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October 27, 2021 (Wednesday)

In this day we had our first synchronous session which was the orientation of our hospital pharmacy internship.
The session was very informative of what we should expect to do all throughout the internship. As the session goes by
when the preceptors discuss all about hospital pharmacist or what a pharmacist in a hospital, I became much more
excited of what was to come because I think this internship was so very interesting and I am looking forward to the most
since I am planning to work as a hospital pharmacist once I’ve graduated. So, I really hope that this internship will give
me an insight about the essence of being a hospital pharmacist.

November 1, 2021 (Monday)

In this day was the start of our lesson proper about hospital pharmacy internship. Our preceptor was Sir Edward
Tolentino. Sir Edward have a good communication with the students, very approachable and interactive. Whenever he
ask questions to the students he pauses his lecture and gives time to the students to answer and also to explain much
more his lesson for us to understand well. The session was organize, the content was pleasingly in order and the details
were explained in a simple manner that every student can easily understand the lecture.

November 2, 2021 (Tuesday)

In this day was the second day of our lecture. The preceptor discussed or what we say teach us on how to fill up
the dangerous drug forms. I knew that this form is one of the forms that we will be filling up when we will be working as
hospital pharmacists and that I was interested the most to learn. Even in this day my internet connection was slow I am
trying my best to pay attention so that I will know in the future on how to fill it up or what to write in the form.

November 4, 2021 (Thursday)

In this day the lesson was pharmaceutical calculations and it made refresh my mind about the pharmaceutical
calculations subject from our first year class. I also remember the equations that would be used for the problems, and
also some techniques such as ratio and proportion and dimension analysis. However, other equations like how to
calculate the number of moles, Molarity, Infusion rates it really hard for me because I had no or not much idea at the
time of the discussion. However, sir Edward our preceptor was able to teach us well step by step and I was able to
understand since he presented everything and showed the right equations and solutions. By the end of the discussion he
was also share his PowerPoint presentation and it was very helpful for us to understand well the equation much better
and access them any time.

November 8, 2021 (Monday)

In this day, we learned about medication orders and how to fill up the medication profile of the patient and how
to transcribe the medication orders. I learned that in order to transcribe medication you have to be a good listener,
know how to handle a patient, know what to ask in order to get the right medicine and to avoid mistakes by filling up
the forms.

November 9, 2021 (Tuesday)

In this day, was the lecture for clinical pharmacy. It was an analytical session where we really had to be focused
on the cases because every information counts. We had to take note of all the important information such as patients
profile, the symptoms, medical history, and other information.

November 10, 2021 (Wednesday)

In this day also, the preceptor presented different cases and discussed how to take the case and what
information we need to take note of.

November 15, 2021 (Monday)

In this day, the preceptor discussed critical appraisal wherein we would have to critic a research paper and how
it help to evaluate if the research is truly beneficial for the common good.

November 16, 2021 (Tuesday)

In this day, we learned how to analyze the case and fill up the patient drug database, transcribe the medication
orders, pharmacist intervention form, and Drug therapy assessment worksheet.

1 Physical Facilities In this activity, I was able to None

identify the different
rooms in the Pharmacy

2 Organization and Personnel In this activity, I was able None

know the collaborative and
functional relationship/s of
the different hospital
positions and departments
with the Pharmacy
3 Functions and Policies In this activity, I was able to None
know what are the rules
and regulations for the new
classification of hospitals
and other health care
facilities in the Philippines.
Also, I was able to learn the
management within the
hospital pharmacy.
4 Philippine Covid-19 Living In this activity, I was able to None
Recommendations know the different
medications and
recommended and not
recommended in the
management of COVID-19
5 Off Label Use In this activity, I was able to None
know other treatments
aside from what the drug is
indicated for.
6 Pharmaceutical In this activity, I was able to None
Calculations learn how to calculate for
the desired stock level
using the formula in the
Hospital Pharmacy
Management Manual of
the Department of Health
7 Pharmacoeconomics In this activity, I was able to None
learn how to evaluate a
pharmacoeconomic study.

8 Drug storage In this activity, I learned None

the different storage

9 Drug storage In this activity, I learned None

the different storage

10 Drug storage In this activity, I learned None

the different storage

11 Drug Disposal In this activity, I learned None

the different ways of waste
12 Prescriptions In this activity, I learned None
how to identify the
different types of
prescription errors and
what to do with them.
13 Distribution of Vaccines In this activity, I learned None
and drug distribution how the drug distribution
systems system works and how are
vaccines distributed.
14 Emergency cart In this activity, I learned None
what are the different
medications put in the
emergency cart and their
15 Dangerous drugs In this activity, I learned None
the different guideline on
how to manage dangerous
16 Dangerous drugs In this activity, I learned None
the different properties of
the different dangerous
drugs presented.
17 Papertabs and In this activity, I learned None
Extemporaneous how to calculate the
compounding amount of drug in a paper
tab and the amount
needed to compound a
18 Rate infusion, units, and In this activity, I learned None
hyperalimentation fluids how to calculate the said
19 Root cause analysis In this activity, I was able to None
learn how to identify the
different causes to certain
20 Disaster preparedness In this activity, I learned None
what to do in times of
21 Dosing Calculation In this activity, I learned None
how to calculate doses
based on the different
types of situations.
22 Compounding and drug In this activity, I learned None
calculations how to calculate
compounding and drugs
23 Parenteral Nutrition In this activity, I learned None
the difference of total
parenteral nutrition and
parenteral nutrition.
24 Medication reconciliation In this activity, I learned None
what to ask the patient in
order to clarify and record
25 Transcribing medication In this activity, I learned None
order how to classify the
different types of
medications based on how
they are taken and the
situation. I also learned
how to fill up the
medication order form.
26 Drug Therapy Assessment In this activity, I learned None
Worksheet how to fill in the DTAW and
was able to learn how to
evaluate a drug therapy
27 Adverse drug reaction In this activity, I learned None
how to fill-in the adverse
drug reaction form and
how to transcribe the case
to the form.
28 Medication error In this activity, I was able to None
learn how to identify
medication related errors
and provide appropriate
interventions. I also
learned how to fill in the
medication error report
29 Drug therapy assessment In this activity, I learned None
AMS ART how to apply
pharmacotherapy and
perform drug therapy
30 Drug therapy assessment In this activity, I learned None
PEDIATRICS how to apply
pharmacotherapy and
perform drug therapy
assessment in the
31 Drug therapy assessment In this activity, I learned None
GERIATRICS how to apply
pharmacotherapy and
perform drug therapy
assessment in the
32 Drug therapy assessment In this activity, I learned None
NEUROLOGY how to apply
pharmacotherapy and
perform drug therapy
assessment in the
33 Drug Therapy Assessment In this activity, I learned None
CARDIOLOGY how to apply
pharmacotherapy and
perform drug therapy
assessment in the
34 Drug therapy assessment In this activity, I learned None
CRITICAL CARE how to apply
pharmacotherapy and
perform drug therapy
assessment in the CRITICAL
CARE area
35 Drug therapy assessment In this activity, I learned None
RENAL how to apply
pharmacotherapy and
perform drug therapy
assessment in the RENAL
36 Critical appraisal In this activity, I learned None
how to critic an appraisal
wherein I was able to
evaluate a research
properly and discern
whether it is credible and
37 Drug information In this study, I learned how None
to apply what I learned in
our lesson “critical
appraisal” and was able to
learn how to search
appropriate and credible
drug information for the
drug inquiry.
38 Good clinical practice (GCP) In this activity, I was able to None
learn the concepts of good
clinical practice in research
and how important it is to
be adapted to the conduct
of clinical research.
39 World health organization In this activity, I was able to None
vaccination familiarize myself with the
standards affecting current
practices affecting clinical
pharmacy operations and
the different roles of each
healthcare member in the
multidisciplinary team.
40 Patient education prior to In this activity, I learned None
discharge how to create an accurate
medication list and provide
comprehensive medication
information to the patient.

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