constant spin speed restriction, <j> = Q, is (12)
*3 3(f) 2(f)' (c)
( [ < ] + M){q*} - nlG1]^} = W} (6)
h = *Hy) 2 + (y)3]
where the individual matrices are provided in detail per Appendix
A. Equation (6) is the equation of motion of the rigid disk referred
to 5 with the forcing term including mass unbalance, interconnec- From equations (9), (10) the rotations can be expressed in the form
tion forces, and other external effects on the disk. For the disk
mass center located at (jjd, fd) relative to C, the unbalance force in
ffis [r}= [*]W d3)
W} = cosSlt + • • sinQt 0 - f t ' ft' 0 0 -i/i 3 ' ft' 0
0 [*] = LL* JJ (14)
r .ft' 0 0 ft' ft' 0 0 ft'.
{Q*}cosat + {Qds}smat (7) representing a matrix of rotation shape functions.
For a differential disk located at (s) the elastic bending, axial
By using equations (2, 3, 4) and premultiplying by [R] , equation load, and kinetic energy expressions are respectively
(6) transforms to

([Md] + [M*}){&} + u(2([MdT] + [MSR}) - \[Gd]){&}

- u2(([Md] + [Md]) +X[G']){jy*} = {P*} (8a) «.-na'[fL]{a-« T
EI 0
0 EI.

For the case of a thin disk (Ip = 2Iu) equation (8a) reduces to 1 (V'\ \P~P 0"
01 (V'\
d<S>\ (6)
2W .L
0 oPP\
. W (15)
{[Md] + [Mi])®?} + co(2[M£] + (1 - \)[Gd])fr]
- rf([Md] + (1 - 2A)[M!])fcf} = {Pd} (86)

Equation (8a, 6) is the equation of motion of a rigid disk referred

to (R with whirl ratio A = il/oi. It is noteworthy that in the transfor-

Journal of Engineering for Industry MAY 1976 / 5SS

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By using equations (10), (13), equations (15) can be written in the
matrix forms

d(?l = | E / { q W ' H * " ] M r f s (a)

dS*A = - \ p { q e f [ * ' f [ * ' ] {q°}ds (6)

rf3e =|M{q<T[*]r[*]{qe}ds

+ 1 ^ 4 , ^ + |&{q e }[*] r t*]{q e }^

- n { 4 T [ * r ] r t * B ] { q c } ^ (c) (16)
The energy of the complete element is obtained by integrating
equations (16) over the length of the element to obtain

<P%+(P'A + 3" = \ {q*HI*S] - [K\}){^\ Fig. 4 Assemblage of subelements

s = 0 and s = / respectively, the equivalent unbalance force from

+ \}l<f + <^{qeF[^]{qe} (I?) equation (21) is presented in Appendix A.
Equation (19) is transformed to whirl frame coordinates by
where using equations (2), (3), (4), extended to include four coordinates
at each end of the element, and then premultiplying by [R]T. In
[Af«] = / 0 V[*r[*] rfs (A) addition, since .££>= 2$p, the identity
M = /0^z,[*]r[*] ^ (»)
M r [ M / ] [ S ] = |[G«] (23)
[ # ' ] = / 0 W t * r ] [ * B ] <** (c) (18)
results and the transformed equation (19) is
[ifa']=-/0I£/[*"]T[*"]^ (d)
([M«] + [Mi]) {p e } + <*2[M}] + (1 - \)[G°]) {p»} + (([Jfj
[*i] = / > [ * ' n * ' ] * (e) 8 x 1

The elements of the matrices of equation (18) are included in Ap- - [K%]) - wH[M$] + (1 - 2 X ) [ M | ] ) j p 8 } = {P*} (24)
pendix A for the case of a uniform cross-section element under with
constant axial load.
The lagrangian equation of motion for the finite rotor element [M*\ = [R)T[M°][S] (25)
using equation (17) and the constant spin speed restriction, ij> = fi,
Bearings. The bearings utilized in this paper are limited to
those which obey the governing equations of the form
{[Mf\ + [ M J J ) { r ? } - 0[G«]{q«} 6 6
[c Kq } + mm =m (26)
+ ([Kil- M ) { q ' } = {Q e } d9)
2x 1
in fixed frame coordinates,
[G«l= ([#••]- [N°]i) (20)
where {q6}
and is referred to fixed frame coordinates. All the matrices of
equation (19) are symmetric except the gyroscopic matrix [Ge] \ Cyy Cyw
,[cbl = r" rb
which is skew symmetric. The force vector jQ") includes mass un-
balance, interconnection forces, and other element external effects.
and jQ6j is the bearing external force vector. Using equation (2) in
For an element with distributed mass center eccentricity (j; (s), f
(s)), the equivalent unbalance force utilizing the consistent matrix equation (26) and premultiplication by [R]T gives the transformed
approach introduced by Archer [2] is form

[R]T[G"][R] {pb} + [RF [K"}[R] {p"} = {P>} (27)

mx=/>w({^}coB« 2 x 1
in whirl frame coordinates. For nonisotropic bearings equation
f (27) contains periodic coefficients. This results in a parametrically
+ { ~ [ g ! | sinaA = {Q£}cosSM + {G&} sinSlt (21)
excited equation of motion. For isotropic bearings, however, equa-
tion (27) reduces to an equation with constant coefficients:
For the case of a linear mass unbalance distribution over the ele-
ment, as represented by the expressions, cnim + kiiw} = {p>} (28)
2 x 1
rj(s) = nL(l - j ) + %(y) where c and k are the isotropic bearing, damping, and stiffness
(22) coefficients respectively.
t ( s ) = fc (1 - j) + £R{j) Variable Cross Section Rotor Element. A typical rotor ele-
ment will possess variable cross sectional properties as illustrated
with (TJL, £L) and (TJR, fo) denoting the mass center eccentricity at in Fig. 4. The equation of motion for such an element can be ob-

896 / MAY 1976 Transactions of the ASME

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tained from the previous development by either evaluating the in-
tegrals of equations (18), (21), using the variable properties or by
treating the element as an assemblage of uniform sub-element
equations of motion as given in Appendix A. T h e assembled set of
subelelements then possesses [4 X (number of subelement sta-
tions)] coordinates which can be reduced by the following proce-
The assembled set of subelement equations, where assembly is
accomplished by utilizing the appropriate geometric displacement
compatibility constraints (see [7], p. 38) is of the form, in fixed
frame coordinates,

([MH + [MH]) (&°}a

Fig. 5 System configuration—example

= {Qe} (29)

Whirl Speed Analysis. For an assumed solution form, \h\ =

j/iol eat, for the homogeneous case of equation (34), the associated
(4 x n u m b e r of s u b s t a t i o n s ) x 1
eigenvalue problem is
A displacement dependency between the internal displacements,
|qB)6, and the element endpoint displacements, jq e ) a and |q e | C) can [0]
-[K8]-1^3] Q[KS]{S[G . ] ] { * . } = £&,} (35)
be imposed by considering the static, homogeneous case of equa-
tion (29).
For orthotropic hearings (kyw ~ kwv = 6) and zero damping, the
e eigenvalues of equation (35) appear as pure imaginary conjugate
' [ * " ] « [K°U [K }ac~
[K°]ba [K°]bb [K°]bc (30) pairs with the magnitude equal to a natural whirl speed. 3 T h e su-
[K%a [Ke]cb [K%c perposition of a solution with its conjugate represents an associ-
ated elliptical precession mode. Isotropic bearings produce circular
The internal displacement vector from the second row of equation precession modes for an isotropic rotating assembly.
(30) is For whirl frame coordinates, with isotropic bearings, equation
(33) transforms to the form
M 6 = -[*•&[*•!.{«•}. - lK'l£[K'\.{<f\. (3D [ M s ] { p s } + co(2[M s ] - X[G s ]){p s }
Using equation (31) and two identity statements, the following + ([Ks] - w 2 ([M s ] + X[G s ]){p s } = { P S } (36)
equation of constraint can be written 4M x 1

[0] The natural circular whirl speeds and mode shapes can be ob-
rt. [i]
ai*}. = - [Ke];l[K°]ba -[K°}j,{K°\c
[0] [I] X 1
tained from the homogeneous form of equation (36). These modes
are constant relative to (R and the two planes of motion are 90 deg
out of phase. It is necessary, therefore, to consider only one of the
two planes of motion and assume a constant solution jps) = jpo! =
where the columns of the constraint matrix represent static mode cnst. The associated eigenvalue problem is
shapes of the element. T h e transformation of equation (32) ap-
plied to equation (29) reduces the number of coordinates and asso- [tf s ]fto}= <o2([Ms] + X[Gs]){p0} (37)
ciated force components to eight, providing the same element 2w x 1
equation form as equation (19). The examples in this paper utilize
The In eigenvalues are real and the positive valves, wr, with associ-
this reduction of coordinates procedure to model elements of vari-
ated vectors jpo}(r) represent natural circular whirl speeds and
able cross-section.
mode shapes relative to R at the specified whirl ratio X.
System Equations of Motion. The assembled undamped sys- Unbalance Response. In fixed frame coordinates, the unbal-
tem equation of motion, consisting of component equations of the ance force for equation (33) is of the form
form equation (6), (19), and (26), is of the form
{Q*} = {Q*} c o s at + {Qj!} s i n at (38)
[A?s]{q*} - fi[Gs]{qs} + [it s ]{q s } = {Qs} (33)
An x 1
Thus a steady state solution of the same form
for fixed frame coordinates. For computational purposes equation
(33) is written in the first order state vector form (see [8] p. 410) {q s } = {q|} c o s at + {q8} s i n at (39)

[o] [M substituted in equation (33) yields

_[MS] - Q,[GS] :\}{*}
f[~M°] [0] ([KS] - a2[Ms]) - a2[Gs]'
L[0] [K*]
{h} = {H}
8w x 1
(34) a\Gs][([Ks] - a2[Ms])} . •' I S ) <«
where The solution of equation (40) and back substitution into equation
(39) provides the undamped system unbalance response.
m {o}
' For a discussion of the properties of gyroscopic systems, see Ziegler [9].

Journal of Engineering for Industry MAY 1976 / 597

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A = . V4 A - X -
r —
/ —*
i/—. - -
-=£ ~'~\~"~
P ---' " /

— ^ -- - /IT"" "~"~' 5
\A 1

--- -- ^
/ ! / — i
=L~ I r^ —
— i
\/ \^^~~

/ 7
^1*-- ^ — "^_-^-=—

i! (RPM x 10 )



Fig. 6 System whirl speeds e = eg eccentricity of

station 3

Fig. 7 System unbalance response

Table 1 Rotor configuration data

Element Subelement A x i a l Distance

t o Subelement
I.D. O.D.
For whirl frame coordinates with isotropic bearings, the unbal-
No. No. (cm)
(cm) ance response is obtained from equation (36) with to = Q (i.e., A =
1 0.00
1). In this case the unbalance force in equation (36) is a constant
relative to (R, hence, the unbalance response is also a constant rela-
5.08 0.76
7.62 2.03 tive to (R. From either of the two planes of equation (36) the un-
damped unbalance response is
3 8.89 2.03
10.16 3.30
10-67 1.52 3.30
11.43 1.78 2.51
1.27 M2w X 1 = ([Ks] - Q2([MS] + [G5]))-1^8} (41)

4 16.51 1.27
19.05 1.52

Numerical Examples. To demonstrate the application and

5 22.86 1.52
26.67 1.27 accuracy of the finite element model, a typical rotor bearing sys-
28.70 1.27
tem as illustrated in Fig. 5 is analyzed to determine its whirl
speeds and unbalance response. A density of 7806. kg/m 3 and elas-
34.54 1.52 2.03
tic modulus 2.078 X I0 1 1 N/m 2 were used for the distributed rotor
and a concentrated disk with a mass of 1.401 kg, polar inertia
0.0020 kg/m 3 and diametral inertia 0.0136 kg-m 2 was located at
Table 2 Whirl speeds—Case (a) station 3. The distributed rotor was modeled as a six element
member with each element consisting of several subelements. The
Whirl Whirl Speed (RPM) geometric data of these elements and subelements is listed in
Ratio Table 1. Two identical bearings, idealized as undamped and linear,
Positive Negative were located at stations four and six. The following two cases of
bearing stiffness were analyzed:
2 18,148 14,758
51,430 44,695
111,455 58,424
("«) kbyy = k"„ = 4.378 x 10 7 N/m,/4„, = kbwr = 0.
1 17,159
(b) k"vv = kbww = 3.503 x 1 0 7 N / m , ^ w = kbm
96,457 64,752
= -8.756 x 10 e N/m
1/2 16,700 15,858
49,204 47,520
85,552 69,640 This symmetric bearing is equivalent to an orthotropic bearing
1/4 16,481 16,060 with principal axes oriented at (45°, 135°) relative to the X axis.
48,800 47,957 Case (a) Isotropic Bearings. T h e undamped whirl speeds were
80,649 72,737
computed from the 14th order eigenvalue problem of equation (37)
0 16,267 for whirl ratios of 0, ± \ ±%, ± 1 , ±2. The first three whirl speeds
48,384 for each whirl ratio are listed in Table 2 and plotted in Fig. 6. The
unbalance response for a disk mass center eccentricity of 0.025 in.
at station three was determined from equation (41) for the speed
Spin Whirl Speeds range 0-30,000 rpm and is plotted in Fig. 7. Also by using the 56th
Speed order eigenvalue problem of equation (35) the natural whirl speeds
Forward Backward associated with a spin speed of 70,000 rpm were computed. These
speeds are also listed in Table 2 and plotted in Fig. 6.
19,838 12815 Case (6) Orthotropic Bearings. The undamped whirl speeds
70,000 50,555 45599 were computed from the 56th order eigenvalue problem of equa-
91,320 63990
tion (35) for several spin speeds. The first three whirl speeds are

598 / MAY 1976 Transactions of the ASftHE

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Table 3 Whirl speeds—Case ( 6 ) tained by the authors for the included examples and other rotor
systems indicates that the model is reliably accurate. The rotor el-
Spin Whirl Speeds (RPM) ement can be generalized to include the'effects of shear deforma-
tion, axial torque, and various forms of internal damping. It ap-
pears that the finite element approach can provide a valuable new
Forward Backward dimension to the analytical options available for studies of rotor-
bearing systems.
15258 14099
48384 40033
76387 66747 Acknowledgment
The authors wish to acknowledge the valuable assistance ren-
20000 16606 13762
48352 39997
dered by Dr. Edward Zorzi, Dynamics Specialist, AiResearch Man-
78177 65264 ufacturing Co., during the preparation of this paper.

40000 17310 13063

48293 39889 References
81917 62414
1 Eshleman, R. L., "Critical Speeds and Response of Flexible Rotor Sys-
tems," Flexible Rotor-Bearing System Dynamics, ASME, Vol. 1,1972.
60000 18102 12280 2 . Archer, J. S., "Consistent Mass Matrix for Distributed Mass Sys-
48157 39704 tems," Journal of the Structural Division, Proceedings of the ASCE, Vol.
86177 59548 89, ST4,1963, p. 161.
3 Ruhl, R. L., "Dynamics of Distributed Parameter Turborotor Systems:
80000 11497
Transfer Matrix and Finite Element Techniques," PhD Thesis, Cornell Uni-
47923 39436 versity, Ithaca, N. Y. Jan. 1970.
90457 57057 4 Ruhl, R. L., and Booker, J. F., "A Finite Element Model for Distribut-
ed Parameter Turborotor Systems," JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR
INDUSTRY, TRANS. ASME, Feb. 1972, p. 126.
100000 19655 10747 5 Lund, J. W., Rotor-Bearing Dynamics Design Technology, Parts III,
47549 39077 IV, AFAPL-TR-65-45, May 1965.
94510 55079
6 Green, R. B., "Gyroscopic Effects on the Critical Speeds of Flexible
Rotors," TRANS. ASME, Vol. 70,1958, pp. 369-376.
7 Hurty, W. C, and Rubenstein, M. F., Dynamics of Structures, Pren-
tice-Hall, Inc., 1964.
listed in Table 3 and are plotted in Fig. 6. The unbalance response 8 Meirovitch, L., Analytical Methods in Vibrations, MacMillan Book
Co., 1967.
with the same unbalance as for case (a) was computed for the 9 Ziegler, H., Principles of Structural Stability, Blaisdell Publishing
speed range 0-30,000 rpm. The response orbits are elliptical with Co., 1968.
principal axes oriented at (45°, 135°) relative to the Y axis. The
semimajor and semiminor axes of the orbits for station 3, are plot-
ted in Pig. 7 versus spin speed for the above speed range. For this
case (nonisotropic) the backward whirl modes are excited as well
as the forward whirl modes by the unbalance force. Hence, it is in- Rigid Disk Matrices
teresting to note that the system precession changes from forward "m„ 0 0 0
to backward to forward as the spin speed passes through the first 0 % 0 0
backward critical speed. [M*] =
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
ro o o o "1
Summary and Conclusions 0 0 0 0
A finite element model including the effects of rotatory inertia, [Mj] =
0 0 ID 0
gyroscopic moments, and axial load has been developed for a rotat- _0 0 0 ID_
ing shaft element. The equation of motion of the element is pre-
sented in both a fixed and rotating frame of reference. The rotat- ro o o o i
ing frame equation is particularly useful for isotropic systems since 0 0 0 0
the two planes of motion can be treated separately, while the fixed
[G*] =
0 0 0 /p
frame equations provide tha generality of handling problems with 0 0 Ip 0
nonsymmetric bearing stiffness and damping. The major disad- r
vantage of the fixed frame finite element formulation is that the 0 ~md 0 0~
order of the system matrices is larger thereby requiring a large m 0 0 0
[<] = 0i 0 0 0
The finite rotor element was applied to a typical rotor bearing _0 0 0 0
system to illustrate the procedure and accuracy of the model. Nat-
"0 0 0 0 "
ural whirl speeds and modes were calculated by using both the
0 0 0 0
fixed and rotating frame formulations. A separate 26 station IK1 = 0 0 0 -ID
lumped mass analysis of the case (a) example was run to obtain a
comparison with the finite element results. The whirl speeds ob- 0 0 ID 0
tained using the 6 station finite element analysis were all higher
For IP = 21B, [MdR] = %[G
than the 26 station lumped mass analysis. For the whirl speeds
listed in Table 2, the largest difference between the two analyses "0 0 0 0 '
was less than 4 percent for the third forward mode at a whirl ratio 0 0 0 0
[&] =
of +2. 0 0-/, 0
The finite element model can easily be utilized to model rotor- _0 0 0 -Ip
bearing systems for purposes of determining critical speeds, stabil-
ity, unbalance response, transient response, etc. The results ob- For Ip = 5 ID, [G*] = - 2 M

Journal of Engineering for Industry MAY 1976 / 599

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Finite Shaft Element Matrices 0 skew sym
156 0
156 sym -22/ 0 0
0 156 \xl 0 -22/ 4/2 0
0 - 2 2 / 4/2 \_mT\ /on
420 0 -54 13/ 0 0
id 221 0 0 4/2 54 0 0 -13/ 156 0
[Mfi = 420 54 0 0 13/ 156 13/ 0 0 3/ 2 22/ 0 0
0 54 - 1 3 / 0 0 156 0 - 1 3 / -3/2 0 0 - 2 2 / '4/2 0
0 13/ -3/2 0 0 22/ 4Z2
L-13Z 0 0 3/2 - 2 2 / 0 0 4/2.
36 sym
0 36 lo^ + io^
0 -3Z 4Z2
_ ju"r' 3/ 0 0 4Z2 £L1 + tRl
[Mg\ = 20 20
120/ - 3 6 0 0 -3Z 36
0 -36 3Z 0 0 36 QL QR
20 30
0 -31 -f 0 0 3Z 4/ 2
0 0 Z2 - 3 / 0 0 4/2
fo nJ + lo v*f
h^l + h **1
skew sym
36 0
-31 0 0
2[ir2 0 -31 4/2 QL QRL
[G«] = 120/ 20 20
0 36 - 3 / 0
-36 0 0 - 3 / 36
t /2 + — tCR 72
~ QL
30 20
-31 0 0 3/ 0
L 0 -3Z -f 0 3Z 4/2 0_ "30 ^ ~ 20 ^
12 sym ' 7 3
0 12 £R1
~20 ^ ~ 20
0 - 6 / 4/2
6 / 0 0 4/2
[Ki] = ~ -12 0 0 -6/ 12
|o vj + fo vJ
0 - 1 2 6/ 0 0 12
0 - 6 / 2/ 2
0 0 6/ 4/2 To ^ - fo VR12
L 6/ 0 0 2/ 2 -61 0 0 4/2 J ~ t /2 - — t f
{Q1} = ^ 20 QL 36 QR
36 sym
fei QR
0 36 20 20
0 31 4/2
3/ 0 0 4/2 fo V + |o "^
= ih
M 30/ - 3 6 0 0 - 3 / 36
lo ^ 2 + fo vJ2
0 36 + 3 / 0 0 36
0 - 3 / -/2 0 0 3/ 4/ 2
L 31
0 0 -Z - 3 / 0 0 4/ _
30 ^ 20 £ * ? .

600 / MAY 1976 Transaction:-- of the ASME

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