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1. No answer here guys it free mark

2. ▪To conduct elections
▪To announce the winner
3. Legal aspect
4. ▪Magna Carta of 1215
▪Charter of Mande of 1222
5. To make the suspected personnel involved on money laundering activities to disclose off
6. ▪Formal learning
▪Informal learning
7. ─To control the type of medicine needed in the country.
─To restrict the use of medicine in some ways
8. Misdemeanors
9. Gender roles
10. Counseling
11. Child Sexual abuse is any sexual act imposed on a child or young person by
close relative while Child Sexual assault is any sexual act imposed on a child by a
12. Avoidable marriage
13. It is because women are more than men in the country. So for that reason for reason they
must participate in order to contribute to economic development.
14. They get into the soil and slowly release toxic chemicals which kill animals when


1. (a) Checks and balance is when the three organs of the government (Executive,
Legislature and Judicially) check each other to ensure that they are operating within the
(b) Native Authorities consisted of chiefs and other traditional leaders. Duties performed
by included the collection of taxes such as poll tax and hut tax. They also issued licenses
such as dog license, bicycle license and store license.
(c) Party list system states that whole country forms one single constituency. There is no
constituency delimitation. After the election, Parliamentary seats are shared among
the political parties according to the proportion (percentage) of the total votes they
have scored

(d) The rule of law means that the government or those in power rule the country in
accordance with the constitution and the other laws of the country. No one is above the
(e) The electoral code of conduct is a set of rules and principles that regulates the conduct of all
stake holders before, during and after elections

2. (a) Cultural heterogeneity refers to a society that contains a variety of groups of different races,
beliefs, religions and nationalities.
(b) Ila people
(c) ▪ Respect for elders
▪ Extended family system

(d) Rites of passage are rituals that one undergoes to mark an important change in a person’s
position in society. For example, naming of a newly born baby, initiation, marriage, death
and after death ceremonies.

(e) Intermarriages
(f) ▪ Prejudice
▪ Stereotyping

3. Study the chart below and answer the questions that follow
Cannabis Cannabis plant (i)…………………………
A Poppy Plant Chronic constipation
Damages heart and kidney
B Leaves Of Coco Plant

(a) A= Narcotics or Opiates

B= Cocaine
(b) It is smoked or injected into the blood
(c) ▪ Icamba
▪ Dobo
(d) ─ Makes the user feel exhausted
─ Makes one have high appetite for food
(e) ▪ Exhaustion and lack of sleep (Insomnia).
▪ Sweating.
▪ Over alertness and elevation of mood.

4. (a) ▪ Collect surplus funds from the general public

▪ Transfer funds from one person to another by means of a cheque or credit card.
(b) A person keeps money in the bank and receives interests for a period of time.
(c) Credit card
(d) The banks don’t refuse to borrow money to people
(e) ▪ Amount of money needed by a prospective applicant
▪ Customer’s creditworthiness i.e. customer’s reliability to repay money borrowed.
(f) If the sum of money borrowed from the bank is huge
5. (a) Avoidable marriage
(b) Case law
(c)▪ Mental disorder of any of the parties.
▪ Willful refusal to consummate the marriage by any party.
▪ If the child born is not the husband’s child.
(d) ─ Deformation of character
─ Insults
(e) Pro-bono


7. - Improving the provision of education as education is a very powerful tool for poverty
- Improve food production and empower small scale farmers.
- Improve health status of people of Zambia especially the poor.
- Reduce the incidence, infection and socio-economic impact of HIV and AIDS.
- Increase access to safe water and sanitation.
- Promote agricultural sector which will be able to export and ensure increased household
income and food security.
- Promote rural electrification to attract investments and reduce unemployment in rural
- Increase access to factors of production such as land and farming implements.

A constitution is a system of law, customs and principles usually written down,
according to which a country or organization is governed. It is the supreme law to which all other
laws of a country are subordinate. There are two forms of constitution which include flexible and
rigid constitution.

A rigid constitution is a form of constitution that can easily be amended or changed

by the majority of the citizens in of a country. A good example is the Zambian constitution. The
only part of the Zambian constitution that is not flexible is the Bill of Rights because it requires a
referendum for it to be amended.

Another form of constitution is a rigid constitution. This form of constitution is not

easy to amend or change. This type of constitution is usually enacted by a different body which
has a higher status than ordinary laws. Examples of rigid constitutions are those of Britain, the
United States of America, Switzerland and Austria. This form of constitution can only be
amended by a special body and special procedure. Such bodies include Constituent Assembly
(CA), National Constitutional Conference (NCC) and the Referendum (Plebiscite).

The merits of a constitution to a country are that it promotes and protects the rule of
law, sets out the composition and functions of the wings of government, safeguards the
fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens, is owned and guarded by the citizens, ensures
democratic governance and last but not the least it fulfills the individual’s potential.

In conclusion, it is very important to have a constitution in a country because people

should know how they are supposed to be ruled.

Conflict is the misunderstanding between two or more people or between countries for
example Zambia fighting with Malawi. Conflict can be caused by history, immigration, Injustice, poverty,
illiteracy and unemployment and last but not the least mismanagement of Economic Resources. Below is
the discussion of the causes of conflict.

The first cause is that of history Research has revealed that historical reasons have contributed
to emergency of conflicts in many parts of the world. The conflicts between Christian and Moslems in
many parts of the Middle East have something to do with long standing animosities and mistrust dating
back to the first millennium AD. It is also true that the interpretation of history may initiate a conflict
between people as is the case in Rwanda and Burundi in the Lake Region of East Africa. The reasons for
the unresolved conflict between the Lunda and Luvale in Zambia have something to do with their
histories and how they are interpreted today.

Another cause is Immigration. In a region where there is high population against few
resources, massive foreign immigration breeds resentments by the host people. In most cases, such a
situation leads to political violence. Examples are found in Central and Western Cote devoir (Ivory Coast)
where an influx of immigrants has initiated serious xenophobic conflicts.

Injustice wherever there is injustice peace will never prevail. This is because injustice, which
manifests itself in many ways, is the source of anger, frustration and resentment to the existing
government. Wars of independence were fought in many parts of the world against the governments that
did not practice justice.

Poverty, illiteracy and unemployment in many Third World Countries poverty and inequality
in accessing goods and services increase tensions that lead to conflicts in urban areas. It is in the urban
areas where there are thousands or millions of the unemployed poor people, also known as the Lumpen
Proletariat (in Zambia commonly called Kaponya) who are usually easy targets for war recruiters and
political extremists.

Mismanagement of Economic Resources Conflicts is also started by groups of people in

countries where there is poor governance, corruption and widespread poverty. In such countries people
know that national resources are mismanaged and such realization triggers serious resentment and
political instability leading to conflicts. This is worse where a small minority controls the state.

In conclusion, it is not good to be living in the world of conflict because it brings to effects to
human life. People are killed, women are been raped and children become emergent soldiers.

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