IN-FORMATION: October 2020 Issue

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OC TOBER 2 02 0


Leadership through Covid19 ....... 2
National Executive 2020/24 ........ 3

National Director’ desk ............... 4

Prayer & Bible studies ................. 5

Faithfully engaging scripture ....... 6

IFES Global day of Prayer ............ 8

May, our month of prayer........... 9

Christian Concept of Leadership 12

Schools Section - NSLC ................ 15

Staff Conference 2019................. 16

STEM Training ............................. 17

My story in God Story ................. 18

Celebrating Class of 2020 ............ 19

PRAYER & PRAISE ........................ 20


MR RAMASOBANA & MS MUNGWANE • Online National Conference
>> page 3 12th December 2020
• National Council Meeting -
DR RORY PREST CHRISTIAN 11th December 2020
• Leadership Training



Faithfully Engaging with the NATIONAL OFFICE

Old Testament Passages

021 685 0942
>> page 6



"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you..." *Rory Prest Memorial Fund *
Isaiah 43: 2
At the heart of our discipleship and leadership develop-
Covid 19 has brought to light the fact that even with the ment in SCO is staff. The presence of Staff often determine
best plans and resources it is ultimately the Lord who not the quality of our graduates. The lack of enough staff
only knows but is in charge of our future. As the Lord as- workers in SCO has been attributed to the weak quality of
sured the children of Israel of his presence even as they go our graduates in terms of both their spiritual maturity and
through the storms of life, we too have felt the assurance Leadership capacity. Presently SCO has less than 10 full
of God's presence through the storm of the Covid pan- time staff members and over 50 000 students and learners
demic. We want to first pass our condolences to our mem- to serve. Through the Dr Rory Prest Memorial Fund we aim
bers who lost their loved ones through this disease. To to raise a minimum of R1 million a year by inviting at least
those directly and indirectly affected, be assured of our 1000 SCO Associates to give a minimum of R1000 a year.
prayers and support. This Fund will be used primarily towards employment of
staff. Through this fund we hope to employ about 10 new
staff members a year. In our Strategic Planning we realized
*National Leadership Conversations* we need at least 75 staff workers to effectively serve our
One of the positives to come out of the Lockdown is the constituency. Our aim as the new NATEX is to increase our
Zoom National Leadership Conversations we launched present staff by 30 in the next 4 years. Given the number
back in May. IFES BOARD CHAIR Bro Septi Bukula shared of Associates we have produced over the years, SCO has
with us his motivation for involvement in different leader- the numbers to ensure that we achieve this. All we need is
ship roles; Dr Eva Seobi, Prof Rocky, Bro Ish Mkhabela and the willingness and commitment to make this a reality.
Rev Frank Chikane from the SCM Turfloop 70s Class spoke Jesus said "For where your treasure is, there your heart
about the impact of SCO ministry on their various leader- will be also" Matthew 6: 21. To ensure that we uphold the
ship journeys; and Bro Pastor Thandi Memani and Prof legacy of SCO ministry we must invest our treasure in this
Dave Holgate reflected on the merger of SCA and SCM to great ministry.
form SCO, as first SCO Board Chair and Treasurer respec- Lastly, congratulations to the new SCO National Executive
tively. These Conversations have served to connect the which was elected on Saturday 27th June. We hope the
SCO family from across the country and even those out- next four years will be a fruitful time as we serve the Lord
side the country. It is heart warming to witness particularly through the SCO ministry together. We also want to thank
our veterans reconnecting with the SCO ministry. Second- our outgoing National Deputy Chairperson Mr. Lusapho
ly, they have afforded us as the present SCO leadership an Mlandlu, National Treasurer general Mrs. Mabel Ndlovu
opportunity to learn from the wisdom of those who served and National Training and development officer Mr.
before us. The National Leadership Conversations will con- Mathew De Smidt for their unwavering support and ser-
tinue once a month through out 2020. vice in this student ministry.

Mathew De Smidt Natex 2017/2020

Lusapho Mlandlu

NATIONAL The New Elected National Execu-

tive Committee members.

EXECUTIVE - 2020/2024 The following leaders were elected to lead

SCO for the next coming four years.

1. National Executive Chairperson:

Mr Jack Koma (re-elected for 2nd term)
2. National Executive Deputy Chairperson:
Mrs Sinazo Mboye (re-elected for 2nd
term, previously served as National Secre-
tary General).
On the 27th June 2020 SCO hosted a successful National Council meeting which includ-
3. National Secretary General:
ed the election of the new National Executive. Below are the members of the 2020 - Mr. Ramasobana Mokgophana (1st term)
2024 National Executive committee. May we continue to pray for them and support
4. National Treasurer General:
them. Mrs Noncedo Mungwane (1st term).

Let us pray for their leadership journey,

pray for God's wisdom and strength. We
are truly grateful for their availability to
serve God in SCO. Below is the current
staff team.

STAFF - 2020
Ms S Mboye Mr Motseki Sosibo
National Chairperson National Legal Advisor
National Deputy Chairperson National Director

Ms Sibongile Maseko
Gauteng Provincial Director

Mr Phumlani Mhlongo
KZN Provincial and National
Schools Director

Ms Noluvuyo Masindi
Mr. M Sosibo Mr. M Ramasobana Ms N Mungwane
National Director National Secretary General National Treasurer General
National HIS Director/
STEM Coordinator

Mr Khayalethu “Casta” Zatu

Western Cape School’s Staff

Ms Reta Ntloko-Nyatela
Associates Staff
Eastern Cape

Ms Toliwe Ndabankulu
ECN Administrator
Ms M Mafokoane Mr. O Tsomoko Mr. C Tjege
National Schools Chairperson National Associates Chair- NATHIEX Chairperson
Ms Nthabeleng Brown
National Administrator

3 3
National 2

Director’s Desk
D ear SCO friends and ministry partners,

The first half of the year has been a roller coaster ride
for all. A year full of ups and downs, a year that
eventually shepherded us into a “National Lockdown” as
National Director, Mr Motseki Sosibo & his family
the world adapted to the nascent but rapidly growing
pandemic called “COVID-19 aka Corona”.

As I write this newsletter South Africa has passed +100 days of As part of the rebuilding phase, I started the year 2020 with a
the lockdown and is currently at “Level 2”. We have collectively focus on capacity building and putting Organisational structures
evidenced God’s gracious hand and protection on our country in place. NATEX organized an induction weekend training in Jan-
and the rest of the African continent. As the Sosibo family, we uary for the newly appointed Provincial Executive Committee
have witnessed God's consistent preservation over us. My wife (PEC) of Gauteng. This was an important activity commissioned
and I have been working from home since the lockdown. Initial- by NATEX in collaboration with the newly appointed Gauteng
ly, it was challenging, but we have since developed a working PEC. A lot of planning and prayer went into this training event. I
rhythm and subsequently adjusted to the new realities. Our trust that the appointed leaders are fully equipped for the work
daughter, Thato is currently enrolled for Grade 5 and happy to ahead as the mandate of rebuilding God’s work in the province,
report that she is back to normal schooling. The twins (Leano such as putting structures in place and advancing the vision of
and Atang) are still at home and will not go back to Creche any- the Organisation continues.
time soon. Their big sister Siphokazi is busy with her CTA exams
at UNISA while job hunting.
“And they said, ‘Let us arise and build’. So they strengthened
their hands for the good work.” Nehemiah 2: 18b
The national lockdown has introduced and embedded newness
Ministry during lockdown
to the SCO ministry. I recall the seminar I did on “Social Media as
a new mission field” seven years ago at the Ignite Conference. As proponents of prayer, SCO made use of the first 21 days of
How I wish the church and organizations had listened and pre- national lockdown in March to engage in prayer. This included
pared for this season we find ourselves in. The church and para- praying for South Africa and its leaders to navigate how to miti-
church movements had to wake-up from their slumber and em- gate the scourge of the pandemic.
brace the world of social media.
In April, the ministry took a new shape as we moved all our ac-
tivities to virtual (on-line) platforms. On the other hand, where it
was deemed necessary, the implementation of some of the
Looking back on the ministry pre-lockdown, I am honoured to
planned activities were postponed to a later stage. We started
have been asked by the leadership of the National Schools Com-
with prayers, Bible studies on the book of Acts and Romans and
mittee to be a speaker at National Schools Leadership Camp in
also had a joint staff Bible Engagement training with our IFES
December of 2019. I was mandated to speak on the book of
sister movement Eswatini Fellowship for Evangelical Students
Nehemiah, which SCO has been focusing on for the past three
years. This is because as an Organisation, we are in the process
of rebuilding the movement. We all recall how Nehemiah as a May God continue to bless and protect you all. We serve a faith-
leader mobilized people as part of the rebuilding of the walls of ful and loving God. Paul in the book of Romans 8:31-39 reminds
Jerusalem and their responsiveness to the call to duty. Despite us that “Nothing can separate us from the love of God”. As we
the external constraints confronting this generation, the cited go through life and its challenges, let us be reminded that the
individuals responded positively with a high level of enthusiasm love of God is so deep for us.
and commitment. This passage of scripture from the book of
Nehemiah serves as a case study to the SCO (Schools ministry) to “Nothing can separate us from the love of God”
persevere as we rebuild the work in our different regions and Romans 8:37-39
A wonderful life experience.
>> Magdaline Mafokoane
Praying for various issues with Corona Virus at the center stage was touching and emotional at times.
Even though the country and the whole world were on panic, the number of infections rising on daily basis that was the time of
ceaseless prayers. Keeping social distancing never meant keeping a distance from God. Men and women of faith cried out in one
voice for divine intervention.
Scriptures and prayer items were always relevant for each day. During these hard times the team stood firm, interceded for our
country and the world at large, preaching God’s power to heal. There was plenty of time to connect with our Heavenly Father and
learnt more about His unconditional love for His children. It was really such a privilege to be part of prayer warriors.
We joined hands praying for our leaders – the President and his cabinet, asking God to guide and give them wisdom to take in-
formed decisions.

Touching moments: Praying for the frontline workers, thinking The joys: Despite being on lockdown, the prayer sessions had
of the sacrifices they make, putting their lives at risk. joyful moments. The laughter, there was always that feeling of
togetherness in God’s presence. Exciting indeed.
Challenges: The only challenge was connectivity. Since we re-
lied on technology, on other days it would take me the whole It is really a blessing for me to be amongst the team that is not
session trying to connect but in vain. shaken by circumstances but the one that stands firm on God’s
word and keeps trusting in Him. Only God can change the situa-
Significance: The morning prayers were quite significant as
tion. May the God of Peace heal the world.
they brought - Spiritual enrichment and growth in faith. Serving
others and caring for those in need.

“It is really a blessing for me to be amongst the team that is not shaken by circum-
stances but the one that stands firm on God’s word and keeps trusting in Him.”


>> Nathan Theunis

If anxiety, depression and stress could speak, they would probably tell us to worry more instead of joining a prayer group. Reality is,
prayer is a much needed commodity in our everyday lives.

Our SCO Online Prayer Nights have faithfully stood the test of the city of Beirut and the Lebanese IFES-movement, Lebanon
time amidst all seasons. What began, in March, as a powerful Intervarsity Fellowship (LIVF).
platform for mutual edification and intercession at the start of
the nationwide COVID-19 lockdown, has now grown into a sta- "Friday Prayer sessions have been a great experience for me. I
ble friendship, brother and sisterhood amongst it's core values have grown in knowledge and understanding of the Word of
to stand-in-the-gap for one another, the organisation, the coun- God" says Sisipho, a UWC associate. She exclaims that these
try and the world. online prayer sessions have induced her appetite for prayer.
"Although in the lockdown corporate gatherings have been
Held at the end of every week on Saturday mornings, between restricted, through [our] Zoom all night prayer we were able to
00:00 & 05:30 - this nationwide prayer has joined associates connect and pray. I never knew that technology would give
together irrespective of one's geographic location through the access to corporate fellowship and prayer in this way, Praise be
online video conferencing platform, Zoom. to God", she adds. Prayer sessions are yet set to resume on
During the month of April intercessions were made for the Friday midnight through to Saturday mornings. To join, message
Covid 19 pandemic to draw to an end. In May, the group lifted SCO South Africa on social media for the WhatsApp & Zoom
up personal and organisational needs. In June & July interces- Details.
sions were further spirit-led with prayers for #BlackLivesMatter,



Faithfully Engaging with the

Old Testament Passages

“My brother, you need to build an altar in your house ry, we notice that God fulfilled his promise of a blessing to Abraham
through Christ who is his offspring. Further, God has fulfilled his prom-
where you connect with God as Jacob did at Bethel! You
ise to be with us just as he fulfilled the promise to be with Jacob as he
need to put a condition to your tithes like Jacob, don’t went to Laban’s. More importantly, Christ is “the staircase to heaven”-
just pay the tithe! You must respond with the faith of he is our access to the father!
Jacob to God! We must imitate that great patriarch and Christ is the stairway to heaven; he gives us access to the father, he is
give God conditions for him to act on our behalf and on God with us and promises to be with us to end of the world.
his promises.” Finally, we must appreciate that the OT is full of people who desired to
Friends these are some of the unfortunate readings and conclusions know and relate with God so that they could live in God-honoring ways,
people derive from various texts and pass on as legitimate interpreta- just like we do. Inevitably, there will be good and bad examples. As a
tion and applications for themselves and their communities. They find people of faith today, and in light of what we know about God and His
these to be of spiritual significance yet they are mistaken on the teach- purposes in Christ- we know what is bad and good from these stories.
ing of that particular text just as they often are with many texts. The For instance, in the Jacob story God appeared to Jacob and promised
above conclusions and application are drawn from Genesis 28:10-22. that he would fulfill his promise to Abraham through Jacob. Jacob did
not fully believe God and gave a conditional response.
Serious questions do arise on engaging with the Scriptures and for our
purposes here, engaging with the Old Testament (OT). Why should we
read the Old Testament? How should we interpret and apply its mes-
sage as new covenant Christians? Most people and particularly our Then Jacob made a vow, saying, “If God will be with
students struggle with motivation for reading the OT as they think that me and will watch over me on this journey I am
the New Testament (NT) is more of God’s word than the former. This is taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to
untrue. All of the Bible is God’s inspired word (2 Timothy 3:16). As a
wear so that I return safely to my father’s
matter of fact what Jesus and the apostles had were the OT scriptures.
Their use of them in their public ministry certainly attests to them as household, then the Lord will be my God an] this
God’s word. Again, OT finds fulfillment in the NT. Thus for you to fully stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God’s
understand certain things happening in NT, you need to go back to the house, and of all that you give me I will give you a
original context in the OT for that to make complete sense. So we must
tenth.” (Genesis 28:20-22, NIV, emphasis added).
have the same desire to read and understand the OT the same way we
do for the NT.

Now let us address the second question, how should we read, interpret The above response seems like a response of faith which we can make
and apply the OT as new covenant Christians? Firstly having understood to God today. But a closer look points to the contrary.
that all of Scripture is God’s word we therefore need to embrace all
This is a conditional response lacking 100% faith commitment to God’s
Scripture as God’s story. This story has a beginning, a middle and an
end. So various events of the Bible are located at different places on
the story’s timeline. Secondly, we need to understand that this story How are we to apply that to our situation today? From where we stand
has one overarching purpose- God story is moving towards one end in the story of God, there are things we know which Jacob did not
result which is to: “to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth know. We know that God fulfilled his promise to Abraham through
under Christ” (Ephesians 1:9,10). So as we read the Scriptures and Christ, and that Christ is not only the “stairway” (28:12) to heaven but
particularly the OT, we must have this overarching purpose of God in he is God with us. So God fulfilled his promises. So our response today,
mind. The OT points to and finds fulfilment in Jesus. unlike Jacob, is that we can fully and unconditionally worship and trust
God who fulfills his promises “For no matter how many promises God
Coming down to the particular story, how do we engage with it faithful-
has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is
ly as part of Scripture? Because the particular story is part of the bigger
spoken by us to the glory of God” 2 Corinthians 1:20, NIV.
story, you need to look at what comes before it and what comes after
it. We call this context. So we can't interpret and apply a text without Friends this is just one of the many examples in which we can encour-
considering its context. We also, in view of what we mentioned above, age people to faithfully engage with the text, especially the OT.
need to ask what in the story is fulfilled by Christ. From the Jacob sto-



I learned how to "rightly For me it has laid a very The Bible exposition out- Learning how to read the
divide the word of truth". robust foundation on how line is what was key for Bible faithfully and also how
The tools I received from to CORRECTLY interact me because it helps one to preach it faithfully, I found
the training have helped with the Scriptures for not to read the Bible out it to be very helpful. Even
me understand the Bible maximum personal gain of context. You get what though it's not very easy to
more and be better pre- and as a result be able to the author originally in- unlearn the wrong method
pared for leading others in effectively help others do tended to be understood. one has been using but God
Bible Study. the same and benefit This helps one not to go will help us.
Vuvu, SCO HIS Director fully. off course when applying
Simo, ESWAFES Intern
Zazi , ESWAFES Intern the passage.
Zethu, ESWAFES Intern

“Friends, this are some of the unfortunate readings and conclusions people de-
rive from various texts and pass on as legitimate interpretation and applications
for themselves and their communities.” Mr Mkhululi

Online Prayers and Bible Studies

With the National Lockdown upon us, as an Organisation we had to look other through the
and think of new ways of doing student ministry and life online. With the word of God. In the
help of technology, we moved into the online spaces to reach out to our midst of a pandemic
students, associates and learners, although this seemed to pose a signifi-
where there is uncer-
cant challenge especially to learners and students who had limited access
to data and Wi-Fi. This continues to be a great challenge with which we
tainty and fear, it was
need to strategies and find ways in which we can reach students in our a great blessing to
country with the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ Online looking at the stand together in
4IR before us. prayer. My under-
standing of the fellow-
With the programs we held online, we asked for feedback from our mem-
bers to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the programs online. ship of the brethren
and love grew, which
Sisipho, a graduate of the University of the Western Cape had reminded me of the Words of Jesus that say we should love one
this to say: another. Being indoors for long brought weariness, however
It has been a great blessing to participate in SCO prayer sessions. these prayers made me to have something to look forward to.
These sessions impacted my prayer life tremendously and en- Furthermore, my insight about SCO as an organization grew, the
couraged me to read the Bible regularly. Although the lockdown role it plays in schools, universities and to fellow associates in
restricted gatherings and enforced social distancing, these ses- spreading the Gospel. These sessions have equipped me,
sions enabled us to have virtual fellowship. Henceforth we could strengthened my faith and in nutshell I would also encourage
pray for one another, for our loved ones and our nation, share others to join.
testimonies about the goodness of God and encourage one an-
Online Bible Studies 8
>> cont.
The SCO prayers and Bible study also helped and reminded me that it is
meetings held online have been a not about our works, dedication in the
good time for us as the SCO family, church, giving and all, but we are
Associates, Students and Learners. saved through the grace of God and
Acts 13:36
Since the lockdown, we have been that only through Christ we are saved
spending a lot of time in fellowship, in and nothing else.
the word and prayer. We have been
SCO strongly believes in studying the
going through the book of Acts and the
word and prayer in small groups as
book of Romans. l am personally learn-
one of our core fundamental values.
ing how to be a good Bible reader,
Reference to this is found in our SCO
and teacher of the word. These ses-
sions also help me to be able to con-
duct small group Bible studies at
ments. SCO staff worker, Mr Zatu.
church, home and at SCO branches.
Going through the book of Romans has

“The invitation to partner with us in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and
joining us in our Bible studies and prayers Online stands. The details are at the
bottom of the page.”


PRAYER DAY - 9/5/2020 >>Sinazo Mboye SCO National deputy chairperson

On the 9th of May, we had our 2020 One Saturday evening on the 23rd of May, while on my study break I was going through
different WhatsApp statuses and came across Nthabeleng’s status reflecting on the on-
SCO National Students Prayer Day. As going IFES day of Prayer. I had been meaning to join in one of the ongoing SCO prayer
the NATHIEX, we were greatly hon- sessions as it was SCO’s month of prayer but my schedule had not yet allowed it. I
thought to myself that this was perfect, it was just what I had been looking for and
ored to be part of the event planning
quickly asked Nthabeleng to send me the link to the Zoom meeting.
Team and the event program. And
It was nearly midnight in South Africa but broad daylight in the US which was hosting the
learning that it was a yearly tradition IFES day of prayer. I’d been studying at the time and I was already in my most comforta-
for SCO students to have this event, ble clothes (lol, read pyjamas) I decided to keep my video off – feeling grateful for the
online platform that allowed this. I joined the meeting and was immediately blown away
fired us up to make this initiative a
by the size and diversity of the gathering. I was also taken by the sharing in the group, so
success. What made things even open and so reflective of the state of the world in 2020. Pretty soon after joining the
more exciting was seeing students meeting I was assigned to a small group with whom to pray. My cloud of anonymity
quickly vanished as I grabbed a jersey to look presentable! I was paired up with two
and SCO elders across the entire other believers from two other IFES ministries who shared the needs that had come up
nation join in unison in prayer united as a result of the COVID_19 pandemic worldwide. It struck me how students were now
more than ever looking to connect to God and to the dynamic power of the Word and
in spirit calling on the Lord Jesus. For
the Blood. How we, who are in student ministry, needed to reach out to students who
me that was an amazing experience! are lost. We were united in our need for resources for the ministry to reach out to stu-
We had around 40 participants. We dents. We shared the need to pray for the rising needs and particularly for the availing
of resources in the wake of the dire need that was creeping in.
thank God for the work done, and
While we were in 3 different countries, the needs were the same: the staff was
trust Him that next year session will
stretched thin, the students were worried, the medical resources were limited and the
be even greater! yearning for God palatable. It also struck me that in the midst of the crisis, we could see
God’s hand of protection and love in very chaotic times. When we rejoined the larger
Calvin, NATHIEX Chairperson zoom plenary session we were able to get insight into what happened in some of the
groups and jointly pray and thank God.
SCO PRAYER & BIBLE STUDIES ONLINE I’m grateful for the time we had to share, and to hold each other in Prayer, agreeing on
MEETING ID: 865 3256 0627
the Lord’s goodness and provision. We spoke different languages and at times needed
translation but we knew that our hearts were one in Him. I’m glad I got that post and
had opportunity to join with our international community in prayer, pyjamas and all!
KwaZulu Natal Provincial Prayer
The Provincial leadership of KZN hosted Prayer on
Was Church beyond the 4 walls Zoom collaborating with church leaders and associ-

The Prayer was a huge success with the attendance

of a majority of church leaders, staff workers, asso-
ciates and students representing their branches.
Phumlani Mhlongo, the Provincial Director had a
slot on how the church can be involved and partner
with SCO. He stated that the church can play a
supportive role in the following ways: praying for
the student ministry, mobilizing resources, sending
recent graduates to join the STEM programme for a
year and praying for the ministry.

We are grateful for the positive response and com-

mitment we received form the church leaders and
associates promising to support and to be actively
involved in the SCO KwaZulu Natal. We are in con-
tact with them discussing more on the role they will
play both at a provincial and branch level.
During the month of prayer in May, as an Organisation we visit church-
es, we take time to pray not just for the needs of SCO, but for our com- KZN PEC
munities, our sister movements, and the church - partnering with pas-
tors across all our provinces. In this month, SCO Provincial Executives,
associates, students, and learners visit different churches within their Western Cape Provincial Prayer
province and share the good news of Jesus Christ, opportunities availa-
This year we could not visit any church as
ble within the Organisation, and ways in which that particular church
can partner with the Organisation in advancing the kingdom of God the country was under lockdown and all
within the University and Schools. Above all, they take time to present churches were closed due to the pandemic.
pressing issues within their campuses, communities, churches, and the
However, with serious prayer and consider-
Organisation at large before the Lord in prayer.
ations we had a one day Zoom prayer
This year has been different – Nations were under lockdown due to a meeting where we invited Associates,
pandemic and church members and pastors could not meet in one
Learners, Students and Pastors. The
building anymore. However, new ways of doing church and spreading
meeting was both live on Zoom and Face-
the gospel and strengthening the saints was done online via different
social media platforms. Though this change seemed to be a huge chal- book. We had Pastor Mdolomba share the
lenge for many – in its own way it was a blessing. In just an hour or two word and Absalom Maluleke the associates
the entire nation could meet online and experience different ministry chairperson in the Western Cape give a
work in different provinces and globally. Every morning and evening we breakdown on how the ministry is doing in
could meet online, share the word of God, give thanks to God, and pray the Western Cape and how churches and
for all requests presented. As mentioned in the previous article on the
associates can be more involved. WC PEC
IFES Global day of prayer, with no travelling costs, visas etc. the entire
IFES family was able to meet, share the good news of our Lord Jesus To find out more on how you can be involved
Christ and pray for the entire IFES family. What a blessing it is to have and partner with us in the student ministry,
the hope we have in Christ Jesus and to be messengers of hope to our please contact the National Office.
communities in such times. 021 685 0942




Dr Prest led SCO from the day of merger between the Students’ Christian Association (SCA), an or-
ganisation racially classified by the influence of the Apartheid regime as being for English-speaking
Whites and the Students’ Christian Movement (SCM), an organisation racially classified by this same
regime as being for the Black African community – in July 1997 up until his passing in 2001. In 1996
when Rory Prest was the National Director of SCA, he launched The Centenary Fund which helped
raise over R100 000 to subsidise staff salaries. This Fund became part of SCO after the merger and
many new staff workers benefitted from this Fund and many new staff workers were employed by
SCO during the first years after the merger. This resulted in producing effectively discipled and well
mentored students who still continue to serve SCO as staff, leaders and Associates. To continue his
legacy the RPMF was launched in 2017 and should you be interested to be a partner, simply email
us at
Dr Rory Prest Memorial Fund Partners contributes at-least R1000 per year towards staff employ-
ment. This is done either once off or periodically annually.

BAKING DETAILS Name: Students’ Christian Organisation

Bank: First National Bank (FNB)
Account No.: 501 700 75706
Branch Code: 201509

“…building students in South Africa into communities of disciples transformed by Jesus Christ,
impacting the School, the University, the Church and society for the glory of God”.


We seek to nurture students into a deep,

transforming relationship with God
which will profoundly change the way
they think, live and relate to others –
EVANGELISM: equipping them for a life of service to
We seek to share the love of Jesus
Christ with students – leading to a
personal faith in God the Father, Son
and Holy Spirit, according to the
teachings of the Holy Bible.


We urge students to commit themselves

to the expansion of God’s kingdom
throughout the world by evangelistic
witness. We see this as a means to re-
ENGAGING THE SOCIETY: spond with compassion to the needs of
society and through this strive to work
We seek to actively be involved in for peace, righteousness and justice.
issues pertaining to students in their
respective institutions.


>> Snippets of Dr Rory Prest writings and reflection on leadership in September 2000

Defining Leadership a custodian of the hopes, dreams, ideas and

contributions of a community of people. Web-
“You know that those who are regarded as rulers of ster’s dictionary defines a Custodian as one
the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials who guards and protects and maintains. The
exercise authority over them. Not so with you. In- leader might also be thought of as an environ-
stead, whoever wants to become great among you mental engineer, concerned with cultivating
must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first
and nurturing the environment so that the
must be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not
group can begin to live and serve fully as the
come to be served but to serve and to give his life as
people of God in a given context. A leader is like
a ransom for many.” Mark 10: 42-45
a gardener who carefully prepares the soil so
that plants can grow. The effectiveness of lead-
“I would like to suggest then, that the defining ership is thus measured, by the tone of the
characteristic of a leader, is a deep concern and body and whether the followers are reaching
sense of responsibility for the whole. It is pay- their full potential (Max de Pree asserts, 1989).
ing attention to the broader dynamics of the
community, discerning what is needed and nur-
The biblical image of shepherding or tending
turing it towards its full potential. It is a stew-
the flock is at the heart of this understanding. A
ardship function of accepting responsibility for
leader has a deep love and concern for the
the corporate health of the group. Leaders are
community of which they are part and express
health care specialists.
this as they seek to tend the whole. It is also
Emily Griffin expresses leadership very well,
conveyed in the word “overseer” – one who
“leaders hold something very fragile in their
looks over the whole. Leadership is an act of
hands – the hopes and dreams and ideas and
service, it is a labor of love to make this com-
contributions of their people. These must be
munity a significant and transforming place in
held gently with respect, not crushed in the fist
which to be and work. Leadership is a gift to the
of Power”. Therefore a leader can be said to be

Developing people The Vision of SCO, in practical terms what

does it really means?
Leaders are intimately involved in developing
people. Many words can describe this – em- It means Impacting the communities with the
powering, enabling, equipping, training, releas- gospel of Jesus Christ, the schools, the universi-
ing gifts, drawing out potential. All of these are ty, the church, and the society at large. It
valid, but none of them really captures the means reiterating Isaiah 58,
heart of this process. It has to do with enlarg- “... to loose the chains of injustice and untie the
ing people’s capacity to embody and express cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and
the depth and richness of the community as break every yoke… to share food with the hun-
described in the dimensions of God’s word. Ul- gry and provide the poor wanderer with shelter
timately it is a work of God in which leaders – when you see the naked, clothe him, and not
graciously participate. to turn away from your own flesh and blood…
The leader helps to provide the space where to do away with the yoke of oppression…”
growth can happen, creating appropriate op-
portunities for transformation. It conjures up It is training and equipping students to live out
the image of a mother eagle pushing her the gospel of Jesus Christ within their commu-
youngsters out of a nest, teaching them to fly nities. To model Isaiah 61
and swooping beneath them like a safety net. “…to preach the good news to the poor, to bind
The heart of the leader is the joy of seeing ea- the broken hearted, to proclaim the freedom
glets learning to fly. The role of mentoring is for the captives and release from darkness for
key here. the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s
Often this involves the leader releasing organi- favor, and the day of vengeance of our God, to
zational power or authority and delegating it as comfort all who mourn, and provide for those
far as people are able to accept it. It may in- who grieve in Zion, to bestow on them a crown
volve affirmation and expressing in people, of beauty, instead of ashes, the oil of joy, in-
walking alongside them in support. It may in- stead of mourning and a garment of praise,
clude challenging them and stretching them in instead of a spirit of despair…”
new ways. It could involve helping them see
and develop their gifting. Sometimes it is con- It is therefore of great desire that leaders
necting them to the required resources. would be “…called oaks of righteousness, the
Therefore, as an Organisation when we speak planting of the Lord for the display of his splen-
of training and developing leaders, we speak of dor”, “…the repairers of broken walls, restorers
nurturing every person into a deeper and more of streets with dwellings.”
meaningful participation in the life and service
of the community to be able to clearly & dis- In addition to these concepts, our National Di-
tinctively paint a true picture of God and of the rector Mr Sosibo says “Raising Godly leaders
good news of Jesus Christ to the people. It is with a servanthood spirit is at the core of SCO
not mass-produced but “custom- designed”, training programs and developmental goal.”
relationally centered process for each person.” Aug 2020

>> Conti
The training and development of leaders in SCO has been one of the top priorities for the previ-
ous and current National Executive Committee and has been one of the core programs used as
part of the rebuilding of SCO and strengthening leaders.
SCO National Executive under the leadership of Mr Jack Koma has launched the Rory Prest Me-
morial Fund which aims at employing and sustaining staff. To this they invite associates into
partnership in order to help achieve the vision, mission and aims of SCO. Together with this are
different other ways to be actively involved in the training and development of the Organisation
within different sections in different provinces. For more information on how to be involved
please contact the National office at


National Leadership training camps take place annually across all provinces within the higher institutions. When
leaders complete their training, we take time and ask them for feed back and these were some of their comments.

14 14
National Schools Leadership Camp 15

>> Phumlani Mhlongo, National Schools Director

"Come Let Us Rebuild" was the theme of the National Schools Leadership
Camp (NSLC) and National Higher Institution Executive Committee training
that was held on the 9th -13th December 2019 at AJK Campsite in Gauteng
Province. The objectives of the NSLC were leadership training and to create
opportunity for educators to discuss and plan the Sectional work. 113 dele-
gates attended this including learners, students and teachers. They were
equipped and developed through many sessions including morning and even-
ing plenary sessions, tracks and seminars. Our main speaker was SCO National
Director, Mr Motseki Sosibo who did an expository on the theme of the camp
found in the book of Nehemiah chapter 1-4. He highlighted the qualities of
the good leader, who is a also a builder. He also emphasized the importance
of prayer and knowing how to deal with challenges when doing God's work.
He pointed out that as leaders it is important to work together in harmony,
unity and be able to work well with others. A good leader must stay focused
at all times. In our rebuilding time we must know and understand our Organi-
sation in and out.

Every afternoon delegates attended seminars in small groups where there

were qualified Facilitators training them on the following topics: academic
Mr Mhlongo with a team of student delegates excellence, conflict management, finding God's will for my life, leadership
skills, mentorship and communication skills.

Impacting schools, universities and communities was our evening topic by Dr L

Dziba. He stated that we must have Daniel–like leadership: moral excellence
as defining leadership quality, being quick to understand, being competent to
stand before kings, as well as being skillful, and being able to interact with all
wisdom and understanding.

Pastor Mantsha Pheeha encouraged us to live God's Word and study it daily
Learners in a track with co-facilitator, Hendry (PEC) so that we will grow spiritually. She emphasized that God's word must be the
primary means of personal and social transformation. She stated that it is of
utmost importance that we know the source of our lives and that we see our-
selves as God sees us. We matter to God. She also mentioned that we should
teach ourselves to study and understand the word of God and teach our fami-
lies to study the word as well. The last evening session was given by Dr Lesiba
Rashokeng on servant leadership, using the story of Joseph as an example.

National Higher Institution Executive Committee and Educators had separate

meetings where they had time to discuss and plan for their sections. Schools
were able to meet for the first time after some years without National School
Section Committee. Magdaline Mafokoane is the national school chairperson.
NSLC delegates on their way back to seminars It was agreed in the meeting that the focus should be on the administration
and training in the coming months and the resolution was taken to host NSLC
every year.

Delegates gained more knowledge and encouragement during this camp.

Hear what they said about the camp:

"Camp was an eye opener, learning and exciting experience. The selection of
the speakers was perfect and relevant to all of us as educators and learners.
Registration was also ok without long queue. We thank the Lord for that.

It was encouraging, we were taught on how to be great leaders, what quali-

ties to possess as a leader and how to be a team player.
Learners celebrating God’s goodness in song


“It was tools down, Martha out of the kitchen and

joining Mary at the feet of Jesus”
Staff conference was held in Sedgefield, Western Cape from 14-18 November 2019. We invited Mukululi Ncube, ESWAFES National Director to join us, this
served two purposes, to strengthen partnership between two organizations' and for Mukululi to give input into our staff training. Ntate Jack Koma was
asked to do a session on Fundraising. Staff Conference served to provide time of fellowship, prayer, team building, rest, personal and ministry reflection,
planning for 2020, time to listen to God and personal development.

I am Nthabeleng Brown, SCO National Administrator which makes have we gone right? Where did we go wrong? and what it is we
me a staff worker attending staff conference 2019. can improve on. Above all, we ask ourselves, are we still in line
with the mission, the vision of the organisation, are our students
It was my second time attending staff retreat and 2019 was a and learners achieving the aims of the organisation?
special year for the organisation because we had just hosted the
IFES World Assembly, in Bela Bela Limpopo. The fourth part of the retreat which was also amazing was having
our guest speaker Mr Mukhululi, who took us back to the feet of
For months I had not been able to sleep decent hours, I was part Jesus and taught us how we could faithfully engage God's word
of a global team that slept and were awake at different hours and teach others to do the same. And the best part of his sessions
which meant for me as an interim World Assembly Administrator which I loved was..."It is okay to be here, and it is okay to take
taking over from Ausi Vuvu - who was on Maternity leave, to be time and rest" for that moment my mind stopped wondering off
awake at most times so as to be efficient. Drawing close to the to the future and working - but trusted God that it will all be okay.
event meant no sleep and so through the event. My guess is that at some point we all need this, to just for a mo-
ment: let go, walk on the wild side and trust that it will all be
When we had finally said our goodbyes even to our delegates
who had decided to stay a little longer we had reports to write,
financials to wrap up and dots to put together. The fifth and best part of the retreat was sitting around one table
and having dinner. I am from a black family where you have a
Therefore going to staff retreat felt like putting tools down, and
dinner table but never really sit at it, I have only experienced it in
for a moment and for the first time Martha leaving the kitchen
movies, wondering what it would feel like. Doing this on its own
and going to sit at the feet of Jesus with Mary. Because of the
had healing effects, laughing, and listening to Mam Sbosh tell
exhaustion I had started to feel sick - It was for me a blessing to
stories takes the cup.
just STOP and smell the pine needles, besides Christmas is a few
weeks away. Lastly and the cherry of the retreat were team building activities. I
had my lungs sore because of laughter. In those I gained brothers
We drove to the retreat, which was the first part of the healing
and sisters.
and rejuvenation for me.
Looking back, evaluating my work, and searching for the hand of
The second part was the morning devotions: sitting at the feet of
the Lord, if indeed God had been part of what I did was im-
our Lord and hearing him speak to me and feel his touch and
portant, because the truth is: labouring without the Lord is vain.
grace was the ultimate best.
Otherwise, I am thankful to the SCO partners, sponsors, and lead-
The third part of the retreat which was really good was our train-
ers that make all this possible and to Ntate Ncube for his wisdom
ing, we ask ourselves as to why we do what we do. We take time
and counsel.
to look back at the goals and objectives we had set at our previ-
ous conference and reflect - have we achieved our goals? Where
Short Term Experience in Ministry * 17

SCO 4 STEM interns at their training in Ballito, Durban with their Coordinator Vuvu & KZN Provincial Director Phumlani

>>Vuvu Masindi, STEM Coordinator & HIS Director

SCO Short Term Experience in Ministry (STEM) according to Allen God- It does not therefore surprise me that a program like STEM should have
dard in his tribute to Rory Prest (Feb 2002), is a ministry like Matthew been started by a disciple such as Rory Prest, whose way of being the
Chapter 10 replayed in the 21st Century. Christ is sending out his disciples message of the gospel has touched so many hundreds of lives. If SCO will
to take, tell, and be the message of the Good News to South African Stu- continue to nurture biblical ministry, such as Rory Lived out, among South
dents! African young disciples, then I believe there is much to thank God for and
to build on in the STEM ministry of staff interns. Let us trust him to make
Ministry back then as well as today is about who disciples are, through
this young branch grow!” Allen Goddard, tribute to Rory Prest (February
encountering the Lord, not just about what we do. Ministry is the em-
powering presence of the Holy Spirit within and among disciples. True
ministry originates NOT with us but with God. So ministry can be summed In 2020, +20 years of STEM, the training took place in Durban on 28 Janu-
up as the love of the Spirit poured out (in Paul’s words) or welling up (in ary - 2 February 2020. The training was attended by four Graduates, one
John’s) in the beings of, and in the relationships between Christ’s follow- new Staff and two Facilitators. The purpose of the training was to equip
ers, resulting in lives lived wholly for Christ and for others, and bringing the graduates for their year of service in their respective provinces and
real, permanent change in society. areas of Ministry. The training topics included; Bible Overview, Inductive
Bible Study, Biblical Spirituality, Evangelism & discipleship among others.
To prepare SCO’s staff interns for biblical way of living out ministry, STEM
aims to integrate rather than separate the relationship with Christ in STEM interns after this four day training go back to their respective prov-
prayer and programs which teach new skills and knowledge in the action inces to continue with practical training and e learning at their respective
of sharing the Good News. This aim is to be open to the Holy Spirit to campuses throughout the year as they continue with ministry. Following
form and shape prayer and action in the curriculum of STEM. this year, interns are given an opportunity to either join staff or pursue
the career they had studied for.
STEM, strives to apply biblical truths – that the spiritual, practical, person-
al and social dimensions of ministry are one integrated whole. So, the However, Covid 19 pandemic has presented a challenge with campuses
name STEM is aptly chosen because it is rooted in a biblical understand- being closed but we are grateful that discipleship and trainings continue
ing of ministry. online.

Short Term reminds us of many short “assignments” which Jesus and the I have seen the Lord at work in the lives of the interns in the last six
Apostles were led by the Spirit to set for disciples, as part of learning to months as they spend time with students and the Study of God's word.
follow Jesus (Mark 5:4; Mark 6:38; Mark 14:13; Acts 10).

Short Term Experience echoes the method of teaching with the Father,
Son, and the Holy Spirit use throughout the bible. All of God’s teaching APPLICATIONS FOR STEM PROGRAM
really happens through one method – the experience he gives of himself
through his self-revelation and God’s own invitation to know him, self and Applications for STEM are open all year round for final year
others more deeply and riskily, through personal encounter. students & graduates who would want to serve in Student Min-
Ministry we have seen is simply evidence of the Spirit himself at work in istry for a year. Applicants must be able to raise a minimum of
disciples, through love and sacrificial service for Christ, which results from R3500.00 per month for their living expenses.
being a new person in Christ. These utterly spiritual and practical dimen- Application forms are available online at
sions of following Jesus come together as one in ministry.
Or contact National Office for more info.


My journey with SCO, Nondumiso Buthelezi events, prayer services and day conferences. I have seen
myself growing spiritually because I started preaching
Involvement with SCO has been a great pleasure. It has the Word of God in a school assembly, and as time went I
not been just a home away from home but an arena of was asked to share God’s Word in a one-day conference
finding myself in Christ and deepening my relationship even in my church that I fellowship at. I began to know
with God. The opportunities that came along my way my spiritual gifts that God gave me and I began to under-
have encouraged me out of my comfort box. The SCO stand the following words FORGIVENESS, LOVE, PEACE,
has taught me consistency, to be consistent with wor- FAITH as a Christian, that is how SCO helped me. Other
ship, with going to the house of the Lord and being true things that I have gained as an SCO member is that
to His word. It has been indeed a great journey, a jour- ‘There is nothing impossible with God’, LUKE 1:37 - that
ney of always learning something new. I've grown spirit- is the word that kept me strong throughout the work I
ually and if it wasn't for SCO I actually doubt I would be was doing for the Lord in SCO. I have gained Leadership
the person that I am today. skills, communication skills and learnt how to work with
“But everyone who denies me before people, I also will people who are not Christians and people of all ages.
deny before my Father who is in heaven” Matthew …
10:33. I've always been a person who lays low but being
part of SCO has made me to keep up with this verse, not
to be ashamed of who I am. Christ is the cornerstone!

Nondumiso The Story of Amahle, grade 11 learner in the WC

PR & Communications Student, DUT Midlands campus My name is Amahle Portia Nolusu. I am doing Grade 11,
in Wallacedene Secondary School in Kraaifontein. We
Story by Musa: 2019 grade 12 learner had an SCO camp on the 9th till 13th December 2019 and
we enjoyed it a lot. What I learnt the most is how to
I am Musa Jerome Zulu, I joined SCO in 2013 at school. I lead people and be a good example like Joseph and Da-
joined it because I am a Christian and wanted to get clos- vid in the Bible, how to conduct SCO services in a way
er to God. In 2014, I was elected as chairperson in my that attract and is relevant to other learners. SCO helps
school also I was an organizer with other members of us a lot in our school, especially me. The services, Pray-
SCO for all Umlazi schools where we planned meetings, ers, Bible studies and discussion we get from this organi-
sation has truly transformed my life. For example I was
one of the learners who was rude, the whole school
knew me, even teachers but since I started going to SCO
the teachers are amazed when they see that I am no
longer the Amahle they used to know. Even other learn-
ers are following me now attending SCO. I hope one day
they will accept Christ as their King and Saviour in their
lives so that they will be
changed by him. I would
like to say thank you to all
educators and SCO for the
encouragements and teach-
ings they are giving to us.


Like every other year, we have graduates to celebrate with who have training camp (LTC) and through hard work and the help of the Holy
been part of the organisation in different branches. This year we hear Spirit I managed to pull through and I have been a member of SCO
from Dr R. Motsoeneng, an SCO associate who graduated for her doc- since then till today.
torate 2020 from the University of Johannesburg and has served in SCO When I wanted to enrol for my BSc (Hons) in 2012, I was told that only
as the projects officer at the University of the Western Cape. the best 10 students will be allowed to enrol for that year, I did not
Below is her journey with the Lord through university. We truly believe have funding and I did not have a place to stay. I made a declaration
that her story will encourage students from both advantaged and disad- prayer "Lord I didn't come here to stay in someone else's room, I came
vantaged backgrounds to hold on to the Lord and to His promises. all the way to enrol for my Hons degree and I don't have the funding "
as short and straight to the point my prayer was, the Lord came
“He who promised is faithful…” Hebrews 10:23, The Lord will fulfil his through for me. The following week I had a room to stay, I received a
purpose for me, (for he perfects all that concerns me)” Psalms 138:8 letter from NSFAS for funding and the Chemistry department decided
to extend the number of students who will enrol for Honors in 2012 to
20. Praise God, Hallelujah! Moreover, I also received a bursary from
I'm Dr Rapelang Gloria Motsoeneng , born in the Eastern Cape
ESKOM, which I did not apply for. Bear in mind that NSFAS did not fund
(Sterkspruit). I started school in Mahedi junior secondary school and
honors students at that time.
Matriculated in Free State (Bethlehem). Growing up as a young lady in
the villages was not easy due to lack of opportunities to learn and en-
When I enrolled for my MSc degree in 2013, I did not receive NRF to
hance certain skills. However, that experience brought forth a hard
fund me and I was not promised anything by ESKOM. However, I re-
working spirit in me. I grew up in a Christian family where prayer was
ceived an ESKOM bursary again and collaborated with CSIR through my
our first meal of the day. My late Mom wouldn't let me leave home
MSc Supervisors. In 2015 I went to Study my PhD at UKZN (Westville)
without saying a simple prayer "Our Father who are in Heaven" found
but I left due to lack of funding as well and I restarted my PhD at UJ
in (Luke 11). Praying in the morning and evening didn't make sense
2016 collaborating with CSIR and I have managed to graduate. Through
back then, but truth is, it was the beginning of my spiritual life or rather all the struggles I have faced during my studies, I have seen the hand of
walk with God. I got born again on 16/04/2003 and I never regretted the Lord. There were times when I felt discouraged, but through prayer
making that decision to walk with my Lord and personal saviour Jesus and meditating on the word of God I found comfort. I remember in
Christ. 2016 I received NRF funding, but my project was not moving at all,
there was nothing to publish or rather write an article with, I continued
In 2007, I enrolled for a Chemical Science degree at the University of to pray and put more effort. God came through, I later managed to
the Western Cape (UWC) and joined SCO later that year through my publish my papers at high impact factor journals. As I conclude, never
best friend Nthabeleng. My journey at varsity was never an easy one compare your journey with someone else – its uniquely yours and
from the first day I set my foot at UWC. I remember how I didn't know special to you and the Lord. One of the amazing things as well the Lord
how to construct a proper statement in English let alone hearing les- has taught me during my walk with him is having faith more than being
sons from the lecturers. One day I came back from the lecture hall emotional when facing giants. Lastly, remember to believe His word as
crying and I called my elder brother, told him I was done with school it is and let your faith take you from there.
because of a whole lot of discouragement I felt within me. I had to find
courage from the word of God to face my daily challenges and appar-
ently, depending on God and working hard were the only tools I was
We celebrate with you Dr Motsoeneng, we love you
left with in order to survive at varsity. In 2008-2009 I served as a Project and we look forward to seeing more of your footprints in SCO.
officer (PO) in SCO. I had such an amazing leadership experience. One And to all our 2020 graduates, we know it was virtual - But we
of the main challenges I faced during my leadership in SCO was finding are proud of all of you - we wish you the very best with your
a balance between school and church work which later resulted in a
future endeavours .
drop on my academic performance. I therefore learned then and prac-
ticed time management skills we had been taught in our leadership


Join us as we give PRAISE and thanks to God for the following;
His grace and protection throughout the season of lockdown and Covid-19. We have seen God's hand upon the SCO family.
His financial provision on the movement especially staff during this difficult times.
His protection and good health upon all SCO members.
Successful SCO on-line ministry programs since lockdown.
Successful National Council meeting and NATEX election in June 2020

Join us as we continue to PRAY for the following:

God's continued financial provision for the movement and SCO family.
Upcoming SCO virtual programs including one day National Conference in December.
Continue to pray for our government, our president and nation during this difficult times of Covid-19.
Pray for families who lost their loved ones during this season and those who have lost their jobs.
Pray for SCO to continue advancing the vision and mission during this season of Covid-19. Pray for God to help us to be
relevant to our today's world.


To support SCO, you can make a donation using via EFT or use the
Name: Students’ Christian Organisation
Bank: First National Bank (FNB)
Account No.: 501 700 75706
Branch Code: 201509
Branch: Rondebosch


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