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Leading University

Mid ICE Preparatory Assignment

Summer 2021
Course Title- CSE-561: Neural Net and Fuzzy Logic Date: 02/10/2021
Total Marks: 100

Question#1 Marks - 5

True or False. Each question is worth 1 point. Place answers in the space (______).*
a) (______) From the Pattern Recognition perspective, the main focus on NNs as efficient
models for statistical pattern recognition rather than biological realism.
b) (______) There are three types of Neural networks training.
c) (______) Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm is a off-line method gradient descent.
d) (______) Rumelhart state that ``If neuron A repeatedly contributes to the firing of
neuron B, then A's efficiency in firing B increases''.
e) (______) Rumelhart (1969) offered solution to XOR problem by combining perceptron
unit responses using a second layer of units.

Question#2 Marks – 20

Write Short Note:

a) Machine Learning
b) Cost function for Logistic Regression
c) Fuzzy Logic
d) Debugging Gradient descent
e) Choosing Learning rate
f) Fuzzy Subset
g) Dilation
h) Fuzzification
i) Defuzzification
j) Supervised vs. Unsupervised

Question#3 Marks - 15

a) Calculate the weights change using the backpropagation algorithm in this 2 layers NN.

All baises set to 1. Learning rate η=0.1, input [1,1] with target [0,1]. Use identity
activation fuction, means no activation fuction, so g(a)=a.

Question#4 Marks – 15
a) Why Deep Learning
b) Explain the structure of the CNN
c) Write short note about RNN and DBN.
Question#5 Marks – 20
a) Calculate the number of parameters involved in the following shallow ANN and in the
convolutional network.

Fig: Shallow ANN

Fig: CNN with 5 X 5 local receptive field, 2 X 2 Max pooling, 100 sigmoid fully
connected and 10 softmax output layers

Question#6 Marks – 10
a) Let ϻA is known (e.g., bright, old, cold etc.) and that have some measurements.
Then define the meaning of
i. ϻvery A
ii. ϻvery very A
iii. ϻmore A
iv. ϻNot very A
v. ϻless A

Question#4 Marks – 15

Design a Fuzzy Control for the Weather Alarm system for sea ports, where input and
output are following (use the Annex 14) –
(a) Classification of Cyclones
i. Wind speed 31 miles/hr or 50 km/hr
ii. Wind speed 32-38 miles/hr or 51-61 km/hr
iii. Wind speed 39-54 miles/hr or 62-88 km/hr
iv. Wind speed 55-73 miles/hr or 89-117 km/hr.
v. Wind speed 74 miles/hr or 118 km/hr or more.
(b) Warning signals for Sea Port : I to X

(a) Merchant/International vessels and Fishing boat should stay away from the deep
(b) Merchant/International vessels and Fishing boat should stay near the sea port
(c) People should avoid the seashore
(d) People should stay at their home
(e) People should look for the cyclone shelter
Wind speed Warning signals Output
Wind speed 31-35 miles/hr III (a)
Wind speed 36-40 miles/hr VI (b)
Wind speed 41-45 miles/hr VIII (c)
Wind speed 46-50 miles/hr X (d)
Wind speed 51-55 miles/hr II (a)
Wind speed 56-60 miles/hr IV (b)
Wind speed 61-65 miles/hr VI (c)
Wind speed 66-70 miles/hr VIII (d)
Wind speed 71-75 miles/hr X (e)

Find the answer for your Fuzzy Controller for the below inputs
Input 1:
• Wind speed 42 miles/hr
• Warning signals = VIII
• Output = ?
Input 2:
• Wind speed 53 miles/hr
• Warning signals = X
Output = ?

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