Civic Education: Social Studies Pamplet

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PAST PAPERS 2014------------- 2017


Prepared by Mr phiri.j Contact No :0964501252. 0953498987

1. Study the diagram below of the Coat of Arms and answer the questions that

A. What is the importance of the coat of Arms?

B. Where is it used?

C. What do the hole and the pick on the coat of Arms stand for?

D. What does the zebra symbolise?

E. Identify the features that is found on the coat of Arms and also on the Zambian flag.

F. Explain the meaning of the black and white wavy lines on the coat of Arms.

G. Apart from the zebra which features represent Zambia’s natural resources?


A. - It is the symbol of the national identity.

B. - On government documents as a head

- on government billboards

- on high official government ranking

C. - The country’s economic backbone e.g. agriculture and mining.

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D. - Wildlife resources

E. - Fish eagle

F. - The wavy lines is a representation of Victoria Falls and the Zambezi River with the white
water cascading over black rock.

G. -maize cob

2. Study the picture of an eagle below found on some of our symbols of national identity and
answer the questions that follow:( 2015 pp)

A. What type of an eagle is shown above?

B. Mention two symbols of the national identity on which the above picture is found.

C. Write the words of line number three in the third verse of the National Anthem which
refers to the eagle.

D. State three ways by which citizens show respect towards symbols of national identity.

E. Give two reasons why it is very important for an individual to belong to a nation.

F. What does the eagle as a symbol of national identity represent?


A. - Fish eagle

B. - National flag - coat of arms

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C. - Like a noble eagle in its flight

D. - they stand still when singing the national anthem

- they carry the national flag when representing the country

- they sing the national anthem on national gatherings

- they use the coat of arm on national documents

E. - To be protected the nation.

- To enjoy the rights of citizenship.

F. - The conquest of freedom and nation’s hope for the future

3.In Chabwino, the date of elections was announced by the president, Sibeso Zulu woke up
early in the morning to prepare herself to go and vote. She carried the necessary documents
required in the voting process. Sibeso quickly went to the place where she was registered to
cast her vote.(2016 pp)

A. What is the day of elections called?

B. State the time when voting begins and ends.

C. Which two documents did Sibeso Zulu carry to enable her to vote?

D. What is the name given to a place where registered voters go to vote?

E. Who is in charge of the place mentioned in question D above?

F. The minimum age for a qualified voter in Zambia is?

G. The elections in which Sibeso Zulu participated were declared free and fair. State two
reasons for the importance of free and fair elections.


A. - polling day or voting day

B. - Starts at 06:00hrs and ends at 18:00hrs.

C. - National Registration Card (NRC) - Voter’s card.

D. - Polling station

E. - polling assistant

F. - 18 years

G. - It demonstrates democracy - it encourages political liberalization

Prepared by Mr phiri.j Contact No :0964501252. 0953498987

4. The body that conduct elections in Zambia is called the Electoral Commission of Zambia
(ECZ). THE Commission carries out a number of functions before and after election is held.
Describe the election procedure in Zambia.(2014pp)

(a) Meaning of election

(b) Election procedure


A. - An election is a formal decision-making process by which a population chooses an

individual or individuals to hold public offices(s).

B. Election procedure

(i) Dissolving parliament: the president dissolves parliament, brings all elected MPs to the
end of their term.

(ii) Delimitation: it is the process whereby the electoral commission of Zambia divides the
country into areas represented by Members of Parliament, which are called constituencies or

(iii) Election timetable: the electoral commission draws up an election timetable for the

(iv) Registration of voters: the director calls for registration of voters.

(v) Nomination: the commission fixes the date, time and place for submission of nominations
by candidates.

(vi) Campaigning: political parties and candidates start campaigning to convince voters to
vote for them.

6. Why are laws needed? Explain the types of laws

(a) Importance of laws

(b) Types of laws


A. - helps to maintain law and order

- Regulation of behaviour

- protects the rights of people in the country.

B -.International laws

-National laws

Prepared by Mr phiri.j Contact No :0964501252. 0953498987

7. Explain the functions and qualities of money.

(a) Functions of money

- Medium of exchange: people accept money in exchange for goods and services

- Measure of value: the value of goods and services can be measured with money

(b) Qualities of money


A. - Medium of exchange: people accept money in exchange for goods and services

- Measure of value: the value of goods and services can be measured with money

B. – Portability

- durability

- divisibility

– acceptability

- uniformity

– limited supply

8. (a) What are the qualifications for one to be the Republican president in Zambia

(b) Explain the functions of the Republican president in Zambia

( c )What is the work of the cabinet ministers?


A. - should be a citizen of Zambia

- should be thirty-five (35) years of age and above

- should be of good character

- is supported by a political party

- is literate and conversant with the official language (should have grade 12 certificate).

- Have both parents as Zambians by birth or descent.

- has been domicile in Zambia for at least 20 years.

B. - is the head of state

- gives instructions to all ministers and civil servants

Prepared by Mr phiri.j Contact No :0964501252. 0953498987

- is the commander in chief of the armed forces

- can nominate up to 8 members of parliament

- can dissolve parliament

- can declare a state of emergency

- can sometimes exercise the prerogative of mercy

- can appoint and dismiss senior government officers such as the vice president, cabinet
ministers, chief justice, ambassadors and attorney general

- can appoint the commander of security forces.

C. - To advise the president on various matters concerning the nation

- make government policies

- answer questions from members of parliament in the national assembly

9. (a) Explain what a family budget is.

(b) Identify and explain parts of the national budget.


A. - A family budget is a budget in which a family come together to budget for expected
income and expenditure

B. Income or revenue: this is the income generated from taxes and other sources, such as
funding from donors.

- Expenditure: this is how the government plans on how they will spend the money on
government projects and pay for essential expenses at all levels of government.

10. (a) What are the qualities of money?

(b) Explain the law of supply and demand.


A. - Portability

- durability

- divisibility

– acceptability

- uniformity

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– limited supply

B. - The law of supply and demand states that the price of an item will go down if the supply
increases, or if the demand for the item decreases.

- On the other hand, the price of an item will go up if the supply decreases, or if the demand
for the item increases.

11. Citizenship unites people who belong to different races, ethnic groups and religions.
Citizens work together in peace and harmony to improve their lives. They also learn to solve
their problems together without discriminating each other.(2016 pp)

(a) Who is a citizen?

(b) Explain the duties of a citizen


A. - a citizen is a person who is a member of a country and enjoys all the freedoms and
privileges of that country.

B. - be patriotic and loyal to the nation and promote its wellbeing.

- contribute to the wellbeing of the community where a citizen lives

- promote democracy and rule of law

- foster national unity and live in harmony with others

- Vote in national and local government elections

- provide defence and military services when called upon to do so.

- carry out with discipline and honesty legal public functions

- pay taxes and other dues as required by the state

- assist in the enforcement of law at all times

12. (a) Explain the relationship between the local and central government.

(b) What are the source of revenue for councils?


A. - local government take care of issues such as housing, water and sanitation, trade,
transport and roads which falls under the branch of central government as ministry of local
government and chiefs affairs

B. - It collects revenues from the trading centres such as markets and shop owners.

Prepared by Mr phiri.j Contact No :0964501252. 0953498987

- It collects rent from the housing units under the council

- It collects levy from the transporters.

-it also collects levy from the water supplied by the council.

13. (a) What are fundamental human rights?

(b) Explain the following categories of human rights,

(I ) Civil and political rights,

(ii) Economic, social and cultural rights.


A. - They are the basic freedoms and privileges that all people enjoy simply because they are

B. (i) Civil and political rights,

- Civil rights refer to our most basic rights as human beings, such as the right to life.

- Civil and political rights are related to the principle that people have the right to a life of
liberty and freedom.

(ii) Economic, social and cultural rights.

- Economic rights is about the right of people to earn an income that enables them to have a
decent standard of living.

- social and cultural rights provide people with protection against having basic things in life,
such as food, shelter and health care, taken away from them

14. (a) explain the types of constitutions.(2017pp)

(b) Why is the constitution important?


A. - Written constitution: it is in the form of one specific document which describes the basic
principles of how a country is governed. A written constitution can be flexible or rigid.

- Unwritten constitution: it is not written down in the form of a specific document.

B. - It is a supreme law of the land

- It defines the powers and functions of the government, and how they may make new laws.

– It outlines fundamental human rights.

– It clarifies the responsibilities of its citizens

Prepared by Mr phiri.j Contact No :0964501252. 0953498987

– It inspires and provides a country with clear vision on which way the country should

15. (a) What is a parliamentary Bill? (2017 pp)

(b) Describe the various stages through which a bill is passed in parliament before it
becomes law.


A. - it is a proposal for new law or a proposal to change an existing law that is presented for
debate before parliament

B. - The first reading when it is introduced in parliament

- The second reading: the general merits of the bill are considered

- The committee stage: which considers the bill line by line proposing amendments and the
committee reports to the legislature

- Third reading: debates at which the bill as amended is considered in its entirety

16. (a) What is trade?

(b) Explain the challenges associated with trade.


A. - Trade is the selling and buying of goods and services.

B. - Poor transport and communication e.g. poor roads and communication networks.

- Unfair competition e.g. where large companies can produce goods on a very large scale
and sell them cheaply making it impossible for smaller companies to compete.

- Poor quality of products. Goods imported from cheaply are often of poor quality.

- Counterfeit products can have very negative effects on the income and reputation of the
original products.

17. Study the map below and answer the questions that follow

Prepared by Mr phiri.j Contact No :0964501252. 0953498987

A. Mention the first capital of Northern Rhodesia located at A,

B. Why was the capital moved to site B in 1935?

C. Which British private company built the rail line shown on the map?

D. Identify two ways in which the company mentioned in question C managed to get mineral royalties
from African chiefs.

E. What was the aim of the welfare society which was formed at a place marked C?

F. The British government took over the administration of Northern Rhodesia in 1924. State any two
features of colonial rule.

G. In 1957, a federation joint project was built at the area marked D. what was the major aim of this
project to Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) and southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)?


A. - Kalomo

B. - Because Lusaka was a central place

C. - British South African Company (BSAC).

D. - Agreements - treaties - concession

E. - To fight colonialism.

F. - Land was reserved for white ownership along the line of railway.

– local people had to pay taxes to the British government high paying jobs were reserved for white

- local people were not allowed to own any form of business.

- Use of force to maintain control or put down rebellion

Prepared by Mr phiri.j Contact No :0964501252. 0953498987

-use of traditional authority figures = denial of rights

- deprives people self-governance

-dependency on the colonizer

G. - The Kariba dam which was meant to generate electricity


1. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

1. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.





A. What is delimitation?

B. Name the institution responsible for carrying out the process depicted in the diagram

C. What name is given to the book in which the names of voters in elections are written

D. Name the process labelled X in the diagram above?

E. What is to lodge a nomination?

F. With whom do candidates in Local Government elections lodge their nominations?

G. What is an election campaign?

Prepared by Mr phiri.j Contact No :0964501252. 0953498987

H. What is meant by secret ballot?

I. List two things that a voter needs in order to vote in a general election.


A. The dividing of the country into constituencies for the purpose of elections

B. Electoral Commission of Zambia

C. Voters register

D. Campaign period

E. To submit all the requirements needed for a candidate to be declared eligible to

contest an election.

F. Returning officer

G. A process when a candidate tries to persuade voters to vote for him/her and not other

H. A system of voting whereby the only person who knows who he/she has voted for is
him/herself only.

I. -Voter’s card

-Green National Registration Card

2 A. Discuss any six (6) factors which lead to human rights violation.

B). what are some of the obstacles to reporting human rights violation


A.-Lack of information; when people lack information they are ignorant of their rights. This
may make them easily be oppressed.

-Poverty; when people are poor their rights are usually violated by the rich

-Corruption; when people are corrupt they do things which are prohibited in the society.
This may result into violation of other people’s rights.

-Conflicts; this leads to wars in a country. When a country experiences wars people do not
enjoy their rights.

-Selfishness; greed and lack of compassion lead to violation of human rights. E.g. thieves and

Prepared by Mr phiri.j Contact No :0964501252. 0953498987

-Culture: some elements of culture and religion lead to violation of human rights. E.g. in
some cultures girls are denied the right to education in preference to boys.

-Poor governance can also cause violation of human rights. E.g. a bad government cannot
buy medicines in hospital, cannot support education etc.

B. -Fear of victimization

-Lack of support


-Lengthy court procedures

3A). Discuss the levels of conflict in society

B). what are the major causes of conflict?


A, -Individual conflict

-Community conflict

-International conflict

-Family conflict

-National conflict

B. - Wars

-Economic census





-Individual differences

-Cultural differences

-Clash of interest

-Social change

3A). Define citizenship and state any two ways through which one can become a Zambian

Prepared by Mr phiri.j Contact No :0964501252. 0953498987

B). Discuss any three duties of a citizen in Zambia.


A .Citizenship is a state of belonging to a particular country

-One can be a citizen of Zambia if

i.A person was born in Zambia. This is what is called citizenship by birth.

ii.A person whose parents either a father or mother were born in Zambia. This is referred to
as citizenship by descent.

iii. A person who has lived in Zambia for 10 years and his application to become a
citizen has been accepted by the citizenship Board of Zambia. (citizenship by registration or

B. - Pay tax: a good citizen should be able to pay tax without being forced to do so with
regard to the economic activity which he or she does. This is important because each country
to run smoothly it depends on the revenues collected through taxes throughout the country.

-Obey laws: laws in each and every country are important because they help in maintaining
peace and order. Without citizens obeying laws Zambia cannot be a good place to stay in.

-Report crime: all citizens in Zambia have to show love for their country. This is shown by
making sure that all manner of crime are reported to relevant authorities.

-Voting: every legible citizen has a right to vote. This is important because it promotes
democratic governance. Therefore, those who shun voting do not support democratic

Prepared by Mr phiri.j Contact No :0964501252. 0953498987

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