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" Superman Anatomy: Explained”
Growing up with comic books and watching your favorite heroes save the day was the
best life could offer.

But many of us were always curious as to how these heroes get their superpowers.

Hello, everyone and welcome to "______". For today's video, we will be unveiling how
Superman's superpower works. If you are a true Super Fan and as thrilled as I am, make
sure you watch the whole video and hit the subscribe button for more amazing videos.


The last survivor of Krypton, and initially named Kal-el, he was sent to Earth as an infant
to keep him safe among our people. His parents from Planet Earth- the Kent’s, adopted
him and named him Clark. They tried their best to instill him with the very best facets of
humanity. But Kent’s understood the fact that being human does not vouch for humanity
and their kid was no ordinary child. When the evil dawned, and everyone's safety was
under threat, all chanted one name- The Superman.

The name itself suffice what god-like abilities he holds; from flying up and beyond to
having the strength to lift an entire Jumbo Jet. He is more than what his looks offer.
Under the surface of Kryptonian skin are his organs that gives him these abilities, but are
they human-like or completely alien. For this purpose, I have collected adequate
information for each of his superpowers.
Let’s find them out.


In the first step to understanding the origin of his abilities, we will try to scrutinize his
genetics. His cell structure gives an idea of the base of is power. The epithelial cell,
which plays the role of protecting our skin from outside dirt and bacteria and sometimes
acts as a receptor, is unique in Superman. It operates analogously to the hybrid of animal
and plant cells.

The membrane of its cell seems to follow plant cells' characteristic and can store energy
by photosynthesis. This process in Kryptonians' inner working is similar to humans'
ability to synthesize vitamin D from sunlight.

The Kryptonians do not exhibit what we call "superpower" under their own Krypton red
sun and have the strength and ability similar to humans. But the sun of our solar system
seems to essential overdrive synthesis, which allows them to access a nearly limitless
supply of energy.
We have seen Superman walking out of a catastrophic event just fine, be it a train crash,
explosions, or natural disaster. These abilities are the result of the same cell that
processes light so effectively.
The cytoplasm, which plays the role of protecting the internal organelle in his Kryptonian
skin, responds abruptly to the outside behavior. For example, a gentle touch would feel
totally normal on his skin, but a slap or punch will make his epidermis as hard as steel. In
fact, his skin's tensile strength appears to be far greater than the most robust metal on
Earth. The cytoplasm, epidermis, and dermis combined with the fact that he comes from
a more extensive and denser planet than Earth makes him difficult to be destroyed


Clark had shown his metahuman abilities several times, which are in contrast to human
senses. It might be challenging to explain because his optical system is so different than
ours and what he "sees" is hard to put in words.
But for our viewers, we have divided his sense of sight into three sub-categories to get a
better understanding:

 Telescopic & Microscopic Vision:

The words telescopic and microscopic are at the opposite end. While one helps him
recognize an event taking place hundreds of miles above the Earth's surface, the later one
helps to reach on a sub-atomic level.
Just a glance is enough for him to understand anything deeply. This superpower means
that he has multiple layers of lenses of different thickness and can easily adjust the
distance between lenses and retina, as per requirement.
The process is automatic. But to justify his range and accuracy, we will need further
studies which are under process.

 X-ray Vision:

From his abilities, it seems evident that Superman is capable of sensing or seeing a vast
range of the electromagnetic spectrum. From X-rays to megameter-long waves and
gamma waves, his distinctly alien working of the eye to modify and even reflect these
While he can see through all material except lead, the term "X-ray vision" is inaccurate,
considering that the object he sees is non-radiated.
Maybe he can perceive the length of radio and sound waves in complex layers and
visually observe how they interact and reflect from matter.

 Heat Vision:

Superman can project heat from his eyes, which is a beam of radiation. He confirms that
the energy is generated by solar power. The actual data about the power of these rays is
insufficient, but evidence suggests that it is equal to a bolt of lightning and can generate
up to 53.5-degree Fahrenheit.

After carefully examining his abilities, we learned that just like mammas have the
reflective layers of tissues behind their retina, which allows them to amplify available
light. Similarly, Superman has the ability but on a different and enhanced level. He has a
variation of retroreflector made of an optical crystalline material. The best possible
mechanism is that light enters this retroreflector and goes through a series of lenses until
it reaches the iris. Earlier stored solar energy could undoubtedly be the key to the process.
Since light builds strength through reflection and amplification, photons are produced in
trillions, vibrating in the same direction and frequency. A beam of highly focused energy
is generated.

Superman breathes subfreezing air. After watching his incredible lung capacity on several
occasions, we got to link this behavior with the Joule-Thomson effect. According to this
effect, the temperature of compressed gas or liquid changes when forced through a valve.
To understand this, take the Earth's atmosphere, which is made up of nitrogen and
oxygen, and Superman's respiratory system is an insulated system, and his lips act as

When he inhales, some unidentified organic processes in his chest compresses these
gases and superheat them. When he exhales, the heated and compressed air expands
quickly. The faster it grows, the quicker it cools. The video evidence supports that this air
compression is around 3000 pounds per square inch.

To support this mechanism, his diaphragm has to expand at a collapsible rate, and his
lung tissues have to be extremely elastic for this purpose.
Aside from this, his external muscle has to be very much developed to expel compressed
air at such force.
These two abilities: the superheated vision and super frozen blow, both can become
unable to combat if Superman ever chooses to go antagonist for the day.

It has long been accepted that the gravitational pull of each planet is different.

Taken from the abilities of Superman, and his origin that trace back to a denser planet
with far more gravitational pull proves the facts about his strength.

Before discovering that he could fly, Superman used to leap and jump off great height
and distances.

Also, seen lifting and throwing objects 100 times larger than his own body weight says a
lot about his strength.

Based on observations and collected data, we can confirm that his muscular strength
exceeds five sextillion metric tons of force. We don't even have a compression machine
build yet to test his force.

With hid humanoid appearance and his metahuman strength, we can say that there is
more to his strength than just gravitational disparity.

Which brings us back to his energy being generated by our yellow sun. The higher his
exposure to sunlight, the stronger his strength. He might even have conscious control
over his blood vessel, allowing him to dilate to provide a boost of energy as needed.


Taken into account, his limitless energy supply could provide Superman internal
phenomena to generate a varying amount of electricity, which in turn reacts to Earth's
magnetic field. This electromagnetic induction could undoubtedly be considered flight.
Our galaxy thrives because of powerful solar magnetic waves; this explains how he
travels through space.
His solar “batteries” would need to interact with natural radiation, carrying him around
effortlessly into the air.
He just doesn't need to eat to maintain his health. He doesn't need to breathe for an
extended period, all thanks to his cells, which convert light to fuel.
Perhaps, he forces himself towards an object and is propelled towards it, giving the
impression of flight. Still, further research is needed to justify clearly.

Science has proven that there are certain decibel levels. Beyond one specific range, a
human can't listen to certain sounds.
But Superman, with his super senses, sure can.
From infrasonic to ultrasonic and from distant places and in more detail than a human
being, he has super hearing abilities.
He has trained his brain to block out most noises to function in the everyday world. And
has fine-tuned his listening process to be able to pick one single sound, narrowing down
to the point of hearing the beat of a single human heart from a distance of miles, or
maybe a conversation made across a city.
A sound is a form of energy that is produced by vibrations in a medium. When something
vibrates, it pushes the air molecule next to it, thus forming a wave until the energy or
vibration is passed from molecule to molecule until it is over.
Our ears have their own mechanism of collecting, amplifying, and transducing the
sounds into waves that the brain uses to perceive and localize sounds. Sound is measured
in hertz.
An average human can listen in the range between 20 to 20,000 hertz.
Other species of animals like birds can listen to as low as 0.1 hertz.
But the hearing ability of Superman cannot be measured.
That can be accounted on his ear structure. His outer appearance as the rest of the body
appears human-like, but his middle and inner ear anatomy must different.
It's possible that his cholera, which is responsible for converting sound into a signal for
the brain, is filled with matter which is denser than ours.
But some questions like how he can pick up sounds at such great distance?
Or How can he direct this sense to seek out and differentiate specific sound? Is still under
research and study.


Nobody can deny the fact that Superman can move and fly at an incredible speed.
Some fans might question how Superman is capable of flying around the world in few
moments without causing any damage or crossing interstellar distances in days instead of
The only reasonable answer is theoretical at the moment.
Combined theory of general relativity by Einstein and quantum field theory, we can
prove it.
Here's basic reasoning: He repeatedly torn through the space-time, creates wormholes
that exist for a fraction of nanosecond. When he appears to be passing at the speed of
light, it's actually just an illusion of him flying through a quantum channel.


The most crucial part of any human or Kryptonian is his brain. Superman's mind must
have a function layout totally different than ours.

His brain has a more advanced neuro-synaptic structure, which accounts for Superman's
more excellent memory, senses, and faster nervous system, while also attributing in part
to his strength and speed. Logically, his nerves would need to fire more quickly to power
more evolved muscle tissue at a greater rate. This likely also means that Superman
primarily perceives everything around him in "slower motion" than most humans.
Without the sun, he would likely still be capable of moving & thinking between 40 - 90
times faster than an average person.
The actual development of new regions in the brain, or greater access to all areas. The
prefrontal cortex is the central structure in the human brain, which accounts for our
higher development compared to most other species. Taking it a step further in
Kryptonian bodies, their minds may have developed regions which can allow for psionic
abilities, such as telepathy, eidetic memory, and limited telekinesis. This telekinesis
would need to be amplified by energy from the yellow sun (else only done via extreme
concentration). This would be one way to account for Superman's ability to fly under a
yellow sun; the only other option is some form of graviton manipulation via some new
All of these would be latent, normal abilities ANY Kryptonian would have on their
planet, just on comparatively lower levels; this would, primarily, be the result of that
planet's gravity, environment, atmosphere, and cosmology as well as perhaps a relatively
quicker rate of their race's evolution weeding out many of their weaknesses.
But on Earth all these abilities are upgraded to "super."


As to every human, there are some weaknesses to which a human can't fight. In the case
of Superman, he can fight any force of any strength on Earth, but he does have his own
weaknesses too that can be used against him if one day his evil side takes up his

We should always be aware of our weaknesses.

Superman is known to be vulnerable to Kryptonite. Kryptonite is particularly irradiated

debris from his destroyed home planet. Data collected from LexCorp and S.T.A.R labs
show that kryptonite's presence hinder's supermans' synthesis process, which is slowly
weakening him to an equal strength of an ordinary human or maybe even weaker.
If there ever comes a time to fight against him, Kryptonite will be our ultimate weapon
against him.
He himself has admitted his weakness towards so-called magic in the past, usually from
other dimensional sources.
Alongside the Kryptonite, another proven to be effective against his abilities is Red Sun.
It will act opposite to our Yellow son and generate a depower effect, which is similar to
kryptonite poisoning, but usually without any symptoms.
As mentioned earlier, Kryptonians have the strength equal to humans under the
Kryptonian sun's red glow. When Superman is exposed to its radiation, he will eventually
lose the enhanced strength and metahuman abilities that he gained from the cellular
storage of our sun's radiation, making him an ordinary human.
Depending upon its intensity, red-sun is effective in captivating Superman without
causing permanent injury.
We agree that we can't bring the red-sun into our solar system to depower Superman.
Still, with proper equipment, the radiation can be re-created and even stored using Justice
League Technology.

Nevertheless, none of these methods of subduing him would be considered foolproof.

Superman is brilliant and has, on many occasions, overcome insurmountable odds.

He is living proof that power doesn't always corrupt. But his mind has been controlled in
the past, and others exist with the means to mimic Superman's abilities. Every precaution
needs to be taken to ensure the safety of humankind. Superman himself understands the
need for this contingency, which gives more reason to love and respect him.


That’s it for today’s video. Which of the superpower of Superman is your favorite?

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